The Swarthmorean, 1940-11 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)

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SWA I~THMOI~E C UL LF C;E i L I 13 I~ A I~ Y \ Prelidential Election Tuesday ~WAI~THM()I~E ':lA. NOV 2 1940 THE SWARTHMORE PoU. Open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. VOL xu, No• .w. I Noted Educators Honor Nason SW AR'l'BMORE, PA., NOVEMBER 1, 1940 a.SO PBIl YBMl 1500 ALUIfNI FETE NEW HEAD OF SWARTHMORE OOLLEGElr----------. New CoUege President in inaug­ural Leads on Higher Learning Theme To Post Draft Numbers Here • I PHILANTHROPIC PARTY AT CLUB Pending the due arrival of the official order numher list from Tuesday Afternoon Found Wom- Washington the local draft board en Engaged in Numerous Ways John William Nason, inaugurated will have posted in the Borough to Rai8e Money for Charity last Saturday morning as the eighth Hall here by Friday, November On Tuesday, October 29, the Swarth-president of Swarthmore College stressed I, all local and national numbers more Woman's Club held its ninth an-in his inaugural address the importance of Swarthmore registrants under nual dessert-bridge party to raise funds of facing reality and of free and inde- the Selective Service Act. for philanthropic purposes. Mrs. T. Har-pendent thought in meeting the present ry Brown, chairman of welfare, and her crisis. Na NCO' committee were in charge of the party. .. W e need a clear conviction of what mes • · • S The y we r e aSS.l s t ed by tI le ed uca t·I on com-we want and how to get it We must For Company H mittee, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, chairman, somehow frame a program, not for the and the health committee, Mrs. S. Mur-moment, but for the century. We must F" S S' Co ray Viele, chairman. Mrs. Harold Griffin have statesmen, leaders. men who know Ive d Ser' geFan' 18,C ,IIaX P' rporals had charge of seating the guests. first principles and final ends. We need anA IX • IreSdt 0 88b en vates After dessert Mrs. T. Harry Brown t h em. and we can have them, if the col- ppomt cto r 24 distributed the door prizes to the lucky leges will do their part. At the regular weekly drill of Com- winners. An auction of articles donated "Founded as a Quaker institution, President John NalOn (left) pleasantl fi i hed his • Photo 16" Grant Hellman pany H on Thursday night of last by local and Philadelphia merchants was Swarthmore has become much more than at a testimonial dinner give b I Y. n s~~a _ mau~ day last Saturday week Captain J. Kirk McCurdy, com- held. that without becoming kss. nual homeeomiq on ~ ~ >: ~ amm ret ......... to the CO~qe for their an- manding officer, appointed the follow- As a special feature of this year's party "We must never forget our Quaker Denworth, President of ~h: Ai~U:~ and for hia ina~lion. Raymond K. ing non-commissioned officers of the cakes, cookies, and candies contributed heritage or lose the Friendly spirit But toastmaster and Felix Morley, Preside:::-::';."; ~trdedcobeallide Mr. N~:-:t ltD company: ~Iexander Dryden, first ser- by tile members were on sale. Mrs. John we can remain true to the ideals of the the banquet, drew an immen t· lth th er 0 qe, spea after geant; Juhus Keppler, quartermaster E. Esslinger was in charge of the booth. founders only by becoming much more more-Haverford football ,a: ova ~r;. "i.e e announcement that the Swarth. sergeant; Walter H. Baird, R. S. Brod- mnJc begonia plants which d~orated than merely a Quaker college, and every Nason (extreme right) was ea~:c. wo ~ ~aumed in November, 1941. lin. head, and WaIter L. Thorpe, sergeants; each table werc latcr offered for sale by step we tak e in the realization of a upon .aor unpromptu remarlu. John E. Gensemer, C. W. DaVl·s, Ral- Mrs. Clarence Franck. grea t er common good I•S one more testi- W I L LAYS PLAN ston McLain, Jr., Samuel C. W1S· dom, There were many out-of-town guests mony to their principles. Thqir faith •• S JUNIOR ASSEMBLY IN Jr., Samuel Dodd, Jr., and G. Hunter, at the party. Notable anlOng them were must be our faith; their courage, our OPENING MEET TOMORROW corporals j William M. Harvey, John H. Mrs: William Ward of the Health Cen- I FOR CARD PI. courage. n their spirit let us face the .tUn\.: l1,.VI. Fergus. J. M. Evans, Albert •N . Garrett, ter In Chester and Mrs. Robert M. Cox future." The dancing class committee takes Charles E. Fischer, and William C. I)f the Health Center in Woodlyn. I . Campbell, privates first class. All members of the welfare committee Aydelotte Advoeatea More Aid Next Wednesday's Annual Event p easure m a~nouncing that Herb?rt A detachment of 42 members in uni- deserve praise and congratulations for to Britain Discu88ed at Board Meeting Ware has agam been engaged as 10- form represented Company H in the an afternoon enjoyed by so many of the Dr. Frank Aydelotte, seventh presi- Last Monday structor for the year, assisted by Her- SOth anniversary celebration parade of members of the club and their guests. dent at Swarthmore. presented Mr. Na- bert Michener. Music will be furnished the Morton Fire Company in Morton Artist to Speak on Indians son for ina~ration .as his successor. .The Woman's International League by Aubrey P. Vernon and his orchestra. Monday evening of this week. Next Tuesday afternoon in correlation Charles F. Jenkms, chairman of the board discussed plans for its annual card The hostesses for tomorrow evening's • I. with National Art Week the art section of managers of the college, instaI1ed party at a board meeting held at the opening classes will be Mrs. C. Mac- PARENTs ENJOY SCHOOL of the Swarthmore Woman's ClUb will Nason. home of Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of Cor- Donald Swan, Mrs. William R. Huey NIGHT present Caroline Gibbons Granger, ex- . Dr •. ~yde1otte warned that the years nell avenue on Monday. and Mrs. George Schobinger in addi- School night should be called 'fathers' ecutive secretary of the Fellowship of the IInmediate1y ahead will be an even more The card party will be held in Bond tion to the members of the standing night' At the High School and the two Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. critical age for all those in positions of re- Hall in the campus of Swarthmore Col- committee, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, grade schools fathers predominated in Mrs. Granger will speak on "My Exper­sponsibility, particularly of educational re- lege next Wednesday afternoon No- Mrs. Rex Gary, Mrs. Walter Schmidt the attendance. iences in Painting Indian Types in the sponsibility than the two decades of his vember 6, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Walter R. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday. , They were punctual too. Promptly at Northwest." To illustrate her address own service between two World Wars. Shoemaker, chairman, will be assisted The Introductory Class will meet eight Mrs. Luehring opened the meet- she will show some of her own paintings "Beyond the present conflict lies the by Mrs. Margaret Neal, in charge of from 6 until 7 :15 o'clock and the par- ing at the High School auditorinm with and sketches. problem of constructing a stable inter- tickets; Mrs. Harold March, collect- ents acting as chaperons will be as a plea that Hallowe'en be observed Mrs. Granger is well-known for her national government,. but the more im- ing card tables ; Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer, follows: Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Flaherty, without destruction of property. The work on Indians and has recently re­mediate concerns art; the heroic stand of candy'table; Mi's:']ack·ThOlilpsOna:n'ct Mr •. and Mr3. \V. IIc:nr;r IJntuu, Mr. 6Upc:nl .. illl$' prinupaJj-:Mr. Morc'y witl. tumfY{, from 11 sk",t('hing trip to ,G\1;1t­Great Britain and her dominions and the Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, cake sale; Mrs. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse. Dr. and a,brief explanation of the progra~ sent emala.' necessity for increased aid from the Uni- Roy P. Lingle, sale of Christmas cards; Mrs. David McCahan, Mr. and Mrs. the parents to their respective home- The Delaware County Federation of ted States. The people of this country Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, narcissus William Sproul Lewis and Mr. and rooms. Women's Clubs is sponsoring an exhi-are at last coming to recognize the is- bulbs; and Mrs. Patrick Malin, in Mrs. John MarshalL . With ten-minute classes and five- bition of Delaware County artists at the sues of the struggle for what they really charge of tea. •. The Advanced Class or those in the minllte spaces between, the evening Swarthmore Woman's Club from Nov­are. a threat against all that we hold As an added attraction OJive Cleaves 9th grade, will meet from 7 :30 to 9 :15 passed off in whirlwind style. Several ember 3 to 10, inclusive. The clubhouse most dear. Isolation from the rest of will have on sale a number of exquisite o'clock and the chaperons are as fol- parents were heard to say that they will be open to the public daily from the worJd is impossible today and we min.iatures. of flowers painted by a lows: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Baird, had come because the children had told 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, except cannot be neutral between right and Maine artist. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crosby, Mr. and them to, but they aU seemed to enjoy Tueuiay, November 5, when Mrs. wro .. " Two new members of the board were Mrs. H. O. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. themselves. Many availed themselves of Granger will speak to the members of Carleto Preaid Prize welcomed by Mrs. Philip Jewett, chair- Birney K. Morse. the opportunity to introduce themselves the Woman's Club. F: n Th e-: a man. Mrs. Ralph Brown of Crest lane The Senior Assembly, which consists to the teachers. There will be a tea on Sunday, Nov- D D Id J Co of' t ·d f is assisting in the program commlttee of students in the junior and senior The social hour in the cafeteria was ember 10, from 3 to 5 for the exhibiting r. ona . w mg. presl ent 0 and Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop is in chhrge years of High School, will meet from enlive!led by cider in tea-cups, peanuts arti~ts and th~ir friends and ail who wish ~rleton College the alma ~a~er of Pres- of the Peace Economy Shop in Phila- 9 :30 until 11 :30 o'clock. The Student a.nd gmgersnaps and many lingered un- I to view the pictures at that time. Ideot N~on, gav.e the pn?clpal s~ delphia. Standing Committee of this Assembly til way past ten. Forum on Internalional Relations ~t the .mauguratiOll exercIses entitled On Monday Mrs. Edith Salenburger for the year consists of Nancy Henry • _______________ --. The first Forum of the Department of Edu,ca, ti~n and the Future of Democ- of Lansdowne, Delaware county chair- and Gordon Douglas, chairmen, Bar- N International Relations will be held on racy. HIS add ress b rough t a s t rong ap- man of the W. I. L., spoke of the study bara Nason. Dick Brown. Peter Miller, ote to Exhibitors Friday, November I, at 10.30 A. M., at peal for free~om of thou~hl: He stated being made of the problems of the con- Elizabeth Rutan, Betty Landon, Mar- • the Municipal Building, 69th St. C. tha~ . the Umted States IS l!l a better scientious objector. At the conclusion tha Baldwin, Louis DeMoll and Jack Sponsored by the Delaware Robert Haines of the Foreign Exchange position than any fonnel nation to ree- of the business session tea was served Linton. County Federation of Woman's will speak on "What South America ogru·ze values and pass J'udgm ent on by Mrs. LingI e . M r. an d M rs. H oward Kki rw·il l as- Clubs there will be an exhl·bl·ti·on Means To Us." A discussion period them. • • • sist in receiving at the Senior Assembly. of paintings by Delaware' County will follow. "In the thinking of the past people RUMMAGE WILL AID The committee would like to remind Artists at the Swarthmore Wo- All persons interested are invited to have assumed that they possessed the NURSING SERVICE parents to read over the parking notice man's Club from November 3 to attend. truth, and ~11 that w~s needed was A rummage sale for the benefit of iT.closed with the invitation. 10. AU artists wishing to exhibit ••• pr~pagan~ 10 l.tS behalf, ~e speaker the Nursing Service of the Community • I. should enter their pictures No- Book Week Exhibit claimed. There IS no reason 10 the pres- Health Center will be held in the WOe vemher 2 from 11 A. M. to 2 ent to accept any. idt;a save when persu- man's Club on Park avenue next Wed- CATHERINE MAGILTON P. M. at the clubhouse. Each ar- As a feature of Book Week-No- ~d~ by an examlOabo~ of the fa~ts that nesday evening and all day Thursday. tist is allowed one picture in each vember 10th to 16th-the Public Li- It IS true •. Our own fight to think for The committee is very hopeful that Funeral services for Catherine Ma- class-oil, water color, pastels, brary wiu sponsor an exhibit of new ourselves IS more sacred than any duty anyone with even the smallest bit of gilton were held at 3 o'clock Tuesday black and white. children's books. These will be on dis-to respec.t the thinking of the past." rummage will contribute it on this oc- afternoon, October 29, at the Third ------------...;.-_..JI play in the Library during the week and Many Ideas have been held long years casion in order that the contribution Street Meeting House in Media. Pri- Library Art Exhibit may be taken out on Saturday afteI"- after they should have been discarded, ac- to this work will not fall below the vate interment followed. American Art week November 1 to 8 noon, November 16th. cording to Dr. Cowling, who cited tlJe needed amount. Dishes and knick Miss Magilton was found dead in the sponsored by,the American Artist Pro- Parents will be interested in seeing li~ge?ng ?f religious. and economic in- knacks are specially desired and warm garage of her summer cabin at Ewans- fessional League and National Art the trend in new books and will have ~btUtions .. n old Ru~sla as examples of clothing will be greatly appreciated. yilIe, N. J., last Saturday evening. She .,",:eek November 25 to December 1 de- an excellent opportunity to browse Ideas which have mterfered seriously If you would like to have your rum- had been missing since Thursday morn- slgnated by the Government will be around among them, perhaps finding with progress. Similar contemporary mage called for, a call to Mrs. J. War- ing when she left the Strath Haven Inn ?bserved with an exhibition of paint- suggestions for Christmas giving. ideas, he claimed, are the concepts of ren Paxson, Swarthmore 158-R or to after breakfast to drive her automobile lOgs by Swarthmore Artists at the The Library's collection of Christmas war and nationalism, both of which "do Mrs. Lee P. Wray, Swarthmore 318, will and view the fall foliage. Swarthmore Public Library through books will also be displayed during not fit into the world which modern so- take care of your problem speedily. . Miss Magilton lived at the Inn witIJ the month of November. Book Week. ci~ty has built, and human intelligence • ... • her sisters, Dr. Marguerite and Florence. f---------------....;.====-.:..:=========~ will ultimately slough them off." I.e Cercle FranCBls Resumes She was 29 years old and the daughter "No public policy is more important On Thursday, November 7 at 8 P. M., of the late Albert Lee and Gertrude Ma­to the United States than the policy of members of the French Circle will be gilton. - dual support of educational institutions- guests of their new president Dr. W. Suffering from anemia she was ending publicly and privately endowed" the F. Faragher and Mrs. Faragher of the second week of a leave of absence speaker said. Although there are'dangers South Chester road and Westdale ave- from her duties as chief secretary of inherent in the exclusive existence of nue. a Philadelphia brokerage office, and was each, yet each in the present system in- For the first meeting of the season apparently on the road to recovery. fluences the other to keep opportunities the speaker will be Leon Wencelius, She was regarded as a brilliant young open for education of the rank and file Professor of French at Swarthmore woman and had been graduated from of the people, and gives the American College, who returned to this country Westtown Friends' School and the Uni-student the chance to learn to think. last May from France where he had versity of Wisconsin. President Cowling then took up the served as lia.ison officer ~ith the British people's right to education saying forces. Mrs. Wencebus, who also "channels of unhindered expr~sion of teaches French at the college, arrived '1. Meedng Place Changed personal opinion" must be kept open, and only recently from France. freedom of press and radio and the right The officers for the season are. as The Swarthmore Mothers' Club will of personal assembly sh~uld be safe- follows: president, Dr. Faragher; Vice meet on Friday, November 1 at the guarded for that purpose. president, Mrs: R. C. Brooks; ~ecrela:?' home of Mrs. Thomas Moore, 501 In conclusion President Cowling said, Frances Mc~~il; trea~urer, Mrs. Philip ~uth Chester road at 2:30 P. M. This "The idea of individual liberty and the Snow; publiCity chalnnan, and )Irs. IS a. change from the meeting place (0.",..,., .,. ~ MIl, A. M. Bosshardt. preVIously announced. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1 6:80 P. X. - Evening Section: Hallowe'en Supper Party •••••••••• Woman's Club 7'00 to 9·00 P M M JATU~DAY. NOVEMBER 2 • ••• - 0 ng Pictures .......•.......••••••• Clothier Memorial . SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3 1121 :·0000 Pto. M5'.0-0M Po rMni ng DWelo rship . o· ............ : .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. L o"-'"' Ch'u-n~=" es 0:45 P X· v:' .--: CI== ounty Art Exhibit •••••••••••••• Woman·s Club 8:15 P·X·-r..:=: "Wh Ai:..~omBOn. Organist •••••••••• Clothier Memorial • " - • 0 ese QuakerB!" •••••••• Frlends' Meeting HOU88 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4 1102::0000 WA .X5:.0 t0o p4.: X00. _P .DMel.a-wRareed C oO ro. Se.-..'.-..-.. • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • Wom an • 01 b .8 u unt.7 Ali Exhibit •••••••••••••• Woman s Club TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 6 2'80 P M ~ON DAY-Polls open 7 A. K. to 8 P. M. 7:45 p' X' - oTani .seu,? ~bU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Woman's Club • .• - or n 01' prodty Meeting .•••••••••••••..• Woman's Club WlIDNESDA. Y. NOVBXBER 6 12:00 to 6:00 P.X.-Delaware Count - ............ iblt . W' Cl b 2:OOP.X.-W.I.L.Cant ...... -....... -, •••.••.•,••~ ,~. •.•~•• •••••••••••••••·••• ••• ,•. ••••••• ••o•m 'DaonDad Baul l . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER. 7 8:80 A.X. W 4:00 P.X.-Bumman Sale: Bene1lt Community Health 1S::oo to 6:00 P X -Delaware Count- Art --"'bl Woman's Club 8:00 P.JI.-L8 ~ Fr _, .., ......... t •• •••••••••••• Woman's Club e an ............................ 316 South Che.ter ~

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, , ,I '~ sw~,~ T HMnl?E: r. () L L (. c; E LIB I~ ~ I? Y Presidential Election Tuesday SW~I~THM()IH:. Pi'\. NOV2 1940 THE SWARTHMORE Polls Open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. I VOL. XII, No. 44 Noted Educators Honor Nason SWARTIIl\IORE, PA., NOVEl\fBER 1, 1940 '2.50 PER YEAR New College President in Inaug­ural Leads on Higher Learning Theme 1500 ALUAINI FETE NEW HEAD OF SW ARTIIMORE COLLEGE To Post Draft Numbert; 'PHILANTHltOPIC • I I>AlffY Al' CLUB Pending the due arrival of thc j official order Ilumher list from I Tuct;duy Mlcrlluuu Fuund 'Voln- Here \Vashington thc Iflcal draft board Cll Engagc(1 in NUlllcruus '''ayt; J o I1 1\ '~V 'I lliam Nason, inaugurated will have posted ill the Borough to U:lise Muncy fur Cbudty Ia st Saturday morning as the eighth Hall here b.\· Frl'(I...~ v, •N ovember UII 'i'IIl' ' ,1"'1 )' u·l[. ,1 IC I' .}. () , tl Ie ...;:> wa rtl 1- president of Swarthmore Collcge stressed I, all local alld Ilati~nal numbers lIlore \\'''Iliall',; Club hdd its IIi nth all-ill his inaugural address the importance of Swarthmore n'gri'· ·trallts ullder Ilual d·~·~· ". 1'[ -"u1 '1' U" g'e lIar t y t u raI'S e t' unl I S of facing reality and of f rce and inde- the Sl'lectivc Scn'i"'e \,'c t, for 1llll'I.'1 11 tIrloP'IC purposcs .•', i rs. 'I' . 11 ar-pendent thought ill meeting the prcsent ry Bruwl1. chairlllan ui wcliare, and her crisis. Names N. C. O.'s '!·.'111nlllittn' wt:re t ilillch'tlirge ll'i ttl~e Ilarty. U\Ve need a c1car condction of what ey \\Tll' as,b L:! I)' Il' Cl IIGI lOll COIll-we want and how to get it. We must For COlllpany H minee, .\1 r:;, J- I'aul IJru\\'n, chairman, someholV frame a program. not for tIlC and the hl'alth ~Ullllllith:c, 1Ilrs. S, :-01ur-moment, but for the century. We must Fivc Scrgeants ~'x C I ray V:elc, chairlllan. ~Irs, Haruill GI'illin have statcsmen, leadcrs. men '''ho ktlO\V I S' F' t , "Iv I.' P'o rporo s had charge ui ~l'alill!~! the gUl·sts. first principles and final ends. • We need oneA IX - Irs I '0-' HSSI , rlvoles After de~~crt ~I r~. T. Harp.J . Brown them, and we can have them, if the col- ppolntec c~touer 24 distrilJUtcd the duur prizes tu the lucky leges will do their part. At the regular weckly drill of Com- winners.:\n auctiun ui artrcles dunatnl "Founded as a Quaker institution President John Nasoll (lefl) I. I. Ii . 'h " PI.' 0t0 b u C,.alle /leilman pany H OI~ 'I1'UIr"~u ay lII.g II t of last Iblyl' l"lu. cal and l'hiladclllhia Illercliauls was S wartI unore I las b ecome much more than' a t a t est I' nlOll.l a I dI' lIIlt_'r "'.n '(' .,b c as,allt., II IIS ed • hiS muugural day lust Saturday week Captam J . KIrk •~ IcCurdy , cotn- \u ' I that without becoming less. nual hom C!omin .:- _1.1 }~ a unlill returlllllg 10 the College for their an- manding officer, appointed the follow- .' s a spl'l'Ia ieature uf this year's party D th e P 'dg on f °hUII "We must never forget our Quaker enwor resl ent 0 t ( AeIr s D.a yA alld" for his inauguratioll. Raymond K. ing non-commissione"U officers of the cakl's, ('Ulll-; ie,;. and cantlie,; cuntributed heritage or lose the Friendly spirit. But toastmaste, r and .'eI" '1\1 eI . U,tO ln"l ssoC!lahon ' seated beside M r. Na son, was COml)any: AI exan d er I) ry de n, first ser- by the 1I1l'lIliJns wcre on sale. .\ lrs. Julm we can remain true to the ideals of tIle th e b anque t d rew alIlX 1. 1111o11r e" reM" dellt ohf Hh averford College, speaking after '!"T eant " Julius Keppkr, (IUartermaster E.. EssiinglT \\a~ in chargl' ui the buoth. founders only by becoming much more more-IIa ver f•o rd f00b1 ia I geallilslee sO \w'alolOulIdl lnbte rt ed allnO'U IICNe ment bth ai t1h9e4 1S warth- sergeant·' \Valter H " Baird I{ .S. Brod- HlIIl k t o1.c1 gunia pI lants 1w'1' hichI ' uocurI ateLd than merely a Quaker college. and cvery Nason (extreme right) was II d f' esumc In oveO er. • Mrs. head, and \Valter L. Thorpe, sergeants; eac I au e were ater 0 ern tor sa e y step we take in the realization of a ca e UI)OIl or Impromptu remarks. John £. Gensemer, C, W. Davl's, Ral- )'l'r1s'1. Clarelll'e Fralick. greater COllllJlon good is one more testi- W I L LAYS PLAN ston McLain, Jr. • Samuel C. \YI'sdom, I lere were 'I.'m anIyI ulll-III-[uwn guests mony to their principles. TI1C~ir fait11 •• • S J UNIOR ASSEMBL'.vI. IN Jr" Samuel Dodd, Jr., and G. Hunter. a'1t t Ie ""p1a1r't y. "\,\u' ta) e a'lIlll lllg [Ill:m were must be our faith; their courage, our FOR CARD PARTY OPENING MEET T01t.IORROW corporals; \VilIiam M. Harvey, John H, ., rs. ~~, lam a ... I ul til' llealth Cell- U Fergus, J. ~L Evans, Albert ~. Garrett ter . CI I 'I I 1 '1 Co courage. In their spirit let us face the , 'I11 1 "'-[ lesI tIer aelll .'\ r s.\ \' {u lIIe rt ., . x future." The dancing class committee takes Charles E. Fischer, and \VilIiam C. 01 t Ie r ea t I enter III 'UUl ),n. I Campbell. privates first class, All members oi till' \\'diarc committee Aydelotte Advocates More Aid Next Wednesday's Annual Event p easure in al~nouncing that Herb~rt A detachment of 42 members in uni- deserve prai,;e alld congratulatiuns for to Britain Discussed at Board MeetinO' \Yare has agall1 been el~gaged as tn- form represented Company H in the au afternoon l'l\jqj'l'd IJY su many of the Dr. Frank Aydelotte, seventh presi- Last Monday e struetor for the year, assisted by Her- 50th anniversary celebration parade of members oi the elub alld their guests. dent at Swarthmore, presented Mr. Na- bert Michener. l\\ usic wiII be furnished the l\lortol\ Fire Company in Morton Artist Iu Slleak 011 Illdians son for inauguration as his successor. _The \Voman's International League by Aubrey P. Vernon and his orchestra. ~fonday evening of this week. Next Tuesday aitertluun ill correlatiull Charles F. Jenkins, chairman of the board dIscussed plans for its annual card The hostesses fur tomorrow evening's ,.. with National l\rt \Vl'ek the art section of managers of the college. installed party at a board meeting held at the opening classes wiII be :Mrs. C. Mac- PARENTS ENJOl: SCHOOL of the Swarthmure Wuman's Club will Nason. home of ~[rs. Roy P. Lingle of Cor- Donald Swan, Mrs. William R. Huey MGHT present Caroline Gibbons Granger, ex- Dr. Aydelotte warned that the years nell avenue On :\[onday. a.nd l\Irs. George Schobinger in a~di-I' School night should be called 'fathers' ecutive secretary of the Fellowship of the immediately ahead will be an even more The card party will be held in Bond lion t? the members of the st~ndmg nIght.' At the High School and the two Pennsylvania Acadcmy of the Fine Arts. critical age for all those in positions of re- Hall in the campus of Swarthmore Col- comnuttee, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, grade schools fathers predominated in ~lrs. Granger will speak on ",\1)' Exper­sponsibility, particularly of educational re- lege next \Vednesday afternoon, No- Mrs. Rex Gary, Mrs. \Valtcr Schmidt the attcndance. iences iu Painting Indiall Typl's ill the sponsibility than the two decades of his vember 6, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. \Valter R. an,d Mrs. James H. Hornaday.. . They were punctual too. Promptly at Northwest." To il\lI~trate her address own service between two \Vorld Wars. Shoemaker, chairman. will be assisted fhe Introductory Class Will meet eIght Mrs. Luehring opcned the meet- she wiII show SOllie uf her lI\m paintings "Beyond the present conflict lies the hy ~lrs. :Margaret Neal, in charge of from 6 until 7 :15 o'clock and the par- ing at the High School auditorium with and sketches. problem of constructing a stable inter- tickets; :Mrs. Harold March, collect- ents acting as chaperons will be as 'a plea that Hallowe'en be observed Mrs. Grang~I' is well-known fur her Ilati~nal government. ~ut the. more im- iug ~ard .t~bles ~ Mrs, E. ~,eRoy Mcrcer, I follows: Mr. an~. Mrs. F. T: Flaherty, withou,t destruction of property. The work on Indians anLl, has ~ecel1tly, re­n, ledlate c.on.cerns are tile h~r.OIc stand oficanuy lalJle; .... r~. Jack lllOmpson and ~lr. anti M,:,' \ •. ll ... ,uy !.lIIl .... u, :Mr. ""'i""':"'~;116 p,in .... il-'al. z,r •. :Mu,ey, will, I t,"r'1P,1 frO/ll a cl, .. ,.,,,,,v; ""!' In (.",.t­Great Bntam and hcr domllllons and the Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. cake sale; Mrs. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Dr. and a bnef explanation of the program sent emala. necessity for increased aid from the Ulli- Roy P. !.ingle. sale of Christmas cards; Il\[~s .. David McCahan, Mr. and Mrs. the parents to their respective home- The Ddaware County FClk-ration of ted States. The people of this country :\trs. Edward A. Jenkins, narcissus \Vtlham Sproul Lewis and Mr. and rooms. \Vomcn's Clubs i:> sponsoring an exhi-are at last coming to recognize thc is- bulbs; and Mrs. Patrick l\[alin, in ~lrs. John Marshall. With ten-minute classes and five- bition of Delaware County artists at the sues of the struggle for what they really charge of tea. " The Advan.ced Class or those in the minute spa~es b~tw~en, the evening Swarthmore W~lI1al1'~ CIt.II,> from Nov­are, a threat against all that we hold As an added attractIOn OlIve Cleaves 9th grade, Will meet from 7 :30 to 9 :15 passed off 11\ whlr1wmd style. Several cmber 3 to 10, lIIelUSI\'C. 1 he c1uhhouse most dear. Isolation from the rest of wi.lI. have 011 sale a number .of exquisite o'clock and the chapcrons are as ~ol- parents were heard to say that they will be (:pl'n lL~ the )luillie daily from the world is impossible today and we mm.latures. of flowcrs pamted by a lows: Mr. and :Mr~. \Valter H. BaIrd, had come because the children had told ~ to 5 0 c1"~'k lI\ the ;~ltcrn(j{)n, except cannot be neutral between right and hIallle artist.. Mr. and Mrs. ~dwm Crosby, Mr. and them to, but they all seemed to enjoy fuesday. ,"' ()\"l'lIIber :1, when ~[rs. wro~" Two new membcrs 01 the board were h~rs. H. O. DaVIdson and Mr. and Mrs. thcmselves. },[any availed themselves of Granger Will slK:ak to the lIIembers of Carleton )'resident Prizes welcomed by Mrs. Philip Jewett, chair- BIrney K. Morse. the opportunity to introduce themselves the \Voman's Club. Free Thought·m an. Mrs. Ralph Brown of Crest ,l ane f 'fhe dS enior. AssIe mbly, which consists to the teachers. There will be a tea on Sunday. Nov- D D Id J C J' . IS assisting in the program cotmntttee 0 stu ents III t Ie junior and senior The social hour in the cafeteria was cmber 10, from J to 5 for the exhibiting C rt ~all . I O\~ mg •• preSident of and )'lrs. J. V. S. Bishop is in charge years of High School. will meet from enlivened by cider in tea-cups peanuts artists and their fricnds and all who wish 'dar e ~I 0 ege tIe f ilia I~Ja~er of Pres- of the Peace Economy Shop in Phila- 9 :30 until 11 :30 o'clock. Thc Student and gingersnaps and many lin~ered un- to view thc Ilidml'~ at tilat time. I en~ ~son, gav.e tIe PrI!lclpal sp~ech delphia. Standing Committee of this Assembly til way past tell. Forum 011 IIIh'rllalimllll Hclntiolls ~t,dt I: .mauguratlOl.I entitled On Monday Mrs. Edith Salenbul'I~cr for the year consists of X,aney Henry The fi.rst Forum ,uf the .Department of E ~~aHtr~1l and the luture of Democ- of Lansdowne, Delaware county chalr- and Gordon Douglas, chairmen, Bar- N Exh InternatIOnal Hc1atl('lIs \\'111 be held on racy. IS address brought a strung ap- man of the \V, I. L" spoke of the study bara Nason, Dick Brown, Peter lIIiIler, ote to ihitors Friday. Novemher I, at 10,30 A, :-01., at peal for free~om ~f tholl.ght: He stated heing made of the problcms of the con- Elizabeth Rutan. Betty Landon. Mar- • the Municipal Building, 69th St. C. tha~ . thc Umted ~tates IS I~ a better scientious objcctor. At the conclusion t1~a Baldwin, Louis Dc:\[oll and Jack Sponsored by the Delaware I~obert Haines of the Fllrdgn Exchange POSI~IOll than any tortller I!atton to rec- of the business session tea was served LlIlton. County Federation of \\Toman's will speak on "Wh:tt South America ogmze values and pass Judgment on by Mrs. Lingle. ~lr. and Airs. Howard Kirk wiII as- Cluhs there will be an exhibition :\Ieans To Us," :\ discllssion period them. _.. sist in receiving at the Senior Assembly. of ~aintings by Delaware County will follow. "In the thinking of the llast people RUMl\fAGE WILL AID The committee would like to remind Artists at the Swarthmore \Vo- All persons intl'n',h'<i arc invited to have assumcd that thcy Jlossesscd the NURSING SERVICE parents to read over the parking notice man's Club from November 3 to attend. truth. and that all that was needed was A rummage sale for thc benefit of il.c1osed with the invitation. 10. All artists wishing to exhibit l)rolJaganda in its bellalf," tIle speaker . f I C . should enter their pictures No- '1. the Nursing Service 0 tIe ommulJlty , , • I claimed. "There is no reasun in the pres- Hcalth Center wiII be held in the "Vo- vem )cr 2 from 11 A. 1\f. to 2 Book 'V cck Exhibit ent to accept any idea save when persu- man's Cluh on Park avenue next Wed- CATHERINE l\IAGILTON ~, ~f. at the clubhouse. Each ar- As a feature of nook \Veek-Xo-aded by an eX'allll'llatt'oll ot' tIle facts tllat lIesday evening and all day T hurstI a y. tlIs t is al'1l owed one pkture in each ,I ,"cmbcr 10th to loth-the Puhlic Li-it is true. Our OWI1 right to think for . I f I I Funeral services for Catherine l\[a- c ass-ol, water color. pastels, I brary will sponsor an n.:hihit of new ourse Iv es is more sacred than any duty allT\'h eD ilcl'o mwimthi tteevee llIS thvee rysm alOllpees tu bitt loaft gilton were held at J o'clock Tuesday hlack and white. Ic II I' I(I ren '5b 0 0 k s. TI lese WI' 11 b e on d1' S-t u rcspect tII e t I1 1.1 1 k"m g of the past." rUlIlmage will eontrihute it on this oc- al' t ernOOIl, 0 ctob er) 1_l\.r, at tIIC ThI' r d I'p hl\,' in the Librar v durillg the week and oJ :\lany ideas have been held long years casion in order that the contribution Street ~leeting House in Media. Pri- Library Art Exhibit lIIay he, take~1 out On Saturday after-after they should have been discarded, ac- to this work will not fall helow the vate interment followed. American Art week Kovcmber 1 to 8 i 110 1 ';11. :\oven~I'I)crb, . . cordi' ng t 0 U r. L~ owI m' g. W I1 0 cI't.e1u t he needed Iamount. 'JI51I C S an d kII'IC k .'1, l'o~ s .'l,a. g Fl Ito n was t' Otlll d d ea d'11 1 tl Ie sl>ollsored by tIle Alllerl'call Artl'st Pro-I arcllts .WI e 1.1Iterestcd Ill, seemg lingering of religious and economic in- knacks are specially desired and warm garagc of hcr summcr rabin at Ewans- fessional League and National Art the trend 1\1 new lJOok~ and Will have stitutions ill old Russia as examples of clothing will be grt'atiy apprcciated, ville, N. J., last Saturday evening. She week November 25 to December 1 de- jan cx.:ellellt opportulllty to brO\~'se l'de as w III'C II Il ave m. ter f ered seriO' US Iy If "ou would II'k'e to I lave your rum- II ad bee 11 1I1"1 SSlllg SI.I ICC 'i'l lUrS( Ia y morn- ,slh' ''llate(1 bo,J' tIle Governmellt .n.., '11 be I. a, r~III ~(. ,1 ,among thell.l, Ill'r, h;IJ,),s. findmg W.I t II progress. Similar contemporary mageo J called for, a call to Mrs. J. \Var- t• ng w h en s I Ie I e f t the S-, tratI 1 I'Ia ven I nn ollser\'ed \"I'tl 1 a II e X, I 11' bI't I' on 0 f pa.m t- sugTgI -estLlO'bn s fo'r ChInIst'm as g. l\ IIIg.. I'd e as. II e c Ia'li ne d , are t II e concepts 0 f ren Paxson, Swarthmore IS8-R or to after b rea kfa s t to df'i n' Il er aut omo bI'l e 1'llgS by S\Vartlllllore Artl'sts at the Ie I. rary s co l'ctlt.-.n 01 Chnstm. as war aile I lIatl.O lla I'I sm, b oth 0 f which "do hi rs. Lee P. \Vray, Swart I" lIure 3 18 , w,'1 1 alld v·l ew tl Ie f a II f oIl'a ge. S- \\'artlltllOre Publl'c LI'brary througll books \\.'111 also he (!Jspiayed durmg not fit into the world which modern so- take care of your problem speedily. Miss Magilton lived at the Inn with t~~~~onth of November. nook \\'eek. ck~h~~I~and~m~ imell~n~ _.. 1~~~~D~Mugocri~md~~oc~r __ · __ -_'·_-_·_"_-_-_-_-_· _ -~~_~~._-_-_-:::_-_-_-_' _____________ _ will ultimately slough the III uff." Lc Cerclc Francais Resumes She was 29 years old and the daughter "No public policy is more important 011 Thursday, ",ovember 7 at 8 P. M., of the late Albert Lee and Gertrude Ma-to the United States than the policy of members of the Frl.'nch Circle will be gilton. dual SUpport of educational institutions- guests of their new president Dr. W. Suffering from ancmia she was ending publicly and privately cndowed" the F. Faragher and :-OIrs. Faragher of the second week of a leave of absence ~peakcr said. Although thel'e are'dangers South Chester road and \Vestdale ave- from her duties as chiei secretary of lllhercnt in the excIusi\'e cxistence of lIue. a Philadelphia brokerage otiice, and was each, yet each in the prcsent system in- For the lirst meeting of the sca~on apparently on the ro;1<1 to rl.'covcry. fluences the other to keep opportunities the speaker will be Leon \Vellcehus, She was regarded as a brilliant young open for cducatioll of the rank and file! Prokssor of French at S\~arthmore woman and had been graduated from of the people, and gives the American College. who returned to tIllS country \Vesttown Friends' School and the Uni-student the chance to learn to think. last May from France \~hcre he. ~ad versity of Wisconsin. President Cowling then took up the served as liaison officer .wlth the BritIsh ••• !:eople's right to cdllc:ttion, saying forces. ~r rs. \Vencehus, whu .also channc1s of IInhindered expression of teaches French at the college, arrived Meeting Place Changed personal opinion" must he kept open and only reccntly frum France. freedolll of press and radio, and the ~ight The ollicers fur the season are .as The Swart~lmore Mothers' Club will of personal assemhly should be safe- follo,ws: president, Dr. Far~gher; vIce meet on Friday, November 1 at the guarded for that purpose. p.resldent, :Mrs., R. C. Brooks. secret":,?,, home of Mrs. Thomas },{oore. 5~1 In conclusioll Presl'dent C 0" ,1· 'd frances McNeil; treasurer, Mrs. Phdlp ISOUlh Chester road at 2:30 P. M. ThIS "The idea of individual libertym agn ds athle, S, now; publi.C .i ty cI la'lr man, an d Mrs. 'ts a. c Il ange from tl Ie m'eetm g pIa ce (COlllinvt4 Oil Paqll 81z) A. M. Bosshardt. preVIOusly announced. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDA Y. NOVE:o.tnER 1 6:30 1".111. - E\'cning Spclion: Hallowc'cn SIII'J)t'r Party ....••••. , Woman'S Club SATURDAY. NOVF.~lln~It 2 7:00 to 0:00 P.lII.-~lo\'in;:- Pi(·llIr('s .. ""',.".,, ........ Clothif'" 2\lpIlHlI'in] SIl~DA y. NOY E~IIlEll a l~ :00 P. ~I. - ~Iorlling Worship, .•......... ,.,."",., •..•. , .• LOll';}l Church"" 1:"':OQ to 5:00 P. 111. - Delaware County Art Exhibit. ............ , Woman's Club 6:-1;: ~. M. - VeSllCrs,: ~Iaribcl G. Thomson. Orl:.anist .•.• ".: .. Cloth,,'r )lplllorial 8.1a I ,H.-Lecture. Who Are These Quakers!"., .•••.. Frlends· )Ieetifl; House )IONDAY. NOYE)IBEH. -I 10:00 A . .lIL to 4:00 P,lIl.-Red Cross Sewing .•.. , .••••.•.•.•. ,Woman'~ Club 12 :00 to 5 :00 P. M, - Delaware Counly Art Exhibit ..•••..•.•.. ,' W')I11all'S Club TUESDA Y, NOVE:o.mER 5 ." ELECTION DAY-:-l'ollll open 7 A. ~I. to 8 P. 111. ~ :3~ 1', ~1. - Art ,Le('tu~. Exhibit .. , ....•.. , ••. ,., ...••••.••... Woman's Club 7.",} P. 111. - Jumor·Sel1lor RCClprO(,lty )(('eting, ......•.. , .•.... 'Vomall's C;ub WEDNESDA Y. NOVE:o.InER. 6 12 :00 to 5 :00 P. 1\1. - Delaware County Art Exhibit Woman'S Club 2:00 P.M.-\V. 1. J •. Card Party •.•••••.....•.. :::_':::::::::: ... ,Bolld Hall THURSDAY. NOYE)IBER. 7 8:30 A. M. to -I :00 P. :\[. - Rummagc Sale: Benefit Conmmllity H"alth 1" '00 t '" '00 P 'I DIe Woman's Club 8-.'0 0 P0 11.1) . Le• ..C. . - IF' awarc' ounly Art Exhibit .. , , , ... , , ... ,'.''" ola. n'S Club . " - ercle ran(,aJS., .......• '" ..... , , .. :nR SOUlh Che~tcr Road

---------- Page 3 ----------

I TBE sw TBMOBEAN Mrs. Ralph Ashton Nixdorf of Yale I ~I""',h, Lansdowne. The Rev. Charles EZ ecU •O neer•l ng Drowns Out la,'en10vei siatcecdo mhepra npiaerde nbtys ,h eMr rt.w aon dda uMgrha-. Mrs.w ilMl pilelarjrodr mJ atmhee .c erMemcoLnayin. , 01 Yells oj Snook s and G0 blI·R S I Horo,wln eMeokltz- eonf dW.i'D iamsport, over and Nth.e Jb.,r iwdeilslm aacitd sa w. imll abtero Mn rosf. 'J r Mrs. W, H. Gehring of University Hoop.s Evans, Jr., of Swarth· 1~~~d~l;entcrtained at luncheon on Wed- ; Miss Eleanor Anne Ivy and Mils With the election in the home stretch, the families of weary HallOW-Ii in honor of her mother, Mrs. Hagy, of Lansdowne. Alexan. NOVEMBER 1940 A reception at the McCone home followed the ceremony. After a two weeks motor trip through the south Mr. and Mrs. Brooks wut be at home at their apartment in Lans­downe. • • e'en. spooks and goblins head into unbroke.n suspense un. til the count H. Luce of Riverhead, N. Y., who dra McComa,s'Lof Esterly, Pa., wiD be Birth is in! It's been an exciting week fo~ our VI IIa ge w h at With . Ias t , eek return home next Monday after the flower glr A daughter, Carolyn Grey Bernard, W - Mr. Millard James McLain, of Plain. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ber. end's inaugural ceremonies for PreSIdent Nason and last mght s par- a three weeks visi~ ~~re. field will be best man for Mr. Murphy nard of Ridley Park, formerly of Swarth. ade of community masqueraders providing no let-down. Chin up, EllPIJemenl8 his ushers will include Messrs. Rob· more, last Saturday morning, October there's reJ' oicing ahead for some next Wednesday! . . Cheston Alexander. Ik~ . BerWn"!'ld 26. in the Taylor Hospital. Ridley Park. h Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. McCord. WiDiam E. Wi mIng. I' The baby is a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. /\Ideo U. Vavis, Jr. Among ~os: If';,m thlS sectlO~ L 0 of Wayne, have announced the engage- Park~ Dodd and Samuel C. Wil. Harry L. Bernard of Union avenue. Stonyhrook lormer!y of Swarthmor~ .t c . a ouse party 0 e- ment of their daughter, Miss Martha J c., of Swarthmore. Swarthmore. t.rtamed inlormally last night UmverSlty ~t Bel~lehe~ last Brooks McCord and Mr. John Mark A reception will .follow the .ceremo?y 1.------------__ -, Hallowe'en party lollowmg the Hallow· were MISS Marlon Kirk of Robinson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. at the Penn Athletic Club, Ph"a~elphl3" e'en parade. . road ,who sta~ed at ,the I,~~:~:,;on, of College avenue Swarth- Upon their return from a weddIng triP Sacdy Heath, lion 0 1 M r. and .MC S. Pofl uN Horolhu seC,h eMstIeSrS roHaadr rwiehto Wwa.csk a- , Mr. Murphy and his bride will reside i{ussell .... Heath of Q:dar. lane cele· at the Beta Theta Pi House and in Hartford. Conn. brated Ius sixth blItbday whlch falls ?ll Helen Callahan of Media, a guest The engagement of Miss Dorothy __. ....,. ...,. ........ _ Hallowe'co, by enterIainmg fellow pupils at Alpha Tau Omega. C. Calhoun. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 01 tbe first grade {;oU,ge aveuuc school David Calhoun. of Woodlyn. and Mr. at a costume party yeslerday. Mrs. E. Tiel Smith of the Strath John F. Daniels, Jr., son of Mr. and The marriage of Miss Mary Jean-it fill' oad Havcn Inn, a member of Delta Gamma, Mrs. John F. Daniels, Sr., of Rutledge, Converse, daughter of Mr. and Brooks - Conve1'lle Do You Know The Sure Cure tor aD, Auto TIoaWef Call 440 Tlres Vi N -S' hHi II" 11&_ RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmooth and Laf.T"I1e A ..... Jimmy Rasswe er 0 ve ... ;!, rd nallonal women's fraternity is attending was announced earlier this month at a C. L. Converse, of Columbus, cmertamed WIth a spook. party . ues ay a nleetl"lg of the grand council, of the t t th C Ih home The wed-ks evening. The spoo coo ked the tr sup- fratcrnl'ty at the Beekman Tower Hotel dp'a r y . a t e Iaa od unt'l .p rm'g "''J lhio, and Mr. George Robert Brooks'I~==============: per at the outdoor li rep Ia ce a t the Has5 - in New York City. The council is com- 109 15 no p nn_e J un' s. of·Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brooks. wciler home. posed of Ihe national officers of Delta H. S. Grad to Wed of Ridley; Park, was perf~>rmed by the WATCHES "We Don't Sell Can­We Bent.,. TIl __ June Hobbs of .Park avenue entertain- Gamma. B b M Rmeovr.e DPaVrelsdb ,B"trearu.·na,n paCsthour,r cIhn thoen SFwrairdtahy- , T da f The marriage. of Miss ar ara ae J ed with a Hallowe en party ues y a .. Mrs. R. P. Emery of Park avenue daughter of Mr. George B. evening, October 25, at 7 o'clock. ternwn. who is president of the Alumnae As- of Wawa and Mr. Richard Darl- Miss Converse has been living tem- Charlotte Hobbs and Harriet of Beaver College, will attend of Darlington y;ilI take place in porarily at the Cornell avenue home of of .Park avenue entertained the girls of of the alumnac board of di- Presbyterian Church on Mrs. Alan 1. McCone who was matron the sixth grade with a Hallowe'en party tonight. Mrs. Emery is serving afternoon, November 5, at of honor. Fnday night.. president for the second time, and The wedding was infonnal. The Thatcher Robinson of College i~~~:~li::~::;:b::eeno f latrhgee lyA lruesmpnoanes ibAles sofocri . .. ttiohne Mr. Darlington graduated from bride wore an afternoobn modbe l of entertained a number 0 f In·c od s hcr terms ,·n office. The me"e"l l·ng Swarthmore High School in 1936. aquamarine crepe with a rown eav. eIr S da • • , hat trimmed with the dress matena J school at a Hallowe'en supper atur y be held at the Jenkl·,.town campus Wed T . f evening, after which the group attend cd the college. omorrow bbrroowwnn aocrccehsidsos.n esM rasn. d Ma cCcoonrsea gew o0r e the College movies. M Far-I •••.•• Lawrence M. Andres, son of Mr. and The marriage of Miss argaret blue crepe with a large black felt Patsy Morrow of Rivenicw road ell- Mrs. Melvin F. Wood of Elm avenue, go, daughter of M.r. an.d Mrs. Bert W. black accessodes and a corsage tertailled the pupils of the tifth grade visited his parents over last week-end. A Fargo, of Kaukauna, WIS., and Mr. Paul yellow slipper orchids" College avenue school at a Hallowe'en sophomore at Pennsylvania State Coilles;e C. Baldwin of Park avenue, son of Mrs. 1 ______________ _ party on Saturday from 5.30 until 8 he came down with the college band Fred Baldwin of Tully. N. Y .• will take o'clock. which he plays a saxophone, for place at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon The second grade of the Swarthmore Penn State-Temple game on Saturday. in Wilmington, Del. Presbyterian Church entertained the A reception will follow at the home grade 01 the school with a H'~lowe'enl Mrs. David Shaw of North of Mr. and Mrs. Eo J. Humphries in party from J wltil 5 o'clock in the road was hostess at luncheon ~~p1~~~: I \Vjlmin21:on. mary department rooR!. yesterday to members of a d TJ..~..n th."...' r rf'hJrn from :lI weddimr trin!;' Robert Gemmill of Thayer road will bridge club to which she belongs. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin will make their entertain a few classmates at dinner to- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy home at 320 Swarthmore avenue. morrow evening before the senior as- Ogden avenue entertained fellow mem- , I • sembly of the Swarthmore Dancing Clas· bers of an evening bridge club on Wed· Wed Tonight Mo ...... di.n NOW for Christm •• 81h an EDGMONT CHESTER.PA. nesday. RBAD TID! _ST BOOKS sCS. The marriage of Miss Margaret Lou NEW CATALlN JEWELRY Cash or Weekly Payments Nine members of the junior class of Betty Douglas of North Chester road Hooven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -==============================:; Swarthmore High School WWi~lI,~':~ICi'i::1 will spend this week-end at a Beta ThetalAlbe"t M. Hooven, of Lansdowne, and r-at a progressivc dinner this e Pi house party at Pennsylvania State Col- Mr. Francis Blake Murphy, ·son of first course will be served at the lege. Mrs. John Andrew Murphy, of Dickin-of Amy Jane Davidson on Guernsey Elizabeth Bryant of Dickinson avc- son avenue and the late Dr. Murphy, road, the second course at Carol Maude nue entertained a group of her school will take place on Friday evening, No­Froebe1' s on Swarthm'ore avenue. and the friend::. at a wctner roa"l iu Smalley 1":.:=~~1~.~.~t~6:':.~30~u~·!'k:"'::i.:!.. ~S~L:!.]O~I~'"~"~'I third course at Elizabeth Ann Lueder's Park on Tuesday in celebration of her Ii house, North Princeton avenue. twelfth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lee of Har· Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griffin of Rut. vard avenue will have as their guests avenue returned on October 25 at dinner next Tuesday evening, Elec- a five-day trip to North Carolina tion Day, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Alexander Tennessee. aild two daughters of Melrose Park and Mr. and Mrs. Emile Estoc1et and son .h..frs. John T. Collins, Jr. of Guernsey and daughter of Overbrook. is recovering nicely in the 1 effer- Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy of Ogden avenue win be among the guests at a dinner party 011 Election Evening, November 5, given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zahn of Lansdowne. Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dartmouth Hospital where she has been a pa­tient for six weeks with a heart con­dition. It is expected she may be able to comc home by early next week. Mrs. H. C. Barnes of Park avenue is rccupe-:-ating nicely following an opera­tion performed on Thursday of last week in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital Aavikenenu,e U.a nSd. AsLo nC,. , wLeiereu tgenuaesntts oEfd Mwirn. ~=:~~!;:::~~~~!;~~::'1 and Mrs. Pere Wilmer of Washington, D. C. for a few days this week. Miss Peggy Wilmer returned with them to spend this week-end and attend the Penn-Navy football game in Philadel­phia with the Ewing famHy tomorrow afternoon. HELD OVER The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther and Mrs. "Down Argentine Way" Guenther celebrated their silver wedding Don '~:C:;!!'>~h~garab1e aruaiversary and J. larden Guenther, Jr., Carmen MJraDda celebrated his twenty-first birthday on Charlotte Greenwood Wednesday afternoon at a Family Party A'd'BdeRdI:T AMIaNr'cSh Ro.f AT.I mF.e" given in their honor by Miss Dorothy (7he Royal Air Foree) Henderson Guenther at the Episcopal rec- ~::~::=~::::~:~ tory on North Chester road. ri Mrs. Graham Rohrer of Thornton en­tertained with a miscellaneous shower last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Peggy James of Yale avenue. Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Thayer road will entertain today when the last meet­ing of this season for the Summer Bridge Club. Mrs. Robert Bair and Mrs. S. Mitton Bryant will be co-hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Daugherty. Jr., of Dickinson avenue will entertain at buffet supper and bridge tomorrow eve­ning in their home. MANOR Fri.·SaL James Rosalind STEWART • RUSSELL "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" MEDIA THEATRE Friday and SatUJ;,day "Foreign Correspondent" Starring JOEL McCREA with LARAINE DAY HERBERT MARSHAlL ROBERT BENCBI.EY • Important Feature Stal'ts 2.~7.1~9.25 Also FIRST RUN NEWS THE AMERICAN BOY Young Am.erfca's Cholee Now Only $1.00 Per Yr. 12.00 for 3 Y .... Mrs. fJoyd E. Kauffman Sw.2080 Starts FRIDAY FOR ENTIRE WEEK Mickey Rooney Judy Garland In "STRIKE UP THE BAND" .... th Panl Whiteman And Hu Orclae •• ra STARTsc'SATURDAY 'Captain Caution' stanIDg VICTOR MATURE LBO CARRD.JO StsrIJJ TUESDAY Doqlas FairbankS, Jr. Rita HayWorth In "ANGELS OVER . BROADWAY" StarIJJ THURSDAY LEW AYRES In "The Golden Fleecing" FRIDAY FBBD ASTAIIIB GDfGBR BOGBBS In "Foll_ ,he Flee," SATURDAY 'l'I1e TJIftoe _Dl ..... 1n .. Oldaho ..... Re_adeo" DINE AT STRATH HAVEN INN TEA ROOM TBRIFr DINNER - 60e Served Mon., Ta""., Wed. and Friday OTHER DINNERS FROM '.75 TO $1.75 ESPECIALLY PLANNED HOSTESS LUNCHEONS-I.7S AND '.85 Call S.""rlhmore 680 Make Early ReservatioR& For Thanksgiving Dinner • CORDA Y • MARY DUNHILL • ROV AE • CHANEL • CCke J30uquet BEAUTY SALON The lacial way is a sure way to effective beauty rest! 13 Sooth Chester Road Can Swarthmore 476 • CHANEL • ROVAE • MARY DUN HILL • CORDA Y • SEASONAL ITEMS Loaded SheIls Window Ventilators Rakes Leaf and Trash Burners Weaiher Stripping For Windows and Doors N. WALTER SUPLEE II S. Chester Road Swarthmore 105 J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticiam Exper18 in the Making and Fitli ... of Spectacles and Eye Gla_ 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street • • • • • Philadelphia Upper Darby, Pa. JOSEP,.H,. .I,t. .. I.A INBS SW TBMORBAN • THE SWARTHMOREAN. PUBLISBBD EVBay FalDAY AT SWAaTBIlOaE, P.L THE IW4IlTHKOaUN, INe.. l'UBLIIB .. PHONE SW4IlTHKoaE 900 ONE TOUCH Bereaved Players Try Ont ~~~:====~~~~g~~I'ar!Mrs. Alice K. Swan. widow of Rich. The Players Club of Swarthmore . M. Swan. died at ber home in turned its attention to the future of N J 0 b ... S· club last evening when they held PIITIIl Eo Tow. Edilor lWuoam Tow. .4.uor:ifll. EdilDr B.·n!ing m' the big ._....J.. ._............. -- a . .• On cto er "". unlV' fi f h b id M rat try·out 0 t e se .. on. futile .......... to ~ people. Indeed I and snns. es es fl. The stage was set as a I,'ving room R01lAU& PmsoL IrWn' F. Kun.a -I -- R. Morey of Amherst avenue, used to think of central Philadelphia are: Mrs. W. H. Bulman and H. Judson and 25 people took part by reading a fit environment for DOthiag 1DOI"e Swan of Newark, and William A. Swan some part and doing one act in panto- English sparrows and pigeona. East Orange. N. J. Mrs. Swan was ,mllDe. The fact is. however. that a great many member of the Watching Chapter, Dolman, Jr., president of the kinds of birds drop out of the sk7 to In- of the American Revolution. welcomed them and reminded FRIDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1940 vesligate the trees and shrubbery of every the Order of the Eastern Star and I~hem that this test was in no way a open square in the city. In 1933 I the Beauceant at Newark. N. J. one. YeB or No my first Towhee of the spring seasoa • Malcolm Hodge. vice'president Swarthm r t '11 fi d th· . achin T sda Rittenhouse Square. Friends of mine 0 R'" production manager. told them that . 0 e vo er~ WI ~ on. elr voung m es next ue y spend their lunch hour in this small rgan _tal at • eapers would be judged by performance the followmg question dealmg With the establishment of vocational sanctuary every day have recorded over On Sunday, Novelllber 3. at 6 :45 P. would be added to t~e. list of me!". schools in this county: fifty species of birds there during a single M. Claribel Gegenheimer Thomson. or. as to color, he'ght ~nd SIze "Do you favor the establishment of vocational schools in the voca- migration period. The first and only Bar- garust. will give this week's vespers to exped,te matters for the directors. tional school district of Delaware County 1" red Owl I ever saw spent the winter in gram in Clothier Memorial at The County Board of School Directors, created by the legislature Washing!ton Square, opposite the old more College. She will play Concerto . Public Ledger buildiug, living on rats. No. I by Vivaldi.Bach; Introduction. 10 1937, proposes to erect a new high school, accommodating 500 starlings. and pigeons. Passacaglia, and Fugue by Healey Wil. students, of grades 10, II and 12, to teach several vocational courses. Rare migrants have also been seen in len; Folk Tune by Percy Whitlock; and "A survey made by the county board shows a need for this type of City Hall courtyard. while a Duck Prelude and Fugue No.3 in G minor by education in Delaware county, which means training for a specific has adopted William Penn's statue.. Marcel Dupre. occupation or trade," said Charles H. Russell, president of the board. mwainrktearb leey. rpiee rhfaopr s.m waansy ay eraarrse. GMuolls t[" '1m I __. ....,. ..,. ...~ _ W. I. L. CARD PARTY BOND BALL. COLLEGB CAMPVS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, .2 P. M. 'Ti,ci&tBi4riiP-':-l Clari.'ma. 011 Sale "It is needed to supplement the splendid academic and commercial the North, seen on the Delaware not Plays Saxophone in Scotch Garb Ad •• rt"'m .. , courses offered in our high schools. For boys there would probably be ago by a bird-<:onscious commuter M B II """"""'';'''''';''========''''''i! courses in machine shop, woodworking, auto mechanics and servl'ce, was crossing on the Camden "'erry. . at rtyh aCnosial of ·Cf oWrn ell ta ventu eW, a jutn - T0 Iad e pendeD! VOlen. In winter the starlings of this entire ,or a e ego 0 oos er a oos er painting and decorating, plumbing and floriculture and gardening. region use the tall buildings of PhiIa- Ohio. plays the B Flat tenor saxophone Both eandldates "'_ 10 For girls there might be courses in homemaking, child care, beauty delphia as nightly roosts. In hundreds in the 60 piece college band. come on' for peaee by _olla. culture and commercial food preparation and service." of thousanl/s they resort to the ledges of The band is togged out in Scotch Kilt lion. Are we ..,inc 10 war, th .... Th d h I · f th cl h certain' bw'ldings, apparently finding unifonn. of McLeod plaid given by an 10 Save the Britlah Emplre?_ e propose sc 00 IS or e 37 fourth ass sc 001 districts of I d I $5000 when PEACE MIGHT "'VE ter which the open country of the a umnus an cos . ..... the county, including Swarthmore and it neighbors of Morton, Rut· urbs fails to provide. During dramatic Miss Bonsall, the daughter of the been made hy IalernaltonaJhJJJqr ledge, Springfield and Clifton Heights. Based on a careful study of pauses in concerts at the Academy of Rev. E. H. Bonsall, was graduated from that empire -Ia a world_oJe. the costs of 21 similar schools in Penn~ylvania and New Jersey, the Music. I have heard wakeful starlings Swarthmore high school in 1938. :::..~ t h~ a~~..::-.:: proposed school would cost, fully equIpped, $539,000. The annual<ing their discordant violins from staally, and eaneel, .n their costs, covering administration, teaching, debt service and transporta- near-by perches, each bird, however, play. "ECHO GLEN" armed eonqu""ts of other doll-ing a different piece, and none willing tion of pupils living two miles or more from the centrally located to acknowledge any other as COlIJCert~ I Southern Cooking Ized aatiou.o, whUe the U. S. on school, aie estimated at ~75,654. To provide this amount there would meister. TeL Media 1811 e Ito part would ensa,. TO AIlM be a tax of less· than nine-tenths of one mill in all of the 37 districts.I':;::t,;:;:;:-'i:n~th;;;:e:-rC;;;h:ur;::C:;:h;-.iN;;r::ew:-::m;;:e:;;m:;b;:e:;:;rs Dt!!::~.:;::::;:~01S !~t ~d.,?!: ... IJ!:mt~ The· Swarthmorean has consulted public officials, school directors, nine and upward wiu be admitted. From a ... thUtJo 10 el&ht o'cIod< 10 proleel the IBEEDQM OF members of the League of Women Voters study group on this question Girls Choir will meet for reo THE SEAS and the Britlah Com-and presents herewith the pros and cons which it has been able to I~:~~.~~ on Sunday afternoon at 3 monwealth ao dJotInet from Em-g ather. Many of its readers have already made up their minds on this I. in the Parisb House. New mem- Wiltshire Brothers plre, and In order 10 keep the '. ten and upward will be admitted. NAZIS DOWN. (DoD'1 ..,. It. quCsnon. Others are trymg to secure information about it. It is for Prayer Meeting for the Evangel. Manu/adar ... , Jewel... wooldn't work. The It Iuua't this latter group that the following data has been collected. of the World, sponsored by the . and SI/""r.mi,1u been lried mow. thot the 1m. PROS Societies of Chester. Stale and Monroe SIs. PeriaIloto fear It woold work). d f Die d Trinity Pariah Note. and Philadelphia North MEDIA Th_ore, YOle Dem ...... tie, to Stu y 0 e aware ounty e uca- West Jersey is to be held in West- keep Peumoylvan\a from __ tional needs shows an imperative Beginning on Sunday there will Hall. Witherspoon Bnilding, on inc 10 Its Wlleriao o_puty need for this type of education. missions for young people conducted November 5, at 10 :45 A. M. HARRy W. LANG <ondilloD from 186010 193.21 10 Graduates of Eddystone's voca- a large number of Parishes in the Dio- will be Mrs. Earl L. Doug- eodorse the aothor of the S. tional school are finding jobs cese. Captain Christopher ]. Atkinson, of las. and the speaker the Rev. J. Christy R Ameriean "cood Defchho~" poI- 'ckl the Church Army will direct the Wilson, D.D .• of Tabliz·Iran. ugs and Carpets ley; 10 rehuke WllIk1e ,",,0, even qUi y. sion at Trinity Church. The lirst • • _ thoqh he d_leJy aeeded This plan would relieve local dis- sion will be held on Sunday morning Methodist Chnreh Notes Better serviee and better "an Ioooe", woold lbOl ... me oat tricts of the expense of voca- the "gular Church School hour This evpn;nu at 8 o'clock the official aJ' all for Peaee and the Brilioh Com-tional training for many stud- wee k-day sesS.l ons w.'1 1 be every board's mo~nthly business meetiDg will " ne m types of na. monweal,h, hot had 10 w. ..o eJ noon, except Friday. at 4 o'clock and on held at the church. tioually known rugs alonc oupportinc the Brit10h Em. ents. Saturday nioriUng at 9 o·clock. The final Sunday at 9 :45 the Church School wiD and carpets plre and th. p_t m .... Would work toward equalization of meeting will be on Sunday morning, Nov- participate in the annual program _ SlpeoJ. educational opportunity through- ember 10. tive to the work of the missionary Gwen SWARTBMORB 5S2.B A FOBTY-YBAII BE8mBNT out the 37 fourth class school Captain Atkinson, who spoke at Narbeth who is in Algeria. The lesson BlDLBY PARK 3238 OF SWABTIIMOu districts throughout the county. Church several years ago, is nne of study will conclude the church scll00II.:::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; CONS outstanding leaders of missions session. The morning worship at children and young people. Sunday school o'clock wiD observe the sacrament of Present law does not limit the tax- teachers and scholars of other churches Lord's Supper. The church school ing power of the County School are cordially invited to attend the mis· sery wiu be pleast'd to care for Board which would establish the sion at any time. children of those atlending the commun. school, although estimates P'iven The subject 01 the mission is ion service. Epworth League at 7 o'clock o· King's Ship," the Church. Mrs. M. wil have for its leader Robert Carter. by the board state that nine- Neat. Mrs. Edgar F. Adams. Mrs. An interesting and informative Biblil:alj tenths of one mill would be more thur Moscrip and Florence Tricker are quizz will terminate the meeting. than sufficient. in charge of the art work for the mis- Tuesday at 8 P. M. the Usher's As. The responsibility of the County sion S. B. Brewster and W. Minton Bar- soeiation business meeting will take place Board to the voter is indirect vey are preparing the ships' models at the home of John Beheuna 11 Prince. which will be painted by a group of ton avenue. since it is appointed by the young people. Wednesday noon the first luncheon of members of the School Direc- The captains of the Every the Woman's Society of Christian Ser-tors' Association from its mem- Canvass teams include S. B. Brewster, vice will be served at the church. At 1 bership. Failure to re·elect a A. B. Chapin. William L. Cleaves. Rich- P. M. Dr. Charles W. Kitto, ard G. Haig. W. Minton Harvey, Guy A. tendent of the South District of the local school director would also McCorkle. R. Bair Price. Wayne H. adelphia Conference, will be guest speak. dismiss him from the County Randall, Ellwood M. Rowand. Jr .• L. R. er. All interested Swarthmoreans are in. Board but this is remote control Shero and George R. Van Duser. vited to hear Dr. Kitto. A business by the electorate. """vassers will be the guests of session will follow. . h Guild·Auxiliary at a dinner on . Thursday at 7 and 8 P. M. the jUlllio:r I QuestIOn raises the w ole problem Wednesday evening. The speaker will be and senior choir rehearsals will be held. of the centralization of the the Rev. Frederick P. Houghton, D. D., • , school authority since it is esti- executive secretary of the diocese. Allan Chinese Religions, Fornm mated that 80% of the cost W. Carpenter. general chairman of the Snbject would be borne by the state and canvass wi\1 be a guest at a dinner "Chinese Religions" will be the topic Philadeiphia on Monday night in this Sunday morning's adult forum of federal government. nection with the canvass in .the di?"",e. Friends' Meeting. Dr. Jesse H. The women of the parish wdl will continue his series on lfRe_ 9:46 A.M. PRBSBYTBRlAN ClltJRCB ::.;~~Ni£!:.t·-ter !heir fall sewing next 'Yednesday mom- ligion and Religions" at 9 :45 A. M. with mg November 6. at 10 o.c1ock. On Wed· China as the first subject in the second nesday, the 13th, there wIll be an month of the series ant business meeting at 10.30 A. • • ~ 1110: :0000 AA.. MM. .:: ~';::;,~ , , • Christian Science Chnrch Ch ch N ~'Everlasting Punishment" is the sub- II Presbyterian Dr otes of the Lesson.Sermon in all Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Chlorches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun-sermon topic will be "What Is November 3. The Golden Text is: ~ 'v. .... Name"? I: :~~';.~~:,'~n~:! keepeth him. kt hda t is All departments of the Church School in the way: but W'C e ness 5 the sinner" (Proverbs II meet each Sunday morning at 9:4. New pupils are admitted at any time. , I , Woman's Bible Class meets each Mums Win Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the 90::44155 AA._XK.-.l-lFOilr'all1iD. gD-8¥F ·o~r~uIr·o,., ()hln'''' Men's BI'ble Class announces the 1""0..... of Ralph A. Nixdorf as 11:00 A.M. - =:::: j:,~onIrlP leader each Sunday morning at WlmNBSDAY until and including November 24- ;~~~~~~~~P~. ~l~=: ~ A cordial invitat!on is extended to all -:-BiiiiiiTiiii'i'1 members and fnends of the Church. T The High School Fellowship will Oll" m-eet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in 11:00 A.i::'~= Parish House. The Fellowship will 11:00 A.:II. - 811Ddq :I..te.GD·8enD0Il. I ;~~i~n:;~ a series of eight studies in p. WIll'.1 pnc '='n'' . . ~room O peaD:t edeaUUIWF. eeseMIIDIt.& 1SPmIetdka, J'8a Christ•i an b e Iie f s. .... holldan 1 to 4 P. m .. Ohardt. edlftee. The Boys' Choir-will meet for re- YAiclel e ..aD.d .~ .. 11M _Btue"d. ..1 0B o.u.- m. tho -- Sunday afternoon at 2:30 In the twentieth annuai chrysanthe. mum show of the Delaware County Gar· den Clnb, held last week-end in Rut· ledge. Swarthmore grown blOODlS prizes to the following gardeners: A. R. O. Redgrave. third prize in clas· ses 1 to 5 (buttons and pompons), and a sweepstakes prize; Mrs. Irvin R. Mar Elwee" one of three awards in classes 2S to 29 (garden varieties). second II 37 to 39 (Korean hybrid. not disbuddedl. II second in 40 10 45 (open centers). Harry Wood of Swarthmore College was among the show judges. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN'DST OF SWARTHMORE, PA. ANNOUNCES A Free Lecture on Christian Science Entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD AND MAN WmCH PRODUCES PEACE" BY GAVIN W. ALLAN, C. S. B. OF TORONTO, CANADA Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Churdl The FIrst Church of Clu"ht, Scientist, In Boston, M'U,cllusettll IN CLOTIDER MEMORIAL SWARTHMORE COLLEGE CAMPUS SUNDAY AFrERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1940 AT 3:15 O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED ~ !!!I!!! !!!!!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II WARNING Freezing weather II . occnrred in this II area in October.. II Install Permanent Anti~Freeze NOW PRESTONE-ZEREX HANNUM & WAITE E.lahl/ohed 19.22 Plymouth and Chrysler Swarthmore 1250 II ~ ~ II II II II II iiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii -- iiiiiiiii -- ~ ~ iiiiiiii __ __ __ iJI

---------- Page 4 ----------

,~ _______________- ._ _______________- .,T~B=B~~SW~A=R_T_B_M_O~R~BAN~·~_~. .-________________~ ----~~~~~~~ 270 GARMENTS A the demands made upon it for war re- SCHOOL NEttrJS NEWS NOTES lief was emphasized over and over "' , MONTI! SEWN again at Ihe meeting. N ~_ • IluMe lresf. t LSauwnrdeanyc eo iDgabvt ifeos ro Pf oHrit1laInbcoIs,u O_re_., Mrs. John R. Bates, transportation Senlon Bold ... ,. lIaIIowe - Puv for a visit of several weeka in Oregon Borongh Red Crou Reports chairman, issued ao earnest appeal for E Saturday night, October 26, at 8:30 and Washington. She aocompaoied her 1,344 Articles of Clothing Completed Since Jone more volunteers in order to facilitate M th Seni class held 'Is h~:!"~=: I the moving of production supplies both pa•r ty er ut paroern ts and pnpilI s, in the sWisateshr,. ,M wrsh.o L lboaydd Rb.e eHna iignh t Sowf aRritlhZmYiollree, before and after they are completed. W School gym. since mid-September. The meeting was held at the Ogden The gym was gaily decorated The executive board of the local avenue home of Mrs. Sewell Hodge, S com stalks, pumpkins and autumn leaves Arthur Snyder of Swarthmore avenue branch of the American Red Cross local chairman. with a scarecrow guarding com stalks returned Saturday from a month's Naval heard Mrs. E. M. Bassett give a pro- ---.-•• --- hich d ted th 'ddl f th Reserve cruise on the US Battleship duction total of 1,344 completed gar- O n B oard 0 f Gov ernon w Th decora' e 1\11 't e 0 •e t egdy mf. New York to Cuba and p ._.._.m __ . On ments for the period from June 1 to L'bb e G ..o ralivceh acio num tJe e COITlShISa tch 0 November 22 Arthur will '..-.-..'~ - a th.- October 25, last Friday morning. D r. George P . War ren h a S been 0 f P'h IyI' Sar. retl, Mramrathna Roaa n __ ~ Aorr , month 'Y_Au ung" .U..,: p ',.o r Naval ~D ___ Sewed garments included in this re- elected to the Board of Governors. of y IS ,mpson, ymuuu, - officers, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. port were 1oo rompers, 140 dresses, 11. t h e PIa yers CI u b to fill t h e un":,,pU'e d Hnoulldm eC, hJiqaunoein eM, esNsaicnkc,y JaHneen rAy,n n TWhielo- Mrs. E. E. Pierce, Jr. of York, Pa. overalls, 249 infant wrappers,38 night- term of the late ICharl •• D. M,tchell. THE WOMAN'S CLUB Iiams, Florenoe Whitsil, Libby the former Margaret Amelia Ellis, bas gowns, 34 boys' shirts, 164 diapers, 20 C k B' Db R uI Dick Brown, Ed Alston, Bobby been visiting her parents, Dr. and MrL infant sacques, 5 baby blankets, 99 boys' Crnm ree ridge Cl es Is Evenina' Seetion ED-m. Margy Sheppard, Heb Butler, Pete MiI- William T. Ellis, over this week- She blouses, and 8 black smocks. Knitted M F kl' S G'II . . d M s The Evening Sectioo of the Swarth- ler and Milton Fussell. is accompanied by her year-and-a-half old articles counted in the total were . ~5. ran I." • I eS~le anb r. more Woman's Club will welcome the son. grouped as 6 women's sweaters 203 Philip W. Knlske~n won top o~ors, return of Mr. Fred J. Cooper, a well- Winifred McDowell, a Spanish girl, =::::::=':=':' children~s sweaters, 13 men's swe~ters, :~orth and South, In Monday. eveowl"b5 known jeweler and silversmith, at a and Bob Bair, the little bear, won the 117 pairs of men's socks, 4 children's play of the Crum Creek BrJdge Cu. N b prizes for the best costumes of the sen-socks and 39 stockings, 54 uootees, and a t th e Str ath Hav en I nn. M rs. Wallace 5m eaett i8n gP .o nM T. uMesrd. aCyo eovpeemr'sn gt alko voenm a ner- iors. Hanna Kirk and Adeline Strouse 40 infant caps. ",:. McCurdy and Mrs. H. Bard",:eB tique jewelry will be illustrated by sel. dressed as little girls with large sun- The home service department re- Lmcoln were sec~nd and .A, F. Robm- ected pieces from his collection, includ.. bonnets, won the prize for the grown­ported that six people were enrolled to Son and. Fred Wilson, third. East and ing. if possible, a bracelet once belong- ups. take the Home Service Aid course which \Vest victors were Mrs .. A. Ludl~w ing to the Empress Eugenie. All those Chris Sanderson entertained the par_ will be gil-cil at the Media headquar- Clayden and Mrs .. Damel Goodwm, who heard Mr. Cooper last year when ents and seniors by calling square dances. ters of the Red Cross on six consecu- first; Mrs. Fred Wilson and Palmer he spoke on the history of sterling sil- After these everyone adjourned to the tive :Monday mornings beginning on Skoglund, second and M~s. Se'Yell ver, appreciate the opportunity of hav- cafeteria where they were served cookies Monday, November 8 at 9:30 A. M. Hodge and Bayard H. MorrISon, third iog such a well-known authority return and cider by Joan Thatcher and her re- ANToNICl I: CAMILLl Others who are interested in this course I I to speak on antique jewelry. Mr. Cooper freshment committee. may still enroll. Phi Mn Book Fair is a jeweler by birth, having come from 4IIa Graden Star Pupils FAJIUWfD Co' f',f' ..... em It'., .... 234 P ...... A.....,. The fact that the Red Cross means to Th I PI' M B k F' '11 be a long line of jewelers in England. The fourth grade pupils of the Rut-continue its full program of relief and e annua 11 u 00 air WI Members of the Junior and Senior avenue school enjoyed a trip to home service in this country in spite of held on November 6 at the home. of sections of the Woman's Club, as well Fels Planetarium at the FrankHn 'Phone 778-J Le8Iona riollD.au4 DO YOU WANT WAR? THEN GET SET FOR NOVEMBER 5th I That's your first ehance 10 do anything about it-and the last! YOU ean't stand between your boys and the horrors or the Blitz­krieg-- but Ibe President of the United Slates ean! Do you doubt that we are in danger of war, right now? Do you .believe Ihi8 was neees8ary? Who h.s directed the policy of Ihi8 counlry for eight yean!' Your sons are regislered for the dratl. Do you think THEY will start as captains? Wendell Willkie knows what war i8. He enlisled as a volunleer in 1917, the day alter war was declared; he served in Fran~e; be has served his veteran comrade8 8in~e. He knows wbat war does 10 boy •• Wendell Willkie Won't Get You Into War! We, the People, don't gel mud! 8ay abOUI Peace or War. But we the People have Ihe LAST SAY aboul who is going to run this country lor the next lour yeol'8. A, nd November 5th : Is the Day We Say It!! Roosevelt c1aim8 it's 100 laiC to chaDge horses n6W. Do you be­lieve that? WE ARENT IN ANY WAR YET! Roosevelt SAYS he won't get us in a 'War. Thai's what that other ramous Demoeral, Woodrow Wil­son, SAID; we re-ele«!ted him and in .ix monlh. WE WERE IN. . Jay Cooke, Republican Sena .. torial candidale, is against war; he has served 8S a soldier, 100. Joe Gufi'ey is in ravor of WHATEVER ROOSEVELT WANTS; Guffey never served anybody or anything bUI hintscU. Congressman WolCenden has proved Ihal he is againal war. NOVEMBER FIFfH will be a "critiral day in your life, and the lives or your dear ones. IF YOU REALLY WANT PEACE Vote for WILLKIE and McNARY And the STRAIGHT REPUBUCAN TICKET SPOllSOred by WllIkie War Veterans CommIttee Laur~ Fuller, ~97 N. 21st streel, !'hIla- as friends of the Evening Section mem- IlnlStitute in Philadelphia yesterday af­delphia, according to Eleanor Sh!nn ~f bers, are cordially invited to hear Mr. ~afayette av~nue, a m~mber of. this na - Cooper. Anyone having antique jewelry IOnal women s fratern~ty. ThiS event, they prize or are interested in, is asked sch~uled at 8 P. M., l~ plann~ to .place to bring it to this meeting. "Nuts For You" additional good books 10 the librarIes of • chapter houses at colleges and univer- Travel SeeUon Meele sities in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary- The me~bers of the ne~ly fo~ed land and West Vir inia. travel secllon of the Evenmg Sec.tion • Ig , of the Woman's Club were entertalDed On Legitimate Stage Eleanor Wilson of Chester, former player with the Swarthmore Players Club. is now in the "Pygmalion" cast which Ruth Chatterton bronght to the Wilmington Playhouse Saturday. I I , NEWS NOTES on Tuesday evening October 22 at the home of Anna Burkhardt. Eleanor Ra­mage, a teacher in the Swarthmore school, gave a delightful description of her tour thru Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper this past summer. Miss Ramage showed beautiful colored slides and was most gracious in answering questions regarding her trip. BrighllID Young PIl1'I7I Members of the Evening Section of the THE MlDEI,BORO • LDIlCheons _ BIDDen U-Z 5-1 S1lJ14o,so u4 Boll_ I-I Front at Sacbon Media 520 Salted Nats 01 Every KInd NOVELTIES FOR YOUR PARTY Nut Candies - Fud!rea Good QualItJ'. 8c:oD.nmleanF ....... Comer Market and Edp.ont (last Beyoa4 p, B. L StaUGiJBrMae) #&F1rkf1ht Reca.edt Priced ONE-HALF '0 ONB·THIRD Le .. ~rs. ~iIIiam A. Heusner o.f Oberlin, Woman"s Club are having a Brigham OhiO, arCl."~d Saturday eve.mng for a Young box-supper party on Friday week s VISit to her son-tn-law ~nd evening. November I, 1940 at 6:30 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. P. M. in the clubhou~e. This unique Crossen of Harvard avenue. party has been planned to entertain Dr. and Mrs. Charles Beury of husbands brothers and "boyfriends" of 823 EDGMONT AVE.. CHESTER PHONE C::tI-72U 'remple University were the dinner members: Each member is asked to I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROBERT L. PAINTER guests of Mr. and Mrs. William H. pack an individual box supper for her-II Lee of Harvard aven'ue last Saturday .. self and each guest sh(. brings. Bever- Miss Shirley 'Yard, daughter of Mr. I ages will be furnished at the club. and Mrs. WiHiam H. Ward of Strath Following the supper a social evening Haven avenue, returned last week-end has been arranged consisting of games for a brief visit with her parents while dancing. There will be no admission on a trip to New York City with some nor reservations made, just classmates from Colby Junior College, and bring your suppers and join New London, N. H. the fun. The event is strictly informal. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Carter of To Entertain New Mem1Jen Park avenue will attend the 112 anni- Mrs. Harold G. Griffin will entertain versary of the Methodist Church in the second group of new members of Mauch Chunk where Dr. Carter Woman's Club at luncheon at her the minister from 1925 to 1928. next Tuesday before the after- Doris Black of South Chester Art program .. I . . celebrated her eleventh birthday by Mrs. Henry H. Bit er, Mr~. Wdliam l.I lg as her guests at a mOV.I e and MrMs. dLfl oydd HMa rrIsEond. MrJs . party on Wednesday Alice M e A~r ' AI rsS' 'thga~ . Jennifer Colquhoun, Peggy Minich. Car- S tt U' . Ersl: Sant I' Mm~ 'G rs. olyn Morse. Nancy Rm. ch.f fe, Katri. na cod ' miSS • lza ee e , ISS er- B agard us, an d 'I . . BI k tru e Walton, Mrs. Charles Israel, Mrs. J.\ arJone ac. C M D Id S M W H . . ac ona wan. rs. • enry Mrs. Martha R. Blessmg Linton, Mrs. Haro1d Ogram and Mrs. Monday to her home on Elm Benjamin Collins. after a month in Lexington, Ky. 1; _______________ _ Nancy Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton C. Hutchinson of South Chester road, a senior at Bates. College, Lewiston, Me., was one of the 12 new members added to the Swimming Club after two weeks of tryouts held recently. Winners to Appear Next Week • Winners in Swarthmore's 1940 Hallowe~en parade will· be pub­lished in the November 8 issue of The Swarthmorean. A group of friends surprised Miss Mary Davis of Collingswood, N. J., a former resident of Swarthmore, with Ir..-----------_____ JI a birthday party at her home Saturday I :~:~~:r they had visited :Mrs. Alden's evening. II Mrs. Henry Snow for a week. Mr. and ~Irs. Robert Kent of West- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of dale avenue moved October 25 to Wash- avenue will entertain at ington, D. C., where Mr. Kent was called dinner next Wednesday evening, No­to be an advisory engineer to the Ordi- vember 6, in honor of Miss Charlotte nance Department Fullerton of Harvard avenue and her fiance, Dr. John Schoff of Media. Mr. Lyle A. Whitsit has just returned Guests will include Afr. and Mrs. Gra-to his home on Elm avenue after a ham \Ventz. Miss Gordon Schoff, Mr. eral months stay in South America. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Mrs. John Guy of Yale avenue left Harrar, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wednesday of last week to spend the Butler, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Faulconer, winter in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. William GWynn, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden of Chaffee, Mr. Ralph Sloan, Mr. North Chester road returned home Mrs. John Broomall, 4th, Mr. and Sunday evening from Cincinnati, Ohio Marvel Wilson. Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member FedenI ..... huea c: p ..... 1oa The best people drink it beclause it's good coffee And yon get more for yoor money MARTEL COFFEE Ask for Mcrrtel coffee-It's the first step toward makiog good cofiee at home. lb. lib •• "Ie Fresh from the roaster and freshly ground - Martel coffee Is topsl Why nol enjoy this good coffee when it cosls so Bttle? Packed In an inex­pensive bag-l!'s a fresher, better coHee for I~ money, Dutch Mill Mocha and Java Blend ............ Ib. tin 35e • Home Made Qnality From Oor Bakery I ORIENTAL SPICED LAYER CAKE Many 'Women have said Good­bye to Lady Luck and are buy. ing their cakes at Martel's. 3ft LB Something extra good for Sunday dinner dessert. A qorgeous rich flavored cake hinting of OrIental splendor - Two big tender layem with a tangy, spIcy deliciousness. • MARTEL'S BETTER FOOD FOR THE TMILE SUPER SERVICE MARKET FREE DEUVERY SWARTHMORE 2100 NOVEMBER 1, 1940 Mrs. Raymond Denworth of Elm ave- I PRED nue entertained at luncheon Tuesday at I ICI'S BIG MAJORITY her home. Guests were 19 mothers of members of Girl Scout Troop No. 16 and the troop leaders. Troop committees were formed. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT " FOR RENT Single room and double roo~~· SunDY and warm. Vel'¥ convenient location. Te'epbone Swarthmore 1661 t!veniIl&'B. FOR KBNT Nicely furniehed room, next balb. Centrally located, 104 Park avenue. T~lephono Swartbmore 1727 before 7 P. M. FOR RENT Two eunuy front rooms. lingle for busine88 people. 8e<'ond Boor. Send: private bath. Telepbone Swarthmore 732.J. FOR RENT Room wUh private bath and private Rereren(e~ required. 140 male one Jomes B. MiHcr~ County Chairman, who 1081 ,,'-cck predictcd n 50,000 Re. publican mujorily lor Ihis coUnly in Ihe eoming eleelion. THE BTHMORBAN i Sheriff Pou. Slale James E. 'Smith, II of Park avenne/ ZONINO NOTICB is a member of the freshman cross coun- The Board of AdJuatmeD~ wUl hold • pubUo Del.w a re Co untyS'S her'lf f W i Bl' am t ry t cam a t un·lo n Co I I ege. Schenectady, ,hule1alr'bl nHe' aIiln aCto 8un:0c0il PC.h 1am(. boenr . FSriwda8r7t.h mNoornem Jbloerr. W. MCKim has-just completed a poll of N. Y. '22. 1940 to Pa&!I UpOn an IIPpeal of WUllam 67 C. oun ty 5h e'rll fs t h rough out t h e bBaalrrl. dKev"e'lleorp.e r,O Wofb Uth, e alnodt aUTbuOatDedlb I nB t.h eW BbJu&aolo. I state which indicates that Willkie will SIIBRIFF SALES uf RBAL ESTATB nea!:! Dl8Irl('t of the Boroul"h of SWarihmore. on '.' I carry the state by 172,500 next Tuesday. tbe Northe4llterly eldo of Park avenue 170.4- ftel --:::::;;:-;---:--:--:-~.:.:..~.::.:.;.:::~:.:::::-:: IShl'rll1"a Omce. Court HOUle. :Media. }JeMa. Soulh of tbe Suuth aide of Dartmouth AYeDue. c..e nt Iy bl'en pledged to Alpha Delta Phi Saturda,y. November 2:J. UHO ePxatrekn dainvgen Uthte. nce hi a SoutberJr direction alona- 226 leel. A valianee from the at the University of Rochester. 0:30 A. M. Easterll Standard Time ~~I;:'~'::C the Zonln&' OnllnanC8 is req,ueeted &I Richard is a freshman at the univer- CobdiUona: '260.00 caah or ceriUled chock That a grOUP of apartment buUdlnp be sity and holds a Rochester-Laurenceville a& Ume of 88le lunley otherwi-a Ilated in. pla~ on (bill Jot at the dlatanca 01 20 feet Prize scholarship. oadovlled~ltliJoJneeD 1eonnt) dQba la0n1c es alien. hm day •. Other'lillliJnIe'lse adu l oPr a2rk6 alenedt . Lfarloqme Uthee Al"veeSnPueCe.t.i ve ILreet An,yolle interested hiD)' appear and be 1\1 iss Barbara Jane Allison, daughter Fieri Faclae No. 199 heard at the aforesaid hearl~. of .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Allison of March Term. 1039 ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, Rutgers avenue, a member of the Fresh-. 1l.1.2t 8ecret1U7. man cI a ss 0 f Gr een bn·a r Co liege. LeWI•S - andA llc onth&aati nlcnegr taIomta tkrnaocwt no ra nlda ndd eBcoIm~peridal n.,.. burg, West Va .• attended the Home Corn- No. 40 to No. 52, ineiusive. aD plan of Jand: ADVERTISEMENT ing Dance last Saturday night given by r!r At·h~·R-=inOllndofBBn::.e:~ inlnthe ~~ce Th~ School District of Swarthmore will re­the cadets of the Greenbriar Military a!'"'7o' co,." PSal,'u' a'lne Doed',h BoNok wX "No. 7. pa: f::~e A~~~uea~~::i~ch~~1 ,!U:lrpict mom:o' .5o?!. S " I L . b ' e . a e. ear of 3nt N be 11 . . .. .........,. C 100, eWls urg. Ave. aDd NUmon" ATe. in lhe ~p o'f BId! ! o'·em r • 1940. and OpeD the bide at • • Del. Co .• Pa., and containing 168,2' ft .!rJ ,meet lng 01 'be School Board at the SehooJ Betty Jean Pilman of Vassar avenue 3rd Ave .. and being in lIepth alonl" ;;:: Mi!. District umco .on November 11. 1840. a& 8 has just been elected captain of her monl Ave. 200.8 ft. mP •• m, ',' for mU8lca1"inlltrumentl. equipment. aDd class hockey te.a m at Mary Washing- No Improvemellt&-v8('allt ground. cureIdI ebneatJwl(ee enM Upp ea. SJJedftca&lODIi can be .. 9 a. m. and 4- p, m. daIlT u. t)11 College, Freder~cksburg, Va. The SClld &II the IIroDCrty oC Frank . :.t~oTal,~!~%, ::ri':!~Tb:U~=~: ~ kam plays Sweet Briar at Sweet Briar, MBrte CUJberti. Cdlberti and I right to reject allY or aU blda In whole or Va. this week-end In part and '? award contract. on ab7 item . GUY G. lIeFURIA. Attorney. or Jt!!tne making up all1' bid. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Williams of Moy- HILDA LANG DENWORTH, Ian entertained Friday night with a birth- WILLIAM W. McKIM. SberilI. 10.26.3, 8eerelar7. (iar dhmer to surprise their daughter, 1_1-;.;::1';::3:;' ~~;:-;-;-:C:-:::7:=""'c:::'C"',.-==­MISS llyra Williams. in celebration of WANTED-We 'WiD bllT :Four hotl8ecleBJling G,·rl Scout News Ihed lat'tIe r's aCnonoi veI rsarEy.d Guests were Mr. caatOD'II. James. 141 West Third street, Cbe.. an J.l rs. r es ward Black of WANTED IeI'. Telephone Cheater 2-2673. Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' W. \VANTBD-Two and three wheeler bic;yclea Mariners Try Nautical Knola Kane of Upper Darby and Mr. Will mer Cor two· and slx·,year-old boys~ Box R. The Booth of Philadelphia. SWllrlbmorean. _ "Knots the Sailors Usc," taught by PERSONAL a salt water sailor, A. N. Hauger of A reunion of Oberlin College alumni PE~S.ONAL - ~iiSlered Spencer corsetier. j Swarthmore, will be the subject of the was held at the Strath Haven Inn Sat- E 81e H. McWilliam •. telephone Swarthmore S· G' IS' urday • cn' Th abe I' f ball 83·W {(or appointment. ncxt enlor Ir cout Marmer pro- \' mg. e rill oot team FOUND ! gram on Wednesday evening, No've,,,!>.eri spent Friday night at the Inn prior to its FOUND Small string- of chUd's peart. wUb ,6t!1 .. Physicians health and parent per- ~::~. with Swarthmore College on Sat­I Elerling' Iliver clasp. On Park avenue. 'I'cle· 1I~ls~lon bla':lks are due ~t .this time. .)bone Swarthmore 13D4.J'. National Girl Scout ruling requires Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell and two - :these from each new Mariner. children of Pittsburgh visited Mr. Camp- -~<.~ . rms., Fe° emt-RedaSctAhLe Ed, frame,8late It Lka st S"Iu ndda y af.t er"noto n ItheE M'ar iners bSe ll'sh moPth'e r, Mrs. Edgar Campbell , of roof, electric raDge. electrlo hot water 00 a an crUIse 0 t Ie • ssmg~on out rmceton and Lafayette ave-heater. 011 burner. Good repair. Lew taxes.; Yacht Yard, where George Smtth, nues. WM S BITTI E owner of the Yacht Yard, took the Mr. and Mrs. George W. Spangler of 8~tbinore 111-.J" g~OUP . of about a ·dozen girls on an Washington, D. C., visited Mr. Spang- Nota:ry Publlc-Insurance-Real Estate C{i.ucatlOnal tour of the Yard. Here (er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Spang­they learned types of sailboat rigging ler of Lafayette avenue. over the week­and the nomenclature of parts of boats end before last. at first hand. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPB B. QUINBY Impressed by the beauty of large Mr. Harry H. McWilliams arrived FUNERAL DIRECTORS yachts, one in readiness for a Florida Tuesday from Skytop where he is em- JiELL PHONE' MEDIA,. PA. cruise, by the fun people were pJoyed, and visited his mother. Mrs. -----------------. in, puttering around their boats John H. McWilliams of South Chester A W M II · up for the winter, the girls' enthusiasm road and Park avenue, until yesterday. • ayne oste er !reached its climax when they were Mrs. Eve Y. Pennell, case worker with . taken aboard Afr. Smith's own boat. the Family Service of Western DeJaware Electrical Contractor I The sailing dinghy .of Duncan Foster, County (formerly the Family Society of Inow under construetJon on the college Swarthmore) has returned to her home Telephone Swarthmore 2295 ,campus was the next ··port of caU" on in Philadelphia after a short stay in the Sunday land cruise. :Afr. Foster ex- Maine. Mrs. Pennell is on a temporary HAMILTON and ELGIN WATCHES plained to the 1Iariners the parts of a Jeav~ of absence from her duties. recup­EDWIN B. KEI,J.EY Jr: !hoat ~nd the ~echni.ques-of constr~c- eratmg from a recent illness. ., tlOn. fhe Manhcrs were accompamed \VilJiam Black of Park avenue has Your Jeweler iby Mrs. Harold C. Stott and Mrs. ip',e<l~~ed Alpha Chi Rho at Trinity Col- 25 E8llt 7th SL Chestel" Theodore W. Crossen. Hartford, Conn. (OPPOSite New State Theatre) I Troop No. 16 Notice Mrs. Francis H. Gibson of The 'PhoDe Chester 3764 Since the Girl Scout House on Cres- NEWBOLD R VARIAN (son. Ia ne wil I be used .by visiting troops 1~~~I~~~i~~:'~a~clceoamvepsa ntioedd abyy tMo rds.r iRvea lptho P; I· f ! tOlllght and tomorrow Troop # 16 will who is returning to her CEO. GiWSllE & CO. imeet at the home of Mrs. George Zim- there after a week's visit to Mrs. BUILDER Imer, 135 Ogden avenue, tomorrow. Gibson. The latter will remain a week· AIt Ii• R· Members should come equipped with· p'tt b h erapo?&:- epBlre 'dues, notebooks and material for ar- 111 I S urg . BIOting dtitect's badge. 310 Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1!29. --............0. --_ S UPPOSE- some time - the a~bu­lance siren would mean that someone had been injured on your prop­erty- Could you face a heavy liability suit? tETNA-IZE A Pnblic I.i·hilitr policy wrinen by The A:toa Cuualty '" Surety Com~ pany of Hartford, CoDD., ilt the property-owner'. finest protection agairut fil18ncialloS!l in cue 8ODICODe is injured 011 his premises. 'PErER E. TOLD Insurance 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 I FRANKLIN had the RIGHT IDEA When Benjamin FranJdin became Postmaster G-.J, he made a 8tudy ofh~ng to prevent delays ia delivering the uWI. Today, Bell mgin • are just as: carefal in checking f!iVery tiny detan of telephc..uo operatioa. Result: .America 0Dj..,. the world'. lin"" telephone service. You can 'Ole it with confidence ••• with pleasure ••• with profit! THE IElL TElEPHONE COli'...,. OF PEJlNSYLYAIIIA YE Broadcasts for F, D. R. Village Window Cleaner Dr. William T. Ellis of Walnut lane A. HAUGER Ii speaking as a war correspondent, a f?reign traveler and as author of ar- __- :::-:::-"'S=..: :a :::r..:lhm=:::0".: ..:.:... ...:l:::9=:-____ iltcles upon religion, is being heard over COAL· and COKE Ithe air this week from a number of "'WHAT T\-\~ \\ECK. YOU'Vf ON\..": l 1r.-1 "f\". t ) '.T H. IS . FUEL OIL I \.2 YEAR f" radio stations, in support of President Roosevelt. His address was electrically transcribed, and dhitriiJuted by the VAN AliEN BROS. Democratic State Committee. • I • :'Phone Sw. 10412 PIANO TuNING- NEWS NOTES _Miss Peggy James of Yale avenue AND REBUILDING entertained at dinner on Thursday 32 Years Practical Experience '""","n" of last "reek in honor of two College friends, Miss Adine A. L. PARKER of Savannah, Ga., who has been 'Phone Media 459-M I~:~~t:~:~ l-fiss Hannah Smith of Wal- ----------------------- II Hills, and Mrs. Godfrey Tay- ROGER RUSSELL Jor of \Vilmillgtoll, Del. Maker oj Fine Photographs 416 HAVERFORD PLACE CAll. SWARTHMORE 207S.R VICTOR RECORDS Now Redaeed 1.3 to 50% People's Tire Store 211 West State street, Media Open Every Evening PiclDl'e Framin8' - Stationery Books - Kodak Supplies Greeting Cards - Hobb,. Crafl SIMMONDS 714 Welsh Street . Chester 'Phone Cbestu 2-5161 WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL On. Richard Haig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haig of Riverview road has re- GEORGE'S BAKRRY Stands for Quality DELICIOUS CAKES. PIES..l BUNS BREADS and DELICAuIES Speclal Dlseount to ChDl'Ches and Clubs £%pens on Wedd1n& and :hrty Cakes 702 EDGMONT AVE.. CllBS'l'BR (Y. M. C. A. BI ..... Cater-cornered! from Spearets) 'Phone Chester 2-9165 Kindling "\'17 •• ~d Charcoal Briquets YO\! get what yO\! pay for when yon bny oor IDENTIFIED COAL ~ S. -............ Well, Mister' Just. YOU Try Cleaning with a Worn-Out Vacuum Exaggerated? Our records show that there are plenty of homemakers struggling along with wom-out, outmoded Vacuum Cleaners. Even more pathetic is our picture of women who still wield the mighty broom. We feel downright sorry for aU of them and hereby rna ke our plea 10 the Misters in these homes. Have a heart I Get YOUR Missus one of the latest electric Vaarum Cleaners. They're carefully bUilt 10 make cleaning easier and more thoro.JgtL They're light to ha~dl .... And prices eire right! 'PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY .el". el.cttlcllll, _tl §Il ....

---------- Page 5 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE " 270-GARMENTS A Jthl' dl'mands mad~ upon it for war re· 1 hl'f \\ a~ I..lIIphaSlzed over and o\'cr l\IONTH SEWN 1·lg.1I11 .It the lIIeeting, THE SWARTHMOREAN-N I ,:\1 p; John J{ Bates, transportation l'hail liMit, Issucd an earn cst appeal for nurClll~h ICf'd Cru~~ n(-I,orl~ IlIIure \Ollllltl'crs in order to facilitatc J,:~·14 Arlidt-s of Clolbing \tltt· 1ll001ng: of production supplies both E (:otl1ltl.-.. -.. Sin(· ... JUlie I hdorc ami aftcr they are completcd. W Tilt· lilt dllll-{ was hdd at the Ogden Thl' l·XI.·lutl\c,' IHI.lnl Ilf the local! .I\l'ntll' l.wlI1c of ~Irs. Sewcll Hodge. hranlit of till \lIl ... IIl.LIl l~c(1 Cros~ I()ctll dtalrmal1 s . ---...... ~, .... ---- Ill,lrd .:\Ir .... I', ~I B.I"'lll g1\e a pro-ducllon tot.11 of 13-l.t cOlllpleted I-{<lr- On Board of Go\'crnors Illt TIts illl tht· Pl nod from Junt 1 to I ' ()llohll 25. I ..... t FI1tI.I~ 1tWI1HIIg. Dr. George P. \Varrell has been ~(\\ld g.lrII'Cllt" IIIchuhd 111 thiS re- l'Itcteu to the Board o[ Governors of 1"111 \\U't' 100 11l1II}lt.:rs. I·HJ dressl's, 11 thc Pla)ers Club t? fill the uncxpired 11\t.:I.III .... 2-11) 1111.llIt \\Itllll'tl .... 3X nigl1t- tl'rlU of the late .CI~arlcs D. MItchell. ~1I\\m. 3-1 hll) ,,' "hll ts, )(,-1 cli.lPU", 20 ~. C k 8'd CI b R lIB of THE WOMAN'S CLUB 11111111 ".Il'lm .... :; 1I,1i" 1.1.1111,;<.1 .... 99 hoys., ...... runl rec r. ge U C8U Evening Section Entel'tains hlpn .. l· ..... ,llId ~ k "llIoel,s KniU ... d 'I [. k[ C G [[ d '[ Thl FVl'ning Section of the Swarth- I I ~\ rs. • ran In..:l. I CSplC an 1\ rs.· . I h .lltalt ... (utltllllllll tit..' jot.l \\(rc IJI \\' K k [lIIorc\\'oman'sClubwlllwecomctc ~lllllPtc I ' ) 13 J II 11' • illS l'rn won tOj) IOllors, I [I " .... (I \\1111]111 ... S\\latel .. , _I. '" d S [ '[ I • return of 1Jr. Fred J. Cooper, a we- I II 11' ;,\orth.lII out 1. lit l\ on( ay evelllllg s. [ t It I rt II ....... \\t lit r. .J 1I1t'I1 s S\\l·.tters, I ICC ",. CI 1'lkllo\\1l Jc\\c1cr and sllvcrsnllt 1, at a 11 - f' k' I 'II 'P .1\' 01 t Ie rum reck .urlugc UU • • I. I , J1 111'" I,I IIIUIk .. "'Ol • ". I ; C 11 (rCIl dS at t'Ii e ;:.i tr.11I1 J[ a\l'1l I '[ 'V [I lIIt'dlll~ UII 'Iuesday c\'cmllg l\ovemuer 1111. l\ rs. " a ace I '"III 1>< ..... In.) .It} ... l!ll mg ..... ,-1 loPtt'l' S, .lIl I '['C I ['[ II" d .[[ 15 at 8 P. }'1. Mr. Cooper's talk on an- (' I t ~. ..1\ C un \. all( ., rs. . Dar we I JI d" I ., '[ ITI! III I l,lpS ,'. I IJ,l'I Ieo II I \\ t.:rc• seCOIl d .In([ \j. 'J.' I{ OIu.·m - 1t lque Jt:\\l'ry \\111 be" I U!lotrate u'yI s ed· It 101111.' "t'n I( c (ep,u (ment rc- I I' I \V'[ I' JEd u.:tl'd IHl'CeS from Ius colll'ctlon, IllC U _ I I I II d SI))I .111< 'rc( I SOli t Ilr{ 'ast an I. I 1'0111 I t 1.1 t '1 X l)lllP l' \\ I rt I.uro c to \' 'L ,IJ Illig If lH.lsSlhle a bracelet ollce be ong- t.1I, ( I IJ . \ [ J I \ ('st \]t.:tor:-. Wl're ~Irs ..\ uu ow, '. A[[ h I It ~ 'Hlt' ~l n'lce II t.:o\lrse \\ lie I 'I I '[ DIG d mg to tilc Jo..mpress EugeDle. t o~e II I I '[ I I I l .I\{ III ,llId .1\ rs aUll' 00 Will, ... \\1 l( gl\tll .It tIe .\ Ul.l IC~Hqllar-1 \[ J' d \ I d I' [ \\110 heard Mr. Cooper J.lst year when I I, I ,. hr:-.t . rs 'f4.' \ I SOli an a mer .. [' I h \ ... ot til \t.:1 I... ro ... s on SIX ConSCl.:ll- 'k 'I I 'I S [[ he sJlOkc 011 the history 01 ster IIlg SI- 'I I I ~ \lg: nile, sccond and .. \ rs ewe t/\ l .1 0111 ,1\ 1Il0rlllngs ll'l.!lI1l11l1g Oil I I [ d Hr appreciate the opportulUty of hav- ~I I ' I 8 JO \ 'I I t.J( gl ,lIId 13.1) ard H. Morrison. t nr. • . • (llIl .I~ .. 'Il\{ IIIll'r at 9 i •• \) IIIg such a well-known authonty return ()thcr ... \\h(1 Irt 1Il1(·rc .. tl·d III Ih]" course I • to spl'ak 011 3nttqUe jewelry. MI'. Cooper III.t\ ~tJlI !.:lIroll Phi IUn Book .Fair IS a Jc\\clcr by hirth, ha\'lJIg come from Th' ftlct tilal tiH. "~l'd CIO"" 1Ill'.IIlS to 1 , . a lon~ lille of jewelers in England. l'Ollt1l111C Its lull jJr~I":I.lln of tdid and I Jhc a1l11l~al Pill .Mu Hook I'alr will ~ ~h'lIlbers of the JUllIor and Senior hpillc ... t.:nicl· III II\]~ (olllltry 1II spite of : held 0114 .No\el~:ber 6 at the home 0 SCCtIUII~ of the \Vomall's Club) as well :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I dLLa'tllllll.l1l. t, hialt.l:tc.:Ur,l d~m97g N10, 2Job.Ilt', Us1toftr: t.:St •hU.P lIlIl llao-f .lIHS :rfsr,i eanrdcs coofr dthiael lEy \clInlvltiltged S teoc tihoena rm eMmr­. I I al.l~t'ttc .l\~l1ue, a lII~mh4.'r, ?f. tIns nat- Coopcr. AIIYOIlC ha\'mg .mhque jewelry 11"Il.l1 \\I,mens !raterJI!l) 1 Ills cvent'l they prize or arc interested ill) IS asked DO YOU WANT WAn? THEN GET SET FOR NOVEMBER 5th! · .'nul" fir ... f·hulu'c 10 do .lInlhing :altUII' ii-nil" ahe Inst! '\ ()( 1 (',III ~I ~lullrl hehu'cll "\ our lun .. :111,1 111(' hurrur~ of Ihe Blitz. krit·g-hut til(' Prl".;iticllt of the lTnill'1I S •• Ih·!'; c'un! ])0 Hm ,Iuuhl Ih:u 'I(' arc in "lIn~('r' of ".11", riAhl 111m'! Do )on 'wlit'\" .hi" '\t,lo.; ,',·(·( ..... :Ir\? ",,'ho hu!o .,jrl·.'lt-.. Ih.· politO, • of this ,'oUlllr) for (·illht ,,('urs'! '\ 0111" "UII~ ,ar.' rt" .. It·l"l'd fur Ih •• ,'r.1Cl. Du 'Oil .hillk TilEY "ill .. 1.11"1 :l!-i (·l.IllIuill!'<i'f \\ ('mlt·1I \\ iIIki(' kmm;.; nhal i ... 11(· ('lIli .. I(·" :IS a vollll1l("('r in 1917. Ih., d.n nftt'r "ar \\as .1.,(,l.u".-d:; Ill' .... 1"\1.,. in Frllll("c; ht. ha ...... ·r\l·1I h i!>i u'lt'rull comrades .. im't', II., kllun:-; "hal ~nr do("s 10 lun ... Well(lell WilIkie Won't (;et You Into War! \\ f', 1114' Pt UJlII'~ flulI'l IWI 1I111('h ".n .dulill Pt'';I('f' or \\'.11'. BUI \\c Ilw Pt "pll' Junl' lh., LAST SAY .I'IUIII "it" i~ ~ning In run this 10111111')- fur tIll' 1I1·:\.1 fuur y.·llr~. And Novcmhcr Is the Day We Say It!! 5th ItUUM·\(·1t (·",im ... it'~ lun 1.lle h. (·h.lUgt· hur ... · ... IIU'1. Hu )-IIU he. Ii.,,,· that:' \\'1: AUh:\"r I~ ANY W\II 'ET! U()n~.·\(·h S,\ '\ S Iw "on ~I gcl U!'O in II '\.;11'. '111..1':-, " tlml olht:'r f •• !HUll" Ht'lUlU·r.ll, "otlflrov. Wi!­" UII, :os \11); nl' rf'-t,ll'c'k,' hint llnd ill ~IX mUlllh;; \\ E "EHE IN. J.n Cuuk(·, UqHlhlh·.1II S.-no­lur;. 11 (·.lIUIi,i:ah', i ... ng.lln ... "or; h.· h.I"I .. t·rH·d a!'l .1 "oMi.·r, tnn. Joe '.nfTt" i .. in f.l\ur of \\ II \TEVER IIOO~E\ EtT \\ AlV[S; G"ffey IIt'\('r .. cr\I'II .In\ (uul)- ur .In)tilil1g 11111 hilll ... ·lf. CUII::rl''';;nMn "oUt'mlt'lI has'll Ih.11 h(' i .... 1".I1I1!'!1 "ar. :\0\ E\IIIFIl I'[V[ II "ill he a (Iilil.d ILl) in )(lur Hf.·, :.IlId the 11\1'" of )uur .) nIU'S. IF YOU REALLY WANT PEACE Vote for WILLI\.lE lmll McNARY And the STHAIGHT REPUBLICAN TJ(~KET Spon~on'd hy WillklP \\ ar \'. {('ram; Committee I ... , hululul .It HI. :\1., tS 1'1'1I11l~d to . place to lmug il to thIS lIlcetlllg. .HhhtIlJl1.11 good books III the hbrancs of TIS . 1\1 I h.lJlIt I hou~es at college.... .mu l1I1lver- rUle cellOn eels sltil.·s III PeIlIlS)!\all1t1, lJl'I.I\\.lre, )'Iaf)- Thc Ulcmbers of the newly formed 1.1I1d .11ld \Vest Vlrguua. tr.lvel section of the £\cning SectIOn of the \Voman's Cluh \\ere entertained OJ) Tucsday cHllln£, Octuber 22 at tIle homc uf Anll3. Burkhardt Eleanor Ra­IIltlg- e. .1 te.leher III the Swarthmore s.huul. g.lve a delightful description of hn tour thru Banff, Lake LuUlsc and ).Ispcr this PHst summer. ':\Iiss l{amage sho\\cd beautliul colored shdes and was 1110 .. t gracious 111 answering questions rl'g.lrdlll!{ her trip. ••• On Lcgitimate Stage 1·.1t .111t1r \VtlSllll of Cht·ster, former p!.I~ t r \\ ith thl.: S\\arthmorc PI.lyers Cluh, I~ 110\\ HI thc "Pygmalion" cast \\ hidl Ruth CIt.lllerton hrought to thc \\ 1111llllghm PI,I) houst.' S,tturday, ••• NEWS NOTES Brigham Young Party! :\ll'llllwrs of the EVf'UIBg Section ofthe ,:\1 r .... \\'illl,lI11 A lICtlSJ]('T of Obt'riin, \\'0111,111\ Club .Ire h.lving a Brigham Ohlu :u'rl\ld oS.lhtnl.l) I.\,t..'uing for a Young hox-;;upper party all Friday 1\\(1,;'" \1"lt to hl'r sOIl-ln-law ;lnd ("\Clllng, .:\o\'emhcr 1. 19--10 at 6:30 d:lughhl. \Ir .11)(1 ~Ir ... Theodore W. p. ~1. III the clubhouse. 'fIll::; umquc Il flh"'(11 of\.lrd a\·llll1(·. IJilrt\ heen plannl'd to l..'lltcrtalil I )1 and \1 r... Ch.lrll·... Bl'ury of JIUSI;.lIHIs. hrothl..'fs and "hoyfriellds" of I J't lllJllt' l'lll\!.;fsit) \\l're the dinner InH'lIIlltr .. E.Ilh lIlcmbcr is asked to J·\lt· ... t ... lit ~II' .llld ~Irs, \Villiam II. p.lck .111 IIldl\ulll,11 bliX supper for her. J (( III 11.1I\,lfll .IH!lUe la .. t SLltunJay. ~llf .1II<! t.:.leh gtle~t she hrlllgs. Bever- \11 ..... SllIrll') \\';tnl, clallght<.·r of .Mr. ~Igt .. WIll he furlllshcd at the club. I·ltltl )'Ir:-. \V.lli.lIll II. \\'.Ird of Shath Folhl\\lIlg the ~UppCr a sod.II evening Illl\ 1.11 .1\'\'11111.', returned last wcek-cnd has hl't'll arrangcd con~lstlllg of games lUI 01 hrtt'f \'i~lt \\Ith her IMrcllts while I,md d.llltlllg. There \\'Ili be no .uimission IIIU ,I lrlj) 10 X(\\ York City witlt some cll:lrgt', Ill)r rt:servatlons madc. just l 11 ...... lIl.tll·~ 110m Colh) juniur College, I (Ollll ,tnd brrng your suppers and join \l \\ l,o!1doll, N. II. thl..· fUll The l'\'l'ut is strictly informal I)r and ~I rs Claretlce F. Carter of To Entcrtain New Members 1'.lrk .nCllt!l· \\111 .Ittcnd tilt 112 a11l1]- .:\Ir .. JI.lrold G Grrflin WIll entertam \ (r .... lr). 01 till.: .Methudl"t Church III tlu' sccoud group of 1I4.'\\, mcmbers of )'1<lII('h Chunk \\Iwrl': Dr c.lrter was tht· \\ om:m's Cluh at IUllcheon at her tht IIlllllster from 11)2:; to 1928. home next 'fUlS{!.l\ heforc the after- Don::; Hlat.:k of South Chester road IIOOII'S Art program. lllt'hralt'd her c1c\4.'lIth 1m thday by hav- .:\Ir ... IIl.ury II. Bitler, .:\[rs. \Vilham 111~ .I'" hef gut.:sts at .1 1110\ ie and Sl1PI)t.'r Fn (g.lrd, ),1 rs, Lloyd ll:trrison, 11 n p.lIl) on \Vuhll.: .... ul\ .\III.:e Ilorllatlay. \V Ed".lrd 1Icdford. xlrs. Edgar J Jllllllh'r C(lllll1hullll, I'lgg\ \IIIIICh, Car- ,:\1 c.:UU1I1l ~S. ~I rs. Allan \1 Smith. Mrs IIh II .:\Iorsl', X,1I11 \ I<mchtT(·. katrina ScoIl l. :\11 ... s Eliza Steck. ':\[ISS Gcr. trtH l' \V,llton. ~I rs. Ch.lrks israel, :.\lrs Bog.tnlus, ~Ul(1 :\t.uJI.tle Blollk. f' '[ [) I [ S 'f \V II \. .\ .iC 011.1 ( • \\,.\11, .\ rs. .' enry .:\11 s ~Ial Ih.1 l{ Bit s~illg retltllled' 1.1111011, ~I rs llarold Ogr.lI11 and Mrs \10111101)- to hel h 'Ille 011 Elm avcnue nlllJ.UlIIII Cnlhns. .Itier a month III I.t.:X11lgtoll. h.y. , ___________________ , .Nancy J lUll hllhtJlI, d.lIlghh'1 of ~lr. .md .:\Ir ... hlittJll C J!utchmsull uf South I Chestu \lhld .. 1 ~tJllor at Uatcs Col1egc, I.l \\ l"t01l,:\h \\.b OIlC of the 12 flew lIIl'llIhers tllld((1 tu thc S\\lml1lmg Cluh .ther 1\\0 \\(l k .. IIf tryouts held rcccntly. .\ group 01 tntnds surprised 11iss :\f:rn ! ).n h 01 Collingswood, N. j, a !tUntll 11 .. I(lt lit o[ Swarthmon', with n hlrthd.l\ p.lrl, at her home Saturda) (\{ nillg ).Ir .wd ~II" l{oh!rt l .... ent of \Vest­t!. t1~ .t\lllllt l1lU\ul Odohrr 25 to \V.lsh­lIIJ,!: t,m. I) ('. \\hcre :'\Ir. Kent \\<ts called 10 i)l .'11 .1(1\1:-.UI) l'ngitll'cr to thc Orui. Ilall~1 l)lllllllllt'llt. \11 I.\h .\. \\'Illbit has just leturned to Ill .. I I till 011 1.1111 a\l.:llllt .IftCI a sc\­tr. rlllllllllh .. ;-.1.1\ III SOllth .\tlllrica \11 .. 1(,1111 GU) of Yale a\Clluc left 011 \ \ l (fill ~,1.1 \ lit 1.1st wl'ek to spcnd the \\ mIt r III St Petershurg, Fla. "II ,\11(1 ),1 r.. Plulip M A1dcn of I \"rtll (Ill ~t('r road r(,turned homc SltlHI t\ «HilmI-{ from CIIlt:illnati, Ohio 'Vinners to AJ1I)cnr Next Week • \\'11l11l'rS in Swarlhmort'\ ]9-10 Iiallu\\(:"t II fJ,Irade \\ III he pub­li~ ht'(1 1tI tilt' NO\cmhtr H Issue II The Swarthmore<ln \\ ilt n. th( \ had vislit'd :\1 rs Alden's mothl r ~I rs Hellry Snow for a week \1 r alld )'h s Donald \V. Poole of S\\ ,lrthmorc .Ivenue will elllt'rtaill at limlll.:r next \Vcdnesday cVt.:llIng, No­\ lllllll r (I, III honor of M IsS Charlotte !'lIl1t'rtol1 of Harvard a\t'JlU(' and her llolllCt'. Dr John SdlOff of :\[c{lia (~ut.: .... b "III IIIdudc .:\lr .• lIId :\frs. Gra­ham \\'~lItZ, ~hss Gordon Schoff, Ur I.ollls H.lddell, 11r. and Mrs Buchanan II.Irrar, Jr. ~fr. and l\lr.. Campbell Butler, ~lr. and ~Irs. I{. H. Faulcotlt..'r, ~I r .• 111(1 ,:\1 rs. \Vilham GWynn, MISS .:\f:tri.1II Ch.tffl·e. Mr Ralph Sloan, Ur. and ~Irs John Broomall, -Itll, .:\Ir. and ~I rs :\larv("1 \VllS0J1. Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trost Company l\tcmber Federal Deposit InsuraDce Corporation NOVEMBER I, 1940 SCHOOL NEWS NEWS NO'I'FS Seniors HoJd Ga)" HaUowe'en Part)" Saturday night, Octolx:r 26, at 8 :30 P. .M. the Selllur class held its masquerade llarty for parents alld pupils, ill the High SdllJui g) lJI, 'fhe g) II) was gaIly decorated with corn 5talk::;, pUllIpkins and autumn leaves \\lth a scarecruw b'Uarding corn stalks \\ IIlch dl"COI atcd the nuddle of the gym. Mrs Lawrence Davics of Hillbom ave­IIUe left Sunday night for Portland, Ore., for a visit of several weeks in Oregon alld Washington. She accompanied her sister, Mrs. Lloyd R. Haight of Ritzville, Wash.. who had been in Swarthmore sim:e IIl1d-SclJtembcr. Arthur Snyder of Swarthmore avenue returned Saturday from a month's Naval H.escrve cruise on the US Battleship New York to Cuba and Panama. On The d('(:orall vc committl.."c consisted of N oVI.."D1iJer 22 Arthur wlll begin a three- I:ibby G~rrett, chairman juan Thatcher, month training trilJ for Naval Reserve 1 hylhs SUll11son, Martha Raymond,. Ar- ufficns, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. nohl C1mluoinc, Nancy Henry, rheo IJ u[ J 'I' k J A \V [I ~[rs. E, E Pierce, Jr, of York, Pa. 11]1..'. alle..l.\ t.:SSIC) anI.." 1111 I - 11 f 11 A [' E[l' ha Iiams, l'lorellcc Wlutsit, Libby Rutan. IC ()~II~er • argaret me 13 IS) S JJ k II "".1 AI t B bb N hcclI VISltlllg her parents, Dr. and Mrs. ~t ~olw.l. ~ II ~ o~' tI 0 ~ t ~~;1, \Vllhalll T. Ellis, over this wcek. She I"c ra r/a:;n:)d ' ~.,., [ II :[tIO)"ila nl"' uss'[e[. u er, e I..' I - is alcolllpanied by her yl.."ar-and-a~half old sun, \Vinifrl..'d .:\JcIJowell, a Spanish girl, ir~::;:;;;::;=~::=,::=.:,:::,,,,:::,:~~,,=,,,,,,=""'1i and Hoh Hair. the little bear, won the MEN OF THE BOROUGH I)fIZCS lur the best custumes of the SCIl- COl\1E TO THE MEN'S BIBLE lor3. Hanna Kirk and AdeJine Strouse CLASS SWARTHMORE drcssed as little girls with large SUII- PRECSHBUYRTCERHI AN hOllnets, \Von thc prize for the grown· SUNDAY MORNING 9:45 to 10:~ ups. Ilear Ralph A,hloB lVi:ulor/ Chns Sanderson cntcrtaiJ1ed the par­elJts and Sl niurs by callmg squarc dances. After tht.:se c\'cr)one adjourned to the l'afctena \\ here they were served cookics and culer by J oall Thatcher and her re­fI (;511111l'nt COlUnuUcc, ANTONICA & CAMILLA FAIRBANKS Gr_In ./ F...., C""",1lw7 ttl Mill" 234 P ARIt AV1UWI: 4th Graders Star Pupils 'fhe f01lrth grade pupils of the Rut­gers a, cnlle school cnjoyed a trip to the Fcls Planetarium at the Franklin lnstllute III Pll1ladelphia )-estcrday af- 'Phono 77IJ.J Les!jons In 111:1.00. Violin, and harmony :----------------------------------~ • I I. rnoon. ! "Nuts For You" I !• Salted Nuts of Every Kind III I NOVELTIES • THE MIDELBORO ! FOR YOUR PARTY i • Luncheons - Dinners 12-2 5-8 Sunday and HolJdays 1-8 Front at Jackson Media 520 !• NUl Candies - Fudges ! Good Quallty. Economically Pl'lcetl ; COl'ner Market and Edgmonl II II __(_J_u_s_t_ B__e_y_o_n_d_ _P_. _R__. _R_._ _S_t_a_ti_o_n__ R_r_l_d_g_8_)_ ~g IAA.llhelcf: fl~"""'1 ReCltedl Priced ONE-HALF '0 ONE·THIRD Less ROBERT L. PAJNTER 823 EDGMONT AVE •• CHESTER PHONE CH-7254 The hest !.eol,le drink it bccause ii's good coffee And you get more for your mouey MARTEL COFFEE Ask for Mar[el coffee - it's !he first step toward making good coffee crt home_ 23C lb. Ilbs. 43c Fresh from the roaster Wld freshly ground - Martel coHee is topsl Why not enJoy this good. coUee when it costs so little? Packed in an inex­pensive bag - It's a fresher, beUer coHee for less money. Dutch Mill Mocha and Java B1cnd ............ Ib. tin 35c • Home Made Quality From Our Bnkery! ORIENTAL SPICED LAYER CAKE Many Women have said Good­hye to Lady Luck and are buy­ing their cakes at Martel's, 39c LB Something extra good for Sunday dinner dessert. A gorgeous rich flavored cake hinting of Oriental splendor - Two big tender layers WIth a tangy, spicy delIc[ousness. • HORMEL'S NEW MIRACLE MEAT- 7IAi.6d' MARTEL'S BETTER FOOD FOR THE TABLE SUPER SERVICE MARKET FREI<: DELIVERY SW ARTIlMORE 2100 , N_OVEMBER 1, 1940.-:-~ ______ . ___ _ ~Ir:s. Raymond [)"'II\\oTth of 1·.lm a\t.'- 1I1tt,' entertained at IUIIl 11"'011 Ttllsd,l\ .It I hl'r home. Gw.'sts \\('Il' I fJ l1Iotl1tr~ of lIIemhers of Girl ~(OII1 'i'loop 1'\(1 )6 ami the troop Il'.uk rs. '1 rOOI) (:lllIIlIlItlu." .. PREDICT!'i 81(; lHAJOIUTY J.iIIl" .. 1', ~nllth, I ( of !'.uk avenue j 7.0!':1~(. ~01'ICE 's a IIIlTlliJlr 'lillie {1(slllll"l (ross coun- 'lit. B"lId of .AdJ\II'llfllll' "Ill h"ld a IlubHc IJll.I\\,lr, ('011111\"" ~[,"r"lf \\',11,'"" t 'L' • [I . . h,.IIIIl.:: III CuulI.,1 Chuubi.r R\\.lIllulloro Bor- THE~WARTH~M~O~R=E~A~N~ ______________________________________ ~5 !'illl'riff I'olls Stotc \\l It fornu'c1. " .;J ... • ll) l".11II .It tlllll, C·, q.!l'. Schcnct.:t.I(i)., 011_11 Hili .11 N (III I' )1 "" FrJd t). NOleDlbC'r I \\. ~h Kim !t.t-. Just (uJl1pll'tcd a poll of I X. Y. ': I'IHI tu JI.IJ;~ 1111"11 .111 11'11'''' of William thl {Ii ('''11111) silt'riff" throughout the f-;.Irl lil .. lllr U\\lt(r 111,1 'iholll.l,; .B Whlte- ... t,11t \\illit IIIdi(:tllS tlJolt \V,llkie will sll,.:IUf-'f-' S \U: .. "I HEAl. r;STATE Iw"I I..I.. IdIl Id\r\l "I <JI~0 I1 IoIIfI ' IhHEo r1u0n1: :h"' "ottf. llSl'ud IIrIIt hcmlIOo reD. uOsill. CLASSIFIED Coirn till ~t.ltt I,," [iZ,.SUO "<,,., 'J·"esd.,y, Sh, Illf, 0111., t.h! :rr.:orlh, I":' 11.\ "Ill, Ilf Plrl. I\ICIIII": 170 I ft'C' .=-",=~-;:c.c·,.OR RENT 1-- ____ .'__ ___ ('01111 lIou .. {' 'ltlli. l"cllll" !"oulll "I .II! S"llIh "I,ll of lJ.lrlll1","h A\{'lItll' I. III I I S.lIurOlI~ ~IJ\IIIII~I ~". IHjU 'X'I'I'III'~ 111\'1<~ III I SoUllltrJ) dUICCholi .1iulIg I l'l \ I'lill )I 1.'1 gui to J\lpha Velta JJhi I Irll .1\,1111 .~.!,-, I'll A )lnJI/(., Irom tIll' 1'()U hl·;.z..;T SIII~llro""~ii .. I~I_;_;uiJl' ruom !'>UlIII) lilt! \\,itUl \'11.\ ''(111\, 1I1I'llt l(jt~lllu" lilt Illl lfll\lf ... lt~ ()f }{Hc1It:~l .... r. "!II \ :'II t."'IoIIi sl III".II~J 'j'Uuc ;~:"I~:~:I~.r lilt· /:011111;( O"lmllh'C I .. 1!1It1I!!lhti a,; I. I '11l11II!' SI'I Irlitlllo.l' 1:,',1 '\1'11111_", I 1<1Ihllll Is a fl ....... hlll.llloit the univl'r- C(llitillJUII.!; $':,IIOU (I·h .. r HIIIIII"-1 (hcck Thll.I _rollil of 1IIIrllllcIlI lJulhllII'"S be f'(11I, nBNT NI~' h rllllll!oolit'd -roo/ll IIt'XI 1I.11h. CClllr.l!h 111.11,01 1111 ('.111, .;\IIIHt 'I'll pholll ~\\.lrlltrtlOl' I, '; hi filiI' 7 l' .\f ~oil""hJo::rr.:T - T\\il-;~~"I 'OOIll!; !'IIII_I r" hll~"II'"'' III'Opl, s., <11,,1 'lour ~I'''" ... U\ .Illd !tolds J{ I, t, I· .. 'II, at I lint· of ~.II IIlUI, .... olh'IIII"I' 1;1.11\11 III 1,1,. of 1/" It" .. Inl .It the 111"'1.111(.'( 01:':0 lect 1 J' a 11\:1t.:~4.'r- .. lltr4.'l1ll'\1 c ."hl'ltl~llllllt' loti "", III I II til.).!:! Othtr Irt~To'ld of '!-I [I I IrUlIl IIII' It~IH'dl\c strect 1 1'/"llll,l.tfSIUI., 1(.'''lItlIIIOII''; WI til) III ~Il ,III" .. of l'lIl~ .11111 l~l(nl'h' '\\tll\ll5 \ Ih' B.lr1J.Ir.I j.lllc AIlISOII, rI.tllg:hll'r \11\"" 1II111' .. 1t'<1 1111.). IfJllear alltl be l " UII .t.I. I.hl Xu. lUll h'"d It Ihl' Ifo', .. "" h"rllig 1)\ \1, .11111 ~lls jtJst.:llh \\. \lh ... 1l11 ufl )1 I'j I' , I 1-:1 f.101"r HlCHARnsos I\' l!1J.!t I ... a HIIlH:, .1 mUII"1 r "I the Frt..'sh- "It I "III .I.~' III I "I SIt:retary ' "' I f G I . [I J\1I Ihll ('lIlli' Irl" 1/, IlIHI ' .... /111111 .. 111. ,Ill l tlS~ 0 rt.:I.' Co 19l., I.l\\"'- Ilid \'(1111.1111111 .. IIJlo; 1.11"\\11 1111 .j,!l1'lIatct! a~ I'r" .II!' I, II II '1'1 It 1,IullIO !-oh\ II I lim", I ,.S'!.I ,,'Olt ",.:NT HO"111 \IIlh :'11\.111 hllh ./,,,1 Irl\ Ih '1I11llHI H, t"""~ I qllllill IIU (;11 1'1"'''\ rlJul )0 01( h K;>;'r - Jt'urlll .. lu ,I .11'.IrlmCIII: threl' 1.111 g. \\ t!'lt V.I , .lttl'lItied lhl' IlcJlIll' CUIII- 1:-':0 W til z.,;" .,! III( Il!~l\ ( < II 111.111" oC Jalld~ I III" I S I I lur A h j),·.\III1HIIII I~ I ., I,ll I 1/1 Ille OIIH,. IUOllls. klt~II('llc!11 bllh 011 htat lIu! 11.III·r UIIII!If"'~lu'I_" :,11 P.lrk '1\ICIIlI(' ...: .tlll'· ,I .. t •• lllllt " lug It gl\l'n II) fur lht H't'ldlll .. 01 p" ' .. '1' III 11111 COl till t.trllls III tlu; GIt.:t.:lII111.11 \lllit,ln 1,\1 e" 1'1 III" "I HI"I, X Su 7. JlI,:-1' (.illl SA I.E - SI h I I I . ,~;II. II' :::>1111.111 .11 II.. ~ \\ .~r ur .:..Ird 'u, .1.\\1"',urg .. r\\, IInl :'1111111')/11 All III Tilt '1\\" ,.r H~dh.'.). ),o'(,1.It, ,.,S...\I~.""':' ''- 111-..:-11 -II u Ie --1,r;sJ.11--1J{'1l( lIP"'. I 1:111\ 1t.1I1 Pltlll.Ul of \', an'nUl' 0/'0" I If 1.lhl!· lIluhh· 101" \'111011111 lillIe. 1:\" jtl~t h!.:1.1l dlctt.:,1 C.lpt.lin of Itt.:r V,I l'1l 1'1. ,.1/111 ,'0111 1111111_ 11l(o! II UII ""o.l .11.1 A\I 11111 Ixill .. III "'Jllli d"l1.;' ~altJ 4\lJl IIUlIiI \\" !OO ~ rt II'JiIl _,,011 CCHIlt!IIIOII Sill .. I,' .IIld ~1(l1[1111 001 <1.1 ...... Itotkt) Il',lIl) .It :\1,ln \V.I ... lllng- I'II_!; x, It" 111'\\ '!'tlll.hom s\\ IIthmorc 1.J t'll . ' tIll 1...0 «g('. '·rt.'rll'Ttd.;"hurg. \'a Thc )0 ,'u :'> \ I.": - n III\' r:r.llul 1'1 ~I 'llle IIrllPr' 'I J' I :-; Id I" I Ii, prop( rl\ tlf h IlI1. CI II h..: I 1 , 311,1 _"'~IIIIIII' 1111( fllllsh !!!'170 Bux :.:O:! )llClha " 11111),')" :--;\\4.'l( at ~\\tlt Bn.rr, \1.lrlt' ell""III )0'01{ S\I.}o; 1<;\111111::' dt~"oj ~IZl' lH. fIllip JUIIII'S n. :llill"r, COIlIII) (:h:llrlll'II1~I\.1 till .. \\l(;k-Clld So 1I111"11\11I/t'1I1~\ I. III! ~ 1\_.l"!Cth'l,l 1lJ,1l'1 I[nrnu" s \"1\ I ..... Olllhil TdcUlilJlle "hu 1.1 ... 1 \H,,·k (Jr,·dil·lt·d .1 50.000 Itt,. ,'J, ",,1 'I," J V \\ II [ '[ H J • .\ • .\.... I 1,IIUs (' ., 0\- 1'0f{ SAU~ 'r~'~'~"'I~"~"'--~"~'''''I-''~'~h~,,'O''--''c~o~''''{~r pub i"ulI Ilwjuril;t for tllI~ 1'(J1I1I1~ in LlIIllllllt.lillcd Frid.l). lUg-itt WIth a blrtit-f ,I ) (. ,If}ol I{fA \ltt)rll( J \\11.1.1.\\1 .\ 'I I\DI. Shl riff 'fir ~lll(!O1 "1""11< I of S"arlhmure \uJl reo (~II,· IJIII", .11 thl S,llIml 1>1' trllt oflu.'l!. Col. I, • \\"1111 111111.1111,.:- lip 10 ~ II III :'Ilond;lJ. S"I'mh I II InlO IIId ",'rn the tUda .It .1 1111 1111... of thl' ~dlOljl lio art! at the Sdlool 11J1 .. ln.1 ,lh'l 1111 .z..;lulnrlK'r 11. 11110. at B I" III fill IUU~I' \I "'~Irlllll, IItll eqUlIJIIl('IIt and 1 111 11111 "III' I ~1I1,pll! S SPl" 11\. allolls can be ~_ <CUI'II I .. 11111'" !I.I III 11111 1 II, m, daIly ex, "pI ~ 111111'1\ SUlid i\ .Hlt! hohd 1):8 at tile " IWIII I)I~'IHI n'ht~ '1'"" Board rCS('Mcs Ihe 'I_III If, IIJI.I 111\ or .1 11 hu.!a In whole or III /' 1 .11,,1 tn .1\1 1t ... 1 <-':)1111' Irts on an.).' Hem I "I II III" III 11.111":- til' III.). llld I IIJI.DA I .\:-':G OENWORTII. Silollll< I pUP" 0111' lll.tI! .111<1 0111,· CI'nl:\l(' ahc ('luuillA' t'lc.·li4)u. I I J J j It I (I ".J .~I SccretlU')", ('.111 "{,hi JU!JO (1.1\ 111I11t.:1" to snqnl .... e tlt.:11 d.lughter'l ., ~~~~~:;;:~~~","~~c======= I \1 I"", ),1 \ 1.1 \\ IUi'IIIl", III t.:ekbratrull of - ,VANTF;H WI' \"t"llAI NhuTyE yDo ur hOllsecleanlnGg':'' rl Scout Nen"\ .'l\1iS till I I.l\t1h I ...1 11111\ t..'r~.ln. Gut.: .. t.... \\t re :\lr.1 t;1!;lorrS Jam!'''' 111 WIl'l 'I'JlIrd street, Ches, .11]( rs. CIt,lrit's I·.d\\.lrd Ulal:k of Ilr Tel!'!lhll"p t'I('Slcl 2 :':573, l~lItllllgl'. .\lr and ~Irs Charles' \V.I -I I \\,\:-':TJo;J) 'l'I'IO .lIlil lhrte \\11 .. it'r bl\~c'If'S l\larincrt-i Try Nmlli(·"ll Knots h:::lIIl lit L'JlI1t.:r lJoirhy and \lr. \Vlllmer (u, 1\\11' 11111 !\IX )'~'ar old bO~8 nux It, Th(" I' I , S\\ tllhlllllN I1J loot J (I I'lul.ldclpilla. I .. k: 110t.. till S.I rlors l St.·." t.lug-ht by PEnSONAI~ .l "',llt \\.Ih'r .... Idor. \ \: Ildl1gl'r of \ Itllllltlll (If Oherlln (ulll'ge alumnI' I'f-~HSO:-':AI. H(_1"I,r!d S!IPlh1r \'Or"ctrrr ~\\.lItlttllUl"'l. "III bl' thl' 'UhJu:l of the \\ ..... hdd .It the Strath 11.l\t:1I Itln Sat-I J;". II '/'\\'11111111" I 11'llhOllt Sv,;arlhlllllrc . ....: (' I '-.' '[ linin' C\(lIl11 'J'I 01 '1' 'II t I !oil\\" r I I/'POIlllulIlll 1,I,xt .,l·lIh)r .Ir, . ..., ... llut .\ clrllllr pro- t", ~ Ie ,lrllll'Jtllllol latn FOllND gl.!11l till \\'elhlt' ... d.l\ l\{lIlll..'., .:\u\t.:lllhcr ~PCllt l·ru'I]. 1\ IlH!ht at tht· Inn prior to It~ I fOl:-OjJ Sm •• 11 J;lrl1J..:- or (·hiJI!,. tIP.lrls \\llh 6th Ph) ... ht.'.dtll .tilt!!.:lIt 1H.'r- gaUI ll' \\It I S\\.trtlulIl)re College on Sat- ~1I111111.;' Rlhlr (J.I~II 011 Park .~ltll\Tt 'l'tT .. , 1111:-'''HIlI hl.lllks art' duc .It thiS tlllle. tll(.!\ 'hun(' S".lr!lIlUorc J:I!lI·J \, I (., [S I 'I I I FOR SALE .\.1 lOll.! .Ir ,cout IUlllg rUIUlH'S .\ I alii \I,,, Paul Camphlil .tIld tWIl $3500 7 rms. seml-detnched, frome. slate roof. electrIc range, elcctric hot water heater, 011 burner Good repair. Low tnxes the"'l frum l.ldl III \\ ~l.lrl1ll r dull" III of I'llbhurgh \ iSltui ~Ir, CIIIlP- i 1..1 .. 1 SUlld:1\ .lltlll1\ltlll till \l.lrlllcr~ htll'" 1II0ther, \lr .... Edgar Campbell uf'l 10(11-: .1 "i.l1Jd l::rUl"l''' III litt l.~slIIgtt1n Smllh Prtllttlon and Lafayette ~\c­' Mitt ) "rd, \\ hI. fI... (.lorgt.: SUllth, nUt.s I, "\' lit I (,I the Yoicht \ dr.1. took the '[ f r, lip (II oIhollt ,I dozc.:n "Ir!~ 011 au 1\'. \ II .md :\[J1 ' C4.'orgl..' \\' Sp,lIlgler Ofl ( 110 lllllll.d tOll I 01 the Y~ aru Here I a• ~ 11I1gtoll, ) C. Visited ~lr. Spang- WM. S, BlTTr.E Swarthmore III-J Notary Public-lnsurallCL __ Real Estate tht \ It Imt II l) Pl'S of :-.atlboat rtuglIJ.. Il ! s I[lIir elfl b, ~II .md :\Irs. \V. N. Sp.lI1g-oIl1tl thl b b If'' ,a .1)((1t.: .IVCIlUl', o\er the 'Hck- ~IRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON Ilollil nc1.lturc of parts of boats 1;1Id helof{' la"t. .11 hr,t h.t1ul 1mI'll ''''t d I" Illl he'auty of largc ~11. Ilarn' II. ~lc\Vllhams arrivcd JOSEPII E. QUINBY I<'UNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PIIONE 4 ).ICitb, Olll' III n .IIhIIU~ for a Flortda '11I( .. da) IIOIll SI.ytt,p \\Jtere he is em­cnlhl. 11\ till' illtl Jlloplc "cre havlllg III0)t:II. ami \I~ttt.:d 1,,:-. muther • .:\lrs I MEDIA, PA. III ] 111 ttl'rlllg .tIl/lind thl.:lr buats put John II ,:\1\\\ rlh.lm" oi South Chester A. Wayne Mosteller Ill' !t.r thl; \\ lIItcr, the girls' enthusiasm ro.HI .111<1 J'.lrk menuI..', until yesterday. ft.lllll.d Its t'IIIll.IX \\hcll they were :\II~ ('.\C Y. Pl'llndl, cast. \\orkcr with I I.lkt.:n alJO'lrd \Ir. SlIuth'., 0\\11 hO~lt till' Fallnl) Service of \Vestl'lll Deluwarl.1 I 'I'll( ... .rtllllg dlllgll\ 1'1 Duncan Fostcr ('"l]nt~ (IOlllll rl) the Famih SOClctv uf lHI\\ Ulltl{r CI)II ... tnll:tllln ,.11 the collt.:g~ S",lfthmtllt') rcttlllled to her h-olllel l·ittl](lll .... \\,1 .. tht IH. xl "port of call" on III PhII.Hh.:I"hi.1 aller :t short stay in Electrical Contractor Telcphone Swarlbmore 2295 tltl' ~lIl1d,1\ 1.11)(1 crl1l~t' j\lr. Fmter cx- \I,llIll :\11 ... Pt·t1t1tll IS 011 .1 tCIlII)ornrl' HA31lLTON alld ELGIN WATCHES EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Illoll'ltt! tl' tilt ~1.lrtll('r~ the plrb of a 't.I\~ jJi ah ... l.:lHl 11tllll. h('r duties, recllp~ 1111 It 111(1 tilt tellllllfllH'S of con "true- t'I,,{lII!{ liom ,1 rtnllt IlIne"s. tH)JJ 'I lit \J.lrtlltr ... \\trt iu.:(ompamcti \\ 1III,lIlt nl:Hk of Park a\('I]ue It:t ... 11\ \11.. ll.ollid (' Stutt and ~lrs 1 It dgl'd .\lpha ('In Uho at '1 rtllill' Col Your Jeweler 25 East 7tb St. Cbester (OPPOsite New State Theatre) 'Phone CheSler 3764 '1IItlltlllrl \\'. CIOS"'l'1l It",,,. IIartford. Conn Trunp Nu. Jft l':olit.(. ~11I{ t tht (:lrI ~I.:"tlt Ilou~e on Cres- \Ir.... Fralll.:l ... Il. Gibson of The NEW8 LD ... tll1 "llll \\111 hI. 1I ... (d 11\ \!!'Iltlll/.{ trnol" Su' .lrlh11l01t' h,l\t'.; tod;n to drlvc to o R. VARIAN t(l1l1g I1 l .11111 lOIllUrfO\\ J'rotlp .,:.t. J() \\ill IP lttshurgh :tC("OIllIl.ttllt Ii In,' ~r' rs I~all)h Formerly of HIU t ' t tl I \1 (' 'TT, ').1;1( DOll:tld \dJO 1" nturnmg to her GEO. GILLESPIE & CO. .1 ~ .. ll IOllll ot . r" Ittlrg'e Zun-ihollll tlU'rt. afh'r ,I \H('k'~ \i~tt to ~fr:-. nUILDEllI Itllr. I.D ()gdtll ol\tllUl. tomorrow ('1 'J'I I" AI • '.1I lllI Ia r:-. .. II !lult! t OI11l (qnippt Ii With. •1 1 I.. '(1 11 I 1(I' .1 1.'1 \\111 [t'III.11Il tl \\cl·k I lcr':ltions-Rcpairs dIU "'. l10ll hooj,:-. ~lIId 111 tt~ II.d for ;Ir- 111 Itt .. >urg 1 Pain ling t 1"I\·1I ... h<ldgl 310 Yule Ave. S,"u_rtl.u~ o_r_e 1129 ---""~'-o._ _ -_ YI; Q SUPPOSE - s.onle time - the ambu-lance siren would mean that someone had been injured on your prop­erty. Could you face a heavy liability suit? lETNA-IZE A Public Liability policy written by The A tna Casualty & Surely Com­pany of Hartfordt COhtI.) is the property~wner'.!I finest protection ag~inst finandallos!!l in case someone is injured on hiS premL!oc.!i. PETER E. TOLD Insurance 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 1 FRANKLIN had the RIGHT IDEA Whcn J1clljalllin Franklin became j'osthl8ster General, he nlade a study of horscshocing 10 prcl'cnt delays in delivering the maiL Today, Hell engineen arc just 8S careIul in checking every tiny detail of IcJephonc operation. ]learnt: America enjoys the world's finest telepllone service. You can use it with confidence ••• wilh pleasure ••• with profit! THE BELL TElEPHONE COMPANY Of PENNSYlVANIA Village ·Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Dr \\ 11" 1111 'l' I Ill-. 1)1 \\·,t1nut Itlllc jJl.lkJllg- 01 .... ,I \\.11 1"rr{·"(JlIIlfIt.:llt, a IOf\lgU lr.l\t!tr '!l1d ." ,III thor of .lr­III II ... upon leh,!.!IO!1, 1,-, hung heard OVer lilt .tli tlll:-. \\tll, Irtl]ll :t !lumber of loIdlll .. I,lt1011". III '""IIIIUtt lIt I'rc.:sldent 1~II(ht\tlt Ilh Idelft ........ \\,l-; tkdncally tldlhlnbul, .11le! IIT .. lllhutlil hl' the I "WHAT ,.\-\~ HECK, YOU'Ve '-' "~O ,HIS Swnrlhmore 19 COAL lllid COKE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. f)lIllOI.:r.ttIC ~t II, l(llIIllllltlt I • __ ~lon~ Sw. 10412 NEWS I N• OTES ' PIANO TUNING AND REBUILDING 32 Yt-nr~ PruclicnI Expericncc A. L. PARKER ------ \11 .... p(gg) ./11111 .... IJ( Ydt.: avcnue Itllt(lt.JlIllti .tt dlllllli (lJ] Thursda) Il\(lltllg oj I .. t \\(~" III hOllor of t\\O 11"1I111~ l'oll( 1..:1 IlllII(J...., .:\lJss Adine \J't'rs 01 ~ t\ !II1l th, (:a • \\ ho has heen 'Phone Media 459~M \ h Illig- :\11 .... II tllil III SmIth of \V.II- ------~.:....--~.::...-..:.:=--------llrll~li'rd Ildl ..... lll!1 \1, ... (;ttdtn) T.I),- ROGER RUSSELL '111f' "i \\ lillll'!!.!lt 11. l>t I 1~1l h.1l d I J.11~ .... ' III of ~II ,Illtl ~1rs. ~Iaker of Fill(' l'],olograplls I I~I\ 11.11<1 11.t1~ <II h~l\el \ lel\ road Ittl::; re- 416 UAVERFOIlD PLACE , CALL S\V AIITlI~IORE 2075.1{ ~ ........... -... --....-...---.. --.. --.. -.....-.... .......... - VICTOR RECORDS Now Ucduced 1-3 to 50% Pcoplc'. Tit·c StOl'e 211 West State Strcct, l\ledla OP(,D Every E\ enmg "-'."-"..-....-...-. .. -.. .. ---.. -.. .. -.._ . ..- l-;;;;:;;Fr~::'~:;~' S.~-;:::~-;"-Il r Books - Kodak SUPI.Ii('loj j" Grl'cting Cards -lIl1hby Crufl I SIMMONDS I' 714 Welsh Street Chester I' ,~::==::'PhO~~~'::~_ .. _ .. WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL OIL GF.OUGE'S GAKERY St.tnds for Quality DEI,lCIOUS CAI{ES. PIES, nUNS BRt:.\DS and DF.UC.\CIES SpCC1.IIIllscount to Churches and Clubs E)Cperts on Wedding and Party Cakes 702 ImG:'tIONT ,\VE., CIIESTER (Y. ill. C. ,i. nldg, Cat<>r-corncrcd from Speare's) 'Phonc Chester 2~9765 Kindling Wood Charcoal Bl"iqnels You gel ,\h ... 1 ~ou pay for when you huy our IDENTIFIED COAL ONt.:l l"' 2 ~ \ YEAR s.I " ~ Well, Misterl Just YOU Try Cleaning wi,h a Worn-Out Vacuum Exaggerated? Our records show thot there are plenty of homemakers struggling along with worn-out, outmoded Vacuum Cleaners. Even more pathetic is our picture of women who still wield the mighty broom. We feel downright sorry for all of them and hereby make our plea to the Misters in these homes. Have a heart! Get YOUR Missus one of the latest electric Vacuum Cleaners, They're carefully built to make cleaning easier ond more thorough. They're light to handle. And prices are right! PHILADELPHIA LECTRIC COMPANY .l!ivtl £Itll!ttil!tdly and .j7«Vtl

---------- Page 6 ----------

6 FRENCH BAIJ.ET FILMATCOIJ.EGE "Ballerina," Fealure Pielure, to be Aeoompanied by a Wall Die­ney, and Euglish Mone "Ballerina," the French picture star­ring Miss Slavenska of the Ballet Russe, will be the feature of the moving pic­tures at the college this Saturday, Nov­ember 2. With it will be the Walt Dis­ney film, "The Ugly Duckling," and a British documentary film, "Night Mail," with a commentary in verse by the Eng­lish poet, W. H. Audeo. There will be two shows as usual, the first at 7 o'clock and the second at 9. Both 01 these are open to residents of the village. There is no admission charge. ·'Ballerina" is the story of the adora­tion of one of the young pupils of the ballet carl' of the Paris opera for the leading ballerina, and the jealously and agony of this child when a new star ap­pears who threatens to dethrone her idol. Above all, it is a subtle yet profound psychological study of the child's grow­ing hatred and her decision to act The film is as ste~ped in the ballet and its fascination as are the paintings of Degas. Despite its happy ending, this is a touch­ing story of childhood told and danced to the music 01 Chopin and Gounod. Child­ren are the main actors but there is no cuteness or false sentimentality. These children are savage and tender, honest and crooked. In other words they are children presented as children. The next picture at the college will be shown on Saturda.yI, . N ovember 23. PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE ANNOUNCED THE SWARTHMOREAN SPORTS REVIEW ChrisUnas Seal plans for Delaware H, S, B ... !- SIuoroD Hill County are now being organized and Swarth"!ore H'gh School d~feated will again take the form 01 a good_ Sharon Hdl 12-C! at Sharon H.U, last will program under the leadership of Saturday. Jeff Kirk scored both touch­Dorothy Waldo Phillips. Programs are downs. In ~e 6rst quar!er he gathere.d to be given before community groups a Sharon H,U .punt to hIS breast on b,. during the Campaign which starts on own ~5-yard bne and rO!n. ~hrough the November 25, These programs are to oppoSing team l':or the In.t'al Score of take the form of education and entertain- the game. Late ID the lourth quarter, ment and will be presented before Wom- Johnson tosse~ a lorwa~d pass from en's clubs, Church groups, Business the Sharon Hdl 20 to ~lfk on the 5, Men's group., schools and other civic and he comp!eted the d,stance to the organizations. goal under hls own power. I n d,·s cussl.O g th e numerous de ta'1, . 0 f S tOh. ....U n CWoliin o CIIo oet Gtha mTe~ __ the campaign •. Mrs. Phillips was most war more ege • os e -"'6 .... enthusiastic about the loyal support that ral Day game, to Oberhn, last Saturday, she can" always rely upon each year to by a 14-13 score. . foster the interest and participation in opened ,!P by sc:ortng a the sale of ChrisUnas Seals. touchd~wn ID the opeDlng stanza after As we look ah d" 'd Mr. Phil- a ~ustalOed march of 75 yard., W?lfe I' If ea. sal 5. gomg over the goal for the store. RICh­IPS, w,.e are somew~at breathless 10 con- ards kicked the goal and it was Swarth-templa. tlng th.e amaz inWg tadsak ahead ofd t he more7, Obe rI' ln0. on~omlDg generation •.. ~ ;e not !ID er- Swarthmore marched 6S yards in the estnnate our responslbihty In putting at d Youth' di I II th th t secon quarter for another touchdown. ~ sposa a e resources a Richards scoring on a plunge through NOVEMBER I, 1960 '!h~ three coIl~ presiden_~ Mrs. F. M. Panlzer and son, Teddy, WilkinS, of Oberbn CoII_ Marion of Sheboygan, Wis. over the week-end Edward~ Park, of Bryn Mawr CoI!ege, of October 26. Her brother J. C. Smith and Fein, Morley, of Ha'fel'ford CoI- frOIn Buffalo, N. Y. was also a guest., lege-brought greetings from their re­spective institutions. William H. DuHarry, vice-president of the University of Pennsylvania, the last guest speaker, spoke in place of George William McClelland, provost of the Uni­versity, who was unable to attend.' He, like Miss Park and Mr. Morley, stressed the desirability of cooperation )among the Philadelphia colleges and universi­ties. Mr. Nason brought the program to a close, praising the work of Dr. Frank Aydelotte's administration and enumer .. ating the advances made in the Col­lege during the last 19 7ears. He pointed out the uenonnous possibilities for inter~ institutional relationships" with the local colleges. In closing he said, 'We are not competing but complementary insti­tutions." .. , Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray of Cornell avenue had as their guests . Christmas Cards ARE OUT! Choose early for the best selection • Orden for Imprinted ~ds left before November 15th .ub­Ject to 10'" dlacoulit • alice barber, gifts OLD.BANK BUILDING Telephone S •• 1381 they will need to help ~estore t!ae world center. The conversion point was to normalcy. TuberculoSIs takes ,ts great- missed b"t that did not matter Swarth- WINTER OR UGH'I'WEIGRT COATS CLEANED est toll from the ranks 01 Youtb and . ' those of h lied' tho 6 ht more was lead,ng 13-0 at the end of FUR COATS CLEANED AND GLAZED-REASONABLY tiS W 0 ar~ enro In IS, g. the half. A PoRcanl wm BriJlc Our 'mIck to Your Door know ~hat we must .'upport and malDtam Oberlin took the second half kick- CLENO _ RE • NU • IT COMPANY a ~onbnuous and .Vltal program of ed,!- off and ran it back to their 33. Then 614 Welsh Slftel, Cheater 'Phone Cheoter 6416 ~tlon for prevenhon and control of this three forward pass plays later they disease amon 1 . , C1Irta1n:s, Drapes, Fumlture c~ Etc., BeauttfullJ DI'7 CleaDed !-oc"1 persgo nosu ra cYtCIv;JeU ng~ np e.othpe e .B oard of sthcoe reqdu aa rttoeru chednodwedn awnidth coSnwvearrttehdm bouret I:~;;~~;;;;~~;::;:;;:;;:::;;;;;;;~ Directors of the ASSOCiation are Mrs. leading 13-7. Leonard C. Ashton and Co Percy Web- Mid-way in the 6nal quarter, Oberlin ster. recovered a Swarthmore fumble near , I • mid-field and put on an aerial attack -To thrill the heart of the Connolssuer Series Dance Dales Announced to score another touchdown. On the attempt to convert, the pass from cen- Drawn For Jury Dnly The Swarthmore Dance Series com- t er was poor b ut WI' "o n got a ff a Unusual and individual pieces eliminating that fear of duplication, Lamps, Crystal, Jewelry, Housewares, Copper, Brass, Pictures Swarthmoream; drawn to serve on nittee has issued invitations for this wo~bly kick that waver«:d between the juries in the December term of Crim- eason's group of dances which will be upnghts to break the tie. inal Court are: week 01 January 6- held on November 30, December 31" Hoc:kq Trlamplu Frank E. Wyeth, George Bretz, Mrs. Jlnuary 25 and February ~2 in the Wo- The High School hockey team ran William D. Mason; week of January 1"lan's Club House. The date and place its streak to three years of triumph by 13-Mrs. Howard Kirk, William S. of the spring dance wil1 be announced defeating Haverford 2-1, at Haverford, Hoffman, Alice F. Barber. later. last Thursday. COOLEY LILLEY Edgmont Ave. at Welsh St., Cheater ~~~~.~.~.~.~~.ii1-~-~.ii1.i5-!i.!!-m-!i-•~•! i .iiii Mr. and Mrs. Percival Armitage Dr. The College 6eld hockey team began If1 and Mrs. David Cramp, Mr. and 'Mrs. the construction of another winning ~I1I11I11I11I11II1I11I1UIIIIIII"1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lIIlIlIlIIlIIlIUllliu·ulE CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER RODGERS In Bell..,. Thing. For Leu • Camel Hair Coats a Greal V uriety of Slyles Balmacccm Raglan Wrap Around ZIp-in Unlngs Fitted ~':il $13.95 i Other Ca•s ual Co ... I and RevenlbJe8 $8,95, $11.95, $18.95 :Walker Penfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne streak, last Friday, by defeating Temple Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. 2-1. Rassweiler ,compose the commitee. • I • 10th Grade Mother8' Meeting The tenth grade mothers will hold their opening tea in the High School cafeteria at three o'clock, Wednesday, November 13th. New teachers will be introduced and opportunity will be given for the teachers and mothers to get better acquainted. At that time plans will be presented for the year's program, which will probably center around information about vocational and college preparation. MURRAY'S Harl Schaffner til Marx Clolhes Win Arehery TOUrDC1 - § Swarthmore College women won the =_ archery tournament sponsored by the Philadelphia Archery Association at Cedar Grove, Fairmonnt Park, last = Wednesday. Team standings: Swarthmore 1348 = points; Baldwin School 1234; Trenton State Teachers 1185; Miss Fine's - - School Princeton, N. J. 729; Baldwin = = School Reserves 726. Individual scores and ranking of =. Swarthmore contestants were Freder- - - icka Coerr, 6rst; Helen Howard, third; _ TEEN-AGE and ~ Marjorie Brearley, seventh; and Mary ;:;;;;!I Rice, tenth. == = Lose Soecer Game J U N lOR =- Princeton's soccer teams were guests on Friday, last. They behaved in a = PAR T Y = most ungentlemanly manner defeating' a :~:irJt?ti_:~~sity team 2-0 and tying - D RES S E S 8 ~ 608c!!:;~n;a~ve. 621 E~~::~t Ave. Noted EdU:i;::Wr Nason ~~~~~~~~::;;~=;;;::~~~~~~~~I ("""""'" I""" lWI. 0,.., = $4.98 • 7th and rights that go with it-the right to think B RIG G S ' mbeoinreg ptrheeci omuso stht anim apnoyr tamnat teorfia la aldl-vaarne- = ,98 .98 = $6 $8 55 Complete Line of Hunlinlz Equipmenl tage that could possibly be secured by = = lIMO JltTNTlNG UCENSB1l tlIeir sacrifices.":: == "Everylhing in SporUng Good." Fa.ult,. Dinner Tendered Frida,. = Wel8h SI8" Chesler Phone Chester 9737 The presidents of three colleges were = Teen age sizes 10 to 16 = 0..,. ntday and BatardlQ' Bventncs included among the guest speaker. at Jr. sizes 7 to 14 = the dinner given by the Board of Mana- = = GET YOUR GAME with TESTED AMMUNITION There Is a Digerencel • HUNTING UCENSES ISSUED • Complete Stock of gers Friday evening in honor of the in- Ankle length-in soft, auguration of Mr. Nason. = = Over 300 faculty members and invited _ crispy taffeta - guests were present at the banquet, which E Youthful styles - was held in the College dining roams. Howard Cooper Johnson, vice-president = SPEARE'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE _ of the Board of Managers was toast-= = master. '51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UlllllllilUllilIfF: Brand Blanshard, of the philosophy department, the first speaker on the pro­gram, expressed the satisfaction of the faculty in the choice of Mr. Nason as president 01 the College. He stated he had much more confidence in the new president, having seen him at close range in his work here, than he would in a .JORN IPBNCBB, IITC. PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS Guns-Clothing and Accessories man coming from another institution "trailing clouds of glory." We may look forward with confidence to the adminis­tration of years to come," he said. The second speaker, George Walton, headmaster of George School, pointed out in his congratulations to Mr. Nason, the close relation which exists between BOOKBINDERS • REESE-BAXTER CO. Sporting 706 EDGMONT AVENUE Goods CHESTER the college and the preparatory school and the influence of college students' opinions on those in secondary schools. "We must look to the schools for per­sonality development and leadership" he said. "and we look forward with 'hope to the leaders from Swarthmore.. 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL. CHESTER, PA. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •••• 11 •• 11.1111111111 •• II,ltlllllllllll •• 1111111111111111111111111111111111.1 •••• 111111. SW ARTIlMORE'S REUABLE TAILOR RRIS&CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE ESTABLISHED 1812 504 NO. II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. Armi.tice Day Services VOL. xu, ,COUNTY ART IN EXHIBIT AT CLUB Artist's Adventures Enchant Audience Over BaH a Hundred Differenl M G ' E_ub' , Arli81B Have Work on Di Ia r8, r'!uger 8 lOU II of Iudian 8, 1940 ELECTION RETURNS SWARTHMORE, PA. Pnein ... Eastern Here This Week 8p y Portralls_ and Lively Redial of PreoidelU: Expenenees Win8 Praiae Willkie, McNary, R ................. . The Delaware County Federation of Roosevelt, Wallace, D ... , •.•••• .,- .. . 584 117 397 116 '\Valero 669 139 toeal Churchel Monday Total ffigh School B .. nd AccGmpanied Mareh of MalKJUeraders 88 Judges Sel Record 10 Woman's Clubs of which Mrs. Walter Caroline Gibbons Granger related to U. S, Senator: Fiui8h al 8 p, M, C. Eby is chairman is presenting an ex- the Swarthmore Woman's Club her ex- Cooke, R. .......................... 580 391 657 0 500 ------ hibit of Delaware County artists which periences painting Indians of the North- G u ffe y, D ........................... 113 103 133 349 Ii" veter d' Iy ounTgsht ers d and adults par- S T c'pa ID ast urs ay's Cmnmunity • will remain open to the public in the west, Tuesday afternoon, November S. 'ale reaurer: Hallowe'en Parade in the Swarthmore Swarthmore Woman's Club House to- Mrs. Granger's interest in Indians began Malone, R. ......................... 570 393 658 1621 College Field House. This year's event day and tomorrow from 12 until 5 P. M. when she was a child. Her mother's stor- Wagner, D. ......................... 141 112 142 395 set a new high in attendance for paraders and close with a tea on Sunday from ies of the Cherokee Indians fired her Audi'or General: and spectators alike. The generosity of 3 until 5 P. M. to which the public is imagination, and she vowed that when Gelder' R .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . . .• . .. . . .. . 573 393 655 C 0 IegIe 'In open.I ng the capacious shel-cordially invited. Ross, D. ............................ 138 113 144 ter of its Field House to the annual event Following is the list of exhibitors: she grew up that she would see and paint R Indians herself. epreHllladH In Congreu: is appreciated anew each year. Marjorie Nickels Adams, Winnie A1- WoHenden R 524 368 Following a bn'el concert and drill len, Richard Baldwin. Gladys Barry, Mrs. Granger has been painting Indi- Saul D. ' •...•••........•....... 639 Lewis Barry, Charles Battey, Step- ans over a period of ten years. She show- ., •.•.••..•..• ,............... 188 134 164 maneuvers the Swarthmore High School hanie B. Battey, Edith S. Binns, M. N. ed the club members some of her por- Senator In t<- General A bl Band, delighting the throngs 01 spectators lie • .em y: Blake, Mrs. A. B. Bright, W. Stanley traits and gave a briel biographical Heyburn ' R ... .... .... .. .. .. ...... .. 573 394 662 16li2ning9 th·e walk around the main floor , Bright, Edward Brogan, Isabel P. sketch of each sitter. Near the end of Turner' D .................. _- •..... _ 139 113 128 380 atwccicoem paraomuendd tthhee trpaacrka.d e on its march Bunting, Harriet H. Butler, Carol Chap- her talk she sang two songs in the In- Repr.uenra"H in tIuJ General Auembl,..: man, Eleanor R. Copeland, Lois M. dian language accompanying hersell on a James, R. ......................•... 569 394 656 1619 Tradllion.1 Masco .. Lead Crawford, Sara Rouch Cummings, B. tom-tom. Turner, R. ........•................. 570 390 657 1617 A life-size elephant and donkey headed C. Deacon, Mary H. DeMoII, F. W. In order to paint the Indians it was Bretherick, R. ...................... 566 391 654 1611 the parade, continually engaging in en- Doran, Alice Emmons, Helen Lowden first necessary for Mrs. Granger to sell Kelly, D. .•........................• 139 115 146 counters. The late arrival of the don- Evans, Beatrice Fadden, Josephine herself to the tribe. This she did first Hoffner, D. ......................... 142 116 143 401 key indicated to some that even then he Faulkner, Charles Felger, Gertrude winning the children by imitating ani- Stayton, D. ......................... 143 115 145 403 wasn't worried the least bit about not ~owler, Katherine Fussell, Cyril Gard- mals. Tap dancing and the Charleston Yocotioll(l' School (Jaudon: getting places. The elephant of exception-ner, Florence Foote Gardner, William impressed the braves. A deep interest and I Yes .....••..•........ ............... 213 134 188 S35 al soul and personality had plenty of H. Given, Jr., Lucille Pratt Gunter, sympathy for the women and the babies No ...... ...... ..................... 146 127 140 413 moral barking by a much be-stickered Dorothy Van H. Harrison, Sue Hicks, won them. She learned the Indian lang- Willkie (Mrs. E. H. Weltz) lollowing a N. Emmanuel Hoffman, W. C. Idell, uage and was taken into the Blackfoot BELA BARTOK IN SCHOOL CONFERENCES banner born by grass-skirted hula hula Harry L. Johnson, Eleanor Paxson Tribe. Her Indian name, Petsokaki, NEXT WEEK girls (Kitty Weltz and Peter Miller), Kcighton, Marjorie W. Kellberg, Dor- means Going Away Woman. CONCERT HERE but was weakly supported by the non-othy G. Lackey, M. Leeper, Jean Weth- Mrs. Granger found the Indians very The fall program of individual par- committal band wagon lettered "Vote e ra II 'J.I~ c D oweII, B arb ara.LM ar tI' n, L oU.l se J'oll y. The mos t amusi. ng an d a t fi rst Hungarian Composer and Wife ent-teacher conferences of the Swarth- lor Wendlin L. D. Wilikevelt." Mayer, William Mohr, Katherine frightening experience with the Indians 10 Give Piano Recital in more Eletnenta!"y .schools, will be held Just about every member of the ani- Neave, Mrs. Robert Neave, Roberta was in Canada, in a tribe of agricultu- CI Ihi M rial next week begulnmg Wednesday, No- mal and bird kingdoms, wild and domes- Norton, Alice Hall Paxson, Sarah ral Indians who have little connections 0 er emo vember 13. AU will be held according tic, was there-<!onkcys prevailing. Mock Louise Perkins, Anne W. with the .outside world. The chief, Shot- This Evening to a schedule planned by each teacher. lions-grown ones and cubs, a live police Mabel Allen Penrod, E. A. Pine, ~i:%':1 on-both-sldes, told her to select a hus- . These conferences provide an oppor- dog husky accompanying a fur-swathed A. E. Plitt, Lydia Rewis, Anne C. F band by sundown or one would be In a conce~t at 8:~S P. M. ~nday, tunity of discussing the child's develop- Eskimo, a stuffed monkey with an or-ardson, Katherine W. Rodgers, Gordon brought to her. In the morning at the November 8, In Clothier M~mortal the ment and problems in terms of his edu- gan grinder, and a penguin stood out Schoff, Raymond Schmitt, Mrs. Albert h:ad of a chanting procession one ar- J. Cooper Fcundatlon and the cational achievement, social, emotional, among the more customary "Micky Short, Jessie ?II. Stilcs, Jean Stineman, rived. The husband was put beside her. .department of Swarthmore Col- mental, and physical growth. Mouses!' The presence of a pretty female Hilda BenD Thompson, Otis Walter, It was a tree carved and dressed as an lege wd~ present Bela B~rt?k, the. great There will be no afternoon sessions lion tamer consoled the over-timid. Emma L. Warfield, Albert Weaver, Indian~ She kept the figure in her tepee Hunganan c.omp?ser! pla~lstJ ana lec- for Grades 1 to 6 on November 13, After what happend to Thanksgiving Sue U. D. Wolters, Leon Yarnell, Ida during the rest of her stay in that tribe. ~rer kwho With h~s Wile Ditta Pasztory- 14 and 15. Programs of educational in- the Christmas spirit must feel it wise to B. Yeatman. The portraits were painted outdoors to a~to began hIS second tour of the terest will be held in the High llcllo.oll prepare for a move-up too, for it par- I • get a. natural liRhting and ~se. Most of ~m~e~ St~te! Jast w:~ek. . auditorium on these dates and all chil- aded with Hallowe'en ghosts as the Bo- L. W. V. Study Group the pictures Mrs. Granger showed were 19:'lsb sho'~'t 'Bu~ _dkurmg the sdPnn2" of dl'en arc cordially invited. Grades 5 nnd gardus family displayed its annual m- OD Tuesdays done in tempera. The older Indians feared rodug t bal:tho d ah~emen o~s suc-. ~ will have no afternoon sessions on genuity. ·1"eddy Bogardus masquerading that a picture took away part of their an es a IS e IS r~p}ltatlOn as November 18 and 19. as an enticing Christmas package ac- An L. W. V. study group on the for- soul. It taxed all of her wit and inge_ r. of the great personalities among Attendance at these activities is vol- companied his sister Katrina who ap-eign policy of the United States, conduc- nuity to induce them to be painted. IVDtng . comthP~sers. BIB '11' untary. AU children will come directly ~eared din a solidoddres!f of holiday greet-ted by Dr. Frances Reinhold Fussell of Mrs. Alexander Lackey, art chairman, urmg IS tour e. a . artok WI not to the high school auditorium for the 109 car 5 to intr uce lor the first time Swarthmore College, will be held at the introduced Mrs. Granger. Mrs. Arthur be featured as plamst and lect~er afternoon programs. this motive to the local annual parade of home of Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, 19 South Binns and Mrs. W. F. Hanny were host- as one of :te most out~tandmg , I • the spooks. Princeton avenue, on Tuesdays, No,veln-l esses for the afternoon. Mrs. Charles as lYe Many of hiS _ works 'IlIanks Girl Scoul Committee Draftees, Dictators Popular her 12. 19, 26, at 10 A. M. The study Bunting and Miss Martha Haviland pre- heard m concerts all over the As co-themes the draft influence and course wilt be open to all members of sided at the tea table. • 1 • Committee members who labored the foreign situation were omni-present. the League. Non-members may attend lor I , , LEGION BANQUET TONIGHT over the Health Center Rummag~ Sale Natty military uniforms and others not a small charge. On the first Tuesday the last Wednesday and Thursday Wish to so natty had been dragged out of stor-policy of the United States toward Eur- Robin Hood in Rehearsal The annual Father-San-Daughter publicly express their gratitude to the age to appear every so often in the pa_ ope will be discussed, on November 19, of the Harold Ainsworth Post Girl Scout Maintenance Committee rade's line of march. Refugees, a sailor ~'Policy of the U. S. toward Asia," and at The Junior Plays Committee of the No. American Legion will be held the large amount of rummage it col- off a bombed vessel, Harry- Warren and ~he final meeting, "Policy of the U. S. to- Club take pleasure in announc- in the Swarthmore High School cafe- lected and transported to their sale. Bobby Fawcett carrying an effigy of the :YJard Latin America." that first production of 1940-41 teria tonight at 6 o'clock. An inter- Mr. Fred P. Jones served coffee to 'lGrcat Dictator" as their solutions of , 1 • is to be a new version of one I esting program has been arranged to the workers in the lounge of the Wo- the dictator menace bore mute evidence S. P. C. A. Invitation childhood's classic tales Robin Hood. follow the dinner and a large attend- manPs Club after the preview Wednes- that the youngsters are acutely aware \Vith a large cast of 41, a group of is expected. day night. of the trend of the times. Local officers will be in attendance at attractive stage sets, one 0 I W hI'C h •lS The fairy folk had sent a goodly num-the regular monthly meeting of the Dela- the great ball of Prince John's castle, ber of representatives. One tiny blue fairy ware County S. P. C. A. to be held on and of sword play, Robin Hood THE WEEK'S CALENDAR with sparkling cellophane tresses made Monday, November II, at 2 P. M. in to b e 0 f'1 0t eres t t a J unt.o r an entranc.m g sight. Indian warriors, the Borough Council room above the f II F · H ., members 0 a_ ages. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8 squaws and papoose; pirates, clowns, crisr e inteoruessete dIn aMree dwiae.l cMomeme. bers and oth- Membership cards for the sde ason'ds Robin Hood, Quaker maids, Pinocchio, 12:00106:00 P.M.-Delaware County Art Exhibit ••••••••••••• Woman's Club r:':'':~~~~~~~~~~ ___ ll:f~o~ur~:~~~~too~~ ,:M::r~s~.a reJ oisne pghre aBt . ePmoapne , 62::0300 PP.. lMI.. --MLeoitrhIoenr 'sF aOthJeurb- •S•o.n•·D•a..U.g.h..te•r• .D•i•n•n•er• ••••.•.•.••••• li•I•0 H Sigohu tShc hCohoel atCearf eRteoraiad. flaadshieiso noeldd gaanrdb yoofu negv eirny mcooduenrtnry a, nCdh pinlda-- 8 :16 P. M. _ Rceltal by Bela Bartok, Hungarian Pianl::>t-Compoaer '32, ~6, '40 Vole Reservation should be made Clothier Hemorlal men-one a very tall elaborately dressed Compared IIp,rolmp,t1y with Mrs. Pope. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Mandarjn with handsome que to the floor, 12:00 to 5:00 P.M._Delaware COlluty Art Exhibit ••.••••••••.• Woman's Club a likely mascot in miniature for a pol,'ce • I' , 1 :00 P. M. - Soccer with Slepbens .............................. Palmer Field A comparison of the local vote 2 :15 P. Y. - Foolbllll - College VB. Dr-del ..•....••.•.••..••••••• ColleR Field force, a Northwest Mounted policeman dl. stn' but'lo n . 1 h POBt -Auxiliary Event Nears 7:46 P. Y. -Modern Dance Recital .• , ••••••••.•.••...•••.•• Clotbler Memorial in colorful uniform, Huckleberry F,'no, In t le last tree pres-idental elections is as follows: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10 gridiron veterans more or less covered by TI,e American Lemon Auxiliary an- 1l:00 A.M.-Morning Worship •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Local ChurcheIJ ba d S d 1932-RepubHcan 1357, Democra- o· 3:00 to 5:00 P.M.-DeJaware County Artists' Tea ..•••..•.•••••• Woman·. Club n ages, a an ow whose eyebrows II.c IS5 ,OSC l.a I "1 St 122, totaI 1664 ; nounced to members of the Lehg ion PosIt 3:15 P. M. - Christian Science Lecture ••.•••••••••••••••••• Clothier Hemori&l were not his least muscular part, M,'ss 1936-Republican 1471, Demo- and of the Auxiliary that t e an'1n· ua to MONDAY. NOVEMBER 11 America in a beach carv- were only a few get-together of the Post and AUXI lary :00 .A M . to.:0 0 P .M• - Red Or0 88 SaW 1 W '01 b y~ Qg. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• oman s U of the interesting and novel costumes. A cratic 566, Socialist 31, total w,'11 be staged ,·n tI,e Woman's Club TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 12 • D 2v~uOo j 1940 - RcpbuI 'I ca1n650. da' N be 2:30 P.1L-l.ecture by Anna Dr1" Own ••••••••.•.•••••••••••••• Woman's Club Roat WIth .. ing Dong the Witch is Democratic 372, Socialist 37, total lounge on Tues y evemng, ovem r WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13 Dead" proclaimed that one goblin was 2059. ~'j:i~ ~n~he~~A~} ~~~i~~~ invit":ll 10:30 A.M._Woman·s Guild.Auxilllll7 ...••......•••••.••• Trinity Parish HOUlI6 laid low ~!~t~:.!!o~'e;-".~~!~geniously GROUP ENTRIES FEATURE OF BOROUGH'S MOST SPECTACULAR HALLOWE'EN PARADE Kathleen JessD (Iert). was a very pensive Mae West in last Thamay evenin5's event. Members of. the main Pilii' were (I-;ft 10 richt); Edith Th eh J PSt Belt Littlefield, Judy Koch, Jean Raey and Suean Thatcher. The elephant and donke! 'Were .t!8nptln B rarely peaceful mo.m1 enet.r ,. .~ nH 0 ..... BI Ym and brood went eharm'--L Oriental The Homire daUdren and Allan HUDt 'WIth thell' bDl'l'O made a pieture we l'lu-8. erman 00 • ....-r. t xtrem -I-Lt had to preserve. Mary Cone, who wowed the erowds with her 8010 donkey atuDt, appears a e e a-.....

---------- Page 7 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 FRENCH BALLET FILM AT COLLEGE "Ballerina" "'eature Pidure, to be Accom'I,anied by a WaIt Di .. ney, and English ~IO\'ie "Ballerina." the Frcnch I)ictul'c star­ring Miss Sla\'cllska of the llalle~ Rus~e, \\111 be the feature of the 1110\ mg IIlC­turcs at the colkgc this Saturday. Nuv­t'mlJcr 2. \Vitlt It Will he the \Valt Ois­IlC\ film "The Ugly Duckling," anti. a U;itish (iOCUll1cl1tal'Y him, "Night M?II,'" \\!lh a commentary in verse by the Eng­hsh poct, \\'. Il. .\uden. Thne "!II be h\o sho\\'s as u"ual, the first at 7 odock and the second at 9. Buth of these arc opell to residents of thl' village. There is 1141 admissiun t. h.trgl'. PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE ANNOUNCED THE SWARTRMOREAN SPORTS REVIEW II. S. Heals Sharon 1Ii11 Christmas Scal 1,lans (or Delaware S\\arthlllorc High School defeated County are nuw being organized amI Sharon Hill 1.2-0 at Sharon Hill, last "III again take the form of a good- Saturday. Jeff Kirk scored both touch­" ill l,rogral1l under the leadership uf downs. In the first quarter he gathered Dorothy. \Valdo Phillips. Pr~grams arc a Sharon Hill punt to his breast on his to .be gJven bcfur~ comlJ~ulllty groups own 25-yard line and ran through the durmg the Campaign which starts on opposing team for the initial score of November 25. These programs arc. to the game. Late in the fourth quarter, take the fO,,!11 of educatIOn and entertam~ Johnson tosscd a forward pass from mUit and Will he presented before ~om~ the Sharon Hill 20 to Kirk 011 the S, CII'S dubs, Church groups. Busl~e~s and he completed thc distance to the ~Icll's. g~oups, schools and other CIVIC goal under his own power. org<lIuzattons. Oberlin Wins Close Game In discussing the numerous details of Swarthmorc Collegc lost the Inaugu­tIll' l·a.II1I):lign, Mrs. Phillips was most ral Da}' game, to Oberlin, last Saturday, enthu!iJastic about the loyal support that by a 14-13 scorc. she l'an always rely upon e~c!l y;ar!o Swarthmore opened up by scorjng a fosll'r the interest and partiCipation 10 touchdown in the opening stanza after thl' sale of Christmas Seals. . a sustaincd march of 75 yards, \Volfe NOVEMBER 1, 1!HO The three college presidents-Ernest Mrs. F. M. Pantz.. and son. Teddy, \Vilkins, of Oberlin College, Marion of Sheboygan, \Vi!ii. over the week-e.nd Edwards Park, o[ Bryn Mawr College, o[ October 2(,. lIer brother J. C. SmIth ali(I Felix Morley. of Haverford Col- from Buffalo, N. Y. was also a guest. Icgc--brought greetings from their xc- - -~ _ _ s(M..'Cti\'e institutions, \Villiam H. DuBarry, vice-president of the University of Pennsylvania, the last guest speaker, spoke in place of Geor~e \Villiam McClelland, provost of the Unl­,,' crsity, \\ho was unahle to attend. He, like !\Iiss Park and !\fr. Morley. stressed the desirability of cooperation Bmong the Philadelphia colleges and universi­ties. Christmas Cards ARE OUT! Choose early for the best se,l ection Orden for imprinted cards left be£urc November 15th 19b. ject to 10% dilcount , "Balit-rina" i" the story of the adura­alice barber, tion of OIlC of the yuung Imptls of the hallet lorp .... of thc Paris o]ll"ra for the kadll1g ballcrina, and thl' jl'alously and agony of thi!l child \\'hell II Ill'\\' star. ap­pcars who thrl'atel1s to dt'lhronc her Idol. :\ho\e all. it IS a suhtle yet profound I,,,,\l·hologit."al study uf the fhild's grow­ing It.llred and her dc{·isioll to act Thc him is as stll,.·clH..'(1 III thc hallct and its fascination as arc the paintillgs of Degas. Despite its happy l'uding-, this is a touch­ing story of dlildhood told ::l1Id danccd to thl' mU ... lt oi Chopin and GUllnod. Child­I UI arc tIlt." main actors hut there is 110 nllt'ness or false sentimclltality. These childrell art' ,,;l\age allil tender, honest and crook!.'t!. In othl'r \\or<l .. they arc ehildrell prest nH·t! as childrt.·u. .\s we look ahead," said ::\Irs .. PIli 1- going O\'cr the goal for the .!core. Rich-lips, .. \\'~ arc somewbat hreathless III con- ards kicked the goal and it was Swarth- OLD BANK BUILDING tOllplating the amazing task ahead of the morc 7, Obcrlin O. • •• ~llIrolllinf" f"encration. We dare not under- S,"arthmore marched 65 yards in the 'I I 'I I' t D '( C of Telephone Sw. 1381 • Mr. Nason brought the program to a closc. praising the work of Dr. Frank Aydelottc's administra.tion and enumer­ating the advances made in the Col­lege during the last 19 years. He pointed out the "enormolls possibilities for inter­institutional rdationships" with the loca1 colleges. In dosing hc said, "We are not competing hilt complementary insti­tutions." gifts ~~ • t., ... timate our responsibiJity in putting at second quartcr for another touchdown. C~~o"rn;e;lrl ;.a~vac~n'u~e u~h~a~dr ;a,s~ .t~h,eeir~ .sg~uoes~tns~ ~.~";c~r~a~y~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~::~~ Youth's disl)osal all the resources that Hichards scoring on a plunge through they will need to help restore the world center. 'fhe conversion point was CLEANED to nonnaky. Tubercnlosis takes its great- missed but that did not matter. Swarth- WINTER OR LIGHTWEIGHT COATS csl toll from the ranks of .You~h and more wa, leading 13.0 at the end 01 FUR COATS CLEANED AND GLAZED _ REASONABLY thosc of us who are enrolled m tins fight the half. A Postcard WUI Odn, Our Truck to Your Door know that we must support and maintain Oberlin took the second hall kick- CLENO • RE • NU • IT COMPANY a continuous and "ital program of edu- oil and ran it back to their 33. Then 614 Welsh Sireet, Chester 'Phone Chester 6416 t'ation for prevention and control of this three forward pass plays later, they Curtains, Drapes, Furniture Covers, Etc •• BeautUully Dry Cleaned disease among our young people. scored a touchdo\\11 and converted but The Ilext picture at the college will he "ho\\'11 011 Saturday, No\'Cmher 2J. • I • Drawn For Jury Duty S\\'arthmort.'alls drawn to !'erVt' on jurit'S in the Decemhtr tt'rm of Crim­inal Court arc: wed, 01 latlll.lry 6- Frank E. \\'vetll. Gt.·org:l' Bretz, Mrs \\'illiam D. ira5'on; week of lantlan' U-~(r .... Howilrd Kirk, \VllIiam S. Hoffman, .\Iin' F. narher. Local persons acth:e on the Board of the (IUarter ended with Swarthmore Directors of the Assoriation arc Mrs. Icading 13-7. Leonard C. A~hton and C. Percy Web- Mid-way in the final quarter, Oberlin ster. recovered a Swarthmore fumble ncar • I. mid-field and put 011 an aerial attack Series Danee Dales Announced to SCOre another touchdown. On the attempt to COl1\"ert, the pass from cen-h'r was pOOr but \Vilson got off a The S\\arthmore Dance Series com- \\obbly kick that wavered between the IIIttCl' has Issucd lIIvitatiolls for. this ul)rights to break the tic. l'asoll's group of danccs which Will be II k T' L- ~ b 31 oc ey rlUDIpae Ilt'!d on :\ovelll~er 30, De~em er 'I The lIi h School hockey team ran ]-lIIuary 25 and February 22 III the \Vo- . g . I b . CI I II '1'1 d t and lace Its streak to three years of tnump 1 y flail S II) otlse. Ie a e PI' 2 1 LI I d o f tl le spn.l 1g (Ia lice WI'1 1 b e a""ounced dI efeaTtiIn g Hd averford - t at c aver or , Iter ast lUrs ay. a .'\I r.. ane I .',[ rs. P ercl. va I Arnlltage, Dr. The College . field Ih ockeyh team .be,ga n .•. ----••- ----.--...... - .... ----.. ----.. - .... --...... I all( I .'\[ rs. I,)IV'I( I C ranlp, '[r and u rs the construction 0 anot er WlIll1mg l' .• nJ.. . b f . T I i RODGERS I :\\'alkcr Pl'nfic1c1, 11r. and Mrs: \VaynFe ~t~cak, last Fnday, y de eatmg emp e I, : Halldall and ::\f r. and ::\lrs. Chfford . -. • Belter Things I Htlsswl'iler compose the comnll. tee. Win Archery Tourney ' , I Swarthmore College women won the I: For Less ,I • I • archer;' tournament sponsored by the • • I 10th Grade Mothers' l\leeting Philadelphia Archery Association at : Calnel Hal'r : Cedar Crove, Fairmount Park, last ': c ii The ll'lIth grdde mothers wilJ hold \Vcdnesday. tht.·ir opening !l'a in the High School Tcam standings: Swarthmore 1348 i oats cafett'ria at three o'clock. \Vcdncsday, points' Baldwin School 1234; Trenton I In a Great Variety i :'\o\'cmlJlr 13th. New teachers will be State' Teachers 1185; Miss Fine's ,' of StyIe s 1llllItroduct'd and opportunity will be School Princeton, N. J. 729; Baldwin • gi\'cll for the kachers alHl mothers to School H.eserves 726. Ii, Balmacccm : Rl't hcttl'r acquaintl·d. At that time Individual scores and ranking of Raglan : plans \\ ill he prt'sentcd for the year's S\\ arthmore contestants were Freder- Wrap Around I program, which will probably center icka eoerr, first; Helen Howard. third; I Zip·in Lmings I around information about vocational Marjorie Brearlcy, sc\'enth; and Mary II Fitted i alld colleJ.{t.' pr<,paration. Rice, tenth. Rodger $13 95 . Losc Soccer Game : Special!.! Princeton's soccer teams were guests i, • I M U R RAY'S 011 Friday. last. They behaved in a i Other Casual Coats : most ungentlemanly manner defeating and Reversibles ! thcir hosts varsity team 2-0 and tying I $8.95, $1l.95, $18.95 ,i HarE Schaffner & Marx Clo,he.. the jV's l.all. I , ''::::::_~ ........... _ Unusual and individual pieces eliminating that fear of duplication. COOLEY LILLEY Edgmont Ave. at Welsh St., Chester -To thrill the heart o/the Connoissuer Lamps, Crystal, Jewelry, Housewares, Copper, Brass, Pictures jillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll n11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 U"= - CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER -= - =- == ~ ~ 5 _ = ~ TEEN-AGE and JUNIOR PARTY = = i • I 621 Edgmont Ave. ~ DRESSES = ,'! 608 Edgnlonl Ave. iI' , Chester, Pa. , Chester Noted Educators HOIWr ~ ~ Nason ~ § : - I i $4.98 § M_. .. ....... ______ .. ____ .. ________ .. ___ ... __ 7th and BRIGGS' Coml,lete Line of Hunting Equipment 1940 HUNTING LICENSES "Everything in Sporting (;oo(ls" Welsh Sts., Chester Phone Chester 9737 Open .... Iday and Saturday Evenings GET YOUR GAME with TESTED AMMUNITION There Is a Difference! • HUNTING UCENSES ISSUED • Complete Guns-Clothing Stock of and Accessories • REESE·BAXTER CO, (CoJ'lUnu~ from Ptll/8 One) rights that go with It-the right to think being the most llnportallt of all--.are more prcclous than any material advan­tage that could possibly be secured by t4cir sacrifices." Faculty Dinner Tendered Friday The presidents of three colleges were included among the guest speakers at the dinner given by the Board of Mana­gers Friday cvcning in honor of the in­auguration of Mr. Nason. Over 300 faculty mcmbers and invited guests were present at the banquet, which was held in the College dining rooms. I [oward Cooper jollllson, vice-president of thc Board of 1Ianagcrs. was toast-master. llrand Blanshard. ()i the philosophy department, the first speaker 011 the pro­gram, expressed the satisfaction of the faculty in the choice of Mr, Nason as president of the College. He stated he had much more confidence in the new president, having seen hun at close range in his work here, than he would in a man coming from another institution "trailing clouds of glory." \Ve may look forward with confidence to the adminis­tration of years to come," he said, The second speaker, George \Valton. headmaster of George School, pointed out in his congratulations to Mr. Nason, the close relation which exists between the college and the preparatory school and the influence of college students' i $6.98 $8.98 I § Teen age sizes 10 to 16 _ ~ Jr, sizes 7 to 14 § Ankle length-in soft, ~ ;~:~;"~:'~l:' : = SPEA.RE'S DOWNSTA.IRS STORE = Ii 1111111111111111111111 II 1II1111111! 1111/1' '!'!'!'!'I/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ .JOBN SPINCIB, INC. PRINTERS PHOTO·LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS SIJorlill"· Goods o))iniolls on those in sCLondary schools. : " 'We lllust look to the schools lor per- 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. II 706 EDGlUONT AVENUE CHESTER sonality development and leadership." he _ said, uand \\c look forward with hope to the leaders from Swarthmore." II I I II 11111111 IIIII II , , • I • II ••• I III I I • I I • II I II I I I I • II I I II II I 1111 I I I I II I I II I III1III III I I III I I II I I III II II II • 1111111 I I II I I I I IIII~~~~~~MORE'S HARRIS CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS SW~~;;;;~RE RELIABLE TAILOR & CLEANERS and DYERS 504 ESTABLISHED 1912 NO. " PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. I 1 SlIVA I~ T HMIJIH: LIB I? ~ I~ Y S.WAI~THMllI?f; r. Ol .. Lt· ca: ,~ A • Armistice Day Services THE SWARTHMOREAH ... Local Churches VOL. XII, No. 45 COUNTY ART IN EXHIBIT AT CLUB Over Half a lIundre.1 Differeut Artist8 Have Work 011 Disl,lay Here Thi. Week SWARTIIlUORE, PA., NOVEMBER 8, 1940 Artist's Adventures Enchant Audience ELECTION RETURNS SWARTHMORE, PA. Mr8. (;ranger's Exhibit of Indian i . Portraits and Lively Recilal of 1 Premlen.: EXI.cricllces Wins Praise \Villkie. McNary, R. .............•... Uoosc\'c1t, \Vallace, D ............... . U. S. Senator: Northern 584 117 Prcdncts EQtitcru 397 116 ". estern 669 139 " Total 1650 372 \' 'l Monday '2.50 PER YEAR PARADERS FILL FIELD HOUSE lIigh Sehool 8",,,1 AC('ollll'anied I\lar~11 of Mas"uerad"rs as Judge8 ScI Ueeord to Finish at 8 P. l\f. Thc IJdi.l\\.lre C<llllltV Ft..·d~ratlOll of \ Voman 's Cluhs of \\ hi~h 1\1 rs. \\'<1 Iter C. Ell) I~ ch.lirm.1ll is presellting an cx­hihit of 1Jl'la\\,::lft· COllnty arti~ts which Will HIIl<IIJ1 ()Pl·1I to the public in the S"arthmorc \Voman's Club lIouse to­d, l), and tumorrow from 1.2 I1ntll 5 P. 1\1. and llo~c \\ ith a tca 011 Sunday from J until 5 P. ~I. to \\ hich the pubhc is conlialh- jll\ Itt·d. l'arolitlc Gibbons Grangl'r :-dated to tIll' S\\ allhlllorc Woman'.5 Cluh her ex­pt'ril'lU'l's I)aillting 111(1i~lI1s of the North- Cooke, H: ••..•.•••••••••• , ••.......• Guffey, D. , ....... , ..•.............. Slate Treasurer: "I.,,,t. ~l'lIcsday ~ftCTlIOO~l, No.\'cmbcr 5. ,Malone, R ...................... , .. . ~I r!l. Grangcr's IIItere:;t III Illdians began \\'agner, D ......................... . \\hl'1l shl' \\as a child, Her mother's stor-I .4 d' ~ I . ,~u rlor bener" : 580 113 570 141 391 103 393 112 657 133 658 142 1628 O"er 500 ;"I",.,tcr> anti atlults par- 349 tkipatl.:d ill last Thursday's Community JJallo\\t·\·n 1',lratle ill tht.' Swal thmore 1621 ColIl'gt: F,dd I10Hse. This Yl:ar's event 395 ~ct a IIl·\\ high ill attendance for paraders I alld sp('datol s alike. 'j he generosity of 1621 the College in openillg" tlie C-;:tIJ3ciollS shc1- 395 ter of its Field I louse to the allnual cvent Follo~\'illg" I'" the li~t of l'xllliJltors: is appreriated allCW tach Yl·ar . ~larJoril· Xlckt'ls .\dams. \\'inl1ie AI~ kll. Richard H.dd\\in, Gladys Barry, L,,-·\\is Barry, Charles Cattey. St~J.l­h, wie It Battey. Edith S. Billll"i, ~L N. Blake, ~Ir", A. B, Bright, \V. Stanil'y Dng-ht, bh\ ard grogall, Isabel P. BUllting', lIarrid II. Butlcr, Carol Chap­mall, Ell·allor I~. Copeland, LOIS 1\L CfOl\\ jord, S.lra ROllch Cummings, B. C. Ikanlll. 11ary II. 1)(':\1011, F. \V. Doratl. Alice EIIIUlOlb, Ilekn Lowdl'll Evan", Ht',ltrH:e Fadden, Josl:phine Faulkllt'r, Charlc:-; Ft'lgcr, Gcrtrude 1"0\\ Il'r Kathl'flllc FU:;~l·lI. (\'nl Gard­lIl'r, Florence Foote Gardllc~. \\'iIIiam II. CiVl·n. Jr .• Luulle Pratt Gunter, Unrotl" \'an 11. Harrison, Sue Hicks. :\. EiIl'mallud 1 I offlll<i II. \V. C. lddl, 11.lrn L Johnson, l'.1l'allor Paxson KI.' 19i1ton. ~1.ITJ()l'ie \\'. I,dlht·rg. lJor­otli\ C. Lit kl·Y, ~1. I.l·clII."r, Jean \Vdh­l rail :\lclJll\HII. Barhara ~rartin. Louisl' ~1.1~t·r, \\'tllialll '-Iohr, Katherinc :\ea\c. )'Irs l~ohl'rt :\l';(ve, Roherta \:ortoll, .\hc~.; II.tll Paxsoll. Sarah LUllbC P{·rkins .. \1lI11' \V. Pennington, .\Iahd .\l1l·11 Plnrod. E A. Pine. Louis .\. E, Plitt, I.ydia He\\ls, Aline C. Rich­ardsoll. Katherint' \\'. i{odgcr:-., Gordon Scholl I~a\ m(Jlld Sdllllltt, Mrs. Albert SllOrt,' Jes;it':\1 Stiles, Jean Stineman, 1111d.1 111..'1111 ThompsolI, Otis \Valter, Emma L \\'arficld, Albert \\'t'.lvl'r. SUt.' t: D. \Volters, l.t'OIl Yarncll, Ida B. Yl·.Ltman. ------~ ...,. ..- ------ L. W. V. Sttuly Gro"I' 011 Tuesdays i('s of the Chcrokt'e Imhalls firl'd her Gelder. I{. .... . ........... , ..••.. illl.lg.inatiolJ, and she vuwt.:d that when Ross, D ............................• ... hl' grew UI) that site \\ould St.:e and paint Repre.erUati"e in ('ongreu: It)(hall~ hl'rsdL Wolfenden, H. .. , •.••....•••.•••• , ••• :\1 rs, Grangl'r has heclI painting Indi- Saul. D ..•......................... ;1I1s o\·cr a period of ten ~l·<Lrs. She show- Senator in the General JI.IJ€mbly: t.." the duh melllllt.~rs some oi her por- Heyburn. H, •....................... trait-. and gave a hrid lHographical 'furner, D .........................• , !>ketdl of e~lch sitter. Near the cnd of ht'r talk she sang h\o snngs in thc Tn~ Representati"e in tl.e General Auemblr: dian language accolllp.lIlying' herseH on a ] anles, I{. ................. . ...... . tOIU-tonl. 'Ir urnIe r, . Rk . ......................... . U In ol'dcr to paint the Indians it was ~ret lenc , ,I.\. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lirst nl'ccssary fur :\Irs. Granger to sclI Kelly, D .......................... . herself to ;he tribe. This she did first Hoffner, D ................ , ....... . Stayton, D. . ....................... . 573 138 524 188 573 139 569 5iO 566 139 142 143 393 113 3US 134 39·1 113 394 390 391 liS 116 lIS 655 144 639 164 662 128 656 657 654 146 143 145 1531 486 1629 380 1619 1617 1611 400 401 \\ inllillg thc childll·n hy imitating ani-. . 403 nmls. Tap dancing alld the Charleston VocatIOnal School Que31101I: 213 13~ 188 535 IlIlllrcssl'd the hravl's .\ dttp interest and! ~es ... , ..•..•....................... sympathy for the women ami the babies I Xo ......................._ ._._._._. . . .. ._ _H_ 6 ___1 _Zl ____1 4_0. ____4_ 1_3 \\ on them. She 11'.ITlIed till' Indian lang-I l1age and was taken into the Blarkfoot BELA BARTOI{ IN Trlhe. Hcr Indian 1l.1IlH.', Pctsokaki, SCHOOL CONFERENCES NEXT WEEK mean., Goill~ Away \\'oman CONCERT HERE ~I rs. Granger found the Imhans very I The i.tll program of individual par- . II '1'1 t a",u '",g tlml at first H • C I W'f cnt-tcachl'r conferences of the Swarth- JfOri ghy.l l'llll1Igl' enxJ(p)se rie•n ce s \\ith •th•e I ndians nngarlGu .n Po .mpoRs cr. ta nI( . I e Il Uore Elementary Schools, will be held was ill Canada, in a tribe of agn.c liltu- 10 lye lan1o \1eel. a 1 In Ill'Xt week befYinlllllg \Vednesday, No- I:> • • r.d Indians who h,lYe little cOllllections I Clotb!er e"!orla \'ember 13. All Will be held accordmg " .I t I1 tl H: OU t S.I {I e \\'or I(I . 'J'lle cl,,'ef • Sllot ~ 1I ThIS EvenIng 't"o a schedule planlled by each teacher. I 1'1 II I I t I lhe~e cOllfl'rences prOVide an oppor- 011- )ot I-Sl( es, to { lcr to se cc allis-I 111 a ConCl'rt at 8.15 P. }.f. Friday, tunity of discussillg the chIld's devclop-hand lIy ~l111down or one .would be d',\o\'clllber 8. in Clothier Memorial the Inu.'lIt and problems in terms of his edu­hnl11ght to her. .1 t1 the mor.mng at the I' V IIliam J. Coopl'r Foundation and the cational achievement, social, emotional, h.l·'ld (~t, .1 (;hantmg jll'lJI.:eSSHJn ?~e ar- music department of Swarthmore COI-Itnt:utal, and phYSical growth. rl\ed. I hl: htlshand \\as put bCSl e her. Ill'ge will present Dela Bartok. the great There will be no afternoon sessions It \\.1:. ,I. trec l'arvcd and dr.cssed as an 'Hungarian composer. pianist. and lec-Ifar Grades I to 6 on November 13. 11J(1~an Shc kept. thc figure. m her tel)Ce I turcr who \\ ith his wife Ditta Pasztory- 1-1 and 15. Programs of educational in­dllf. l1Ig the nst 01 her st.ay 111 that tnbe. 1 Bartok began his sccond tour of the terest will be held in the High School 1 he 11Ortnl1ts. pamted outdoors to I United States last week. auditorium 011 these dates and all chil- !.,!d a.natural h!!htlll~ am.1 puse. ~Io~~ o! His shrrt tour dur:ll~ the sDring of ':'('11 arc tordially i.nitccl. Glad:.'.:; 5 ::md J the pictures 1\Irs. Granger sh,:med .\~re 119-10 brought Bartok a tremendous suc- 6 will have no afternoon sessions on dDlle in tcmpera. The older Imhans feared Icess and cstablished his reputation as No\'ember 18 and 19. that a picture took away of .thelr one of the great personalities among .. \t1t:lltiance at these activities is vol~ .\11 r. \\r. V. study grollp Oil the for- soul It ~axed all of her Wit .and mge- lil'iug composers. untary, All children will come directly l'ign lllllil·y of thl' Ullit(od Statt:s, conduc- IIIlIty ttl Illduce them to be palllted: During tillS tour Bela Bartok will not to the high school auditOrium for the ted h\' Dr, Fldlllt·;.. Rlinhold Fussell of . ::\trs. Alex.Huler ..L ackey, art chairman. only he featured as pianist and lecturer afternoon programs. S\\'lIthmOlt· ColIl'ge. \dll be held at thc 1Iltroduced 1lrs. Granger. )'lrs. Arthur hut as aile of the most outstandmg I • hOJlJI' of }'lr!l. i':arle P. Yerkes, 19 South Billn~ and 1\[IS. '\'. F. Hanny wcre hOSI- composers as wcll. :hlany of his works PllIIt.·l'tOIl an-J1lle, on TUl'sdaY!i, No\cm- ,l'sse!> for the altellluull 1\lrs. Charles will be heard in concerts all over the hl'l" 12. 10, 2f" .tt 10 A. 1\1. Thc study I Bunting and ).It!>::. llartha Ha\ilalld pre- country. Committee members who labored Thanks Girl Scout Committee lotn"l· "III he Opt'lI to all mCllIbt·r:-.. of "'I<lt·d at the tl'a table. • • • lo\,er the Health Center Rummage Sale thl' I.t.lglll· :\'on-Illemhcrs may attclld tor • I • I LEGION BANQUET TONIGHT last \Vedncsday and ~rhursday wish to .1 slll,tll dlalgl·. On the first Tuc:-tiay the' lIThe allnual Fatht:r-son-DaughterIPUhliclY express their gratitud~ to the JluliQ oi tIll l'nihd St<ttes to\\an.l Eur- Rohin Hood in Rchearsa Ih,UHJuct of the Harold .\msworth Post Girl Scout llailltcnance for I 'ill' \\ 111 1)(;' <11;.;(; lI~ .... etl. on No\ ember 19, , • ) C 'tt, the ~ o. -127 American Legion will be held the large amount of rummage It col- "1' I' . IUS '1 \ '." .1 tIll" JIllllOr J 1.1\:-. UIIllm ee of I' .• f I I Itt d t tl,e,'r sale o In 01 t I\..' . tu\\'al(. Sl<l, anu a"- . I . I 1e III the Swarthmore High School ca c- ccte( all( ranspor co. thl· hna. l mcdlllg, "Po I'I t.:y 0 I t I1(U' .S to- II. P •h~ ·cr ;.; Club t <l ke pd l'"asfu rc 111 fa m1 9O-1U0i- 41- I tcria tonig<h t at 6 o'clock. An m. tcr- ~~ 1 r. F rei I P . j ones servt'd co ffee to \\ald I.atin \lIllric.I." IIII~ tlla.t hrst. pro ~IC 1~~rs~11 of one lesting program has heen arranged to thc \\orkers 111 the lounge. of the \Vo- s. P. C. A• . II nvitation 1!0l l:I·ca~ ol Il, IllS 1t,). lJ~1 '~si~c~~I:s Robill lIood. If ollow the dinner and a large attend-lllIau·s. Cluh after the preview \Vednes- II ( lOOt ., c .1. • I day IlIght \\'itl! a l.ugc cast of 41, a gro~p ~f ance IS expecte{. •. I.ocal ofhn'r;.; \dll he in attendance at attractl\'e stage :.ds, 0111.' of which I;.; _ _ _____ the ngnlal' monthly ml'l"tmg of the ncla-l the gTt'.lt hall of Prince John's castle. "all' C()lIl1t~ S. P. C .. \. to he held on land pknt~ of s\\ord play. Robm Ho.od ~14J1lday, X('\l"llliJl'r II. at 2 I). 1\1. inlprollli~l's tn he of intcrest to JUll1ar thee Borougli Coullcil room ahovc tht:, ml'mlnT., ni all age:.. , FIt'e llollse ill .\Il'(lia . .\Icmhers and oth- i ~ll'mhtr.,llIt> cards for the seasons t I" IIIlt.'rt·!ltt:d ;11 (. \\ t"!t.:IJlllt'. I f0111' pl'ftorm,lIIces arc in great demand '32, ~36, '40 Vote COJllpared • . \ COlllp.ITI~On of the local vote distrihution in the last three pres­;, It nt.11 eilCtlOib 's as iollo\\'~: ]t.J32-1{t.·llllhliean J357, I>emocra­tit ISS. ::-;oclali-.t 122, total 1664; 19J() - l{epllhIK:l1I 1-171, Demo­cratic :i(JI\ Sociall ... t 31, total 20hX, I')~() - Rcpuhh(;;111 1650. I h'lllocratic 372, Socialist 37, total 20:i0. accordmg il> )'lrs. Joscph B. Popc. I treaSUrl'f. l{nervation should he made I promptl} \\ nil ::\1 rs. Popc. I • I • Post. Auxiliary Evenl Nears Tht: .\llIltic.t1l tegioll Auxiliary Jan-I 1l01ll1ll:d to memhers of the LegIOn lost II and oi the \l1xiliary that the a~ll.luall "l·t-tll~dhl"1 (II the Post and Auxlhary I I ~·11I he ",t,lgcd in the \\'oman's Club I II I " ollilge IT·Ul'sd a;' eHl1ing', Nov. em. bedr I 22 .. It X P ),1. All members. are IIlVlte I to join in the fun of that CVClll11g. J l'!'()() ~',w fi ,(10 H 1.1 I ~ UO I 00 ~ I,) 7: I,J il :00 a:oo a:t.J THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FitllJA y. NOVE~IDER 8 I, •• ·.·I)() .. )1. - D ... l.m.lre COlillty Art ExhlbLt .. .. 'Vornall's Club 1p ': :\1 - :'Iintti! .... Club .. ...... ... ::.10 Soulh ChestCe r Road ~I: _ i..t·_ lUll F.lther·Son·Daul;:'htl'r Dmner ... ; .. .Ihgh School areterl.~ I ' 'I - ,t COlt II h~ I~·l.t ll.lrtuk. llun,;arJaU I I UII~t CUrn]IO!ler . .• . • Clothier :Memorlal SATURDAY, NOVE:\IBER II 10 :J:tJo l' :'II - V( la ..... I1·(· County Arl Exhibit ..•...• , .•.. \Vomall's Club p ;\[ _ SOH' I \\ It II 8lelllwlI" .... . .•.. . . . . .. ... . •.•• Palmer Field p':o.( _}'o01"\ll_Clllli'~(' \" Urcxel.... ,........ . ... CollcS'c Field P: )1: _ :'lImit Tn D.lIlle Hcut II . • •............•.. Clolhler )lem')rICIl SlJNlJA Y NO,'E:'I18ER 10 A ;\1 -)Ifltlllll~ \\·or ... hlj) . .•.••.• • •••. Local Churche~ I" •-.·.·UU ".;\1 - 1)1·1,\ ..... 11 ... COUll!)" Arllsts Tha .. " ••.•..••••• \Voman's Club ' Clothier l\Iemonal P. :\1._GllIl~Il!ll SI'I{'ULe .t .... ·lurc •••••••• .:o.tO~mAY. NOVE)lBER 11 10:00 A.:'\I IH 1 tlo l' .:0.[. -llPd Cro .. " Se"lIlg.,... ...•... . .. \Voman't> Club TUESD.\\', NOVE~IDER 12 :,! :10 P ~I _11:.1U1' In Ann •• Brillion ........................ 'Vomall's Club \\'};UNESDA Y, :SO\'E~mElt 1:1 10 :ao A. ~t. _ \\ ulll III S GUIld Amnhary .•.•..•.•.•......•.• Trlluty Parbb House GROUP ENTRIES FEATUUE OF BOROUGH'S MOST SPECTACULAR HALLOWE'EN PARADE Following il brief concert and drill llIanelln.·rs tlt(· S"arthmore High School Band. delighting the throngs of spectators lining the walk aloulld the main floor, .lu·onlp<lmed till' parade on its march l\\ i{'e al uUlld thl' track. Traditionall\lnsrols Lead A hCc-size dl'l)ltant and donk(T headed the p.lradc, continually el1!-:aglllg in en­COUII!(; rs 1 he late arrl\.d of tile don­ke\ imhcatcd to some that ('\\.'11 then he \\::;Sll't \\ orried the I('ast hit ahout not gett11l~ places, The elt-phallt of cxception­; 11 soul and personality h.ld plulty of Ill')ral I,,",cking hy a milch be-stickercd \\'ll1kie (Mrs. E II. \\'dtd following a halltlcr born hy f:tra.::s--.kirtcd hula hula girls (Kitty \\ cit? and Pctl'r Miller), hut was wt'dkl~ "'lIpportcd tJ\' the non­cL'llllllitta! hand \\.l!-f0ll kttt-recl "Vote for \\Tl'ndlin I. D. \Villk(,YCIt " Just ahout c\cr}' member oi the ani­. nal and hird kingdoms, \\ iltl and domes­tic, was thel'e-.Jonkc) s prcvailing. ::\10ck hons-growll ones and cubs, a live police thlg husky accompall) ing <l inr-s\'Wathed Eskimo, a stuffed monkt.·) \\ Ith an or­gan grinder, and a lll'uguin stood out among the more customary IO).licky ~lollses." The prt·.,Ulce uj :t pn·tty iellmJe lion tamcr nm:->lJled the 0\ er-tllllld. .'\ ftll \\'h;lt hapPl'nd tn Thanksgiving thc Christmas Spiflt ml1st feel it wise to prl'pal e for a nlO\ e-up too, for it par­; uJl'd with lIallo\\ c'en ghosts a~ the Bo­f.,'< 1rdus ialllily disl'la} cd Ib annual in­genUIty. 1 t.'d(t~ Hoganllb lIIa::.oql1era<ling a~ an entiCIng Christmas package ac­COIllI). auil'<i his sister Kah ina who ap­peared in a solid dress of hohday greet­ing c.lrds to introduce for the first time this moth c tu thc toc.11 annual parade of the spooks. Draftees, Diclators Popular . \s cO-lhclII('s the draft influcnce and the foreign situation welc 01l11l1-pn:scnt. Natty milItary uniforms alld othel's not so natty h.!(! heen dragged 011t of stor­age to aplH.".tr c\'ery so often in the 1la­rade's hilt' of march. l{eiugccs. a sailor off a hOlnhed \ I.::.:.d. Harry \\farren and Boh!)\" l~a\\'cctt C.III)lng an effigy of the "Get·;lt Dil·tator" as their solutions of the dldator IIlCIl.lCe bure mute e\'idencc that the )(Jungstcr:. arc acutely aware of the trend ot the times. The fairy folk IMd sent a goodly num­bl'r of Tt..'pt e:-eutati\C~. Gnc tiny blue fairy \\ ith slmrkhng cellophtlilc tresses made an cntran(;illg Sight. IIHli,liI warriors, S(JlIa\\s alld papoose; pirate .... clowns, Hohin Ilood, Quakt.:r l11.lids, Pinoccillo, ladics old and yOllng in model nand old­fashioncd garb of evcry COlllltf)" China­Ill( II-one a \ ery tall elaborately dl'essed 1IaIHIarin with handsome que to the floor, a hkel) nlas(;ot in miniatur~ for a police force, a Northwest ::\(ollntcd policel~lan in colorful Ulll form, Huckleberry Fum, gndiron \'eterans more or le::.s coven'd by oandagc:., a Sandow \\ hose eyebrows \\ert' not hi., least IlHl::.cular part, }.riss . \I1lCrll a III a hl'ach cape, were only a few of the illtt'l'c-.ting and nuvel costumes. A 110at with "DlIlg Dung the \Vltch is I )('a<l" proclaimed that olle goblin was laid 10\\ tillS Hallowe'en. An mgeniously (ronrillfUd 011 Page Six) -.. ., nl Members of the chain gang were (left to righl): Edith . • II \er\ ,)cnshe l\lac "'cst in last Thursday e,enmg .. hU ' The elephant and donkey were ('!aught in a rarely peaceful Knlhl("cn J(,~!"II"~ (Il'ft)'il";~:' Lilll~field~ Judy Koch, J!8n lIuer and Susan,Tha,1C' et;ildren and AJlan lIunt wilh their burro made a picture ,,",c That('1tcr~ J£'an ~torrs, £'. lid brood went ~hnrmmgly Oriental. The I onure (' t extreme ri ht. mo.u("nt. l\lr:!ol, lIermaJlcBloom hO ,,'o,",'ed .he crowds with her solo donke,' stunt, appears a g had to presene_ IUary or~e, w

---------- Page 8 ----------

THE SWARTHMOREAN NOVEMBER 1!NO 2 Village Relaxes Over A.rmistice Holiday After Election, '.. '. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Honeyford of the Bouquet Beauty Salon attended the Hair­dressers' Convention at New York. rlaughter on November I in the Baker Memorial Hospital, Bo&ton. The baby has been named Constance for her mother "ho is the daughter of Mrs. Arthur W. Kent of Elm avel1ue, Swartht!1ore. lrd, on November 6 in Laoonia Hospital. The baby is a grandson of Mrs. Lydia 9reell Mitchell of North Chester road. Miss Margaret Roxby of .ColJlell ave-nue" ;is at the shore for a few days. .+, Doy_~ Dick Hook 'son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook' of Westdale aVeitue celebrated his thirteenth birthday with a dinner par­ty on Saturday November 2 which ad­journed to see the movie "Foreign Cor­respondent." Mrs. T. A. Bradshaw arid son Robert 'fta 811ft c.. ,. ..,. ~ WI 27 , Many friendly gatherings on Elec~o~ Eve~ing remained to coinfort Call 4CO if not to rejoice! With that day behmd us for another four years we turn with relief and anticipation to the holiday season ahead. 'There's something jolly and child-like and kindly about Santa C:laus even if Bradsbaw returned Monday from Bryn Mawr Hospital where the was born on October 21. Mr. and Bradshaw live in the Stone House TIno 'F,rl$~(\"'4 r p ... Harvard and Yale avenues. the Pilgrim Fathers were of sterner stuff. '. .. . RUSSELL'S SERVICE D_ ........ ..,.,...A_ t "We DOII'& IoU ca- Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of South at the college. They will return home Barbara Allison of Rutgers avenue . was One 6£ a small group of students who JIlade the Dean's List at Green­brier College, Lewisburg, West Va., during the first six weeks period. Mr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Moore, Jr., 01 Laconia, N. H., are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, C. Leslie Moore, ....... - . Princeton avenue entertained on Elec- next Tuesday. tion Evening when their guests were Last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Mr. and Hall of Benjamin West avenue enter­Mrs. Arthur Lawrence and Mr. and tained with a masquerade party. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer. Mrs. Frank Ford Barber of Harvard Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of avenue entertained her bridge club at Rutgers avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. luncheon last Wednesday. Other mem­Oscar J. Gilcreest at dinner on Election bers 01 the club are Mrs. William Ran­Day. For three consecutive presidential die, Mrs. William Harvey, Mrs. Silas elections the Griffins and Gilcreests have Comfort, Mrs. E. S. Burton of Chester heard the election returns together. and Mrs. Cassius Lewis, Mrs. Robert A pitch-in dinner party was 8!Ven at G. Gilfillan, and Mrs. William S. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reavis Blakeley of Swarthmore. • I • Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Pere Allison Wilmer, of Washington and Leesburg, Va., have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Margaret Ailes Wilmer to Lieutenant Edwin Clark Aiken, U. S. M. C. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dartmouth avenue. Miss 'Wil­mer is a graduate of Mount Vernon Sem­inary and is now attending Trinity Col­lege. Lieutenant Aiken attended the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania and was gradu­ated in 1939 from the United States Na­ARE YOU LAPEL CONSCIOUS? Wear the Ameriean fl •• and proclaim. your patriotism - recardleu of poUtiealleaninl's. Flash a down or silly pelican and watch the emiles appear - Clever "Martha Sleeper" desiane in aU types of jewelry. All priced from $1 and worth a trip over to see. COOLEY LIIJ.EY EDGMONT AVENUE AT WELSH STREET, CHESTER of University place on Election Day eve... Mrs. A. G. McVay and son, Jackie, ning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rutan, Mr. and have recently t:-een spending a week with M1s. J. Paul Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred her parents, MI". and Mrs. DeWitt A. P. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ruth- Hills of Elm avenue. Mrs. Hills then erford,. and Mr. and Mr~. Ralph Dins- accompanied her daughter and spent a more listened to the electton returns. week at the home of the latter in Front val Academy. He -has recently been sta- • tiolled at the Philadelphia Navy Yard from which post he was ordered to Parris Ul Island, S. C. The wedding will take place ~ early next summer at the home of Mr. JLI MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MA TCHABELLI • CHANEL. Jean Blakiston of Elm avenue enter- Royal. Va. tained the sixth grade girls of the CoI- Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of South lege avenue school at a Hallowe'en party Princeton avenue entertained 16 guests Wednesday evening, October 30. at dinner on Saturday evening. and Mrs. Wilmer near Leesburg. 2i • I • ..... Births r.:I Q Mr. and Mrs. Melvin F. Wood of Elm Mrs. H. Lindley Peel entertained in-avenue left Tuesday to motor th rongh formally last Thursday in honor of Mrs. A daughter, Constance Inez Russell, "•. . nd born to Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. ... Louisiana on a combined busmess a Henry F. Bitler. . 0 BEAUTY SALON 't'a caring that aavea the wearing pleasure tn.p . Th ey WI'1 1 re t urn on Su n- Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of I;~~~;:~: mofo rnHianvge, rfNorodv emplbaceer 6o,n inW ethde- >.... day November 17. vValnut lane will entertain friends at Philadelphia Woman's Hospital. ~ 13 South Chililei' Bad Several Swarthmoreans were among dinner 011 Saturday, November 9. CaD SwartIam .... 0176 • 1:1 I the twenty some guests when Miss Janet Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Scates of Clark and Miss Esther Anne Newcomer New members who attended the lunch- Belmont, Mass., announces the birth 01 a· HANEL. ROVAE • MARY DUNHILL .. CORDAY • entertained a number of fellow members eon given by Mrs. Harold Griffin No- il-:::-:::' :::_:;_:i::_;:;;:=::::_::::::_:~:::~:::~:::_:;:~=_=_:::::_:::-=~:::-='::::::~::-======~:::::::::::::;:;;:=;:::::::=i of Delta Gamma and other college COR- vember 5, before the Woman's Club were t temporaries at breakfast Sunday morning. Mrs. S. M. Brewster, Mrs. May Marsh, 1 BENEFIT "France Quand Meme Relief Committee" The first course was served at Miss and Mrs. C. M. Molstad Chapter of Refugees 01 England, Inc. Clark's home and the main meal at Miss Mrs. W. H. Shank of Chambersburg, ~ Newcomer's both in Media. After break- Pa., who has been visiting her daughter SOIREE PARISIENNE last the group explored Glen Providence. Mrs. Alvah \Vood Stuart of Vassar ave- Dr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins of nue will return to her home next Mon­Crest lane left on Saturday November, day. Mrs. Stuart entertained at tea in 2 for a cruise to South America. honor of her mother yesterday. Mrs. S. H. Graser who has been en- Edith Kniskern a student at Sweet ;KEAJl;;~'J;'BE;~~~~~~~~g~~ joying a two months trip to the W~l Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va., act:om- EARLY coast returned on Wedn~day Novem- companied by her roommate Chesley ber 6 to make her home with her daugh- Johnson of New Orleans, La., will re­tef Mrs. 'Charles Israel of North Prince- turn to her home on Riverview road ton avenue. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinsun of ip W. Kniskern over this week-end. South Chestcr road and Harvard avenue Arthur T. Dingle, son of Mr. and Mrs. will cntertain Dr. French Thom,SOD, Howard J. Dingle of Park avenue has preside'nt of Greenbrier College for been pledged Phi Delta Theta at the Uni­Women, Lewisburg, W. Va., over this versity of Virginia, -Charlottesville, Va. week-end. On Sunday the Tomlinsons I . f Dr. Laura M. Hobbs of Miami, Fla., will entertain high schoo semors rom sister of Wm. S. Hobbs of Park avenue Swarthmore and vicinity at a tea from and Robert Hobbs of Hainesville, Ohio 4 until 6 o'clock to meet Mr. Thomp­son and see moving pictures of Green- nephew of Mr. Hobbs were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs. Dr. Hobbs brier. was sent by the Zonta organization to Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Diekin- Bronxville, N. Y., for a meeting. She son avenue entertained the members of ' here Qn her. way horne. hberird gber. idge club last Friday at dessert-Ilr~M~~_~ ~~~~;~~;:~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCunly of Ogden a\'enue left yes~erday to motor south. Mr. McCurdy will stop in Char­lottesville, Va., willIe Mrs. MtCuI'dy continues to Hollins College at Roanoke to visit their daughter, Rinky, a student MANOR . Friday-Saturday "Brigham Young Frontiersman" Tyrone Power Linda Darnell John Carradine Monday-Tuesday Rohert Montgomery Constance Cummings "HAUNTED HONEYMOON" PLUS GENE AUTRY "Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride" Wednesday-Thlll'lHlay Clark Speneer GABLE • TRACY Clandette Bedy COLBERT. LAMAR "BOOM TOWN" rite.... ..w Ite an """" ai_iNion priu lnawaae 0/ 51! on rid. ,,"mdW" I I Last Days "DOWN ARGENTINE WAF' starts Monday "THE GAY CABALLERO" with CESAR ROMERO-SHEILA RYAN Also "YESTERDAY'S BBJ:U)ES" MEDIA THEATRE FRIDAY-SATVRDAY TYRONE POWER LINDA DARNELL "Brigham Young Frontiersman" With DEAN JAGGER. SlJlIfD&Y-MONDAY-TUESDAY' 3 Shows Each Day . ' starting at 2:30-'-9P.1IL oatk Gable . 'Spencer T!'acy . Claudeile .Co1bert" He~~Lamor "BOOM'lUWN" •. ~ aU:_':ls::-8:Jt II Noie:-,_......,;" b -. aJaOWll aattODal17 at • IUPt iD.CI'eUe of five eents on eaeJa. &11111& allm'mOll. Venetian Blinds Wood or Sicel Slat DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE SHADES Im.alled Free • CORSON'S 615 WELSH ST, CHESTER 'Phone Chesler 2-2138 STARTS FRIDAY "KNUTE ROCKNE ALL AMERICAN" Starring Pat O'Brien-Gale Page STARTS TUESDAY "DANCE GIRL, DANCE" with Maureen O'Hara Louis Hayward STARTS ·SATURDlI.v Carole LOMBARD Charles LAUGHTON In nThey Knew What Tbey Wanted" THURSDAY & FRIDAY CAROLE LANDIS HENRY WILCOXON ONSLOW STEVENS In "l'lystery Sea Raider" FRIDAY TJIB DEAD END .. ros III "110,., of 'the CIQ'" SATURDAY BID BwoH . In ''PRAlBIB,8C1JOONERS'' Dancing 9 till 1 :30 Two Floor Shows Midnight Supper Cuisine de Maurice Plechot Saturday, November 16 at THE MARY LYON SCHOOL For Reservations call Swarthmore .1764 "-roo&o<I _ ~roo&o<I-"_ • __ --..-... ........... - - .---- THANKSGIVING DINNER SERVED AT STRATH HAVEN INN FROM 1 UNTIL 8 P. M. For parties of 10 or more, we will provide a whole tUI'key, plump and 8uuulent, if arranged for in advance. Telephone Swarthmore 680 F. B. SCBEIBLEY. MGJUllrer PEOPLE JOIN CO-OPS TO GET WHY do people say that Co-op grad­ings and labeling are "more explieit and understandable ?" "If you were offered these three cans of green beans by your grocer, at the same price, which would you buy?" This question was asked of nineteen house­wives (Not Co-op members or "profes­. sional consumers") at the spring lunch­eon of the American Marketing Associa­tion. Seventeen of the nineteen pieked the Co-op! - whose label carried the grade, a description of factors behind the grade, and information as to use. Donald Montgomery, Consumers Counsel, U. S. Department of Agrieul­ture, has said: "The new labels being put out by National Cooperatives are the big­gest step in this direction (more ade­quate information) that has been brought to our attention thus far. We congratulate the Cooperative Movement for its leadership in this field." Harriet R. Howe of the American Home Economies Association displayed enlarged copies of Co-op tomato labels in her talk on "What Consumers Want in Labeling" before the Business-Consumer Relations Conference • • • A few indica· tions of growing pnblic preference. Cooperators own their own stores and wholesales, and naturally they tell them­selves as much as they ean about their own merchandise. Be~Qrue "brand grad­ing. lfIId labelin. are more eJtplieil and underl.antfable ,ban in prilHlle aIore.,u ...... an ou'.'andi. retUOII «iDeA lor join­ing a Co-op in 'M opinion 0/ 400 Co­operator. in nine ao­cielie. ""0 -sre in­. ervJeued by a Fe-­. earcla organba';on in preparation lor a .. ad,. puWiMetl ira "Sale. MGlICW6menJ,t m",""ne • 'WARTH-MORE COOPERATIVE 401-03 DARTMOUTH AVE. • NOVEMBER 8, 1!NO THE SWARTHMOREAN Trinity Parish Notes THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Captain Atkinson will hold his final . . THE SWARTHMORE"N, INc., PUBLISHIR session of the Young Peoples' Mission tomorrow morning at 9 o'tlock. There PHONE SWARTHMORE 900 will be no meeting this afternoon. On ·,rtrm E.. TOtD, Edilor MAiuORlE TOLD, .4l1OCilll. Editor Sunday morning at the regular Church .: ROSALIE PCIRSOL ldAIIT F. KuTI.a School hour, the rector wiu close the Eatind .. SecotUI eta. Maller, J ... ...,. UoI929,1II the Poo& Mission with a "Childrens' Eucharist" Oftice at Swuthmono, Pa., UDder tho Act .1 MaIdt a. 1879. at which time he will .xplain to the Church School the service of Holy FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940 Communion. ,. I!;;~ii;;;o ____ - ____ ;;;i;;i.ioii;;;i;iiiii~~i.ii.i~~ _______ -.!II The annual Legion service will be ,I 0 held in the Church on Sunday morning .IAn pen Letter to Our Next President at 11 o'clock. Vice-commander, the Rev. ....' 'rhomas A. Mcrywcathcr, will assist in " Last T~~sday, Mr. Roosevelt, you became, by vote of the majority the service. The Lessons will be read by "of your clttzens, the first third term president of these United States Commander Herbert Bassett and Past­" vf America. commander, Guenther H. FroebeL The Color Guard will be in command of Although it supported your opponent throughout his campaign, this Alexander M. Dryden. Representatives small town weekly is quick to admit that majority rule is essential to of the Boys' and Girls' Scout Troops - th d t' d wiII also attend. : e emocra IC system an to express the earnest hope that the On Armistice Day there will be cele-c final intent of your wish to "stick by these people of ours until we brations of the Holy Communion at 8 ~ reach the clear, sure footing ahead" may be fulfilled. and I() o'clock. The Church wiu be open _ Nevertheless Mr. Roosevelt, in common with several millions of aU day for private prayer and inter- peop• e th rough ou t t h'I S country we fi nd ourselves troub l ed and fearful ceAsslilo nc afpotra inpse acaen. d members of the · of the future because of certain aspects of this campaign. Every Member Canvass teams will at­First, although we shall all talk glibly during the coming weeks of telld the service at 11 o'clock on Sunday a "united nation" - this campaign has laid bare the fact that we are morning. Immediately after the service :,'in reality, split by chasms too wide for comfort. In honestly al'red' they will meet in the assembly room, under the leadership of Allan W. Car- · ,differences there is strength; in such class bitternesses as have raised penter, and receive their final instruc­. ~ :their heads during this campaign there is only weakness and injustice tions for the canvass which will begin · indignity. and degradation. We beg of you, desperately beg of you,' Sunday afternoon. The following men will serve on the teams: Earl F. Ander­:'-' Mr. PreSident, that the fomenting of such feeling will be, if for no ton, S. B. Brewster, Jr., William Jack- ,. other reason than the emergency which we share with the rest of the SOli Blackman, Harry Clay Barr, S. .. world, discouraged. Because of your position no man can do that as Frank Butler, John L. Cornog, Samuel : effectively as you can, if you wilL D. Clyde, Col. Merritt B. Curtis, S d h f f .. . . William Howes Collins, James E. . econ, t e ear 0 totahtanan war haunts our hvmg and our think- Evans, William Freegard, Guenther H. · mg. Your recent assurances have obviously submerged the fears of the Froebel, H. Russell Fry, Rex I. Gary, · !pajp~itybut for several million of your citizens the old adage "actions Frank L. Gettz, Walter C. Giles, Lewis · Ilpelik louder than words" still has reality. In their name we beg of Goodenougb, Ernest C. Heg, Edward · M P 'd . " N. Hay, W. O. Henderson, W. E. Het- · you, r. resl ent, to pu.t mto consistent practIce your peaceful zel, Jr., S. Pemberton Hutchinson, Jr., :, preachments. Your re-electIOn has warned the dictators whom you L?uis W: ~illg, R. M. Kilg?re, Scott. B. · asked us to warn. The power of that warning is still to be established Lilly, Wllh~m Sproul LeWIS, Fredertck •. and the prospect of peacefully defending democracy is still ahead of 't'1·,' LueAhrlllng, LJohpn t MyerSJ, ThhomBas h· h' h h .. , )crs, cn . U Dam, osep . :. t IS country, W Ie we ODor. Pope, T. Lea Perct, A. R. O. Redgrave, 1 Third, we know that we are caught in a vortex of social revolution. Robert H. Reed, Joseph Reynolds, R. It is' exceedingly difficult to view social justice and progress with san- M. Ricfimond, Dr. William Stericker, 't W be M P 'd t be f . II b . . James R. Taylor, James H. Thomas, · 1 y. e g you, r: resl en ,to air to sma us messes which J. Burris 'Vest, C. Fred Wolters, Joseph : have, over a long penod of years now, kept going to provide employ- N. Walton, and Ernest Wernher. : ment and to hope for the future. You have never had to face that prob- ~n impo:~ant b~siness me~ting of the .' J:~ITl:~.!'~' perhaps we should not blame you if you accept the statements 9Ulld-Awubary WIll be held 10 th~ Par-., -? f f d" d' I Ish House next Wednesday mormpg at ·'·~ro .esscrs a~ mmlsters an sO~Ja r~formers who have never faced 10:30 o'clock. All women of the Par- · It either., But d,scouragement, falSIficatIOns, discriminatory legislation ish are invited and asked to join the ,. 3d1~»Jjt.h¢ .',),ecessity. for balancing b~ks in a time when the majority Wed~esday sewing. group which. is 'cons ers'1$'at unfashIOnable makes eXistence on WPA see th lor the ,EpIscopal and Phtla- . ". ' ...... " m e easy delphIa General HospItals lor the wat}ljtr by. ,contrast. W hat the labor vote of your majority and the Christmas boxes. .. offi<;l,aI'f~ily vote of your majority has never admitted is that small bu~inesses· provide tax funds which are imperative for social reforms and badly needed for defense; that together we may be able to rebuild our country; separately we have little hope. No man alive can cor­rect this situation faster than you can, if you will. " Fourth, Mr. President, we beg you in the name of those who come :: after us to !eturn to this people the self-respect which honest work :'~one~ bnng and take from us the political insecurity of relief. We would rather earn blankets than have them handed to us as rewards whi.~/) are not ho".estly earned. The dignity of toil is not an idle phrase, but one of those lightly held "inalienable rights of man". We there are di~c.ultie~ in .t~e way of your accomplishing these thm~s. In 1932 we Jomed m glVlng you a united support after Y0l]r electIOn .. W~ have .been lost along the way by inconsistencies wJ;uch your maJonty conSiders unimportant. We believe that the future even of that m~jority depends on your ability to solve these problems. You have said that "we shall continue to have differences". In that we ~onc.ur and find a sign of hope. Differences fairly heard, are es­sen tlal m a democracy, A seven-year-old to whom the election returns came as a surprise say, ."B,ut after all w~ still have a president. Wouldn't it be moful If we dldn t have a presIdent?" We know we are fortunate in our form of government. We shall follow your lead in the tremendous task of preserving it. ------.--------------------------- CHURCH SERVICES S\v ABTIDIORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. David Braun. Minister , 'SUNDAY 0:45 A.M.-Cbur(!h 9(!hool and Men'. Bible Class. 10:00 A.M.,.....Women·s Bible Class. 11 :00 A. M. -Morning Worship. Sennon .. '. topic: "Beyond Sel1lshneae." ARMISTICE DAY • lO:~O to ~1:10 A.M.-Pra.ver for Peace. METHODIST CHURCH .. Clarence F. Carter. D.D., Minister 0:45 A. N. - Cbu'l'Ch Scllool. 11 :00 A. M. - Morning- Wot'ahiP. . TRINITY CHURCH Protest.anl. Episcopal Ohurch Rev • .:(. Jarden ,Guenther. S.T.M .• Rector 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A. M~-Chur(!b School Misaion. 11 :00 A. M. - ANNUAL LEGION SERVICE. 5:.30 P. J,£. - YPF Supper Meeting'. . _ ARMISTICE DAY 8:00 A. M. - Holy Communion. HJ.:OO A. M. - Holy Communion. To Discuss Confucian Philosophy The subject of Religion and Religion,i will continue this Sunday morning at 9.45 at the Friend's Meeting adult forum with a discussion of "Confucious and His Philosophy" led by Dr. Jesse H. Holmes. •• Christian Scienee Church "Adam and Fallen Man" is the sub­ject of the Lesson-Sennon in all Church~ es of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, No­vember 10. The Golden Text is: "Unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord my rock .... Save thy people, and bless thine inheri-' lance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever" (Psalms 28;1,9). • I • TIlE RELlQlOUS SOCIETY OF FRIBNDS Methodist Church Notes ,. ., SUNDAY .9,:45 A. }f.-First Day Scbool. 45 9-:4:1; A.':M.-,)(ornlDg' Porum. ''CoDfuciuB The Church Scho~l will m~et at: 9.: 11. and Hls Phllosoph7." next Sunday mormng for mterestmg .00 A. M. - Meeting for Worship in the opening exercises and Bible study Meeting HOt18e. .' WEDNESDAY The Nursery WIll be pleased to care 9:30 A. 111. to 3:30 P. 1II.-Sewl"" aDd f 11 h'ld f Is ho de quittitllr In· Whlnler Rouee. Bolt luncheon. All ';'Ir sma C I ren 0 par~n w. - are cordially lnvUed. sire to attend the worship Se"lCe at I!IRI!T ,c~1lRCH OF CHmST. OOlBNTIST II o'dock. ". , . : 0 ... SWARTHMORE Tuesday 8 P. M. tbe Church School Park Avenuo BeJow Harvard .' hI b . 11:00 A.If. _ Sunday School. Board will hold Jts mont y usmess l1w:~'" A. Y. - meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry ~neadCQl' everun" meetmg' ea(!b week. 8 30 Laf tt P. m. Reading room open daily acept SUDda.ya Hoot, 1 aye e avenue. · ~-holiday8 1 to 4, p. m., church ediftce. Thursday '1 and 8 P. M. Junior and vic es I are cordlally invited to aUend the eel'- S· hOI'r rehearsals will be held. and use too Beadinl' Boom. emor c I I Presbyterian Church Notes Sunday morning at 11 otdock the sermon topic will be "Beyond Selfish­ness." Armistice Day, Monday, November 11, A Prayer of Peace will be conducted in the Church from 10 ;50 to 11:10 A. M. An invitation is extended to all who may wish to come together for prayer at that time. The High School Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the Par­ish House. The Fellowship will continue a series of eight studies in basic Chris­tian beliefs. The Woman's Association will meet \Vednesday, November 13, in the Par­ish House at 10 A. M. for sewing, 12 worship service led by Mrs. John C. Moore; 12 :30 P. M. business meeting, and 1 P. M. luncheon. The guest speaker at the luncheon will be Mrs. Harry A. Rhodes of Seoul, Chosen. The trustees will meet Wednesday evening, November 13, at 8 o'c1ock ill the Church study. The Session will meet Friday even­ing, November 15, at 8 o'clock at the home of Elder George Ewing, 112 Co­lumbia avenue. • I • Juniors Choose Host and Hostess Two children from each of the classes· of the Junior Assembly were chosen' to act as host and hostess for their re­spective dancing classes for this season. From the seventh grade, Jean Gem­mill and Andrew Kirk were voted in by the children and from the ninth grade Jerry Nowell and Louise Servais. The Senior Assembly committee names were published in last we~k's issue of The Swarthmoreall and the eighth and tenth grades will be puh­lshed next week. Completely Air-Couditioned Open AU Night J. J.'s Call1mportant Heetlng Thea Hulme will be bostess to the Alao Has Winniog HIUIt8 ,-. ~' 3 J. J.'s this Sunday evening at 7;30 o'clock at her home on North Chester road at Ogden avenue. All members are urged to attend as plans must be made for the bake sale to be held by the organization on November 16. Wool scraps and nmn .. ber 5 knitting needles should be brought to the meeting so that work may progress on the afghan i ust begun . In addition to the local names already run as winners in the chrysanthe­mum show held in Rutledge recently by the Delaware County Garden Club~ Mrs. Percival Annitage of Harvard ave­nue won a first prize and two second prizes. -For the Man Wlw Is Skeptical About Electric Shavers ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP OJIers a Free Demonstration With the NEW REMINGTON --- TRIPLE-ADOLPH'S - - - HEADER Priced from $7.50 to $17.50 Allowance lor Your Old Shavers • Three Hea.u Are BeUer Than One • Don't Take Our Word For It. Get The Free Demonsll'ation I 5 So. Chester Road FmST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF SW ARTBMORE, PA. ANNOUNCES A Free Lecture on Christian Science Entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD AND MAN WIDen PRODUCES PEACE" BY GAVIN W. ALLAN, C. S. B. OF TORONTO, CANADA Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Chureh The FIrst Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. M'uaelnlletta IN CLOTIDER MEMORIAL SWARTHMORE COLLEGE CAMPUS '. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1940 AT 3:15 O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED SPRINGTON RESERVOIR on Crum Creek Being a large and deep body of water, responds to tbe natural phenomenon called the Fall Turnover During the summer the surface layers are warmer and ligbter than the water. at a great depth. Cool fall weather cbills the surface water, and, us it approaches 38 degrees, the point of maximum density, it becomes heavier than the botto~ layers. , Tben comes the Fall Turnover, the top layers going to the bottom and the bottom layers coming to the top. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN -WATER CO.

---------- Page 9 ----------

FRE=---N-m--A. --FF-'A--IR-'--r:r.o---1;e-a-nd-C'--'1_.-- l..:..,..-T~=B=E"-.,.O -=·~-:.:~W-=ATO=R:"::'UiTCH.=B=M.·.· :..::.O=BE=A:=:.&..·I! r-___- -..:. ____~ ~~~~~... : ~.,;7 .. nt U(;IHJU lY~ B~~ .. alJlb~D·IAi.f;C~lj,:: ' Mothen' AT MARY LYON It will not be necessary to stay at' OF NATURE N:;~ber 1l.~t .' "". ' .·.u ·s. • : .. "Toh: ;~~N;,,=M~~:~tthebome"='" Brilliant Plans For November =;r~t!eine:~7t:fba~:~I'o~: .p~:;o':.~dj,~~:e;.:~~ra~~~tw::'~i.~~~j,~i~ ~: 'ii, S. 'BishOp Mrs! Ilrs·:rr.~ii'i,~w.~:!'" 510~.~;: , 16th's Soiree PariBienae to Benefit RefDgeee in England Everung at . The Home and migration through Swarthmore. Where- of : . ~ :·401to,.. . .'.;;,'" .' .. " Sch~1 A~SOCIatlon .WlII present on .that as a rare few may linger nea.. my feed_ . . ::: ..... ,., ~verungd· ID ~eedHdl!l" S?lOoIf AI.fudi.toc- ing station during winter. most of tbelD Edmund F.' '()ur~F,'I .......... " 1Wl!. a rama~lz JSC?sslon Ole I!, a spend the cold months farther sOuth. In ',,- . __ ._~ Boulevard cafes. :Follles Bergere . typ,ca1 Amertean famtly. By the tIme summer they breed in the mountains. :, T~eher. of Opera Comique .. chanson francais • des dances- . . cuisine Parisienne .: • an evening in the' Paris of not-so-Iong·ago right here in Swarthmore I relreshments are served, there should be where their whistled song has given PUnwi,Harrnonll',mul need. of them. Few skeletons will . be them the name. 'Peabody Bird.' ". left In 'c1oset~; few .de.batable questions The first fall migrants appe .. here • CompositiOn ". ~. ~bout the ~rdi~ry f.nChons and bannon- in early October. By the twentieth of Hear ' • ., . les of falDtly hfe WIll. be left untouched. the month our tangles along Crum Raft StudJ04 _" T~c~e!s, . parents, ch,!dren •. and ex~s Creek are swarming with them. This Bar! MeDonald,,-lloh,ert E!'~"'- will JOIR I!, an ~n dlscusSlon followtng peak of abundance is maintained for THE T~ FOR ,. n~ 1I0Ra PuPILS . .. ,. '''"' - . __ .... ' . : ~.:::: ... '·'1 •• .. ImposibJe? Non. mes dames et mes­seurs, it is just the allnual soiree of Le Cercle Francais of Wildcliff Junior Col­lege and The Mary Lyon School, an eve­ning of fun and fancy, bigger and more ambitious than previous celebrations of the French Club. a short s~t whIch bas been prepared for a couple of week., after which the • the OCcaSIOn. . numbers begin to dwindle." During late LUDcheoas-Dbmen .' .. This year the Alliance Francaise, France Quand Memc and a group of dis­tinguished patrons and patronesses, are helping the.lcx:al students put over a ,ben­efit for the French refugees in England, throwing the weight of their nation-wide activities to bring a collection of inter­nationally famous perfonners, chefs, singers, and darn:ers to Swarthmore Sat­urday night, November 16, in the Miller Crist Building of The Mary Lyon School. Two floor shows, group singing of fa­vorite Frenc.h songs-Frere Jac:.ques, Sur Ie Pont d'AV!gnOIl, Alouette and many others-lots. of dancing to Eddie Hop­kins Society Serenaders, and a huge sup­per at midnight are included. Reservations for parties of twelve, fourteen and sixteen, a number of them prominent members of the French colony are already beginning to tax the inge­nuity of the house committee in arrang­ing for such large tables and yet allow plenty of room for dancing. The commit­tee suggest that reservations be made early. " lOt" Grade Que"ionnalr... November the last ones depart for less U - 2 S -. Tenth grade teachers have given their f1'osty thickets. . 8111111ay 'l'!.d.B~ pupils questionnaires prepared by the So much for the migration of the Front at Jaduon Medla 520 h d h white-throated sparrow as a species.II.l...;;iiii';'ii;;iiiiiiiii.iiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiii. tent gra e mot ers' program committee.- What about the individual? Until" the If a majority of the parents fill these out R E COR D S and give these to the bovs and airls to advent of bird banding as a means of ~ co studying individual histories, our orni- MAKES 5c Up NEW AND USBD deposit in the boxes placed in the home thological knowledge was confined to SeIect1 t 10000 Beeords room for this purpose, they will contrib- the doings of entire kinds of birds; sHiET MUSIC ute to the success of the meeting on Wed- the destiny of single members of a Choke of 14,000 Pieces nesday. species was wholly unknown. LOUIliT MUSIC STOR' E I I Now it has been learned that during n Tri Deltas to Observe the' October-November sojourn of 18 w. FIFTH ST. CBESTBB Founders' Day white-throats in Swarthmore, few of them remain here longer than ten days. The three Delta Delta Delta alumnae. A trapped bird is not sufficiently in­groups in this vicinity, Philadelphia Itimida!ed by being handled and ba'.'de.d North Suburban, Philadelphia West Su- to, r~s15t the trap ~enceforth. I~ It 15 burban and Philadelphia Alliances. and, sttll 10 the same neIghborhood. ,t may the active chapter of Tri Delta at the 're-enter the trap for at least one other University of Pennsylvania will join for Imeal. In the ten-day period -a few birds a Founder's Day banquet on Wednesday w,iI1 become. actual nuisances by run­evening, November 20thJ in Philadelphia' DI,!g back mto the trap almost. as The speaker of the evening will be Grace qUIckly ~!i they are released from It. Godfrey, Dean of Home Economics at I If w~lte-throated. sparrows - and Drexel Institute. Miss Godfrey is 3 mern- other mtpants-remalD here only ten ber of Delta Delta Delta from Mu Chap- ?3YS , apiece,. then our two months ter at the University of Wisconsin. Any I wave of white-throats '!1u~t be cam­Dellas in this vicinity are invited to at- p.osed of a constantly shlftlD~ popula­tend. Reservations may be made with tlon. T~e first ones to arrive have Mrs. J. H. Baker, 929 Concord avenue, nes.ted 10 the sout~ermost ~art of the Drexel Hill. white-throat breedmg ter.rltory. The Members of the Philadelphia West Su- next ones have bred a httle farther bu r ba n Alll' ance I rom thoI S dI' stn.c t t. nc l u d e In orr th. I 't b 'd h th MURRAY'S Hart Schaffner l'I Marx Cloth •• 621 Edgmont Ave. Chester Swarthmore 949-J ..• '. ~ JUST PHONE SW~ .2084':: SOCIAL 8TATlO!IBRY . ' .. : , PBRSONAL XMAS cAlIDa : .. ' .. SPRINGFIELD PRESS . • 201 BaIJplore Boo4 8PBDlGFIIILJ) .. '. . ". Priced ONB-H.i\LF to ONB.TlURD La. . ... . ,-.... . :.... - . , -.... -'" _ .. , .'" .• ' :0,.' The l)atrons and patronesses for the social event include: Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ash. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bohn. Miss Florence Brill, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Chew. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crist, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Faragher, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Geyelin, M. and Mme. Eugene Houdry. Col. and Mrs. Frank Hyatt, . Mr. Arthur Katzinger, Dr. and Mrs. William Ear1 Kistler. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lassiat. Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Leavitt, Mr. all<l Mrs. Burns Mantle, Mr. and Mrs. Clay C. MacDon­ald, Mr. ,Howard Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas B. McCabe, Mr. and .. Mrs. J. W. Got:lJon Mccon&liY, M.l'a\!cI klDe. Pierre W: Quilleret, Mr. and Mrs. John Robbin. Mrs. ~elson Warner Stanard, Mrs. T. Wood~ard Trailier and Mrs. Edward'S: Wagner.,. Mrs. A. L. Clayden, Mrs. J. A. Detlefsen, n genera I may ~ sal t at e Mrs. Harvey Doe, Mrs. R. D. Fetherolf. most northern breede~s ID .summer have Mrs. P. H. Jewett, Mrs. Earl H. Weltz, the northermost wlntertng gyounds, Mrs. Elmer Pine of Ridley Park and th?ugh there are some exceptIOns to Mrs D Id C t f Med' th,s rule. such as the fox sparrows of . ana rosse a la. the Pacific CoasL , . ROBERT L. PAINTER ~'" ,,::; .. " .~':., '. , ',".: ,~l:: 823 EDGMONT Ava.. CHESTER PHON. CH-7254 ----------, .- LET'S EAT TODAY "T THE NEW CAFE *. The SUBURBAN CAFE On I be l.oncou*ra e 01 rhe PaR Suburhan Station Breakjusl-from 2.~c ImnrlJoon-/rom ·.0_'· LinneT -from 7Sc Under the pt.,.., nal·tillperwlliio .. .. of, D I'y R. Tull,. --~-.....,;.-';"':';':~""""""""-"""'''''''. • I • The main body of migrants. however. This Week's Bridge Winnel"8 follow a fairly logical pattern of dis- , . tributiol1. Therefore it is of little use Weekly' wfimers . at the Strath Haven to welcome the first-seen white-throat Inn -Monday evening when the Crum: in . late winter as a herald of spring. So Creek Bridge Club Held its regular meet-,Ifar as il is concerned, we are still part i!J8'·~ere: ';rltJr:.Sottt~Mr.l.*~~=:to£ ~its w~nter association; Newfound­mer ·Skoglimd 'and Richard Carvell, first ?1.1and is its destination,· and it 'has only Mrs. Richard Carvell and Palmer Skog- 'just begun its silent n.ort,hlllai'dftight. lund, second; Mr •. and· Mrs. H. J. BOI'ry.1 A month or so later the...white-tbroat. third; East.apd West-Mrs. Harry Ar_,passing through Swarthmore will· feel mitage and Mrs. Daniel Goodwin, first; that they are almost back home and Mrs. H. Bardwell ;Lincoln and A. F. these birds indicate their satisfaction in Robinson. secQn<i.;-· Mrs. Maurice Griest the imminent end to their journey with and Mrs. M,",m MacDonald, third. a full-voiced 'Peabody I' The club has a ten weeks tournamerit C. BROOKl\ WOR'l'H. now in progress. Winners will be an";' I • M nounced when the tournament is ended. Dancing Classes to eet • • Swarthmore Bridge Club Winner8 Winners of the Swarthmore Bridge Club on October 30 were Mt. Samuel Wisdom, Jr. and Mr. Richard Sellers, first;·Mr. John Bowditch and Mr. E. C. Lappe, second; Mr. Harold Tomlinson a.ruJ ~Dr. Frank Hendricksen, third. The first meeting of the season of the Intennediate Class (eighth graders) and the Junior Assembly (those in the tenth grade). will occur Saturday evening. No­vember 9. in the Swarthmore Woman's Club. SOCCER The Intermediate Class will meet from 7 to 8:45 P. M. and the chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. George Broadbent, Mr, and Mrs. C. B. CampbellJ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duer, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kroon. The Junior Assembly will meet from 9 until 11 P. M. and the chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Robinson, Mr. arid Mrs~ Robert T. Bair, Mr. and M.::s. A L. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shen­kle, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. West. Stevens vs. Swarthmore College ... " ........ Palmer Field. Saturday, November 9th, I:OOP. M. -Admission Free FOOTBALL . , PoU~ Regulations Drex~1 vs. Swartbmore:eonege' . . ....... Football Field Parents are asked to discharge child-ren on Park avenue and collect them af- Saturday, November 9th at 2:15 P. M. terwards from the Rutgers avenue en- Admis.sion $1.10 trance to the Woman's Club. This prac-l!; iii;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiooiiiiiii;;i;;iii;;;i;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;;;;iii;;;;i!ll tiCe was innovated last year at the re: ~l- !!!!!!I ~ ~ ~ !!!!!!!!!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ quest of the ~lice and was proved effi.:. • --'1 cient thr:oughout the year. . II ~t's Better to Be Safe Than Sorry ~ Modern D;~:"rs' Recital II If fr~ng weather shritilileome tcinight would you ha~e to II worrfabout your ear?! ' ':1 p. •. II II It's really dangero';s to' 'put off longer protecting your 'Ii II car wjlh some kind of anti-freeze. II We Suggest [I PRESTONE-TREK-ZEREX [I ~ I[ 1/ ., 'flU-SLUE ,. 1 ' ~ I I ; - i .' J . . _,' '11 WAITE EoIahu.&ed 1912 IL ,,==~h ~nd ChrylJler _ ~warthmore'12S0 ~.-.. ....--w .... " .... , .• • -. -.,' ,.~.-~ ... ~ - __ iiiiiiii. The dance ·group of Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman will bring their company' of 12 to Clothier on Saturday evening. . The program, sponsored by Cooper Faundation and SomervjJIe For~ urn will I1egiit at 7 :45. '. The Saturday program includes some presentations which combine dancing with prose~poetry and singing. Also included in the program is "On My Mother's Side," choreography by Weidman~ whose family ~haracters it portrays. The religious purification frenzies of the Shakers are represented in the last number. . LIim1JBB - RBCl'rAL BY GuY MARRINER Witla M...w' ~.~ " .. , .. , -'!J --., .. : .: : ... ~.: ... ' Good Foods make HaPfJ'Y ,F4';;iliei~~:; _,' ': .:. , 1 . ~( You can always be sure that Martel Foods are Coi>il' ,.: ._. Foods-and at Real Savings, ioo. One caD '8Jiop'-iif Martel's every day nf the week and save.·money •. Be .. 1 savings too, because no mailer what you h,uy or , ,- what you pay at Martel's, . 'quality never "mes.··· When anything is sale-priced you can eo'utit. ~n gilt-:. ting Ihe same fine meat, the same good'})~"ter,the.: same everylhing, that you get' at regulai-' prices;' , . .' QUALITY makes SAVINGS REAL at·Martel'so· '. . . , ,~. Free Delivery At These LowPriceB BUY THE FINEST O1f ALL ROASTS. Our regular quaUly .uunh -. " . is "priced . way !lown., . -tJb'w'. the. tune 'to ~: ,:. . c!li\Gi~ In ci big JulCy' Iamb',: .'. , .- '" i::· I'Cld«t. at a savlrtq of .1[): . cents. on each Pbund., PI<>- •. tur'!ilt In ~ ~9ht. setting" of !1.roccoll with Ho!kmd· " atse;" glazed. CdtrotsandY " 11)ashea.pOtaloe~-":What ' .. =1::".:=.:':-. a daii'Cly' Sunday cl!tinef if 'j will wI ' . .. .-. ,. '. " , .' NOVEMBER 8, 1940 TBE S1VABTBIIORB~ CLASSIFIED N E The J'car's grOUlinQ Old,' bul tHy wi"- don's are gold .. , , Mrs. C.', lof.. C. Lewis 01 the Strath Haven Inn·:i.eitt.irlaining her Bridge .cluJ; at luncheon today... .. Mrs. Thomas Safford of Strath Haven Inn has been in Philadelp/lia for a few days visiting a friend. \/ s _ Sold .. tbe proper.,. of ·W-.lter L. Lew,. and~tJJ.Ij.n F. LewI •• bl. wife. mottl'8COrli aDd Walter" L. I.ewl., real owner. . V. GILPIN . ROBINSON. AtlorneT_ Fieri Faciae No. GU w SeVlember Term. 1HO With sII"shi"e, 011 yellow I""". foiling. lit- gal' bea"t.v, the 'rus IOUlit the chill 0"'''''111 bree::e, Ere stern winter', bugle is calling. Among the members who attended a All lbat (eMain 10& or pleoe of pound- witb " ' P· Be Phi AI . tbe me8llua .. e or tenement thereon erected. Sit.· I ta umnae Club tea held at the ,uale on the aoutbeael aide of Bradford Road home of Captain Ernest Pace Headquar- at the dlatance of eeven huDdred and ftye and . s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB MaDY B ..... Cooper At their regular monthly meeting, Tuesday October 6, members of Evening Section of the Woman's i~~~!~~~;~~~;~;~~~ I!~i Co~lrl Jba. nedn teJrutnaiionre dC mluebms. beArsll otfh othsee Swchno-the election for a few hours attended this meeting, were we-Ii ;======/re,w'lrded to hear Fred J. Cooper, well. jeweler and silversmith. speak antique jewelry. Mr. Cooper brought with him a gor­display of antique jewelry. the piece being a bracelet once be­/ longiing to the Empress EUgenie. Every- Wh~n the heart's growing old, _, it'. ,!""dows gleam gold W~lh courage, wIum twilighl is falling. gladness and song, may we love a,1d be strottg, Ere life's bugle 10 night-foil is calling: • SUSANNl\ F. KONK~£ • I • SPORTS REVIEW Cone.e Vietorlow . Swarthmore College defeated Hamil­ton, 26-6 last Saturday at Swarthmore. After a scoreless first haU, Reed went into action. He scored twice in the third period after runs of 30 and Ii' yards re. spectively. He scored once more in the fourth period after a 35 yard run and Wolfe scored the final touchdown shortly before the end of the game, by a SO yard gallop. Richards converted twice. Hami1~ ton took to the air in the final period for their single touchdown. O "1' , . 'went7·two one-hundredths leet aoutbweetward ters , Phi adelphia ~avy Yard on Wed~ from ~he· .• oulhwm, side of Lon,·-Lane. in nesday afternoon. for the benefit of the he "'owll8blp ot Upper DUby. Coon", of Dela· . f • I· ware and State ot Penneylvania. CoDtalniDZ' ratemlty sell ement school at Gotlin- in frunt or breadtb on tbe aaJd Bradlo.d Road burg. Tenn. were Mrs. W W Turner twenty.flv' feet Bod ex1endlng of tbat widlh •• t in lenatb or depth BOutbeaatward between Mrs. James H. Hornaday, Mrs .. C. W. ;parallel line. at ri&'bt an .. le. to the aa1d Brad. Lukens Mrs. Elliot Richardson Mrs :fnd Rooo. &evenly·flve feet. the nor1heae& line , I' f.lereor bellll" along the middle of a certain ten Alfred Marsh, Mrs. J. Archer Turner 1 et wIde private drlvew87 laid out and opened of Swarthmore and Mrs David Row OYer tbiA and tbe adjOining' properly to the .' • 7' DOrtheast thereof, 88ld drivew.,.. cxtendlog' lands of Washmgton. D. C. formerly or .,utbe3Atward trum the ltOutbeast eide of Brad. Swarthmore. Mrs. S. Frank Butler and Iml R ... ad. llflT'eeven fect. I . Mrs. A. H. Marsh, Sr. of Swarthmore I Under and subject. however. to certain buIld. Mr·s. Charles D. Mitchell or Walling~ log lesLricUone and &a8em'!nt.· ford, and Mrs. Mary S. Grumbles of :Tocetber with tbe free and colllmon uee. Florida were also guests rigbJ. 1,1berU'. and. prjvilege of tbe aloreutd • private" driveway as and for a drlvewl!¥. paa- --'-----------------' l13&"e~a,..,.oo wa&.erco\lf8O at all limN bere­after 10reYer. In cqmmon wUh .be owners, &en~ .. SHERIFF SALES of REAL ESTATE anta 'and occupiers of the adjoining lot of . ....ollnd_ boundJlIg thtorein' 10 the nortbeast Sheriff'. Offlce, Court. HOUR. Media. Penna., tbereof: Saturda,.. November. 30. 1940 .Improvements collsiat of Iwo st017 atu('Cl) hoU&C. 16 x 33 feet; enclosed front pQrch' 9:30 A. M. Eutern Standard Time' one st017 stuC'CO addJUon. 9 x 6 feet; atuecO carace, 10 x 18 leet. CondlUons! 1260.00 eub or cer11fted check at time 01 lale (unleu otherwise BtMed in Sold u.s Ihe pro~rty of .lobn Donlan advertisement) balance in ten days. other • condiliona on d83" of ..ale. HAROLD L. ERVIN. AUorue,.. S. B. S. Looeo Clo.., Game Swarthmore High School held un. Levari Faciu beaten Glen-Nor scoreless for two periods September Term. 1040 ~' 1l~5~~~::~: [~~~~ui of hhiesa rgde nMuinr.e Cafofoepcteiro nw afos r cfoinne- No. 86 WILLIAM W. McKIM. SberlH. pieces~ whether jewelry or silver- 11·8·3t SHERIFF SALES of REAL BSTATB being one of the oldest forms of l~~~;~~;;i;~~~~~~~I§~~He It chwoasse athme azriinngg ftoor hheias r totphiact the oldest jewel known, has been back 16,000,000 years. Following before yielding to superior power and Mortgaged premiees (1212 Main Street. surrendering one touchdown in the third Darby. Delaware Couot.J'. Pennaylvania. beiDl' period and two more in the final for a "AU that certain lot or piC('e o! ground SbE-riff', Office. Court 'Houee. Media. Penna. total score of 21~O last Friday on the with the bulldinp Bnd ImprO\'fOlents thereon Saturday. Noyember 23. 1940 R ' , erected. SItuate on the &Outh welterly side of . utgers avenue grounds. Main Street at the distance of ODe hundred sb: 9:30 A. If. Eastern Standard Time Cooper's enjoyable talk, all were permitted to step up and look over Hockey Victories and two one·hundredths feeL southeaatward C . S . . from the lIQutheaalerl7 side ot Thirteenth I OJxht!ons: 1250.00 caeh or ~i1letl check warth more College contmued ID the Street in tbe Borolll"b ot Darby. County of at time of 8ale (unlea otherwl8e stated ill and tryon pieces of his choice collec­.$. 1500. 7 I'11III., MIIl1-detachect. frame alate tiona At ·the ·conclusion of Mr. Cooper's roof, electrio r&DI8, e1ectr1o hot' water talk a short business meeting was held heater. oU blD'Der. Good repair. Low tuee. after which refreshments were served: construction of a new winning streak fop DeJaware, Stale of Penn8)'lvania. ~~dtN:,:e:!) ~a1~OOaale~ lcn days. Other their hockey team by defeating Ursinus ContaiDin8' In front or breadth on the said 2-O 1• 0 the mud last Wednesday. Molly )(B' n S treet twenty· f our and nlnet,.-elght bun. Pieri· Faci. .. B '1 . drecllbll feet and extendJng- of that width In . .. No. 19~ 01 cau and Anne PJke scored the l:mgth or depth aouthweatwanlly between par-- Maieh trerm. 1039 WM. S. BJTfLE Co. Drama Day Nota17 Pa4.~~~S:i:M) BRa.. A County Drama day will be held at the Chester New Century Club on ~ QUINB /ThurSday • No~ember 14, beginning at MRS. IO~" Qun!r & SON 10:30 A. ~. The program includes a demonstration of make·up by John FUNERAL DIRECTORS Gordon of the Junior Theatre Guild BBLL,PBONB. IlEDI&, .A.. 'and a talk On Organization for Produc­---------------__ Ition by Beth Averill Jackson, graduate Swarthmore goals aile! lines at right- alll"le. to the said Main S wa rth more HI· g' h S ch 0 0I won ano the r CSetroetebta. leoente. hundred twenty·seven Dnd five hockey game last SaturdaYJ this time from George School. Score Z-O. • I • Mnsie Lecture-Recital Smd Bond and Morll'age heiDI' dated April 28, 1924. recorded APril 29. lEJ24-ld. B. 636. p. 166 • Said Bond and :M~rtpge were duly assigned by Cobbs creek Title and Trus' COIIIPany to The faculty and, parents of Friends' the Penll8J'lvania Trust Company to tbe Penn. Ce ntra I S c h 00I will present Guy Mar· qGlravnaUaJllKa" CAonmnpu8iDtiYe.s fDonrd IIodeau rRa.n cCeo monel lL, iTvneats taeneda All tbal certain traet. 01 land comprisIng and containing lots known and delliC'nat.ed M No •. 40, to i No. 52. inclusive. on Plan of lands of A. G •. DeArmond. 8S l"e«Jrded in the Oftlce lor the RerordinlC of Dceda, e,(!~. In'·il.Od ·'or Dei. Co .• Fa •• in Deed Book X No.7. pace 370. ele. Situate at Ihe N. W. 001'. of 3n1. Ave. and Milmon' Ave. 1o the Twp. 01' Ridley. Del. Co .. Pa .. and containing 166.2 ft. on aa1d ard Ave., and belD£' in depth BloOS" eald MU. mont AVe. 200.8 ft. Nu jrpprovementlt-vacant nound. A W M t II ,of the Vale School of Drama. A box • ayne 08 e er ,~ncheon will be served. Transporta­tIOn can be secured by calling Mrs. riner, associate director of the P'ranktin under tbe Will 01 John W. CorneU. deceaae(t Institute and lecturer I'n m"o,'c at the by asalgnment dated February 10. 1928. and ..... dub' l'eCOrded at Media. February 28. -1028 University of Pennsylvania, in a lecture. in A. M. II. 117 page 143 &C. Sold as the propert,. of Frank CiUbertl and Marie Clliherti. GUY G. deFURIA. AtJorney. Electrical Contractor William F. Boyle, Media 1473. ' Motion Picture Clau Telephone Swarthmore 2295 On Thursday November 14 the Mo­IlAlllLTON .ad ELGIN WATCHES I tion Picture Appreciation Class will EDwIN B. KEI,IEY Jr. hear Mrs. J .. O. ~opwoo~ Coun~y ch~ir-recital "Life with Music" at 8 o'clock Improvemente conal.t elf two and o'rie.-balf Friday, November 15. at the school. etory stucco bouse. 30 x 18 feet: -lMuC'CO and Among the selections he will play are ;~n; ~~di:~r: 15 x 20 feet: B"a~ attached. Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Men. 'WILLIAM W. M'cXlM. SherIff. , man of motion pictures JD a diSCUSSion . I' our Jeweler on "Motion. PIctures as an Art" lmd a 2S East 7th SL '. Cheater re.view ~f current movies. The session 1000000te New state TItaa..-e) WIll begin promptly at 10 A. M. in the 'P1a_ a._17M clubhouse. NEWBOLD R. VARIAN FonnerJ:r of GEO. GD,I,ES"IB .. CO. BUD..DER AIleratio~epairs Palntins In.apurate Seriee The first of a series of informal get­to~ gethers was enjoyed by Evening Section members of the Woman's -Club and their guests on Friday, November I at the club house. The box.supper. furnished by members, was followed by I an evening of dancing. These social evenings have been planned with the ' hope of becoming better acquainted with members, their husbands and friends. The next event planned will be a covered dish supper, to be held ou &ow... Friday evening, December 6. Members Calel-ecinimilfrolll speue'.) are urged to attend this supper and ::::=-___ ..:'Pll:=OIl=e:.CItes==Ier=:2-::.::rt,::I5=-___ ,l help this spirit of friendliness grow. COA.L and COKE FUEL OIL Further notice will be given at a later date. • • F10wer Show In Field House delssohn's "Spi.nning Song:' Debussy's "The Girl with the Flaxen Hair," 4'0:01. ligwog's Cake Walk" and uGardens in the Rain-It . . . _,1. .•••. • I NEWS NOTES Mr. Grant Benjamin of North Swarth. more avenue spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday with his wife and two daugh~ ters. He had been in Kansas and other western states for three weeks and has re­turned there on further business expec­ting to be a way this time until Thanks­giving. I Miss Mary Thorn formerly of Swarth. more, who was thrown by an automo~ I bile recently. has left the hospital but is I still confined to her home in Media. Mrs. Garfield Eppley returned Satur­day to her home in Marysville after two I days visiting her son and dughter~in~law, Captain and Mrs. Alvin J. Herr of Mich­igan avenue and attending Swarthmore's Hallowe'en parade. VAN AIEN BROS. Phone Sw. IMI2 Mr. H. E. Starbuck formerly of Park avenue is now living with his bride at I 18 Pleasant Hill road, Media. The largest and most speCtacular chrys~ Mr. and Mrs. William Kimmel and' 11~1·3' People .J.oin . C.q~Ops,· to:. ,. . . Are yon a eonsumeNlwiler of your community's' C~p . store? H not, do you Imow . Ihat there are other benefit .. in addition to fair pri~es" and honest .. IJll1IliJy? In C~ ops you find, for one thing, the famous Cooperative spirit of fellowshiP"-'-for ,.n­other the means of :preserv. ing the democratic way of life. ,SwartJua~re 'Cc:;,peraiive, 401-4)3 Dartmouth Avenue Get • ~i,,' ." '., f' tte be 1~tj Beeau.e "the ri\,t, Cooperot,.,e . Ito,~ ... member ma,. '" reo",,:pfl~ly e~· '1"'_,' ~,. ~. Better QQalit-y,!' H'(q' 'an out.·. .tandi". l'eown lor "joining a Co.;. op~ in· ih,e opiniow·ol, 4O(J. Coop. ertifor,-in rWaa.-MJCieti~ ..,hO-Ulere inle""'~ by a re.earch or«an-l Ualiofl in preparation/or a .'udy publbhed in "Sate. . M';nage-anthemum show yet to be staged by the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimmel and two I' Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, the daughters of Haverford place will remove If;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PietDN J'ramfn.-StatloDeJ'7 National Gardeners' Association and the this week to Yale and Myrtle avenues,:1 Boob - KocJ.k SappUeo Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation, jointly, Morton. Greetbqr Carda - BOOh" Craft will be held in the Swarthmcre College Field House this week-end. The display Local students at the University of SIMl\fONDS '11 bl" f 2 • Pennsylvania who have just pledged frat- 714 WeJeh. Street Cheater I WI be open to the pu IC rom untd ernities are Harriet -Wickham and Eliot 'PlIo .... CI1este< _a . 9 P. M. today, Fnday, and from 10 Jeffords, Kappa Kappa Gamma and " " =~=:::D;R.===M~.~B~LOO~~MFI~~R~!~.o::==~:! A'T~~ i:t!~: :if(~.f~o~=:~~:·year the Gertrude Schobinger and Frances Tur-Op. ome.rI., display has been held here. Indoor grown _n_er_,:-_K ap _p_a_A_I_Ph_a__T he _ta_. ____. 111 chrysanthemums including a cascade type . Complete E,-a Sen\ce hn 12 f h' h d' ZONING NOTICE WHO HAVE .NEVER USED OUR: SERVICES. - ~ . ut . eet Ig an many un;que var·1 The Board 01 Adjustment will bold a public 61Z WELSH STREET leties Will be featured along WIth hardy, hearing- in Council Chamber. Swartbmore BoJo.. Call Chrrar 80 .. ' chrysanthemums. artistic arrangement ough Hall at 8:00 P. X. on Friday. November I • f • h . b 22. 1940 to PUS Upon an appeal of Willlam c asses and collections 0 berrIed s ru S. Barl Kistler. Owner, and Thomas E. WhIte- VIC' TOR RECORDS In the four groups about 150 square feet hair. developer. 01 the lot situated In the Buei~. '1 • hn ness District of the Borough 01 Swarthmore, on Now Reduced WI I be devoted to growing rders ten the Nortbeaater17 side of P_k avenue 170.4 feet I 1-3 to SO"t.. feet wide. South of tbe South aide of Dartmouth Avenue •. 7(, I I extending thence In a Souther'" direction alOIll' }lark avenue 225 feet. A varianoo from t.he People's Tire Store SIIl1·th Alumnae Meet 'erma of ,b. ZOnl..- Ordinance Is ..... ""'ted "'I' follows: : 211 Wed 8&ate S=n~ That a grOUP of apartment bulldinp be ~~~iii~~O~_~~B~'6i~)~~~~~;;~~ , Among the S• mith College Alumna• e Ipnlascteeadd oonf t2b5js feloett. aftr otmbe tdhies tarenscpee cotifv e2 0s trfeeeett who are attendmg a luncheon at Whlt- linea of Park and Lafayette Avenues. Wilt shire Brothers man's on Saturday for workers on the heaArndy oant e thien taefroersetesdai d mhae.a;yn.n agp. pear' and be Vincent Sheean benefit for the Scholar- ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Manu/adarer., If!IfIeler. ship fund are: Mrs. Troyer S. Ander- 11.1.2t Secretary. muf SilPeTaniJIu sonJ Mrs. Brand Blanshard, Mrst Caro- ________ -'-______ _ State and Monroe Sl8. line Crew, Mrs. Fred P. Jones,. Mrs. ADVEBTlSIDIBNT MEDIA Kurtzhalz, Mrs. Thomas· Mc- The School District of Sw",hmore will .... ~=~;E~~~::===~===!~!~~:~~e!M H b L' tl M rs. er ert It e, rs. DaV'dI leeegivea Abviednsu ea tB uUlJtde lIlSl'c. huopol 1D0 la8t rlpc&. IDo .f.l l,MMoO D0d0a1r'.· and Mrs. Burton Richards. November 11. 1&10. and open the ~ at a WOOD meetin!r of &be SchOOl Board at the Sehool !tOPPERS COKE SUN FUELOD. t- • :===============~IDiStrpi. IcII .t. f oor flmlt'ue siocanl lNaaotvreummbeealt'i .;1.1 ".Q,: I.J1M9fIMODi t.a &a d·8d . maintenance aupp)1ee. SpeciftcaUons _ ,an be ... W. I. L cured between 9 a. m. abd- ~ p. m. daSb' a:~ Rummage Sale 1_ WAIJfUT S'ilCEB'i NOVJ!MI!BR 11 TO It CAU. IIJI8. UNG£E-SW. 315-W FOR COLUIC'l"ION I ceP& Saturd.,-. Sond..,.. aDd llolldiJ1. M ~~ School Dlalrie& otlloe. TIle Board ~ _ right to reject any or aU b1dI iD whole 01' in par& and &0 award 4!qntracta on uu- ItmI: or ileaq making up any, bid. _, HIWA: LANG MlNWO~._ . , ...... , . ,1. .: ., ., , ,i ·.If * , .. t .. ,-.' ! i : ~ .... ~ f " 1 i .- Perhaps you arellDttlwronghIy_f... .... ... miJi1l:".t1t!:t the """pe 0~P%8.~t;Vifl'e,\l':,.,., . ". perhaps you just haven't had an occa, sion to visit our bank. Whatever the ~on;·vie mvite YOll to: oome:in now' . and get acquainted. You will find uS a friendly hank, geared to serve yon efti:. ciently. We will gladly give. you fuU inforrDli~on abGut ajly .• pha,;., ·of· oUr' work in which y.~~~,~~~j~~~~u~lI. , .... . 1 ~ t."" n. ,.:;:- " " . .! "'_ ,,~,i.,.~~~~·~~(··· . t .. "" !t\W:1.-'!._t;!,~1 ~I~ "~-.;:('.' .- -' .. " .-......• .- .­'.'. 1_,~.l~r.' ... I, ! .... :':. _r - SWARTHMORE NA'YloNAL' BANK AND rlUSitoMPANY" . • I • "'r I • ". :' M_~ of Fecleral,Deposillnsuranco Corpolulion .. , . .'... -, . " . .. . .. '. ~ - -- ~ ; .. .~: . '. .,_. ~'o#O,l ;t . , ----~==~ __________ __JL-____ ~~~~ _____ ~1~~. . ~'~~- da--~'_"~'''-==-~~~==~==~==~~ I~P ~ ~ .. ,.....:.-:~!

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN-Review Halliburton LeUers NOVEI\IBER 8, 1940 FRENCH AFFAIR Home and &hool AT MARY LYON It \\ 111 1101 be Ill't cssar" to stay at ~ ONETOUCH f OF NA TURE 1 he \\ III meet all Monda" Mothers' Club Meets Today I he: S\\artllJl1orc Mothers' Club will 1IIt''- t 011 F rld,n. N ov('1tl ber 8, at the home of Airs I homas ~[oore. ]r SIO South Chcsltr mad at 2 30 P .M J ~OH mhcr II, .It 230 at the home of Mrs hOllle un the evcl1Iug of Tuesday, No· ll,) IIIlu.Novcmbcr the whIte-throated J V S )h~hop Oil Hananl 3\CnUC Mrs Brilliant I'lan. "'or No, emher 161h ~s Soiree Parisienne to Benefit Uefugee. in England \~I11I)(;r Z6th In order to have "A QUiet E\l'fllng at Home" The Home and sl,arrows have Just about fimshcd their J B Will revil''' the "Letters nugratlOJI through S,~arthmore. \Vhcrc_ or I{ldl.tnl lJ.I'hburton" School ASSOCiatIOn .wlll prescnt on that as a rare few may hilger near my fced-lii=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~;;:;;,",,;r, n~lIIl1g, III the. High School Audltor- lllg statIOn dUring wJlltcr, most of tht!1Il HUll, a dramatized dlSCUSSlO1l or hre In a ~spclld lhe cold months farther south I l\1~~l\I~~O ~~E ~~~?~fH Edmund F. Soule Buulnard cafes I'ulhes Uergcrc hplcal Amcrlcan family By the time IsulIIlIler they brct!d 111 the tnountalll~1 CLASS SWARTJlMORE OIH.:ra Conll<jUc (llaoSOn frallcals. rcfrcshlllelits arc ... sl·rved. there should be ,"!Iere their whistled song has give 1: PRE~:~~~:I4N Teaeller of Piano, Harmony,and Composition (h:" d.lllccs uusmc PaflSICllne an nccd or thcm Itew skeletons Will be lthcm the name. tpeabody lilrd I SUNlJAY .ftl0RNING c\ellln~ 111 thl' P In .. or lIot-so-lung-ago left 111 closets, rew debatahle (IUcstlOns The first faU migrants appe .. r here 945 to 10.015 fight hu(' III S\\,lrthmorc I ahout thc ordmary fru:holls and harmon III carl,) Octobcr By the h\clltleth of lIear Ralpl. A.hlon Nixdorf Impo"lhlc Non tillS dames ct mes- I~S of fal1l1ly life \\111 he Jert untouched Ithe 1I10nth our tangles along Crum • Have StudJed With ~(l1r~. 1l Is Just the ,UlIlll.lI sOIrcc of I e I cachers, parents. cllIldren, and experts Creek are swarmlllg \\lth them Tins C(' f( Il I r .1I1l LI';. of "'Ildch IT J ullIor Col \\ III Jom III an OIJen diSCUSSion follO\\ mg II)eak of abundance IS lII.untamed for iq.{l 111(1 IIIl :\ L\()n School. an C\C- .1 short skit \\lnch has hecn prepared for la couplc of \\ceks, after which the IlIlIg 01 ftlll <lIlIl fll1l\, Inggcr and more till· ouaslon Iliumbers beglJl to dwmdlc Durmg late .1I1lInholl" t11l.11 plUIOI1S cdebr.ltlOlls of lOlh Grntle Que31;o,,,,a;re. .:\o\cmbcr thc last ones depart for less III I I Illll I1 ,-"-1 lIIJ 1 cllt I1 gr.uIc teachers ha\e gnen thclr II fro.s t~, t1uckets 1111" H,lr tlll~ \llIlIu:e Francalst', PUI)l15 (Illestlollllaires IJfI.'l)3red by the So much for the 1l1lgratlOI1 of the I 1.lIlu. Ul1l11c1 )'IcIJI(, .md <1 group of diS h;lIlh gr.ule mothers' program COIlUllIttCC \\\~;Ite-thl~oatcdl sparro\\ as .l species. tltl),!m ... hl'fl 1',lIrOlls ,lIld patronesses arc If 1 tIl.ljOnty or the parents fill these out lat auout tie IIldlvlduaP Until the IIdlllllg thc IOl.:al ... tudl'nb )lut OHr a 1tt.:11- ,ulli gl\e these to the I>o)s and girls to ad\ent of I.)lrd bandtng as a mcans of l hl tor thc l'r(,IH:II rdugc('s III I ngland, dq)o"lt ltI the boxes placed III the home stmhlllg mdlvldual Illstones, our orlll- I I1 1 0\\ l11g .1 Il' \\ug I1. (I f .1 lelr na • IOIl-WI( Ie roolll fo r t Il iS purpose, th"" \\ III contnb-t'hologlcal kllo\~ledge was confined to I d f 'I f" d .Il I1\ .I I t. " •0 I)rll Ig" a coI I (''c. 1 01 I0 fm. e r- utt' to the success of the IltCCtlllg" 011 \Vcd II Ie dol.Jl gs 0 f enltreI ",m S ,. 0 ulrf S' 11 Willi dh f.II110US pc rformcrs, chefs, IIcsd,l\ Ie cs Illy 0 slIIg e mellluers 0 a "'lIlgu'" .lIld dllll.:crs to S\\arthlllurc Sat- speclcs \\,IS wholly unkllo\\)) urda\ llIl-,ht NU\cltlbcr 16 111 the )'hller I I No\\ It has been learned that durmg Crist BllIhhng uf I hc L) on Tri Deltas to Observe the October-November sOjourn of SdlOol Founders' Day \\hlte-throats 111 S\\arthmore. fe\\ of 1\\0 fluor ... hU\\~ groul) SlIlglllg" of fa- !thcl11 n:malll here longer than tell days \1)11111.: r remh ~()1l6..,-I·rcre J.lCqW':S. Sur The thrl.'C Delta Delta Delta alumnae A trapped bird IS 1I0t sufficlentlJo 111- Il I'Ulit II \"!,!1l()1l \Iouette and man) groups 111 tillS ViCHUh Phlladetplua Itllllldated by bemg handled and banded othus-Iob ot d tIIUllg to Fddlc lIop North Suburban. Phdaddpilla \Vest Su- to resist the trap henceforth. If It IS ].;111..; SUlICt\ Sl'lllll(it:l'" ,lIld a hug..: .. up hurh.lIl and Phlladelplua Alliances, and stili In the same neighborhood, It ilia) I'l'l .It IIl1dlllg-hl In.: lIldmkd tile adne chapter of Tn Ddta at the re-enter the trap for .,t kast One othn H,C"CI\.ltIOII:. 101 lMltlcs of twehe, Ulllvcrsity of Penllsyhallla \\111 Jom for pneal In the tell da,) period a lew birds IOllrt(,(,11 .111<1 Slxkll.:lI I numher of tht.:111 a Fotlllllcr's Day banquet 011 \\redncsday I\\IIJ IJccome actual ntllSances bJ rUII­prtJlIlIl1l'nt IIIcmbers of llitC I rcnl.:h colon} t \('lIl1lg November 20th In Plllladcipll1a llIllg back mto the trap almost as .lIl Ilr('ad\ hq~lIIll1t1g t(l t IX the mgt.: rht.: "Jlt'akcr of the even:ng \\ III he Grace (JUlckh as they are r!.'lcased from It IIlllh 01 the ]](IU"'(' comlllittn 111 ,lrrang (;II(l£r('\, Dc.m of Homc Economics at! If white throated sparrows - and III!!. lor smh largt! tahlc:> "lid Ht allow I>rcxd Institute :)"hss Godfrq IS a mCIl1- other tlllgrants-n:malll here only tcn pltlll\ ot room for d<lt1clIIg I hl' cmnnut- hcr of Delta Deha Delta from Mu Chap- days apiece, thcn our t\\O months Itl ~t1..!~tst tlMl rc"ervatu .. m ... be made ter at thc UIlI\erslty of \Vlscons111 Any 1'\\!3\c' of w}lItc-thrllab must be com lllh 111 tillS \Icmlty are 1Il\lted to at- posed of it cnllst,lIltl) sluftlltg p0pul.l- I hl pttroll~ ,11111 IHtroncsscs for the t(,lul i{tscrv.ltJons ma,) hc made \\Jth tum The first 011(:. to .Irrl\e ha\e "'(llill ('HllllIldudc Dr ,md 11rs J r,lItk )'Irs J H Baker, 92<) Concord avenue'lnested III the southtrmost part of the \\dc:lHltl',)'1I tlld :\lrs Leonard Ash Drcxel HIli \dutll.: throat hrecuIIIR tcrnlon The tOil ).Ir lnd :\11" Ch.lrks 110hn, :\IIS5 ).Icmhers of the Plnladt'!plna \Vest Su- nex\ olles ha\e brcd .1 httle larther IIOfllllt Bnll ).Ir ami :\1rs R C burhan Alllancc frolll tins dlstnct 11ldude I "o[r. ), d I I Blunk... ).Ir .Ill" ).tlS Oswald Chew, )'Irs \ L Clavdell, Mrs J A Dctlcfsen, n genera It lUa,y he S31 t Jatl tIe ;"'11 ,Hul :\Ir" II ),1 errst, Mr Mrs 1I.1f\c) Doc, llrs. l{ D Fetherolf, 11110st nortlll('rn brec(ers III summer 13\I'C 11111 :\Ir~ \\ I' F,lraghl.'f .Mr .Mr ... l' II jt\\ett. Mrs Earl H \Veltz, tiC nort lermost \\lI1termg grol11U s, ••• ,1 ,'I'" , I lUI Il (..t ' \ t.' I Ill, .'. \I and J'I,.r..·. I II ller P Hie 0 f I\'o J( II cy I' ar k an(I thI ough I there arc Isome efxcepttofns to '.\I IIIl I llric:lll.: I low I 1\, C. ol amI .',[ r5 ',\I r''"' I) Ol1a [(I C rosse • u f '.I.\[' ed Ia tlI lS PrueI, Csuch ast tiC ox sparro\\s 0 t Ie .lel IC oas J·I.lIlk JJ\atr )'lr \rthllr K,ltlmgcr, ••• The milm body of nllgrallts, ho\\c\cr, Dr ,111<1 \1 .... \\ 1111.1111 bid KI"tlu. ~lr This Week~s Bridge Winners follo\\ a lalri) Ioglc.L1 pattern of dlS- .Il1d :\lls i{ol)lIloud I,t"slat, 1{e\ and tflbutlon Tht.'rdorc It IS of little usc \lls II II l.C.1HU, )'Ir and .'-Irs Burns \Vukl} \\1I111Cr5 at the Strath Ha-ven to welcomc the first-see,1 white throat :\l.l11lle :\lr and :\lr5 CI.lY C 1!acDoll- Inn ).Iond,l\ c\enIDg when the Crum lit late wlIlter as a herald of sprmg So Lid, ;"'lr 111,\\~nl ~l.lIIsheld, ~Ir and j II \Ir~ I hOIll.I" g ;"'[cCahc, :\[r and ')'Irs Creek Bndgc CluJ, held Its regular meet· ! faf r as II IS concerncd, \\e arNe shf padr t mg wcrt' North and South-).Irs Pal- 10 It~ \\ mter assocmtlon, 1 ew oun - , \\ l.I)l(lon:\h Conedl\,)'1 and Mme mer Skoglund .md l{ichard Carvell, first land IS Its destlllatlon, and It has only Plcrre \\ QUllltrct )'Ir awl )'Irs John :\lrs RII..'·hanl Carvell and Palmer Skog~ Just hegom Its silent northward flight l{uhhlll ;"'Ir.., Ne.:bun \Varner Stallard, luncl sccopd· Mr and Mrs H J Berry I A month or so later the white-throats ;"'Irs 1 .\\(lod\\ trd Tr.uner and ~lrs I tlllni, East ;nd \Vest-~lrs Harry Ar~ passlllg through Swarthmore will feci I d\\olld S \\ agne r lIutage and h.lrs Damc1 GOOdWill, first, that they are almost back. home and --~ ----- LI I'S EAT TODAY 1\1 I liE N~W CAFE r•ll, SUBURBAN CAFE • On 'hI.' (UIll<lur~1.' III (he PRR S hUTh 111 Stallun IJretlkjll,' - frou) Lu I( /u'un-from / ""It" - {rorn 2'ic o )'Irs 11 Bard\\cl1 Lincoln and A F. tllcse birds 1I1dlcate their satlsfachon 111 Rollinson, second, Mrs :Maurice Griest the 11Il111mcnt end to their Journey \\ Ith and )'lr5 ')'Imam MacDonald tlurd a fult \olced 'Peabody" The cluh h.1S a tell \\eeks tournament C BROOKF. \VORTH. 11(1\\ III l)rogrcss \Vmners \ull be an- • • • nOllllccd \\ hen the tournament IS ended. Dancing Classes to Meet • I l Swarthmore Bridge Winners Club The first meetlllg of the season of the I nterlllc<hatc Class (clghth graders) and the J umor Assemh1) (those III the tenth grade), Will occur Saturda} e\enmg, No­\ Vmm:rs of thc S\\arthmore Bndge vl'l1Iiler 9, 111 the Swanhmore Woman s Club on October 30 \\erc )'fr S.tnlUel Club \Vlst!om, Jr and ~Ir H:llhard Sellers, The Intenncdmte CI.lss \\111 meet from hrst, Mr John Bo\\(hlch and MI E C. 7 to 8 45 P ).[ and the chapcrons Will l IId~1 I " pt S II ,I "U"U''''I~lun I apJ>C, sccond, :11 r Harold fomlmson I he J\1r and 11rs Ed\\ard}' Ihatty, ').Ir II _~~'--,.f l T) It 1IIIIy ami Dr Fr.U1k II..:mlnt.:ksen, third. and )'frs R P Bradf{lrd, :.\Ir 311(1 ),[rs --I .... "--' ____ c~~~~~~~~ ................................................ ~ ...... ~ ..................... ~ George Broadbent, Mr ami :\(rs C B • C.llllphetl, )'Ir and ~IJ s Ilenr) Ducr, SOCCER SII',ens ,s. S""rthmore College Palmer Field S"turd,,), No, em her 91h, 1,00 P. 1\1. - Admission Free FOOTBALL )'lr all(1 J\lrs R P Kroon The JUlllor Assembl) \\111 Illl'et from 9 until II P M and the {h 111( rOilS Will he M rand Mrs A F I~! Ihmson, 1[ r and )'Irs Robert T Billr, :1fr and Mrs A L PlItn,1Il1, M rand :11 rs \ P Shcll k1l' :1\( rand 1f rs J P Dougherty, ~I r and ),1 rs J B West Police Regulations Ilt· .. ·xcl \M. S"~trtll1nor(· ColI(-ge Foothall Field P.lfotl1tS are asked to dNharge cIuld rll.:l1 on l\trk a\enue and lollt'ct thcm af- ~.'Iur(hl\,,! NovclnJJcr 91h a12:15 P. M. tcn\.u<ls fcom the Rutgers aHIlUC cn (!-------------A-.h-n-is-si-ol-l S-1-.1-0_ ____________ trolllCl to thc \Vom,lIl's Cluh 11l1s prac !lltlu.: \\as mllO\atcd 1,Ist \lar at the fe I ~- - - - - - - (1'1""1 ()f .1)" I>ohcc and \\as prl)\..:d <"ffi- 11- -- -- --- = -- -- -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ II CIC;~~ thlOt1~ltout the yeal II It's Better to Be Safe Than Sorry II I\lodern D;n:ers' U""ital I II II I h(' dance group of Don... II nmphn \ I If freezing "catlt(~r ~holll.1 ("olne tonight would you huve to and Charlcs \Vcldman \\111 hrlllg- th(,,11 \\urry ahout ~OUI' ('ar? II ~ompUl\ of 12 to C10tlucr (Ill Suurda\ II e.:\Clltllg 1 he program spon ... orcd h) It's r('alh dallg«~rou8 10 pul off long(-r protecting your II Cooper 1'aul1(la11011 and Smllll\lllc lor I: ('.Ir "ilit SOI1](' kind of anli-frc("zc. lim \\11l hegm at 7 45 II [hc Saturday program Illll11dc" some We SU!!'!!'cst II pn scntatlolls wluch comhlllc d.l1lllllg \\ Ith II, LAJ II III o~e.: podr) and SlIlglllg PI'ES1'ONE TI'EI" ZEREX \I", ""lud,,1 111 .hc 1"","111" On , -, < '- - ~I, ~Io.h,,'s S"lc," ,h"""_n"l" I" II \Vculman, \\ hose family;H ters It II ",,,'ra,, 'fhe re!JglOus purificatIOn fnllzles of II II: the Shakers are represented 111 lhe last • numher II HANNUM & WAITE II LECTURE-RECITAL BY GUY MARRINER THE MIDELBORO • Luncheons - Dinners 12-2 5-8 Sunday and Holidays 1-8 Front al Jackson .ftledia 520 J RECORDS ALL MAKES 5c Up NEW AND USED I Selection or 10,001} Records I SHEET MUSIC ChoJce or 14.000 Pieces LOUNT MUSIC STORE 18 \V flFTII ST. CHESTER --- --- ---- MURRAY'S Hart Schaffner & Marx Clo,hes 621 Edgmont Ave. Chester lIarl l\lcDonald-Uobcrt Elmore • TIAIE FOR A FEW MOlts PUPILS • Swarthmore 949.J JUST PHONE SW A. 2084 SOCIAL STATIONERY PERSONAL DIAS CARDS SPRINGFIELD PRESS 206 Ballymore Road SPRINGFIELD ';lVVlhek::fl~ 0'· Reco.edt Priced ONB·HALF to ONB·THIRD Les. ROBERT L. PAINTER 823 EDGMONT AVE •• CHESTER PHONE CH-7254 ///"w~ i~~ Good Foods Happy Families You can a]"avs he SUl'C that iUal'lel Food. are Good Fonds - and -al RC&tl Sal iugs, 100. One can shop at l\larlcl'M C\Cl'V day nf Ihe \\cck an.1 save mOlley. H.·al 88vings too, IJc('llusf' no 1l1altcr -whal you buy or \\ h~lt you pay at l\1&Il'h'l's,,! quality never varies. \lrllt~1I anything is 8dl('-IJ] i"cd }OU can count 011 gel­ting Ih.· ~all1e fine ntcul~ Ih ... SUIIIC good )ntller, tbe salllC evt"rylhing, Ihat vou g(·t at regular prices. QU ALITY mak.,. SAVINGS REAL at Martel's, Free Delivery At These Low P"ices BUY THE FINEST OF ALL ROASTS LEG OF LAMB Our regular quahty Lamb IS pnced way down -Now's the hme to m­dulge m a bIg JUICY 10mb roast at a savmg of 10 cents on each pound PIC lure It m the nght selting of braccoh With Holland- 0I5e, glazed carrots and mashed potatoes - What a dandy Sunday dmner it WIll bel MARTEL'S II Retter ,"'ood For Tile Table Established 1922 II: "Life Wi,h Music" II PI • d CI. 1 S th ,8P . M. FRIDAY, NOV. 15 Free DeHver.v Swarthmore 2100 ymOlllTl an lrys er ____ ~ar more 1250 rlllb",A",D",~",R",:'",s N"':."'S"""'CE=N"'T"'R"'~"'~"'J"'~"'~"'OT"'OS"'L"'25c=;!.t 1 ___________________________ .1 1 , '~ , NOVEMBER 8, 1940 CLASSIFIED N B THE ~WARTHMOREAN 5 Gold,." W;nflolll8 ~I rs C ;"'1 ( J e\\ Is uf thc Strath' Sold 114 lilt "T')'ll.'rh lOr \\ llil T L Le,,1.1'J 'h, \1111 ( ,,,().~"'tl old ,hli~ r 111, I/tild Ha\c.:n 11111 IS (,lilt rIal"'"" I •• r [. I IlIcllll1ll11 f loIt\\l14 Ill" \\111 IIInrl~I_()nl alii ... )fI( ge 1\\ IlhT J. I ... "'t< tlal t)""lJlr I"" fII' 'll""" duh at IIIIIChl'oli toda, I \ (.111'1110 UOUISSOX All 1111<,\ II "" SI/I/(itlJll mr 'l'I/Oil' kaves jallmo III w\ I, !llf/l Ihl Ircls forml 111(' dull )fr... I hOIll .... S.IITurd of Str.lth J I.nell Illn h,ls hun III 1'11I1.Hldpllla for d fe\\ fit TJ Jo HI I .. :0;(0 -oJ I w s of NEWBOLD R. VARIAN Illougourate Seri •• d.l\S \JSltl1lg a IrllIUI S IIltlllll<r J\rm Ifll" IlIIlurnll f", (:;', I r( s/e r" <\ I/,f( r $ [,"1111 IS Clfl/WII '\mollg the IIlclllhu" \\ho ,lttelldcd a All Ih It (trl un lot ur IJJl.'l'l of ... n'Ulld ""1111 till 1II1 .... UI .. 1 01 Illllllllnl IIIIJ1UII \ Ttl1td Sit PI Bc:r,l PIli \llIum I~ Cluh tt'a held at the tllh 011 Ihl J'uulhl .. <I !'1l1 uf IIr UUI rei Hua" II If( II lit, "(,drl s qrm('wg vld. 1110)' home of C.lptolllt I rll('st Pollt, lIe.l(j(llIar- II Ihl ,h"IUIU of :-I \Ul huullTul 11111 fhl aliI I 'it/lllt/" .. r (III (Jill gold It's 10\1111\ h\1I UJJI.' hlHl<lrullh,. htl .. ulh"I!'!"" Irll ttrs Q. Plllladdpll1.1 ~,l\\ \,lnl un \\'eu 110111 Ihl "IUIlI"I~1 "Jelt of Lun,: LUll III If III! I 1Illr(1t/1 'whclI In ,IIgM IS fallmo IItsd.1\ afi('rnooll for till hcudu of the 11 1"\\.II~III" uf ll'lItr D.lrh,\ Collut,r of Dell II ,II, I/IudlhSS ulld SVllg, mo, 'i:~r [Vir \\. In lIul St lIt of 1'11111",\ h 11111 (;')1111111111_ £r,ltl'rlll1\ S(tth.'III~lIt ~(hlJlIl at Gothll~ III frout.r hft "fill "n Ih. "lid HruHu II HUHI hurg IClln \\ere :\[1.., \\ \V I 1\\1 lit \ IIlI (III HII l)l;hlUhu;: II[ 11111 \\Idlh mId /It str01Jg~ nruer, jn '". . tli 01 1IIIIh "t'!l111l ,,,I" Irll 1l(I\\;l'tll I r, Irf( s /Iul/le 10 Iw/hI-fuli IS call1llY SlS\!I;!I;£ F I'.OXKL£ • \(r~ J.lIl1e" 11 !lorllldl\ )'lrs C \V IIIIIIIIJ 11Il!~ II rl .. hl III_It .. I., th~ JiluclllTid Lukclls. ~Irs 1'11101I{lllllrdsOIl ).[rs 1111 H'I,I ,..\ III. III hll Iht lIoTlhl' 1St Ime tlll(ot I>\.III .1.111 .. Ih IIIlIlclJ, .. f Il'lTIIHI ttll \)ffl.'rl ~I.lrsh, ~Ir ... J \rcher Iurnt'r 111 1\1,1 11J\lh dln'\\1\ Iud out UIII Olll'n~" 01 S\\,lrthmor(' .md ).11' l)a\ld Ro\\- llHI '11l~ Hailiu UIJIIIUIfI,.:' 'IUlltrtJ, to tlu II"Tlhll~1 IJunuf ",1,1 ,hnl\\.1l lXltlllhu..:' 1.ll1ds of \V.lsllllIgtun J) <.. formcrh of F.mll(. 1\\ H,I frum Ilu .. OUthl ..... 1 "Ide of HI loJ ~\\,'rtlullofl' ).[rs ~ II lIlk Hiller ami "HI I{ ul IlIiJ, .. ntll fllt • I SPORTS REVIEW College Vu:~toriOu8 :\Irs '\ II ;"'Iar .. h, Sr II S\\arthlllor(' I (ml r IB,I ,<ult)t.1 ho\\.\tl 1" '(rlam IJluld ~".lrtllll1{)re College defeated Hannl- ;"'Ir .. Ch,irJ~" IJ ;"'llIthdl II \\",. . IIIII.'..~ ~ /jll~ " Irltlluu .. Ilul t I"' lilt III tOil, 26 (; l.tst Saturday at Swarthmore funl .1IIel :\lr" )'lln " (.rlllllbles of T"_lll!lt \IJlIl Ita r1(( 111.1 ''''111111111 uS(' \f 1·lond.1 \\lre .Iho g:lI('~h lI~hl Ilh,lI\ wi l"I\II'~l of Ihe IfOfltHllll tcr a scord('ss hrst half, Ueed "l'nt ,IITllltl IlrUI \\ 1\ h HId fur I IITt\> 1\ n III" II1to ICtlO11 1111.: scorl"f:l t\\lce III the tlurd -----------------_ "I ... \\. I) Illd \\ It f(ulIr:«! It III 111111'; h('1'tl I pCrlml.lftt'r rtlllS of liIll 100lH/ III 1(11111111111 Willi till' 'HIlIll:; tCII 30 a1ll117 )ards re- SJllilUrf S\I.H!'; IIf In \1 fST\TE WI .. ",! IIt'UI>I I~ .. f 1/" IdJOIIIIII_ lot IIf '1"<1. I II I I 1.:1 HI),I 10111111111_ III! 11111 I.. II.. lIurllll .~I ... \1.:) c score( 0I11.:e liIore In tic ShInn ... Olli,~ (;01111 Hot) 'I.hl I'tlllil Ihtltut fourth pl'rH.x1 aftl'r a 35 \.ted rUIl and \\olfe SUJft'cI the filial touchdo\v'l sl,or.I, SltllnlI) 1ii"\l.'lIIbll J I l'lln 1111,01011111"11" IUII"I~t tlr 1\\" .. hlr,\ Ntu'('t) hdorc thc clld of the game, h\ a 50 )anl hull~ I,,, II hll (IJ(J'~I I fruit I ""nh 'I m \ M E Istern SI II I II I Tlml III, ~IOI,\ ... tu, , lilinum 'I )( II 11'(1 I'-lIUH~' g,l II op I.'.. 11.: I I.lnI s cunvertc(I h\lcC ll.ltllll- ("1111111011"!-! ,t) O(J , Il<h • I • rtlfll. . l lhe. k I ~ II I~ I II )I; Iii It ~I tOil tdok 10 the our 111 the hnal l'enod forl:lt Imll of !jill lUllit;; ... IIlhl~\I' slah'll HI ..... ,11 I~ Ihl IlojJfrl, of.lohll VUlllan .1 I. I I .Ih!rll~ lIunl) biluit. III I II II\~ Olhl.'ri 1('11 ~llIgf.: utu:HO\\1I ('olldlllOlIl< "II ell' uf Sill II\HOIIJ I hH\IX \I(olmy S. JI. S. Lo~C!i Clo!le GRme S\\.lrthmure.: JIlyh School held un- Lc\ITI Fal.'lll" :-';0 SU "1111\'1" '1eI\J!l1 Shtllff bcakn (,Ien-}.;ur sl.:orclcss for two pcnoos 51 ptlmbtr Tum I 110 II S II hClor(' \ It'hllng to 5upeflor 11O\\cr and "OII~ I_til I rl.'mlm'~ 11 I \11111 Stn'tt -----------------_ slIrrcndcrulg OIIC totlchdo\\11 III the tlurd U1Tb\ DI.'II\\.If( CUUII!,\: 1"IIII"',J, IlIla b~1111: I ..... lIf.IUH S'\II'.S ul HEAl .. ESTATE Jleno<i and t\\U lIIore III the hnal for a \11 thlt l1rlllll Int IT II or ,.roll",1 Sh lin .. Olh, CUliTI Hou,,(' :\Icdla PCIlIt.] total score ell 210 last I·nu •• \ on the '\\1111 IIIl hUlldln .. :; 11111 lUll! \ lilt III..; IhCrtOIl Sllm.IIO XU\tlllbcr ..!3 10JO R ' , ItTl.'dt'(l Situ Itt UII Ihl.' 1"0Ulh\, ~I JI) "ull.' of lUg-crt; .(\lIlUe g:rounus. /'1 1111 Slrl.'~1 II the tillil Hit( III "II f1U1hit('(l "IX I "!II \ \1 EI .. ll.'rn Standlrd lUIlC Hockey Viclories md 1'\\0 one hUlldTl'dtlHl ftl I .lIl1u 1 ... 1\\ Irlll • from Ihl .. uulllI :I~lerl,\ .. ul If Thulll.'l11h C(mdlllUlI~ S IU UU I.'a~h OT t1 rtlll~d thcek S\\,lrtlullflfl' College contmul'd III thelStrtlt 111 lilt! Buroll .... h of Hllh. (011111 of at lum of ~\1t (llllll.'~~ othtT"I..;c !llatl.'d UI CUllstrUctlon tIl a nc\v \\II1IUllg stre,lk fUF 1)•1 1\\lrl.' SI lIe 0 f1'1 .'11111;\ J\ 11111 \ c.'IhIIlItIlIK')J'lII"I tlUlItIJ lIlI)J IIIoUf I.'H ilItI I It It tla)8 Olh()r thl'lr ho(kc\ Icam b) ucfeallng Ur~;Jnus I CU!U:UIIIII,. III frl HI 01 hll Illlh on tilt "alll Jo 2 () III tin: mud last Wednesua) \Jully J.1111I SITI(( t\\CII1\ IUUT Ind 1111111) el~ll1 hUll lilT! }o 1111:; Bollt'au alld Annc Pike sCI)rl'd the ~1~~~WII'\,:t:I!I'IIII:dHI~I~III~~~I~:~ 1~.~h"~~I\\'~~11111III)al:1 "flnh Term 1'1 IU !\o IUD S\\arthmorc gllats lalhl 1111(';; II rl .. hl 1Il).::Jc!! tn III lid :\1:\1111 \11 J I t I f I tI SIIt(1 one hUlIdTl'(l I'HIII, "t\!11 III I fI\. L III l'tl 1111 rl~1 0 : . .111 (OIllIIlI!;lUg S\\.lrthmure Iflgh School \\UII another II.'IIth!! feci I utll t,1II1 unlll!: 101:, kllO\\1I IIul t!lsl';l1alcd all I k I I I ~o -III 10 1iiu ,~ IIIC!tbHt Oil fll.1II ui Jandll 101 e\ • gamc olst ~atUrtay, tins tlllle 8",1110,,11, 1111 I"1"O _11:( 1I tlll_lIl !fl I .\p rl I of f \ I"G lD lATIIU Ulll1 III" )rl''O rdttlll1 tile Office I rtllll (.('(Jrge St huol Score 2 0 ~N I jl '-I r! lonl II April 'II 1'1 '-1_:\1 H U III I or It t ~I)r, III.. 0 It'"'' I{ m IIId for l • J. Ihh Ill,:1 <:t PI III Utl.1 Book X No 7 ('Ige • • I ,,V 11\ SlIlIlh II Ihl X \\ cor of 3rd l\luslc Lecture-ReCItal I I he Hili :\1111110111 \\(' HI Ihe T\\.II lOt Jlldlc,li S lid BOil 1 lIIeI \lorl/!""I!!( \HII dUI) 1"-!jI~IICd IJI) Co p ~ tIld t01l1 1)1111)1; 11I1I.! It 011 saltl b, C?bb" Crt'! k Tille and Trust COll1llauy to ,rlt A\I IUd II( III ... III Ikplh 1I0lig l:Ialll :'Iltl Ihc lacuity ,11111 parf.:nts of FrIenus' ,til( I tl111,,!halJl I TTlist CIIRlI'IIlV lu Iht I'enn [multi \H _ou~ [I Cf.:ntral S h I II t G ~I ~.}I\a"la COIIIi'UI) ror 111!<lIr11Wt un I.l\~~ all(1 • • (nu \\1 prc-scll uy ar- (.rllltlll,. AIII111III(S Illd hll It COIlu11 TrURle(~ ~I 11IIItl1nl.'lII~nt~_\ uant J,:rollml nllt'r, a~sou IIc dlft'l.:tor of the Frankl1ll1tll1l1 T the \\111 of John \\ C'urw II tit '( LS~tI I,. Sll•lI• e.: all( I Ic c I nr('r III mUSIc at tiIC uh,u\ b I"HnIl .n. nrntlUecIIlI dIIa le:'d11 11F11I1I IIUJol'nlb rl1ll0t\ 1~'1R S I'):I.I!1Ht1 \JITSU l ei CId" lb11l1T1 tl Iltt,.crh of FTank ClhbClta amI. UIlIHrsih uf PellllS)hallla, III a Iccture-Ilm ,\ \1 II 117111 .. ( 14' &( I IInl'lo, m(lIls eIJII~I~1 of I\\{) and 0111 11 df fCut," 'Llfc with :\IIISIC" a. 8 ,)'clock /(.11\ (. dlfilUA AtiOTII(y Fnd.l\, )Ju\clllbcr l~, ,It the school. .slun .. IHlt'U hUII"( ih x Ifi ltl'l ~IIII"O mil \\11 LIA\.I \\ "'1c1{Ur Sh!rlif ,\m ung tIi e sc Ie ctloliS II e will play are F"lnxn, Iubll llflCllCllIl I I X ~U II I _ trl,... Itt Idutl 11 1 It Bectho\ e.:n 5 • lloonhght Sonata," Meo- I delssohn's Spmlllllg Song, Debussy's I hc GII'I \\Ith the l'l,lxen Half," • Gol- j' '.g\\og" s C.tke \\ ,11k' and "Gardens III thc H.III1" ------~ ... ~.------- NEWS NOTES People Join Co-ops to Formerly of The first of a senes of mformal get- GEO. GIlLESPIE &: CO. to-get hers \\as ellJoyed by Evelllng ::\lr Grant BellJamm of North S\\arth­more a\enue spent last Fnda), Saturday and Sunda\ \\ttlt IllS \\lle and two daugh­tus Hc had heen 111 I,ansas and other I \\cstern states for threc \\ceks and has re tumcd thele Oil turther busll1ess lXPCC= tmg to he ana) tlus tllnc until I hallks­gl\ mg I 4.rc you a consumer-o" ner of )our ('onlnlunity's Co-oJl slore? If nol, do you know thai Ihere are other hcnefits Get BUILDER SCdlOIl members of the \"oman's Club Altcrations--Repairs .lIld thclr guests 011 Fnda) , November Painting J at the cluh hOllse The hox-supper, :3~I~O~Y;a~le~A~ye"".= =~S;',w~a,!r!lh~m~o~.~ .=..I ~I~2~9 furlllshed by I11cmhers, \\as followed by • -- --- I an cvelllllg of c1l1tcmg These socml G::n~E;:r=~Y e\Cfllngs have btln planned With the DELICIOUS CAKES. PIES. BUNS I hope of oecolllmg hettcr acquamted SBpeReEJAalD DSi sacnodu nDt EtoL ICChAuCrIcEhSe s IWlth members, thclr husbands and andClnbs fncmls 1'hc lIext CH11t planncd \\111 he Ex:perts on Wedding and Party Cakes a covf.:red (hsh slipper to hc held 011 702 EDGl\olONT AVE , CHESTER F (Y. M. C. A. Bldg. <nday evcllmg DcCtmhtr 6 11embcrs Cater-eornered from Speare's) ,Ire urged to att..:ncl tlll~ supper and 'Phone Cbester2-91&S:: ____ help thiS SPirit III ine.:·ldliness grow COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN AIEN BROS. Further notice Will III glHIl at a latcr date •• Flower Sloo\\ In Field House I 1 he largest ~Ild 1ll0~t spectacular chr)s~ ;"'I!ss Mar) 'I horn formcrly of S\\arth­more \\ ho \\ as thro\\ n by an autolllo-! bile recent I) , has 1eft the hos)lItal but IS still HlIIfincd to her homc 111 :\Iltha ~l r... Garheld hpple) returnul Satur - ' d.l\ to Iter hall.e 111 ).[ar) :>\111..: alter two I d.l\s \Isltlllg hcr SOil and dughle.:r III la\\, Captalll and )'lrs Alvlll J. lIerr 01 ::\hch. Igall aHlIlle and auendmg S\\ Irthmore'sl lJallu\\ c l n II Irade I )'Ir II 1~ Starbuck forlllerh (II Park a\CIl11(" Is II(IW 11\lllg With hl~ unde at IS Pleasant IIII1 road, )'led,.1 i 11r and )'lrs \VlIham 1'.lIll1ucl and in addition 10 fair Jlrit'es atHI Ioonest quality? In Co. 0Jl~ you f:nd~ for one thing. Ih.· fanlolls CooJlcrath'c spirit of fello.,sloip-for an· other Ihe means of prcsen­iug Ihe dcnloeratic way of life. Bt>callse "'hI' Coopt>rflliv(' member may reasona'J" e:t'­peel Betler QlJal"y,"' 'ras flll 0",­siamlllll{ reai'iotl jar JO;";III{ a Co­Ol' ", ,Itt> op;nioll oj L,on Coop. f'ralortt;1I ruue societies Ichn ut>re ",'erv;elcell /J) a rt>lward, nrgnll~ .ZIllwII III prel,aralloll jor II shul~ ImMfsheti III "Sales iUmwg,.. Phone Sw. 10412 /omthemuill sho\\ yet to he staged b) the r=:;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:;::;:;::;;;;:;;;;;::;::;::;:-;::;::::;;::=;::;::j Pcnns) l\allJa IlorllclIltnral Society, the Picture Framing - Stationery Natlon.11 Garth ncr... Assonatlon ami the Books - Kodak Supplies Arthur Hovt SlOll FOl1lld~tlon, JOllltly, d.Ma lrlaghnhd:r s )o. If r sl laCHhraf roI er ds pKlant.l:ll'l ll\\d11 1a nredl 1ltmw oe If i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tins \\eck to Yale and ;"'1}lllt l\eIlUCS,/ ~[or'oll I Swarthmore Cooperative 401-03 Dartmouth Avenue mell'" ,uaga..:-;,ae. Greetinll Cards - Hobby Craft \\111 he hl'ld 111 the S\\arthmorc College SIMMONDS FIeld lIouse .Iu, II cck clld The dISplay \\111 hl' OpCII If) thl' public from 2 until 714 Welsh Street Chester 9 P I 'Phone Chester 2-5161 I M tud.n, I n( a), and froll! 10 ~~~=~=~::::=========~ \ :\1 ulltll 9 P ::\1 tornorro\\ 10c,II stmlc.mts at the Lnl\c.:r~lty of POllls\hama \\ho hale Ju ... t pledged frat- j ('fllltll~ ,lie II.lrnet \Vlckhalll and Eho~t, Jl ffurds h.appa Kappol Gamma an Gertrude.: Schohmgcr and II I1lll~ Tnr I mr, Kappa \lpha Theta DR. M. BLOOMFIELD I TIllS IS the lIunl conset:utl\e Joear the Op.omelrilrl d'spla) has heen hdcl here lndoor gro\\11 chrysanthcmums IIllllldlllg a cascade type I Complete ETe Service about 12 feet Il1gh and many utHque var ZONl .. ~G NOTICE 612 WELSH ~II Ol.TREET l('tles \\ II I Il C f eaturc( I a Io ng \\ It I1 h ard Y Ili t aTrailli.l -! linII II I CdU oUfI I'A II dCluhsalmmcbnetr \\S I\I\I. lIrI ti.1lm1 ua rep uDblol ,c CaD Ch.ter 8014 chr)santhe.:mutlls arhstlc arrangenll'lIt nu,...h HIli It 800 P },{ on Frldn ~O\cmber I VICTOR RECORDS Now Reduced 1-3 to 50% People'. Tire Store 211 West State Street, Media Open Every Evening CI a sses and colle'ctionfs 0 hernc(I "s I ftlus 2E.a! rl 111K-1I1 .1. tlrI nr I'IoSw;;n eUrI UIIaI nda n TahPoIm) :Ub of(: WWilhhlatmc In thc four gf()U(I!I ahout 150 S(luare feet hair d~,{'loJJCT of the lot situated III lilt' Busl I I I ne"" BI!;lrJ('-t of Ihe Borough of S\\3rlhmOTC 011 \\ I I he dc\ oted to growlIIg )Of( ers tell the Xorlll(, Istl'rlJ, !'lule of Park a'cllue 170 I feet 1 fcet \\ Ide Soulh III the SIJtllh !'Jlde of D IrtlUlltllh ,"'enue • l I xlllllhll~ them'(' III a Southerl.} (l1TcdlOli along­" Irk l\ellUI 2.!) feet A "arlJ.lIC1 fTOUI the terms of the Z.omhg' Onhn3nt'C I~ requested as follo\\s ,-Ii Smitlo Alumnae IIleet \monq the SII1Ith College Alumnae l\ ho are attendmg a luncheon at \VIlIt- W'I h' B h man's on SaturcIa) for \\orkers 011 the I Is Ire rot ers \ ",«n' ~hc<an hencfi. for the SdlO[ar Th 11 a ,.!T0\111 of armrtment bUIIIlllJ:'s be 1J1a"''l~1 on Ihl;; lot at Ihe dl~lalicc of ~O fee 11I"1( Itl of 2, f('lt from thc IC"lll'ltl\C stTeet hn~1i o( Plrk rmd J..afa)ellc A't'1111 ~ \11\ till' mhTl'''led mlY illl(;U- and be III Ir" It Ihc arnr('" luI h. ITln~ .UanujacIUrer&, Jeloelers slll}l fund are :1lrs TroH'r S Ande.:r-and Silver.milh. son, )'frs Brand BIanshard, Mrs Caro- State and Monroe Sts. hne Crc\\, Mrs Fred P Jones, :M rs MEDIA ,Charles Kurtzhalz, )'Irs Thomas f' !;:====~~~=~~~~======~~ I :C;:a~:II~)e~~"e_:)'fa rns d HMerrbs erBt uLrtlottnle l RMicrhsa rdDsa \ld 11 I 21 ELLIOTT H1Cli \RnSO:S ADVERTISEMENT Sl If'Ctary 1 I I Til!' School District of S\\.arthmore will re- WOOD KOPPERS COKE o. I\C hlds at the School D1Slrll.'t office Col­I{' l'c A\I'IIlIC Butldtngo. up to 8 p m 'Ionda,v No\cmbf>r 11 I(HO and oren the hlJ:IiI nt a DI('{'tm .. of the Sehool Board at tbe School I- . :================~ IPn lsmlr utf oru ffmicUc SIConal iNnsotvreummbeenrt s IIe,q UHipHmOe nt ata n8d II SUN FUEL On. W. I. L. Rummage Sale 1908 WALNUT STREET NOVEMBER 11 TO 14 CALL MRS LINGLE-SW 315-W FOR COLLECTION m IIl1t! n:lllCC ;;Upphe8 Spe(,ltkalloml can be !Ie I elln.'(1 be ..... ccn (I a m and 4 p m dally ex 10lt SallirUay Sunday and holid3YS at tbe S1 h"o. DIBlllet nmce The Board l'eseM>C8 the ru.dn to n!Ject allY or all bids ID whole OJ' \II l'lrt allli to 3'\\ard contracts 'In any item or lit ms makmg up any bid HILDA LANG DENWORTH Sea-etary 10253t WHO HAVE NEVER USED OUR SERVICES * Perloaps you arc not thoroughh fa. miliar with the scope of our sen Ice or perhaps you just haven't had .Ill OC( ,\_ aion to visit our hank. Whatc\(,1 the reason, we invite you to come in HOW and get acquainted. You wi1l fitHl 11'" a frien(J]) hank, geared to sen e you em. cicntI). We wIll gl.Hlly gl\c )011 full information ahout any ph.tse of our work in which you arc nitci c1:ilcd. • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Co.poration

---------- Page 11 ----------

. ' 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN NOVEMBER 8, 194.0 DR. PALMER'S FERN DRAW· INGS ON EXHIBITION 01 Swarthmore College in celehration of Founders Day and the inauguration of President John W. Nason has presented an exhibit of studies in ferns by Dr. Samuel C. Palmer. An alumnus and mem· ber of the faculty, Dr. Palmer has bridg­ed three regimes and served the college effectively in many capacities. As student, botanist, endowment diredor and both alumni and faculty director of athletics he is well-knowlL Exhibited in Parrish Hall his plant Caroline and Andrea Wilcox (mosquito drawings bring a new evidence of his and sprayer), NancY Greer (snowman), versatility in a field where art and sci- Dorothy,:G.erman and Betty Widdowson ence meet. Tinted to nature the display (twins), CaroUne Norse, Dc-fis Black~ is a study of the eastern ferns of the Nancy Rin~liffe (towels), Dorothy Kim­United States found in Gray's Key. A meandered in and 91!t of tIi&..,arade at random io the g1eelul ~olItoriiation of aU), Mrs. Ambrose H. Van Alen(a Victorian lady in' white lace), ·C, I,· GIII­breath (whose Jack 0' Lantern' head atop a tuxedo Oashed light intermittently),,ji,d Mrs. Joil1l Pitman (old-fashioned' lady in black). The Benjamin West Society, Depart­ment of Fine Arts and Somerville Forum CURTAINS DRAPERIES VENETIAN BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS WINDOW SHADES • Read,. Made or Made to Order • Eotlmateo Forniohed Without Coli or ObliptiOD • ** Satinore ** By RlCHELIEU- the stunning, colorful * new jewelry made * from DuPont's Lucite -Also the age-old and nge-less gift- * Rieheliell Pearls few additional species discovered but mel (U. S, A,), Katrina and Teddy Bo-lately and not listed by Gray are inelud- gardus (Christmas card and'!Jpx), Pat­ed. The drawings· delicate artislry be- sy and John McCahan (gi;;'itrale bot­speaks patient, scienliOc work of several t1~s), Nancy Terry (little old lady), AI­years by a skilled hand, Each frond is VIR Herr (snowman). Mrs, John ~ear­carefully drawn to seale, sporangia and son, Mrs. ~eorge ~. Allen and EdWIn J. other parts being drawn to convenient I Faulkner Judged thIS group. size. So accurate and complete is the work I In the original section prizes were pre­that scientific, botanical stndy may be sented to Donald Fetherolf (penguin), made Irom the drawings. Frederick N. Bell, Jr. (football star), ~he exhi?it will be open to the public Mary Corse (donkey), Kathleen Lee J es-unUI the mIddle of next week. sup (old-fashioned lady), Mary Alice a I • West (Chinese proverb), Alan Bach~n Paraders Fill Field House (Oontinued /rom PGI/- 0 ... , (dictator). Jndging the original cos­tumes were Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie and H. Lindley Peel. STOTI'ER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Corner 3d & Market Sts. CHESTER all> ce barber, g;fts contrived lighthouse with flashing bea- * • con took three weeks to construct. OLD BANK BUILDING Original conceptions included a pair of Adult section winners, judged by Mrs. Clair Wilcox and Mrs. Raymond Den~ worth were :Mrs. I. R. MacElwee {the expressive rubber-faced Englishman who Mrs. W. 'W. Turner and Paul Wil­Iiams' undertook to judge the· newly cre­ated group section with the following_ re­sults: first prize--children of Mexico (Cynthia and Jack Homire, AUan HUnt and their burro), second-Chinese coolies (Mrs. Herman Bloom and three young­sters), third-<:hain gang (Edi,th That­cher, Jean Storrs, Belly Littlefield, Judy Koch, Jean Huey, and Susan Thatcher) fourth-Willkie group (Mrs. E. H. Weltz, Kitty Weltz and Peter Mil­ler), filth-elephant (Victor Allison and Arthur Thompson) and donkey (Leonard Peck and Frank Ciliberti), sixth-Mick­ey Mouse (Pally Henry) and Donald 111'. . GI ... r ell"", Trading Slamp. Duck (Guy Henry). * Telephone S •• 1381 gingerale bottles, small and large; a black :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Icq rueilplee d ppaepne, r a inHkR ubmomttaleg e cSoanltea-in-Jinugst rfeodr III1 7""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''';'''''''''========''''''''''''''''''''''''''''il aChange," two snowmen one of who map- OLD.FAsmONED THANKSGIVING DINNER , , '~ SEASONAL ITEMS peared even more realistic when he tIJP~ WILL BE SERVED ON THURSDAY. NOV. 28, UND led d I I I I I t·1 t FROM 12:30 TO 5 P. M. P over an ay te p ess y un I se up- PRICE OF Tms DINNER WILL BE ONE DOLLAR Loaded Shells right again, by eight eager assistants. PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY. PHONE SW. 149 The one advantage he seemed to have I HARVARD TEA ROOM Window Ventilators "revmera ina riena l ansn ouwnmaenlt edw asst ahties wabhielint y thtoe ~~;;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~9~: Rakes warmth 01 the packed field house would WINTER OR LIGHTwEIGHT COATS CLEANED h B have reduced the other to a puddle. Leaf and Tras umers One very little fellow seated along the FUR COATS CLEANED AND GLAZED-REASONABLY W th S · • sidelines though in costume said. III got FOR QUALITY CLBANlNG CALL ea er trlppmg tired 01 walking and besides there's a CLENO • RE - NU -IT COMPANY For Window8 and Doors bone in my leg." 614 Wew' Street, Cbester 'Phone Cheller 6416 N. WALTER SUPLEE So many masqueraders entered this Curtains, Drapes, Furniture Covers, Etc'7 Bea.uWUlly Dry CleaDed year's parade in groups that a special ---------- "group section" was instituted at the last 1lI111111111111111IE ~~~l~l~S~. ~C;h;e;;8t;e;r~;R;o~a~d~~~~~s~w~a~r~thm~~Oirie~iliOi5~~~ ~~~n~, s{;::;":i~:s~~o;:i~l;r .:!d~s~ ="'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll I myself, and adult. In the new division Chester's Fashion Corner I eight pulchritudinous Alpine climbers de­. pended not only on safety in numbers but sure! Wlllm supel~CDllches, daily schedules, m/lny vers IInywhere stflpD 'LOWEST PRICED SIX CYLINDER SEDA S IN AMERICA _ "ICIS .IGIN AI s&90 a £ lin &It.... $730 at .. pl. a c..h" s..s.n $770 PrIns ........... I, ~ I ........... f......,,. .......... . 11llllNll ......... ..., ... JHlto ............... aoIIce. New slip-strea' ". torpetydloe bodies • Stratobner-s e • Lower'" - interior, s • Res~u' Pkeep· ~I chanica U h dUng. di g • EasY an rl n tor your ToP allowanC8C ," termS present car- •••• LEWIS FUSCO Fairview and Chester Road Swarthmore 1915 SWARTHMORE, PENNA. I were well tied to each other as an extra security. Six members of a chain gang dragged themselves around the field house in each encircling of the parade. to the vast amusement of the bystanders. Mrs. Hennan Bloom with her son Peter and twins Barbara and Freddy all in Chinese dress wefe a charming pic~ ture. The "Burro of Swarthmore" made its public debut creating a lovely picture with its rider (Cynthia Homire) and leaders (Jack Homire and Allan Hunt) Q ~~~:.letelY alii red in gorgeous Mexican U I L TED In addition to prizes given by local merchants for special outstanding cos~ ROBES tum:s selected by the judges each par-ticipant in the parade received an apple, - § a noisemaker, balloon, tiny loaves of = = . bread, candy, and a model airplane in it bag. The apples were gifts by Ule spon­soring Business Association, noisemakers Specially Priced by the Swarthmorean, balloons by Han- $4 98 mnn and Waite and Charles Russell, bread by Martels. candy by Frank the • barber, airplanes by Tasty~Kake, lolly-pops by Michael's College Pharmacy. = Donors or pri~ included AHDce BaDrber, Swarthmore NatIOnal Bank, ew- rop Inn. Joseph's Barber Shop, Frank the CharminQ rayon Barber, Adolph's, Harris and Company. = satiD floral priJlts- ~ = Railway Express, Bouquet Salon, E. L. Noyes, Co-ed Salon, A. P. Smalley. wraparounds - zip- I Rumsey's Gar&ge, Hannum and Waite, per fronts-with or Joseph Celia, Tot-ta Shop, Hollyhock withDut cDllars-: Shop, Buchner's, Madison Brothers, sweetheart neck-' B. J. Hoy. Victor D. Shirer, Media lines.. Drug Store, Co-op, The Wheel. Mason _ Tea Rose, White Builders, Mitro and Sons, N. Walter = and Blua = Suplee, Michael's, Gottlieb, Gown Shop, Martcl's, and Alix Field Whitaker. - Sizes 1010 20 == List of Prize Winners - Winners in the comic .section which EXCELLENT = was judged by W. Henry Linton, Ernest = VALUES FOR R. Laws and Mrs. Walker Penfield were: = CHRISTMAS Jim Thomas (old maid), Harold J ohn- GIVERS == son (tramp). Billy Fischer (rummage _ S sale), Bickey Thompson (accordion play- ~II illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1III1lI1IIlllllllII1l1ll1l1ll1ll1l1ll11i ~ er), Froebel brothers (colored washwom­an and assjstant). Jimmy Rassweiler (Ferdinand), Swan brothers (football players), DOllgal Brown (strong man), Nan Pitman (Mortimer Snerd), John Avila (Charlie McCarthy), and Eben Lang (lion). Fancy dress division winners included: Mildred McCowan (drum major), Carol Haworth (fairy queen), Jody Whitehair (gypsy), Betsy Benjamin (Dutch girl), Gayle Hodge (Robin Hood), Ruddy Hayes (Chinaman), Joan Davidson (Miss America), Nancy McCurdy (Spanish lady), Eric Sharpless (Indian), Barbara Broadbent (old-fashioned lady), John Rassweiler (owl), Winnie Rumble (Marco Polo), Carolyn Bonsall (Dutch boy), Ann Harvey (Swedish), Mary Fussell (Rose Anna), Alice Hornaday (gypsy). Judges of this section were ).{rs. John M. Broomall, 4th, Wa1ker Penfield and Birney K. Morse. The I~Made-It~Myself section awards went to Eleanor Smith (pen and ink), TRAVEliNG COMPANION , You have to leave many things hehind when you go away from home-many conveniences, many com­forts., But you'll lind Bell teiephone service where"e' you see the sign of the Blue Bell. It's fast, accurate, dependable-the same kind of service you count on at home. . . 1111 •••••• 1111 ••••••••••• -•••• 4 •• 11111 ••• 11111111111I'I"II"'III'IIIIIII~ SWARTHMORE'S REUABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1812 HARRIS &,CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS ~d DYERS NO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. TEL"EPHONE SWARTHMORE '504 .. SWELL THE ROLL CALL VOL xn, No. 46 : . SWAIHHM'~"E r.CJI .. LF"~' t. 1f"f~11Y \ THE SWARTH SWA R1'HMORE, PA." NOVEMBE. R 1.5' '194..0 " , , REAN GIVE TO THE RED CROSS "PENNY WISE" TO Dazzling Show OPEN TUESDAY Of Mmns Held SEP1ET FOR PLAYERS CL(}8 "PENNY WISE" SOLICIT ROLL ," CALL SUPPORT Veteran Playe1'8 Will Appear Throughout Week in Playe .... Club Production Direeted by Dr. Jackson M embers or the American Legion Harold Ainsworth Post, No. 427 fol~ lowed their color guard at the end of the ecclesiastic processional at Trinity Church last Sunday Sergeant­at- arms Alexander M. Dryden bore the American flag and Walter H. Baird the Legion's emblem. Catharine Mol­stad bearing the Girl Scouts' American nag, Louise Archbold, Nancy Rinc1iffe with the Troop 16 standard, and Doris Black representcd the local Girl Scouts. J. Francis Taylor, Jr. of Boy Scout Troop 3 and Fl.'cderick Morey of Troop 2 carried American flags, Paul Cleaves Troop 2's flag and Samurl Gary Troop 3·s Rag. The rector the Rev. J. }arden Guen­ther and the Rev. Thomas A. Mery~ weather, vice-commander of the Post shared the service. Commander Herbert T. Bassett and Past~commander Guen­ther Frocbcl read the Lessons. After the service members of the Le­gion joined in the Delaware County parade and celebration in Lansdowne. • e Annual Football Dinner TIlE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15 3 :00 P. N. - FOOlball: Hif;h S('hool "\·s. Nether Provldenre ... Rutgers Avenue Field SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17 11:00 A. M. -Morning- Worship .......•..•.•••••..•..•.•••••.. Local Churches 6:45 P. 1tI. - Vespers: Alexander lIkCurdy. Organist. .......... Clothier Memorial MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18 10;00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. - Red. Cross SewiIll" •••••.•••••••.•••• Woman'. Club TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 12 :00 Noon - BUliness Association .......••.••.....•........ Strath SaveD Inn 1:00 P. M.-R~ciprocily Luneheon .............•.•..•......... Woman·s Club 3:00 P.M.-HOlkey: Rich 8~hoo~ vs. Westtown ........... COliep Avenue Pield 8;15 P. M.-BrUish Relief Benefit Bridge ....•..•...•........ Slrath Raven Inn 8:1£) P4.M:.-"Penny Wise'· ••.•• : .••....•.••••.••••••.••..•.••. Pl&yel'8 Club WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20 10:00 A.M.-Legion Auxiliary ......••..••......•. Lcgion Room. Boroutrh Hall 8:16 P.lII. - "Penl13' Wise" .••...••.•..•..••...••••......•.••.. PJ&)'er8 Club THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21 8:15 P. M. - "Penny Wise·' ..........••••••..•...•••.•.••...... PIBl'tt':S Cl~b , , e.1 Fifth Rummage SaIeNets '146 The rummage sale held in the Wo­man's Club House on Thursday of last week for the benefit of the Community Health Society cleared $146. Being the last of five rummage sales this fall the committee felt the event met with con­siderable success . . , The Crum Creek Bridge Club is spon­soring a benefit bridge party to be held at the Strath Haven Inn at 8.15 next Tuesday evening, November 19. F. M. Scheibley has graciously donated the Inn for the event ,the p'roceeds of which will be given to British Relief. Door prizes as well as prizes for top scon;~s wi~1 !Ie '!~~ Tqe I!'1!>lie js cordl'!lly J!lVl,\ed., a ... ervations may be mad. through Mrs. H. Bardwell Lin­coln of the Swarthmore Apartments. The Crum Cree~ Club iLtutely· aware of the suffering of the British peOples asks that early r~uests for reservations be a demonstration of sympathy and eagerness to help the unfortunate souls t:.%" =: and families are being ruth-

---------- Page 12 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE CURTAINS DRAPERIES VENETIAN BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS WINDOW SHADES • RC8(J, l\ladc or l\-Imlc 10 Order • E!!limutc8 Furnished \Vilhont Cost or Oblignlion • STOTIER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Corner 3.1 & l\larkel Sis. CHESTER We Give YellmD Trading SlmJlp. Loaded Shells Window Ventilators Rakes Leaf amI Trash Burncrs Weathcr Stripping For 'Vin,lows and Dnurs N. WALTER SUPLEE G.Iv e 3 reasons 'des economy) (/lesl • travelmg by (or ND' GREYHOIJ • Sample One-War fares Boston $-I 00 Detroit $930 Clc\ $ 7 (jO Chi(-ago $11 75 Ncn York $ I 35 SWJ\KTUl\IORE TRAVEL BUREAU 105 sure! Warm super-coaches, .Jailyschedules, many'" vers anywhere stoPO 2-Park Avcnue-S\\3. 179-W .... __ ""\ Big EXTRA Savings on e' >1. REYHDUN *::SS:;CP:/><;»~/NES ,,: ,J' LOWEST PRICED SIX CYLINDER SEDA S IN AMERICA COUP. PRICES IEGIN AT $690 Champion Dub Sedan $730 Champlan Cruising Sedan $770 Prlc ••• ".ctl". Nov. I" d.- 1I".red at 'octory~50uth aend, Include Fed.I'Qlta.~.",bj.d to chon._ without notice. Ii _stream torpedo New. s p Stratoliner-style bodies. • • Lower l11e­interiors Restful . ,upkeep· ch.a'n ica• EasY hand Ung • riding for your Top a"owan~e, T terl11s present car· .' • LEWIS FUSCO OLD.F ASHIONED THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR QUALITY CLEANING CALL CLENO • RE - NU - IT COMPANY 614 ",,'clsh Slrecl, Chesler ' .. hone Chesler 6416 Curtains, Drapes. "'urnlture Covers, Etc., Beautifully Dry Cleaned ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"' hlle: 1111.' .. Bt1Il tJ 01 S\\ .trtlnllOfc made Its puhlll "tlmt cn.:atlllg .1 lo\cly picture \\ tlh Its rider (C) ntll1a llomlre) and Chester's Fasllion Corner h .• lcic;! ~ ( k 11011111 c .lno Allan Hunt) QUILT ~~~~~)ktd) tlttlft.'d III gtJrgcuu~ ),lcxlcau ED In .I<lthuoll til pnzes given 0) local lIlt.llh.mts for speci.11 outstandlllg cos- ROBES tUIll .... ~th:(tc<l Iw the J1HiJ.!,l:s (:.u.:h ::: :: tlUIl till III the par.l<h: rt.'CCIHti .111 alll!ic, ;:;: = • 1 1l0lSCIlllkl:I, h,tlluoll, till) io3.\'(;S of § § hn.HI, (,Ul(h ,lIId ,I modd airplane In ,I ;: Sl)ecially Priced = bag rJIll ,lJlllll:s \'Cll' gilts h) the S)lun- ~ ::: 1""'r1I1~ Itll.,IIIt.-..S \SSOClcllIoll, nOlsclBakers I ~ == 11)\ thl! S\\.llthllllllt..lIl, hlllOlll1s h) 11.1I1- § $4 98 I IIt1I11 ,Hul \\ attl all 1 Ch.lIle.. Russell. = • Ilm"dd h) :\I,lrlc:h" C.llld) b) Frank the = Ih.u-her •• lIrp1.lIH.:s In :r<l~t)-K.lkc. 1011)- - 5S }1llp" In ~I leh it:! s College Ph,lrmac} i = I 1)()11I""":' of llflZl:-. mcluded .\In:c Barller, ~ S\\,lrthmore N.ltlollal Bank, Dcw-Drop a linn, Jos..:ph':, n,lrh":l ShOll. Frank the 11 = Charming rayon B.lrht:l. \dolllh... II.u I .... ,t1ltl COlllll.ltl\ 'I §= salin floral prints- Il{.l1!\\.l\ l·.xplt. ... " BIIl!qud S.t1on, L L ~ wraparounds _ zip- :-':(JHS, CO ed S.t1011 A P SIlI.tlll.'), == i{l1ttlSl)'" ( .. lldg..: J 1.11l11Utll ,md \V,utc. I;; per fronts -with or losl ph Cdl.I, Tnt-ta ~hop, Hull) hock I § without collars- ShOll. Ihlchnl.'r·... :\l.l(hS011 Brolhers. ~ sweetheart neck- It J 110). \ Htnr J) Siunr, ),1«11.1 :: lines. I)rug- Stun. Cu lIP lhe \Vhecl, ).[aS011 - TeaRose~ White Btllhh r... ).\ltro .llId SOIl~ :-.:. 'V.lIter _ and Blue SUplll, ~llch.H.'I·s (~I)tthth, Go\\n ShO;l, ~ :\I.lrtll s, .In<l \1Jx I'lthl \Vlut •• ker ~ Sizes 10 to 20 LI:s1 of 1'rl:l.t· \Vlluu'rs = • \\11\11":1'" III till tllll1lC sectIOn \\Inchl== EXCELLENT \\ I" Jtulgui h) \\ llu}! \ Lmtoll, I I nest a VALUES FOR I{ I.l\\~ .1Il<l :\IIS \\.tlkcr Penfiel<l \\erC - CHRISTMAS 11111 I hOIll.I ... (old lIIud), I Iarol<1 John- GIVERS :::: S(1lI (tl.UlIp). )hll\ ll~cher (rummage == _ '.1 Ie ). I \" k,; '1 II OHlI''' HI ( .. cc< .nhon p 1,1) - I ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIiT I cr) l·n14.'llt'1 1)llltllll" (I..Jlort'd ,,3sh\\011l- - I • 1Il .11111 .1"'~bt,lIll) 111111ll\ Rass\\ellcr ( Fl'l dm,md), S\\.tIl III others (foot hall I I pl.n l' r ... ) Doug.11 HI< 1\\ n (sit ong m.m), I ~.1Il Illtl1J.111 (:\lllltIl1lel Snenl), John \\11.1 (eh.lrhe )'1t:Carth). and Eben, 1 I.anl-:" (hon) I I r .1Ill \ 11It: ... s <In I sion \\ lill1CrS lilt luded 1:\111111..:(1 ).llCo\\.l11 (dlllll1 maJor), Carol I jlla\\(Jlth (1.111\ qunu) J(lil\ \\Iutehall I (g"\lb), Bd ... , Iknj<lllull (Dutch gtrl)'1 Ga)lc Hodge (Rublll Hood), Ruddy !ll.l\l... (Chlll.lInlll) Joan I)a\lIbol1 ()'hs... .\111I.'nt I) ~.I1lC} 11cCurd), I (!"pallish la(h), I lie Sh.lrp1e ... s (Jndmn), 1 Balh.l1a Hroulhtllt (oll-t.l ... lnoned lad\), jeJlm Ha"'''i\\l.'ller (11\\1) \"lImlt' H1I1l1111t' I ()'Ialto Po1o), C.lrohn Bl)n .... 11I (DlIhh TRAVELING (OMPAUION You ha\e to leave many things hehind when you go away from home-many conveniences~ many com­forts. But you'lI find Bell telephone service whereve you see the sign of the Blue Bell. It's fast, accurate, dependahle-the same kind of servICe you ho\) \1111 II.II\t\ (S\\til!"h), \Ial\ count on .it home lu .... tll (1{'N \111111 \btl. 1101111<1<1\ (_\p .. \) lud!.!l" II till ... "'U11Ull \Hle \\1" lohn ~I 1:IDiIll.l1l 'hh \\ Ilkll Fairview and Chester Road Swarthmore 1915 P,"l1dd .•• 111 II ..... , I, ~I"I" SWARTHMORE, PENNA. I h, I ~Iad, It ~1"lh "<l,,," a<la .. b ;;i~:=:::::~:~~~:~:=::::::~:=:::::::~H~'~'~'~"~[i[~I~' ~1'~1'~"U101 Smith (j)ll1 ami mk) tlllllllllllll+++++++++++++++++*~')'l<~+++U 1111111111111114 1++++++++++++++~++*++++""!+I<+;r+<!<+++++++++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++H'~'~+' :( =;':~;R HARRIS & CO. :5f~~~:~~~~ SW~~:~RE I 1 •• 4tl111.1111111111111111111111+1111111+IIIIIIIIIllllIlltl~j 1 ,, " '. I I, r. () l.. L (. C; E '. '•I r )/r/t L 1131? A I~ Y '\ I I, Y SWELL THE ROLL CALL 5WAI-lTHMIIIH, p~ ""'- / THE SWARTHMOREAN GIVE TO THE RED CROSS VOL. xu, No. 46 SW AUTIli\IOUE, I'A., NOVEMBER 15 1 ' 1940 "PENNY WISE" TO Dazzling Show OPEN TUESDAY Of MUllls Held Veleran Play,'rs Will Allilear ThroughoUI \V eek in l'luvers Cluh Pro.l",·\ion Direcl;''' h\· Dr. Jat·k.oll M".I Slleclucular Collection of Fl • .,. ers .;"er Seen "tOre .'ilJe" Field House "n 81h an:' 91h '1'1 (. 11)-10 Chr)":illI1ItIllUIII .. he)\\ (II tht 1'(:I1I1S\I\.11I1.I Ilortll.ultur.t1 SIIlUh I ht' PI,l\tl ... Cluh hdS dU)"lll fur It... 11 .. 1 tilt Pllll.Hldllll1 •• Br.lmh III Ilu NO\l'lIIht'r pi ()(hlt11011 tile (j11lI'tl) sophls- \,'Iltlll.ll \S"'l~C!.ltltJlI (If (~lnl(l1\r ... \\ltl1 tlt.lted cUll1uh. 1'1.'111)\ \VI"'l.· 11\ Jt. .. l11 III (unlll r.llulll of (Ill \rthllr 110\ t I'ergusull ill.llk Dr .\ I J.lll~"()lI b "'(tllt Ilortllultur,.1 1'~()11111Itt1l111 of Iht (Iut..:l:tor S\\.trlhilleln' C(,lllgl .IlId tIlt :\Iorns lhl' slll<.11 l.ISI of "I:HI1 I ... OllllIKJSt."d \rhllrttutll of till.: Lll1\lrsH\ nl PUlII tlllll(l\ Ilf t.xllentlHt'c1 'tler.llls of the ,,1"'1111 11(ld 111 tht S\\.lrtlull,ln (',)1 duh "Iltl lloliis .lIl· f.lIll\ e\l'nl, dJ\Hllti. t ... 'l Fillci 1111\1"( 1<1"t 1'11(1,1\ Illd S,ll­\\ Ith tIlt eXtl'llllVIl oj the slll.tll (JIIe\\!uch IIrtll\ \\.IS tht 11111 t thm", IS takul b) the dtrC(tor • 1'1.'1111\ \VIS~" v1 Its kltld <o;eul 111 tills "t:dll)l1 • ".I 1)1.1 \ (I I 1I1.II111l·r ... (Il Ptll( IIllg · 1111 11.'.11 (htr 1\\0 hUlltind tXlllll1[, III [I" .Htlllg .(1)lhl) t(1 hi 1111-{ i)lIt lilt "uhtll.' 1111- flllt,"it· ... (If tilt <o;lhl\\ ''In lX 1I1or so l"i"illltl.ll hi till' pll'l Tnlt tllltled, IlIIl11t(1 In 3000 ")lllt.lh1r ... 111 tht 18 1 I I 'H1l1r"i Iht, (h~I)I ••. \ <I •• ' '.1.··.1 I I '" )111 1 U)lUIl tit: 1001Ik .. 01 1111111.111 nature '- () til, I II I I Pllhhc .Ul( .1 t It l .. III the pl." .Ire tlul\ hlllll.l1l \\11h .tll tl'lll \\te.lknts ... e~ :\Ir ... JIIII11 F IJ.III.\ ,,1 I-1m a\enue \\ 1Ih tilte (XltiJtltJll 01 PUIII} the I1UJlI.' lld 1,IIlt .!lId ~Ir .. :-; Illiud Crolh· IIHI nohlt 11IIltl\t ... I,f t:.llh .Ute t"sll, UlI: ll .. Iii \\.dhngford "tfl .IIlIOl1g tltt der ... hili lX.lltl, \\ Is "olllg .mlt ... ,It tht sil(H\ .lIId .t! ... o h.ul pnzt. .., \\111111111-{ I.'XllllHts 11) It or III 1''':1111\ 's n11ml '" ... O1l1l tiling 10 COll- I I ()Ilt \\ hult (nd 01 till htld hOI1~t \\.t" Jure \\ It 1 S she as ::Slll1ple ,IS ... hl StUllo.; ~ ., I) 'I I h,rlllt:ll 11110 lHlrdtrs tht 500 pl.lIlts J1I .ollh .\ ,lrg.lIti ,.IIIl'ler \\111 Ill' ~ecn I, \\.111.:1. \\ere dUlldted In llltmlllrs of .Is (1111) \\ hO<O;l hu"h.lIul Gordoll \\ III I I It (~.lrdtlltrS \SS(lCI.ltHl11 .11ul hach.1 ht pined In Rohert ~t.lhlu II II ' l.\t:rgTlt'U Irets Sptttal.:ulir C.l!> II) J\ S \\t.lkll":".) I" I III lit h.lIll for I ~.I( t· ... 01 :l1l1azl1lg ht Igilt .1I1 .11rlllalltc .lll.tlr!'> tlu tlJtur' \\Imll 1It.l\ I,,..,. .......... -. - .: 1I dlr, lmgte t,m .md h.l~kt:t \\lre forlllul t lI!'>ttl !'>ClI11t'\\ 1t.1I perh.l)'<O;' Oil the Slure 1 I I I I 1)1 ,011111,., .III( ... a\t.: .. 01 ,I smgl..: 1)1.l1It tMt ht.· 10.;.1 fJ1.I)\\II~ht Ilo\\e\tr he II I lrgt: \\hlte .111t! \tlll.l\\ hl001l1s lilub iUlIlsdf \\lth .1 htllt: 1110le Ih.m he nj t I l( JIlt un t <I \ antI( S \\t rt the: SiZe: 1 SEPTET FOR PLAYERS CLUB "PENNY WISE" h.l" 1)llg.II11t.(1 for (III Ills h,lIlcis, \\llen 1)1 I Illr"'Ol1 ... ht.HI \ ( lH;d ofl t\\'o 1)1 IllS furmll (IMmOI.lll ..... "pt"l 011 "'llhd )t'IIII\\ prl111f()"te \.Irltt\ lhnsau- Ille Sttlll ,Iud 111 ... "II~ 111111"'" .1 [11,.,1 UI. [II II I [I . '\",I,·.rl·,,' [k' I' h I r ~ t Hlills 0 It· .11Ie1llUnC l\ p~ III the t • ~ Itl I~.·X UI'(' s},rn( UI'IIOJIa I e Sl"'OlH 0 tluo 101 .11 dralua ,. ••• lsUIi. for tlll' \\u.:k t'lid 1 he IMI I 01 '1.1 •• 1. a" c, .I[ l r 01 [I Ie II onI t .'fI.:( I ~I)ace sur 'I.'r .· - I"f, [ () rIg h" ,s ."If II lIg: D r. A • F' • J uc k son (Ii rcC'lnr' J •• , •• , \Ik' d [ I• L' I II • I JIIo.! • "J ISs, un '2.50 PER YEAR I :SOLICIT ROLL I CALL SUPPORT 1 Re.1 Cross Volunteers Cover Bor. ough for Membership I Contrihutions I S1I1l t: 1.1000t ~IOlld.l) HolI C.III \\orkcrs II h.IH ht:tll llll\.ISS1I1g' tIllS hurol1gh for the fUI1II ... "llI(h ,lie IIllJlt.:ratnt:l\ lIl'ct\tll 1111 I)lIlu that thl t:(m~tallt rellci \\ork of tht \lIIt:nt.1II I{ed Cro ... o.; JIIa\ ttlllUIIUt 1\\ thout 1Il1t'lrupholl \\1111111 Ihc Umted St,it( " I I I h..: funds r.lht'd I" thiS .11111l111 dnve 1lI.lke pos<O;lbll "t',ICC tllllt (.'111( rgtellcy re- I lit I III l.I"~ of lirt. flood :1ml hurrll.:al1l • ~It: <o;lI11Jlort of the I{ted Cross ~ l1rsl11~ In II.:C Im.lted 111 Swal thll1l}Tt \\ ludl 1II.lkt .... 111 .lHrage of 500 l.llI .... 1 monlh to the SICk III its dlstnct .lIId lht: de­I p.lrl1l1tellt ul Itom..: scnlCt' .{SSlst.I1](~ II) ! tht· f.lI11lhl .. 01 dlsahlnl Ht('r.I11'" 1/11<0; lIst 111lludl~ tJotlllng. la)l.'ths, IInd'l.:.ll (.Ire, .IIHI luod I'rnnanh the Red Cro" I".~ I 11t:.lCe tllm .lgt:l1n \\11Ieh has )lrllHd Its effi­Cltllt' o\t rand 0\ e r .lg.1111 111 11.l1101131 te Ilwrgt 11( It'<: I n spite (If the t11111"i1l11 dc- 1II.1Ilt!.. \\ lutil ha\ c he en 1Il.llk (Ill ~\ ~n Ill(h\IIIII.l1 durlllg the p.lst 111I'1I1lls. It IS tarlll"itl) hoped th.1t the work of Ihe \11Ien<:an H.ed ero"" \\111 be gaclt <iUp­IK) lt <luTIng- tillS drne 0111\ fifh tcnts of )011("" cntnt: (onlri­" 1111011 goes to natIOnal he,ulqll.1rlers \\h('lhcr It IS Olle or 100 doll.lrs If ft\t' ~1~('~lIhcnlllPS 111 a family .Ire l.lkt.:11 out :;;_.;,0 IS sent tu hcadquartt:r .. , 1£ .1 .It n ..... , gnt: ... '..:tl\ ..-. ,\\.111 .1 mant' (Jus TC1111ldld .1 st,ltnt· of \UIUlIlIl an.slllgi aUf l~arl)(lh. Se.llcd: Ehzubelh S"nn, 1\lnrgnrel Latimer, Robcrl Siubler OJlPo rttllllt\ for hIgh c()lt1e<i) • a do.s!..' scc- Irom It... ml(lsl In .l<l<lltlOI1 to t.:\'cry .lIId Juhun "o\'oers. IIl1d to ht.:1 h JlIhtt.1 Po\\crs as ~lartha. kmd 01 IIlduor gTO\\11 .l1Id h.ln" chry- _________ .l1Ioth..:r Cli the Irue ... ls Jtllll \[klss a ... mthllll •••• 1 [I,··r<·r _.. I "'7 ,- f C F k MRS f.II111~) connntratcs ItS gift in olle 1.lrgcr m~m )cr<o;llIp then only fifty cents g(J~S to \\ .lsllIllgton. • '011 eIre asked 10 l""('member tuo that 11IIuls arc alloc.lted to tllstncts 111 11ro­porllOlI 10 Ihclr dnve totals If. thl'rdore, }OU make }our rcside11C~ here hut \our bll~IJ1t:SS 1<: out of tOWII }Ollr contnhu­tlOlI to } our local RoIl Call WOl kt-r \\lJI make ,lOsslhlc larger returns to ",upl'0rt loe.11 relief needs l'> " ... \\e e on ulSP il) OH'r '" ortiS 0 eSllr ranc I • BRINTON AT Jlrodttt·tr's rcoulu h.IS .1 ll.lrl \\ lueh 10) !'>lJt CI1I1elb of hcrrit.:d shruhs, .tli sl1Its hel .ull1l1r.lhh 1.lh~ It d .11111 I.lItert.:d .IS a 1I0l1-COIllPeu-r on Music Club Prollranl l WOMAN'S CLUB l)a\I{J ).J.llhcth it.IS pl.l\t{\ many parts II\t t:xhlhlt I" the Scott Foundation \\lll IllIt )UU \\111 seldom langh tJ1l1te as .llId tilt: :\lorTl"i \rborctull1 On 'lucsda), No\cmbter 19, .It 830 P. II1mh .t~ "hell )0\1 see hlll1 .l'i • J~ffp" • • .\1, Bond )'lemon,,1 Hall on the college G(I[(1011'5 1.lz\ hrothtr DRAMATIC SKIT camllUS, WIll welcomc members and 1 h<: sctnn 01 th~ thn:e .Itts all laid guc::sb 01 the Swarthmore )'lusic Club 111 a COlllltt'llt Ht 1.lrlll hol.1sl.' AT H & S NOV 26 to a program of CODlIJOsltioI1s by Cc~ar Illc 1.I.n \\ III (J]I II r tit: .. hi' t:' t:1I(lIg \ • T '" • ":1 I'll I,> Pllif t(,I'llth (f'ntllr\ 11}1l1fK)!'>cr or- D<;sf'ri"?8 Visits 10 Diverse Cults 111 Unlled Siaies to Inleresled Memhers XIJ\ullhtl 19 .1.111 lontllll1e lhrCJugh l\Ir It I I R I I D' l:t I gamsl and tcalher. grc.llest amt;ng whose .\una Brinton, Dlrcctor of PClldlc Hill iii d.1 \ t \ ('Ill II!.. !. I s'I. 0 Icr I Ae Cf.o PIr ccl roI- \\ orh .Ire [lIe "S)'lllpIIUII; •• , D ..\' llllor" (I e scrl}IC ( I to t II C Illembers of the Swartl,_• 'O('U I\'C at.1f orlraya anti the oratonu "Les Beatitudes" lIe \\. Seldom has there heen "'0 gre,lt a need and IJI almost no other wa} is it !lo~Slble for ... milll £flfts to he arlmim .. kr('(T 111 o.;l,,"h .111 ectl1lotlUeal \\av II\itt they .t(I(l1l1flli~h the m omntlll1 good \Von't) ou I)t· rt:a(ly lor the worker in ,our dlc;tnl't \\ hen "he COmes or If ) 011 ha\'e nlls~cd her \\Oll t \OU conlact hcr~ \VIII \011 Ii un; l.1Il <10 ~o evcn to the smalle ... t txtelll, IIICrt·a:-.c \ our contribution ~ • • Lt·gioll T.akt·8 Pari In Arlnisti('e D:.l~ S"r\ iCf'S ~lellll}tr~ til tht \mtTl(.lll l.tglOlI. 11.1roid \lIl,,\\orth Pmt Xo -127 fol- 111\\ld tlllir llliclr gl1.lrd ,It tht l])(1 of tltl tll.:h"I.I"llt pnICt!'>~III1\.11 at Trlllll\' Churl. h I ",t ~lIl1d.I' l1Iorll1l1g ~l rgt.lI1l­It !nll~ \ltx.llldlr:\1 I)ncltll bore the \l'1l11l.111 tllR .llId \\,Ilttr 11 1l.llru Illl Itghll1 ... llllhlt.:1II C,lthaTlIIC ~rol­, I I I l)l .lllng tht (~Ir1 Scouts' . \lIlt T1C.lII jl I!~ I 011h( \n hhold. ~.11It:\ Rl11chffe \\1l11 til. I n'«II' 1(, "t<l .Il1d I)nns J,Jltk Ttprt~l.lIhtltlll 1111.:." Clrl Stout-. J 1.'1 Ilil h l.t\ lor Jt 01 eO) SI.:Ollt II ( np.) 11111 j'll dUll k :\Iorl.')' 01 '1 roop .! l.lrrHd \lIIlrll..lll Ill,.{", Paul CIc.l\cS I fllOp 2 ... 11.1,\.{ .111<1 S IlIIud C.1ry Troop " II.IJ..!; Th. Itllt>! tllt Ih\ lanlll1 (.1I~1l-thu Ilid lill I{(\ IhullI"" \ ).ltT\­\\ t.tthtr \Ill. ~OI1lIllt1ldll 01 lilt Po~t ~h.lI. II tilt .... t 1\ \( ~ C{llIlIl1.tIHh r J h rht'rt I Ill ... ~t 11 .Iud fJ I"t t Ol1llllollHlt:r ellen- 111lr Inllhlll'lcl tllt Lts~lll1s \Ittrtlh "ll\lll ll1ll11hll~(I1 thl Le­gInn jOlllld 1\1 till Ihll\\.lrc COUllh I'M Idt 011](1 l't It IIr ltloll 1\1 Annua! FoolJUll1 Dinner <"h.l1rll1ll1 ''It(1 :-'l1Ihlllr hi" jll .. t .111- 11I1Itlii th.ll tilt "I",lh .Ulllll" (hl1111r Itil lill 111..:h ~I.hll(ll 10 II" til h 1111, \\lIJ hI gl\tll "11 "n!\n l\ll11l1.L:, lJt:l(.'lllhter () III tIll g\ 1II11 .... ,11l11 (lpl.lll1 nill' \\ ood ht 1(1 l'l),l.l h lor tilt Llllttd Sldlt ... ~llht.ln \(.lIhm\ at \\l .. t J'''lIlt h.I'" ,I .. "urtd Ihl ulIllllUtlt:C h( \\ ill "Ill lk .It till umller f A F I H uwrc 01l1<l.I1'S Club sCHrat of the -'1_ n nlcrlC3n atnl y at ODIC IS often c.t1lLxI Ihc found~r of the "moo- U , I I I I ,. \ e rsc groups of lx:olIl~ that make .. " [I.e Iht Illgh Slhoul \uciltonllm \\111 he t:fIl 'renel SlIOO, I "p I P It( 1\\ ork ql1lit of uur nation la'i 1 uc'- till ~(lllt III .111 tXPt.'rtlllt:1l1 111 com Ilolllt.:1 011 the eOll1pO~el's hfe-\\ork, tim JJunl1fr the Sl1 '! IJ " 11lUlllt\ thllll~1llg 011 Iltt C\ t 1I111g- 01 prcst:llted 1)\ ),1 rs Ro) \V Delaplame ~ Illlllcr II rs nlltou :'\«I\tmhlr 2(lth It N P \1, \,ht.:11 tIH.11\\11l pflcede the follow1Ilg st:lecttol1s '.md her famtly tra,cled 10,000 IIllles on Ilotllt ,lIul St.:i10111 \s~ml.ltIOll \\111 prl.- I'lcludt', Chur.t1~ and I'uguc,' pmno!·1 tlJP to thc \\'est Coast .uul back ... tlit .. \ f,JUH.' t I \l.lIIng ,It JIOIl1t . Tin ... 1 ~olo b} ~lrs_ J.eOlMrd C \shton, "I.a [,ht' hnuled r,lI1ge 01 diet and the ... klt \\hllh \\.1'" "ntt'lI for the oc_II:IUC(;<;"IOII," alto solo In :\!rs Robert \\ll1liled hVlIlg COOdltlOI1S \\luch she l.l ... hlll, \\111 pn"l.lIt.1 hplc.t1 AmcTlcl1ll Careb ,tCCOIllIJ.lIll~d b) )'lr" C B Camp- !eloral to be a feat.,r f I 1.11111 I \ 111 d ~llI"IlIOIl \\ IlIclt ought to Il CII , "\'1 0 II II .IIH I I' 1.1110 S ol1alol, .. I' Y l'\[ r:-. uur coulltr; • e 0 I a arge pal t of ralSC ,I II tIi l pnl I) IUlb IIl .lt,!:>.s and I (•~, II lIr ... t P a:J I and I ,lKlth C ole, h\o 0111\ [ are 110.t IIller'ent L ut due (I t I Ig I It t II t" d\ t r lj.!l 1.11 II t·r. Illlit II t r SOli I IIlII1l Il ers IW t II e '~\[ USIC Clllh CI lorU<i «I) 0 Ignorance• Ever; \\ here': -.I ,c saw .1I1d d.l1Ighttr III thllr d.lIl) dt.:hllg~ I Gu,mh.1II \ngc1" (h\O Ilirt \ocai CI1- ~lrollP~ .u1(1 .ndlvlduals strl\lIlg tll teach \\ilil t..11.:11 oilitl !'Ill rtlllcllllder 01 the stll1l)!l'), (h) uThe I'lr!'>t SUllie of Ma)" til.: {lCOple the use of suuple mtthou:o ~Uld pr Igr 1II1 "llIlI'lhl~t 01,111 Opt II Ihscu~-I (tllrH p.ut \ocal eml.'l11ult.:), accompau- IlldtnmJs at hand to IIUpro\e thclr <het "1011 01 tilt qUl .. lICIll ... r.u .. t <I .1II<1. 1.:0111- I led h) ),11 ~ Paul. ana ennt:h their homes jlctIl l"'Oll 01 I11ctllod~ tor h.mdhng til( 111 • I • 1n J •I :O;Ilar Counl•' , III 1I100S, a Ca t Il ohe .lII. lll.tlt lit 01 \ lr10lh kllld" IJa~ hnn hROBIN HOOD" CAST Ilnc~t luuml Jus pansilloners l lllql Up011 tn J1I.1kt tilt: t HlItllg' I Sue- FOR JUNIORS too l}Qor l'l,.,S ;\Irs h~t1ht:rt II i{tcd 01 the '1'1., 1 to comc to churl'll amI the roads too lJad !"".trthlll!ln l'II\t:r" lll1h, \\111 ca ... t and (I,.,t 01 "i{ol'1l1 II(Hl<1 ,\llIch Will to travel ovcr He set about edulatmg 1\111.[1 tht .,1~lt. Nllhtrt J C.H!Jg.lIl, 111'1.1\ tht jU1IIor pll\ "tfles at the the farmers to oJl~rate their land profit-( h IIrll1.111 til tht I ng-h .. h Dtcpal tll1cnt s\\ Irthmore PI.I.\ er" (. lull 01\ Salurday, a bl Y allu_, to ImprOVe the road, 1'1 [lIe \m I.'lllht r 2«). Illcll1dl'" l~oh1t1 Ilood- I II I'nllld ... Cllltr.d St.:l!ool \\ III gtlltie I L I ',oa 111IJ1Ing dlstnct of \Vest Vlr"IIII' a )I(h '.III"'ll\ICt, ::\1.1111 :\f.lnal1-\\II1I- I I • tIll "lIll~tljl1l.lIt (\JS(U""'hm, .wd IItltn [ I 'I I) II re~)\tenal1 HOlllc nllS.slOl1ar~ hdl"d l · .Ullp II ( II 01 t II t I' ,,\ CI 1 0 It lg\ j) (p,lrt Ir' tl.\ II.I t: ( 11\\1.' P(rIlll u JohnII- John the· 1.:0.1 I mlllcrs on rcI lei to st lr• t a COIll I II I olO\\lIe: rtt\ lit liS Hlurtll- 111\1.:.111 t d ',- llI(lIt 01 :-;\ .111 IIIlOn \\1 "l1llll11.ITlZl l :\Il \I" .. tl.r \hhut ot }}tlhrood-\\IJ- nlUm y g3r ell to "UppICIIl(,lIt thCH t.lll-tht dht 11 ... "1 .. 11 1111111 , RIl.'hl~, FUM l'uck-'Valter ned food dlt'l 1111 ... has Jed to an 111- \ ... tl ( PTt}lIll Ilh .11 hSUt. c.l1l11ol he Il'r I 11[[1, J I I I C II C1t'ast'd Illlcrt'~t III cooklllg as all art and l\1tl UIII-.htPl Oln~, I k ,(I \ld \\ltlltl1lt lilt .IICI of thc \lll1ll~ll II II C I[ J II I \11 tIC 11M mg oi outSide bake ovens I I I I .,t Ir t - .\llIl,., 111111( .1\. all- I I n ..?;t lit r (tloll tit gr. ll1p Ill(ht \ It.1 I) al- I I) II J k I [ cl II f " t O\\a tie \mCTlCall Fnellds are leaelll I I I I I I t - .Ie ... 111 011,'" 11 n 0 _,,0 - f ~ ng It.: ... h d ill t It Ollg rIm, t It --:lome alH I[ I '1'1 I I I I' I I rc ugees frolll 1· tlrOlle fanmllg co k' Ill!.! ltll11- 10In.I" Ut {l r.. \.1I1g "IC I ", 0 Ing SdHJol \""tluolIIOll t:xtU1(J.., .1 cordl.11 I II II I' (II I C alld .\mencan knacks of 1l"lllg In Cal II (- lOin.", .tln ~Ir • I )r.lIt 1- , . 1- 1Il\ It.ltl{'ll 1101 on" to the IMrlllt... .ll1d I (II [I I l' [I l' d forma at a GO\cTllment work "a f ' •• 1 )n.1 I r ,Ipt 1111 oj It" 'll Ir ... mp or h,llhlr" \\IHI \\(Iultl noruMlly COIIIC hi II,xl.I.1 I) I 'I [I CI I Illigrant laborers the mcn mel,vome 1 - • tr r\( t.:11 ,\ 111" rc - lar cs 'n arc 'mh I I1ltlt1l1g. hut more C'slll.clalh I) 1,,11 1'1 I 'I ,- II \\' I rt'\lvmgtl1elbcofadohebIJcks'lltl I I I Ill, 11I( ,\ alJ-.\c\\t (s, •• ranl-t. 1 !--it IllOr Iltgh Sc IOn stue liltS \\ ho \\ Itt h-i',hz<lht tb Hoht rh Pt'.I",lIIt- JIlui earth for house tOIlSlruchon The 1ft tlll1ltrned Ihtillt thl ll~e ot the f.lm-j Stt:\tll Sptl1t:t.:r. Old \1111 <'dllton Fus- ol<lt. ... t hotl.'ie III \Vaslllngton, D C and 11\ l.1I tht (\\\ lit. r"hlp 01 .1 radio of ~dl \\ 0111.111-1' hz.lllt t11 Roht rh, Slwr- t\\O of the uldest hou~es III Trenton are thllr ~I\\n, .111d tht: gl·ncf.d "tuPI(l!h of1lff\ \\llc-Judlth I....ndl \\at-John ot ramllled ectrth constructIon. Roll Call Volunh"'r~ I Mrs \V.l)lle R,lI1daJI and \I.c" I' r.lIkt - lt1 S Glllespic are co-chalTllll'll of the J.1ulI Call )'1rs l{an.daU's captaius and Ihtel! "ork­U. s nOI th of the railroad are :\1 rs \ S \~ Il.:khalll. <:aJ,tall1, \Ir:- John D.Ilt'J, ~[rs' Chades Sh.l\v, M r::s Even tt IJ Illlt :\1 rs f)~1Ud GOlHh\lu, )'frs C. C \Vtst: llJ S \\ dham F. G Swann. Mrs lIel "crt T Basst.:tt, )'lls Russell H. KCllt captalll ~r r~ \\'llham S, Cannmg. ~I rs' Paul F: GCII1Il1lll, Caroline Cresson, :\1 r" Philip \V kniskern, ),frs Guentht.:r I'rochel \1 rs Ulchard Halg, ).f rs Rll.:hard T' Randall, Jr, captam. 11rs \Vllham \r gyle, Vlrgllua Chambet s, \fJ s Da\'HI Sha\\, \[rs Thom,ls B \ltCa),..:, )'lrs Jatttt:s B Douglas, Mr.s Gt.:org-te )'fl' Kt'ag. )[rs Theoplule S.1II1mu, 1..11I1.11I1, :\1 r~ ,\Ihnt Hill, Mrs. J oS\. ph m,lkIS­tOil, :\Ir:-. \Vuham R Hun. ~It .. Farl II \Veltz, Mrs S3.mucl \f !Judd )'Irs I~(l\ emllley. )'Irs Palmer Skoglund, ~b ... Samuel Hanna, Mrs., I lolme.'i • \Irs Cox, \Vootlhn South of the r~Jlroad ~Irs Frankllll S Glllc.sPIC reports the jollO\\Illg lIi'arJy c1l1l1plC'tc !1st of captalQs and workers :\ft... S ~[t1t~n Bryant, captam Lillian B", [. ~[rs E C Lappe, ~h, J r 1a\\c)r ~rrs Frcd Bcll, Belle Dudle), :\Irs \\ IllJam Gchnng, captam :\Ir .... 0 ~r. Hook, ~[rs. \Valter DICklllSOIl ~Irs S II Toole. ),[r.s Horace P<ls~more, tltt oldt r gllleraltoll 1 ~I 11 I) I I J ~I II k :\Ir:; n L E\ans, and ~Irs, Gehr ll1g, ,urn .1\ l( ot )PIH .I~tt'r- .lllIl S • IS rmhm spo e bnefly Ott Pcndle -I Illflll"\, :\ltlt:II-IIt.hlrtnn Blltlter, \r- 1""1111 at the HqUCst of one of the mcm­,------------------------------------; 1 thur a-H1.lIHI_ \rllo1d CIIlCjtlOll1e, 1st bus Pcndlc Hili IS a graduate school TilE WEEK'S CALENDAR 11:.lgt-Ho\al \\ hlt.l!.;l.r 2nd P.Ige- for social and nthglOUs studies operated (ConUnufd on P(JU~ Four) • I , BRIDGE BENEFT TO AID BRITISH FHIIJ\' :SOl 1.:\1 m-:H I, I on l' :\1 -I- 111>111 III h s h ,I \~ :S, III r 1'(11\ I<I! II'~ II tit) , :\1 - :\IOIH 11_ \\, I~hll II 1.":\1 -\!~I>lI~ \10 X 111,1,1 \1.111I.\ Ol,.l1l1~l :\10:\11 \' X:O\ I-;\I mm IS In no \ :\1 III I nu I' :\1 - H.d t:t"~, ~I \\111.: I! 00 :';"011 - Ilu ... II. ~ \""0 1IIIi'II I no J>:\I -U.,II",,)I\ IUII.h,oll I ~IO I' :\1 -IIOf'''\ 111_11 ~.h"" \~ \\ :"'i 1.":\1 -111111 II HI'llf Btll' hI 1l11,L, :"'i J I I' :\1 - I' 1111, "I" sllo\\ II \\~'IlS~)o;IHY SO\ t"MIlPH 'U 1{1I1,., r~ \\t Il1le }<"H~ld I tit II Chlllt.;hl,., C10lhlU :\1, murloll Nomall s Club Slrllh linIn lUll Wom III s Club Culll_1 :\\('nut! Flcld SIr nit linen 11111 1'11}('rs Clllh III on ,\ " -1.1._11111 \IIXIIIII\ 1.1. _11111 Huolll Burou!(h Hall N I • l' Pla)1 r<o; Chlh " 1'( 1111\ \\ I .. Tilt " ... 11\' (1IlIart lJa\II.'S, ht Stn,lIlt-Bo}- bJ tht· .\meraan Soclcty of Friends 11I1l111\ Ilorlllda). 211d ~lnant-Ho,- Studellts come from all over the world t~ Ctorgt \\ ITren Jr. 3rt! :;t.nant-Boy- carry 011 research of thclr O\\1l and to liMn \\ Ifltll 1 t h:11I!..?;lll-J.IIIH.S aUt.:nd the da.'i~es at the school TJ J.... III It III III 2nd "1l1~llt h Ink ~[c- ~I.hoolls 011ell to \bHor:- TuesulY afte;~ L!.\\ III :\1.1Il .1t \111I .. -()1t~ Hro\\iI, 1st !loon at tea tlmc and on Sunda) after­J \,)hll-1. 0 I..lI1gt 2nd ~olJle-Frcd_ noon \'bltors arc ,\elcoll1c to come to IlTlck :\Iorn, (ltMnb-John Colhns and hear the sllCakcrs and to take part in I Oll~( rs diSCUSSIOns at that tllne I I'ranee" Porter ~Llc\(.'11 b directing :).[rs. Roland LEt d tht.' production a on, presl cnt, pre- "iHlcd at the stated mcctmg minutcs of I Fiflh R ,..~ ] N t el46 t I·S I • It: cptCIIl )er meetlllg werc read by uIJlluuge .:ttl e 1 C S oiijI ~I r... \Valter Dickinson and the treasu- I 1 ht rtlltllnagt.' !'>.de hdd III the \Vo- rer's report \\as read and filc-d for au­Im., ll ... Clllh Ilou ... c on '1 hur~d l\ of last d,t lea ,\as sencd after thc mectlllg h) 1 \\tlk lor tht.· 1)(lIl.'ht (II tltt ComlHullIty the hospitalit) eOmnllttce. ~Ir.s, Carol Ilt.dth SOCltl\ ticarul $1-1(; Be:111g the Th<l\t.'r and ~Irs R \V ~JarTlot poured PIIH r~ Club (If 11\ t. rtlllllllage snlt"i tIn:. fall the ~[rs Ra} lIlond K Dcnworth and Mrs '-___________________________________ • Ul1lJl1l1lttt It·lt tht t \ t lit mtt "Ith con- Maunce Gnest were the hostesses for !';ult ra"l~ :sut::ccss the afternoon. s r, I' " 1'.lIln \\ I" ] he Crum Creck Bndge Club b Sllon­SOrIng' a bcnefit bndgc partv to bt.: held 1t tltt Strath HaHII Inn at ~ 15 next IUl"d.h eHllll1g, Nml'mber N l' )'L Sdlclhle> has graciously donatcd the Inn for the e\cnl the proceeds of "Indl \\11l hc g1\ en to Bntlsh Relief. Door prIzes as \\ell as prizes for top scorcrs wl.1I be awarded Thc public is cordIaJly inVited Reservations may I>c made through Mrs. H. Bardwcll Lin­coln of the S\\ arthmorc Apartments Thc Crum Creek Club acutel) aware of the snifcnng of the British peoples ask... that early re(IUests for re.senations he a tit monstratton of symvathy and (agemess to help the unfortunate souls \\'ho..-;e homcs and famllics arc ix-mg ruth­I ·ssly defiled.

---------- Page 13 ----------

PERSONALS The Art League has issued invitations "for a\tea and private view o~ pewter by Dorothy V. Clay and etchlllgs and paintings by Thelma O. Stevens and Margaret Nefferdorf 011 Wednesday, Nov.ember.20, 3 "Until 7.. 'Miss' Florence Tricker, Mrs. J. A. Eberly. Mrs. David J. ~cDonough and Mrs. Henry Lee Willet will pour. . Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harv~rd avenue will be co·ho.stess at the recip­rocity day and forty-second birthday celebration of "the Enlcrson Club of Philadelphia on Tuesday. November 19. Mr. and Mrs.' Roland G. E .. Ullman of Harvard and Lafayette avenues were the guests of Cornell University on Thurs­day. Friday and Saturday of last wee!<. Friday morning Mr. Ullman addressed the engineering students at the Univer­sity. Mr. ~nd Mrs. H. III. Crist of Harvard avenue entertained at dinner in honor of Dr. Mary Leavitt of Cambridge. Mass .• Saturday evening, November 16, before the Soiree Parisiennc at The Mary Lyon School. Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Kistler of Open Doors, Park avenue ~ls? ent~r­tained at dinner before the Smree Pans­ienne. Dr. John ]{. Bates of North Chester road is attending a meeting of the Am­erican Petroleum Institute in Chicago. Mrs. Bates will join him Saturday in Princeton to see the Princeton-Yale game and spend the wcck·end with Dr. and Mrs. Josep'h C. Elgin of Princeton. 1..hs. Frederick R. Lang is hostess to the staff members of the Junior In­termediate Department of the teachers of the Presbyterian Sunday School at her home 011 Maple avenue. Miss Betty Douglas of North Chester road leaves Friday to spend the week-end at Baltimore and Durham, N. C. She will attend the Duke University-North Carolina football game and a Sigma Al­pha Epsilon house-party at Durham •. Last week Miss Douglas was one of those selected at the college tryouts at Swarthmore as members of the newly formed Womens' >AII-College Hockey Team of the Philadelphia district. Dorothy Dana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue returned home last Sunday night f rom the Abington Hospital. She was taken sick two weeks ago at George School where she is a student. Her condition is en­. coura~ngl~ i~~roved. Borough Secretary Elliott Richard­soh of Lafayette avenue spent in Reading consulting with W. P. officials regarding current and future projects in Swarthmore. Elizabeth Whitaker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Whitaker of Park ave­nue, and her. room-mate, Pauline Raw­back, arrived home last Monday night to attend "Twelfth Night." They are !ltudents of the \Vomen's College of the University of Delaware. Genevieve Reavis daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. A. B. Reavis of University pJace is 011 the sophomore hockey team and the Y. W. C. A. cabinet at Ran­doJph- Macon Woman's College, Lynch­burg, Va. She also has a part in the Sock and Buskin ·fall play "Noah" which is to be given the night before Thanksgiving. Mrs. G. E. Holt, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park avenue feit down Monday and fractured her hip. She has been taken to Dela­ware County Hospital and is resting comfortably. . Venetian Blinds Wood or Sleel Slot DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE SHADES I_ailed Free • CORSON'S 615 WELSH ST. CHESTER 'Phone Cheater 2-2138 Where· "Make Believe" Comes True! Straight from Santa come these gay and dever new games (or youngslers and oldsters alike­Toys, b04lks and trains galore­Christmas bas mme to the house of COOLEY LILLEY • --BrilJlf 'he daIldren muf _e1a ,Ioelr 10 ... lor rOllr x ...... 101"'. • Cooley Lilley Edgmont at Welsh Street CHESTER Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane entertained at a· dinner party Satur. day night, November S. at Rolling Green Golf Club with bridge afterwards. IIIr. and Mrs. George M. Allen of Rivervicw road will have 35 their week~cnd guests Mr. and Mrs, Frank M. Allen from Summit. N. J •• brother and sister-in-law of Mr. Allen. They wit) attend the Penn-Army game . Mrs. Charles Israel is entertaining on Sunday in honor of her mother Mrs. F. H. Graser at her home on Princeton and College avenues. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cootes of Harvard avenue entertained with three tables of bridge Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Morse of Yale avenue are entertaining 16 mem­bers of their dessert-bridge club Fri­day night. Mrs. Albert Eltinge of New York State and Florida is visiting her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Randall, Jr. of Norlh Ches­ter road. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bowers and fam­ily, Jean and Graham, of Pennington, N. J. were week·end guests of Mrs. Bowers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sl George Bond of Yale avenue. Mrs. Octavius Narbeth of Lafayette avenue reccntly returned from a three weeks visit to her son and daughter, the Rev. A. Benjamin Narbeth and Miss M. Doris Narbcth at North Fenton, N. Y. Bill Brown and his room·mate Jack Lindsey, who attend Admiral Farragut Academy, will visit Bill's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Brown of Riverview road over the national Thanksgiving week-end. They ptan to attend the Penn· Cornell game. Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan family drove to Huntingdon, Pa., to visit Dr. McCahan's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ransburg over last week· I end. Mr. and IIIrs. William S. Maddox of North Chester road spent last week-end closing their farm on the Eastern Shore. Md .. for the. winter. 1IIr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Bullock spenl last week-end in Richmond, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Michaux. Mrs. Bullock's parents. Bill Bullock who is attending Hampton-Sidney College join. cd them to celebrate his twenty-first birthday. Miss Hanna Kirk had as a guest this week-end her niece Ann Kirk, a student at George School. Henry Hoadley from Cambridge spent the Armistice holiday with his mother, Mrs. George A. Hoadley of Walnut lane. Hat·ry Hartman formerly of Og­den avenue drove down with Henry to visit his friends in Swarthmore. ~rhe next meeting of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sewing group will be held at the home of Mrs. J ames Bacon Douglas. North Chester road and Swarthmore avenue next Tuesday 10 until 4 o'clock.· . Mrs. Joseph B. Blakiston of Elm ave­nue was hostess to her eightsome at luncheon and bridge yesterday. Chedfr. Most i I "NIGHT TRAIN" with Rex Harrison and ~fargaret Lockwood MANOR Friday - Saturday Cary Marlha GRANT • SCOTI "THE HOWA.RDS OF VIRGINIA" MEDIA FRIDAY - SATURDAY "DR. KILDARE GOES HOME" with LEW AYRE8--LlONEL BARRYMOBR LOILUNI! DAY-GENI! LOCKlL\BT NAT PBMDLBTON • NEW MARCH OF TIME FIRST RUN NEWS - CARTOON SWARTBMOREAN EJl888emenl8 1>Ir. and Mrs. George L. Davis of ClIenango Forks, N. Y. formerly of Biilghamtoll. N. Y. announce, the be­trothal of their daughte( Dorothy K. and the Rev. A. Benjamin Narbeth of North Fenton. N. Y. son of Mr. and Mrs. Octavius Narbeth of Lafayette avenue. M iss Davis is a graduate of Syracuse University and a member of the Delta Delta Delta Sorority. Mr. Narbeth a member of the Wyom­Conference of the Methodist Church. a graduate of Duke University and of Drew Theological Seminary and is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.- -.............- -- Schoff-Fullerton The marriage of Miss Charlotte Ful­lerton. daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Alex­andor Wilson Fullerton of Harvard ave­nue and Dr. John ]. Schoff of Media, son of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Frank Schoff NOVEMBER 1940 Birlha Mr. and Mrs. Milo Sampsoa are being congratulated. upon the birth of a son Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walter. Jr. November 4 at the Lying In o! Huntingdon Valley announce the Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Sampsoo live birth of a son. Joseph 'ackson Wal.ter, in Newark. Del.. but made many friends on November 6 at Abington HospItal. during Iheir recent residence here. The baby is a grandson of Mrs. ]. Hor-I.-_____________ .., ace Walter of Ceda .. lane and Mr. and I· Do YOII Kaow :~ Arthur Jackson of North Chester The ..... C- "'" .., a ... __ A baby girl. Shirley Marie. was born. Call 440 Monday, November 11, in Taylor Hospi_ __ 1!"i." .... tO.. 7" I toe tal. Ridley Park, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Sam-, &u_ ,. • • uel T. Carpenter of Whittier place. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Smith of Yale avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of a SOD on Monday, Novem­ber 11. in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. I Dartmouth and Lafay_ A ..... -We DoD." Bell can-w ........ ~ RAKES LEAF AND TRASH BVRNERS WRATllBB STRIPPING FOR WINDOWS AND DOOas SUPLEE'S STORE 11 South Chester Road SWARTHMORE 105 of Dayton. Ohio was perfonned in the • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MA TCHABELLI • CHANEL. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Media at 2.30 o'clock last III Saturday afternoon, November 9. The 0 ceremony was performed in the presence ;:: of the families and a few intimate I.:JI.:J~ friends. ... The bride who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a tailored 0• street dress of pale blue wool with a small beaver hat and brown accessories. ~ Her shoulder corsage was of orchids. a:?:....l Mrs. Roy H. Faulconer of Newtown _ and New York City was matron of hon­BEAUTY SAWN lr' 8 caring Ihal save. Ihe wearing 13 South Cheoler Road CaD Swarthmore 476 or for her sister, wearing a tan tailored wool model with small mink-trimmed • C HAN E L • R 0 V A E • MARY DUNHILL • CORDAY • hal and corsage of small burnt orange chrysanthemums. Dr. Charles H. Schoff of Media acted as his nephew's best man. Mr. Graham Wentz of Swarthmore and Dr. F. Bene­dict Lanahan of Narberth were ushers. XMAS GIFf RATES NOW On AI! Magadnes •• Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman 313 Darbnouth Ave. 8w.2080 STARTS FRIDAY ROSAUND RUSSELL BRIAN AHERNE VIRGINIA BRUCE In "Hired Wile" STARTS TUESDAY "DULCY" with ANN SOTHERN Ian Hanter Roland Yonng STARTS SATURDAY "THE MUMMY'S HAND" Dick Foran - Peggy Moran Wallace Ford - Tom Tyler STARTS TUESDAY CHESTER MORRIS In "The Girl From God'. Country" FRIDAY "SKY MURDER" with Walter P1_ (As Nick Carter) SATURDAY ''YOUNG BILL mCKOK" with Roy_en PRE·CHRISTMAS SALE Beginning Monday, November I8-and continuing lor I_ week. - The Bouque' offers you a dollar sise boule of Mary nnnhill gardenia eon de cologne - as a gi/l-:- with any purchase 01 Mary nnnhill prodnct •• An exIra gilt al NO exIra coli CCke 130U1Juet BEAUTY SALON The Original H. T. PATIERSON'S LINEN SHOP MEN'S - WOMEN'S Monogrammed Handkerchiefs 6 for $5.75 Fine quality sheer linen with attraetive corded borders and haud.rolled hems. Monograms are band..,mhroidered with superlative skill. Order Now for Christmas Esl 1908 1318 WALNUT STREET Pen. 0694 Walla~ M. McCurd,.., Owner PEOPLE JOIN CO-OPS TO GET WHY do Co-ops strive to set fair prices for consumers? Because they are dem­ocratically owned and controlled by groups of consumers, who ohviously, can not take profits from themselves. A check.up, on the basis of a full mar­ket basket, will reveal in· many instances that Cooperative grocery prices are be­low those of other stores. These are ''vis. ihle" savings. Co-ops can also make "invisible" sav­ings by forcing down unreasonable prices to the benefit of all consumers. Farmers Union of North Dakota studies of 96 oil and gas Co-ops from 1928 to 1933- found visible savings of $4,000,000. In. visible savings of $43,000,000, writes Harold V. Knigbt. "The Co-op yardstick proved its effect­iveness again this spring when farmers in Ohio and Iudiana saved approximately $1,200,000 on their fertilizer factories and competing companies dropped prices $2 to $6 per tou," reports the Co-op League News Service. People say they get "protection against monopoly prices" through Coop­eratives7 Be(!QU8e "CooJ)ero .. tif'U are a protedion a«a'n., monopol:r price. and practices 0/ private imlualrr," UIG. an ou,.ltmdi ... renwn lor join',. a Co-op in fhe opinion 0/ 400 Cooperator. in nine wcielie. ",ho were intenietDed by " re""""'" orwam.­don il' prepo1'Glion lor .. • hUlr publllUtl in &, Sale. M,.,...e-- me"''' nIQ~. SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE 40t.03 DARTMOUTH AVE. NOVEiiBiR 15, 1940 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, THE SWAIITHMOIIEAN, INC., PUBLISHER PA. _~;:~~~;-~~P:H:O~N~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~II=E~900~ __ ~ _ ~ _ ~~ PETEII E. TOLD, Eduor MAa.rOIlJE TOLD, AllocUrle Editor ROSAL1£ PEIRSOL Entered as Second C1 ... Malter, Janu8J}' 24, 1929. at the Poet om .. at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 19-ro Ash and Rubbish Removal in the Borough of Swarthmore • In accordance with the borough records, ash and rubbish began to be a pro~lem a~ut 1920, when there was a public dump at Crescent lane .and C:0lu~bl~ ave':1Ue. Complaints began to be made about this dump, resultmg III Its bemg closed about 1925. For the succeeding 10 years there was apparen~ly no specific place allotted for the people of Swarth­mpre todump their rub~lsh, and it was disposed of by the individual on .vacant lots, etc .• untIl 1935 when this problem again became one of Inlportance and two rubbish bins within the borough were provided one on the west side of Rutgers avenue between Yale and Westdal~ av~nues, and the other at Crescent lane near Columbia avenue. both bemg on unopened streets. which of course was property owned by the Borough of Swarthmore. These two bins were available for individual fam~lies to empty thei~ rubbish, and the town had them emptied by publIc scavenger from ttme to time as needed. There was considerable complaint about these open bins, because people would not be careful in placing their ashes and rubbish in . them!.and with~ut doubt. they created an unsightly and unsanitary ~Ond.ltJon, resttltlllg III neighbors registering complaints, finally mak­mg ~t necessary that these two public bins be disposed of. The last of . these two bins was closed early this year, and since this time the borough has made no effort to provide such a pUblic dumping ground because the borough has no suitable space whatsoever for the placing of such a dump. As a result of this condition several citizens have made complaints to the borough that some public collection service be pro­vided for. . The Council has given this subject considerable study for the last ,two months. and it has definitely detennined that it will be impossible to give a service of this kind by the borough without imposing addi­tional taxation, in order to defray the expenses of such services. The Council has made a survey of such services offered by adjoining bor­oughs, and they are unanimotts in their feeling that Swarthmore dO\!s not want to attempt an ash or rubbish disposal service unless it can be done in a neat and efficient manner, in order to keep the streets of our borough in a clean and orderly condition, and in order that the service is given as Economically as possible and at the same time keep our health and fire hazard conditions up to their usual standard. TaB SWARTBMORBAN Christian Scienee Chnrdt "Mortals And Immortals" is the sub­ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Church­es of Christ, Scientist. on Sunday, No­vember 17. The Golden Text is: "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that bateth hts life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal (John 12:25). •• To Review Brinton Book at Forum The morning forum at Friends' Meeting this Sunday at 9 :45 will fea­ture a book review by Frances Rein­hold Fussell. Mrs. Fussell will give special attention to the chapter "'The Quaker Method of Conducting a Busi­ness Meeting" in her review of Howard ~rillton's "Divine-Human Society!' All mterested are cordiany invited to at­tend. • I • Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the sermon topic will be "A Good Man in a Bad Time." The Session wilt meet Friday even­ing, November 15, at 8 o'clock at the home o~ Elder George M. Ewing. 112 Columbia avenue. The Young Womansl Guild will meet ~ruesday evening, November 19 at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. David Braun, 727 Harvard avenue. There will be a review of the book "Stand By for China" by Gordon Poteat, given by Gladys Johnson. The Church School staff will hold a ?inller meeting on Wednesday even­mg, November 20, at 6:30 o'clock in the Parish House. The members of the Session will also attend. Dr. Philip C. Jones minister of the Madison Ave. nue Presbyterian Church, New York City will be the guest speaker. The High School Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the Parish House. The third of a series of studies on "Basic Christian Beliefs" will be conducted. It is requested that all contributions of clothing or gifts for the Christmas boxes for the Covingtons, the home missionary family of eight in Tennes­see, be left at the home of Mrs. F. N . Bell, 221 Harvard avenue. or Mrs. A. H. Van Aten, 209 Park avenue, by Decem­ber 2. Contributions of money must be in by December 15. • I Trinity Parish Notes . . E'l/i'Y.\·UIIC Jilin the Eskimo Lit';"11 0/1 3'tar ill the ice ~ mo'w' T~e dark alld cold 01 Ihe Arctic nigh'. H,s Dilly movie a "orlherll light. His diet is stalic, lor evtf'y meal It con.rirls 01 fish or blubber 01 seal. He hos no aulo or cabinet boat But his home made kOJ'ak k;eps hi", of/ool. He would tllillk it a serious siluat;o,,­II laced will. tlrc proble". of sQJlitatiQl" And would al alice fade out 01 tile scene AI the melltion 01 lI.e u1ord-hygietlt. ' He has no Imu~'ers. doclors or preachcrs, No perman",' WO"l.·crs. deli/isis (w leach-ers. He lIa.s '10 morlgagl'S~ wills or deeds No ri/lUl!s, caledlislJls or creeds. • In II.t features of livillg '''at u'c recall, He sim.ply does,,', "mclion 01 all. 0,. Ihe olltcr halld, lor all of this He ~uisu.s some l/rillgs we 'would gladly 1II1SS. He is/f.'t a/raid a plane may come, And wreck Iris family and hut 'Wit" (J bomb, Or some 'war cra:;y, murderolf.S nation, Drive him from home to some flew loca-tio,,~ He or his killd will "cver be seeu. bJ tire s'"ffy holds 0/ a submarine. He does,.'t fear Russians, Germans or Wops, Sheriffs, tar collectors or cops. Those who lIave mel Jlim speak of his 1IIirl", And name him lire happiest fellO'lv on eMI". III my case. tllr01lglJOul man's crealion Runs Emerson• s -Law 0/ Compensati•o ll. I E. C. W. I I I Miss Price at 1I10\hers' Club The Swarthmore Mothers' Club held its monthly meeting Friday November 8, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Moore, Jr. on South Chester road. 3 meeting place the use of a room in the Presbyterian Church. The next meeting wiJI be held there 011 December 13. at 2:30 P. M. David Braun. minis­ter, will be present to i1.nswer questions concerning the religious training of the I>fe-school child. I I • LEGION·AUXIUARY EVENT ON 22nd; MEETING ON 13th ~trs. J. Paul Brown will be in charge of the anllual get-together of the Am­erican Legion Post and Auxiliary which will be held in the Woman's Club lounge at 8:30 next Friday evening, November 22. Assisting Mrs. Brown will be Mrs. George L. Armitage, Mrs. Rodman Mc~ Henry, Mrs. Robert Sheppard. Mrs. Louis J. Koch and Mrs. W. E. Hetzel All members are invited to attend for card playing and the general good fun of the event. Next Wednesday November 20. the Auxiliary wilt meet in the Legion Room in Borough Hall at 10 A. M. to sew for the Red Cross. Mrs. Stuart Brown will be in charge of the sewing. Mem. bers should bring a box luncheon. Cof­fee and dessert will be served by the host'-:,sscs a~ noon:. The regular monthly meetmg will heglll after lunch. Since there are several vital questions to be considered a full attendance is urged. Mcmbers are rcminded that this is the Auxiliary's opportunity to help the Red Cross. IT IS REALLY DANGEROUS to put off longer protectiug your ear with some kind of anti-freeze. WE SUGGEST Pretsone Trek-Zerez GOODYEAR TmES Firstly, therefore, it would seem reasonable that we do not want • any type of curbstone collection. Secondly, it is indicated that it would . be unwise to attempt to make a collection service from the basement of any house because ·of the possible disputes· arising from missing ar­ticles, damage, and personal liability problems which will undoubtedly arise. This, therefore, leaves one condition. namely, that of the owner taking the responsibility for placing his rubbish and ashes in suit­able covered containers at the back line of his house, and there having them picked up by the contractor and placed in closed trucks in order that the light materials would not be blown about the streets; such service to be rendered at least once each week. Mis Price, kindergarten teacher in the Swarthmore schools, gave an in­teresting talk on the history of the kindergarten and named as specific aims: its value to the child in develop­ing a social and emotional life besides affording a large play space with suffici­ent equipment available. The value of the kindergarten to the parent, she maintained. meant first a sharing of the mother"s problem with the tcacher and second learning how the teacher deals with the child. It i. important that all women of Miss Price read a poem by Walt Hannum & Waite the Parish, who are interested in the Whitman "A Child Went Forth" and This type of service given by responsible contractors using Ameri­can- born or naturalized labor will cost the taxpayers of the Borough of Swarthmore approximately 1 mill on our present assessed valuation. [n other words. if a taxpayer of Swarthmore has an assessment valtte on his property of )\5.000, his cost for such service would be paid through his tax bill. and would cost him $5 per year. By like manner if his assessed valuation is $10,000, he would then be paying $10 per year. . • > At ·the present time ash and rubbish removal in the Borough of : Swarthmore is being taken care of by perhaps 4 to 6 individual truck­ers mostly living outside of Swarthmore but making their individual contracts with owners or renters, these men making usually weekly . visits to each individual's property and giving such service as agreed upon. Such service is costing the individual householder on an average between $7 and $15 per family per year. . . The Finance Committee in Council is charged With the responsI­bility of making certain that the different committees h~ving. t~ do with sewers, highways. public safety, and such other publIc functIOns do not exceed their proportion of the taxpayers' money. At the same time the various committees charged with these individual functions are responsible for seeing that the borough rece~ves adequate .protec­tion and adequate services from each of these dlff~rent func.tlOns. ~t has been definitely determined that no sacnfi~e .Ill expe.ndltures IS possible from our present program. The CouncIl IS consclO~s of the need of a thorottgh understanding on the part of our reSIdents on this entire matter, and wants our residents to fully. understand t.hat this service undertaken by the borough could not posslb~y be done With­out adding to our present budget. Therefore it would lIke .to have eaeh individual so interested. thoroughly familiarize hims~lf. \~Ith the prob­lem and be prepared to accept this added tax b~rden I! It IS found nec­essary to have the Borough institute such publIc servIce. CEU]RCH SERVICES SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CIlURCH Rev. David BrAun. ~[jnjsler SUNDAY 9:45 A.!l.-Churdl School and Men's Biblo C1aes. 10:00 A. N. - Women's Dible Class. 11 :00 A. M.. - Morning Worship. Sermon. topic: 'A Good Nan in a Sa Time." METHODIST CHURCH Clarence F. Carter, D.D .. )(iolater THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FIUIDmS SUNDAY 9:,15 A.M.-Filel Day School. {I :4:; A. )of. - !o.[ornin~ Forum. Frances R. Fussell will re\'icw "Divlne· Human Soeiety." 11:00 A. M.-MeeUng for Worshlp in the Meeting House. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.-SewinB' and quilting in Whittier House. Box hmclleon. All are cordially invited. 9 : .. 5 A. M:. - Church School. SC~NTIST 11:00 A.·"M.-Momilll' Worship Sermon topic: FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. ...." "Faith of Our Fathers." OF SWARTHMORE 7:00 P. M. - EpWorth Lea.g'Ue. Park Avenue Below Harvard TRINITY CHURCH 11 :00 A. M. - SundQ" School. Protestant Eptscopal Church 11 :00 A. M. - Sunday Lesson&rmon. Rev. J. Jardeo Guenther, S.T.M •• Rector Wednesday evening meeting ea.~h week. 8 Reading room open da.ily, acept Sond.,. • ~:~,I~ 1.~.-~~~rc~~:~~o:~ Bible Class. ~~dmhOlidays 1 10 4.p .. m., Church edith""'· 11 :00 A M _ Morning Prayer and Sermon. All are cordially mVlled to Attend e tJera ~:30 P:Jl:- YPF Supper Keelin... vi("e8 and uae tbe Reading Room. work for' the· . Episcopal" a:nd PhlIadel .. final1y answered clearly many questions Plymou,h-Chryder phia General Hospitals, meet each p~esented by the mothers' group. Swarthmore 1250 \Vednesday in order that the current IliT~h:e:..:e:lu:b:':h:as:.:s:ec:u~r:e:d~a~s~a:.!p:e:rm:a:n:e:n:t J!:==============~ sewing may be finished. The Church School will contribute to the Thanksgiving Offering for the Epis­copal Hospital. All parishes are asked to make special gifts at Thanksgiving for this hopsital that receives no State nor welfare aid. . There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion on Thanksgiving Day at 8 A. M. The annual communion for the men and older boys of the parish will be held on Sunday, December 1. \Villiam G. Cleaves has been ap­pointed director of the Servers' GuiJd, The members met at the rectory on Tuesday evening for instructions and refreshmen-ts.- -....••- -- Methodist Church Notes The Church School which assembles on Sunday morning at 9 :45 A. M. for song, prayer and study bas a class for every age group. The Morning Worship at 11 o'clock will have for its sennon theme the IIFaith of our Fathers" based upon the book just published by H. S. J. Sickel. "The History of Thanksgiving and Proclama­tions." The Epworth League at 7 P. M. will be led by Elsie Bernard. An interesting Biblical quiz will tenninate the meeting • Captain Macl.arty's zeppe1in is leading in the contest flight. 0" Monday at 2 P. M. the Woman's .Society of Christian Service will present a lecture and movies in the adult room of the Church School. On Tuesday at 7 P. M. the monthly business meeting of the Epworth League will be held at the parsonage. The rep­resentatives of the Board of Education will be elected. .::.:.=..-•• -,--­Vespers Organ Recital Alexander McCurdy's organ recital program for vespers at 6:45 this Sun­day evening w.iIl consist of: Bach's "Prelude and Fugue in A Minor," Three Chorale Preludes-(UHark. a Voice Saith. 'AU Are Mortar," "Our Father Who Art In Heaven," and "0 God Have Mercy") and Vivace from Second Trio Sonata; Three Chorale Preludes by Johannes Brahms-uA Rose Breaks into Bloom" 410 World I 'Een Must Leave Thee. No. I" "0 World I 'Een Must Leave Thee, No. 2'~; Two Anti­phons by Marcel Dupre- "He Remem­bering His Great Mercy" and "Glory Be to the Father." AT MARTEL'S WEEKEND SAVINGS THAT COUNT ON FOOD QUALITY YOU KNOW MARTEL CAPONS • lb. 33c Low Priced for Sunday Dinners - 6 10 8 lb •. Country Roll Bntter .......................................... 2Ibs. 69c Franco-American Macroni... ........................ 3 tins 25c Pillsbnry Pancake Flour ........................... 2 pkgs. 19c Fancy Canadian Lobster .................................... tin 29c Cranberry Juice Cocktail... ........................ 2 bots. 29c Fresh Salmon Steaks ............................................. lh. 39c LEGS OF LAMB • • lb. 29c Will Make a Wonderful Sunday Dinner Ivory Soap ............................................................ 5 bars 24c Ivory Flakes···· .................................................. 2 pkgs. 39c Ivory Snow ...................................................... 2 pkgs. 39c Chipso Flakes ............. s~.!:l:.:'~~ .................... Pkg. 19c Oxydol Powder .. ····· ...................................... 2 pkgs. 35c Duz Soap Powder ................................................ pkg. 19c Selox Soap Flakes .......................................... 2 pkgs. 29c SWIFT PREMIUM HAMS lb. 25c 8ETTERFOOD 'OR THE TAl5l.ll L'S COMPLETI FOODMAIWT

---------- Page 14 ----------

N. G. A. SOURCE OF WARMTH TO MANY Nineteen Charities Distribute Benefit of Clothes Exhibited in Woman'8 Club Reeently The anllual ingathering of the Swarthmore branch of the Needle­work GuHd of America brought to the Woman's Club House all October 30 2500 warm and useful garments ready to bring comfort to many. The beneficiaries who received dona­tiolls this year included the Com~uni!y Health Society whose office IS m Swarthmore and the Family Society, now of Media; Volunteers of America, Children's Bureau, Friends' Home for Children. Babies Hospital, Philadelphia Home for Infants. Deaconess Home and St:ttlcmcnt, Home Missionary Society, Kensington Hospital, Lovers of Little Children, Protestant Episcopal M is­sion all of Philadelphia; Family 50- det; of Chester-, Tubcrcul?sis Cli.nie, J. Lewis Crozer HomeopathiC Hospital, Chester Day Nurser-y j Union Gospel Mission; Taylor Hospital and Sunny­cr- est farm Home for Boys at Cheyney. The officers of the local branch arc: honorary president, Mr-s. Thomas S. Safford; president, Mn. J. Horace Walter'• vice-president, Mrs. . ChaMrl es E. Fischer; second vice-president, rs. HaroJd Griffin; secrctary, Mrs. Morris Lee; assistant secretary, Mrs. A. W. Preston; treasurer, Mrs. L. C. Hastings. The other directors are: Mrs. Clifford Hanta. Mrs. H. C. Harr. Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Mrs. Charles A. Bunting, Mrs. Charles E. Black, Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins,. Airs. E. H. Cox, Mrs. H. Weston Clark, Mrs. Pemberton Dickson, Mrs. Samuel AI. Dodd, Mrs. James B. Douglas, l\.irs. ","'illiam S. Evans, Mrs. George Ewing, Mrs. E. Faulkner, Mrs. Ellwood Gar­rctt, Mrs. Howard B. Green, Mrs. Nor­man Hulmc, Mrs. William T. Johnson, Mrs. William E. Kistler, Mrs. F. Nor­ton Landoll, Mrs. David Lukens, Mrs, Roy Latimer, Mrs. Irwin R. MacElwee, Mrs. John H. McWilliams, Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer, Mrs. H. D. Mock, Mrs. Bayard Morrison, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs. John W. Pittock, Mrs. George Plowman, Mrs. A. H. Reavis. Mrs. S. S. Ruther­ford, Mrs. Edward A. Stockton, Mrs. .Malcolm Strieby, Mrs. Joseph Seal. Mrs. W. N. Spangler, Mr-s. Charles Thatcher, Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe, Mrs. William Thatcher, Mrs. Sargent Wai­ter, Mrs. William H. West, Mrs. Theo­dore Widing. TIle groups which are contributing members include: Nursing Division, Margaret Allen, chairman; Commun­ity Center, Mrs. Ellis Ridgway, chair­man j Card Club, Mrs. Henry B. Cook­man: Friendly Bible Class and Mother's Club, Mrs. R. Runyan; Friends' Sew­ing Group, Mrs. Albert Preston; Friendly Circle, Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce j Junior Section-Woman's Clubl Mrs. Charles Kimmel; l,adies', Aid Method­ist Church, Mrs. \Vmiam E. Kistler; Needlework Guild Hour, Public School, I ... illian Barton; \Voman's Association of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Mrs. H. Lind,ley Peel; Auxil­iary of the Trinity Church, Mrs. Wil­li" lII ~I. Harvey; Girl Scout Troop 2, :\fr.s. l{cx Gary; Troop 16, Mrs. George Zimmer, Troop 6, Mr-s. Charles Israel. The Sign You'Rardly J\lotice THE Sign of th-" Blue Bell Is so familiar you may scarcely notice it flashing past as you drive along. Yet often It is a welcome sign, telling you that Bell telephone service is near at hand - fast, accurate and dependable to meet your needs. The Public Telephone is your tele­phone when you're away from home. * The Bell Telephrme Company of Pennsylvania N E w s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB Reciproclty L"".heon Tuesday. November 19, I P. M. the Swarthmore Woman's Club will be hostess to the presidents of the Dela­ware County CJubs and to the officers of the Delaware County Federation of Woman's Clubs. Reservations for the luncheon must be in by Saturday to Mrs. Howard Dingle. telephone Swarth­more 188. The Drama section will pre­sent a play and the club chorus will sing. Seetion Meeting8 'fhursday morning November 21, at 10 A. M. the literature section will pre­sellt Mrs. R. Vol. Perkins in reminis­cences 'How I Came to Write." In support of the general theme "literature as a living thing" members are re­quested to bring their own writings \\'ith them to share with others in the open writer's period which will close the program. 'rhe Motion Picture Section of the Swarthmore Woman's Club was the guest of the manager- of the Manor Theatre at Friday's matinee perfonnance. Junior Art Seetion Noles The art section of the JunIor club will meet at the home of Doreen Mc­COl1cchy, 922 Strath Haven avenue on Tuesday, November 19, at 8 P. M. Rose Ward. chairman, will preside. Rotation Bridge The Iwening Section of the Woman's Club held its rotation bridge at the home of Mrs. John Denison \\'ednesday night. This was the first meeting of the bridge section this year. The Evening Section of the Woman's Club will hold a meeting of the travel section group on Wednesday November 20. at 8 P. M. at the home of Mildred A. Scott on M uhlenburg avenue, Ridley Township. Mrs. George Schobinger is going to speak Oil Switzerland. All mem­bers are invited to attend. • I • J. J.'8 Hold Bake Tomorrow Members of the J. J.'s met Sunday evening at the home of Theo Hulme on North Chester road to lay last min­ute plans for their fall bake sale which they wiJI hoJd tomorrow, Saturday, November 16, beginning at 9 A. M. at 10 Park avenue. Proceeds of the event will he used for Thanksgiving baskets and other local welfare. • I' LECTURES ON PEACE TBE SWARTDMORBAN- Solkit RoU Call Support (Coatltlutd f,om POll' OafJ Mrs. Walter Crouch, captain, Mrs. Thomas Whitehair; Mrs. J. A. Detlef­sen, captain, Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman, Mrs. William Spangler. Mrs. Willi.m Lee. Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr; Mrs. Gillespie, captain, Mrs. Harold G. Griffin. Mrs. H. J. Lums­den, Nellie Collins, Mrs. Henry Jones, Mrs. Arthur P. Shanklin. Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. Marvel Wilson; Mrs. D. Reed Geer. captain, Mrs. John E. Mi­chael; Mrs. William Trickle, captain, Martha Taylor. Mrs. D. J. Evans, Mrs. James Evans. Mrs. Alban Rogers, Mrs. Percy Gilbert. Mrs. H. W. Lang. Mrs. Alberto Avila. Mrs. Warren Godfrey; Mrs. W. Burton Richards, captain, Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln; Mrs. Thomas Saf­ford- Strath Haven Inn; Ruth Rey­nolds- Swarthmore National Bank; Myrtle Bowmafl7-Avondale ; Charles Westler - Martel's; Mrs. R. J. Hem .. don-colored section j Mrs. George Ew­ing, captain, Mrs. James Davis, Mrs. Knitters Take Notke! a Orden taken lor Bernal Yamo. Please .top in any time .nd .lee oampl .... Prompt deUvery. a KATHARINE JOHNSTONE 400 PARK AVBNtJE fi;k;"1Typery writer & Supply Co. 602 Sproul SL, Chester Dwight Cooley; Mrs. A. S. Johnson, I r.==;;;;;=;;;;;========;;::;;~ captain, Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. Wit-11 'Phone Chester 8381 liam Turner, Mrs. Daniel Johnson; Vir­ginia Rath, captain, Mrs. E. D. Brauns, Mrs. Walter C. Giles, Mrs. Henry Dure. e I ~ ONETOUCH y- OF NATURE Cocoons hatch into moths-not butter~ flies. The caterpillars of butterflies spin various supporting devices on which they repose or dangle as naked chrysalids. There are many moth-caterpillars, how­ever-, which produce no silk at all. These uworms"--of which our Imperial and Royal Walnut Moths are examples­burrow into the ground and spend the winter in subterranean chambers below the frost line. -c. Hrooke Worth. ••• "ECHO GLEN" Southern Cooking TeL Media 1611 WALLINGFORD, PA. THANKSGIVING, NOV. 28 Dinner 12,30 to 8 P. M. a Aloo Turkey Served on Nov. 21 5108 P. M. OId-FfUhioned Jj. Thanlc •• loing Dinner • From 1 UntU I P. M. Nov. 21 and Z8 '1.00 THE MIDELBORO Larse FamUy ,Groups Aecommodated Private DlnlD. Rooms Call lte$ervatlonB EarlY - Me4la. 520 lillIe Sympbony Concert ~~~~~~~~~~~~§~ The first Philadelphia Little Symphony - - LE"7.g EAT-TOo;. y -- Concert of this season will be given next AT 1 HE NEW CAFE Sunday night in the Academy of Music • Foyer in Philadelphia at 8.30 P. M. The The program will open with the Sym~ phony No.3. in C by earl Philip Eman- SUBURBAN uel Bach and the Concerto in D, Opus CA F E 21 by ,Joseph Hayden played by Vir-ginia Pleasants piano soloist. UPrayer," * a modern American composition by Alan On 'he Concourae of tbe PRR NOVEMBER IS, 1940 J. J.'8 BAKE SALE BENEFIT LOCAL WBLI'aa _IA.IIL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 AT G0TndBW8TAnOBBBOP II PARK AVBNUB Wiltshire Brothers Mana/adurer" J~ and SUHrIIIIlIm Slate and Monroe Sta. MEDIA ----------------------. Phone MEDIA 153 Open 5:30 A. M. TW IZ P. IlL STATE GRUJ.E RESTAURANT "Good Dome Cooking" Complete Luneheona , 25c-40e-5Oe Complete Dlnnen I 35c-50e-65c-75e ',I 109)2 WEs~t~-r' STllEB'r BONA MILES. Prop. ,---------------------------------------- Edmund F. Soule Teacher of Piano, Harmony,and CompositWn Baye stua_ _ narl McDonald-Robert Elm ..... a TIME FOB A JI1IW MOD PDPlLS • Swarthmore 949-J No Need to Worry If you've entrusled your Thank .. giving turkey 10 one of our fine large ROBsting Pans, you know it will be done to perfection. Suburban Saadon a Hovaness will be the second number. u Suplee's Store BreakfO$t-from _c Joseph Barone will conduct during these Luncheon-from .fOe nmnbers and Vernon Hammond will be Dinner -from 75c II South Chester Road g uest conductor for the closing numbers, I Swarthmore 105 Under the personal aupervls 00 the Brandenburg Concerto No.3, in G, r.~::::O:f:':..: "'::R:.=T:U:":y=:::J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by J. S. Bach and the Serenade in A, ____________ Opus 16 by Johannes Brahms. Candidates wishing to make an ap­pearance with the Philadelphia Little Symphony are asked to communicate with Mr. Joseph Barone, Bryn Mawr, Penna. Applications must be accompanied by a tetter of recommendation from a teacher, THANKSGIVING DINNER SERVED AT 'fhe largest attendance yet to be re- an eminent musician, or a school of mu­STRATII HAVEN INN corded at a lecture sponsored by the sic. First Church of Christ, Swarthmore • I • packed Clothier Memorial to hear last Community Healtb Board Mee18 FROM 1 UNTIL 8 P. M. For parties of 10 or more, we will provide a whole lorkey, plum.p and Sunday afternoon's lecturer Gavin W. 8uc:eulent, if arranged for in advance. Alliin, C.S.B. of Toronto, Ontario. Introduced by William Pope Barney oi Moylan the speaker stated: "Peace ;5 a subject in which everyone is inter­l'sted, but to mally persons peace is merely a cessation of hostilities between nations, an absence of war. Peace may have a more intimate signification, that peace, like charity, begins at home." He pointed out that Hastings' Bible Dic­tionary says that the word "peace," as used in the New Testament, refers in nearly every instance to "heart-.peace." This is what Jesus meant, he declared, when he said: 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you ... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.~ "Such a peace is a human need today," he held, "and the omni­potence and omnipresence of God, un­derstood, is the remedy for every hu­man discord." The regular Board meeting of the Telephone Swarthmore 680 Community Health Society met in the F. H. SCHEIBLEY, MaruJger oAumgehr iHcaanll Lyeegsitoenrd ahye.a dquarters in BorM I:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New members elected to the Board this month were Mrs. G. Warder Cres~ son and Mrs. James F. Bogardus, of Swarthmore, and Mrs. J. M. Hickey, of Ridley Park. "Health, happiness, and peace are normal conditions for man,'· Mr. Allan affirmed, "and because this is true, they can be brought into the experience of everyone." "ReHgioll," AIr. Allan pointed out, 4'is not confined to the family, the commun­ity, or even the nation. The <!oncern of religion is not with nationalism, it is with humanity; it goes beyond race, creed, or boundaries; its domain is the world of humanity's needs." "In our relationship with each other today," he went on to say, "there is a need for vision-vision of what is etern­ally true. That alone can save us from hdid in the discordant and untrue. In ---............. -- Gertrude Lukens Miss Gertrude Lukens, for many years a resident of Swarthmore, passed away Friday, November I, at The Embassy, Walnut street, Philadelphia, where she had made her home of recent years. She had not enjoyed good health for some time. Miss Lukens lived at The Harvard in Swarthmore with her mother. following whose death she moved to the Strath Haven Inn and made her home there for 13 years. She was a member of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, a for­mer member of the local \Voman's Club, and belonged to the Woman's City Club of Philadelphia and the Daughters of the American Revolution. Surviving is a sister, A-lrs. George Booth Harvey of Moylan. The Rev. David Braun, pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, con­ducted the funeral services at Oliver Bair's in Philadelphia on Monday, No­vember 4, at 2 P. M. Cremation follOWed at West Laurel Hill Crematory. ••• human relations strange as it may seem, Popular Speaker on Horticulture the way to peace is frequently by- war-fare, true warfar-e, warfare with evil, Harry \Vood Sltper-intendent of with self." grounds of Swarthmor-e College ad- In conclusion, d·e lecturer told his Iis- dressed the regular monthly meeting of teners that Christianity is today unit- the Hill and Dale Garden Club Tues­ing the peoples of the earth as no other day morning at the home of Mrs. system has ever done." Townsend Scudder, 3rd on Elm avenue. Cyril Gardiner's "Girl in Pink" has Wednesday evening Mr. Wood been awarded the first place in the por-l traveled to Merchantville, N. ]. ~here trait Class of the Chester County Art in the Camden County Vocational Association's current exhibit in the School he addressed the Camden Dahlia West Chester, Pa., Art Center. and Horticultural Society DUPLICATE BRIDGE BENEFIT FOR BRITISH RELIEF SPONSORED BY CRUM CREEK BRIDGE CLUB --81- STRATH HAVEN INN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19tb, AT 8:15 P. M. Prizes for Top Scorers - Public Invited TICKETS 50c FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL MRS. H.B.L1NCOLN-SWARTH.1248 SWARTHMORESmCLURSER~CE Let Us SINCLAIRIZE Your Car NOW Against Winter's Invasion Differential CrankCase Transmission Front Wheels Radiator Cha88i8 • Battery and Spark Plugs $4.95 For all cars with 5~qt. crank. case capaclty­other cars sUghtIJ higher. AIL GREASES AND OIL INCLUDED • Call Swarthmore 1915 • HA.VE YOUR CA.R INSPECTED EARLY 1 NOVEMBER IS, 1940 CLASSIFIED SPORTS REVIEW TOE SWARTDMOREAN the sentiments expressed frequently seemed to run directly counter to the H. S. l.rofessed objective. Defeat. Yeadon Swarthmore High School won its I note with some surprise that ac-fourth game of the season, against three cording to your own words the Swarth ... Josses. last Friday, when Yeadon was morean supported the defeated candi­defeated 25 to 12. on the Rutgers Ave- date in the recent election. I had thought nue field. that the function of this paper was to Kirk opcned the fireworks. On the st'rve community' needs and deal with FO:~']~~~~~~~~:,::.:;~~~ first Swarthmore play of the game, he community problems. If it is to become I took the ball on the Swarthmore 37- a partisan sheet tather than representing .~~~~~~:;;:;:,.;;,;;::. yard )ine and raced around his own left all the people of Swarthmore it will :;:: end for the opening SCore of the game. lose much of the value that it has had in ==-==,,--.,=W ANTED Yeadon pushed across two touchdowns the past. WA.NTED Ellperien{ed maJdfrom 3 to 8 in the second period and led 12-6 at the National unity calUlot be achieved by P:" ~fe~~ay:e:UI=~' ~~:~~:al~~~~ intermission. one man or- one group regardless of s . I words. It cannot be aclueved by the allel lillcs at rlC"bt allKlet (0 (be aaid Main thoug h t Ie ss Ie c::tur.m g 0 fe'it her the suc- (Setnret!e)t.. leOeIltB. hundred '.enty~..,yeu and :Bve cessful or the defeated candidate. Unity is a matter of t h e sJJirit; the will to co- 28.S a1l0d2 4B. otnl'td." Oardnt.d'( 1 MAlulrrJhl t2a0". b1to9io2 .4. -dMal.e da . A8p3r6il. ollCrate; the desire to understand, Pro- IJ. 166. mote this spirit and you· will rontribute I Said Bond and 1I0r'pi8 were ~Iul, auil'ned something needed and real to American by Cobbs Creek Title and Trull. ComplID7 10 I ·~ !lhe Penll!lJ'lvania TrUll1 CQmpaD)' to the }JeDn· he. Qlvania Company for InlUl'ance on Lives and ]. F. Bogardus. ~Grautlnl' AnnuUies ami Ida B. Cornell. TrwiIeea BIIERIPP BALI!S OP REAL ESTATE iunder the Will of J()hn W. CQrnell. deceued. ---------------- by &aslgument dated February 10. 1928. and !duly n"~orded at Media. PebruB17 28. 1928 lill A. M. B. 117 pq-e 143 Ire. BberUf'. omce, Court House, Media. Pa. Imptovcmenla consi." 01 two and one-half Saturday, December 7, 1940 8:30 A. 14. Eastern Standard 'I1me story "luC'CQ house. 36 lit 18 leet; ItuC'CO and. 1.!o,1C oddlllun. 16 x 20 reel; prap attached. / :.!2 II 10 feet. Sold DLI Ihe properly or Walter L. Lewis Conditions: $250.00 c88h or certlfled check ,anti Lillian F. Lewis. hIs wife. Dlortg88'OI"ll and at tlme of sale (unless otherw1$e lltated. in Wa ler L. Wwis. real oWlier. advertlsement) balance 1n teo days. other I conditions on dMY of sale. jV' GILPIN ROBINSON. AllorDt7'. Levari Facias No. 373 'Fieri Facia. No. 614 more 684. Kirk tied the score mi«J..-way in the whether that man is the President and W!~~;:-i1!~~~~~e ~:::anT~a <R~-:') third verio? 'fhe play started on that group the party in power. Unity re­Telephone SWaJUlmore 149. ·1 Swarthmore s 29-yard Jjne and Kirk quires the cooperation of all men and all hA.NTED-SKILLED TYPIST-rapid. ae- 011 a fake rcverse, cut inside left tackle groups. It must be based. on tolerance cur~. I'ood 8pejler to cop,. 300 pares of ..:ut across to the right and ran for ~ .. Box W. The Swarlhmorean~,=_ and respect for the opinions of those Dwelling house and lot situate Aldan Bar. All that <-ertaln lot or piece of ground with WANTED To bUT eet 1.11 trains lor 'young touchdown just inside the side line. with whom we differ. The defeated can- ough. Del. Co., Fa,. described 88 folloWB: "he lIIeSHU:II"l or lenement Ihereon erected, SU. ,bUd; also colfee lable, reusonable. Tele· The fourth quarter opened with the didate and the defeated party must labor HeR. at a pt. In mIddle of Curton Ave. (40" u:ale 1.111 the HOlllheast side of Bradford Road September Term. 1940 September Term. 1040 phone Swarthmore 746·W. wide). a corner of lands or Margaret B. At- at the distance ur .seven hundred and five and score deadlocked at 12~aJl. Kirk sparked just as strenuously for unity as must the win. between Provlden:e Ave. & Magnolia 'Iwenty.twu une.hurulredths feet souUlweatward a Swarthmore dr.·ve and Johnso., car- P ·d Th· d ot th b Ave.: at tbe distance or 225' northwest.! IrOm the sJuthwest aide of Lone Lane. Ir. WORK WANTED WORK WANTED E:J:perleDc~ private lee-retsry avaJlahle for aceurate neat COP7 work. correspondence, ReB8Qnable rates. Te1g. phune Swarthmore 171-M. reSt ent. IS oes Il mean e a sence warcUy fro Magnolia Ave.; extdg. tho by sd ... Ie TowlIlI'hip of Upper Darby. Count,. of DeJa. rild the haJJ over for the winning score. of an opposition but it does mean the lands S. 64.50 W. 254.5' to a pt. comer of ware lind State of Pennsylvania. CootaiDinI' ShortlY afterwards. Shirley intercepted I· • t· f I d t t· ·t·· other lands of Clarence Alwine; th. by J88t In fruut ur breatllh all the said Bradford Road e ImIna Ion 0 pure y es rue Ive en 1- mentioned lands 8. 25.50 E. 45' to pt. In llne it .\·enty.ftv8 feet and eztending of tbal width a Yeadon pass and Swarthmore cism. A wen organized opposition with of lands of Mary H. ElUoU; th. by IBSt men~ If I length or depth suutbeaatward between WST marched again for the final touch- a constructive program is essential to tloned Jands N. 64.5· B. 254.5' to pt. In mld- '"nrnl~el Hnes at right angles to the lIald Brad. LOST-Sprlrwer spaniel. blale, liver brown d OWIl. B ai•r carricd t h e ball over the the preservation of democratic ~o\'crn~ 2d5Ie.5 of CHfton Ave. by middle of same N.!j,ro Road, seventy·five teet, tbe nonhe8lJl. line 0 W. 45'. ~llereof btlinlr ulofllr the middle or a certain ten and while markIng-fl. Name "Kim" ReWard pay-off line and Jennings plunged t if el wide llrh'ate drlvllway laid out and opened Telephone Swarthmore U77-W.· . th h f I I men. Improvements consist of ·one story frame lo\·cr thlll ami the adjoining"' property to lbe roug center or t Ie on y conver- You intimate that the President has house. 16x36 feat; side porCh. nDrtheast thereof. said driveway ellttendin&, FOR RENT $60. Four bedrooms. Convenient location. P088e88iou at onee. sion of the game. !s .1Ilheastward fruPI the lWutbeut side of Brad. disregarded the interests of the small Sold 88 the property of Walter Bateman j f ,rtl ROlld. fiCt7'8enm feet. Hold 3MYear Reeord b . Y ·b h· I and Margaret Bateman. his wile. mort-: Usmess man. au attn ute t IS S tort- gagors and Edward. Downey and Mary Dow- ; Under and subject. howe\'er. to certa.i.n build. • Swarthmore High School's undefeated coming to the fact that he has depended ney, his wife. real owner. Jllg IcstrictioliLl and ensement. WM. S. BITTLE girls' hockey team defeated Upper upon the advice of uprofessors, minis- s. L. HAOY, Attorney. Darby 1-0, la5t Thursday, at Swarth- ters and social reformers." I regret Mr. Together with the free and common use. rigbl. liberty and prIvllcge of the aforesaid private driveway aa and for a driveway. Pa&­No. 5 8ageway and watercourse at. all times here­after fore,,·er. in common wUb the owners. ten. Swarthmore 111-" more. Editor that you are not more familiar- Levari Facias _::N::O.:IarJ::!...:P:.U:b:I1:O-:::::::::Im:::ura:::~n:':c:. :. ~R~e~al~Es~ta~Ie~.1 Captain Margaret Sheppard scored with the facts. If you were, you would - the only taUy of the game two minutes know that the number of failures among MRS; A. J. QUINBY & SON 10SBPB B. qUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BBLL PBONl! • MEDIA. PA. bdorc the first half ended. Until this small busin~ss men has been tess game Upper Darby had an undefeated the past 7Y:! years than during an equal season. Swarthmore has an undefeated period in any recent Republican admin­record C'xtending over three years. istration. It would thus seem that "pro­Swarthmore College defeated Bryn fessors, ministers and social refonners" September Term. 1940 lants and oc(:upiers of tbe adjoining lot of Iground bounding Ihereln to tbe northeast ProP. sit. In Borough of Darby. Del. Co •• thereof. PD .• on the S. W, 8. of Darhy Terrace 168.84 ft. B. E. of Fltth Street; tn front 18.4 ft. Improvements eonsi., 01 two story IItucco and In depth bet. para!. Is. at r. B. 56 ft. house. 15 x aa feel; enclosed. frollt porch; to a 4' w. alley etc. Known as 428 Darby lIlie slury SlUl"<."O addition, 9 x 0 teet; stucco Terrace. garage. 10 lit 18 feet. HAMILTON aDd ELGIN WATCHES EDWIN B. KEU,EY, Jr. Mawr 2-0 in a hockey game played at have been more successful in protecting Tog. with use of aUey • .swarthmore, last Friday. Anne Pike the interests of the small business man Improvements conslst of two story brick HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. scored in the first half, Molly Boileau than were the big business men who house. 16X26 feet: porch tront. Sold as the property or John Donlan. II) the second. served as the advisors of preceding ad~ Bold as the property of William T. Harris, Bryn Mawr achieved the consol .. tion ministrations. Jr .. mortgagor and Black oak BuUdlng and 11-8.:U prize when their second team defeated Loan Association. real owner. ________________ _ Your Jeweler 25 East 7th St. Chester WILLIAl\1 W. McKIM. Sheriff. IOp_te Ne,.. Btale Tbeatre) 'PhoDe (;beeler 3764 Swarthmore's second team 4 to 3. An I was very surprised to hear you pro~ EDW. F. HITCHCOCK. Attorney. I SHERIFF SALES of REAL ESTATE additional consolation was won when test against relief. True none of us like WILLIAM W. McKIM, Slu'riIT's Office, Court House. lIedia. Penna. A. W7 M II Swarthmore's third team succumbed relief and everyone wishes I• t Were un- ll-14~3t Bherm.1 Saturday. No"'ember 23, 1940 1'J ayne oste er 3~1 to tile visitor~s third team. necessary. But unfortunately it is nec- SHERIFF SALES Qf REAL ESTATE I 11:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time: Ele essary. There are probably over two ctrical Contractor ~ ColJege Beats Drexel S-leritr'!I om~. Court House. Media. Penna. Conditiolls: $250.00 cash or eerU.fled .... heek S h million unemployables in the country. lal time of sale (unlesa 0lberw1ao elated in wart more College had a compara- Would you allow these people to stane, Saturday. November 30. 1940 pldve.tisemcnt) balance in teo dlQ'e. Olher "'-'eph S th 2295 tively easy time, last Saturday, when loolldiUons 1.111 dq of sale. Aa- ODe war more I f Mr. Editor? There are still several mil- 0:30 A. )0{. Eastern Standaru Time r t ley de eated Drexel 18 to 6, in the I· th h 't fi d 10 t Fieri Fadaa No. 199 NEWBOLD R. VARIAN final football game of the year to be Ion 0 ers w 0 can n emp ymen. CunditionH: $250.00 {'ash or certified check I· "Eo' rDIel'ly 01 played on the Swarthmore field. T.h ese arek tth e resdu lttsh of . thper loss oenf tf oor-f 8a~l vclritmlle! ~m0e1l lt8) aleb a(luannl(ees g illo thteerlwl isdea ysst.a teOdt heinr I March Term. 1039 GEO. GILLESPIE &: CO. Halfway through the first period, elgn mar e s an e 1m ovem ... ontlitiolls on day of sale. All thllt certain tract of land comprisinl' BUILDER Wolfe broke loose to score the first techniques which enable one man at pres- and containing lot8 known and deaicnated as AIl erations--Repairs touchdoWIl o·f the galne for Swarth- ent to produce as much as 2V2 produced L i. . nri Facias No. 88 oNfo . A4. 0G t.o DNeAo.r m6o2n. dI.n eaJsu arlev(e.'O, rodend pIlna nl boef Ola.t.IQleItea Painting more. Drexel intercepted a Swarthmore in 1920. Even the present rearmament Scptcmber Term, 1940 lor the Recordill&' of Deed8, etc .. 10 aDd for 310 Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1129 lateral, to set up their touchdown play program will leave many of these unem~ Mortgaged premises (1212 )lain Street. ,~k ~~~'. ~iu.~ ~h:O~~ ~. ~. 70f~ ::..::.::.....:..:::...:.::..::....--.:::::=~~~~~":: in the second period. 'fhe score at the ployed. If you have a solution of this arhy. Delaware County, Pennsylvania. bellll' lAve. 811d MilmoD&' Ave. iu the TwlJ. of Btdlfl7. Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER half-way point was 6-6. proI) I e m send I' t .t mm edl' at e iy t0 th e Pres -, "AI' that certain lot or piece of ground :.3D1edl . ACQv e... , Pann,.d anbdei nl.g"O iunta iod1eDp1U' I1 6B6lo.2llC :' fla. aoldn lMllIld- Swarthmore went to work in the sec- tdent or to members of Congress repre- W,th th~' bUildingLl and improvements th"reon mont A\·e. 200.8 11.. ond period. Wolfe scored his second sent m· g el· th er part y and I am sure tha t eH·cl<l-nto oS. treSeitt uaatt et hoen ditshtea ncseo uothf woenset chrlu¥n dsreidde, soixf ' No improvemeDts--vacBnt ground. t hd f th d R d YOU will Quickly be hailed as one of aId two one·hundredths feet southea9tward OUC OWll 0 e game an ee con- . , R b M 'OITI the southensterl7 Bide of Thirteenth Sold as the property of Frank ClJiberU and Sw.rthm ...... 19 eluded the scoring for the day when the nation s great men. emem .er r. tree' in the Dorc.ugh of Darb7. County of Marje CiliberU. he carried the ball across the Drexel Editor that Hitler, and the other dicta- claware. Slate of Pennsylvania. COA.L and COKE FUEL OIL goal. All attempts at conversion failed. tors, d n· n bed to power on th ebea k s 0 f Containing in front or breadth on tbe sald GUY G. deFURIA, Attorney. .-. ---------------~ I hungry men. dJdrel.tllnt haS trfeeeett twanedn tyex·ftoeunrd inagnd onr intehtya-t eiwghidt thb unIn· WILLIAM W. KcKDI. Sherift. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR" Unity, Mr, Editor, is not a matter of ltnglh or depth aoUlhweslwardly between pal'- Ill-1.8t VAN AI.EN BROS. The Uflhtill1l8 expressed below are 01 the IIIdividunl writ('rs. All letter. to The Sw:trt hmorean mU8t be signed. Pseudonyms may be used if the identity of the writer It' knuwn 10 the Editor. Letters will be published only at the discretion 01 the EdJlor. Phone Sw. 10412 - Picture Framing - Stationery Books - Kodak Supplies I GreeliDg Card. - Hobby Cralt SIMMONDS - ITo The Swarthmore.,,: Warns 0/ Danger 714 We'Plhahon Se tCreheets ter z..st61C hester Emmons deep pool. full to the brim ~::;:;~::=c~~=i==~~======::! with water seems to the writer an un- PIANO TUNING necessary hazard in a borough which cherishes its children. The danger was ,AND REBUILDING brought home when a three-year-old, 32 Years Praetieal Experience ra littleI bOilt in his hI and,I and aJone· 1 wha·s I met .. ooking for t Ie p ace to sal IS A. L PARKER ,boat." 'Phone Media 459-M MAUD L. BISHOP I I ROGER RUSSELL "We Shall Continne to Differ" Ma k f F· Ph' Nov. II. 1940. er 0 cne otographs Editor of the Swarthmorean. 416 HA VERFOBD PLACE I read with mixed feelings your edi- CALL torial in the issue of Nov. 8, 1940. As a SW ARTHIIIORE 2075-R professed appeal for national unity it --I was commendable. However its tone and I Mrs. Harriet L. Treat 1·1'·-~~-·~~-·---"~t I Will make your New Gown or I· MAPLE FARM Remodel yo,:" Worn ODe i i AKRON, LANCASTER CO., PA. At yOW" home by the 0107/ ria An • .,. invalids - AdmiSJIion fee and or at her home f Ideal for elderly guens and sem. i enaacemenl III 8OUt!lled : prineipaJ required on weeki,.. 209 BurGERS AVE. I rates - Established 20 years. • Telephone Swarthmore 892 __ • ..-...--....__ • .--.....--..--....--... _________ .._...._.. ... ~::::::::::::~ i PHILADELPHIA L1TfLE =0 I SYMPHONY CONCERT WASHER-REFRIGERATOR I SUNDAY. NOl"EMBER 17. 8:30 P. M. VACUUM CLEANER & RADIO Academy 01 Music Foyer SpeclaUzlnl' in Conunerclal Repairs r $1.50 Reserved } PhOirIda.e rI JT.titclke estys mFprohmon y, $1.00 Unreserved '700 Monqomery I ~S:.N~O:.~~~:E~N:~~S:~~I::~~_~_~_~~'i.A~J~'~~~~ I'j '_.50_1jChll.dftn ::: VICTOR RECORDS K.OPPERS Now Redllced COKE 1-3 to 50% People's Tire Slore 211 West State S&,",!J,,~ Opeully- -"- -- -- SUN FUEL On. QUIT EAR·STRAINING WITH A 1941 IMPROVED RADIO It certainly is tough on your ears ••• and your disposition, too ••• to barely hear momentous news from abroad .•• or listen through a continual barrage of cracks and booms. And it's foolish today. For, the latest radia models are so improved that reception from both America and Etlrope is vastly more powerful_ ••• dearer. Decide right now to quit ear-straining and get a brand new radio. Better still, get a couple-one for the grown-ups and one for the children. Volues are beHer than everl PHILADELPHI~ ELECTRIC COMPANY j!;Vtl £ltlt!ftit!t~II!I .lItl ,g.".

---------- Page 15 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE --- -- ------ THE SW ARTHMOREAN N. C. A. SOURCE O}' WARMTH TO MANY N - -- Solicit Roll Cfdl Support NOVEl\IBlm 15, 1940 -------I ~r-~~~~~ n::?""'t='t""'!""1t""'t'1t'1Hrt=St=lP=1t=1HHH' -I J. J.'s BAKE SALE Ninclct'n (:hurilicti lJititrihutc 8ellcht of Uoth"8 Exhihited ill \V oma,,'. ( luh nc.·.·"t1~ I III .1111111 II lIIg.ltln nng- 01 the S\\.trlhIllOfl hr.llllh (If tht :\c4!'dlt­\\ tlrk (.wld of \lIIl nt.: t hnlllght to the \\ OIJl.tIl .. Cll1h Ilouse Oil Octoher ,m 2:0 I \\ Irlll IIld u .. t fnl g lrlll~l1b n .Hh '~I hflllg tOlllfort hi III til" Ih( hlllllilllrll" ,,110 reul\td dOIl.1 11011-. thl" H Ir Illdudql the COIIIlllUllth Illllth SOllth "hO"l ofillt Is III s".lrtllllhln .111(1 Illl 1.lIl1lh ~Otll t\ 1111\\ 01 :\Ilrlll \\IIUllh(rs 01 \lUlru.:.1 l hlitln 11" Bun Itt I rll Ilt).. 11(l1I1e lor lll1ldn II I, Ihlt ... Iln"l'lt.t1 1'1111 Hillpllli I II lII( lor lUI tllt ... I)t Iltllll '" IIOllit .lIul 'tilitlllltit 11111111 \11 .... ulllln S(li.:tlt\ h.lll" lEgion J }o"Pll Ii I (1\ Us of I lUll thllfhtll I'rllh ... tl1lt 11llSlOjlll ~II'" .. It II til of Phd Idelphl I 1 111111.. ~o- \1. t\ It l I!l .. ttr Jtlh~rl1J10"1!-> ChUIC I t \\] .. l] IIZ( r IlolIH op Itluc J Jusptt II tit .. tt 1 I) \ :\ I1I .. t f\ l 111011 l''''''l'tl \11 ..... 1 III I" Jill 110"1111 tI Ill" SlIIlIl\ t..:rt .. t 111111 I [I ]lIt lor 1,(1\" It Che\ III \ IIIl Ollllt'" 01 tht Itlctl hrlmh .In.: htllltllll\ lll .. ullllt )'lr .. III 1111 IS S .... llTllrd pll .. "ll])t \Ir .. I !hlr.l(\.: \\ lItll \ltt \lit Hiull 'Ir .. llllrle~ I I l"llH I .. ~ I nd 'It( pr ~l(ll III 'I rs Ill1t"d (.nltlll ltlttln \Ir ... \Iorn ... III l .. s] ... llIIt Illttln \lr ... \ \\ 1'll;;1 III tnl ... urtr \11" I C Illstlllg ... I ill otlh r (lin II r In ~Ir .. (hfTurd I 1111 I :\Ir, II l I trI \Ir' ArLhur E I .... l tt ).1 rs I \ ..... Ih ... il 11' ),1 r .. l II Irlt.. \ BUlltlllg \11 l h.lrlt.'... I 1:lllk \Ir .. IhllJlIllIII \\ (.(111111'" ~Ir ... I II ll)x. \Ir ... II \\1 .. 1 III Cilrk ~Ir .. I't mill 1 tr II IJll k ... OIl \11 ~ Illlllt.: I :\1 I)odd \lr ... IllIIl" J: l)plIgII~ ~lrs \\ dh 1111 .... J \.111 .. \Irs C.II rgt I ,\lIIg 'I r I I till k III r \1 r... I 11\\ (Iud (, Ir !lll \Ir .. 11(1\\ tnl J: l,nul \Ir :\tlr III III IllIUlIt ,It .. \\ 1111.1111 I )01111 .. 1 Il \11" \\z1hllll I "htllr \Ir ... I ~(r Ielli I IlIdlll ).1 r.. I> 1\ Id J uh II.. 'I r .. hll\ I 1I111ltf ),11'" Ir\\lIl I< \lltl.I,,(\.: \Ir .. IlIllll II \lL\\ 1111 1111' \lr" I Il h,}\ \lUlt I \Irs II f) ~Illck. :\lrs ,. l\ Ird \Itlrn .. ~ II ~Ir.. Blrm \ K :\Itlr .. t \1 .. 111ft hi ()grllll :\lrs )01111 \\ l'ltttl~k \lr, (Jttlrgl l-'lo\\l11all \lr .. \ 1\\1\1" \Ir .. s ~ I~uthcr 1(lrd \1 r~ J d\\ Inl \ St l khlll "r ... "illollil Str/lln \II .. Jo ... tllh Sl Ii " r.. \\ :\ ~p 1Ilg-ll r \1 rs '- h Irlo IlIlhlll! ~Ih \\ titlr I Ihm!,l :\Ir~ \\ 11111111 I h lit III r )'Ir .. s Irglilt \\ tI tll \lr ... \\11111111 II \\( .. 1 \lr ... I III I (Ijlll \\HllIlg J lIt ~n tllh \\ltlll! In ljllllnlmtlllg IIIl mill I" !Ill ludt ~lIrslllg 1)1\ 1 ... 1011 \I Irg ITlI \II~ 11 t h IInll til, CUmll11111 Ih Clllh r ),1 r ... I IIts Uulg\, 1\, dlur- 111111 C'ml Cluh ).1 r~ III lin n Cook 111111 I'rn IIdh I'lhlt CII ...... IIld 'Intlllr s lilth ),1 r.. h. RUIn III I' fiends St:\\ 1I1g t,rol1\J ~Ir... \lInrt Pn ... toll I nlllll" lin Il ~I r .. II In I \ I~ I'll ru I Jl1Il1or StctlulI-\\~ 111111 .. lin" \Ir ... Lh Irlt:.. ..... 111111111 I Hill ~ \HI ~h Ihot! 1 ... 1 lhnnh \I, ... \\,,1 11111 I h •. htla 'ltdll"l r)..; (wid II III Puhhr.: Sillt (II I IIi! 111 Jilt II \\ 1II11l... \"~OLlltlOlI E w s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB Itt ell.roc)h I~un('hl'on JIIl .... d 1\ No\ cmher 19, I P ~I the S" Irthmon \\Toman s Cl11h \\111 lIc huo.;te<.;s to the prcsnlcnts of the Uda \\ In (ollnh Clubs and to till officers 'I th\ Ih 11\\ Ire (011111\ l'ult fit IOn 01 \\ I III II .. lluhs Rt ... tn.lllt Il .. Inr till nudll. 11 lIltl'·1 hc 111 In ~ Itunl.l\ to ),1 r .. Ilon.lfd DIIIg-h: It.: It pholu S".lrlh IIIllft IHK IIH l)r.llllot "lttll II \\111 pn "'Illt I pin .11ld the duh (hOlLiS \\111 .. lIIg St'lliun 1\11( CIIU~" 1111I1 d I' lIlorlllllg ;":(1\ l mill r 21, .It 10 \ :\1 tlH hit r 1turc :sel tltlll \\ JlI pre .. t]lt \Ir ... I~ \\ Perl,.IIl;; III nmml:..­... l1Ht... 110\\ I C 1I1J(~ to \\ nt~ In ... upJlort of till gllltr.iI tht.'lIlt lth:r.ltUrt IS I 11\ IIIg thlllg IlIll1llH r!-> al e re­lIut stld to hrlllg their 0\\11 \\ntlllg-" \\ Itlt tht III to "h.lre \\ Ith olilt.'rs III the HIHII \\nttrs pl'rlod \\hu.:h \\,11 c1o .. e tilt pro!-!;r 1111 Jill \I"tltlll PU.:tllTc. Sttl]oll (If the S" Irthmon \\ tlllllll s '- 11111 \\ IS the '11( .. 1 01 til( IIMIl 19t r of tht ~llIlor Illl ill ~ .It 1 Tld.l) s 1I1.1hlln l'erlolllllme JUllior Art St clio" Nuh's Illl Irt sntltlll of tilt fUllltlr dub \\]11 lIIll t 1t thl hOlllt til Donut ~Ic lUlluln 1)22 SIr1th I1IHIl I\tllllL on lilt ~d 1\ ~u\c1llht r I~ It H P ~I Ro .. ~ \\ Inl III IInll III ,,111 pet "Idl Unfaflull Urlfl:tt 1 hl I HIl1I1~ Sultoll 01 the \\ (l1Il 1Il s llllh lllljllt ... ]olallon IlIld"e It lilt hOIlI!.: III ~h ... Johll lJelll .. on \\ elllll sd.n IlIght Jill .. " I" thl 111 .. 1 IIIlt.:llll~ 01 tht.' hnd..,c sn lIOn tillS \ e \I IIIl J \llllllg' S'llUlll 01 tht.: \\omans Cluh ,,111 hold I IIlel'llllJ til Ihe Irl\d ... tctlOll ~I IUp on \Vednesd l) ;"':t)\~mht.'r 20 11."-: I' :\1 It th~ hOIllt' of )ltJdrcd \ Slott 411 'lllhlt.:lllltllg <l\ellUl Rullcy I 41 ,n .. hIJl 'II'" (.l tit g~ Sdl!lhmgcr IS 1.: 1111,., t I ... pt.' .k I II S\\ ltzt 1111111 \1\ IIlt.;tJl lIll .... Ile Imltld 10 IttuHI • I • J . .I.'M Hol.1 8.,ke Tomorrow ~I t 111111 r .. 01 Illl J I s til< t Sund 1\ l\llllllg It tilt 11PlIle It 11110 Iluhm: 11 \:llrth Chl .. hr 1IIId 10 It\ 1.I!->t mill lilt pI III Illr tltt Ir 1111 h Ikl Silt \\Incil Iht\ \\111 IHJd tOIlHlln\\ SlIunl1\ :\"H IIIla I 1(, hq~lIl1llllg It I) \ \I It 10 I'j,k l\lllUe. Proclld ... 01 tll( l\lnt \\111 h( lI ... ld lor I h Illk .. gl\lIIg h "b.'t" I1Id I lhl r lo{ tI \\ t II Ir~ LE( Tl'nES ON PEACE Illl Ilrgl ... t .Iltelld I1llt \\1 to 1.)(: re (lollfl1lurd from I'age One) \\ IIIe.t (rou(h. (olptall1. Mrs Mrs J A DellC£- (tIllt Utl 1I.In.e) H pl(~rce, :\1 r" I 1m d I' 1,.wITman ~lrs \\'Ilham SplIIglcr. ~Irs \Vllitam Lee Mrs J\ S JOhllSUlI, Ir, ~Irs Gtltcsptt.' <.:al,talll. Mrs Harold G Gnnm :\1 rs 11 J i.urns Ndltc Cullms. ~Irs Henn lone"" Arthur P Shanklin, )'Irs Hobert \Vllson :\Irs },fancl \VtIson, Mrs J) Ht:~d Gnr, (.llItalll, )frs Jolll1 E All l hat I , ~Irs \Vllhalll 1 n<.:kle captalll, :\f.lrth,1 Ia\lor. llrs () J 1'\ III", Mrs I \tiles 1'\ ltI" ::\Irs Alhlll Rogus Mrs Pun Gllhert. ~Irs 11 \V I.ang Mrs \Ihcrto 1\\11.1 )'frs \Varrcn G(Klfrey. ~I, ... \V Burton Rilhanl, <.: II,ta1l1, Mrs II B Iru\\dI I IIlcoln ~I fs 1'''omas Saf­ford StratI! HaHIi Inn H.lIth l{e)\\.lrthmore NaUtili d B,lIIk ~I \ rile 130\\ '110111- \ \ (nnlall Charles \\ l slier - :\Iartd\. ~Irs H J lIefll- 11011-( ulored sectlOll. ),1 r.. Gl urge 14\\­IIIg, l.ll't.UIl ).[rs Jlmc", DillS ~fr .. 1)\\ Ig-ht C(Kllc \ ~I rs \ S J ohnsoll, t Ipt 1111 ~Ir ... G(orgc Junc .. ~Irs \VII­li 1111 1m nu. ~I rs 1).lIud Johnsoll Vir ~11l1 I R tth l.lpt un llrs 1 D Brauns, ),1 rs \V.lltt r C Glle" 'I r... Ilellrj Dun' I I ~ ONE TOUCH Y OF NATURE luultllls lllhh IIIto Jlloths-not huttcr­Jlle", I Il~ t Itt 11111111 s 411 hllttl rfllt.'!'; SIJlIl \ II lOllS SUJlpl rtlllg- 111.:'\11.:(" till \\Inch th('\ n pUSt.' or d IIIgl(' ,<;. IIlk141 dll \ .... Iluls I hllt .Irc Ilt.ll1\ 1I10th I Itel pliI.u s ho\\ (\l t \\ 1m h pro(luu 110 .. dk It .111 I he ... e \\rlllllS tlf \\Imh (nlr 11II]len.tI .llld Htl\ .11 \\ .lIl1ul \Ij LI", Irt.' ex.l1l1ples­hUlIO\\ IIlto thl ,..,lotlml Illd spend the \\ II1It I ItI ... nhll: I I lilt' III l h.lIllhers h~ 10\\ thl frost hlle -( Ih OUkl \VOI th • • I...iul .. • s) nll.holl} Con.·Lort I he hl ... t Plllladclplul I Ittk S, mpholl} lntlurt (If till'" st: l"OIl \\111 hc gl\CII next Sund IV IlIghl III lht \l Hlemy 01 ~lu ... tC I 0\ U III I 'Inl.uklpln I .It 8:)0 p ~l I ht l)rO~r 1111 \\tll 01't:1l \\Ith the S}m­Jlhol1\ No 1 III C h\ C.lrI Phlhll I 1l1an­lit I I.lth 11](1 Iht: COJl(t.'fto 111 n Opus 21 h, Jostph 11.1\ <It II pllHd h) Vlr­p' 1II1 I Pil I' lilts PIlllO ~{)lol ... t Pra\ er,' I 1ll00krn \mull 1I1 cOlnposltlon b} \Jan IIp\ mess \\111 lIc the sccund mlmh~r JIN Jlh B II tillC \\ 111 umfillct dUring thl.:se llulllhtr .. II1d \lrnnll lIammoml \\111 he g-1l( st lIlIIti11l101 for til( c1oslllg- numhers tht: Br lIuknlHllg COII(erto ~o 3 III G b) ) S Hadt and tIlt St relll(I..: III A. OI)11S 16 h) JOhall1llS nl •• hm ... C lIuhd Ite" \\Ishmg to make an IJl 1I111.lIl(l \\llh thc Pluiulelpilla Ilule S\IlII'111111\ III.: .Isk(d to (Ommtllll(atc \\uh ),11 J(Jseph B.lrolle Ht \ n 'Ia" r, Puma \pphlltlons Illllst he a(lol1lpl1ul.:d 1)\ II Ittt(r oj l(,lOlllll1elulltlOl1 1111111 t tt Ithcr III (1111l)(lIt IlltlSIClan or I s('hool 01 II1U • I • K"ittt'rs Tf,ke Notice! • Ordl'r" luk.'11 (or Ucrnat Yurlll't. I'h'u~ ~I()JI III aln lime und 8Ce ~ulII()lcs. Itl"(llIIl" de1iu·r,. • KATIIAJUNE JOIINS10NE 400 P,\RK AVENUE Delco TYI.c"ritcr & Supply Co. 602 SI,roul St., Chester 'Ilhone Chestl'r 8381 "ECHO GLEN" Southern Cooking Tel Mcdla 1611 WALLINGFORD, PA fHANKSGIVING, NOV. 28 Dmncr 12:30 to 8." 1\1. • AI ... n furk(, S, r ... • .. on Nov. 21 From J 51081'. M. Old·FatflliulIcd Tlarn,ktfglvlIIg Di,mer • Until 8 P nl Nov 81_00 21 and 28 tilE MIDEI BORO I argc family GrollPs Accommodated privatc DIning RooIDS Call RcsenallOns K'lrly -l\Iedia 520 LII'S 1\1 IODAY "I 1111 NI W LA~'E • {h, SUBURBAN CAFE • On 'he (uncllurse uf the I'RR Suhurhan Slatlnn Bn.'lIkJ{J~t -from 2Sc LUIIc.:hcoll-from 40~ Dllma -from 'i5c Unt.!cr tlu.' Jll Tsun II supervision of !larry R I ully --_-...."'='--------- Ut:NEFIT LOCAL WELFARE Begins 9 A AI SA'IlJIIDAY. NOVE~IBER 16 AT GOTTLIEB'S TAILOR SHOP 10 PARK AVENUE Willshire Brolhers ManufaClurer., JeaDeler. and SilrJer.milh. State alld Mouroe St8. MEDIA Phone l\IEDIA 953 OIIen 5 30 A I\t Ttil 12 P. M. STATE GRILLE RESTAURANT hGfJ(ul HOIlIC Cooking" (.«nuI.lell' LUlicheoll~ 25"-40c-50c COIU).lcte Dinners 35.·-50c-65c-75c • 109'" WES~I~~1XE STREET EDNA 1\IILES, Prop Edmund F. Soule Teachcr of Piano, Harmony,and Composition • Have Studied With Harl l\lcDOIMhI-Robert Elmore • TIME FOR A FEW MORE PUPILS • S"arlhmore 949·J No Need to Worry J( ,ou'\e ('nlrU!iI"d Hurr Thnnks­, nvill:;: lurke, tu on~ of our fine,g(· Hn.I!Htng 1'.1IIs, )011 know it Vi ill he clone 10 1)( rft eliott. • Suplee's Store II South CIH's\I'r Uoa" Sv.nrlhmorc 105 THANKSGIVING DINNER SERVE\) AT STRATH HAVEN INN HIO~I 1 IINTIL 8 P. 1\1. "ur llarlles of 1001' more, we ,ull (Irovidc .t "hole turkey, plump and 4 I till .... \\ IfllilllOf\ I'n ... h)tt:nan llllll I I \1 r II l lIldll \ PC( I \lIxll Ilr I Ill( 1III1Ih til1lrcll \11 ... \\11 I \I Illnt\ (.111 Sltllt Iloop 2 t Ildld ,t I Ildtlll .. \Hlll" lId h} the S]I: 1·lr .. t lin rr..:h tit l iln,,1 .... \\ IrtlrlllOrt I'ltkt(1 Clotlllli \I{In. 111\ I I III Ir II ... t SUlltll\ IItL flit {Ill s IUhlll r ( •• 1\ III \\ Community lIeuhh 8 .. urd 1\1e<·t. sUCCUICIlI, If ~lrr.lIIg,·d fur In advance. I '" n \11111 l S U of II rtlntt ()Ilt Irto ~III,r Iln.,r" "'" "ng 01 Ihe I Telephone Swartlullore 680 l11tllcilhulln \\liltllll jlopt Blrll() 1\11\1111 Ihl "'IHdll .. llh<! Pl.ICC I UIlJllL III \\llIllI I\tr\tllll IS lIlter LOIll1ll11l1lh I h dth Soc II h lilt.'! III the! F. II. SCIIEIBLEY, ll'a,wgcr \II l..tX 1.ln 111111' Ih ~Ir ... lJt.:orgl .i.IllUHel, 110011 II :\lIs Charles brad J'he Sign You '}fardly ]\Jotice THE sign at th_ tllue Rell IS so famIliar you may scarcely notIce It flashtr.g past as you drive along Yet often It IS a welcome sIgn, telling YOll that Bell telephone serVIce IS ncar at hand - fast, ace'lrate and dependable to meet your needs The Pubhc Telephone IS your tele­phone when you're away from home The Bell Telt1J/)fJI/( C.fllJJ/hmy "f PellJ/S)/1 ,1111,/ .. ltd "tit to Illdl\ Plls\ll1-. pl lce IS lilt n hilt ""Itl III I II )!->tlilt]l s Itl't,,~en IlIIU)I ..... 111 I" .. t 11 t I \\ Ir PI 1t{ \InIl-l{lh 1 HI I IIiIl l I\ ll g..] kOfIld ,lli\t Idqu Irtt r" III Bor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :\ e.:\\ llltlllht rs e1t (tul to thl.: Bo.lnl till ... month \\t:fl ~Ir ... (. \\ Irder Crcs­h I\t I moft 11111111 It ",gild" It lOll I'llCl hi I lhlllt\ htgllh II home Ihllillt d I lit th (t III ... IIII<.{~ Blhl( IOllr\ .. 1\ .. \lllt 11\ \\onl lit ltC,' Is 1l~l(1 111 tilt \t \\ It ... I.IIIH Ilt rt.'ll rs III nllih t\ln n .. t!llt hi hlart~)elce' 1111" I" "h It It I .... Ill{ lilt ht: <Itt 11rt:d "htll III III 1'\ It I I Ill\' \\llh \Ill! Ill\ I't Itl I ~I\l wll. "\I Il t not \ Ollr lit III h tl ,ulliul Ilutla r Itt It III It I I '-'u, II I pt In h I h lim 11 lIttd t.d \ lIt 11tl<l ',IUd the. (lllllll l)oft II 4 Ilid 1Il1l11'ft"'l lIt.:t 01 (.0(1 Ull Ihl .. , I" I Ilu: IlllHd, lor l\lT) Im- 1I11llllri Ih III ltll'lllll~~ lIlti pi III In 1101111 I \ IHiltl 111 .. lor III III ~I r \11111 1111I1I11ol !lid lit {111"( I Ill ... h trut.' thl.:} t III h lIl411 ..... 111 I1ltn til( t XJl( rlell(t 01 I I \( n II Ju II.., II \11 \11111 pOIlIled out, b lIut U lit ltd to thl 1/11111\ tilt ('O!U1UUIl It\ r t\tll till 1I.ltlOIl 'I ilL t.:ollctrn of I h 11 I" Illli \\Itb natlOtllh nt, It IS \\ltlL hllllll1lh ]t g-lle. ... huon.! rar..:e j r I I" IUlId H 1(" It... dUIll 1111 b tht \\ lid I 111I1I1!llIt\ ... lll(d~ II Ir III Hit 11 .. 1111' '" Itlt l Il11 othu ! to d \ lit \\llli nil to "'1\ tillH .... I I I 1 I \ I I \ \ 1 I III I \\!J It h tit rll I I \ III !1 t Ih II( 'Ill 1\( Us 110111 II II l)t dl t 'lcllllt IIhl lI11trt1e. III 1 1)1111111 II 11I1. 11-. .. tl 1I1g~ IS It Illl"\ :-.t:llll \111 \\ 1\ t I" It.:t I" frt(IUllltl) h) \\ If "(IEl Inti \11'" J<UlIt.''' I S\\ ,Irthlll(ln tlld ~I r ... 01 1~I(I1e) P Irk Ht gardus ot J ),1 Hit ke\. --------.~ .... ------- (;.ol·trlulc LlIkcllo \11"s (.llilude 1,t1I~lll~ 1~1l III lily )ClrS I Il~](!ellt til SnalthmOiC P",~(tI a\\a) Ind.l\ :\U\l:lllhCI I .\t lilt I IIlliass} , \\ dnllt stlttl 1'11IIa<lelpl111 \\hcre she h 1(1 III Ide her hOllle 01 Il\l.'lIt \llrS She hili nIt ulJo\i.'d goud Ill.: 11th for SOIllI IlIlle ~llss I uhns 11\ cd at I he 1111\ \I d 11\ s\\ II thlH()re \\ Ith hCI III Illlll 1t.1l0\\ mg" \\hlh( tI(.llh she 1ll00LtI I~I lIn SLlath II t\ t.:Il Inn .mel III HIt: III I h. lilt: till I e for I~ \tlrs She \\as I lIHl1llll 01 the S\\.lItlullore PI~sll\lelllll Chuft.:h a for­IlIlr Immhl.'r 01 the hll.t1 \\'OllllllS Cluh, illil hdon~~d tl) the \\ Olll III " LIl\ Club of Phd Ht...lplua and the l) Illghtus ~)f the \Illl nr.:~1Il l{nolutlOll Sun 1\ tIlg IS .1 SlstCl, ~I r C.tor.;-e I'. (Ith llanc) of ~lt"lall 111( Hc\ ))a\1I1 BIIl1Il JlI ... 1411 of the S" Irthlllorc Prcsh} t~II.Ul ChUH h COIl­dmtul the fUlleral serlills at Oll\cr B IIr" III Phlllddplua 011 ).Iond 1\ No \lllllill -I at 2 P ~r Clcmahlll I lIo\\("d II \\l .. 1 I Illid 11111 (111ll1t 1\ I • PoplI(;.lr SI)caker 011 Horticulture I] 11 \1(1(" Irt 1ft, \\,.dlre \\Ith ('VII, IIlrr\ \\nod ~up('ntltelltlent of 1 \\ Itl I It ground" of S\\ lrthnwre Col1q~t.' ad III t mIll ]( III the II t.' tun r Inlet hiS lts- (In s ... ( d thl ngular 1II0nth1:,; tl1tl tmg of t w r~ 1il II l. hn ... tlllllt\ h tud ly \llIIt- tilt Iidl lIId J) 11(' (.arden lluh Tue~­I 19 tht 1'( HIIll ... 01 tht t lrlit a. ... 110 other d 1\ lIIolnlllg It till hnllll of ~Irs 1 .. , .. 1\11111/"" l\tr done.: I 11\\ Ilse. Ild Sludder Jnl \lll 11m a\CIlUe II l\nl (,tnlllHrs (.lr) 111 1'lIlk' hiS \\tdlll ... d" (\ctllllg- :\Ir \\ood H(1l 1\\ Inhd till first III.ltt IIllla Por '11rl\t1UI tn :\itllh,l1lhlll( :\ J \\ht:re I 11 It (II" til th~ llllStc.r (uunt) \rt III thl Callultll Count) vocillonall \ I It I '11'" ~ urn. Ilt (xlnl)lt 111 the Sr/J( 101 lit Iddrt ... Sl d tin C ItIllh.: n Dahha I \\l"t lhlsllr I'a \rt CIllh:r \lIId IlortlCuitllrll Stl(lel"\ DUI'LlCA1E 1I1111l(.E BENEFIT FuR BRITISH RELIEF SI'ONSOIIED 11 Y CtWlI CREEK IIRIDGE CLUII -a'- STRATH HAVEN INN T1JESIlAY, NOVJo.M8ER 191h, AT 11:15 P. 1\1. Prlz«· ... fur 101' St ()r.·r~ - Pubhc II" ned TICKETS 50e IIIR IIESERVAllONS: CALL MilS. 11_11_ UNCOLN-SWAII'III_ 1248 SW ARTHM:ORE SINCLAIR SERVICE Let Us SINCLAIRIZE Your Car NOW Against Winter's Invasion Il i tT'·l"'·IlIi.,1 Crunk Cast' Trclll~mi"'!oiinll Frollt WIl.·.·I • Radiator Ch .... ssis • null"r~ ",,,I Spark Plugs ,4.95 For III cart; \ .. IUI 5 qt crank case cal'Rclty­Other «:ars sltghtly higher ALL GnE \SES AND OIL INCLUDED • Call Swarthmore 1915 • HAJ'E YOlJR CAR INSPECTED EARLY! NOVEMBE-R 15, 1940 - - -'------ -_ .. _-- ------ CLASSIFIED SPORTS REVIEW FOR RENT fouH HEN'}' .fo'IUlllshl."(j roolll alld Ilrl\ 1(( II. S. H« ft.lls \( .. .11111 IIllh (.Irl_c (.0'11 Irtn~JlOItaholl f I S II II lIIolllh Call MI'1.h I H IH l"t Ilin 0 P II - \\ Ir Imun Igh S( houl \\ till It;; foOH UENT-=-- Slu ... lc-ro~alld-double room I fourth g tlllt 01 tilt Sl l'tltI .Igalllst thn:~ SIIIIIIY alld "arm Vlry ("OII\ellJCllt location It)>;"l" II" I rllll\ \\Iltll \ t I(h'll \\ I" ft'tl,hollc S" IrlhntOic 1551 e\emngs 1012 on IIIl I{utgcr.:. \\(.'_ fUn. RENT I~ilri-"c t«'l.'Ulld "fur) front rOOR! lilld G Ir II<:'" HI Ikf lsi I r ~h "1r('C.1 111 \ tiC' IH I lUll lIut TcI(Jlholl( Sy,:a,lhmorl Ill() r h.lrk tlill nul tilt lin \Hnks 011 till FOR SALE IIr ... t ,s\\.lrth1lHlrt pi" of thl g.llllt, ht foUl( SALE COIUhllJlI I Il"l'r tHIe bl()dc 1\\41 1 look tht htll 011 thl S\\.lrthllulr(' 37 1lI:~ot~'i~:~tI(,"~141:1"\t:S (Iual' Tdcl,holl(.J S\\UrUl \ fli IlITl 11111 r Iud .Iround IllS 0\\11 left I (lid II r thl (I)llltllg ~l(lrt of the g-ame ,,-;-:==_-o=cWANTED \ I Hit II plI ... h~d I(,HIs" t,\O t(luchdo\\IlS '\\ J~)i\iIt:U, I"f' t ru II. (d III 1I-.I-fr"lll i to H III thl S( cOllti )It nod lIHI lui 12 () .It tht • IIur ( 1.,\)0 I v.111, f""IIIU ull1) II ,41 I lilt l'I.!o Ittftnlllj rl'llIIl(,1 Tlhl,holU S\\,lJlli trlllls"IOIl IIl1Jrt 1I'j.j ! I k I I - 'Ir Iltt lit ~lon IIl1d \\.1\ III thl \\,\:..rhJ)-~lullj j ... ·d hUl,h mill ,uhl."·thlrl I II 1,1,\ sl.,rl'll or \\11111 I .. H, III "Jill 1111' IHI hi Homll i (]ll nUt It 011 THE SW ARTHMOREAN 5 -----.~--------.-:. lilt. "'l1ll1l1llJh ('xpn ...... ul h~~lmllll\ 1 \\o,d .. II ~ 1111101 he.: ldlluul 1)\ IIH I I I 1"1 "('(1111'(1 Ie. rIIn ~hn..ctl\ lOlllltl'f tl' t1u. tIUJugiltll'i' Illtllnl1g 1.1 <'llh\1 tht.' .. til ~ti,~, .. r:/.· pnlic.""d "hJ(\II\l H .... fulol tIlt <ltf, Itld lllUhdltl Lmh II I I hi UI 14>4 tu III Jnlll<!H'i1 1 \\ 111\ H \( 11 l>Oud .\t Uh uul Ihl J noh \\lIh "Ollie. ,uqul .. ..: .1\:- , .. I IIIltt(,f" 'he. "111]\ tilt \\111 10 (0 ,ordlJl,.: II \I,ur 1\\11 \\orcl .. till S\\lrth Opll.Itc.: the. ,1'''IIt. In I1It,h, ... 111H1 1'111 mOIl.1II IIPI~)rl(f1 the lillt Ilul l uuh- III lIt: tlll:-. ")lInt lilli, \1 \\111 l 11(1 rhine. d Itt. III till n'llllt ..:It( 11011 I 11 III thought .. ulIIlIllIlI": lJu.lh.d tIIll 'I. II to \Im riC. 111 that th l lulll hOIl t)f tll1~ II I('t'l ",." to hfl "(;1\(. 4.: 111111111111\ Il{t'd ... 1I11! tI('.11 \\Ith I B"".lrdll" (0111111111111\ ,.rohluns II It ,... 10 ])C.:(omc 1 ___________________ _ I Jllrtl l1J .. hl"tt fllhu til lIJ n.:pft.'''llltlllg: SHERIFI' SALK':; O.~ RI-AL ESTATE .tll tilt pUlple of S\\ lrthl1llJn: II \\1111 lo~t.: IIUl( h of 11](.' \.tlue that It hi ... It.lel III I till )l.hl Sherlll 8 omC~ Cuurt HUU~t Mcdla Pn Suturda} Dt c mber 7 1940 ~ 930 A M Eastnn St II d lid '111m 1111111.11 umh (.lIl1lot IX' .llluuul h\ I 4 III III III or Olle grulIl' ng Inlh:..... of Condltlons $25000 (,ISII or c('rtlficd «:he«:k S It.1 , " J Ihh ,II ,. . 1 I \, 11 I J ,I \1 ItJ 104 III~ 01 jl. I April 'I 141 '_\1 II 0 III ... I I 11m I I I \1 It 1_4 \\H du} I !l1 .. lIol 11\ l,11 til Jt. 111/1 11111 I'U"I COIIIII'"Y 10 lit I 1I11'\!\ 1114 l 111I~1 CIIIII'III\ Ir 1111 PCIHl ,.\1\ 11111 ('1111'111\ 1m IU"III tn, "II 1~I\j~ IIKI 1.1 1111111 \lIIlllltl'" III I III It (;411 II, II Trtlsh"l" uIoI, ,I, \\111 01 1,1111 " (;Irn II (h" ~"{I 10\ I ,_ IiII 11 0I1h41 1-,11'1111\ In I" .. ~ 11141 (111\ II ,I I II \1..111 "Ihlilln ~8 I'~.!H 1 111 \ 'I I 11- II, JII« 111111 H III Ill .. , II' I (II I\\j) 1111 om II IIr .. 1,\ 1·0 Ii HI" I' X I~ '-III '«1111.1 I- 1 ! I 11 II I I": I) r t tr I... It t IdlHI ". 1 h r j I '-' I J Iii " I I I" f< \\ 1 f \\ I'II r L Le"ls \\111 UlOII~ I_ora :.ilul at time of sl\l(> (Ulll~"'s r til n\ I stat('d In \\ III r "Illllllr 111m lS thl l'n ... lIhm .111(1 ad\crU~cnu'nt) balanel 11\ III) dns Otht' I I I «:olldltioUI; Oil (Ia:,; o( sail 1 I II I~ IWIII:-OSO~ 1 lit grulIl' til.' Illrt) III 1~1\\l.:r UIIII} re \tt'll11 .!o IIl11n ... the tOOlltral1ol1 of III mell .mll aU Lc,nrl Fncln.<;. No 373 .fo II f< I I , .. .11 ~IOUps It IIIU .. t be hased Oil tolcrulle I ,lIId nsptlt fur the 01,II\IOlls of 111O .. t.: Tlillihullt S".lIt1l1nu~ 11'1 S\\ IltllIlIOrt ... 2') \ Inl line <lIul Kirk ' .. \ ..... TI'.V SI\JJ..IIo'U T\PIST-ilioul -;;- III 11,)..;t I(\tr~l ttlt IIbl<it Ilft tlckh ,urah .. 0011 "'I( Her 10 (011) lOti III I" 4 Itt I I I IIIUm"'r,1'! Bux \\ 1'111 S",rlhnwtl III~ I Ilrtl .. ~ t I III nglt Inc rill f(II \\ANTBlJ To hu.!o "'ll "r Irlll)" fl-'-\Ci1i17 tomlillu,\u Ju .. t 1II .. ](ll th( sHll IIIIl Septl'mber T( rill 19-fQ .... I I (1111 I J, I III 1'110 O'\I'IIIIl1! hOll"( ,nd IIlI tllut( Aid HI Bor \ I III It ,Iuld II~o It)n((~ IIhl4 "I""lIlhlt 1,1 ~ I II r I Ihom S\\ulhlllor( 7111\\ It (,uri I (IUlrt~r O(lllltd \\ltlJ tilt "U'll dl tclttlt.:ktd .It 12 til kirk 'plrk<d WORK WANTED ~ I ~\\ Irtlllllorl Ilrl\L lIlel Juhll"oll t 11- \\~:~I:r.!o \\ ~~~~:t~~I-'~I~III~:~'I'I~::4 ";:t' jlt I' C' I rl 1111 hilI \ \lr for tht "lIllllllg .. ton .... lIrk .mr'>4llUutltIl4' Ih I~Ulllhl, I Ilt~ I.T.!o ..... It. II \ Ilt(f\\.lr( .... Shlrl~\ IIlhr«(phd 1,11.'11 S"lrlhnll,11 171:\1 I \ I I t.1( 011 P I"s .1Ilti S" Irllllllorl 1..05'1' III Irt: hl tI 1~.111l for the hll II t IUell lo~r-Slrlll_11 '""11m 1 ""I, I ,. r , Jro .... 11 dt)\\11 B IIr llrfltd thl hili UHr thl lIul \\hilt' 111111011_" NlIIu Kiln HI 1\ 11(1 [JlI\ tifT llll~ tllIl )llllllll!-!; .. plulIg-nl II I "hom S\\ IrtltllllJlt 1177 \\ FOR J{ENT tllrullg-h nulll lor thl tlHl\ UIIl\er 1011 ot till g 1I11e. 860. Jo'our hedrooms. Comenient lo .. "utioJl. Potisessiou at oncc. lIuM .J. \ H"lor" ~\\ Irthlllt.lrt IlTgh School ~ nntltll It~d gnl... hOLkt\ t( llIl dt:ftlltd Lpper 1)lrl" 1 f) It .. t Ihur .. (II\ It S\\lrth • WI\I. S. BITI'LE Swarthmore 1I1-J ilion Notary Pubhc-IJl&ur.lnec-Ue.t1 Estate MRS. A. J, QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS C Ipt 1111 ),1 lrg In 1 Sill!,!, lfcl ... cored Illl ~ 111\ t Ilh 01 tIll g 1Il1t t\\O 1ll1111.t~s I, IOIe. till hl ... t II Ilf llldul Llltll till" -. \lUt L ppt r I) Irl" h HI 111 Ulltll Il Itt d .. t .sOIl S\\ IrthlliOi chis III uII~lt Il Itul Iltord lxtllldlllg" o\tr thrll \Llr .. BELL PHONE 4 AIEDIA, PA 1 So" Irthllli f\ l I ill"l tit I( h tI Bn n HAMILTON Hnd ELGIN WATCIIE ),1 I \\f 2 (J III I lu l h \ g Illll pi t\ ul oIt EDWIN B S I \\..Irthlllorl 11 ... 1 I'rul" \1I111 PIke • KELLEY, Jr. I .. 4ftd III thl hr .. t h.tH :\101" 1.011...111 Your Jeweler I 11 tht ... t (011d 25 E 7 h S 1 1.1'11 \11\\r Idlll\t.:d tht.' tOll-.01.llIulI a(08t tlteN I. CIle8ter I'rtZl \\ht]1 IIHlr SlCO/ld tlllll dtftatttl PP0t3 ew State Theatre) S I I 'Phone CheSler 3764 \\ III HII. rl .. "lHIII( tt.lIn -I to 3 \11 ----- - - II HhhlHllIl1 {I ]1 .. t,I,ttull \\ I-. \\llll \\Iltll A. Wayne Mostelle r s~ " lrtllllHlrL... Ihlrd te 1111 sliccumiJul I In tl ( \ hltor ... t1l1rd te 1111 Coli. gt' Ih'ats Drexel S\\ IrllUlItlre. lolle.g"t 11 1(1 .1 COIII(larol Telephune Swarthmore 2295 t1\11\ llS\ tllm I ht S 11l1fI1.1\ \\hUl - - --I thl\ (lcttllul I)rlxd Hi to (, III the Electrical Contractor NEWBOLD R. VARIAN hll II IOllth.tll g Illll t.1 thl to he Formerly of 1 plntrl OIl tilt S\\.lrthlllon held GEO. GILLESPIE & CO. II tll\\ I' tllnlllgh tilt.' hr ... t p~flO(I BUIWER \\ nih hrol ( luosc to !->corc tin hrst Alterations-Repairs It III.: 1,,1 I" II t I Illl g tIllt fur S" lrth- Painling IIllIn Un:\.( I mlt ret ptul I S,\ Irthul(1n 310 Yale Ave. Swarlhmore 1129111t( r" to .. L t UJl thllr tut1chdt,\\11 pll\ In lilc lUIlIc! IH nod I ht "cort .It thl h til \\.1\ II<IlIlt \\ I ... (j 6 VilJuge Window Cleaner A. HAUGER s".11 thllltli t \\llll to \\ ork III till St c­( l1ul l)lrhld \\ (111l "'lund h .... ~eco1H1 tllut.'hdo\\11 (I lilt glllll Illtl i{et.'d con Jlhldld till stOrlllg for tile tlt\ \\hell Swartlunoa-e 19 1 ---::-::-----===-=--=-=------- ~hrl c.trrlld tht II til Il.:ro ..... th~ J)nx~1 tI \11 .lttlllIph It com l r"U)lI t.lIled COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 ~~~-~"-=" =,-=--- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1.111 UIIlIU 'Ih> (>Slll~ f: J btlow ale those .,r Iliu IlIt..1l\H11I11 \,rll I All letters to The '-''' rllllUnrCll1 I1IU:;1 U I lied PB~tld{)lIlm,; III 4.!o b(' tlsul If the u! IlIl1y of the \\lIler ,~ ku "11 10 thc Elinor Lctier:; \\111 be 1 hi :..lIed 0' I) It 1 i dh>(["~tIOIl Dr the I' ,II ur Picture Framing - Slalionery ~ Bo_oks - Kodak Supphes I Gre.Hng Cards - Hobby craflJ rF llrllS "f DlIllger SIMMONDS , 714 W I h 51 • J (l I he S\\ IrtlltlH I t III e s reet Chester I I II I I 'Phone Chester 2-5161 I IlIl1lon .. t111p I 111 to tIt: lrltll J -----.. - --.. \\Itl> \\ Ittr "'lllll t41 tilt ,\flllr .111 un I PIANO TUNING lIlt U ...... In II IZ Inl II I II 'rough \\ IllCh clltr .... hts II .. lluldrlll lilt tllllgn \\a:.. AND REBUILDING 32 Years I'raelic.ul Experience A. L. PAJ{KER 'Phone l\ledia 459-1\1 ROGER RUSSELL Maker of Fille Photographs 416 HAVERFORD PI_ACE CALL SWARTHMORE 2075-11 h 1111 'hl h4 Ill( \\htn I thret \t Ir old I ' htt 1t h(1 It III III h Iud 11 .. 1 dOlle \\ IS Illl t IOIlJdll' HI llll 1'11(1.: ttl suI 111:5/ ho It \I \l U I BISIIOJ I -------4.~.~.O------- ~ .. ,v c ~hclll ( onlilltlt· to DifT"'r" ~n\ II IY-tO I (1ltrl1 tIl thl S\\ utlllWllt.: III I I Illtl \\Ith IIIlXld Ilt:hn...,!'> \our t.:lh tUll d III the I '-Ilt: (II 1\0\ .s J9-10 As .1 IHOksSed ._II]lt II I,r 1l11l011a1 lIlllt) It I' 1iii1iii1iii~~ ~~~~~~~1iii~91~lll j \\ as cOllllllentilhll 110\\ e\C I Its t'lne Ind Mrs. Harriel L. Treat II .. .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. - Will makcJour New GO"" or ji i MAPLE FARM /' Remodel your Worn One I: ( • ~ • AKIION, L,\N( \STEll CO., I'A./ At your home by tbe day t • or at hcr home lldt ,II for ( hll'rh gUt st~ .and "(,llllt An engageme~u 1S solicited /uu.,IHI:-; - t\(hlll ... "ion f( t .IIHI/ • prill< Ilhll rl qUIrt'" un \ ... ekl, / 209 RUTGERS AVE. l r,llt:-; - F "'lahh"lu d 20 H~nrs. , Telephone Swarthn10re 892 - •. __ ~_ •• _ .• _ •• _ ._ •• _,._"~_ •• _ •• _"_.,,,, ,~ ,~~ 11-1 c·- I I "ASlIIm-REI RII.11I \1 on III I \ \I I I M CU_ \N\, It & U,\\)IO Iii SpeClahzlhg In Commercial Repairs II _ SNOWDE~~'", "E'i.~~L8~ I VICTOR RECORDS Now Reduced 1·3 to 50% People's Tire Store 211 West State Street. Media Opl'n Every Evening • ..--...--..--..-..""-___ .--....--.w-..--...-- SlJ;.r;1) \\ "'In\ F :\UII It 17 g 30 P M \( adem\ or Mus c foJcr $1..)0 ReseC\cd $1 00 Unrl's£:rwd .$ 50 Children I Order Tickets From r Phlla Llttie S)mphoDl' 700 Montgomery A\c Br)n i\]aur. Pa WOOD KOPPERS COKE SUN FUEL On. \\HII \\1141111 "e (1Iff~r I he rllf~ Illel llll Olgh Del Co Pu (It Illh d as rollo\\H III III dullte ,11111 th~ dlf~.lted IlIrt\ 11111 .. 1 1.lhol B"~ at n pt In mlddl{ I (I ft II Au (40 li \\Ide) .1 lorlU r ()f Innds tf :\1 II uet B AI JUst .pi stHlItlOush for llmh I'" IIlIbt thl ,\In bet\\('[ n PrO\ Idelle \ &, 1\I~~nolln ljl'l IHI II IIllt, ur _lltl111 \\llh 1411 III III IIHr till trttl,d SII UII, 11 .. 11 HI ITrldf,rd itoul I 'I hUll IrHI 11111 IIH lIll 1'1 e~J(llIlI 1 Ills doc ... 1I0t IIll III thl Ih~\,Illl I\\e at til( (listnn('c uf 2 I H rtlH\e~t \\ardlv fr l\f3["n llin AH ("td, til h\ !;d of ,II OIJpqSltUlII hut It (It l .. ItIllll th~ lands S 1145 W 25.J.5 t I' t COrll{ I of l I 11111111 I r I I other lands of Clarf.'IlCl A)\\ I; fh b, Inst 11111 (/ l!t1re \ (l .. trul tl\ l' (ntl- mentIoned lamls S 2.] 5 E 1::1 10 pt In III}{ (]"II\ \ \\( II 01 g 11ll7.t.t1 upposltloll \\ Ith of I md,> of Mat,!; H EllIOtt h))\ [I .. t mfn I (on ... tllllllu 1)logrnll IS e ... :.l' 1111 II to tlomci lands N fl.45 E 2.]-1 ~ pi III mid d!e of Clifton All In U1H!d { of ~ IIlIl N tltl l"t ... tT\dtlon 411 delllotr.lhc ~)HII1 12550 W 45 IIIl111 hnpro\ (,Illellh eOIlHist 01 1 t ;;Ion fr HIHe 'Oll II1llllllt~ th It tht Pn.'''iH1cnt ha ... hOllS(, 16x36 fe t side pOHh dl"nganll'cI tilt mh:rt ... ts 01 the smLlI Sold ns the propert) (f Wllllr Bltl III IU I 1Ill' 'II I I I I md Mnrgnret Buh man i" "Ih ll1ort­Jlb .... man 1 tJlI 1 n III l t 11" ,loft ~"aoors and Ed\\urd DO'\II(' l1(j jl,lnT\ D{)\~ (tlllllll,{ ttJ the Idll that lit h b uept.mll'd 1 lie) his wire rcal oWller 1111()11 tht uhll~ of .. prufL ...... Ir ... 1ll11I]S S L HAGY Attorn(;~ II.:IS .lIltl srllill rd()nn~rs I n;~n.:t :\Ir I ____ I <l!tjl1 thll \0\1 arc IUlt more F I I(,\lrl :OCHS \\lth tilt luts If \Oll \Hle \Oll \\oul(11 September Tf'11Il 11iO No 5 Prop "It in Dorough fir IJ !rIn D 1 Cn Pn 011 th(' S W ~ of Dalln rl rr let 16881 ~t S E of Fifth Street 111 flOllt 164ft lind III dCI)th bC't para I 1 It r I 56 ft to n 4- \II alln (·tc Kuo\\ n I .J28 D Irl>\ I T("rr Ice Tog \\ lth lhC of nlle~ I II h4i1h hll "olllh\\t"I\\Urd .. HllI\\1 1 J ul I 01l~ I lilt' III II I r I II.' II III \ Cullul.!o of VeIl "I "I J ') 1\ 1111 I lullt 1111l1l~ 11 I I Ii I I II I Ur, IIIl J no I I I 1 III ,xt I hI .. ,,' th'l \\](lih I 1,1 tJlllll \\\ Ird tJ4Iy,:CCU ,I rl Ii II If;] I Ilu ~Inl !JIlt! \ nl\ln '.41 lh I] rlhtu,t hue • II I, I 01" Itl IllHl1I "f I 4..,ltllll Ull \\ I I I \ ,j h"" n I I J OUI 111(1 oJlcll~d 0\ 1111 I ,I Ih II ! III 1'1 II ri\ 10 Ihe It If II I I III I III d I\t\\ I.) lXleut!lll ... I- Ii 1\\ tid II lTI flu tllh \,,' sIde or BIl(l J I It ,I IIJ \ l.!\ I ft t II III ""l tIl \\ \11 t.> (lrtant btu!'1 11 11 II r I l I III II II I \\ Iii ,I I [, l1ul (011111)1111 u!;e ) II h ~I 11 I Ilrl,,1 _t of thc Iforl'sud 'I \ t Jln \\ t\ I aHI lUI I drl\~ \\ t\ IIa~ I \ \ "I \ II n lUI c at III 11I1l" itCh fit r I 1" I I!l1I1U I .... lIh Ihe 41\\11 I" Ilil II 1... I I I If f Illl uIJUIIIIII_ 1'1 ur I .ulld I '" I 1111 '4111 lu Ihe II rth~ I I Ih, IH f 1111] I " ,\ 4 III, I I \ I I I "'''1,,1 of 1\\ II III I llld,,, I , , ,hhll "1 '. X I ) x I H f ~l ... I j l I \)j IIIIljll\ If It t'l) btU v fr 1 I 01. II 10 j ., "1 \I. l~' I It I I III kllo\\ that th( lIumher of f IlIUH 5 am 111~ .. m.111 hUSllH .... mUI has hlUl It.'s"i dunll'; tilt 1'lst 7' H' II-- than c1Urtll,i all t:qu II Jlutml III 111\ II.:lt:nt l{qmhlaan Hlllllll Istl.ltllln It \\ouM tlllls stt.'111 that pit! fcs~or"i 1I111l1~ters .11ld SOCI.I! n:frlllllers h,(\t been mUll sUlles!';ful III pn Ildlllg Ih( II1tt:r('sb 4 f the sm.11l "U"'l1ll~' m 1lI til tll \\t.'rt' lilt hlg hUsllll''''s 1lI~1l \\ho "l"cd h the. 1"\hOI ... of Jlrl'l~dlll" Id I Impro\enlents COllslst of t\,o "ton hrkk II \HOII) house IG:o.:26 f(Ol t porch froUl Sold ns the p oll('rt~ or Wll!lnm" H Irrh f \ I' III \ \\ II J I \ \1 \\ Slu, If 1lI1111str Itl( liS Jr mortgllgor lind Black Onk Blllhlllt~ mel II S I Lean AHsociutioll renlO\\lHr EDW F HITCHCOCK Attorne} I \\ '" \l n .. IIrprT scd to he.1I \ on III 0 t~ ... t .Igalllsi rdlll I rue 1I0ne 01 US like !llltl IIld e\ \\Ishe .. It \\Cre 1111 nnl:,"ln But 1l1l1llrttlllltll\ It I, net t.''''~ln Ihut lit 11Iohdll\ O\~r 1\\0 unllton l111t 111(110\ Ihles III tht (()lint! \ \\ oultt \olt 1110\\ th~sc I)(.'opk to stanc \lr I dltnr '1I1t](' ale sull SCHI.l1l1l1l WILLIAM W McKIM U-14-3t Sllrnfr SII"Hlfol :-;\11-:-. of In \1 S 1 fllf () 111 Com I 110 I 4 :\1 ~h I IUIIII "'Ilurdl' :-0 \t ml I I II. \ 'I HIli .... , II I II I TIm lion other~ \\ho (Itl t hml t.:ml)l~m(nt J ( /I 1111011 -.: ,011CI ,,,It I hest.' arc the results of tht.' loss of for n I I, f '-II( ~ Ull ( (I" II 1Il11klts and the 11111)] 0\ ellltnt 01 Ia h r III II I I III II II I I· 4" d \ • I .,. tllhllUtUl" \\hl(h lll.lhle Ollt.' 111111 at pet ... II ~ lllfit,,1 die " 1\\1 ~ "llhd 1/1 11 I I \ Olhu ,,, Ctlt 10 llf1)<hu e .Is llmdl 1 ... 2Y:; prodnct:d IlL \ I j J, t< , .. III 1920 I \til thl prest.'nt nallllllllt.'lIt "II] 1111 I Ttl III IIIItJ 11IogTa.Bl \\111 le,l\l mall) (,i Ihl'se 11l1CIll I ,Io\lfi II \tlll ha\(' I ~nllltioll (I tll1:-. plt)ldtlll s(lId It 111lllll(h 1\('1\ ttl lilt.' Plt~ "Ill Sr(1 'It 1111:1 1 IIIn ult.:l1t or to nu::mhu!'; of COll~ress Itple "Ih Iii III J J II I J s(;lIt111 .... cllher 1)lrh lIul I 1111 sllfl.' that Ie II I Sil~ Ht 'II II, ... )t II' "I H 4 I n III II I 111 \011 \\111 qUlckh he h 1I1t.:d Is Ollt.' 01 II I 1\\ 011 hI! Ilr dIll , till !llhons .! IIllll 1{l:1Ilt..:11lIur ~Ir 111 IIIIIII'~ Ilh "II of ., lit Bill II I)f J) Ih\ I dltor thlt IIltler .lntl thc ntlal Illltl r I·IIII,..\J\ UIII If rOUl! I I hI rt 011 de of h{'il "IX Ill! 11\\ 4rl rhllh(lItli l( (1111\ of 1(ls. dunl ... d t(I )l41\\er on tile huk~ of (mlll1ll1' 111 II "II' ullh III the "Ill 11Illlgn Il1ll1 }'IIII'" 11\\411\ r Ill" I J 11'11 h hUll Il d,lIh 1.1 I J 'XIIIIIIII .. r Ihll l\ !til III Umh ~Ir I(hlnr IS not t Illlttlr 0 11111h 1'1'11 "'llIh\\"I\\lrll!\ 11\\~llllr ... \I~'" 4 f In \J ESTATE ( 1111 H4 II \ltdl3 l'CIII a "'1 11<1" lUlU , " l4 'II I I 1 II 1\4 I < I 1111 I 1 I" I- \ " J, I It'll) ~]aIlUaru IlnlC ... 11100 t' ,,,h or lert1ficd dlCC'k ,. IUlhs olhr\\lse statcd 111 I Ill) t June III 1~1l Ua.)s Other '" If ') IIf ~ lie No 11J!1 1(1111 1 I 10 II leI I f 11Ild • UI1I1>1 ISIIl .. J II" J IlU\\1l III I til 91 .. 11 lied :1>1 III t I ~ lUelu"IH Ull 11111 of la.lldi; 01 \ (. U \IHlOI! I" rl,"{rd II III Ibe Ollkt! I JI t h H ~ rtl I Jf I)t I I ]t; 111 and [Dr II J ( I I '" IJ "I II ok X No 7 page II 4' "'f II II! II Ih X \\ (..'Or of 300 " '11111 II \\0 tl 1 'I' I Htdlc) I) I 4 J t 11141 1111 1IIIIIIg luU.! It on said I I \\. III J hUll" III IJ411h aJOI1g'" Malu :\ltl mil \'4 _UUtilt :-00 11111 II \jlll{lli -\, rill] .. round ... II I'" Ih 1 n I trn of }or Ink Clhlx!Ul :\1111 Ulillrll , , h J; till \ \ttnrlllY IIltl \\1111\'\1 W ~l(KDr Sherl" 11 1 II QUIT EAR .. STRAINING WITH A 1941 IMPROVED RADIO It certOlnly IS tough on your ears •• , and your dlsposlhon, too to barely hear momentous news from abroad .. or listen through a continual barrage of cracks and booms And If's foohsh foday. For. fhe lafest radiO models are so Improved that reception from both America and Europe is vastly more powerful • _ clearer Decide nght now to qUIt ear-straining and get a brand new radiO Better shll, get a couple-one for the grown ups and one for the children Values are better than ever I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY J!i,Nl £Itlct'licall'f ant:! ~a"tl

---------- Page 16 ----------

THE SWARTHMOREAN NOVEMBER 15, 1940 School Board Hears a survey by the School Roard of the W. Luehring, chairman, Dr. Clifford Andrews Kent, "Clear For Action" by schuol's athletic and physical educa· Rassweiler. Mr. Walter Schmidt, Mr. Stephen Meader. "Jerry At the Acad- N R t (ion program. The School Board is tak- Edwin Faulkner, Mr. Oliver Swan, "Mrs. emy" by Elmer Ferris, "Out of the umerous eques S. iug this matter under consideration. R. C. Vi"lue, Mrs, H. M. March, Mrs. Net" hv Mary D. Edmonds, and "Lock I W k h U Margaret Neal, Mrs. M. W. Garrett, and Hcr Through" by Eric Berry. or 0 op reed I . f "TIle Chestll"t FI'lly" by Cumm',ng, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth gave a dinller party for the third grade mothers and fathers of the College ave­nue school 011 Wednesday November 6. I • S '1'1' t I tI f II' rr I Mrs Foster Nowe J. Mr. Z,egen U55 and Parents Urge Alh ellC urvey, Ie recelp 0 Ie 0 owmg pe I 101 Miss Allen have been invited to advise "Lassie Come Home" by Eric Knight, Petition College Avenue signed by nearly 100% 01 the grade with the committee. "Freddy's Cousin Weedly" by Walter Workshop parents Ulvolvcd was acknowledged: Brooks, and "Tim" by Johnson arc new "To the Board of Directors • I • animal stories; "He Fought For Free- Couneilman Frank R. Markley, chair· School District of Swarthmore: ,SWEDISH DANCERS dam" a biography of Ethan Allen, by man of public safety, and Burgess John In ~he year 1938 the parents of chll- DELIGHT JUMORS Sidney Dean; and '''Story Lives of * ** Imagine! a pair of rubbers tucked in the handle of your umbrella. That's the H pOt an head of the local police dren 111 the lower grades presented to I Great Composers" a good collection by f • 1m. a d belore the School the School Board a request that there orce, appe rc b 'd d k hO f Tf f the Scandinavian folk songs and dances Katherine Little Bakeless. Board last Monday night to present C prOVl e ,":or s I~ aCI lies or by the Swedish Dance Club, highlighted The Library's collection of Christmas Borough Council's position on the rC·I' Usc of the children In ~~~ Elementary the Junior stated meeting at the Wo- books is also on exhibition, to which, quest of the School Board for police- S.chools. As a r.esult f.acl,htles were pro-d d I b I R t rs man's Club house, 011 Tuesday evening, the following have been added: "Ker- ** * ** ** UMBRUBBER Someth/lIg really newl Practical tool men to guard two additional crossings 'I VI e on a. t~la as~s m t 1~ U ge November 12. sti and Saint Nicholas" uy Hilda von used by school children. Granting the Avenue Budding. ThiS exper~ment has Dressed in their gay and colorful Stockton, "The Bells of Amsterdam" request, tlleu explained. "'ould re(lu.ire, b,eel,lr glcnerally accepted as highly suc- alice barber, gifts oJ "' native costumes, they gave an excellent by Ruth Holberg, "All Through the the addition of two men on the pohce ... e~~ u. . interpretation of the happy and care- Night" by Rachel Field, "The Shining force which now numbers six fun-time 1 hcre£orc-, we the underSigned par- free spirit of their dances. 'Tree and Other Christmas Stories" and officers alld a COII •• llllellt illcrease in ~.·lItS of pupils of the Elemen.t~v Grade t · - I III tII e C 0 II ege A vcnue B U1 Id mg, now The grouPI which is sponsored by the 'The King's Day" by Claire H. Bishop, ta~a Ion.. urgently request that there be estab- \Vomeu"s Auxiliary of the Americall- 1 story of the day of the Epiphany in SC\'enth and eighth grade mothers, rId t' hie in the Swedish Historical Museum in Phila- Brittany. "Holiday Cards For You To M rs. A rt Il ur J . R aWSOII, 'I Robert IS Ie as soon as prac Ica, d I I' d" '[ I I 'Id h l' rs. College Avenue Building, a Workshop e p lIa, is of mixcd Scan mavlan par- n ake" will show tIe c 11 ren ow to K. Enders, Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt, Mrs. to provide an extension of this type of cntage. design cards for themselves. Margaret C. Ncal, ~~rs. E. O .. Lange I actIVity for the benefit of the pupils On Friday, November 8, the mothers appeared to offer their cooperation on in the Elementary School in tilc BUild-I II of the kindergarten, first and second GEOaGE'S BAKERY ing. IN VILLAGE LIBRARY grades of the Rutg<rs Avenue School Stands for Quality Resl)ectfully submitted," met at the Library. The new books for DELICIOUS CAKES1 PIES~ BUNS Il:.===============__ these age groups werc displayed as BREADS and DELICA.,;IES Mrs. Marguerite \Valtcr presented "'ell as the I)est of tl,e older LI'brary 8pecJal Ducount to Churches t' r tl I 0 As a feature of Book Week the and Clubs a cOlllpara Ive survey 0 1C S lOp pr - books. A modcl library of books a child Experts on WeddID, and Party Cakes gram in both schools and the Board Public Library has a display of new I I d b M -~ EDGMO- ·VB., CHESTER • h' books for childrell ,vhich may be seen 5 IOU d own was presente y rs. IV&. ....... no appointed George Schobmger, c alr- (Y. M. C. A. BId&'. D I I' at the Li"rar\' for the remainder of Petu E. Told, and also a group of sug- ed ~ S ' ) man of I)fOperty and noy e ap ame, l} • Cater-corner .... vm peare Ii this week and be taken out on Sat- gestlons for Christmas giving. 'Phone Chester %-9165 chairman of instruction and :Mrs. Wal- I rr================:; tcr to report 011 available space in the urday afternoon, November 16th. II College Avenue building for a perman- Among the books for very young ent shop room. All the members of the children are: "April's Kittens" by School Board expressed their desire Clare Newberry, j'Thc Cat and the to establish such a room as quickly as Kittens" by Berta and Elmer Hader, l)ossible. "Raffy and the Honkebeestlt by Rita Photographic Supplies • The Finance committee's report, James Kissin. "Hercules" by Hardie Gramat­H. Hornaday chainnan, showed an in- ky, "Jamie and the Fire Engine' by crease of $7000 over tax receipts this Eileen Johnston, "The Rabbit's Nest" mE SWEET SHOP Home Balred Good. Homemade Candie. OLD BANK BLDG. Sw.97·W (Nat to Post OJllee) OLD BANK BUILDING Telephone Sw.1381 TOYS That Are Fun to Play With • SUPLEE'S STORE 11 South Chester Rd. Swarthmore 105 CHESTER CAMERA SHOP time' last year. Jy Elizabeth Morrow, "Lucky Pierre" I The Home and School traffic survey by Beim, "John Henry Davis" by I report of chairman David McCahan was Munro Leafl "The Weather House OLD-FASHIONED THANKSGIVING DINNER . held for study. People," by Marie McSwiganl "Flicka, West 4th Street I ___ ...•...•..•... ... _ Ricka. Dicka and the Girl Next Door," CHESTER by Maj Lindeman, "The House the 33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! COMMITIEE TO SURVEY Pecks Built," by Helen and Alf Evers, I PHYSICAL EDUCATION "Horton Hatches the Egg," by Dr. I PROGRAM Seu55. "The Snow House," by Marian @ Johnston, "The Buttons go Walking," Word Gets Around , ~'~, !. ! ~ I Physical education in our schools from by Edward W. Mammen, "Manuclito -I..;' 'I' the kintcrg~rtcn thrOUg~l the hig~ scho,:,l. of Costa Rica" by Zenhya GaYr "The including mterscholastlc athletiCS wIll Silver Dollar," by Janette Lowrey, .(#'"' ~ I bl' surveyed by a committee appointed "Peter and the \Vol£" by Serge Proko- WILL BE SBRVED ON 'l'IIURSDAY. NOV. 28, 1940 FROM 12:30 TO 5 P. M. PRICE OF Tms DINNER WILL BE ONE DOLLAR PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY. PHONE SW •. 149 HARVARD TEA ROOM "";'i'\¥Ha«d Cleaned and Pressed to Look Like I ... £)*' NEW! CLENO • RE - NU -IT COMPANY 614 WELSH STREET, CHESTER 'PHONE CHESTER 6416 Fur Coats Cleaned aDd Glazed - Reasonably . (!./' by the Home and School Association. fieff, "Aesops Fables" and "The Fables This is in response to the unusual inter- of La Fontaine" in simplified form, est shown on the part of parents and their "The Little History of the United request that in cooperation with the States" by Mable Pyne, a graphi­school administration, the plant, facilities, cal1y illustrated march of events from staff, curriculum, athletics, and the phil- Columbus to the present time for very osophy underlying modern educ3:,.tion be young history readers, "They Were About our ability 10 supply individual slyles at lower prices. It's merely a maHer of good loste cmd judgment. !!IlIIllIIllIIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIllIlIlIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIlIIIlI1I111111111111111111111!l • A. Fashion Store Featuring studied. Strong and Good," by Robert Lawson • friendly service • complele selections • quality clolhes Se\'eral grade groups have expressed -the story of his ancestors, and the a desire for special sports in their partic- "Tenggren Mother Goose" a good new ular grades. It is hoped that through the illustrated edition of old familiar Home and School Committee the inter- Mother Goose. '1 ests of both boys and girls in all grades The group for boys and girls a little may be integrated into a comprehensive older includes: "Dina and Betsy" by report. This should help parents to appre- Adele de Leeuw. hDavid and Paticnce", date more fully the problems of the by Edith Tallantl "The Fair American, ' school in administering a program of by Elizabeth Coatesworth, "Katy's Quilt" • JUNIORS' - MISSES' WOMEN'S • RODGERS 608 Edgmont, Chester ~----..-....-....-....-..-....-.....-.....-..-..---, I GALLERY OF I I GRACIOUS HATS I by Ruth Holbrook, "Blueberry Corners" physical education, and at the same time by Lois Lenski, "The Story of Lee the parents will have an opportunity to Ling" by Eleanor Frances Lattimore. make recommendations for modifications "Honorable Goat" by Helen Cory Bliss. of the present offerings which may seem "The Mail Wagon Mystery'" by May desirable and practicable on the basis of Justus. "h-laninka's Children" by Eliza­their investigation. beth Orton Jones, "Brittany Summer" As a result of a previous study and by Kathleen Coyle, "A Book For Jen­recommendation of the Home and School nifer" by Alice Dalgliesh, "Flight 17" Association, an additional physical edu- by Henry B. Lent, "1'he Secret uf the cation teacher was added to the staff. Lodge" by Noel Streatfield. "My First At that time the Board of Education ex- Hor<;e" by \ViII James, "Elizabeth, the pressed approval of a continued study on Tudor Princess" a new biography by the part of parent committees. The able Marian King, "Edward MacDowell and pUblic spirited members who have and his Cabin in the Pines" an ex­I !a greed to make this study are: ~Dr. F. ceUent biography by Wheeler and I III'F==CANTER'S:==",:: ~ ! RIDING HABITS Deutcher, "Wings for Words" by Douglas McMurtrie, the story of Johann Gutenberg and his invention of printing, and "Introducing Charles Dickens" hy May Lamberton Becker. I I For MEN, WOMEN 1 I Ami cmLDREN 1 , LADIES BREECHES 1, ,, Ii or JODHPURS !1 Love'y lady. thlB advertlBement IB I, II MEN,s$AND 2· 4LA 5 Da::I;IEs, addressed to you. You're invited to ~ vlslt us and see tbe most gracious 'I .aUery of women's hats tt hIlS ever RIDING BOOTS been our good fortune to present. 'I Ltterally hundreds of fiatterlng, 1 youthful styles ... dozens designed $ 5 95 'I and ! with you In mlnd .• Felts. fabrics, furs. i, • Up 10% DISCOUNT ON PUR. CHASE OF ANY HAT IF High Grade Ladies' and 1 YOU BRING THIS AD , Mcn's Breeches or Jodhpurs I • I Made to Order. For older girls there are the follow­ing hooks: "Bold of Heart" a mystery story by Helen Waitel "Smoky House" hy Elizabeth Goudge. "Penny Marsh Finds Advcnture" by Dorothy Dem­ing, "Lone Star Rising" by Gertrude Crowllfield, "Clo" by Jane Abbott, "The Fair Adventure" hy Elizabeth Janet Gray, "The Lost Locket" by Ethel Par­tOll, "Adventure North" by Kathrene Pinkerton, "The Curious Affair at I-ll:ron Shoals" by Augusta H. Seaman, "Blue Horizon" by Mary W. Thomp­son, "Sue Barton. Superintendent of Nurses" by Helen Boyleston, uThe Long Winter" by Laura Inglis Wilder, "Roxana Rampant" by Laura Benet, and "Nathalie h.foves Ahead" by Hutch­inson. For older boys there arc: UHighroad to Adventure" by Hov.·ard Pease, C A N T E R' S "Tumbledown Dick" by Howard Spring, "Treasure of the Tortoise Islands" by Aft ... Y & NAVY STORE \"On Hagen. "The firavc Frontier" by I I Correct Millinery , , Shop, Inc. , II 4th and Edgmont Avenue , .n Helen Fuller Orton, "Chuck :Martin- Cor. 41h & Market SIS. ez" by Priscilla Holton, "This is Free­dom" by Rhoda Nelsonl "He Went ==-oPEN EVENING:S;;==;;;lI1 With Christopher Columbus" by Louise CHESTER I STANLEY TRBATRE BLDG. I L..-....-...-.--... ________ .--...-...-...--..-l I CHESTER'S FA.SHION CORNER !! JUST ARRIVED! New WRAGGES t,;~ Exclusive With Speare's == to} ;: , ' , lent taste in tailored clothes. ~ 1/, Dresses are simple, yet distinct- >X' ive; subtle in coloring, yet out- , standing. - We have a complete selection _ == U of onc- and two-piece WRAGGES. II /J = =_ There are pleated vari-colored -' = =5 skirts to blend with shirt tops. There are heavenly aquas and blues to brighten your winter life. You must see WRAGGES to - apprcciate them. You must wear WRAGGES to really know :; I"":,::"""""""""_"""",.:.:.~,::.,!~"":~~""~",,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,J Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAl .. Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I .t •• I II , 111111 I I I III1IIIIII IIIII I I IIII I II II II II III III 1111.1. II ••• I • I I • !I I I SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLISHED 1912 HARRIS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS NO. II PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 HAlE YOU JO.IED THE RED CROSS? VOL xu, No_ 47 FAMII,Y POSERS H. & S. TOPIC Dramatic Skit Presentiog Typical Family Problem8 to Precede Panel Dhcl188ion on November 26 The Home and School Association will present a dramatic ,skit entitled, "A Quiet Evening at Home" in the High School Auditorium on next Tuesday eve. ning November 26 at 8 P. M., as a starting point for an open discussion of the problems which arise in the typical American family. As the skit was written for the occasion, the scene is laid in Swarthmore, but il is hoped that no Swarthmore fanlily has all the troubles that assail Thomas and Grace and their children, Ted and Helen, in the course of a single evening. But unhappy a. the thought may be, there is probably no Swarthmore fatnily which hasn't wrestled S WA I~ T HMOIIE \ L I 1311 '" I~ Y , JOII II COIIUIIIY SERVICE SWARTHMORE, PA., NOVEMBER 22, 1940 n.sO PER YEAR College Equestrians to Hold 'Gallop PoU' A revival of the late political cam­paign will be staged Saturday, Novem. ber 23 at 8 :15 P. M. in the Field House when the Swarthmore COllege horsey­set bands together for its annual show. 'The Gallop Poll' will attempt to reviv" some erstwhile political sentiments, as well as to demonstrate the horseman­ship of the coUegiates. On the program are listed five major eventsl three of which are competitive. Besides the usual relays and jUmping events, the show will be high-lighted by a special military drill and a square dance on horseback. No admission fee will be charged. ••• CLUB EXTENDS RECIPROCITY I Red Cross Prepares Kit8 For EllIJIand's Chrbtmas • • Pre-Thankegiving "PENNY WISE" IS Charity Session ABLY PRESENTED The Red Cross is furnishing Christmas kits to be prepared by Friendly Circle in November JacIuoon Directed Comed n_ Swarthmoreans and sent to the M I· t Mr" I·k' Y rueo many .English women who have ee wfJ a s. ~nz. 8 Ughts First Nighters With Subde lost homes and possessions in Anticipates HQUday Humor and Veteran Cast bombing attacks and need 'desper- Cheer ately the bare necessities of eivil- Those gales of laughter which rolled ized living. Mrs. Henry Hanzlik of Cornell avenue across Swarthmore last Tuesday evening . M rs. E ."'{. B assetl, production eFnt'e rtda!i nedC tih eI Nove'tmh ber meeting of the emanated without a doubt from the chaoU lIlan f or the Red Cross, urges B nen y rch e WI Mrs. T. Harry Players Club house on "~a,l 'IVl'ew road all those interested to call Swarth- rown as co- ostess. The president Mrs. where the three act comedy "PenDY more 1010, to secure kits and lists Arthur Hdu ghetsh presided. It was voted Wise" threw its opcru'ng w'ght audience of articles to fill the kits. Contact to respon to e appeal from Mrs. M. into hysterical laughter. must be made by November 25 so E•. SheflmWire secDretar yI of the Family 80- Produced b'l an all star cast under the that Mrs. Bassett inay order the C1ety 0 estern e aware County with skilled direction of Dr. A. F. jackson the kits needed. carfare to enable a child to attend a psy- sophisticated comedy of manners by Jean The se Iif teen t•n Ch long and ten cPhologIical 'c linf ic at the hU niversity of Ferguson Black provides very good en-and one-half inch deep Cbrisbnas ennsy varna or a mont , to pay for tertainment and deservedly bids to be bo' two pairs of glasses and to supplement one of the season's most popular per-xes may contain: comb, mirror, the income of a needy family. formances. hair pins, bobby pins, wash cloth, I I I towel, Ioothb. rush and powder, be hn rWep y tIoI a etler• .f rom Mrs. Ef liza- The players are evenly matched and soap and articles which total no Cot o. rra Hesaulptehr vISSoInc'g nurse C0e n the together make up one of Ibe best casts more than $1.50 in cost D mI mumtyC o II' letyf of ttrha l seen recently. Lines are om· wo their full with a good many of them. Drama, Music Setltions Entertain The parts of the father and mother Representatives of Forty-five are taJren respectively by I. R. McElwee Neighbor Oubs and Mrs. C. W. McDowell. Gordon Douglas will play Ted, and Laura Lee Hopkins, Helell. Mrs. Robert H. Reed will direct Ibe production, and Bill Spil. ler will handle the properties. e aware unty te Ing 0 needs, e value of innuendo, characterizations are Those who wish may fill the CI' re Ie va tc-u' f . f I boxes with articles of their own f batdo! pa• yoere da pf atnh 0 g Ia sses consistently sustained and the timing is or a man Y III n 0 at he p, to kept at a smoothly rapid pace through- Immediately following the production, the cast will assume their real person­alities and return to the stage in order to form a panel for discussion under the leadership of Robert J. Cadigan of the faculty of the Friends Central School. They will be joined by Mrs. G. H. Froe­bel, Howard Kirk, John Schobinger, and Virginia Craemer. Helen Campbell, of the Psychology Department of Swarth­more College, will summarize the points which have been raised and the conclu­sions which mayor may not have been reached • purchase. If $1.50 is sent to Mrs. m'b t ~ 56 f ed'ca1 I' d The Swarthmore Woman's Club en- Bassett workers will fill the kit con u e .... ,. or m I supp lesan out. The play itself is a subtle, charming tertam. ed t h e P resl'd e nts or their rep- The kits will be distributed in'pr escriptIifo ns anfd troth p"a y for dental work thing 0='-ning much of 'its suspense and resentatives of forty woman's clubs of En t C lor a su erer 0 a ntIS whose reccvery humor fl'Om the quite evident truth that D e Ia ware C ountYJ t h e Hathaway Redg aCndro ossn ahs risab ogarse eDtianyg byf rothme may dependd onb thitsh asksnis't an. ce. A brown things and even people are not always Shakespeare Club of Philadelphia the American women. sweater ma eye Itling committee what they seem. Woman's Club of Wilmington, the 'New brought pleasure and comfort to a child Any woman who can safeguard her Century Club of West Chester and two IL-~----_________ .JI in a Tuberculosis sanatoritlt1J. marriage and her disposition against the officers of the Delaware County Feder_ ROLL CALL WORKERS It was voted to give an afghan made by inroads of a playwright husband's past ation of Women's Clubs, Mrs. Thomas PRESS DRIVE Mrs. John Esslinger to an invalid as a and present amatory indiscretions is a Redden, president, and Mrs. Edward III peak f tl· Christams gift. pUzzler and somethiag of a fable. Penny R . S. Tull, Jr., second vice president, it is nSeceOJsarly efor Aevmeeryn cpaant rRioetdic CArmoesrsi-- th MrsT. hH eknrsy· ·H anzlbika kis taking • care of is all this and more. In the hands of Mar- 'I'uesday, November 19. . h' e an glvmg s ets which the garet Latimer she is a subtle,' charming, The guests were greeted by the of- can to give IS support by becoming a Circle wilt send. Tea and a social hour gentle person whose wisdom or dullness fieers of the club lIrs. Roland L. Eaton, member." ThlS was General John J. Per .. followed the meeting. wi11 aroUse considerable controversial 'I j P I shing's recent plea to America to sup- • • . discussion. Robert M. Stabler as her .. rs. . au Brown, Mrs. Walter port the National Roll Call drive. RED CROSS DANCE Haines Dickinson, and Mrs. George A. Volunteer workers have been canvas-. , philandering husband, Gordon Chase, Hoadley, and seated at tables with - FASHIO gives an adequate perfonnanc:e as the members of the Swarthmore club. sing the borough for two weeks, in order N SHOW virile, flattering mate for whom women Senior High School students, as well as parents and teachers, are invited to the meeting and to take part in the dis­cussion so thatl at the end cf the eve­ning, there may be no famity in Swarth­more ~hich has not had its case history n;ad and its problems amicably ,solved Great praise is due the women who fto so1i~it fuI nd id.' which WI' ill be expended apparently yearn. He has a civic con-were responsible for the luncheon and or naltona saster re Ie! and the Red Town and College Cooperating science, too, which should endear him to the entertainment. Mrs. A. V. B. Orr Cross health and relief agencies in this In Plans for December 7th's his audience and what a way with an h a d c h arge 0 f t h e comm•I ttee w hich coUun tdry . h . '( W Ra Benefit Event axe I planned and cooked the delicious . n er co-c a1rmen .~. ..s . .ayne. n- Elizabeth H. Swan takes tight comedy luncheon. Mrs. Frederick R. Lang and dall ~nd Mrs. Franklm!! S. Glllespu: the A combined fashion show and dance, in her capable stride as Tina and witlJ. 'for all time. - .. " . _, '"' . ,J hcr committee served the lunch. The captains a~d workers hav~ ~en hlghlY,"Fun on a Budget," with tickets at Julitta Powers whose skill and experience place cards were created ._by the art successful 10 th~ bor~ugh dist~cts. budget prices will be staged for the ben- give Martha a nice contrast accents the committe'e,' Mrs. Alexander Lackey th RcmcmL~p' l~'S d~veA ~JJUS~ mco~}vl'aIC 'I efit of the~ American Red Cross Saturday situation's' ··obvious possibilities.' -'June ,---------------..,Ichairman. Mrs. Howard J. Dingle and he suppor 10 deacb me7.~n·d yo~ I evening" December 7, from 9 until 121 \Vest Atkiss as Katherine, heart interest Community ThankSgiving Mrs. Harold G. Griffin had charge of .ave nOi ~ rea y d~en. s~ IClte k wondt /1 mi4night in the Swarthmore High School number three, handles a fat part easily. Service the reservations and the seating of the ) ou con ac y~ur. Istnc wor er an gymnasium. David Narbeth's easy going Jeff is a • members and guests. offer your contnbu.tlo~? Swarthmore -College will consider the delight, drawing many of the most spon- In accordance with the custom The c1ubhouse and the table decora- BRmSH BENEFIT Ie vent one of its dances and provide the taneous chuckles of the evening. Mr. of previous years the various churches of . Swarthmore will unite in the annual Thanksgiving worship to be held this year in the Methodist Church, Thursday morning, November 28, at 10 o'clock. Rev. David Braun will deliver the Thanksgiving message. Rev. ). lardcn Guenther will of­fer the pastoral prayer. Mrs. Chester Roberts will read the proclamation. Rev. Jones will se­lect and read t.he scripture lesson. Rev. Clarence Carter will pro­nOUllce the benediction. Mr. Fred­erick Roye vvill preside at the console and the senior choir will render two anthems. A cordial invitation IS extended to all Swarthmoreans ·to participate in this service of praise and thanks­giving. tions were done by the garden com- BY BRILLIANT BORO orchestra. The Del Nova Orchestra has: Narheth's ability to handle varied rotes mittee, Arrs. Roy S. Latimer, chairman. BRIDGE PARTY been secured for the evening. r is an asset to the club. Dr. Jackson's After the luncheon the Drama Sec- The dance will not be strictly formal. . third act appearance is all too brief tion, Mrs. William F. Boyle, chairman, The Crum Creek Bridge Club in co- The college and town will supply models hut adds much to the production's in-presented a playlet, "Romance of the operation with the Swarthmore Bridge for the show which will be given by Kate ferential humor. Willow Pattern" by Ethel Van Der Club and the Strath Haven Inn swelled I Hemmingway head of a floor in a Phila- The stage set is most attractive and will Veer. The Woman's Club chorus 'Under the local source of British relief Tues- delphia department store. cause many a feminine heart in the audi-the direction of Henry Hotz accom- day evening with a very successful Miss Hemmingway an expert in bud- ence to covet a Connecticut farmhouse . panied by Margaret Collins sang five benefit card party at the Inn. get planned clothes for business groups h-frs. A. F. Jackson is in charge of stage selections. Marjorie Kahler Larkins of Mrs. T. G. Collins won the door prize. and college wear will bring a specialist to decorations and Char1es Deacon is stage Chester and Ruby McGlathery of Me- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carvell and Mr. train the models. manager. dia sang the solo parts in two of the and Mr!.. Fred Wilson were winners in Miss Hemmingway has directed shows h-fary Ryan O'Brien aurl Elizabeth numbers. the fi~st section, Dr. and !'frs. F. O. at the University of Pennsylvania and Swan serve as assistants to the directors. Reciprocity meetings among the wo- Hendrickson,. Frank Butler al!d Mrs. Columbia University and spoke at J. \Villiam Simmons as the technical di­men's clubs date back before the clubs E. C. Lappe m -t.h.e- second section, and Swarthmore College last year. Eight stu- rector, Stafford Parker in charge of of Delaware County 'were 'federated in ,hIr. and Mrs. Sew~n Ho~ge, Mrs: S. C. dents and four faculty women from the make-up, Irma Keighton in charge of 1912. The Swarthmore Woman's Club H~nna, an? Mts. R. C. \Velch 111 the college and four high school pupils and music and effects, Ferris W. Price and was one of the six clubs forming the thlrd. sectlOn. There were 18 tab1es four townswomen will be mannequins be- John A. Vanderpoel as electricians. Delaware County Association of Wo- of bridge. , . ginning about 9.30. • For a gay, jolly laugh in these dis-men's Clubs which is now the Dela- At the regular ?t[onday evemng play The student social committee at the heartening times see --Penny Wise" to- Ware County Federation of Women"s of the Crum Cr~ek Club held as usual college which is co.arranging the event night or tomorrow at its final showing. ClUbs with thirty-four federated mem- at the Inn the ,vmners were as follows: consists of Ruth Wilbur Grant Heil- • • ':-=:-::-:::-:::-::-=--:. .......- -----1I bers and eleven associated members. North and South-Mrs. Wallace M. V" . I d B L- E '1'1 Ie meetm. gs are h e Id to a II ow an ex- M c Cu r d y an d M rs. Ph'I' WK' k man, Irgtnta Rat I. an etty Walker. GION PLANS 1 IP. . illS ern, The community committee under Mrs. change of ideas and to create a feeling first; Mrs. H. Bardwell Lmcoln and A. J P lB· M R I h D' JUNIORS AWAIT CURRE'NT MEETS of fellowship and unity of purpose of F. Robinson. second; Mr. and Mrs. M a~ • ro~n J~ i~' a P M msmJohre, "ROBIN HOOD" women working together. B. A. Semb, third' East and West ....... '1.{rs. h rllvlI1M . R aJc L\!eel• fi Id rs. 0 n 'ir J K '{ D 'Id d Mr W'I "ars a, rs. . • Itt e e ,Mrs. B. Tonight'sGet-Together With Aux. iliary, Tri-Post Session in Chester Next Monlh Discussed Chr istmas D eeoralor Tue-e-~u ay l"i am•. So.d en.. "fi rasct ; oMnras . Aa. llL udlows. Cla,y-- W . C II' M A B R' " 0 lOS, rs. . . eaVlS, Mrs . .c. Mrs. Samuel P. Felix, President of den and L. G. Luckie, second; Mrs. L. ~fercer, ~nd Mrs .. F. Norton Landon. the Lansdowne Garden Club. will dcm- Harry Armitage and \Villiam Craemer Tickets will be available on Monday of onstratc the making of Christmas dec- tying Mrs. Albert Hill and Mrs. K. next week. Rumors of Sherwood Forest's Growth and Castle's Progress Stir Suspense 'Till Nov. 29 orati?ns to the· Woman's Club at a Kennedy for third place. M -t-h-I--S..•.. k ... ..•. t . -.--p I meetmg Tuesday, \Iovember 26, 2 :30 , •• on y a Ing ar y Rohin Hood, courageous and beloved The regular meeting of the Harold P M G·ffi A D outlaw, will lead his !ferry Men Ainsworth Post No. 427 American Le- . M. .. . . rs. rJ n to Head S. • rive I The November r?lI~r skating party of throu~h a Sherwood Forest of real Mrs. Fehx Will exhllnt tables for va(- . R the Ushers' ASSOCiatIOn of the Metho- d N b 29 h gion was held Monday evening in the ious Christmas holiday occasions and I Mrs. H.allrohld dG, h~rlffin ,of utg~rs dist Church will be held at 7.30 next ttrheesjon .Satuprl ay, - ovem.tte r • fW then Legion room in Borough Hall. Plans \.i11 . special attention to mantel avcnue WI ea t IS year s campaign.. . . e uOIor ays comm} ee 0 e were made for the tri-post meeting on decor~~~~n. All of Mrs. Felix's displays If or funds for the Salvation Army in FrldaYf ehvenlhllg, hthe 29th, III th~ soclal' ~Iay~rs Club. brings. an original drama­Thursday even,'ng, December 5. In past and instructions w'ill stIress t Ie use 0 f Swarthmore. hall 0 t e c urc . t,zahon of Ius claSSIC story to the local years it has been customary to hold material available in our own gardens. stage. Two performances will be given, three of these meetings, one each at I Margaret Wutle Patterson accoll1- one in the afternoon and one in the Chester, Ridley Park and Swarthmore, panied by Mrs. Anthony Ventner will THE WEEK'S CALENDAR evening. but it has been decided to limit the ntnn- sing a group of three songs in French, Thrilling the hearts of young and old be r to one large meeting and share the "Obstination" by H. de Fontenaitles, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 anew in his courageous struggle to free eTxh ~enses equa 11 yamong t1 Ie t h ree posts.'' Kn owest Th ou tII e L an d" f rom MI' g~ 8:15 P.M.-Gallop Poll ...••.••..•.•••••••••.•.••.•.... College Field House the poor from the cruel Prince John's 8:15 P.M.-"Penny Wise" ............•...................... _Players Club persecution, Robin Hood, Little John, C lS year the meeting will be held in the non by Thomas, and uConseils a Nina 8:30 P.M.-Legion-Au:x:i1i1lIT Get-Together .•.••...•....• lVoma~·s Club Lounge Friar Tuck and the (7allant, lovelu Maid hester Club and a Jarge attendance is by J. B. \Vckerlin, and jjThe Lord's 8:30 P.M.-Junior Prom~.~T~·R~AY" NO~'~~~BE~ .;~ ........ High School Gym Marian will be seenf">in a mediev~l Nor-expPe cted. Prayer" set to music by FcrsyWth-Kraf•t . 7:00 and 9:00 P. )I.-Mo,-it'!: "The Informer" .............. Cl ot h ier'na l man Castle "'hose turrets stand tall lans are complete for the Legion- The Garden Section of the omans 8:10 P.M.-"Penny Wise ...................................... Players Club against the sky; whose brilliant flags Auxiliary annual get-together tonight in Club is in charge of the program. Non... SUNDAY. NOVBJlBBB SK serve as an overhead ladder of escape the Swarthmore Woman's Club lounge members of the ch1b may attend this 11:00 A.)I. -:Homing' Worship .••..•.•...........•••...•••.•• Local Churcbes to a cornered Robin Hood', whose d f b . th I t 6:46 P.lI.-Choral Vespel'8 •••••• •• •• •·•· ..••••••••••.. _ •. Clothier Memorial an all ex-service men and their wives a ternoon y paymg e usua_ gues MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 arches and narrow windows and stairs are invited. fee. 10:00 A.)[. to 4:00 P.M.-Red croq Sewing' .••••••••••••••••• Womao·s Club tit into the high excitement of the play. For the past several years at this time ' • • TliESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Swords will dash and flash during the Legion Post has raffled off a pair or The lass in short story writing which 2'30 P M -"Bow To Make Christmas Decorations ............... Woman's Club Robin Hood's dramatic fight on the tw fAN . k meets at the home of Mrs. John C. 8:00 P:lol:-Homa aud School Meeting •.•••••••••••••• Hip School Auditorium I o 0 rmy- avy game bc ets; this WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27 cast e stairway with the guards who Y~ar however the difficulty in getting de- Moore on Amherst avenue each Wednes- 7:00 and 0:00 P.M.-MOVie: ':aeneralll Wilbou, Bnttoa ...... CJothier Memorial hem him in, lusting for the kill. Strable seats has forced the Post to post- day evening at 8 o'clock held its third THURSDAY. NOVEMBBR 28 Under the eager hands of David Lin- POne th m f th lnAft t sessl'on this week. Anyone interested in 10:00 A.M.-Community 'J'hanksgiviq' Service .....••.• ~ •••. :yethodiBt Church ton and the J n' Sta C th { e ra e or e:rt\l game a 11:00 A.lII.-Tbank88irin&' ServIce ................... Chri8\ian Science Church U lOr ge rew, e or-least. But it hopes to resume the custom attending the course may join at any est with its host of wild fowl and the next year as usual. time. (Cot.tI".ed Oft PtJlle 7'AruJ ..... ,.,

---------- Page 17 ----------

Thanksgivillg Varies at Will­But Turl£ey Leads Either Day THE SlV ARTBMOREAN , la.t week-end and attended !be PriDce­ton- Yale gam .. Mrs. George M. Ewing, Mrs. Co Wahl Olme., and Mrs. Harold G. Grillin will be entertained today at a luncheon by, Mrs, Helen Davis of Collingswood, N. J. Family gatherings for ~ld-fashioned cele~rations have th~,addi~i?~ Mrs, Davis was formerly 01 Cornell a .... exciting confusion of arrivals and non-an:,vals from the tr~(htlon nue. . •. states. The lucky or unlucky ones (dependmg on your viewpomt) are ~r. and Mrs. ~. LIppincott of h h h I'd from the mix-up' PlalRlield, N. ]. Will be !be guest of Mr. t ose W 0 reap two 0 1 ays t' I Lippincott's brother-in·law and .ister, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. William Earl Kistler 01 Mr, and Mrs .. George Fe!,no of Swarth- and Mrs .. H. J.i.ndley Peel of Columb,ia o Doors, Park avenue, will have as more avenue wdl be the dinner guests of avenue thiS conling week-end. They Will th~ guests at Thanksgil'illg dinner next Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M, McCurdy of attend the Penn-Cornell game Saturday. week Dr. Kistler's brother Dr. Harold Ogden avenue on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leveric Woodruff, Kistl~r of Ardmore ,with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook of West- formerly 01 Swarthmore, w~ll be the two sons William Earl, 2nd and John, dale avenue entertained several young guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. Lmdley Peel Dr. Kistler's sister Miss Ruth Kistler 01 men, formerly from Cleveland, Ohio who o~er the week .. nd of November 30. They Shamokin, and his son-in·law and daugh- are with du Pont Company ill Wilming- Will attend the Army-Navy game Satur ... ler Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. ~rowne .of ton, Del. for Thanksgiving dinner on day. Media with their young son Ricky. MISS the 21st. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Reynolds, of Kistler arrived Tuesday of t.his week to Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan Oberlin avenue. entertained at dinn~r be the house guest of her brother and have gone to New York City to speneJ Wednesdar to celebrate their sister-in-law for several weeks. the national Thanksgiving holiday with I fifth weddIng ann1versary. Mr, and Mrs, Percy G. Gilbert 01 Park Dr. and Mrs. Thomas William Steven- Mrs, Irl'in R MacElwee of Mt, Holy-avenue will celebrate Thanksgiving Nov- son. They win return after the week-end, oke avenue entertained at luncheon before ember 28 with a dinner for lMr. Gilbert's to their recently purchased home, the the Woman's Club last Tuesday, the mother and father Mr. and Mrs. A. p, former Orr house at 910 Mt. Holyoke other members of the cast of the play, Gilbert of Richmond, and his brother place.' "Romance 'of the Willow Pattern," Mrs. and sister-in-law Dr, and Mrs. C. L, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stuart will have Anthony Ventner, ~rs. Harold Ogram, Gilbert of New York City. as their guest for next Thanksgiving Mrs. Sam Ayte.s, MISS Gretchen Val! !Je Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins of week..end, Mrs. Stuart's mother, Mrs. Boe, Mrs. Wilham F. Boyle. In addition North Chester road are going to WiI- William Shank of Chambersburg, Pa. to the cast Mrs. E. W. Medford, Mrs. mington, Del. on the 28th to celebrate Norman Krase, Mrs. A .M. Lackey were Thanksmving with friends. Jim Smith arrived at his home on Park present . a' avenue Wednesday after driving down E . Mr. and Mrs, William FI, Thatcher with a Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity Mr. and Mrs, Robert ,MMOIst arde of College avenue will have as their brother from Union College, Schenec- visiting Mrs. Moist's parents r. an Thanksgiving guests next Tbursday Mr. tady, N. Y. for his Thanksgiving holi- Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue. De Boe, Mn. 1ack TbomPlODt Mra. L. C. Hastings, Mrs. Cbarlee T. Deacm. Chairman for the evening i. Mr •. J. Bur­ri. s West. '1b-a-ek-a.ra~ -.-F-ra­neU Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde of NOVEMBER 22, J~ Swarthmore and Ogden avenl10ll have an­nounced the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Clyde Francis and Qlarl .. Van­Zandt Thaclcara, Jr. of Wawa on Thun­day November 7 at St. Augustine, FIa. Mr. and Mrs. Thaclcara will he at home at "Burbank," Wawa, after December 1. IS THE BA'rI'ERY IN YOUR CAR Now Is the Time to Trade in Your Old Battery We have a ilr, •• ,one Battery for your Car­Prices start at $7.45 - Drive in today. Drive Out Firestone Equipped • and Mrs, Charles Thatcher and family day, The Smiths will celebrate their Mr, Moist has been transferred from of Ogden avenue, David Thatcher, Thanksgiving this week·end. Tulsa, Okla., to be station<;d at·IMibetchell RUSSELL'S fl·.,6$.4.on lt SER.YICE Swarthmore College freshlnan, and his Field, New York, Mrs, NOist Wli re- .. .. J 1IF Eunice Eaton, who is attending Buck. be d b h f' d D' p't brother Hibbard, a Westtown School nell University, Lewisburg, Pa., will mem re Y er nen s as orIS I - DARTMOUTH & LAFA" YETI'E A" VES• • Phone '~*"~*n" student, both of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., visit her parents Mr. and :Mrs. Roland L. man. ''We Don't Sen Can-We Senrlco Them." and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts and fam- Eaton of Dickinson avenue for the Hostesses for Saturday night at theIJ~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr, and Mrs, Wilfiam T. Ellis of Wal· Charlotte Griffin who is a student at ily of Gradyl'ille, Thanksgiving week·end November 28. Players ,Club will be Mrs, D. G. Van I t. nut lane will have as their guests for the Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. will Thanksgiving week-end of the 28th Mr. celebrate her Thanksgiving with her par­and Mrs. E. E. Pierce, Jr. ...nd baby of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin on York, Pa" Dr. and Mrs. MacKinnon Ellis November 28. XMAMAS KESHYOOpuRPING " and children, Deborah and Dockie of .Bryn Mawr, Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Dryden will return from Spring- Easy and. Successful Emery of Swarthmore, Dr. and Mrs. J. field College, Springfield, Mass. next with SUGGESTS W. McKinnon of York, Pa. week to be with his parents Mr. and MAGAZINE 'I,. I Mrs, Alexander M, Dryden of Dart· SUBS I N Mrs, Edwin A. Yarnall left on Tues· mouth avenue over the Massachusetts CR P'TIO S day of this week for Flushing, N. Y. and Pennsylvania Thanksgiving holidays. • -f Gay colors ... lor the thanksgiving game. Pastel wools , . , for holiday afternoons, A sparkling gown ... for a never·to-be-forgoUen evening. where she will celebrate New York He will bring as his guest for the time Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffman _. Smart accessories. , , for the dlscrlminating, State's Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. a college cJassmate who is a national Y. 313 D-:~~= Ave. 10' Park Avenue Teen Aqe Up Russ~1l A. Yarnall and fatTIily, She will M. C, A, breaststroke champion and will remam over the week·end. [compete in the meet to be held at th'e Miss Helen Thomson of the staff 01 Penn Athletic Club in Philadelphia on the, Kent Place School, Summit, N. J., the 29th, arrIved Wednesday to celebnte Thanks· The Drydens and their guest will be giving on the 21st and remain until Sat· the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry urday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gil· A. Piersol, Jr. of Lafayette avenue 01\ creest of Harvard avenue. Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Frank Griffin. mother of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe of Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue, is I Chester road entertained informally at coming from Boston, Mass. for a visit f supper on Sunday evening November 17 over Thanksgiving, November 21. I in honor of Mr. and M:-s. Gilbert Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Deacon of of Greenwich. Conn. .ii. :.. .:D~':.:BB~:~~~!~~~~gg Chestnut avenue will have as their Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee of I ~ Thanksgiving Day dinn~r guests next Swarthmore avenue will entertain at Thursday, Mrs. Deacon s brother Mr. I dinner and bridge tomorrow evening.' Harold Usher~ood of Easton and Mts. Their guests, fellow members of a card I Rosebury of t:amden, N. J. club, will be Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Mr. and Mrs. -C. E. Clew-ell of Benja- Saulnier. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, I min West avenue will entertain Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Randall, and t Clewell's sisters the Misses Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy. Harriet Henry of Nazareth, Fa. for Miss Vanell Drew of Park avenue Thanksgiving and the week-end. visited friends in Princeton, N. J. over of MrC.·haensdte rM rsro. aHd. Fs.p eBnrto v.;thnea ndn aftaimonilayl .~r;~!:~~~S~;;:~==l Thanksgiving with relatives in Wilming- CbeIter'a MOlt ton, Del, Mr, and Mrs, W. N. Spangler of Laf­ayette avenue observed their Thanks-I giving at dinner last Sunday when their sons Mr. George Spangler of Washing­ton, D, C, and Dr, Charles A, Spangler 01 Perkasee with their wives were guests. Clara Jean Alston a senior at Buck­nell University will visit her parents Mr. and Mrs, G, L. Alston of Westdale ave­nue for the Thanksgi ving week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris ~homsen and sons, Tommy and Len are spending the RooseveJt Thanksgiving week-end with Mrs. Thomsen's mother Nrs. Sargent Walter of North Chester road. MANOR Saturday Onlyl "THE GREAT McGINTY" BRIAN DONLEVY AKIM TAMIROFF MURIEL ANGELUS • I I •• Today DOROTHY LAMOUR ROBERT PRESTON PRESTON FOSTER In "MOON OVER BURMA" MEDIA Frida,. - Saturda,. ANN SOTHERN in "DULeY" with IAN HUNTER ROLAND YOUNG BILLIE BURKE Thursday (Thanksgiving Da,., Nov. 28) - Frida,. - Saturday SUNDAY. Mickey Rooney Monday. Tuesday Judy Garland Mickey .Judy in ROONEY • GAltLAND "STRIKE UP "STRIKE lIP THE BAND" THE BAN ~" with LI Paul Whiteman and Oreheetra PAUL WHITEMAN June helaaer • • 5 COMPLllTB SHOWS TBANKS-Sehool Matinee Monday,4, P. M. GIVJ1i'G DA.Y STABTJNG A.T I p, M. I_~ __- =~~======~ ~======================D'I STARTS FRIDAY CLA.UDETTE COLBERT ..... Y MILLAN» In "Ari.e My Lope" STARTS TUESDAY "DANCE GIRL, DANCE" with Maureen O'Hara THANKSGIVING DAY Tbunday, November 28 ON STAGB! IN PERSON! GRAY GORDON and DIs TIC-TOC 1UIYTBlIIBA.ND ON SCIU!J!N "THE QUARTERBACK" STARTS SATURDAY ~yrna Loy Melvyn Douglas "THIRD FINGER, LEFf HAND" FRIDAY WALLACE BEERY in "WYOMING" SATURDAY '"BILLY 'DIB KID IN TBXA8"1 with BOB STEBLB THANKSGIVING DINNER SERVED AT STRATH HAVEN INN FROM 1 UNTIL 8 P. M. For parties of 10 or more, we will provide a whole lurkeYi plump and snt:culent, 1£ arranged for iD. advance. Telephone Swarthmore 680 F. H. SCHEIBLEY, Manager r~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~-~ 1 On Thanksgiving ! You'll Need "Mums" for- I A Table Cetlterpiece A Gift To Your Hostess To Wear At The Game ALWINE'S Baltimore Pike, Springfield Call 8w.45O PEOPLE JOIN CO-OPS TO GET CONSUMER-OWNERS of Cooperative wholesales insist on having their own line of groceries, hought according to their own standards and distributed under the uniform Co-op Label. Whenever possible, this label gives (1) A, B, C Grades • • • (2) Description of Contents ••• (3) In­formation as to Use. In the 'Words of "Sales Management" magazine, here are "Labels that Say Something.' Equally important, Co-op Labels stick to the same form, the same terms wher­ever possible and the same colors, red and blue, to indicate first and second quality. Six hundred Co-op Label items are 600 reasons why every housewife should join a Co-op - and share many other benefits of Cooperation. Bec.auae "more ."an 600 lIe".. Qre now Grmllable under a llniform CO·OP Labe'," lI'Oa an ou'", .tanding reawn lor joinin. a Co-op in 'he opinion 01 400 Co-operator. in nine aocietiea who were in'ertliewed by a re­lean" or,anballon in preparation lor a .. ud1' pubU.hed in "Sale. Manal'emen'" _moine. SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE 40t-OJ DARTMOUTH AVE. " ': NOVEMBER 22, 1940 FETE GRlDmON TEAMS DEC. 6 Sports. MInded Committee Lists Captain "Btu" Wood and "Nlek" RobinlOD 88 Event's Speakere Tickets for the annual High School F,!"tball Dinner which will be held in the High School Cafeteria or Gymnasium at 6:30 P. M. on Friday evening, December 6, may be secured from Elric Sproat at the Swarthmore National Bank or from the folfowing members of the committee: John Bowditch, J. Paul Brown Robert Bair, Lawrence E. Drew, Re~ Gary, Frank McCowan, Walter L. Thorpe, and Theo Saulnier, chairman. -:r:he. committee, in line with its policy to IDvste as guest speakers men of un­qu~ tioned leadership and integrity in the national field of sports, will present Cap­tain "Bilt" Wood, head coach at the Uni. ted States Military Academy at West Point and "Nick" Robinson secretary of the Philadelphia District National Board of Football officials, Captain Wood will be remembered by many residents as an outstanding athlete in Swarthmore High School before footbalf became a recog­nized sport in the school. liNI'e k " R 0 bI' Dson one 0 f the leading footbalf officials in this district has handled many of the games played by our team . THE SWARTBMORBAN KENTUCKY Q~ AND LADy IN WAl'DNG , 'l"!e Young People'. Fellowship of TrinitT Church, Swarthmore will embark on a hayride tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Florence Whitsit, Heberton But­ter, . Theo Hulme and Arnold Chiquoine are ID charge of the party, Mrs. W. W. Speakman, formerly of Swarthmore, has closed her Buckhill Falls cottage and is spending a few days with Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut lane prior to going to Pasadena Califor-nia for the winter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Drew of P~rk avenue have as their house guest thIS week Mrs. Gordon Wilkes 01 New­ton Center, Mass., who arrived Monday and will leave tomorrow. !he sophomore girls of the Presby_ tenan Sunday School and their guests will be entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs, Frank G. Keenan of Harvard MRS. SAMUEL FEIJX WiD Demonstrate Christmas Home Decorations WOMAN'S CLUB - NOV. 26 2:30 P. M. NON-MEMBERS_50 Cent. 3 avenue tomorrow evening. The event is !be lirst of a seri .. of winter parties for the group. Dr. and Mrs, James F. Bogardus en­tertained Mr. and Mr.. Martin Carney of Dedham, Mas •• week-end before .fast. They attended the Harvar!f-Penn game. THANKSGIVING DINNER Served - 12 to 8 o'cloek $1.25 Children '.75 NAAMAN'S r -Dn4he·Delmoore CLAYMONT, DEL. 'Phone Holl10ak 2949 Make reservations as early as poaible r-~~~;=~~;;~~~;;:;~=;~~c-~1 = Age-old messases carry new cheer, ~ !If On gay. briBht cards this year. :: I ~now scent;S, old·fashioned cards, animal kingdom cards. cards for every rela- ! ., t1ve and fflend you know. Personal cards should be ordered now. Prices start I; i• at 50 for II. Hand blocked printed cards at 5 cents each are light hearted and " gayer than ever. " ~ Stop ill and browse throUBh OUT 1940 Xmu Card books :I ~ . ! !It COOLEY LILLEY ... if EDGMONT AVENUE AT WELSH STREET CHESTER ~ Although the squad has been handi. capped by many minor injuries during the season. the team has defeated suc­cessfully Marple-Newtown Sharon Hilf Springfield. Yeadon. and Nether Provi~ dence to gain the chamoionship of class III in the suburban confe,·ence. Its only defeats came at the hands of Medi~, Darbv. and Glen-Nor, teams belonging in class I and class II. 1'W:.0 _ _______. ." ""-_. ... ,,_ __, ,,, _, ,:~5 The .T. Vo's, who will also be guests at lI"arwllluka-l/nde1'1coud & Undencood ON SALE NOW !~~ ~n~er .. 73ve h~d an undefeated sea- Miss Elizabeth Gould Shanklin (at left), doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. n( ~VI 1 fl~mlsh the backbone of Shanklin of Amherst avenue, wa~ queen of 'he inaugural hnll of the Kentucky next yea~ 5 varsity. I Soeiely held las' Friday evening in Wushing'on, D. C. Hcr younger sister, Miss Accordmg to Lawrence Drew of the' Ellanor Porter ShankUn (right), ,",'as Elizabeth's lady in waiting. The girls committee. "residents of the borough look part in a pa«eant depicting the inauguration of General Isaac Shelby in again have reason to he proud of the ree: Lexington. General Shelby was Kentucky's first governor and the girls' greal_ ord made this f:l:lI on the gridiron. hv th.. great·grandlather. boys rcprpsentin[f our Hi~h Schnnt. ----------------------_________ _ Everv mf'mher of the team is a T>roduct J' ... of the e,,«llent svstem of nhvsical edu. unwrs dwatt eotion now thoroughly established in our "Robin Hood" b(lrou~h schools." • I Plans L. W. V. Conference (Contlnutd ,,.om PaD~ One) Norman castle which houses the high hanquet table at which the royal party hi rs Glenn Morr f W td I I sumptuously sups has been taking form . . - ow 0 es a e ave- and rea1ity nue as Delaware County Lea'Ole of . Women \Toter s Chai'r man f G Mrs. L. ]. Koch and her costume ment and Forel' I' h0 b overn• - commi. ttee h ave comp Ie ted a pro1 e s-cock and Celia Babeock of New York City. Joyce Orem and Celia Babcock were members of the cast. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Kline of Riverview road had as their guests for the week­end Mrs, A, E, Ingham and children, i Michael and'Stephen and Miss Caldwell from Cambridge, England. Mrs. Ingham and family are staying in Princeton, N. J. for the duration of the war. I Mr, and Mrs. R. G, Rincliffe of Strath With Picture Stories You'U Want to Seel THE STORY or WILLIAMSON FREE SCHOOL LElPER'S QUARRY Where the past and present meet WENDELL L. WUI KIE IN CHESTER OF MECHANICAL TRADES FASHIONS - c'ozer Junior Auxiliary Show Olber articles on football Jenks Food Co., Tractor Conlest And other features you won't want to miss , THE ADVOCATE'S SWAP COLUMN Free to all -here's your chance to trade those while elephants I $1.00 by the Year (12 laa ..... ) Ha\'en avcnue spent last week-end inl THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE New York. On Saturday they joined' some friends and went by _train to seell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ charge of arranggenm epnot sI Cfyo r tahse Leeean uIDe 51' 0naI p'I.e ce f k h' h 'II d I' ht 0 wor . w IC WI e Ig Interco'unty Conference t be h Idg thc Robin B.ood aud!enccs on the 29th. St. David's G° I f Cl b Woe at Membersillp cards for the season are l1esday, December u4., ayne ' on Wed - go.m g rapl'd ly . In V'l ~~ ot. t Il e ~omml' t - tee's announced deCISion to aVOId over·· . The conference wiII have for its sub- seJling the house at any performance Jefet, "!'-merica Looks Ahcad," a Mrs. }. B. Pope, treasurer, urges thos~ ? .UDJted States foreign policy re- who plan to secure membership cards ahon to South America and the Orient. to do so promptly as it may prove The meeting will be opened at 10'30 necessary to restrict the audience to A. M. by Mrs. Frederick A. McCo~d, members ill order to avoid unnecessary Radnor. Mrs. Maurice N. Weyl State confusion. Leag!lc Cha!rman of Governme~t and Dik Fairsen'icc, Winifred McDowell, Foreign Polley, will preside. Walter Crouch, Thomas Lueders, Jamcs At rs. Robert P H It '11 . "A Hornaday headline the large cast which Intimate Glimpse' fO L wt .' AglVc • ~ will present the play. The Public Li-Mrs Holt is the auot h a fm menca. b rary •5 copI' es a f "R0 bi' ll H 00 d" arc azin~ articles 011 S thorAo ~any ml ag- in constant demand, so fast is the an-ou merlca W lere t'" .. th'll S she lived for many yt:ars. She is ~ mem- . IClpatd,oJn ~ountmgbm el'kvI age. ~.ent-ber of the Pan Am . -. lOr an umor mcm ers a I e are COun • the National C-onf encan commhiS SICO n . hi' 'I erence on t e ause mg t e 29th a IllOst unusua pTiVI egc. and Cure of War. I I. After luncheon "Our Foreign Policy NEWS NOTES Problems," will be discussed by Mrs. Anne Hartwell Johnstone, Program Secretary of the National League of \Vomen Voters Department of Govern_ ment and Foreign Policy. Reservations for lunchcon may be made with Mrs. Morrow. The general pUbli:;: is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Orem enter­tained at cocktails Saturday evening Nov­ember 16 before the "Soiree Parisienne" at Mary L.yon School. They had as their guests Mr. Howard Mansfield and Mrs. Wildrick of \Vilmington, Del., Mrs. Bah-the Yale-Princeton game. Patricia Jane Weiland, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Henry J, Weiland of Rut· gers avenue, entertained the girls of the sixth grade of the Rutgers avenue school on her 11th birthday on Tuesday Novem~ ber 19 from 2 to 5 p, M. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton of Wallingford Hills have returned from \Villiamsburg, Va. where they attended the 18th century concerts in thc Govern­or's Palace. These concerts were given by Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichordist and \"'cll known authority in 17th and 18th century chamber music. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brown of North Chester road will ha\'c as their guests for the week-end Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Williams from Summit, N. J.. They will attend the Penn· Cornell game 011 Saturday November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin witl entertain the Double Six bridge club at their home on Rutgers avenue on Satur· day N ovemher 23. IT IS REALLY DANGEROUS Give 3 reasons '.IeS economy} (IIeS'"' Somple O .... WG1 fa'" sure! Warm super-coacheS, daily schedules, to put off longer protecting your car with some kind of anti·freeze. WE SUGGEST Pretsone Trek-Zerez GOODYEAR TIRES • Hannum & Waite P'ymoUlla-Chryaler Swarthmore 1250 . traveling by ;~EYHOUND! Boston ••...........•. $4.00 Detroit ..•.......•.... $9.30 Cleveland ........... $ 1.00 Chicago ............. $11.75 New York ............ $1.35 SWARTHMORE TRAVEL BUREAU tndny bere stopovers anyw i Park Avenue-Swa. 179-W 81g EXTRA SaYIngs on .... _-., Round-Trip Tickets "FUN ON A BllDGET" FASmON SHOW AND DANCE-Benefit Bed ero" 9 to 12 P. M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL Tieke18 50e at Buchner's and Michael's Kale Heminpay, head of 'Wanamaker'. Downstairs Store. will preoent the Fa.hlon Show Biq. roomy. beautiful. new 19f.1 S11JDEBllKEil CHAMPION) New slip-stream torpe­do bodies. Stratoliner­style interiors • Lower mechanical upkeep. Restful riding. Easy handling. Top allow­ance for your present ear. C.I.T. tenns LEWIS FUSCO Fairview _d Chester Road Swarthmore 1915 5WARTHMORE;PENNA.

---------- Page 18 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 TOE SWARTOMOREAN NOVEMBER 22, 1940 Thanksgiving Varies at Will But Turkey Leads Either Day last week-end and attended the Prince- De Boe. Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. L. Swarthmore and Ogden avenues have an­tOil- Yale game. C. Hastings, Mrs. Charles T. Deacon. Dounced the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. George M. Ewing, Mrs. C. Wahl Chairman for Ihe evening is Mrs. J. Bur- Virginia Clyde Francis and Charle~~an- 01mes, and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin will riss West. 7.andt Thackara, Jr. of Wawa on uro-be clltcrtailll'(] today at a luncheon by ---... - ..... --- day November 7 at St. Augustine. Fla. Mrs. Uclen Davis of Collingswood, N. J: Thaekara-Franei8 Mr. and Mrs. Thackara will be al home I Me and Mrs Samuel Dyer Clyde of at ·'Burbank," Wawa, after December 1. Fa 01 il)' "at her i Il g 5 for 0 I d -fa s h i Oil cd eele bra ti on s have I head d i tiona ~I rs. Da vi s was former I y 01 Cornell a ve- I ~;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9i cxcitilpr c~nfusiol1 uf arrivals and non-arrivals from the Htradition" nue. 11 stales. '?rhe lucky or unlucky ones (dcpc,~ding 011 your viewpoint) arc ,~1r. and Mrs. ~. C~aig Lil>~incolt of I' l' 'I], I' " from the IIUX-UP' 11amficld, N. J. will be Ihe guest 01 Mr. t lose \\' 10 leap 1 \\0 10 l{ .l) St' . I LiI)Jlincott's brother-ill-law and sister, Mr. Dr. amI )'lr5. \YilIiam Earl Kistler of )'Ir. anu ~1rs. George Fenno of Swarlh- and ~Irs .. H. Li,ndlcy Peel of Columb.ia Open Doors, Park avcnue, will have as murc a\'enue will be the dinller guests of ~ 3\'CnUC thiS commg week-end. They Will their guests at Thanhgi\'illg dinner next ~IL amI :\lrs. \Vallace M. McCurdy of I attend the Penn-Cornell gamc Saturday, week, Dr. Kistler's brother Dr. Harold Ogdl'1l annul' 011 Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. ]. Lcvcric. Woodruff, Ki~lkr uf Ardmore \ .... ith his wife and )'lr. and Mrs. O. ~l. Hook of \Vest-I fUfmcrly of Swarthmore, \\'1,11 be the two ::;0115 \Villiam Ear1, 2nd and John, <i.lIe aVCllue entertaincu sevcral young gucsts of 11r, and ~Irs, H. Lmdley Peel Dr, Kistler's ~ister ~1iss Ruth Kistler of 111('11, formerly front Clcn-land. Ohio who I U\:cr the week-cnd of NO\'cmber 30. They Shamokin. and hi~ son-in-law and <Iaugh- arc with dll Pont Company in \\'ilming-I wtlt attend the Army-Navy gamc Satur­h: r ~lr. and ''In.. Olivcr G. Brownc of toll. Del. for Thanksgi\1l1l{ dinner on day. ,j,h:dia "ith their young SOli Ricky. ~Ii~s the .!1sl. )'Ir". and )'lrs. Joseph RC},llo1ds of Kistler arrind Tucsday of tlli~ wcek to )'Ir. and ~1r:;. C. ,Ma.Donald Swan OI"'r1in avenue entertained at dinner I'.- he the hou .. c gucst of her hrothl'r and Il a\"c gone tu Ncw York CI' ty to spell("1 \Vc(lncs(la)· e"e"i,w to celebrate their tl' sister-in-law for senral weeks. the lIatl.O lla 1 Thanksgi"ill:! I1 0 l-I d ay \\I. t1 1 fifth wcuding allniYcrsar.v. :\11'. and )'In·. Percy C. Gilhert uf Park Dr. and )'Irs. Thomas \\,illiam Steven- )'lrs. Irvin R. ~lacElwec of ).It. Holy-aHIIUl' \\ill I."t'lehratc Thank .. gi\'ing No\'- SOil. Thl'\' wilt return aftt'l the wClk-cnd, okc a\'enue cntertained at IUllchcon hefore l'mher 2M with a din ncr for :\Olr. Gilhcrt's to their· l'l'c("lItly purl'h;,~l'tl hOI11t'. the tile \Vuman's Club last Tucsday, the lIIolllt.'r .llItl father ~lr. and :\Olrs. A. P. former Orr house, at 9111 ).It. Holyoke uther members of the cast of the play. Cilhcl t of Ridllnoml. and his brothcr place. "){omanl"c of the \Villow Pattl'rn." Mrs. and si:-tl'r-ill-Iaw Dr. and ).{ rs. C. I.. t\nthuny Ventner, )lrs. Hi:lfold Ogram, " k C' "Ir. and )'Irs. A. \\". :;luart will ha\'c Gilhert (Jf Xl'\\' • or Ily. as their guest for . )'Irs. Sam A.vres, )'li';5 Gretchen Van Dc nnl Thallksgi\'mg ),11'. and ~Irl'. IkTljamin \V. Collins of North Ch(:"ter rO;lIi arc going to \Vil­mington. Ild. on the 2Rth to celehratc Thank!'givillg with fricnds. 1\1 r, and ),1 rs. \\'illiam H. Thatcht.·r of College :IH'llUC will ha\'c as their Thallksgh'illg glll·"t" next Thursday )'Ir. and ~[rs. Charh.·.., Thakhcr and family of Ogdcn a\'l'ntll', David Thatcher, ~\\"arthlllorc Culll'l.!;l' freshman. and his hrt)ther I1ihhal'd, a \\\'5ttOWI1 School slntit.·nt, hoth of I.ookuut ~lotlnlaitl, "rcnn., and :\lr and ~Irs. FI'ank Fitts and fam­ily of Crady\'ille. Dr, and ~Irs. \\,illiam T. Ellis of \Val- MANOR S"tl1rda~' Only! "THE GREAT McGINTY" IIHlA:'i DOJlit.EVY AKIM TAMIROFF m IItEI. ,\N(;F.I.l"S Slil\UA Y, :i\tollduy .. TtU"~da~' ,lfi .. k.,~· /ruly ROONEY • GARLAND "STRIKE UP THE RAND" I'AU. WHITEMAN • School Matinee Momla,., 4 P. 1\1. \\eek-end, ).trs. Stuart'. mother, :\Irs. Bul', ).trs. \Villiam F. Buyle. In addition \Villiam Shank of Chall1'll'rsburg. Pa. to the cast .Mrs. E. \V. )'h:d[ord, Mrs. Norman Krasl·. ~fr.s, :\ .~1. Lackey were Chester's • I I SllIrls Today DOiIOTIlY LAl\IOUR nOBERT PRESTON PRESTON FOSTER 'n "lIOON OVER BURMA" MEDIA Friday - Salurday ANN SOTHERN in "DULCY" ""ilh IAN IIUNTER ROLAND YOUN(; IIII.UE IIURKE Thursday (Thnnk~~ivin~ Day, ~nv. 28) - Frith,:,' - Satllrda~" :Mickey Uool1ey Judy Garland in "STRIKE UP THE RAND" ",ilh "aul "'hilcum .. nlHl Or("h('slra June I'~i~s("r • 5 COl\IPLETE SHOWS TH.O\NKS-GIVING DAY STARTING AT 1 P. M. 11rt.·sent. :\Ir. ami )'lrs. Robl'rt E. )"loist arc visiting 1\1 rs. ).loi .. t's parents Mr. and :\lr5. John II. Pitman of Vas!Oar avenue. ::\Ofr. )'loist has hl'l'n transferred from Tulsa. Okla .• to he st;:ltioncd at Mitchell Field, Ne\\' York. ).Irs_ Noist wili be re­memhered by her frit'nds as Doris P:t­man. 1 J ostcsses for Satnrday night at the Players Cluh will he )'lrs. D. G. Van MAGAZINE SllBSCRIPTIONS CLAUDETTE COI,BERT RAY l\ULL,\ND in STARTS TUESDAY HDt,/VCE (;IRl~. DANCE" with ~Iaureen O'Hara TIIANKS(;IVING DAY Thllrsdny, Nm'cmbcr 28 ON STAGE! IN PERSON! GRAY COIIDON and llis TIC-Toe RIlYTIlM BAND ON SCREEN' "THE QUARTf;UBACK" STARTS SATURDAY Myrna Loy l\'Ielvyn Douglas In "THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND" FRIDAY WALLACE BEEIIY ill "Wl'OI"'NG" SATURDAY "BILLY TilE KID IN TEXAS" with BOB STEELE IS THE BATfERY IN YOUR CAR Now Is the Time to Trade in Your Old Battery We have a Tire.tone Battery for your Car­Prices start at $7.45-Drive in today. Drive Out Firestone Equipped • RUSSELL'S Tj re$tOftt SERVICE DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETIE AVES •• Phone 440 "We Don't Sell Can-We Service Them'" SUGGESTS Gay colors ... for the Thanksgiving game. Pastel wools .. , for holiday afternoons. A sparkling gown ... for a never·to-be-forgoHen evening, Smart accessories ... for the discriminating. 104 Park Avenue Teen Age Up THANKSGIVING DINNER SERVED AT STRATH HAVEN INN }'RORI 1 UNTIL 8 P. 111. For .Iurties of 10 or more, we willl.rovide a whole lurkey, plump and succulenl, if arranged Cor in advance. Telephone Swarthmore 680 F, H_ SCHEIBLEY. Manager ;:;-~''--''--''--'-'''-'''--''''--'--4'-''--''-'''-'---'--''''---''--'''''-'''--''''--''''-''-'-'--''-'''1 I On Thanksgiving ~ . You'll Need "Mums" for- I! A Tab/e Ce;:,te,.p~ce I II A Gift To (JI/I' astcss l 1 J A L{WI i"'~.rF: ' s i 11 Baltimore Pike, Springfield 1 ~~~_ l ...-...._.--.....-....-. • ..-....-...--....-.. _ ..--..1 \_.~..-....-.. .-.. --..- .. --.. .--.....-... ......... -----.--.--.. PEOPLE JOIN CO-OPS TO GET CONSlJMER -OWNERS of Cuoperath·c wholesules insist on having their own line of gro('crics, hought according to their own standards and dislrihuted under the unifurm CO-Oi' Lahel. Whenever possible, this labcl gives (1) A, 8, C Gradl's • - • (2) De8eril,tion of Conlents , •• (3) In­formlltion as 10 Use, In the words of ""Salcs l\lanagemcnl" 111agazinc, here are "Lahels Ihat SIIY Something.' Equally imporlant, CO'OII Lahels stick to 11Jt~ sallte form, the sanle tertll8 wher .. f~"(~r I)Ossible and the sanlc eolors, red au.l hhu.", to in(liC'ute first anti sec-on(1 (IUality. Six hundred Co-ol' Lal.el items are 600 reasons why every housewife should join a Co-ol' - and share luany other henefits of Cooperation, Because "more Ihan 600 items are norD available uruler a Vui/orll1 CO·OP Label," .('as arl out­stamling reason lor joilling a Co..op in the "IJinion 0/ 400 f.'o·op,.,-arors in rrint' soriptif>s frlu) Iv(>r(> ;,,'t>rv;PII'etl by a re­search organization ;11 preparation Inr a srudy published in "Sales ~Iarlagement" magazine. SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE 401.03 DARTMOUTH AVE. NOVEMBER 22, 19"0 ~~~~====-.:--~ __________ -'-T!'.H~E SWARTOMOREAN FETE GRIDIRON KENTUCKY QUEEN AND LAJ),'-:'"' ~IN~W~AI=TI=N=G:=-'=~-=-~----------:------- ~~e Young Pcople's Fellowship of avellllC tomorrow c\·cning. The e\'l'nl is TEAMS DEC. 6 m.. Trlmty Church, Swarthmorc will embark the first of a series of winter parties for on a hayride tomorrow evening at 8 the group SllorlS -IUintled Commillee Lisls' Call1ain "Bill" Wood and I "Nick" RoJ,inson 8S : Event's Slleakers i : Tickets for thl' anl111al High School I F~othall Dinner which will he held in tile! J-1I~h SdlooJ Cafeteria or Gymnasium at 1 6:30 p, M. on Friday e\'elling, Decemher 6. Inay he secured from Elrie Sproat at thc Swarthmore National Rank or from the following memhers of the committee: ~ohn Bowditch. ]. Paul Brown. Rohert I Balr. Lawrence E. Dre\\,. Rex Gan'. Frank :\fcCowan. "'alter r.. Thorp('. ar;d Theo Sallinit'r. chairman. o'clock. Flon'nce \Vhitsit Hebert H t . ler Theo JIulu1l' <III . • O!l? -, Dr. and )'Irs. James F. Boganlu:; en- '..1 [' 1 I Arnold ChlqUOIllC I tcrtaincd )'Ir. and llrs. llartin Carnl'Y arc III ( large 0 tht· 1)';lrh' I [I ~I \v r' .' I) )edharu, ~lass., weck-l'nu hcfol'c last. . rs. . \\. Sllt·aklllan. formerly of They attenued the Harvard-Penn ,~aIllC. Swarthmon·. has do~ed hl'r Buckhill' Falls collagt' 311d i~ spt'nding a few d;n's ,-----------------. with )'Irs. \Villialll I. Ilull of 'Valll~lt lalle prior to J.:oillg- tOl PaSa(ll'na, Califor- : nia for the wil1t<.,1'. ~Ir. :uul ~fr~. i.;1\\rt'lll'e E. DH'W of P;~rk a\'l'l1ue haw' a~ tllt'ir hou .. t' gl1l'~t tins \\'c{'k ~It- ... Gnnl"l1 \\,ilkt· .. of Ncw­Ion Cenln. ~[a ... s .. wll" ,II rind ~[onda\' ami will It.'ave tom. )n. 1\\ - Tht' .,upholllort.., gir1~ IIi 'till' Prl' .. I,,·_ I tt'~i:1Il ~ullday . School ;lI1d thdr gUt's't" I will he ~'lIttrtaltn'd at 11w homc of Dr. and )'frs. Frank G. l'tllt.llI of Harvard I Mil!'. SA,\]( TEL FELIX THANKSGIVING DINNER Serl-'('d - 12 tu 8 o'dock $1.25 (:hildrt'u 8.7."j Will Dem"""."". NAAl\IAN'S Christmas Home Decorations I WOlIAN'S CLUB - NOV, 26 -oll-tlw.Delall·arl' 2:30 P. 'I. (:I,A HIONT, DEL, I NON-;,\IEMDEUS -0 C ~1'holH~ I1olh"oak 29·19 C-____ ----' ___ --__ --==-~-----..- n-'-'--~I,:.. .'~ I-a.k.e-r-e.-'".s.a_s_e.u.' p ~.OS. '.' b.'_e. .~ yr?!€'~"'et e,,,,,~. ,".- '~',' ''''.,(:., r".'-..'.<..7. 'GJ~!€'o"="' l.:-.' '.'. ·.::'€.·e:·e'~I-'l'€',g'€-'€'.e;'4l:.-€I€.!:€UJ;t:t(l\i:tt:'l'~'e.:·€'-~,e;:"'-!g-,~'e:I--e-.:.@;~'e"-:'-~~ ~he. committeC', ill linc with its policy to 1II:,'te as guest !'peaker!< men of tlll­que. sl1OTI('d leadership and intl'grity in the natlOnal fidel of sports. will presmt Cap­tain "mil" \Vooel. head coaeh at the Uni~ I tcd. States ~filitary Academy at \Vest I POlllt al1(l "Nick" Rohinson serretan' of tllC' Phil:1({eh)hia nistrict National n;};::ml of Foothall offidals. Captain \Vond will he rClllcl1locrcci hr many residents a~ an otTtstallCting athlete in Swarthmore Hi~11 ~('hool hefore foothall hccamc a recog­niz(' d sport in the school. I "Nick" Rol!in50n. on('. of til(' leading II foothall offiC'Jals III tim; di~trict has hanflkrl man)' of the 1!<lnl('" playc(l by 1 Ol1r team. ~ ~I ~ ,':C,,\ r, 1, ANY iHERRY CHRISTiUAS CARDS! ~1 ., ,,~ \ \ 11 .Ip'·,,1d m('.\,wlg(·.~ ((In}' /let( cheer ~~ ",'... %' '\ ~ 0" ;.:rn. bright cards ,iris year, • t, '\\~&"J,: ~ ~now .. ('en~s. uhl·fa~hilfrH'd !·anf". animal kingdom ('urdc:, ('<Ird!!; for c\'ery rela. ~~ "" ~l II\'~ and fnt'ud )1111 kllOh. l'cr"onal earth- .. hollltl hI' onfercfl now. Prices slart ~ AlthOlH~h til(' s(ltI,ul ha~ h(,CIl halHli- ' ... ' -_~~ at .)0 for 51. Iland IJ1"d .. t't1 prir·tcd card~ at 5 cenl ... t'Hch are light hearted and rt cap!K'f 1 Il Y many minor injuries dllring , " V gap:>r than c ..' er. :,1 .. the- <;;C'<I!'ion. tilt' team has c1C'feah'd SU('- ~ Stop in (lwllmm'w through uur 1910 Xmas Card books ri r('!'!'f1tllv )farple-Nc\\,towll. Sharon HilI ~~. ~ Springfid(1, Yearion. and N'efhf'r Pr()\'i~ ~ COOl EY LILI EY f Ir llrt' to g;'l1.f 1 II 1(, ('h;uIlPioll .. hi" n( da".; I"" EDC' ' ~ . ~ " III ' I 1~ .,,101'i'£ AVEI'iUc AT WELSH STnEET (:lIE'S'fEI' ':'c:' 111 t 1(' ~lIhurhan ('on('rcllc(', Its on'" ~ 1. I f , I I I I ".",»..,;g,.:iJ:."."' ........ .",~.". .... .",.."""'.,,."'- .... "'" /. f f' ('a s (':tnt{' at t 1(' lam <: of \fetli:l. 1-""'"" ...... ( ''''''''·".'''.~~.c,''',~,&. ""c;I;ii:i~.«" ... '»,?i~.~~~:;i;}j~laja.~a,.j~~j~~:;.])O.:;;~,JI~Z.,;}.~~~.i'r,&-i Tl<1rh\' and (ill'n-Nor. teams Ilclll11!ril1~ in I' da"" I :md ('h~.-: TT. 0 N S A Till.' r. V.·s. \\'ho ",ill :1)..0 he IT_lI(' .. f" aI, 'L E NOW I TI"'"""""f,'"·r"dm,o,,,f ,( /:"'[,,"""'/ t I{' d'1lT1wr .. h:1\·(, I'a,d an 1IIukfrat{'(1 ,ea-! ;Ui~!'O Eli;r.alwlh Gnulll Shunk lin (al It,ft), tlau .. hlt'r of :\11'. und Mr~ t\rlhur P <:;n\l anI \\'111 fnrnlsh the Imckl>n. [SI kl' f AI'" • •. • " ,n,l1e 0 lUll In 0 In It'r!'ot U\'CIIIU', "OI!'I IIIU'('n uf tilt" IlIllu"urul IUlll of the I\." lIt'xt .\ '('ar <: \'al'<-;If.\' Il .~;:Im.·w t,. I II I L' • I .. "" ": . 1('( n:.t .·rH ;1) ("('III11~ III na"'!lIn~lulI, D. ( .. II.'r "'tJlIII~Cr :o;blt'r, ;\Ii!-s Acc.nrdilll! to Lawrel1c(' Dr['1\" of the 'I Ellanor I'orh'r Shllilklill (righl), 1\.I!'I Eli;r.:lheth\; Incl, in mtilillA:. '1111' girl ... ('om.l1Il1h·C". "re<;id("nl~ of till' hor(H1~h took lmrt in It Imgt"anl flt'pidillll lh.· ilHlllA:urnliuli of (;,'lIt·tal I~na(' Sllt"lh,,' in I 3!!:1I11 h;1\'(' rea<:OI1 In hI" TlrOtul of the rrc: I Lexington. (;t'.H"rnl SlH·lh~ "n~ K.·1I1IH·k~'~ I1r!'ol g.n ('rnul' and llw girb' g~c:lt- I orcl mad" thie; falf 011 Ill\' J,!"rirliron. hy 11'" I grcal-grundfalhn. llO~'S r{"m'~(,l1lin!!" our High S("hflnl I -- -- - I - , F.\,('f\' IIl1'lllhc'f of th(' t{,,:1111 is :l nroill1rt I J - A' of the ("-..:-('{"Iknt S\·"tpm of r.ll\':il·:ll ('(itT-: ",uors IV(lft 'cock anrl Celia naknck of N cw York I H I" I City. Joyce ()I'C11l ;:11111 C\"'li" Rahn)l'k Wl"rc I (,;-,tinll no\\, Ihor(ll1~hl~' l"."t;'lhli"h('t1 ill ('Jill': "Robill OO( IIll'lIIlH'r.s oi thl' {';bt. I hllf('II~h "chon!<;." j , • • ("011111111< d f rum /"'ne 0 lit" J Dr. and ')'Ir.s, J. R. Kline of Ri\'cr\'ic\\' I !tad hac! a" thcir glll"~b ior the wcck-' :\orlllall ca",tk whirh hOtbl'S thl' hi~h l'nd )0[1'". :\. E, Ingham amI rhildrclI. . halHlud t::lhlc at which the royal p<trty )Olichal'1 awl Skplll'n and ).Iis:;. Cal(lwdl .\Ir..;, r.kl1l1 1fClrro\\' of \Vcstdalc ave- I ~t1111PtU(II~I"'b ~nJl" has h~·I,.·1l t'lking i(lflll frlllll C;:1l1hridg(', Eng-lam!. :\Ir..,. Ingham Plans L. ~r, V. Conferf'nre HIl\..'", s I) (,,II,·,"·, ln' C onnt\· r .t·a~nt' oi alld re'l ity. . am I ,. anll Ir an' sta) 'lIlg. II I 1)n'l lcehm, ...... .' . \\'0111('\1 \·t)It'r..; Chairlllar; oi c,m'efll- ~II'~. I.. J. I'\()"ll :lnd hlT cnsh!llH' J. inr tIll' duratioll oi th~' \\ar, 1l1~'111 !ind For"I', l' 1 1. • t'OIll III I ltt.·(· han' l·(11l1plt'h'd a proh''''- charg'l' oi <lrr'll..l "·g("n'" po1 I'C·[\" laIIS !Il ce" III ~l• Olla Ip'll 'Cl' ot, work' w IH·C 11 \\'i'I I {1C lI' g 11 t .'\I I" I 'I I' (' I" ,'ff ,. SI II .11\(.\ r.s. \, J. ...1Ilt" leo • r;t 1 Illtercnllllh, ' F'"'' ' ', ' [ ll1 S nr I 1(' 1"('.'.'I.'.'l '<' tiI t· I\,'O") lll 11 tU){ 1 atlt I·l enet" .. 011 t I1 l' _"( )t t. 1'•· ,\t"' an'n(ll ' :-flt'l1 I I< 1:- I WCt' k· -('Ilf l'II I St Dm'ifl' C' \ 0I, · I0 1l' nI'n c\(\' ' tn )(' ]("Id' 'a t .\\1 l'tll'llI'rs I Ip cant.. t. or 1 ",. k (' S I I I "I til' st'a.soll are .'\l'\\' lor'. n. it tlf( ay t ley JOIlll'( 1,1(.'..,d,ay . D"c.c(e1m be.... r n), a \'Ile on \ \ l'd . . II ' . I . ,.' 1 I , ' 4. -' - gOl~lg nil)!( Y III \,1:-\\ 01 Ill' ~'t)lIlllllt- "Ollll' rH 11( .. i1IH \\"l"lIt ly tram to Sl'l' '1'1 h-l" S illllllllllln'<! dl'CbHlIl ttl aWlI(l O\'\..'f- lite \'nll'-I'rilll"t'!oll galllt'. . t l{.: ,Aco nf('.n 'llc(: will Ila\'C for it .. s"h- "l'lIiug till' l'U'lse ·.• t all\' ,)l·rform:tlll't·, I'a Jalll' \\'( '1' 1and. .\'II1!!hter hi J('.('(' •. ml"r~c:1 Looks Ahead." a siudy I' :\1 r.s . .I. B. I'llp(', In oI-.llr·,·I'. urgt·:- tlllh\..· 1)1'. <11111 :\1 r..,. Ilenr.\' ]. \\",il·.lll.1 0" I,'",. I 01 lilted St<Ih'S f·' 1" " .. I' ." (lrtlJ,{n POlL'Y In rc- who plan t(1 ..,('curt Illl·l1lhl'r-.llIp canl.., !.!:l'r:- an'1II1t'. t'u1crtaiul'd the ":;ll~ oi tll(" al,',oll to ~ntlth :\nlt.'riea aud the Orient.", to .1" s." """"1'(',' ."~ lt 111.1)' ,)rO\'l' ..,I.- ..:-tll gradl' ()i the I~tltger" :1\ t lllil' ~dHII)1 I I Ill' lIll'l'ting- will hl' OIWnl'd at IO:3()' Ill'ccssary ttl t'l'~trld the audience to (111 her 11th hirth(lay (Ill Tlll'~':'\,\' ~O\'l'IlI-: ;P\ .< '. \1. hy' I j,lr~.\ Frederick A. )'fcCord . I mt·tl'lh.l'f ~ in (lnll'r to! avoid 1I 111l t:n·s..,ary h'r II) i- ) 1 ~ I' 'I l 1(1111_,).;") .• \. I \,lC nor. .\ r.., ..\ 1 :ll1rice X. \\Tcd. State ,",ontuslon. '...1..·agm· Clninll'l" o[ rt. -.1 I Dik F'lirwl'\'ict- \\'iniin'd \lcJ)ow('11 ,\11'. and )olr..,. (.l'orgt' I :\~hton 01 I " '. \ .0\ ('rnmclt all(' .• \\. •.. . "(If('lgll Polic} , \dll preside. \\'alkr Crouch, 'Ii .lllla~ l,lIl:fil'r", J:Ullt_·.s I ";t1hll~ltlftl IJ1~ls ha\'e n~11I"1I1"d tnllll: .~ I r..,. I' I, I' I " Ilorn:ul::!\' 11l'.ul1ill( thl' large l"a~t whieh \\ 111;;'111 .. 1,111'1.':. \ a, \\ht'n' 11 '·y ath-ndl'd In!' ,(, \\1G II"t rt Iolt \\,.1 11 gl\" .. \. , II..: 1 . I (' t.- n \\'ill pn'sellt the jlhy The Public Li-: tie ,t,} celltury t"llIKcrb III lit' ,o\'crn· '\fr 1111,I1 I l I •. 1I11lp-"s t· oi I atm '\III'ric "I - , . . I' I 1-1 ' .< •• C <I. hrar\"~ co,)it.,,,, ,.i "h:11llill 111!(ld" <In: I ()r~ ;1 an'. }' ('{mCt'rl· \\l'l'l' gl\'t'll ~. (l t I'> til cllltll(lr 01 1lt::1Il\' 11 a Y-I' . . ··in" t"I..' . - I.g III constant (k11l1IHI. ~o ia~t I.., the al1- I I) )' I,'.·1,1 '1I I'\·'I rk It., lU·\"( k, Il aIP' 'I< " lOf(1b', t all{ I ..I.,Zh t. ll i\'.-I-rI It": l:. till Snnth ''\.me fll".:1' \\' Il"en .' 1.i1." Ipat.h Hl ..." k I" - , ) 1lI1l1llltl'lg 111 tilt· \'IHage. SCIl-' \\l' ·1111\\11 aut !Onty III lr.11 ,llltl 1;-';tll (( or mall\' \·ear ... 'lhe I~ i1 1Ill'1ll " I I I ' lilT ()f th. I" __ \' '. '.. . • -.'. ~ ior ;lIld JUllitlr IlIt llIhl'r!> altke arc count- I cl'lltury C J;(1Il1Cr IllU"I(·. ( .Ill. lilt fie.ln COlllIIIlS!>IOn 01 . . 'I I tht' "<,t"(',,',1 C",[, I C Ill/-:, the 2()th;t ])1I1 ... t 1I11t1 .. ual Pfl\ll·gt·. \11" :l11d lfr~ \\,illi',lll !1. Bro\\1l of ." < t crCllCl' on t 1(" ausc .. .,. , and Curl' oi \\"ar. ' . .'. . Xorth Cile..;tcr road will 1'\\l' as their I ) :\ ftn h!~ll"h~'oll "Ou.1" Fon'igll Policy NE\,"S NOT.ES : g.lIe,..,t~.. . i(l~. t~lC Wl'~'k-I'I](1 '! r. .:11111 ?I r:-. I rohlt'llls, \\'tli Ill' c!t..,t'u-,sl'd h\' :\11'-". "<, ( •. \\ Ilhams Irum :-. I1nnllt. ~. J"I .-\l1n(' flarl\\l'1l Jt)!Jthtnllt. PrnTr- \I '\11' Ed\\:lnl.\, Ol'l'lll l'lllel'- i Thl'~ \\ill attcnd thl' Pt'lJ.l COnldl game S{'('f ·t· , . II ..... : ' g ,1111 : r. anti " . '\.T 1"11 Satunb\' ~ovcl1ll11'r )3. I ' t <lr). 01 1l' .,atlonal Leagnc of tamed at corld:l.b Saturday cvcllIng I. ... ov- I . - . ,. _ . \\ ~)Jl1('.11 \ t1t,"'r.., pl'partl!Il'llt oi CO\'l'rll-i ember 16 lwfnrl" the "Soiree Parisicl1n~" i \Ir. .antl lit·..,. lIartl.l~l (, .. (,1'111111 \\111 lllC.'llt ,11111 1'()fl'lgll Pohcy. 'at ).Iarv 1,\1'11 ~d1(l('1. Tllt.'y had a .. their: t'ntl'rlalll tht' I)()uhll" SJ:o.: I,:uh!l' duh at I~l'''l'r~·atilln.s ior Innda'on lIla\' he I g"Ucsb \Ir.· Il",\:tnl ).[an..,lidd and )Oll'~. i thl'ir !IOllll' 1)1] Rutgers ,ne ,\l" Oil Satllr­llla{ I~' \\lth ~Irs. \Iorro\\,. TIH' gl'~f('r:tl' \Viltlrilk I)i \\'lll11ingl~II1, Ikl .. ~lrs.I~all-1 (I:t)' :'\'IWIII1)(1' 23. I'I1i1hl, j.., ill\'ill"t! to ath'wl. t IT IS REALLY DANGEROUS 10 1111' nfT lunge .. protecting yonr f'm' wilh sonIc kinf) of Hn.i-f ... ·I~Z(·. WE SlJ(;CEST Pretsone Tl'ek-Zerez GOODYEAR TIRES • Hannum & Waite Plymollth--Chrysler Swarlhmore 1250 Give 3 reasons 'des economy) (beSI traveling by ;~EYHO(JND! Sample One-Woy fales noston .... ,' _ ..... , .. 54.00 Dctroit .... ', ......... S9.30 Clc\eJand ...... _ .. _.s 7.00 Chicago .... , ........ $1l.75 New York ."." ...... $ 1.35 SWARTU:\10RE TRt\ VEL nURE.\ U sure! Warm S p, er-COGe I. ns 10 , u dailysclJeduleS, many vers any;vhere stoPO 2 Park Avp.nue-Swa. 179-\V r-<lr.~~~~ Big EXTRA Savings (In ..... ---.. Round-T,i. Ti,k.t, ~( ~ )~ REYHDUN I.INES "FUN ON A BlIDGET" FASHION SHOW AND DANCE-ReIlPjil R .. " eros .• 9 to 12 P. M. SATLJRDAY, DECEMBER 71h SWAIITIIMORE HIGH SCHOOl. Tickets SOe ot Buehner's and lUichael's Kate Hemingway, head of "'anomakcr's Downs.airs Siorc, will prcsenl the Fashion Show With Picture Stories You'll Want to See I THE STORY OF WILLIAMSON FREE SCHOOL LEIPER'S QUARRY OF MECHANICAL TRADES Where the past and present meet WENDELL L. WILLKIE IN CHESTE.'R FASHIONS - Crozer Junior Auxiliary Show Other articles on football, Jenks Food Co., Tractor Contest And other features you won'f want to miss THE ADVOCATE'S SWAP COLUMN Free to a11- here's your chance to trade those white elephants! THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE CHllM~PiON \ Champion (Iub Sedan $730 Champion Cruising Sedan $770 Prices .ffedh,. No ... 1, d.Ii .... et.d 0' 'adory, South a.nd. Include federal tax. sublect '0 chang. without notice. New slip-stream torpe· do bodies. Stratoiiner­style interiors. Lower mechanical upkeep. Restful riding. Easy handling .Top allow­ance for your present car • C. I. T. terms LEWIS FUSCO Fairview and Chester Road Swarthmore 1915 SWARTHMORE, PENNA.

---------- Page 19 ----------

N E w s of THE WOMAN'S CLUB For thus we polish our jewel " And make each facet to .hine • With a brillance ever lasting And a quality ever so fine. ~ -. "',eI"..,. f .. '0""'" Polky ""l, Roa"" 2'''''''' On Saturday, November 16, sixteen ADlerian Home Sedlon members of the American history and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins call. the at- I d d tenti' on of the American Home Section problem. of democracy c asses atten e . • the Foreign Policy Association's stu­to the National Art Week Exhib,t m dent round table institute in Pbiladel­Conshohocken on Monday, Wednesday phia. The student in.titute began at 10 and Friday of next week from 7 t? 9 A. M. and continued until 12:30, after P. M. of a quilting bee, glass blowmg, which there was a luncheon and dis­pewter and pottery demonstration by Mrs. cussioll until 3 P. M. C. Naaman Keyser. The text for the meeting was "The I Repreoent Club Balance Sheet of the War." William Mrs. J. Paul Brown represented the Henry Chamberlin Christian Science Woman's Club at the Stonehurst Club's Monitor correspondent and Lillian T. reciprocity luncheon last Monday. Mowrer English-born author of dJour_ -. ~-V4»~1eer Dralteee Two Sw!.rthmoreans Plchard Bow­man Wray of Walnut lane and Joseph Wright Frescoln of Harvard avenUe have received reports On their physical examinations indicating they are ready for induction into the United States Army next Monday. These boys are among 13 who volunteered and there­fore were given precedence. They fiU the two openings to be met now by Local Draft Board #3, each area in Delaware County havjng been assigned two. The other 11, pending their pass .. ing the present stringent physical ex .. amination, will be next to go when another requirement is issued. I r • NOVEMBER 22, 19110 Mrs. E: C Lappe, first; Bayard Mor­rison. iuId Andrew Robinson, second; Mr. iuId Mrs. Samuel Wisdom, Jr. third. No Need to Worry Hospitality'! Role in Club Life Mrs. Eaton read the following poem as a keynote of the reciprocity meet­ing Tuesday, November 19. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buckman former Swarth­more residents composed the poem for the Woman's Club in 1936. Mrs. Roy S. Latimer represented the nalist's Wife" were the speakers, while Swarthmore Bridge Scores Woman's' Club at the Rutledge Wo- George Stuart Patterson chairman of The Swarthmore Bridge Club all­man's Club reciprocity luncheon on the Foreign Policy Association presided. Dounces the following winners for its November 12. Benjamin Gehrig former member of last two weeks' meetings: November 6- If you've entraated your TIaaDke­pvin. turkey to ODe of 0111' fine Jar •• RoamB. Pans, ,.OlllmoW It wiD be dOlle to perfeetlon. • Suplee's Store II South Chesler Road Swarlhmo... 105 Juniors Represented at Co. Dinner the secretariat of the League of Na- Bayard Morrison and Harold Tomlinson, Members of the local Junior Club at- tiolls conducted the Student Round first; Richard Randall and Andrew Rob­tended the Junior County dinner, at the Table Institute which consisted of inson, second; John Moore and Mrs. C. A Woman's Club like a precious stone Has many facets of worth And each reflects a value, Woman's, club house in Media, on groups of students from the surround- WelshJ third; November 13-Mr. a:~d2=::::::::::::::~ Monday, November 18. . ing schools. An outline of the subject Claire Suter, Junior County Chatr- was presented to t::he student body after li~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~B: man. introduced the speakers, execu- which it separated into round table tives of the County Board. The talks groups for a period of discussion di­were interesting, and provided the }un- reeted by a student Jeader. John Scho­iors with an opportunity to realize they binger of Swarthmore High School were part of a large organization, and was a leader· at one of these groups. Intrinsic in its hirth. Membership. civics and literature Drama, music and art; Each of its sections has merit. Each in its tUfn plays its part. Officers, members, committees Rise to the ancient caU: "All for the glory of each And each for the glory of all." But permeating the programs, And integrating the whole, . We find that the spirit of friendship, Plays the most vital role. the ideals that organization upheld. Luncheon was served to all the stu- Mrs. William C. Diester, County dents attending the Institute at a spe­Chairman of Citizenship, gave a serious cial rate. A small admission fee was talk on. "National Defense," contend- charged for the post-luncheon discus­ing that. "America should be through sion. taking part in any European war, on /unlor High Hobbr Show any European soil-thcY\'e had enough Junior High Assembly was held Fri-of it." day morning, November 15, in Swarth- The first public showing of HThe more High School's auditorium. Seeing Eye" was presented by Col. The opening exercises were devoted Morris Frank. of the Seeing Eye In- to the reading of the Bible by Mar­stitute in Morristowll, N. J. Step by garet Sweeney ninth grade student. Will Someone be Thankful for Your Thought. fulness iu Sending Flowers There's more than food to a luncheon There's more than drink to a tea; They help to banish strangeness step, the sound movie showed. ~he The main theme of the assembly was training of both the men and their In- a hobby show. Dolls, airplanes, maps MAROT FLOWER SHOP. valuable companions. The perfect, and and a small printing press were but a PHONE SW. 554 And promote "de corps l'esprit." almost incredible, co·ordination which few of the many objects wbich covered 315 DICKINSON AVENUE resulted, and thc happiness of those, the large stage. Member of Florists' Telegraph Delbe.ry AssoclatJon As members meet in service Cultural, social or fun A comradeship: develops who are. by this means able to lead. a Each hobby was explained by its ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ normal life, was firmly imbedded 10 originator and some hobbies were even i the minds of the audience. Col. Frank demonstrated, much to the delight of impressed upon the Juniors that the the entire student body. And quickly our goal is won. And so, as we meet as members, LeCs know it is most worthwhile 'fo take out time for a handclasp, Exchange a word or a smile. Let's be sure to keep before us. As we shape our various ends, This most important purpose­To make our members trieuds. Let's strive to be more tolerant. Let's strive to be more kind; The more '\ve do for others, The greater reward we find. "Seeing Eyc" was a philanthx-opy. and The first hobby explained was the not a charity. . development of printing through the To the hostess club. which was Media, I ages. A short talk on the subject was local Juni(lrs extend congratulati?ns, given by Bill Pressman and John Rein­and a deep appreciation for an enJoy- hold who had brought a miniature print-able and educational evening. ing press with them and explained Philanthropic Bridge every important dctail connected with A Philanthropic Bridge will be held this intricate work. at the home of Pearl Bastian, 210 Next hobby to be explained was the Swarthmore avenue, on Tuesday. No- making of model airplanes. Four vember 26, at 8 P. M. models, replicas of many of the stream- As there wi1l. be no bridge in De-, lined ships of today were explained and cember, due to the holidays, members, demonstrated by Bill Bell, Bob Kerr, are urged to attend this month. I Leo Woerner and Hays Penfield. Can Swarthmore 1783-W for reser-I Two songs, "Lovc:r Come Back to vations. Ale" and "Evel1t~de/, were sung by I Eleanor Tweed, mnth grade student. Paul Thayer's hobby was the making Always in the Lead! I of war maps and keeping a record of the movements of the armies through-I DONALDSON OF MEDIA ! out war-torn Europe. He explained how I Is First Again With Clothes for the Holidays • Presentin,. a distinclive collection of Better Dresses at incomparable prices -including Afternoon and Evening Gown. - E%C'u,ive'y Do,",'dson' •• • II he kept trace of the armies by using, many colored pins to mark their move­ments. I Upon a small table stood a family of i attractively dressed dolls. This was ~,,\ Our famous 'ailored Frock. nOID in 'he new ",inter po.tels. ; tbe hobby of Ann Cochran. The dolls were of many different sizes and con­stituted an entire family from Grandma down to the tiniest member. She showed the group many delicately made dresses and hats which she had made for them. : 1 Virginia Speck brought to the group • Donaldson of Media S M d· T.I.pho .... 203 W. State t., e la M.dl, 2153 Store hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. And every evenln, after 1:SO ~ interesting old Indian tablets upon' I which were inscribed legends of long ~ ago. Junior Prom Tonight Tonight, Friday, November 22, the junior class of Swarthmore High School :;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~' wFrileld hdoyl dG rthaye 'sa nonruchael sjturan.i or prom with • The Prom which will be held from -More than mel:al, marbl.e and mon£1j OUR BA..}(K is more tha,... a buildi"g~ nuwe than a.{G/e place tode:posit money, nuwe thana .'iCU.tYCe of credit. It is a place where a wetf...tran'led ..:taff of men and womenstaHd yeady ta help you aL£r)lrt-­phsh YOUT objectives, to cou.n.'iel With you and ,,&d ~ wheretJeV possible tn. )/OUT bu.. n 'ne.'iS and per. ~l t\na»eial affaa.ys. "Senn.ce' L~ one 0.1 the most nnpoytant WOYds In thIS ban'fli 'VOrCabu.ta"ry. • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member Of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 8 :30 to 12:00 P. M. will be semi-formal. The committees and the chairmen are; executive committee, Louis de Moll; orchestra committee, Clifford Bryant; business committee. Stanley Backman; invitation committee, Kitty Weltz; program committee, Carol Maude Frobel; decoration committee. Jack Linton; refreshment committee,' Ann Gorman; advertisement committee, I John Piper; clean-up committee, Sam I Gary j and reception committee, Mary Gilcreest. ---...... ' .. --- NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clewell of Glen, Ridge, N. J. visited Mr. Clewell's broth- I er and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clewell of Benjamin West avenue over last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lange of· I Maple avenue entertained a few friends ! at cards last Saturday night, November I 16. I Miss Florence Wol verton returned to, 1 her home at Harvard avenue and South Chester road this week from her farm near Frenchtown. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Alva Konkle, Mrs. Lovett Frescoln and Mrs. Alexan­der M. Dryden all of Swarthmore at­tended the tea given in the new art gal­lery of the Historical Society of Perm­sylvania last Friday afternoon to intro­duce Mr. William Reitzel newly elected !.:.==============================;!I! director of the society and Mrs. Reitzel. Have a Royal Thanksgiving! Enjoy Yourself Thoroughly-with the assurance that your finest household linens and your best bib and tucker will bc fastidiously refreshed by MEDIA LAUNDRY Servinll Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900 PHONE MEDIA 174 OR STOP OUR DRIVER IF ,YOU'RE ON THE FENCE About What to Serve For Sunday Dinner­Let Us Solve Your Dinner Problem With A BIG MARTEL TURKEY Costs Less Than a Good Roasting Chicken And what good eating - SUl])rlse the family. Six cents a pound cheaper than last year. Why not treat your gue.t. or family to a real meal. 16 to 18 lb •. SPECIAL IEnERFOOD IIORTHE COMPLITI. FOOD MAAKE1' A __ -_ De-__ Pa. NOVEMBER 22, 1940 THB SWABTBMOREAN I THE SWARTHMOREAN ~ONETOUCH SpanIsh Daneere Pl_ NEWS NVliS ; OF NATURE FollOWing the November Women'. Shirley Shaw daughter of Mr. and PUBLISHED EVERY FJUDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Luncbeon held in the ballroom of the Mrs. David T. Shaw of North nester THE SWARTHMOREAII, Ille., PUBLISHBR A P..... Athletic Club recently, A1eja road iuId Swarthmore avenlle .~. __ ~ HO 900 mong the many changes produced Campo, better known to Swarlhmor- .~.~ ..... P liE SW ARTHMORB by Man in the natural aspect of the eans as Alix Field Whitaker, pre.ented from Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, I'B1B1l E. TOLD, Editor MAJuORIE TOLD, A.uociate Editor Earth, chimney, are perhaps the most a group of her pupils in a colorful pro- Va. Wednesday night accompaniod by RO.ALIB PEmsoL unusual The cutting down of buge gram of Spanish dances. three classmates Mi •• J(]QJl Devore of Entored .. Second CIau Matter. January 24, 1929 at the Poet tracts of forest merely produce. plain. Aleja Campo herself appeared on the Cincinnati, Ohio, Miss Cynthia Harrison 0lIice at Swarthmore, Pa., nud ... tho Act of ~ 8, 1819. such as OCcur quite naturaDy in other program in two solo nUmbers. of Hingham, M .... and Mis. Margaret places. The damming of rivers also Two solos were performed by Senor.. Gilcreest of Savannah, Ga. for the na- !::;; ______i iFR_I Di iAiiY;;;;i'iiN_OiiVEMiOi;i;i;i;iBER;i;iii2~2~,~I~940~i. ______i iio.!l1 creates lakes, new in position but fam- ita Nena, a classical dance with casta- tional Thanksgiving holiday. Thursday - iliar as to type. Even a house is little nets, Tandenguillo dc Almeria and Los night Mr. and Mrs. Shaw held open more than a slight protrusion from the Bulerias. I house in hODor of their daughter and her landscape, resembling a small hillock. Regional dances from Valencia fea- guests who will return to Sweet Briar But a chimney 1 Here is a narrow per- turing the tambourine and from Sevilla Sunday afternoon. Trinity Parish Notes Methodist Church Noles On Sunday morning at 1\ o'clock there will be a Service of Thanksgiving with special music by the choir. Last Sunday aftecAOon a warm wel- pendicular hole with sides of stone and employing castanets were presented by Mr. John Longwell was tendered a come was given to those living in the with its orifices at the summit of an the entire group composed of Ann surprise party by twelve former Swarth .. new homes recently constructed in the elevation. Before the advent of houses Myers, Elizabeth Pope, Caroline Flab- more High School classmates on the oc­vicinity of Swarthmore by the following there were few, j£ any, such cavities eety, June Ullman, \Vilhelmiua Van De casion of his twenty.second birthday officials of the church: Ralph Adams to be found. Hollow trees, their tops Boe, and Eleanor \Volfe. They also Tuesday evening at his home on Lafay­Clark Allison, Thomas Aveson, Dr: shattered by lightning, were the closest danced a charming little HoHta from ette avenue. Tbe Bishop of the Diocese has is­sued an appeal for the Episcopal Hos­pital. Contributions properly marked may be sent to the rector or placed in the alms basin. On Thanksgiving Day there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 A. M. At 10 o'clock the Parish wiJ1 join in the Community Service. Clarence F. Carter, Howard Talley Sr. approach to chimneys) but their lining the Province of Astur,'as. and D r. Alf redH. Willl' ams. "f0 ro'ttm g -.vood made them quite dif- All dances were accompan,'ed by a Mrs. Paul Fre_e dley of Swarthmore S und ay mornl.O g at 9 :4 5 o'clock the f erent structures. Perhaps a rare cx- string quartette composed of Geraldine avenue visited her cottage at Avalon. N. Church School will be in session for tinct geyser really achieved the hollow- Calebaugh, Martha Fesmire, Katherine J. this week. those desiring religious instruction in stone-tube condition, but the orifice was Flaherty, and Dorothy Seltzer. Arthur Snyder who graduated from The Young Peoples' Fellow,hip held age groups. at ground levc" and the distribution of Elizabeth Katharine Ullman an- Swarthmore College last June leaves his one of Hs largest and most enthusias­tic meetings Jast week. The Rev. John Stephenson assistant at the Church of St. Martin's-in-the-fields spoke. Mr. Stephenson is one of the most popular leaders of the YPF and is active in the Summer Conference work. On Sunday night there will be a special speaker from tbe Philadelphia Divinity School who will tell of his recent experiences in some of the "wide open spaces" where the church is at work. The Morning Worship at 11 o'clock such formations was extremely limited. nouneed the numbers. Swarthmore home today to enter a three will be the second of the six annual When chimneys sprang up in abund- II I months study period with the Naval Re- Junior Church services. A Pageant, ance within relatively few centuries, Writers' Club Enda Story Study serve at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. "The Christmas Candle" will be given their open mouths suddenly gaped up- Swarthmore members were present at The Junior board of the community· by Barbara Broadbent, Helen Hoot wards at all the birds of the air, Tuesday's session of the Wdters" Club health center and vicinity met at the Teel Dunn, Dorothy Bernard Florenc~ and it would have been surprising if of Delaware County in the Upper home of Mrs. Basset Ferguson in Rid .. Kimmel, Kathleen Scott, B~tty Jane no such passing fliers had descended Darby Municipal Building last week to ley Park on November 11 at 8 P. M. At Hedgepeth, Marian Bernard, Norma curiously to peer into them. hear a resume of the elements of a good this first meeting Mrs. Worrall s~ke on Hauger, John Carter and Jane Carter. There was one bird, in fact, which short story. Mrs. Claire Callanhan, Imown the activities of the organization. The usual object sermon, attendance must have been waiting throughout to the literary world as Claire Wallis, 1-------------___ _ and parental recognitions wm be pre- many ages for this very happening in was the speaker. The Men's Advent Communion and breakfast will be on Sunday Decem­sented. Nature. The Chimney Swift--often The next meetings will be devoted Monday at 8 P. M. the Young Wo- mis-named Swallow-had dwelt in hol- to instruction on the preparation of man's Association wHJ hold its monthly low trees and on cliffsJ plastering its radio scripts. The usual poetry study ber 1. business meeting. 'h.alf-saucer shaped nest against the ver- group was held Tuesday, November • , On Thursday, November 28, at 10 I tlc~l walls with its own mucilaginous 19 at the customary place and hour. F A. ~f. the Community Thanksgiving sahva. But the nests often fell when I • riemls Studying Aryan Religions Serv,ce will be held in the Methodist the hollow trees advanced in their de- Fortnightly to be in Wallingford Dr. Jesse H. HaImes will continue .Church with Rev. David Braun as cay, and the ~liff-ne.sting colonie~ we~e A meeting of the Fortnightly will be the current series on "Religion and Re- preacher. exposed to wmd, r~ln, and certalO am- held at the home of Mrs. Philip Snow of ligions" this Sunday morning at 9 ;451 ,-----------_____ mal predators. Chimneys at o~ce af- Wallingford. "How Green was my Val- A. ~L at the Friends' Meeting adult Copy Deadline Next Tuesday forded a. more secure foundatIOn for ley" will be reviewed by Mrs M rli forum by discussing ·'Aryans and Their. construction and an absolute protec- y oung . a n R e lig ion s." tion against enemies. It is almost cer- ;;;;;;;;;=.; ;;:;:;;;;;;;:;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====::: Regardless of all changes to tain that Chimney Swifts have become i!!JlItnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli! date effecting Thanksgiving it much more common than they were, BARR" YW. LANG • I • Christiau Science Church "Soul and Body" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 24. The Golden Text i!'l-: "0 bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: which holdeth our soul "in life, and sufl'ereth not our feet to be moved" (Psalms 66:8,9). still falls on The Swarthmorean's when the Indians held full possession nor~al publishing date and ne- of bth!ls country. And as we continue Ruus and Carpets co cessltates moving our deadline on to UI d up communities. they wjlJ un-= e' advertising and news copy ahead doubt~dly become even more abundant. I • one day. Next week therefore the Durmg migration Swifts sometimes = Better service and better = last minute for acceptance of ma- I roost in huge numbers in a single chim- .= value in all tvpes of Da. terial to appear in the November ney. If several hundred select your ia • = 2p9 l\i~suTe of the paper will be 3 ! hfouse forh!hle btlightJ dislodging clouds tionally known rugs • • • .t. uesday, November 26. 0 soot w Ie 1 urst .Irom the firer.lace = and carpels '--------------__ .J and settle Over your furniture, dOli t try = • Presbyterian Church Notes Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the sermon topic will be uHow Old Are You?'"' Book Club I\leels to smoke them out. You will only BWAR':l'BMORE 4$2-8 = ~motheI." them. and they will drop down. = RIDLEY PARK 3238 == The Church Hour Nursery School will open Sunday morning November 24, at 11 o'clock in the Parish House. Mrs. H. W. DeCourtenay will be in charge. Children from the ages of two to seven may be entered in thjs depart­ment meeting during the church hour. Children may be registered on Sunday. The circulating book club met on Friday, November 15, at the home of Mrs. Paul R. Hertel of Swarthmore avenue and chose the following books to be read and reviewed this winter: mto the Hames, some of them escaping 1= - into. t.he room in a partially burned ';1I1111111111111ll1l1ll11ll111I111Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllif condition. Instead, put a dishpan into 11~--.-----"-------------------"'''-''---""" the fireplace and get your children to III SKATE ••• With Your Date! The High School Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 6 o'c1ock in the Par­ish House. The fourth of a series of studies on the topic "What Can I Be­lieve About the Bible" will be con­ducted. "Beloved Return." "Europe in the Spring;' "Mrs. Miniver," "Quietly My Captain Waits," "Chalice," "Founda_ tion Stone," "The Stone of Chastity," "My Wife and I," "On the Long Tide,''' "The Family," "How Green was My Valley," "For \Vhom the Bell TaUs," "Hungarian Rhapsody," ''Trelawney,'' "Stars on the Sea." • • More heat it lustily with the fire irons. The birds will quickly leave you to your I house-cleaning. Few other birds have found USe for II chimneys, Occasionally one will drop I down the flue by accident. such as the Robin I found perched on an andiron, one morlling a few weeks ago. Recently I a Pigeon fluttered down just after I I had lit the fire. But these visitations I had nothing to do with the normal ac­tivities of such birds. I This Church will participate in the Community Thanksgiving Worship in the Methodist Church on Thursday, November 28 at 10 A. M. Information for Consciencious Objectors On Friday, November 22. and also on Monday, December 9, there will be a rOOm open in the Swarthmore Friends' Meeting House from 7:30 to 9 :30 P. M. for anyone who desires illformation about registering as a con­scientious objector. There will be avail­able sample copies of Form 47 which all conscientious objectors must fill out. This service is for anyone who wishes to apply for exemption from military training all the basis of conscience not just for those who are members of the historic peace churches. I once heard of a dead Wood Duck that was found in a chimney in Fair-! mount Park. In this case it is possible 1 to perceive a reason for the bird's strange position. Wood Ducks nest in I hollow trees. and this individuaJ-.-..a fe­male- was apparently a pioneer among her kind. Somewhere in that progres­sive bird's mind must have burned the thought: "Chimney Swifts can do it­7: 30 P. M. FRIDAY, NOV. 29 .-----:::-:~~~~_~:=_ _ .__ B The Boys' Choir will rehearse at 2 :30 P. lIf. and the Girls' Choir at 3 o'clock on Sunday in the Church. It is requested th&t all contributions of clothing or gifts for the Christmas boxes for the Covingtons. the home missionary family of eight in Tennes­see, be left at the home of Mrs. F. N. BeU, 221 Harvard avenue, or Mrs. A. H. VanAlen 209 Park avenue, by De­cember 2. Contributions of money must be in by December 15. CHURCH SERVICES 0:45 A.M._ 5.n,00' and Men'. Bible 10:00 A.M.-'t::~l:~: 11:00 A. M.-~ ••• NEWS NOTES why not 'Vood Ducks?" ---....C.,. . .. ..B...R- OOKE WOR'rH. The first recital of the season by the pupils of Dorothy Paul was held at her Park avenue studio Saturday afternoon of last week. After the musical program, a scale playing contest for the younger pupils was held. the winner being John I Rassweiler. This was followed by a musical quiz, in which the children were divided into teams, and the afternoon closed with the serving of light re­freshments-. --... "'. ...~ -- Speaks to Neighboring Mothers 9:45 11:00 A. The Rev. David Braun pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church ad­Alvin Herr son of Captain and Mrs. dressed the Mothers' Club of Rutledge )Fpjij'jooml Alvin J. Herr of Michigan avenue cele- on "Youth in An Adult \Vorld" Wednes- -;'~;;:!~:~~;\)r, brated his eighth birthday on Tuesday day evening in the Rutledge Fire House Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hook had as their guests over the week-end Mrs. A. Scott and daughter Helen from Green­wich, Conn. and Mrs. Edwin Hook and Dr. Edwin Hook, Jr. from Cleveland, O. Dr. Hook Jr. is at present with the du .. Pont Company in Greenwich. Conn. ~::~~ ~:.~'.: -'~A;ya;;.1 by entertaining classmates of the third auditorium. Mr. Braun \Vas introduced grade, Rutgers avenue school with a par- by Mrs. Alvin ]. Herr of Michigan ave- 11 :00 A. M. -,!!~~H~~,,~,ti~:::;;~ In the ty in the classroom after school. nue who is president of the club. I • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MA TCHABELLI • CHANEL., • ! BEAUTY SAWN Where ,here is care - 'here is compliment 13 Sua .. a.e.t ... BoeoI c.n SwartloBkWe 476 I i:ll < ~ • t:J I • CHANEL • ROV AE • MARY DUNHILL • CORDA Y • Everyone Can Go Home For Thanlcsglvlng I The sound of your foolStep on the threshold will be most wekome to the folies at home this Thanksgiv. ing. But if you can't go home, you can always call home and make the family'sThanksgivingreunioncom_ pletc by Long Distance. You'U be thankful it COSIS so little. For the ....v,....! night and Sunday nICS on Long Distmce calls will be in ef. r.a all day Thanksgiving •• THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA • THOUGHTLESSLY, she'd pour much of the cream off the top of the hottle for her breakfast glsss of milk. And leave "skimmed" milk for little Billy. Then Mother changed over to Supplee Sealtest Homogellized Vitamin D Milk, which comes with the cream already thor­oughly mixed throughout. Now both children get their proper share of nOllrishment. MOTHER ALSO learned that Sup­plee starts with a milk richer than before. Homogenizing can mix tho milk, but it can't make it any richer or purer. And Supplee bas the costly equipment and lrained men n~eded to properly homogenize milk. Every process is under Sealtest SuperviSion. YOUR CHILDREN wil\·liketb" smooth, delicious flavor of this fiDe milk. Remember, lOo, every quart contains adequate vitamin D, the approximate equivalent or 2 tea­spoons of cod liver oil, without anT oily tmte. Order from your Supplee milkman or pbone Chester 2-5721 SUPPI.EE A"'4T'f'tMtP(' (IN a 1O •• c.d ." "A" III '110 VIT AM IN D MILK • SUPPLD 1IrI ......... IUDY YAUB ...". .. SHOW Over KYW. 1'IIwscfa, •• 10 P. M. Alp'" LCN ........... ... MIL, 7030 ...... ......,. .. ~. W_ <My- FrIder •

---------- Page 20 ----------

·6 S,B. S. '40 REPRESENTED IN MANY EDUCA'I10NAL INS'ITfUTIONS Attend ChOU-'s Concert A number of pupils from the local schools attended the first of a series of . : . ' ,.' :T ! day November; 12. They cycled down Fairview road, across country, and:ended by Crum Creek, where they cooked their lunch. Fifty-two of the seventy-eight mem- three children's concerts to be given this ••• bers of the class of 1940 to be graduated winter by the Philadelp\.ia Orchestra. Boro Youth DistiJlsuiahes IlIIeU from Swarthmore High School are con- Douglas Spencer of the fourth grade, tinuing their education this year. Of this Rutgers avenue school interestingly re­number, forty are registered at twenty- ported the concert as foHows: six different colleges. one has enrolled "When I went to the concert they play­in business school, three in preparatory ed the overture of 'Die Fledermaus" schools, one in art school, and seven in composed by Johann Strauss. An over­specialized study. ture is the part that is played before the Following is a list of the graduates and curtain goes up. uDie Fledermaus" is a the colleges or schools they have entered: Gennan name for flying mouse or bat. Beaver College: Joan Carpenter; "Then there was a English folk dance Bryn Mawr College: Marion Kirk; called "Pop goes the Weasel" and I Bucknell University: Charles Brogan and think that most of you know that song. Helen Ludwig; Carnegie Institute: Wit- "The next thing that WtiS played was a )jam Spencer; Cornell: John deMolI; dance by Susato. There were old fash­Dickinson College: Charles Brown; ioned recorders in it. For a long time Drexel Institute: LaVerna Brinton, l)Cople had not played them much but Wayne Gerson. and Frances Martin; then they got interested in them again. East Stroudsburg State Teachers Cot- Flutes have taken their places Wltil just lege: Thomas Arthur Meryweather; lately. Some recorders were about two Haverford College: Joseph Gary; Hood feet and five inches long and others were College: Enid Lloyd; Lehigh University: only about one foot long. Sue Davison of Harvard avenue was elected to the executive board of the Wilson College Government Association at Chambersburg. Miss Davison was one of the two fresh­men whom the student body chose for the board which is both the executive and judicial branch of the campus govern­ment organization. Miss Davison prepared for college in Swarthmore High School. She is the daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Waldo B. Davison. Joan Carpenter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carpenter of North Chester road and a member of the freshman class at Beaver College was selected to sing in a special group of students at the inaugu­ration ceremony of Dr. Raymond Kistler as president of the college. Edward Bretz son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bretz of Dartmouth avenue was one of the undergraduates at Rider Col­lege, Trenton, N. J. who were recently pledged by the Phi Sigma Nu fraternity. liurDlDg' LeaveS The Borough reques~s citizens not to burn leaves in the streets. This practice violates a Borough Ordinance and may damage paving and curbjng. 1.1 NEWS NOTES Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner entertained her mother, Mrs. Charles W. Werst, Friday with a birthday dinner at her home on Dickinson avenue, Friends from Philadelphia were invited. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean of North Tonawanda, N. Y. visited Mrs. Mc­Lean's mother Mrs. William H. West of North Princeton avenue over a re­cent week-end VISIT STRATH HAVEN CRAFr CORNER For ThaI Sullable el" Beaut/luI Hand W,ough. Thing. • On Dee. 2 For One Week Sale of Handcraft Made by ~qees NOVEMBER '1940 Mrs. C.F. Rasswe;ler of Riverview road entertained her Bridge Club Friday November 11, with a dessert bridge. Members of the Pi Beta Phi Sociely met Wednesday of. last week at the home of Mrs. Sproul Lewis on Swarthmore avenue to sew for the Red Cross. JUST PHONE SWA, 2084 80C1AL 8T&'rIONBBY PERSONAL XM&8 CAlID8 SPRINGFIELD PRESS ZOIlIaIIJmon _ 8P1UNOFJI!LD James Callahan, Guenther Frobel, James "'(hey ~re something like flutes but Kelly, and Robert Weltz; Mary Wash- you blow into them from the end and iogton College: Helen Louise Smith; when you blow a flute' you blow into it Middlebury College: Ruth Child, Janet from the side. The music was qui~e lively Harris' Millersville State Teachers CoI- and gay. People used them until about lege: Donald McGlathery: Mt. Holy- 17~0 and then they about them. oke College: Alice Craemer; Oberlin I Tylman ~usato w~s a Dutch com­College: Mary Ellen Hoot, Horace Hop: posey ~nd thIS <f.ance IS older than an! kins, and Julia Storrs; Pennsylvania mUSIc ID the U:wtc:<i States except !odi­Slate College: Norman Hughes, William an war whoops. King Henry the EIghth Piper, Allen Sayre, and James Vosters; loved to .play the recorder and collected Bretz a freshman at Rider is taking a course in business administration. ~================~I Nancy Hutchinson daughter of Mr_ r "Nuts For You" Swarthmore College: Edward Cooley, se~enty-slx of them. . John Corse; Trinity College: James .. .T,~en there was some musIc called E. Smith; University of pennsYI-1 A.~ by. Robert Jones from a book vania: Hilliard Lubin, and Mary pU2hshed In 1600. . I Trevania Wilcox j University of Rich- Josef ~aydn wrote the. Chtldrens mond: Wallace Poteat; University of I Symph~n?". The pro.gram satd .that he Rochester: Richard Haig; We1lesley was wnb~g SymphO?leS at the bme that College: Virginia Yerkes; West Chester the .Amerlcan colomes were slO\~ly ~­State Teachers College: Diana Brewster; cO~lOg th~ U: S. A. If h~ had hved In Wilson College: Sue Davison. Phda~elphla mstead of. VI~nna, Geor~ Edward Bretz has enrolled in Rider Wasillogton and BeDJamm Franklin College (business school). Three are en- would have come to h~ar ~hem. For the rolled in preparatory schools. greater part. of Haydn s hfe. he work~ Haverford School: William Banks; for 'C,?llOt Esterhazy and lived at hiS Hill School: Walton Nason j Mercers- home In the country. • burg Academy: Thomas Porter. One day he went. to a ~ount~ fair ~d Roland G. E. Ullman is attending the saw.a lot of the neighbor s children With School of Industrial Arts. Fred Baxter mUSical. toy.s that they had bought. They the Caledonia Training School, Thomas asked. him !f they could form an orches- Gibson and William Thorpe the Drexel tr~, With him a~ cond.uetor. . Night School. Dancing: Letitia Rhodes; That gave 111m an Ide.a and 50 one time Jefferson Hospital Nursing School: Bea- ~e wrote ~ s!mphony. with all these mus­trice Scott: Spring Garden Institute: leal toys ID It. That IS w?at I heard la~t Richard Underhill; University of Penn- Thursda,r when. some children played 10 sylvania Night School: Dorothy Wilson. The Phdadelplua Orch~stra. I I I "Wolfgang Mozart IS a very famous composer and wrote the Third Concerto for Violin. He was even famous at the You are cordially invited to an ex- age of six. He wrote this piece of music and Mrs. Fulton C. Hutchinson of South Chester road a senior at Bates College. Lewiston, Me.. was one of sixteen new members initiated by the Deutsche Verein, a society of advanced students of German, at a recent meet­ing. John Hanzlik of 315 Cornell avenue, Swarthmore, was recently elected athletic chairman of Tyler House of East Quad­rangle, University of Michigan residence now beginning its first year of operation. Hanzlik is a sophomore in the College of Engineering. William P. Hill son of Mrs. Albert Hill of College avenue is one of the 68 upperclassmen at Weslyan University, Middletown, Conn., who have been admit­ted to membership in the Honors Col­lege. Hin a senior is working through the Honors College for a degree with dis­tinction in philosophy. Mary Bonsall of Cornell avenue a student at the College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio, is a charter member of a new peace club which is being or­ganized on the \Vooster campus to sup­port all peace movements and non­violence policies. ------~.~ .... ------ hibition of oils, Wilter colors. sculpture when he was nineteen years old. On Honor Roll at West Chesler "ECHO GLEN" Southern Cooking Tet. Media 1611 WALLINGFORD, P&. THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER 12:30 to 8 P. M, 81.00 MAPLE FARM AKRON, LANCASTER CO" PA, • Ideal for elderly pesta Bnd semi invalids - Admission fee and principal required on weekly rates - Established 20 "ean. ---LE-T'S- EA~T -TO-DA-Y -- Salted Nub of Every KiDd NOVELTIES FOR YOUR PARTY Nut Candl"" - Fnd."" Goo4 QuatI~, Beonomleoll7Price4 Corner Markel and Edpnont (Just lleJ'ond P. B. B. Station 1Iridp) OId-Fa.hloned Jj Thanl .. givlng Dinner • ftom 1 Votll 8 i!. M. - fJ..OO THE MIDELBORO Front & Jackson Sts., Media Large FamUy Groups Accommodated Private DIDiDC Rooms Call, ReservatloJUI Early-Me4la 520 II. T THE NEW CAFE Phone MEDIA 853 * Open 5:30 A. M. Till 12 P. M. rhe STATE GRUJE SUBURBAN RESTAURANT CA FE "Good Home Cooking" * Complete Lu.ncheons On the (;nncnurse of the PRIt 25c-40c-50c Suburhan Station Complete Dinners and photography. by refugee artists, at I "I liked Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker Friends' Central School. Among those Suite" because it had all kinds of music in artists exhibiting work will be: Walter I it. It had lively lllusic and the, stamp of the and Ellen Auerbach, Wolfgang Behl, Russian peasants. In one part lots of dolls Peter Fiugestcn, Margaret Sturm Heyn" grew real big and came to life. Breakfast-from Me 35e-50c-65e-75e Boyd Stauffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Luncheon-front (Or • Stauffer of Dartmouth avenue, who is Dinner -fro,,. 7Sc 109% WEST 8TATB STREET Peter Lampel. Albert Urban. and Paula i Then there was a ·"Rakoczy March" by Zundt-Wallace. Heetor Berlioz. One day Berlioz took an The exhibit will open on Wednesday, old song that almost everybody knew and November 20, with a tea from 3 until changed it and made it more beautiful. 6 o"c1ock, and will continue through De- Then he. was afraid that people wouldn't cember 18. like the changes he had made. He thought • I I To Enlertain Bible Clas8 that they would make a riot. and they did. But they weren't angry they cheered The Women's Bible Class of the so much that they missed the whole last Presbyterian Church will be entertained patt. I by ~Irs. J. Everton Ramsey 500 North. "I wish that the children's Concerts! Chester road. The social win be held j would come oftener and I wish that I; on Wednesday, December 4 at 2 :30.' could play jn one of them." Mrs. H. H. Walters, president, has Other students from the Rutgers ave­charge of dc\'otiotl and Mrs. Leora J. nue building who attended were Ann Sheridan will speak of her reccnt South Broomall, Frances Pearson, Stephen American travels. We invite all who Spencer, Alice Hornaday, Helen Disque might be interested- in joiniug our and Barbara Lukens. Those who went group. from. the College avenue school included NEWS NOTES I Barhara Sickel, Virginia Francis, June Spackman and Mrs. Spackman, Corn-I Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard-ave- clia Vosters and Mrs. Vosters. . nUe gave a luncheon on last Wednesday I • I . for a few friends at her home on Har­vard avenue. Girl Scout New8 ~rs .. William So<l.e~l, 1\1rs. Fulton Hut- Miss Helen Evans took troop 283. sec-chl. s~n, Mrs. Fredenck Pat~an, Mrs. and class scouts, on a bicycle hike Satur- WIlham F. Boyle, Mrs. Irvm R. MaC-I Elwce were guests at a luncheon given CANTER' by Mrs. W. J. Stephani at her home I Wayland, in Ridley Park last Monday. RIDING H·A, BITS )'hs. Sargent Walter of North Chester I ' road spent last week·end with her son- For MEN, WOMEN in·la\\'. and daughter Mrs. Ferris Thom- And CIDLDREN sen of Riderwo<xl. I lfrs: Harry B. Shidle of Rutgers ave- I nue gave a tea at her home on 'Wednes- II day in honor of Mrs. H. D. Whittlesey of Cleveland, Ohio who is visiting her son and d.aughter-in-Iaw Mr: and Mrs.l H. D. ·Whlttesey, Jr. of ProVIdence road. I Mr. and Mrs. William R Bullock en- I tertained their bridge ciub at their home 10Fn;",;C;;C<;;I;;a;;,r=l;;a;;n;;e=s;;;a;;;tu;;;r;;d;;:a:fy,,;;n~ig;;h;;t;,'= =="iI !i I LADIES BREECHES or JODHPURS $2.45 and up MEN'S AND LADIES' RIDING BOOTS $5.95 and up High Grade Ladies' and Men's Breeches or Jodhpurs Made to Order. CHESTER- CAMERA CANTE R' S SHOP ARMY & NAVY STORE 33 West 4th Street Cor. 41h & Market SI8. CHESTER ========-1!:;;;=-oPEN EVE:NIN4GS== attending the State Teachers College at Under [he pCI"80nal aupervlhlon EDNA ~Jt Prop. Whoensotr Crohlle. ster, is listed on the college 1~-;;-;~;;-~O-f-~'-~'-~-'~-"-~'-~R-~-';-'I-~'U~I~!'~;~~~ri~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----,- BE SURE Your Poultry is Fresh I Full Line Chickens, Turkeys, Docks -- Dressed Daily • SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM Baltimore Pike & Woodland Ave. SPRINGFIELD 'Phone Swarthmore 2399 Silver and Gold Crosses LOCKETS $3 to $8 Fine Brltisb Leather WALLETS Women '8. •. _.81.25, 82 Men's ... _._ ............. 3 up RONSON LIGHTERS AND CASE COMBINATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN $3.75 Up • WILTSHIRE BROTHERS State and Monroe Sis. MEDIA H. T. PATI'ERSON'S LINEN SHOP Irish Linen Damask Tahlecloths 70."8, ............. 6.95 70xl06 .......... , ... 7.95 22.22 Napkins 10 malch, doz. ...... 6.95 Irish Linen Damask Napkins In three attractive patterns, d07 .............. 5.95 Lustrous Rayon Damask Dinner Sets Hand hemmed cloth, 66x86, and 8 napkins ,to match ...... 8.50 Lace Dinner Cloths, Hand.Made In beautiful shadow design. 72x90 ................ 7.50 Est, 1908 1318 WALNUT STREET Pen. 0694 PHILADELPHIA Dividends in Health Besides a satisfying drink Yon obtain dividends in health from SPRINGFIELD WATER It has its quota of beneficent minerals Arranged in proper healthful balance PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO. NOVEMBER 1940 CLASSIFIED SPORTS REVIEW Load Boekeylal8 Gain Berths ~---' ~if.;;::~~ i Hennie Tomlinson of Yale avenue ~ and Betty Douglas of North Chester "iiiiii::;;;;;;;;; ... 1 road won places on the Middle Atlantic " All-College hockey team, chosen No. ~~~i~;~~~~~~~~~ vpleamceb era n9d. NMaoamrgi aWretr igShht ooefm Wakheri ttioefr Riverview avenue secured positions on the second Middle Atlantic team. Hennie, captain of the Middle Atlantic eleven, was also selected for the All- Philadelphia Women's team. She and Naomi traveled to Williamsburg. Va., Wednesday, November ZQ, to partici_ pate in the National HOckey tourna­ment. 0. S. in Final Vleto..,.. ,;:;;;:w.~:.l~~::]:ir~::~ I M Swarthmore High School scored in every period to swamp Nether Provi- === ====;~;;=';;';~::====== I dence 44 to 6 in a game played on the ~~~~~~~~~I pRountgede rsf roamve nFurei dfaiyel)d , toM ownindda y up(p otshte- ~~[)"".d!:~i7 home football season. Swarthmore ~!:!!~t-::!.~~::O:~~oeiO!ii'""!;-;;ax;;;:1 scored single touchdowns in the first • ~.. mill or I and third periods, two in the second and !~i~~~~§~~~~~~ three in the fourth. Nether Providence ~~~~~~~Iscored their consolation touchdown in the fina' period. ~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ byS wRaorcthhme or(e3 )t,o uKchirdko,w Jnosh wnseorne , scBoareird, ator. Very Haig, and KeJly. Conversions were 421-R. scored by Kirk on a plunge and Hoot FOR SALE - Aunt Martha's Bread. while. oa.t. on a place kick. meal. whole wheat. Home·made with Morris Con D f :Mills Wheat. germ .flour. mgh Vltamin Boon_ qe e eats Hopkins tenl. Deliveries Wednelday and Saturday Writ The 1940 football season at Swarth- Aunt Martha. ConCOrdville. Pa. • e WORK WANTED WORK WANTED - TypIng and mlmeosraJIb_ 2D~'k~' Own eQ.ulpment. Telephone Swarthmore WORK WANTED-Younl' girl, clean and competent. desires bouaework by day or hour. Telephone Swarthmore 444. PERSONAL PERSONAL - SUBSClLIPTIONS TO ALL MAG AZINES. Mrs. G. S. Fariell, 239 Haverford avenue. Telephone SWarthmore 80.W. LOST LOST- Leather pipkin purse inltlals.J P A containing about '5. RewMd. Please· .reiurn Jennet Adrian. Swarthmure High S('.hool. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSBl'H B. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS WILL PHONE. more College faded into history when they defeated Johns Hopkins 20 to 7 at Baltimore, last Saturday. • Swarthrnor<: tallied one touchdown in each period except the third. In the opening period. they marched 71 yards for a score with WoHe carrying the ball across the final stripe. They marched 88 yards for the second touch­down in the next period, with Richards crossing into pay territory. Richards converted both extra points. In the f~urth period. Swarthmore marched again. This time from mid­field, Wolfe scoring the touchdown . Shortly before the end of the game Johns Hopkins recovered a fumble nea~ mid-field. Two long passes and a 4.yard buck for a touchdown with its conver­sion point was the total score accom­plished by the opponents. S-CoU .. e Meet The Five College Cross-Country meet Over Swarthmore's f('ur and one-half mile course, was won by Haverford. Saturday. The point score was Haver­ford 28; Lafayette 40; Swarthmore 68· Lehigh 97 and J onns Hopkins 107. ' TBE SWARTBMOREAN ., The Swarthmore College }V'I 1~lt to tetllOOn recently. Mrs. Percival At­P. M. C. }V's 13.0 in a football game milage, Mr •. 1.. G. Campbell and Mrs played at Swarthmore, Tuesday after- 1. Wilbur Haft of Swarthmore are th~ noon. other members of the group. as their week-ead guests recently, ¥r. aDd Mrs. Ray Steidle of Rochestet, N. Y.: 8HRBI1fIJI 8ALB8 01 BaAL JllS'rATB Swarthmore College Freshman £oot- M R be T Sherlfl·. o.m~, Court BOUMI, lfecl1.. PeDDa. ball team defeated Drexel JV's 25.0, ro. art. Bair of Cornell avenue last Saturday. entered the Abington :.lemoria1 Hospi- The CoUege soccer teams won one talon Monday for observation following SaturdaT. NOTembeJo 80. 1940 9:30 A. 1[. Butem Standard Tlme game Saturday and lost two. two weeks' illness with arthritis at her The Freshmen defeated H"verford I home. ConditlOI1l: '260.00 caeh OJ' ~ed cbeck at time 01 we (unleae olhenrlee stated in advertlaement) balance in tea dayl. Ot.ber Freshmen, 2-0, at Swarthmore. Among the Swarthmoreans who re- condlUoDl!l on dq 01 .ale. Lafayette defeated the Varei!)", 3-1, cenlly enjoyed a stay at a beach front at Easton and Haverford JV's defeated ho~el in Atlant!c City, N. J. were listed Levari Fad .. No. 88 the JV's 3-0, at Swarthmore. MISS Flora WItham of North Prince- I • I ton a\'CllUe, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley September Term. 1940 NEWS NOTES Kite of Ogden avenUe and Mr. and Mrs, Chari .. Kurtzholz of Park avenue. )fOrll'apd premleee (1212 MalD Street, Darby. Delaware CountT, Pennsylvania belnt' Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Orem and daughters Joyce and Doris of Westdale and Harvard avenues visited Mrs. Orem's sister Mrs. M. M. Hall in Baltimore last week-end. Joyce and Doris attended the Notre Dame-Navy game with Mrs. Hall's SOD Marvin. Mr. and Mrs. Orero were invited to a dinner party after the game at a Balti­more Hotel. Mrs. Edward Baker of Springfield en­tertained the other members of her bi­weekly bridge foursome on Tuesday af- BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Ordinance No. 436 An Ordinance deftnlUK dl!Orderb conduct and Pl"escriblng' penalUee lor tho Tlola.. Uons thereof. THE DOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: ('umslanC8S DISORDERLY CONDUCT DE· who disturbs or breathes who loud talkInl' and or by the 1l8e 01 abusive or in-bood or l<J ('Quae is guUt,. 01 the 0~'n:1 :,~I;~ig~~;:.:on;iUCi wHhJn the m.. ." •• , ·-.i Section 2. ARRESTS BY POLICEMEN. Any policeman 01' umrers of the Borough may. with. out warrant and upon vJew. arresl and commit for heann8' an), penon IrUUty 01 dillorderir con­duct, PenoDii so arrested shall be entitled to giVe bail lor their appearance as prellCribed in Section 3102 of the General BorOUgh Ad of 1927. P. L. 619. and its amendments and supple:mema. Seellon 3. PENALTIES. Anyone V';~~:;!'~'t: terms of this Ordinance shall be by flne of not le88 than '6. or more for eacb offense. or by imprilonment more than thirty days. either or both discretion of the commiltlnJ' cagistrate. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner had "AU that cert&l.n ]ot or lIiec)8 01 poound with tbe buUdinp and Improvementa thereon ---------===::--__ erected. Situate on tho lOuthweaterly II1de 01 ~----------.I Sireet at. the distance of one hundred aIz REQUEST FoR BIDS and two ooe·hundl'!'dtbl leet 8Outheaetwan! The Borough 01 Swllrthmore will receive from tho lIOutheasterly side of Tblrteentb eeaIed bids on Wedneeday. Detember 18th 1940 Street III the Boroul'h of Darby. COUbt,. of In Council Chamber. BoroUfh Hall, ai 7:45 Delaware. Stale 01 Pennsylvanl&. P. M .. coyerinl' lerms tor the removal of garbage lrom all houeehol&!. establilhmentl. Containing' In front or breadth on 'he said and IrUUtUUOD, within the Bo .... u.b. for the Main SLreet. twenty·lour and ninel.J'-e~bt bun- 100 1 • ., dredtha leet and ell:tendlnlr of that width lD per 0 one 7e8l' commenting' JanuIUT 1 length 01' depth lOuthwestwanlJy between p .... t1r9a4c1t . maanyd bIeJ Ukche pa, UICn'C ef8o8rhc·eo trne aarcsc oarsd antbcee wcoitnh: allel linea at anglea '&0 the said Main liB terms. The apeclflcallona and form 01 pro. Street. one hundred twent,y·aeven and ATe­poaed COntract lor said work are on fleld wUh lentha leet. tbe Borough Secretary at tbe Borouch Hall ! Bo Swartbmore. Pa .• where 8ame may be ezamlned' Sa d nd and Martrap beIng dated APriJ The IUC<'eUful bidder must turuiab surety 28. 1924. recorded AprU 29. 1924-M. lJ. 636, bond as req!lired by the BoroUgb Code. A ('enl- p. 166. fled chetk ID the amounl of 160.00 must. ac- Said Bond and Mortgage were dub aeeilllled compSh7 eam bid. by Cobbs Creek Title and Trust C(;mpal17 '&0 ELLIO'IT RICHARDSON. the Penn87lvaola Trust Company to the Peon~ 11·22·31 DorOUgh Secretary. sylvania CompaOJ' for InsW"auce on Llvea aDd BlDRJPp 8ALES OF REAL ESTATE Sberla'8 OfDce. Court HoUBe, Me4la, Pa. Saturday • .December 'I, 1940 9:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time CondJttons: $250.00 cash or certt1led check at tlme 01 sale (unless otherwlH 8tated In advertl8em.ent) balance In ten days. other cond1tIons on day of sale. Granting AnnulUea and Ida R. Cornell. Trustees under the Will of Jobn W. Cornell. deceased, by assignment dated February 10. 1928. and duly recorded at .Media, February 2S, 1928 in A. M. B. 117 pap 143 I:c. Improvementl comlst of two and one·half stOlT trtueco houae. 36 z: 18 leet; stucco 8bd stone addition. 16 x 20 leet.: garage attached. 22 x 16 feel. Sold as tbe property of Walter L. Lew18 and UlIIan F. Lewis. bis wife. morll"alrOre and Walter L. Lewll. real owner. Levari PaclaR No.373 v. GILPIN ROBINSON. Attorney. September Term. 1940 DweUlng house and lot situate Aldan Bor­ougb. Del. Co., Pa...r described 88 followa: Beg. at a pt. in m1adle 01 CIUton Ave. (40" Wlae). a comer of lands of Maraaret B Al­Wln, between ProvldI:Jnce Ave. & MaaDolla Ave.: at the distance of 225' northwest­wardly fro ~oUa Ave.: erldg. tho by 14. lands S. 64.5 W. 254.5' to a pt. comer of other lands of Clarenee Alwine: tho by last mentioned lands B. 25.SD E. 45' to pt. In llno of lands of Mary H. E1Uott: tho by last men­tiOned lands N. 64.5- E. 254.5' to pt. In mid­dle of Cl1fton Ave. by middle of same N. 25.5· W.45'. Improvements consist of one story lrame house, 16x36 teetj side porCh. Sold as the property ot Walter Bateman and Margaret Bateman. his wife. mort­gagors and Edward Downey and. Hary Dow­ney. hla wtfe, real owner. F'lerl Facias No. 514 September Term. 1940 All that certain lot or piece of 1T0und with the mellBuage or tenemenl tbereon erected. Sl't.­uate on the southeast side of Bradford Road at the distance of sevcn hundred and fiYe and twenty-two one-hundredths feet southwestward from tho southwest side of Lonl' Labe. 1D the Towbllhlp 01 Upper Darby. Count,. 01 Dela· ware and State of Penn8ylvania. Containing: In Iront or breadtb on the sald Bradlord Road twenty~ftYe feet and extending of that width in length or depth BOutheastward bet We8lJ p8l'a!lel Unes at right anrles to the said Brad­ford ROad. seventy· five feet. the northeast Une thereol being along' the middle 01 B certain ten feet wIde priVate drivewlQ' laid out.. and opened o\-er thia and the adjoining properly to tbe nortbeast thereof. IBid drlvewa.,y extendin&, southeMtward from the BOuthea.8t side of Brad- Section 4. ~~~:.~~;~~~~!i~~~~:j~~i I B. L. HAGY, Attorney. PlU'l 01 herewith contaJned '".;::.-,"-.:., to repeal Levari Facias No. 301 approved November 22. ford Road. fifly-seven feet. Under and subject. however. to cerlain build­No. 5 ing reotricUons and easement. Ordinance No. 383 approved January O. September Term, 1940 Passed this 20th day of November. A. D. 1040. MEDIA, P&. F===========; .....,BAMWi;;I;;L-;;m~N;;-:-aq-d-;-;:ELG=::I=N:-:w:=A-=TC:-:,..H-.-'S- MRS. HARRIET L. TREAT (SEAL) EDWIN B Kr.-I I EY J Will make your New Gown or By, D. W. R. MORGAN. .,.;.. ~th r II BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Together wIth Ihe free and common use. right. Uberty and privilege of tho aforesaid private driveway 88 and 10r a drlvewa.,y. Va&­s. ngeway and watercoUl"8e at all Umea here­after forever. In ('Ommon with the ownel"8. ten­ants and occupiers 01 the adjoining' lot of ground bounding therein to the northeasl thereof. .... . , ,r. Remodel your Worn One President Pro. '!'em. ....., us. 0 • ey. Your J-~~ler At your bome by the day ':LI.LI'OT~d~~~:~~" Improyements consist ot two story brick 1f;>1IN'C' or at her home Attest: ", .... ...".j bouse. I6x28 teet; porch lront. 25 Eaat 7th SI. Chester An en ..... ement Is soUelted (OpPOSite New State Theatre) 209 RUTGERS AVE. Appro'-ed November 21. 1940. Sold 8.11 the property, 01 W1lllam T. Harris, tphone Cheater 37M Telephone Swartbmore 892 Jr .. mo=r and :s aelt oak BuUdtng and -::~==:..::""'~~~~'-____ I~==::;;===========:: I JOHN H, PITMAN. Loan Assoc tlon. real owner. Impro\'ementll consiat of two story stucco house. 150 x 33 fect: encloeed front porch; one alory !tucco addilton, 9 x 6 leet; st.ucco garage. 10 ]I: 18 feet. Sold ns tbe property of .!ohn Donian. HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. WILLIAM W. McKIM. SherUr. A WT M Burgeu. BOW. F. HITCHCOCK, Attorney. • " ayne osteller WOOD 11"2.1' 11-14·3. WlLLL\M W. KcBB:hIeMrl,l i. 11·8·" Electrical Contractor KOPPERS --;;;;;;:;;;=;;;:;;;;;;:;;;===~= Telephone Swarthmore 2295 COKE NEWBOLD R. V ABIAN SUN Formerl" of FUEL on. GEO. GILLESPIE &: CO, BUILDER Alteration8--Repairs Paintill8 310 Yale Ave. SWarthmore 1129 YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER S· ............ 19 COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN AI.EN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 Pleture Framin. - Stadonery Boob - Kodak SuppU"" Greetln. Cards - Boob,.. Craft SIMMONDS 714 Webb Street Cheater 'Phone Cbester z-n81 DR. M. BLOOMFIELD OpIOmB,ri., Complete E,..e Servi ... 612 WELSH lI"TREET c.u Ch.ier 8014 ..--..-----.-...-..-....-..-....-. .. VICTOR RECORDS Now Reduced 1-3 to 50% SUPP08E- some time- the ambu­lance s::-e:l would cc:m that someone haJ bcc:l injured on your prop­erty. Could you f:ICe a heavy liability suit? JETNA·IZE A PllbJic Liability policy written by TheJEl:'na Casualty tt Surety Com .. pan, of Hartford, Conn.. is ~e property-owo!r'a 6n~<;t protectIon against finanCl,!lloss I~ rase SOIQeOIl8 is injured on hIS preDU.Se:i. PETER E. TOLD People's 'nre Store Insurance 211 Wopeestn sBtafttreJ '8 =n~. _.D _, ____ WASHER-REFRIGERATOR VACUUM CLEANER &: RADIO Sperl,IIdn .. In Commercial Bepain Swarthmore 1833 +17 Dartmouth Ave. [I I I SNOWDEN'S, Inc. ~_ Save your eyes with Low-Cost ADAPTORS Here's good nows! You can now modernize your entire hc,"," l'qhting along Better Light·B"tter Sight lines ... for Ht.le money. Good·looking. inexpemive Adaptors are the an:wer. !hey I~~e no ·~wirinq. You, simFly screw them mto eXl-tmg so-kets an1 l:eqin to enjoy wfly diffused lighl free from g!ate and shadows. And rem9mber, there are fixtures for eVEry room ... every type of fixture--ceilinq, side bracl<e\e, lampsl Beqin now to save your eyes with easy-seeing, protective Adaptorsl . PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY LIVE ELECTRICALLY AND SAVE

---------- Page 21 ----------

8 -BOME a: SCHOOL DRIVE OPENS 22nd The Home and School Association membership drive opens' today UDder the direction of Walker Penfield as.isted by Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden, Mrs. P. M. Dickson, Mr. and Mr.. Jobn Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Mac­Elwee. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rinclilfe, Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson, and Mrs. Arthur P. Shanklin Voluntary memberships have come in unusally well this year but in order to continue the work 01 the association in providing worthwhile programs, study­ing community problems and supporting improvement measures it is necessary to have the active interest and financial backing of every parent in Swarthmore. Completely AiroCondldoned Open All Night CURTAINS DRAPERIES VENETIAN BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS WINDOW SHADES • Read,.. Made or Made to Order • Eotlmatee F'l1'IIlahed Without Cost or OloliptioD • ST01'l'ER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Corner 3d & Market Sts. CHESTER JII' e GI"" Yell"", Tradl ... S'amp. Word Gets Around About our ability to supply individual styles at lower prices. Itls merely a matter 01 good taste and judgment. • A Fashion Store You Will Like Featuring COATS • fur trimmed • e8sual sports • Zip-in camel hair • reversibles • TBE SWARTBMORBAN NOVEMBER 22, 1!NO Yves Tinayre for COIJ.EGETOSHOW'XMASSEALCAMPMGNOPENS S da V . ''TIlE INFORMER" Delaware County residents will loon 1111 . Y espers . receive through the mails their Christ-mas Seals for 1940. From the offices of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association. forty-five large mail bags filled· with the seals will go to the local post offices. The seals will be mailed November 25. the first day I of the 34th annual seal campaign. Freneh Baritone Will be Assisted fomorrow Night's Bill and the By College Stud,ents in Program French Film on November 27 of Long-Buried Works Prolrer. Good Cinema Fare At 6 :45 o'clock Sunday evening in Clothier Memorial Swarthmore College students will take part in a concert by the French baritone Yves Tinayre devoted to unknown works of early composers presented in their original form .. Yves Tinayre was born in France. He was trained there, in Italy, and in Eng­land where he made his home for sev­eral years. WhiJe making his reputation as an interpreter of modern music, Yves Tinayre was delving into the vocal lit­erature of bygone centuries. Today he has a collection ...,f more than two thousand works, many of them en­tirely unknown. All these Yves Tinayre has now transferred to the United States. to Village Two moving picture shows will be pre- This year the seal was designed by sented at college during the next week; Felix Lewis Martini, a .Lo. Angeles the first on tomorrow night November artist, and depict. three healthy, happy 23, and the second on the night before children singing Christmas carols. Their Thanksgiving, Wednesday. November "0. appeal to their elders is "Protect Us There will be two showings on each From Tuberculosi •• " night, at 7 o'clock and at 9. These mov- Tuberculosis is the greatest cause of ing pictures are open without (~rge to death from diseases among younger residents of the borough and other friends age groups as well as among men and of the college.. women under forty-five years. "The Informer," which was chosen The fund raised from the sale of in 1935 at the international exposition in Christmas Seals in Delaware County Venice as the finest picture to be pro- is used by the Tuberculosis Associa­duc~ anywhere in that year, wilt be the tion to carryon the work of tubercu­feature picture on the program on Sat- losis control in close cooperation with urday, November 23. Brilliantly directed the official health agencies, the medical by John Ford from the novel by Liam and nursing professions and others in­Q'Flaherty, it presents a dramatic and terested in public health. even terrifying impression of the Black • I • and Tan rebellion in Ireland in 1922. VeterlUl8 Seek Magazines, 1041, will be glad to c:aII for your contri­bution if you will but call her. Beginning Today WILL DB OPBN UNTIL , P. M. ON FBlDAYS • _Paekap_u~ GlIt-Wrap_ WItIlout CJwp • alice barber GIFrS OLD BANK BtllLDING S_1311 '. THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER 12 to 7,30 o'e1oek Special_for chI1dm1 • .Call CIIerier 2-21111 for BesenatioDB • Ell. 1m The portrayal by Victor McLaglen of The American Lesion Auxiliary again Gypo Nolan, the underworld blackgt:ard asks friends to save old magazines and YELLOW BOWL His program at this Sunday's vespers will include: Cornplainte de l'agniaus dou_Perotin Ie Grank (- -1236); If Ave mater, 0 MariaU-Author un­known- XIVth Cent. (Venitian School); Fragment of "Stabat Mater" IIEia Ma­ter fans pietatis" ISI9-Josquin des Pres (c.1450-1521); Motet (1649) "0 bone J esu"-Andreas Hammerschmidt (1612-1675) ; Kirchenkantate No. 4 (Complete performance) "Die Engelein" (Ba'Utzen 17(6) - Johann Christoph Kriede) (c.1640-171O); including Aria, Recitative and Aria, Recitative and Aria (voice, organ-and two violins); Psalm CL (1659) "Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus" (voice, organ and two violins)­Andre Campra (1660-1744). who sells his comrade for twenty British I discarded silk stockings to be taken to TEA ROOM pounds, is one of the most memorable the Coatesville Veterans' Hospital. Mrs. GOG =uI Street scchraereanc.t eOrinz atthioen ssa mine ptrhoeg raanmn awlsi ll 0b1e tthhee ~:.=J:'=S:ervaJ=:·:s,=t:e:le:ph::ioniei.~S~warthmii~ioirie~iiii~~S~TE~R~====~~~~~ Walt Disney version of ''Ferdinand the Bull" j a short, "Siege," showing a few shots of the German invasion of Poland; and a March of Time, "Crises in the Pa­cific." With the exception of the Disney, which will come firs~ this is not a suit­The program will be commented upon and translations of texts given by Yves Tinayre. Next Sunday, December I, Claribel Gegenheimer, organist, will be the guest performer. • • English in Dire Need Mrs. John R. Bates of North Ches­ter road wishes to thank all those who have worked for her and also to re­mind others that the English need for warm clothes and knitted things, to keep them comfortable during the long winter is momentarily increasing. Mrs. Bates is collecting for the British War Relief and appreciates all helpful contri­butions of money, clothing, or services. Any person who can assist in the ship­ping department which is at Wana­maker's will be most welcome. Mrs. Batcs reports nothing is lost in transw portation to England. Three hundred thousand pounds of uwoolies" already have becn sent. able program for children. On the Wednesday evening before the Pennsylvania Thanksgiving the French film "Generals Without Buttons/, will be the feature. In this picture of a feud between two villages, the one praying for rain to grow its cabbages and the other for sun for its grapes, children are the principal actors. The children of the two villages fight one another in gangs. Cap. ture by the enemy means the htnniliation of having all your buttons cut off, It is a picture notable for the national delight of its scene, its story, and its actors. This is the first showing in the Philadelphia area of this picture, which was made in 1938. On the same program will be the Walt Disney "Lonesome Ghosts," and the fine documentary film liThe City," which was shown at the New York World's Fair. "The City" was produced by the Ameri­can Institute of Planners with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. It is an important social document on city plan­ni! 1g which runs the gamut from the beauty of old New England villages to the hideousness of slums in a modern steel town. The commentary of this film was written by Lewis Mumford. ~.• lCplC"r"e"_ICHIC"OI&Ii"·d"a""'ylC-Sal-e"""lC J'L · · :: Connie Nickerson Injured I Mrs. Ira L. Nickerson of Merion N formerly of Swarthmore left Wednes- ov. 22 to 27 j day afternoon by rail to be with her Just in time lor the gala " daughter Connie who suffered a broken Thanksgiving - ~hrislma. Whirl I' collarbone and other injuries in a multi- II 10 "'0 REDUCTION ON ~ car crash SO miles from Los Angeles, W 7( PI Cal. last Sunday. Connie who pro- Wl ENTIRE STOCK OF i gressed from the Swarthmore Players I DAY AND EVEIVING = Club stage to Broadway was on her I WEAR II way east with her husband Eddie Brac- I_ • = ken of stage and screen fame who re- BRIGGS' 1940-41 Basketball Uniforms and Equipment Now Ready SPECIAL PRICES ON TEAM: BQVIPMENT --GLADLY SUIJMI'I'TED" "Everything in Sporting Goo"''' 7th and Welsh Sis., Chester Phone Chester 9737 OpeD FrIday aDd Saturda7 EveDIDp Ifii;"'\'il\ad Cleaned and Pressed to Look Like • i . 4+' NEW I CLENO - RE - NU - IT COMPANY 614 WELSH STREET, CHESTER 'PHONE CBESDR SUS Fur Coats Cleaned. Glazed, Remodeled - HeasonablT DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th ONE DOLLAR Make Reservations Early VISIT THE HARVARD SHOP Now Open POTTERY, CHINA, PRINTS SUITABLE FOR FRAMING HARVARD TEA ROOM i!I"lIIllIIllllIIllIIllIIlllIIlIIlIIlIllIIlIIlIIllIIlIIlIIllllIllIlllllllllIllIlIIlIllIllIIllInlllllllllll1II111l111111l11l11l1111111l1111!l ~ CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER HAVE YOU TRIED •. Fashion Center !! ceived minor bruises. They planned to RODGERS I . visit Connie's parents over the holidays 33 W. State St. • since they had a six-week interval be- I 608 Ed Ch MEDIA;; tween the picture with Joel McCrea gmont, ester I Telephone Media 2115 I which Bracken has just finished NYLON HOSE? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'=_~"~"~"~";"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~~1Io~"~":"~"~"~":_::"1 "sRcheeadcuhliendg ftoor mthaek eS unin'" aJnadn uoanrey . heA lis- ~.--.. ---........ ------•• ----... -------------.. ---.. -------.-.----.... ------------------. though it 'vas expected Connie could If return to her home in Beverly Hills after three days in the Redlands Com­Do You Bowl? A Good Shoe Will Improve Your Game MEN'S OXFORDS OR SHOES .................. $3.95 Pro WOMEN'S OXFORDS ................................. $3.75 pro Bowling Bags-$1.95 Up Bowling Balls Made to Order REESE-BAXTER CO. Sporting Goods 706 EDGMONT AVE., CHESTER • Phone Chester 6814 munity Hospital, Redlands, Cal. she will have to be in a cradle for three weeks. Her mother will arrive in Cali­fornia on Saturday. • I' Pianists in Redtal The pupils of Consta~c:e Williams were presented in their opening piano recital of the year on November 8 at the home of Mrs. Walter Keighton on Cedar lane. The program was divided into two parts. The first part demonstrated the way in ,vhich the fundamentals of music are taught. Rhythm, the scale and tonal relationships were demonstrated by Pen­ny Morrow. Ann Stoddard, Jim Bullitt t June Keighton, Susan Lawson, Corinn.: i Foster, Sal1y Duties, Joan Pennock, and : 1 Ann Mandelbaum. The second half of the program was devoted to the pcrfonnance of music. Original compositions were played by Patsy Henry and Bob Keighton. Others taking part were Alan Hall, Charles Keighton, .constance Dul1es, Sadie Gar-rett, Cynthia Homire, Danny Davies and ..... _----.... _-_ .. _------------------------------------------------------------- Gilbert Davies. ' If not-try the wonder of Modern Chemistry! DEXDALE -= 57·GAUGE '=" 5 ~ I NYLONS _ A Complete Selection - of New Shades in All Sizes $1.35 The HOSE you American women have long dreamed about! Sheerer!-Lovelier! Giving the leg a slimmer ,smarter look! These are Perfect Quality. SIZES 8Y2 -101j2 • ; Made 0/ duPont Nylon § ;=;tIlI IllIllIlIlIllIIlHIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIInIIllUlIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIUIHlIllIlh=F.i .. , ........••..•....•..••.•.•...... 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •• 11111111III1III1IIIII1111111 SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR ESTABLtSHED t812 HARI{IS & CO. TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS _d DYERS NO. t t PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. TaL. PHONE SWARTHMORE 504 \'\ \)\1 ? 'j 'M~ BUY , 5 WA 1~1 HM()i~~ L I 13 i~ ~ I~ Y \. SWA I~ T HMIII~E 1:1 A • CH~I.T.AS SEILS lOW' THE SWARTH EAN GIVE TO THE RED CROSS· VOL xu. No_ 48 MODElS FOR RED CROSS BENEFIT Students From High Sehool and College Join With Townswomen to Show Latest Fashions : Models have been announced for the combined fashion .show and dance "Fun qn a Budget" which will be held for t~e benefit of' the Red Cross on Sat­urday evening, December 7, at 9 o"clock iil ~he Swarthmore High School gym­nasIum. ~Under the direction of Kate Heming­way, fashion coordinator for the down­stairs store of a Philadelphia depart­ment store the following womell from the town and college will act as man­ne( luins for the evening: Martha Ray­mond and Phyllis Simpson high school seniors; J ody Dickson and Ann Gor­man high school juniors; Mrs. Theo­phile Saulnier, Mrs. Palmer Skoglund Marjorie Dinsmore, and Eudora Sproat from the town; Mrs. Morris Fussell :Mrs. Maurice Mandelbaum, Mrs. Town~ send Scudder, and Mrs. Jeffrey Mure of the college; and Alice Robinson Josephine Clarke, Ruth \Vilbur, Elain~ Gerst]cy, Aline Wolff, Ruth Clark, Jean Robinson. and Ruth Richardson of the college student body. . I • A. E. WNGWELL DIES 'SUDDENLY Engineer With Stone & Webster, Resident of Borough 21 Years, Sueeumbs to Heart Attack Alfred Emerson Longwell passed away suddenly at 2 A. M. Monday, Novem­ber 25. at his home 222 Lafayette ave­nue following a heart attack. Mr. Long­welt was an engineer in charge of the Philadelphia district of Stone and Web­ster Engineering Corporation for the past 23 years. He had been in failing health for two years. ~orn in St. Louis, Mo. on September 18. 1887 the son of Alfred Marshall and AJice Charlotte Longwell, he married Marguerite Roberson in Boston, Mass. on November 24. 1917. After his mar­riage he lived in Lansdowne one year beforc coming to Swarthmore. After a year on Park avenue, he built the house QIl Lafayette avenUe where he has lived for 20 years. His main interests were music and art. In reccnt ycars he made amateur photography his hobby. Surviving besides his widow are two sons John Howard and Robert Rober­son and two brothers Daniel of New York city and James Carver of Baton Rouge, La. The Reverend David Braun, pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church of ~vhich Mr. Longwell was a member, j:onducted private memorial services for members of the family and a few close business associates at the home at 3.30 Tuesday afternoon. The body was cre­mated in the morning at West Laurel Hill Crematory. W. I. L.-::M-::E:-M~B"E"'·RS-m-p RALLY ON 6th 'fhe monthly meeting of the Swarth­more board of the Women's Interna­tional League was held at the home of ~frs. ]. V. S. Bishop of Harvard ave- SWARTHMORE, PA., NOVEMBER 29, 1940 Pageant 0/ the Nativity WHEN PRESIDENT MEETS PRESIDENT December 22 . The. Pageant of the Nativity will be glV(n III memory of Charles D. Mitchell founder ami dirertor, on SUllday, Decc11l~ ber 22 !n Clothier Memorial. Under the auspices of the Donald Darlington Me­J~ lorial Fund there will be two presenta­tmns, the first at 5 o'clock 'and the sec­ond at 7 o'clock. The Pageant will be directed by Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell assisted by Mrs. George P. Warren. The Rev. David Braun will serve as reader. Mrs. leon­ard C. Ashton will direct the Pageant chorus with Mrs. Everett L. Hunt serv­ing as chairman of music. Mrs. Kathar­ine L. Clothier will be the Pageant or­r~<! nist as in former years. . The. Pageant ~f the Nativity is a spir­Itual lJlterprctatIOn of the Christmas Story entered into by the people of Swarthmore, made possible by the Don­ald Darlington Memorial Fund. It was first presented on December 18, 1938 un­der the direction of the late Charles D. Mitchell. To the 2500 people who filled Clothier Memorial for that first per .. for~ance and for the second presenta­tion which the participants graciously reprated, the Pag:eant gave spiritual en-richment and intensified beauty to the D J h W entire Christmas season. On December r. 0 D • Nason, Pre$ident of Swarthmore College is shown buying 7 the first sheet of Christmas Seals from Richard Brown Pre,ident of ;s1e n, ta1t9l.O39n st.h e Pageant was given two pre- the Sem·o r Cia S ' S8 at warthmore High School. Dr. Na50o, in buying the Christmas Seal~ ooDp'atulated the youlh of the County for the splen- Produced in four episodes the first did spirit they show In assisting in the light against tuhercu1oeb. a portrays the prophecy given by Isaiah; di8CB8e which takes 118 greatest toll in young adult We. ' tthhee sSehceopnhde, rdthse aAnndn uthnec iamtieosns;a gteh eo ft hitrhde, III ~ ===============::;f~=~;::-~;-;:---~~----- Heavenly Host; the fourth, the scene Collect Toys This Week-End Apply. Horse Sense of the Nativity. The finale of the Pageant will show • To Na. tional Dilemna the fulfillment of the world wide con- The Boy Scouts of the Borough -- quest of the spirit of Christ as the Light will canvass Swarthmore this of the World. week-end for any available toys, College Equine Backers . Lay' Quesiions in Hooves of Big Qnadrnp'" All who come in the spirit of rever.. books, clothing and other mater .. ence and worship are welcome. ials for the Christmas Toy Shop, • I • held here annually for welfare families. Residents will facilitate Swarthmore College Riding Club collection by having such articl~ membl!rs' and their steeds took a straw LOCAL WOMEN ACTIVE IN BRITISH REUEF BAZAAR ready. Doll parts are especially vote-yea or neigh-on six,l·vital issues" Mrs. J. H. Gordon McConechy of needed. Toys will be reconditioned in the' "gallop poll" held last Friday Harvard avenue is chairman and Mrs. and stored in the basement of ,evening in the College field house. Agnes 1\1. Jiaig Sheldon of Ogden ave- Harris dud' eompiihj.· uritU" Dt:-" ,'ratrlotlcally woUI1U"'Jn red, whJte: and Due co-("hairman of the Bazaar for the cember 19 when the Toy Shop blue the railings of the sidewalks British War Relief and the Victoria will be held in the Woman's Club . se~ved as section divisions for the over- Home for Aged British next Wednes- House. Aow of spectators who, unable to be day, December 4, in the Bellevue_I ... ______________ ....Ilaccommodated by the crowded grand- Stratford, Philadelphia. SKIT STmS H. & S. stand, sat along the sidelines wherever The Ba2aar will be open from 12 space could be found. The far end of noon to 10 P. M. It will be formally DISCUSSION the 'building was Ranked with ever~ opened by M. L. Robinson, British Con- greens and the blata'lt1y striped back suI at 2 P. ),1. Rev. Andrew Mutch of and overhead awnings of the judges' Bryn Mawr will offer the invocation. Amusing Skit Moves Audience stand might have been lifted from some Marjorie Kahler Larkins of Chester, who to Participation on Family sheik's desert encampment. sings with the Swarthmore Woman's Problems Eight girls in white and red, wearing Club Chorus, will lead patriotic singing tall hats, drilled their horses in the at this ceremony. With the poUshed precision o.f a opening number, scheduled on the pro- The twenty chapters of the Daugh- Players' Club production" the World gram as uDown with the Fifth Column". ters of the British Empire in Pennsyl- Premiere of Robert Cadigan's "A Quiet Truly Swarthmorean, the horses went vania sponsor the Bazaar. Mrs. Rob- Evening at Home" took place at the Republican in the "Constripteesc" and inson will have charge of the British High School Auditorium last Tuesday. "Stable' Foreign Relaytions't contests War Relief booth. There will be 14 The long heralded attempt of the between teams of Democrats and booths of attractive Christmas gifts, Program Committee to get away from G. O. Ps. In the first relay the' con­booths of Christmas wrappings, dolls programs 'where we just sit still and testants raced to the opposite end of and toys, books, English foods, cakes, get talked at' was a huge success. In the course, dismounted, opened a suit­p_ astries and sweets, flowers, houshold spite, of the rain and sleet a good-sized case, donned voluminous -trousers and articles, and a remarkable white ele- audience watched their fellow-towns- jerseys, mounted and dashed back to l)hant stall. men acting as an average family squab- the starting point there to dismount, Lunch will be served at the milk bar bHng over daughter's dates, son's radio, remove the surplus clothing and run from 12 to 2 and afternoon tea on the movies and homework IJ On foot to replace it in the suitcase balcony from 3 to 5:30. A physiological Mrs. Robe'rt Reed's setting provided ready for the next person. The liStable palmist will be 011 hand to read palms. a tel~phone, a couch. father"s easy chair Foreign Relaytions'" might have been • I • a chair by the radio for the children backed by the prohibitionist party for ANNUAL COOPERATIVE EVENT to scrap over. and looked very fam- the barrels used as relay markers were iliar. I. R. MacElwee played a contem- entirely devoid of contents. 1111(" on Monday, November 24. Members of the Swarthmore Coop-plative pipe-smoking father, who got The next issue on the program "So­pretty worked up about his daughter cial Security" found four pair of girls going out with a young man he didn't and fellows putting their horses through know. The daughter Laura Lee Hop- square dancing paces. Mrs. Philip Jewett, chairman of the crative Association will hold their an~ board announced that a membership nual dinner at the Methodist Church meeting will be held Friday, December on Park avenue at 6 :30 P. M. Decem- 6 in Bond Memorial. Mrs. John C. Ar- ber sixth. kins threw a bomb or two into the Freddie Coerr on Gala Occasion set-family circle by insisting that she was tied the ~~de-fence question" an adult and bringing up a few leftish Climaxing the event the dark horse ideas she had gleaned in the history candidate (College Comptroller and class. Mrs. C. W. McDowell was a gra- Borough C!luncilman N. O. Pittenger) cious moti.ler, struggling to cope with had the field to ,him~elf, 911 J;>hgebe, her rebellious offspring. the Burro of Swarthmore. Phoebe, tail I f2,$~.PER .UU· slXm ANNUAL GRIDmON AFFAm Captain. "Bill". Wood,.' Head., Coach at West Point, to be DinnerSpcaker On Friday 'evening' December 6 - at 6.30 P. M. tIle sixtli annUal dinner will' be E!i\'cn ill hOllor. of tlie High' School varsity football team, in the lli~h SdtOo't gymnasium building: ' ... .. This function has becoine a'n estab­Iishl..'< 1 annual event, at' which 'approxi­mately 300 boys, Imrcnts, and' friends ~ gather together for a good' dinner.-and,' an evcning of fun and enjoyment; 1.1' the past the committee has heen fortunate in having as guest s{X"3kers lIten of nat. ional repute in tllf field of. sl>orts. This year, it is particularly, appropr.iate that our gue.Ojt speaker should be ,an officer in an Anny for national defcnse in addi­tion .to being one _of, the coun'trY's"top rankmg football coaches. Captain Wood will be ably assisted by "Nick" Robin­Son. Secretary of the Philadelphia Dis­trict of the Nati~1 Board of Footbatl Officials. ' The committee will also hm'e as guests the High School junior varsity team, which has just completed an unde­fea, ted season, as well as the light weight' :and fly weight teams which have been under the supervision' 'of '''jil;l'' Miiler. "Bob" 'Gerner, until recently coach of .th~ . jtini<.»r varsity's and varsity lirie coach, Will be back for the evening' and his "gang" are planning on giving' him a big reception. Continuing the custom established last year, the coaches of the teams which op­pos; d Swarthmore this fall, have been mVlted and all have' signified their inten­tion of being on hand when chairman flTed" Saulnier rings his gong. . Members of the Home and School ASM sociation as ,veil as parents of all boys attending the borough schools, arp. urged to attend this annual dinner. The com'mittce believes according to Lawr­ence Drew that a first hand knowledge of "thi_c; anR'le of our ,~chool, life is_ of IJrimar.y importance for proper apprecia­tion of the physical education program which has been developed in the local school district. ~=-.''''''--- NABBED FOR CHECK F(}RGERIES Apprehended, 011 Monday by the Ard. more ;Police Department while trying to pass a bad check' in Ardmore, James Fisher, alias John Kelly, alias Paul Mil­ler and Frank Miller, 52 years old was discovered to be the man' who sto'le 12 blank checks from the office 'of William S. J3.!ttle on Rutgers' avenue here Sept­ember J7 and, later signed Mr. Bittle's name to one which he cashed at Mar-tel's for $30. . . Questione4 ,Momlay evening at Ard­more .flY ,<;:!aptain Alvin J. Herr of the Swarthmo-:e Police Department 'the prisoner who lives at 3314 South 52nd street, Philadelphia ad~itted entering Bittle's house during the owner's ab­sence, tearing four pages ftom the back of his check book, forging one and cash­ing' it at Martel's, another in Media, and one each in East Lansdowne, Drexel Hill and Haverford, and destroying ,the re-maining "cllccks. ' :He· is also wanted in Montgomery county on charges ·of ·forgery, burglary and larceny· and after -standjng trial there will be turned o\'er- ,to 'Delaware County ., -au.t ho"ri 't ies' .tf o•r like offenc.e s. _, .Friends' Bl\i8a;,N~~f W.~k Under the ausPiccs, of the Swarthmore Friends' Service: ,branch a :sille df aprons, biea'd, cake" preserves and other,' houst­hold goods will ·be. held in Whittier House on the campus of Swarthmore College ,'{rom 1.30 :):0 5.30"delotk next Wednesday afternoon, December 4. nett connected with the Philadelphia Leslie E. Woodcock, manager of the office of the Women's International Eastern Cooperative Wholesale will League has been asked to explain W. speak on "Cooperatives and the Crisis I. L. poliCies. There will be sewing for in Democracy." Mr. Woodcock's ex­relief work and an informal tea. perience in the cooperative movement . Plans are being formulated 'for a study goes back to 1919 when he helped to group to be held after the new year. organize the Consumers Cooperative A letter from the national office was Services which operates several cafe­read asking local groups to help in terias in New York City. In 1930 he bringing to this country some European I was engaged in the financing and con­memhers of the W. I. L. who are fac- struction of the ten story Cooperative ing persecution. There was some dis- Apartment House in New York City cussiol1 of this matter but no plans were and in 1931 became manager of the :Most of the laughs, and they were bedecked with large red ribbon bow, many, greeted the portrayal of the fif- and with a matching ribbon tied under teen-year-old ,son by Gordon ponglas. her chin to secure her stylish hat ob-lr---------------... When the curtain went up again, Mr. viously shared none of the audience's 30 British Women Cadigan had added Mrs. G. H. Froebel, trepidation for the long gaunt person"" to Receive Red C..-oss i Howard Kirk, John Schobinger and age in tight black breeches and coat' Kits_From Swarthmore ~ Virgina Craemer and the augmented and high hat who sat right where her • " ,t family became a panel for discussion of. tail joined her body as she circled the Mrs. E. M. Bassett; production i made. \Vholesale. the depicted problems. Discussion was ring. chairman for the Red Cross, has invited from the floor and many Dean Everett L. Hunt, head judge received at least thirty requests r.::..====·~:.:. - :.. =.-: :-.::..·.:.:=-.::..=-...:::::.:.-=--::.:':::::.:-=:~:.:-:..:: ..: :.-:.~.::....:..:-::-:.:-:·~:.:~:.:-:.-:-:':-::'-===::;Ithonghtful remarks were given on the was assisted by Mrs. Jeffery Mure for Red Cross kits. She urges all relation of radio and home-work, col- wearing for the occasion in English those intereste4, who. have not ,! THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 29 7:30 P. M. - Roller SkaUng Party ...•...•.....•.•....•. Methodist Sodal Hall SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1 11 :00 A. M. - Mol"ning Worship ..............•...........•.... Local Churches 6:45 P. H.- Vespers: Chlribel Gegenheimer Thomson. Organist. .Clothier :Memori~ MONDAY. DECEMBER 2 • 10;00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.-Red CroSs Sewing •••••••..••••.••••• Woman·s Club TUE9DA Y. DECEMBER 3 2:30 P.M,-"White Clift's" and "Irish Journey" Reviews ....•..•• Woman'. Club 8:15 P. M. _ Young Republicans' Club .••........••..•.•.... Strath Ha.ven Inn WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 10;00 A.M.-Woman's Guild·A1Diliary Meeting' ...•••.•.••• Ttinity Parish House lege preparation and discipline. manner a complete skirted habit and done so, 'to' con'tact 'ner" immedi- ,,!' derby. . . . ';' t I· d 'th h Several '·nterestl·ng comments were· a e Yo. tn or. e. r· .a. t s e mav se- :::1': made by the panel. Mr. Kirk ', mad~ a ,B. en Bowditch, treasurer of the R·,d· - cure the neede_d kits. ' ' plea for stimulation of the students'iin- ,lOg Club and Pick Brown were lo~al In addition to the materials :~ tellectual curiosity. John Scbobinger' JJoys who rode. 'listed last week for the Christmas :t gave a taste of his Swiss experience in • _I • kits, a pillow will ;oe, _:pJaced' tn t meeting boys who 'really knew how te! ,On Viscose Board each kit ,by ,Headquarter :workers ..: study'. Virginia Craemer testified to to serve' as _ an emergency head -"~ the vatut: of Miss Allen's conferences, George M. Allen of Riverview road rest_ in air _raid shelters: ' " :~ now discontinued. Pressure of outside and H. O. Davidson of Guernsey r<1Rd Swarihmore 1.010 may 'he ~alled .:: activities on the adults was given as were recently elected' members of the to or~er kits' and. tQ _secuxe,.lists ;~ one reason for children and parents Board of Directors Of the American Vis- of arhc1e_s .for_ the, kit!s. ' ' .. ""-----------------------------'1 drifting apart. .case Corporatioe. ' ...... :' .'

---------- Page 22 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8_ ___________________- ._ ______________________! HE~W.A.. ~ =R~T=H~M~0~R=E=A~N-, ____________________~ ----~N~O~V~E~M~B~E~·R~2~2~.~1~9~40 HOIUE tpi~~~~~.IDRIVE Yves Tinayre for COIJ.EGETOSHOW'Xl\IAS SEAL CAMPAIGN OPENS I 1041, ",II be glad toeall for your contri- Sun(Iay V . "THE INFORMER" DeI, Count) rl",ulc.:nts will SOOIl hut:oll 1£ lOU wIll but call her. The Ilome and School A!Ssoclahon espers nctl\C through the malls thCIT Chrlst- - --:======- nil mhcrslup drive opcns today under the lila" Scals ror 1940 From the offices dlru:t1011 of \V,.lkcr Pcnfu.:ld asslstcd b} Frcnl"ll Baritone Will be Assisted I'oillurrow Night's Bill and tlte I of the. Dd,m.ln. County TuhlTculosts ~IJ and ~lr< Ph,IIp ~1 Aid"" Mrs I By College Siudenis in Pro".. .. am Frcnch Film on NUl ember 27 1'''''1 Health As-oelatlOn, forty-five large I P. ~I D,eksoll, ~Ir and Mrs Johll of Long-Buried Works l'rotJer Good Cincma Fare 111.,,1 bag, hll<d '\llh the, .seals ,\III go Ih ~I d'[ 1 l' M I I V-II to th~ loe.11 post offi(~s Ihc se.lls \\111 ompSOl1, .. r 3n J..~ rs "" ac- 0 I age hl maded ~o"clllbl'r 25, the first day 1 EhHC, :\Ir and ~frs R G RmchfTe, I At 6 -15 o'dock gunday c\cning til I I 'I I • (If the 3-tth 3111111.t1 scat campaign Begillllillg Today WILL BE OPEN UNTIL .Mr and 1\1rs. Marvel Wilson, and Mrs I l ut lICT .\ l'llIona S\\.lrthmore College 1 \\0 IlIOVIng picture shows Will be pre- '1'1 tl I I I I 9 P M ON FRIDAYS Arthur P Shanklm I "tmknts \\ 111 take part 111 a concert sClltcu at college dUrIng the next week, I J I 115 1) <':.IT ~('[ set·1 \\3S L( l'stgAIlt:( I'Y V I Llfi IN', • t IX ~C\\ IS .\ ar 101, a as I1gc cs ountar,) mcmlJcrshlps have come ID11J) the l"rcllch tMntollc Yves 'fma\rc tll' ITst on tomorrow »Iglt o\cmbcr .tTtlst, .uut <lCPIl:t5 thne hcaltll\, happ) ullusally \\dl tlus lear but III order to dc\utcd to unknown \\orks of early 23, and the scc~nd on thc IUght before cluldn.:n slnglllg Chnstmas carols Thclr I contmuc the \\ork of the assoclattoll 111 lOlllpo:.t.r ... prt's(,lItcd III thclr orlg'lIlal ,lhanksgtvlJlg, \\edncsda\, NO\f.:mltcr 27 .. lppe.II to their cldcrs IS "Jlrotcct Us I prO\ldmg \\orth\\I11le programs, stud~- form Jherc wJlI ~c two showmgs on each Frolll TuberculosIs" 1 mg commumty problems and supportlllg i \ \CS '1 lII.nrc \\as born III France He flight, at 7 oc1ock and at 9 lhesc 1lI0V- Tubcn:::ulosis IS till' greatest causc of Impro'\!ement mea"url's It IS neccssary tol \\.IS trul1·d there, In Itah, and 111 Eng- mg. pictures arc open \\lth01lt charge to death from dlse.IS(s among younger I • Each Packa.ce Beautifully GUt-Wrapped Without ChaI',e • alice barber GIFTS OLD BANK BUILDING Swarthmore 1381 have the active mterest and financialll.lI1d \\ here he made his hOIl.e for sev- rcsldents of the oorough and other friends age groups as well .IS amollg mCII .IIH.I ___ 11_. _______ _ backlllg of c\ery parent 111 Swarthmore er.11 \t.lrs \\Iutc maklllg Ill'" rcputatlon 01 the college. \\Olllen under forty-five years Completely Air-Conditioned Open All Night CURTAINS DRAPERIES VENETIAN BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS WINDOW SHADES • Rendy lURtle or I\fu-Ie to Order • Estimates Furnished Without Cost or Obligotion • STOTTER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Corner 3d & Markel Sis. CHESTER I'" an IIItcrprctcr of modern IIIU5IC. Yves "The Informer," \,Iuch "as chosen The fund raised from the sale of 'tuM) n: \\ .IS dclvmg I1Ito tht. \ ocal ht- III 1935 at the IIltcrnatlOnal exposlholl lit Chnstlll.IS Sl.lls III IJd,lwarc County t:raturt: of h)gonc ccnturllS 1'oda) he Vel1lce as the finest Jllcture to be pro IS used b\ the 'Jubercuiosis Assocla­h. ls a collection of mort than 1\\0 duced an)where 111 that ~ear, Will be the tlOIl to earn on the \\ork of tuherclI­thol1s. lIIu \\ orks, mally II them t:Jl- fc,lture picture on the JllOgram on Sat losls control 111 c1o"e coopu ~lt1on with tlrely unkno\\11 All thC"'l \ \('~ 'l'lI1a~ft. lInl.I), Novemher 23 Brtlh.Ultlv dlf(~ctcd the offictal he.dth agencies, the medical has 110\\ tr.lI1sferred t I the UllIted by John Ford from the tlo\el 1)\ Llant .lIld lIurslIIg profeSSiOns and others 111- St Ites O·FI.lherh, It prcst.:tlts a dr.lIl1atlc and h n:stul 111 vubhc hcalth THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER 12 '0 7 :30 o'clock Special rate for children • Call Cbester 2·2115 [or Reservations • HIS program dt tins ~tI Hlay's veSlJers eU'1) tcrnhlllg IllIpnSS101l of the Black ' I , Est. 19~O I \\ III Illclude Complall1tl.: dt: I'aglllaus and Tan reheliion III Ireland in 1922 "cterans Seek IUagazilles, douz-Perotlll Ie Grallk (--1236), Ihe portrayal by Victor ~IcL3glcn of The AlllCnC3n Legion AUXiliary agalll 'A,e JUlter, 0 ),[arll --Author UIl- G}po Nollll, the undef\\orld hlackguard I asks fnemls to sa\c old magazlIles and kllo\\I1-XIVth Cent (\ lllltl.lll School), who sclls Ius comrade for t\\enty Bntte;h discarded Silk stockmgs to be taken to Fragment of "Stabat ),1 itt r" "Bla 1[3- pounds, IS one of the most mClllorable I the Coatesv'lIe Veterans' Hospital. 1\[r5. YELLOW BOWL TEA ROm[ 606 sproul Street ter {om pletatls" 15JfJ -Josqulll des charactenzatIons 10 lhe annals of the L J ServaIS, tele()hone Swarthmore CJtEST~R Pres (l: 1450-1521), 1Iotl t (1649) • a screen On the S.IIIlC 1 rogram \\ ill be the hOlle Jesu"-Andreas 1 I llUtllcrsclllmdt 'Valt Disney ver~lon of "Ferdmand the (l612 1(75), Klrchcnk pitate No 4 Butt", a short, uSu:'ge," showlIlg a few (Complete performancc) Die Engelcm" shots of the German 111\ asion of Poland, (Balltzt.11 17(6) - Joh l!lll Chnstoph aUlI a lIiIarch of Tune, 'ICrlses II1 the Pa- I kfledd (c 1640-1710) • lcludlllg Ana, clfic" \VltlI the cxceptlon of the DI:mey, I Recltdh\e .llld Ana, Htut Itlve and \rla \\llIch will come first tillS IS Plot a SUlt­(\ OICC, org.l1I .1IId 1\\0 \ Illlms), Psalm able I)rogram for chlldrcn CL (11,);9) I Laud.ltc D(lllllllU n III sanctis On the 'Vednesd n c\emng hC£on the {jus" (\OICC, organ .1111 1\\0 \1011l1s)- Andn.: C 1ll1pr.1 (1660 1;~~) Penlls~h.lIlia Thanks,..!l\lI1g the French , film "Gcnerals \Vuhout Button" \\111 I he progr.1I1l \\ Iii bl ~ Illlllllllted upon be the fcatlln.' ] n tins picture of a {cud ! and tl.lIlsldtlon:. of texl gl\CIl by Yves TIIl;1\ re heh\ ecn h\ 0 \I I lag( .... the olle pra, mg for :\l xl SUlld.l\, f)u Illlht.r I CI.lnhei (.l glllhcllllt r org III,..,t \\!II Lc the guest I Plilollller ______ --- • • Ii I English III Dirt- Need Urs lohn H. B.ltl'~ ot North Ches h r ro lei \\ Isht. ... ttl tit lilt... all those \\'ho h 1\ e \\ llrked fllr ht. r 111£1 Iiso to re-ralll to grim It ... l Lbhage~ and the other for sun for Its ~rllles, d1l1dren .lIe the Ilnnclpal u.:tor ... The c1l1ldlcn of the t\\O Villages fiJht olle another III gangs Cap tnre hJ the enemv means the 111111l1hatlon of h;1\ IIlg an \ our buttons cut ofT It IS BRIGGS' 1940-41 Boskelh,11I Uniforms and Equipment Now Rendv SPECIAL PRICES ON TEAl't1 EQUIPl\IENT "GLADLY SVBl\nTTED" • "EvuyllJillg in Sporting Goods" 71h alll\ Welsh 8Is., Chesler Phone Chesler 9737 Open Friday and Saturlia): EvenlDgs Cleaned ami,l 10 Look Like •• Iil j!J"'-' NEW! CLENO - RE - NU .IT CO]\IPANY 614 \VELSIl STREET, CHESTER 'PHONE CHESTER 6416 Fur Coats Cleaned. Glazed, Remodeled - Reasonably DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER a picture not lhle for the tlltl0l131 delight I of Us StCIlC, Its storv and Its actors Tins IS the first showmg 111 the PllI1adc1plua .lIea of thiS plchll(" which \\ I~ made IU 1918 We Give YelloltJ Trading Slarnp& 1111111(1 otht rs th It tht. I nghsh need for :=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\ 1~lIlrpll l thtt:l1oltIl1 e{.:t l.f.l.l.ll oIIrdl Ihklt.l: lldttuerdm gtL tlhIIeg ... IOIt1o~ On the same program \\111 he Ihe \-Vall 1 HllltSDA Y, NOVE1UBER 28th ONE DOLLAR 1\I,.ke Reser. alions Early Word Gets Arollnd About our ablhty to supply mdividual styles at lower prIces It s merely a matter of good taste and Judgment • .11 Fasilioll Store Y Oll TV ill Li!.-" Featurillg COATS • 1111 trinlillcd • (' .. lSi .... ] sports • Zip-in ('mnel llUil' • re', (-r~ihlc8 • RODGERS \\ I11tt. I h lIIollllllllnl} lI1t.:reaslllg :llrs Ihsne, "lonesome Ghosts," and the fine B lit" "" t.OIlHIlIIg I,lr tht. Brrtlsh \ 114'("lIJllcntar) hllll urhe Clt\ • "hlch \\.15 I Rtllt I IlIeI l)lprulIlts all helpful con tn- shown at thc New York \\'orld's Fair hut 1011 ... 01 IlJllll(\ t.:Iothlllg or "enlces "Ihe Clh" \\ae; pro(iuced b\ the' Amen \11) 1'l r .. oll \\ ho ( 111 .ls~lst III the shlP-ll an Imtltllte of Planners \\ Hh a g-r lilt \ ISIT TilE IIARV ARD SIIOI' N.m Opcn 1'0 n EII\, CIIINA. 1'R1N"I S SUlTAIII,ll FOJ( FRAMING I HARV ARD TEA ROOl\'I !Illig tilpartllH1l1 \\ll1ch 1" It \V.lIla from the C.rnl.'gte CoqlOralulII It I" an! I m.lkt r,., \\ III III llIo ... t w( !come :Mrs Intflo'tant SOt 1.11 doC'tlItlt.'nt Oil (Ity 111.111 ! I I' Itt.. I ~ pori.. 110t h lllg IS los t JIl trans \ IIIII~ \\ 11I('h rtills t ht ga mllt 110m the I ~~~~~?=~~~=~~~~~"':~~~~ __ "",;o;;;=""' _ ""~~ _ ?""'~~ _ ~ purt Itltlll to I nglllld 'J hrC't.: hundred 1)('.1111\ of old N"("\\ England Villages to ~ -- - ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 11](1", ,,«I """,,,I, 0' "oohes" a lread) th, I",icoll<ne" of <hill" 111 , modern i ~1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1II11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"' 10,,, 10,<0' ""t I ,ted I""" The eo""",,,tan of tl", film = CHESTER'S FASHIOl\' CORNER • \\as \\nlten In le\\!.... 1\flll11fOl<l = = ~ e ~t.e:: € 0 '( .... '!''';;;' e'.z:'.g'€'€'~'€'€'€'€'€.€ I • = == ~.1 A"~ Cnnni., Ni.·kerFl.()n Injured ~ Pre-Holiday Sale ~ ~Ir' I" I :-;"k",on of M,non ~ Nov. 22 to 27 ~ IOrlHl rh of ~\\arthllliln It h \Vedms ~ ~ cll\ .llhlllnOn 11\ rul In III \\Ith her ~! JlI!'I1 III IIIIIt" for IIH' gulu 1'1,-.: d lIIghh r Conllil \\ ho "ullert.:d .l hrok{ II r"g.\ IIIg - (hrll'ollll.IS Whirl·, II 1 I 1 = ~ iii ltl 11 HllIl ~II( III It.r InJunt. .. III ,Imultl-I-I ~ 10 % REDell TION ON ~ l Ir l r I ... h :'10 llull" lrom Lo.., \ngclc", :: I: ~ ~~ (II 1 ht Sl11Ui.I) ('Illllt.: \ ho pro- 1_ ~ ENTIRE STOCK OF t~ grt. ..... \:c! 110m tht. S" lrthmon Pl1~er~ = ~J DA1' ANI) EVElVlNC ~~ lluh ... t 19l to Bro lCh\ 1\ \\ IS nn ht:r - ~ n 'J'AR &rl \\ 1\ l ht \\ Ith ht. r hu ... h Illd I ddll Bral ~ HAVE YOU TRIED • • ~ • ~~ kt 11 01 ~t Igl Iml ... t.:n ~ II f Illlt.: \\ ho n _ :: ~_", Fashion Center ~ """IIll""'r ion"", 11,,) "Ianmd to NYLON H OSE ~ - ",,' l ,""'" , I,,'<nh , ", Ill< hohda) < - .L. . , • !f' :-1 -I \\ ~1.11t· 51. ~ ... lIlu til( \ h.1I1 I "IX \\ (t k mil n al III =: !u! '11·_: 1)1/\ :;;:. t\\(lll 1 1I t Jlldlln \\l1h loti :\.1t.:Cre.: t =-= 15' 1cJ{"Jlilnnc !\lcdia 2115 Iii \\hall I~r.lckt.n hi'" JII"t finished = ::;;: L ________________ 'I~· .. "''' ..... -.... ''''"'''...,,-''' .... ~"'"'''~ ~ Hl,llil1llg lor till ~\111 "'11,1 ""I" I,,, ,s Ilnol-try the /tollde! 0/ l1fodern ChellzisllY! ... .",1""",10'.0-• .", "'4..:-j~j"",,,,,, j .... l~j2-~»,:tj:!b~~J$ " ....... ... .. t.: h( dull d to III Ikt: IIi I 1Il1lar~ \1 ~r,~--"'-"-"-"'-"-"--"-"'-"'-"-"-"'-"--"'-"·'"-,,-,,--",-,"-"-"·-,,,-"-,,-,,-,,--,,,-~-,,-"-,,--,,-~-"-;'-~-,,-,"---ii-",-",-"-"-"-",--,,,-,,-"·~-~--i-,,-,,-,,-,,--,,-,,,-,,-,,-,,-,,-:".--,,-,,,,-.-,,-"'-~-~-i,.11 th(lug-h II "h t. xpel 11 d (OIlIllC could D E X D ALE 608 EdgnU))ll, CIlf'sler i ' ntllrn to he.:r hOllll III I't.\lrh 11J1l~ ~ i Ilhr thrlt cI,l\" 111 till 1,t.dlll1cb CUIII 57-GAUGE Do You Bowl? i "'''''''' 11"'1)11 d 11«11 ",,1, C.,I she = I \\ III h 1\ t. 10 III III I (1 \llll for thru == ,: \\uk .. IIlr lIl{ltht.'r \\111 Irrnc III Cal! N ~.ONS A Coml S//O(' Will Improve Your C(llIIe "lEN'S OXFOHDS OR SHOES ... $3.95 Pro \Y(HIEN'S OXFORDS . ....... " ... $3.75 pro I !tlflli I nil S It til d.l~ • ~ i Pi,miMts' :,: R,·";tnl A Com plele Selection : I hc PUIIII... nt COlht lilt e \\ Ilhatus of Ne~ Shades in All Sizes \\~rc Illt"'l'nle.:(1 111 lhtll J!lllln).{ plano I nil II ot Iht. ~ ('al (Ill :\ '\ t1nlx:r 8 .It the homc 01 :\lrs \\ .tllt 1 I'\.elghton on (, oJ 11 I."" fiIit I 3 /IIII! I ht: plogl.llll was dl\Hltll mto t\\O ~ • .... Illrl... I he III st part £It III Ilstrated th( \\ l\ III \\ 1m h the fund l!llt 11 II... of """,c 5_ Thc HOSE YOll \.mclicdll women ,1I t.: t lIIghl Rh~1hll1, the "l lit.: and tonal - Howling Rags - $1.95 UI) rel.,tooll,h,l" "erc d(Ill",,"r ,ted I" Pell h,1\ e long (heamed allout! 1 m :\Iorro\\. Ann Sto{illnd, JIIIl Bulhtt, . Ho\\ ling Balls l\lad." to Order I~I)I~~t.II'\.~~:;~OIbl1~~~alJo~~\\~~::;IO~~fI~:;~ ShcCI el ! - Lovelier! :1 \Iln ~Iallddhalllll Gh ing the leg dslimlller. smartel = 1,11 HE ESE _ B A XT 'I' E I> CO. I he """"I 10 ,Ii of th, loro~r"", "as _ look! These arc Perjc( t Qllalil). '- .... dt.:\otul to the pt.'rlorlllllh~ 01 mn~lc ':1 .S" Imrt;",.! (,t)O(/.s 0 rll!lIlll Ctlmpo~ltIl l)IIl lS \\lr( ],11\(£1 b\ ~IZI ,., 01/ 1 )1) = : ....... 1 P Ih\ III III \ 111( nh 1'\.t.:I!.!1 t III Oth('fS <1/'_'. ( ._' :1 laklllg pal t "ere \Ian 11111 Charles .- il 706 ED(,MOi\l \, E., CIIESl EH • Phone Ch".ter 6814 11",ghIOIl, ConslanlC Dulle, Sad'e G"r. = ;L_________________________________ . I r~t1 CYlllh .. HOImre l).lIlII; Ila"e>, ~nd I Made 0/ dllPOllt Nyloll - ---- - -------- ---------------_ ------------------. I ("II" rl Da \ ,cs ;;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1II1II1I1I1I1II1II1II1I1II1I1II1Ihr.; • I II I I f I I II II I I III II I : III I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I IIII • I I II • II II I I I I I I I I I II .. , II II I ~ III II I I I III III .4 11 I I I I I I I III II I I 11m .1 .t ......... I I 11111 SWARTHMORE'S RELIABLE TAILOR HARRIS & co. ESTABLISHED 1912 TAILORS AND FURRIERS CLEANERS and DYERS NO. t I PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 !" S\lll~I~ T HMIIUE L I 13 I~ '"' I? Y ~,VII...I HT HMIII?l rllLLrc;r p,.\ BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS NOW THE SWARTHMOREAN GIVE TO THE RED CROSS VOL. XU, No_ 48 MODELS FOR RED (~ROSS BENEFIT Hlml(·nt. From High S .. hool ami ( ollcgc Join Wilh Town."olllcn 10 Show Lalc.1 Fashions :\Iochl .. hl\t ht\1l 1IIIIIlllllnd for tile 1 olllhllll d I 1~llIOIl .. Ilo\\ dlld d.lIIce: I un 011 t I,udglt ,,1m" \\111 he hdc! lor lIlt htllliit tit the.: Hul CflhS on S It­IInll. lHlIlIIg, JJtt:t.lII1lll 7 .ltl)ot.:iuck 1'1 tie.: S\\ IrtllllWfC Illgh SchUtl1 g~lU-II. 11111 Lndlr tht. dlrt.dlOIl of K,lte.: Iltmlllg& \\.1\ flshulII Ct (Inllllli(lr IClr thl dO\\l1- .. tllr-; "tore of ,1 I'hdldtlpllli dt.Jllrt 1II( lit sh,re tilt follt\\\lllg \\(11Ile:1I fflllli Iht In\\1l IIld colllgt.' \\111 .Id I'" 111,111 IHtIUln" for till (\t.llIng :\1.lrthl I~I\ f" IIfl lilt! 1'11\ Iii ... SIIJIJI~OIl 11Igh "l hool "t.lIIor.... 10(1\ Ill'l:k"lIli .1I1d \UII Lor 111111 111",::11 "'lIH1III JUlIICIrs llr" Tht.ll­ph III S.ltIll11t I :\1 r~ P dult. r Skoglund, ~1.If)ont.: I hlhlllon. ,lilt! 1.1Hlor.1 ~pro •• t If/ 1m tht. tll\\11 :\11 .. 1JorrJ .. l"'u ...... t.:11 ~II'" :\1 tunCt :\1.I1Ull Ih !lUll :\1 r~ '10\\ Il "\:11.1 ~cuddc:r .1IId :\.Irs IdTrn :l[urt.: of tilt. lollegt. .md \lIn Rolmlsoll JlI"itphllll Cllrkt: I~uth \\llbur IIIIII~ l.t r .. t'( \ \hlle: \\ olfT, J..:ulh Clark, J..:an I",hlll~tlll tII0 HlIth Rich Inl"on of the u .lIc g"l "ttHkllt hod\ . , . A. E. LONG WELL DIES SUDDENLY SWAltTIIMORE, I'A., NOVEIUBER 29, 1940 Ilageallt 01 the Nativity WHEN I'UESIDENT l\IEETS PRESIDENT December 22 I lit P I,..,lllli If tIlt :\,111\11\ '\111 III _1\\ 111111 Ill! 11101 \ 01 (harh:s f) Mitchell, i I'tlil I 1111 ~llt tOJ ull Sum I 1\ I)~~llll 1t I !l. III l 1.. lillll ~lt.1ll0fl.t1 Lmilr the I .1\"'!Hl II th~ /)l)l1J1rl 1)01111,...1111 :\It.­IlJo1J. d 111111 tlllH "Ill hl h\o I'1":St.'III.1- HllJl~ tht. 111,1 It 50(10 k 111<1 Ihe scc­lllul II 70llo{J.; Illl 1'1..,:{.1111 \\111 ht. <1lrnlulln ~Ir;:, lhlrk ... I, :\htchdl I h1l(1 In :\Ih (,t."r",l P \\ lIrt:1I lilt I":l\ lJl\ul 111(111 \\111 .. till I" rt..ldtr :\ll~ Il'm- 1111 l \ ... hllHI \\111 dlll~t Illl 11.lg .... mt I ~1tnllh '\Ith :\II~ I \l'n:tt I lIulII .. n 1Il~ "lh.lI1l11ll1 01 IlIlhll :\lr .. l'\.lthll IlIl I llolillt.l \\111 ')1. tltl I'lge.lIIt 01 1 111"'1 h III fornH r \ l Irs 1 ht. I'.II-.t lilt IJI tilt :\ 111\11\ I'" I "Ilir Itu d 11I1t:1]lll.:lltllll1 01 Ihl lhn"tl1ll'" 0101 \ llllt Iccl 1Il1) h\ tilt. Jlll)))It. ut ~\\ Irtllmol t. 11Ildt II , ..... Ihlt: 11\ tht. 1)4111 did 1)lIll11gtoli :\il IIH'I I II I lind It \\as JII ~t fllt. ... t:Illt.:d 1111 I )t:HIlIJ t:1 I~ }tH~ 1111 <ill Illl ellln:tlUlI 01 Iht: Ilh (hlrk .. IJ 1l1tdldl '10 tht: 2::;00 I'loillt.: \\ ho IlIled (lol11ltl :\1e:llIllllli fOI th.11 IIr ... t pcr­fOrlllllllt. Illel f, r tilt. "llllllli pre .. t.:l1ta tlllll \\IIIlII tht: Il.lltHlJllIlb gr.lllOlls1\ np Itul tlu J' Igl lIU b HC Splfllll.t1 ell­rll hlllllit ,mel IIIll11 .. II1t.:d bt.'al1l) tu the Cllilit. lhll~tllll' ... "I:.ISOII On IJcct.:lIlber 17, 1939 the 1'.lgt.llIt \\ I~ gl\ell 1\\0 pre­S( IIt.ltlOlI" Prmhu.:e(1 III fOIll qJl!>oell'~ the first purtr.1\ ~ th..: prol.hlt.} gl\en b\ Isaiah the "ccoml till \mH1l1c:J .tlolI, the tlllrd: Dr. John". N,,"oll. Pn''''lflelll of S",arthmor,' <. oU, gc I" .. hu,\\uluI\Ul'" the first she( t uf Lhrbilluls Sl·.nls from Richard Hrn"1I l're", .. lclit f the Senior Cla"s oil S",urthmorc High Sehool. Dr. Nason,', .. hU"\lIIg tI~c ChrHj"~las SealS'. (nl1g~atnluted the youth of the County for till "'1I 1en­dui SpirIt Ihe} Jo;ho\\! 111 .ls!(lsling 111 the fight agnmst tuberculOSIS dis,· •• "c· ",hleh lakes liS grl'.llest toll in )oung odult life. ' a Engineer Wilh Slone & Wehster.,! the Shtpht:rds 11111 the IIIt~Slgt 01 the Uesiticllt of Borough 21 Years lle.lVcnh JIo ... t. till IOl1rth the sl.:ene Apply Horse Sense To National Dileullla 8 I H A k ' of the l\: 111\ 11\ ~ U(· .. tlln .8 to cart Uac 'J he hl!.llc 01 tilt: P.Igt.' lilt \\ 111 show • Collect Toys This Week·End tht fulflllnlllll 01 the \\urld \\1(11.' 1.:011- I h( BIl\ Swuts of the Borough \lfltd Inarsoll\\lll passed a\\ay ; 1.1 "Ill c.Ul\...... S".lrtlnllore tl"s II I quc:st (I t It "'plnt oi C lfI:.t 1" the I.lght "'11( (ll1 \ .It 2 \ ~l ).londaYJ Novem- of the: \\ or1d 'Ht.:k t.:1lC1 lor un a\adable toys, College Equine Buckers Lay I,tl 25 It Ius hume 222 l.afa\ettc ave- All \\ 110 l ~ 'Ille hooks c1ulhmg and olher ma'-- III the SPirit of rcvcr- "'1 IlUt.: lolhl\\mg a ht.:art attat.:J.; :\(r long· 1 1 I !.lIs tor tht.' Chnstmas 10v SI'OI" Qnestions in Hooves of Big t.:llt.:e .Ill( \\111 ~ 11)) .1re \\l' come Quadrupeds \\1.:11 " .... til engmccr 111 (hargt.' of the • I • held ht.:rt. .11II1l1.l1l) for \\clfare I'hll 1(1I1 .:1111111 (h:-;tm tC of Stolle .lIld \Veb- LOCI\L "TO'i,tI EN AC'I'IVE f ItllIlte" Rt.:!>Hlents Will faCIlitate S~ \\ IrlIl llwre College Rldlllg CluD ... Ill ngll1et:fll1g orporlhlJll for the IN BRITISH RELIEFBAZ~AR t.olkt.:tuJIl h, ha\lllg such artIcles members and their stecds took.1 straw )lIst 2.) \~ Ire; lIe h.HI bt.'en III faJiIll!! rt.del\ 1),111 Ilarts arc espec,ally I 1 ~ I vo e-~ t. I or Ilt.' Ig 1--00 SIX' \ ItaI1SSUCS' ht Illh 1(lr 1\\0 \('ar~ :\Ir,., J II (,ord(11l :\[cC(lnecll~ of IIct.:dt.:d JC)'S WIll be reconditioned III Ihe gallop poll' held la"t Fnda\ /:01 n III ~t IOll1s ).[0 011 September Illn Ird ,1\ t IIIH I:. III mlll.liI ano ~(rs .lIul ... ltJI td In the basement of c\ elllng III the Culleg-e held house 2", 1~};7 till ... UII of \Itred ltarshall and \~lll,,:\1 JJ.II~ slt:ldlill 01 Ugden ave- .lanJ'" dllll \. 111i'l.) uutl ut,;- Pddlolll .. tl,,\ WUUUU 111 re.J, \\JJItt.: alia \i1lt C1nrlotte IOllg\Hl1, he marrlcd IlUt: t:n dl tlrIU III ot lht. It Izaar for the cemucr 19 \\hen the 10y Shop him the r.uhngs of the slde\\alks :\I.lrguente Roht.'f ... on 111 Boston, Mass nrltbh \ \ .Ir I~t.'ht I and the \ Ictona \\ 111 he ht:ld 111 the \Voman's Club st. rH d ciS sectlOu dl\ ISIOI1S for the over !Il :\memhn 2-1 1917 \her hb mar I Homt: tor \g((1 Untlsh III xt \Vcdncs- Hom;t.: flo\\ of spectator~ \\ hD, unable to be II.I:{( ill Il\nl 111 I ansdo\\ne olle ~ear I d 1\, l)eccmhtr .J m the Hdlevue- at.:commml.ltcd 1" the crlmdcd gralld- Iill!)1 t. (Ollllll,.f 10 S\\arthmort.: After a J Stratford Phd Ide Iplll.1 SI7IT STIRS H & S st 111(1 s •• t .ilollg the sulclllll't; \\ hercver H Ir UII P.t1k .l\tIlUe, he IHult the house I J ht: n IZ Ilr \\111 III oJlt:n from 12"" •• SPI(( could he tuund The elld ot nil I lflHltt: .IHIlll\.: "hlle he has hved nOOIl 10 IU P :\1 It \\111 ht formally DISCUSSION th(' bmldlllg \\.IS flanked \\Ith c\er 101 20 H.II... opl'lled 11\ :\1 I l":ohlll:'UII, Bntl~h Con- grt.ens and the blatantly stnped back Ill .. 111,1111 IIltert.:st" \\e.:lt. nllblC and sui at 2 P :\1 Ih\ \udrew Mutch of Illd o\crhe.:<HI a\\lIIngs of the Judgcs .lIt JII Itlt:tlt \l .. r~ he mule Ituateur Br~lI :\11\\1 "Ill !lilt! lhe IIlvocatlOn AIllusillg Skit I\JO\CS Audience ... tllld Hught h.IH ht.:ell lilted from some phe Ito/..;1 Iflh} IllS hohln :\.l.lrJOIlc I'\. Ihlll I lrklll ... III Chc~tcr, who 10 Participation on Family ... ht Ik's d(' :sert encamplIll: lit Sunl\ll1g heSHles IllS \\)(10\\ arc 1\\0 J slIlgs \\Itll tilt S\\.lrthmore \\oman's Problems LIght girls III \\lllte and red, \\earmg ""11) .. JlIIIIl Ilo\\,ml .1Ild l":ohert H.ober I Club Choru .. \\lIllt.ael 1'ItflotiC slllglllg' t.ll1 hats, dnlled their horses 111 the "4111 lllli 1\\0 brothers Dallid of New I It thiS cerl:llWIl\ \\ Ith the I)oitshcd prt.:t;ISlon of a opcllmg number, scheduled. on the pro \olk lIh tllll ].I11·es Cal\Cr ot Baton i Ihe hHIll\ lhlptt.r~ of thc Daugh- PI.ncr:.' Cluh productlllll, the \Vorld gr,lIn as DOW'l with the Fifth Column" houge, 1.1 t(:f~ ul tlit. 1,f1lbh I IllIJ1re III Pellll:.~1 I'rt:lllltle of Robert Cuhgan's A QU1et Iruh S" lrthmorean. tht horses \\ellt Iht: Re.:Hlllld J)t\HI llr,lllll pastor of \aUI,1 spOll .. or lilt 1:IZllr Mrs Rob- I \t:IlIllg" .It Home' look place at the Repuhllcan III the "Constnptene' and tilt.' S" II tlllW)H III esh) tenan Church of II1son \\ dIll 1\ \ t. h Irgt: (II til": Bntlsh 11Igh School \mlitoflulll last Tuesday. St.lhlc Fort.:lgn RelaytlUlls contests \,Inch :\Ir ion"lwdl \\,15 a mcmber, \\ Ir Ihllll h "th lhac \\111 he 14 lhe long heralded Ittl'mpt of the hchHt.1l It. lin ... of Democrlb and ltmcitlt.:1t.'(i 1111\.lle memonal st.:ruces for hooth~ ot IUIIlt1\C Chnstmls gifts, Pr()~r.lIn COlllllllttee to get awaJ. from Gaps In the hrst relav the COll­mt.: lllht 1" 411 Ihe falmh ,mel a Jew close hooth" 01 l hn ... llll h \\ r,lpp1l1g-:., dOIb.1 )lro~r l1IlS \\ hne \\1.: Just Sit stdl and tl .. t Illb racl d to the OppO~ltt.: l'Ild of 11J-..1Ilt.:-;~ ........ 1Il hltl'~ .tl Ihe home at 330 .11ld ttl\.... h Jok... I nghsh f~\o(b, cakes gt t t tlkql .It \\ as I huge success In tilt.: t.:ourSl, dl!>1ll0t1l1tcd, opt.'lIed a SUlt­I ul .. d.l\ Iltclll()nl1 I he body \\ I.S crc- pastnt.:-; wei .. "u!s, tlo\\ers, houshohl '1,llt.: 01 thl! raIH anti sl..:ct a good-Sized t.:a"l' dOllnc<1 \oluIHmons trOU:.t.: r :-; IIlU lIlitul In tht 1ll0nllll"", It \Vest LIU1c1 Irtlel..: .. IIld rtllllrklhlc ,\illtt: c1c- l1uhellt.:e \\atched thtlr fdIO\\ towns- Jt:rse~s, mounted and dashed blck to JIIII Crt.'1ll1hll\ Ilhll1t .. till I1Iln .1t.:llI1g as an t\crlgt: family squab- the ~tlrtIllg pomt therc to Ubll1011nt • • LUllch ,,!II 11(' "lnt:d It tlit: nulk har hllllg- o\tr danghter ~ (iltes, son's radiO, rtll1o\e the surplus c10tlulIg and rUIl \V. I. L. i\IE1\IBERSIIIP RALLY Irllm 121,2 lild Ihernoon tea 011 the IlHl\lls .mel IJOIII""Ulk!! 011 toot to rcphcc It 111 the Sllltl;}:.e ON 6th balton\ 111llll ') to 5 JO \ pll\:-.Iologlcal :llr:. I~uht:rt N.tul .. s(thng prOVided n I<h lor the ncxt person The ~tahle II dllll"t \\ III ill till il IIId to n Id palms I h it.:phOlll .1 t.:ol1t.:h tather s easy chair l'orll,LW l":ll.l) lions· might h \\ I.: heen '1hl Illollthh lllf.:ctlllg of the Swarth-I ••• I thur 1)\ the rl(ho tor the cluldren hlt.:hd In the proillbiliolllst party ior 1l10lt "".lId 01 th..: \Vomen's Interna- ANNUAl ... COOPERATIVE 11\ sn Ip O\t.r, and Innkcd very fam- the barrels u!'>t.d as rela~ llI.lrkers \\ere tHllll1 I {,Igm "IS htld .It the home of EVENT Ihlr I f{ :\.JlcI.h\lt pll\cd a contcm- elltlrel\ d":\OId 01 cOllt("llt~ \Ir .. J V S gl~llOP 01 llirvard a\c- plltl\l pipe sllIoklllg lathlr, \\ho got 'Iht.: IIlxt ,,,sue 011 thc program "So- IlIH 011 :\Iollcl.l\ ;\mtlllblr 24 :\1~IllI!lI" of tilt ~\\ Irthmon Coop pnth "orked 1IJ1 ahout hi!> daughter clal Suunh found four pair of girls :\Ir..., Jlhlhp J~\\t.:tt lhurman of the tl.ltl\~ \ .. ~,lt.:llth.n \\111 hold their an W,lllg lIut \\Ith I \01l11g- man he didn't .mdfeIlO\\sputlmgthclr hor:-.cs through I) llln 1 IllIHlUIIl.:((l l1I lt I lIl ... mhcrslup 111111 dllllltr II tilt ~Itthllch .. t Church 'I. .; IH 1\\ II II t1 luglIt t.:r I lura 1. ec 1-1 op "flU 1ft. dallt.:lIIg p.ICC:' 1 1 I I·r..:ddle Coerr on Gala OccasIOn set nj(.~tlllg "III ht: hlld l'rul.l, I)ttemher 011 1'lll~ l\tllll~ It (I \(J I' :\1 l)tttUl ... 111 .... tllt\\ a homb or t\\O mto tIe 1 I til d the • de&lellce question" h III Bond \1t.lllnn,t1 :llr ... John CAr hlr ... lxtl1 IllllI' (Ircle b) iIl<;l"tlllg ttat she \\as Ihtl Clllllltlh<i \\Ith tht J)hllltlt'lpllla Il ... IH I \\~l(l(lcock manlgt.:r oi thl III .HllI It Ilid 11fInglllg lip a f ew Ie fl lsI) ChmaxlI1g the e, ent the dark horse ~dllt.l III Iht \VllIIUIl:. IIlit.rJI1tiOIl.ll I hllrn CtH'lHrltne \\holcsalc \\111 Hil h :.he h.lel glt Hild 111 the Illstory clIllildatc (College Comptroller and Itlgllt. hi ... "ltll bked to lxplam \V IHIJ.; (11 ·CI\O!Urltl\t ... Illel the CrlSl~ cll~' :\Irs C \\ :\lcJ)o\\ell"asagra- Borough COlillcllman ~ 0 Pittenger) 1 I I had the held to hlltlseli, on Phoebe I I pnhtllS '1lHre \\111 bl .se'\Illg fori 111 IhllHlt.:rll\ ~Ir \\()(lIkocks j,!x- t:lt)U:-, 1I10tlt.:r, ... trllg~lllg to cope '\Itl I I I II ): t Ie Burro 01 S" Irthmore Phoebe, tall nillf \\llrk an(1 an 11I1()rIllII tt..1 l11lltlilt. III tht. cWl\lt.'rltl\e 1lI0\elllent tt:r n: It: IOUS otlspnng IlllIl ... In Illlngf()fIlmIatcdiora .. tuch gOt .. hack to 191Y "hell he helped to :\ro:-;t of the lal1g-h~, and they \,ere hldnkcd \\lth large red ribbon bow, gll'UP tn 1I l IH . I(I 11kr tIi t n(.\\ )t.:ar nrl!alllZt t1il C, Ollsumer... C oopcratl\'c """", ",..,r c·.'I.".,.1.. .I.I,.,., 1"" tr,J' al of tl,e fil- '11IId \\I Ith .1 matclllllg" ribbon tied under \ Il tlt. r I rom the It I tlOlI.11 othce \\." s\ n In'" \\ Illc It Opl r,lte... "I.' \ eral cafc- 11.: en 't.:<ir old SOli 11\ l,.mlOlI I )ouglas I ler C 1111 to sccure III r s1\ hsh hat ob ft III .lskmg- IOlli ~r()lIp" to help III hili'" III :\l" ',rk l1t) III 1930 he \\ht.:n the curt 1111 \\tllt liP agalll, ~ir \1011:-.1\ ... harnl nOlle of the audIence's Ilrmglllg- to thiS COlll1tn .. 0I11t.: huroptan \, I ... t il~lglll III tht 11Ilanl.:IIlg and con- Cadlg,lll had addt:d \Ir~ (. II Froebel, trt.:llIdatlOlll fo~ Ithe long gaunt person­IIltllllltr ... 01 the \\ I I "Ill) If"{ fH- ... trllllltlll 01 lht Illl stor\ Cooperative JIo\\ani Kirk, John Schoblllger and age III lIglt )ack brecches and coat 11Ig Jllr~lll1tlOlI II!lrl \\a ....... ,IIll": (ll .. \plrtllllllt Ih\lI~( III :\1.:\\ York Cit) \ Irgllla Cracll1cr lilt! th..: augmt.:llted IIlcllugh hat \\ho sat fight where her I lI""loll nt thl .. 1I1lth r hilt 110 1)1111:' "tfe Illri 11l 1t)~1 III ~ 11Ilt. 1lII1la"t.r of the I Il11lh h('calll": I pallll I r (hSCUSS1on of I tall JOllled her body as she ("lrc1('d the I ,.., • rlllg lIIull \\llo1t .... lh tht dlPIltt:d 1110hltlll I)I .... (lISS10n \V.IS I>' 1 rf I lIl\]hc\ tltllll Iht 11 r lIld man~ I I III \~lttt. unt !lad JlHlgl l THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FJUD\\ );O\E~lmH '0 .. JO I' " _ Hl II, I Sl~ 11m... I'll" II nu A \1 h ... I P 'I In 1)\1 \ ~, • III I' :\1 sJ)P~1 Sf ~J) \\ 1)1'C'1'\11If1l ] ",.rlllll ... \\ 11 lUll - \ , ~!" 1.. CI 1111 I (,! ( III. 1m I Th 1111 HI ~IO:\Il" I)I'CE~IIn:H ~ Il I tt~1 P ~I - It! I CI ()~~ ... ~ \\!I1ft TI l' 'in \ 'I DEeI' ~II1En I 01 ... IIll"1 - \\/111 Chff ... 1111 III .. h J'li111' He\1 \\~ - \ Hilli HI IlUhh. iIl~ Clu10 \\ Jm~ F'sn \ 'I IIF ( E'I m·;n. -I l .. l:l1 Chunh(>" Clolillt r 'Irmurlal Wom .. n s Club \\, man 1:1 Cluh S(r lIh Haven Inn thoughuul rUlllrk .. \\l:rt. gl\en 011 the \\ Is a ..... I .. ;tt.:<1 ~l\ ~lrs ]l Her) 11ure I rt:IIIIlHl 01 r ulin ,lnti home work, col- 'Hanng or IIC OeC 1~101l m Enghsh I I I I c,phne lIlallller a complde skIrted habIt and I eg; pn p {r.lIIOn HI( (I~. ded" Se\('ral IIHt.'rc: .. tlll~ lomments were I n d 1 tl I :\[ K k d ell llo\\dltch, trcasurer of thc Rld- Ina e l\ 1e pant.' r Ir I ma e a I 1111{ Club and Dick llro\\ll \Hre local plea for stlll1tllation 01 the :stu( ents 111- 1 I I d ' te II ecttlal curU1<;1l\ John SC I 1 0 b mger )0\ S " 10 _ro_ e_ _. ...._ __ • I • gave a taste of Ills S\\ I ..... expenence J1l mcetlllg ho~ 5 \\ ho 're alh kncw how to On Viscose Board I stud\ ' V lfglllla Crat lilt r testified to the \ alue ot )'l1s... \lIcn .. conferences, 110\\ dlscol1tllll1t.'d Prc ... ~tlrc of outSide _ aCtl\lhcs on till adnlt .. "as given as __'_ "_'''_'_"_'_'_, _,,_ ,_,,_,,_,_,,_,_(_._,,_,,_,,_,_,_ox_'_"_"_'_'_"_'_"_"_-______T _'_"_"_"_'_"_"_"_"_'_'_oo_" __I I one rc as 011 for c1uldrcn and parents drIftmg apart George M. Allen of Rl\('rView road and H 0 Davidson of Guernsey road \\ ere recentiy elected members of the Board of Directors of the Ante-ncan VIS­cose Corporation. '2.50 PER YEAR 1 SIXTH ANNUAL GRIDIHON AFFAIR f "I't.lin '·Hill"· \, ,,,,,I. lI"a" f n .. wh Ht " .'!'il Point" In In­Bi. IIU-1 Sln'~tk('r I ( )11 1 f \ If r 1\ I (, It II i() E' 11111\ ~\\111 \1 IlIl ~I"th lmul \\111 I. ,...l\ll1 II 11 11111 \ 1I "11\ 1"/lt1 III It 1 11 tllll 11111 h 1_ 1111 11111 h! 1I11lUJ! t\~1Il ,I 0 "1\' I I 'gdh~1 I I \ ( 11.-:11 -...\twll I I 1, II .... I '-;l hool II lilt III t .. llh \\ 11 (h lJlprOXI 1 III nul IlltllIl ... ,I hllm I I1HI 1\!1II\llllut In the II h l( 11 to!lI1I11tl I( I' I IIllll01 lIlt 11th I"PI '1111 Ih II! It ".1 ,...lIl,t ~Pl Ik\1 ~h 1111 h~ III olllllr I I III \llIn 101 11111' 11 II hi( 11 ( 111 Iddl til II 10 lIt Ill .... Hilt: III lJr, (' l1lt! \ ... IOJl 1 11ll1.111":- I ,tli 111 t.1l It 11\ .. t 111111 \\ Hutl \\ IIJ h\ Ihh 1 ....... I .. tul 11\ :\ I, I l~flll1l 1 I 11 Sllit I In til til(' j'llli I [ II'I J.l DIS 1 11ht I I tht.: ~ Ilum.1i /. I 1 I lootball OJhllll_ I III t()lIl1llltl~e \\1\1 " ht\t: ..... "tlt.: .. t-.. thl I h.,.::h ~{1 )11 l1,n \ If ~H\ It.' Ill! ,,11Il h h h JlI .. 1 111111\ til III untlt: Ie Itlll .. t:.ISOIl. I~ \\ \ II I Illl Iq .:hl \\ eight IIHI fh \\elght It UI \\llIth hlH hlt.:11 1H1I1( I tht. "'Ujlll' 1'1 II 'I hill :\1 11I\:1 Buh Germ.1 Uilid Ilttllth load, of the JUlIlor \ar"lh... lIlel \.tr~ll~ hue ulich "III be halk II I tllt ~\ll1lnl.{ Hul Ill... g III!! III.: 1'111111 11... 11 .... 1\ 1Ilg- hun Illig le.:llplHlll (ontllllllllg thc t hloll\ ~ ... 11 II ... llil list \t.:11 thl «(JltlllS 01 thl.: It Illh \\lmh op­p .. td S\\.llthmorc Ihl .... I til hl\l Iilell 111\ nul lIul .ll1 ha\1 ~ 1111 ul tht.'11 IIItl'll lIOn 'II iJClllg 011 hllli \\I1t:l1 ~hl1lll1lll • J cd Saulmer nil,! .... Ith 1.:011 .... :\[el1111t.r .. of the II 11l~ Illd ~L11O ,I \s SOOIIIOI1 '" \\lII l~ Pll(llt~ II II! hms .11 It.: ncllll,.r lilt: 1 lOll' h ~llto lis are til ged III .llIl wi tIll Ultlll tI dllllll'; 'I hc lOlllllllttu: IJdHH .. Illilldlll,.: to I I\\r­elll( DIl:" til II I In ... t h 11111 J.;1l1J\\ ledge ,I tIll" ;J11!!11 01 ,III ,,( h 01 1111 IS nf 1)1111111' IIIlPl]lllllt III IlIlJlll If'prel!.l tlOll 01 tht.' pln .. h tl ((hl~ ilIon )lrogr un "Imh hiS ht:t.'11 d \d Jill I 111 the luc.11 "lh"ol (h ... tnct . I. NABBE[) I'on (\IECK FOlHa:UIES \PPI ehuuh (I nil \IOll! t\ I, lh~ Anl­mUll PI/lin J h II J1 till! III \\ llh 11 \ mg to Jll:'S .1 but t.:lll.:lk III \llimOlt.: Jlln~ .. I I~hcr, lIlls Johll kclh tli I~ P lUi :\111 Ier and I IlIIk \IIIIt.:1 12 ~CIIS oill \\.t ... Ih .. t.:O\crct! 10 III tlit. LlIIIl \\1111 stole 12 hllllk dut.:k,., III 1Il tl1\ olhc~ 01 \VllImm s Ihule 011 l~lII,.,ll s l\t nllc here Sept­llllhn 17 .md 1 til I L.,llfi \lr Ihttlc S IIllIIc In Oil( \\ III Ii III (I ... hul .It :\Iar­tll ... 101 $~O {jllestlOlcd \1 lid l \l1ll1lg .tt \rd-llIore b) Calltllll \1\111 J IInr 01 the S".lrthIlHIIC Puhtt: JJlparllllt.::nt the )lIISUlln \.\ho h\\~ \1 HI.J South 52nd .. trtt.I, I'11111d~IJlIII Itlnllttul cntcrmg Ihttlt.: ... hot1s,,: lill1111,.., thl '\\IUI:-; ah 't:llll klllllg I ill l)j.,,~~ 11lllllhe huk 01 Ill'" duck 1)(1 Ik 11 1,..,1Il III .lIuL ca!>h- 111,., It at :\1 Irh I" I 1. Illl I 11\ :\hdll, and one earh III } .1"'[ I lib 1( \Ul~ 1 >t u,el Hill .lIlt! Ila\elfold IlIeI d\'tl \111,., the re 1\1 Ulllllg checks lit: IS al<;o \\ llIle.:d III :\lulIlgcJl1lt.:n (OUlll\ 011 ch,llgt,., ,I II I,.,tl \ hUlglar) Ind IlIl cH\ tllIl Iltll "t lIItilllg tnal II ~ll \\111 he ltlrllll! 1\\1 tu J)ela"are L mllt\ lllthofltll'" HI 111..\ lllllHes • I • Friends' Baz .. ml' N .. xl \Veck liwlll the auspHl" (II 1111 S\\arthmorc f 1 H 1111 ~el \ ICC III tilt h I lit: tll all rOilS, btl l I cakt: IlIeSCI \(,., \luI "tht.! hOllse­hold ~O lib \.\ III be h~ Id III \\ 11Ittier I fou ~ 011 the campu.. I 1 ~\\ trlhm Jrt.: Cnllt:gt.: fJ 0111 I 30 to :i )() 0 tllIl k III xt \\l\lllt.:~da) aitcllloon I)ullllj,el -t :JO British 'Volllen In Rcrehc n .. ,1 Cross Kib Frolll S"artlullore • ~I rs I ),[ Basst It I r (lUdlllll ~ 11 !1I111111 for tht 1'1 II t n ..... has Ill(l\(d It h l ... t tl'l!!\ ltqU..:"'t-.. I III h.ld CIOs .. kit Sh\ IIIgt.:S all Ihll<;\ Illterc!>ted, \\1\(\ h I'l not clone sO, to cant Itt III r 1II11llC(h all It III order :-;ht ma\ ~t:­( un the I1c..:(kd kl .... III addltlOll to the materials h .. tul last weck for the Chrl .. tmas kits, a plllo" \\ 111 ht. placed III kit by Ift.:.Hlqulrttr \\orkers tn sene as III Cl1Icrgt.llC\ head n .. t III air raul shlltt.'rS S\\ arthmore.: 1010 lIla\ 1)( ca.lled to ortll r kit.. 111(1 It) secure lists nl .Irtlclt.:-; tor tilt kit...

---------- Page 23 ----------

a PBRSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins and danghter Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, Mrs. Thomas !Jenkins of Swarthmore, Mr. and Mrs. Wayland E1sbree and son Langdon and Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Robinson of Wa11iDc­ford attended the annual Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mr .. Charles F. lentons of Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. Co F. Rassweiler and family of Riverview avenue will spend the Thanksgiving week-end with Mrs. Rassweiler', mother Mrs. W. S. Hal):: cock of Mansfield, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner of Dickinson avenue had as their Thanks­giving dinuer guests Mrs. Faulkner's mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Werst and sister Dorothea Werst of Drexel HilL Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fry of Philadel­phia had as their guests for Thanks­giving dinner their daughter and son­in. law Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Henry of Cedar 1anc. Mrs. Eo M. Bagley and danghter Fran­ces arrived Wednesday, November 27, to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her brother and sister-in~law, Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of ML Holy­oke place. Mrs. Bagley and daughter of Salt Lake City, Utah are on an eastern tour. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln of Philadelphia had as their guests at Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday Mrs. Lincoln's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Har­lan Jessup of Haverford avenue, Mr. and Mrs. ljarlan R. Jessup 01 Haver­ford avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sterns of Mayfair. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Strath Haven avenue bad as their guests at Thanksgiving dinuer on the 21st their son Richard's roommate, Emery Lar­sen from Lawrenceville School, Lawr­enceville, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lL Ward of Strath Haven avenue and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Elley lrom Wihuing­ton, Del? lormerly of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Martha R. BlessWc 'of Elm ave­nue will leave December 4 for Empire, Coos Bay, OregOll where abc will join her son George for the winter. Mrs. Blessing's home will be occupied ~ December 1 by Mrs. Graeme. In the interval unti1 she leaves Swarth­more Mrs. Blessing will be the house guest of Mr. and MrS. HenrY James of Ogden avenue. Several family parties in her honor will be given before her de­parture. En route to the west coast she will visit friends in Detroit, Mieh. and in Denver, Colo. The Bles,ings' address will be c/o Coos Bay Pulp Corporation. Mrs. Alden Van Kirk of San Fran­cisco, Cal. will join her mother and brother at Coos Bay for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Trumpler are now occupying their new home on Harvard avenue, Swarthmore Park. After a year in the East Pittsburgh re­search laboratory, Mr. Trwllpler has re­turned to his former position in turbine design at the Souili Philadelphia plant of Westinghouse. Mr. and Mrs. Co R. Henry of Cedar lane will entertain at cocktails before the series dance on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews Jr. of North Chester road and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Leach of Benjamin West ave­nue. Russell Kneedler returned Friday to his home on Maple avenue after a week in the Hahnemann Hospital where he underwent a submucous operation of the nose. He is convalescing nicely at home. Mr. and Mrs. lames Bacon Douglas of North Chester road had as their week-end house guest Mrs. William M. Muschert of Treoton, N. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Strath Haven avenue invited friends to attend with them the dinner-dance at the Wilmington Country Club last Saturday, November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. lenkins of North Chester road have been spending the week with their son~in-Iaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. William M. Blaisdell of Washington, D. C. THE SW of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rutherford of Westdale avenue. They will aIImd the Anny-NaY)' game on Saturday. The drama section of ihe J uuior Club will meet at the home of Marguerite Gettz, 217 Dickinson avenue on Tues­day December 3, at 8 P. M. • I • Engagement tomorrow from Hanover where were joined by their dwghter Ruth from Wheaton College, Norton, Mass. for the marriage. • I Bi'rthe Mr. and Mrs. Edson S. Harris Jr. of Elm avenue announce the birth of a son, Stuart Littlejohn at Lying·in Hos· pital, Philadelphia on November 21. NOVEMBER 1!HO Commander and Mrs. Lloyd Harrison of Strath Haven avenue are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son at 1 A. lII. Monday, November 25, in the Lying-In Hospital, Philadelphia. - Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park ave­nue announces the engagement of her daiaghterCa'riliUa -to ·Mr. 'Wi11ia$ lL King of Williamson, W. Va. Miss !i'air-1---:a:-. :=~: Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert V. Bloom of Glen MiDs are receiving congratulations on the birth of twins, a boy and a girl at the Chester Hospital Friday rooming, November 22. Mr. and Mrs. Bloom re­sided at 211 College avenue until re­cently. banks is a graduate of St. Joseph'. Do You KDOW High School, EmmetsbUrg, Md. and of the Peabody Conservatory of Music, The Sure Cure for ..... Auto TNublo' Baltimore and has been a of Call 440 the borough for 17 years. 'I!": t a graduate 01 the UniversitY~.i·~:;;;:':1 Tires .. iret one __ sylvania is now employed with thJl,e~f.·I~~~ I RUSSELL'S SERVICE Paper Company, Chester. The .. is planned for December 26. D.rtmouth and Laf.yelle Aves. • .1 j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"w~eiDo~D~~~se~ll~C~U~---~~~~~~~~~ Detlefsen _ Gooding We IIenke Th .... " On Thanksgiving Day Thursday; Na-vember 28, at 4 :30 o'clock in the Church of Christ at Dartmouth College Miss Elinor Phillips Gooding daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. Gooding of Han­over, N. H. was married to Mr. John Detlel Detlefsen son of Mr. and :Mrs. John A. Detlefsen of Lafayette avenue. The Rev. Chester Fisk performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with white chrysanthemums and ever- "SWING" INTO THE Tot·Ta Baby and Gift Shop And Do Your Christmas Shopping 409 Dartmouth Ave. 'Phone Sw. 2349 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS grTeehnes .b ride who was given in mam\ age I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~ by her father was unattended. She wore an afternoon frock of sapphire blue velvet with 3. matching pi~ture hat and carried a bouquet of Briercliff and s~eetheart roses. . The ushers were Mr. lames N. Lutt­rell of Springfield, Mass. and Mr. John Quincy Gooding brother of the bride. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held at the Dartmouth Outing Club House. The bride is a graduate of Holyoke College. Mr. Detlefsen was graduated from Dartmouth CoUege and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is now associated with the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company as an in­dustrial engineer. After their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Detlefsen will he at home "eilS7 Park boulevard in Baton Rouge, La. Dr. and Mrs. Detlefsen will retum Tyrolean Sweater. Skirts, 10 Mix or Match Gay 'Kerchiefs Jewelry for Accenl Llnqerle for Glamor-al-home I Dresses of Distinction Sheer Hosiery Wraps That GUller Evenlnq llaqs Blouses for Color Mr. and Mro. William H. Ward of Strath Haven avenue returned from a two weeks vacation at Hot Springs, Va. in time to celebrate the national Thanksgiving with Mrs. Ward's sister and brother· in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Strath Haven avenue. Min Jane M. Hyndman of Schenec­tady, N. Y. arrived Mondaf to spend 'Thanksgiving' Vay with Mr. and Mro. Oscar J. Gilcreest of Harvard avenue. GeAofrtgeer aP .r aWthilelria smersi ooufs Yopaleer aatvioenn uMe rsis. -~~~~~~~~~~z~~i-doing nicely in the Presbyterian Hos­pital, Philadelphia. OPEN EVERY EVENING CII&BGE ACCOUNT8 OPENED MARY DUNHlLL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL. Mr. and )4ro. L. A. Wetlauler of Cor­nell avenue entertained their guests for Thanksgiving week. WeUaufer's father, Mr. Lewis Riebel and uncle, Mr. John Riebel, of Toledo, O. Reverend A. M. Avila of Puebla, Mex­ico arrived Thursday, November 21 for a week's visit with his son and daughter­in- law Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Avila and his grandson Johnny, and Mrs. Avila's pareots Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue. Rev. Avila drove from Mexico with Bishop Eleazar Guerra of the lIIethodist Church of Mexico and Revereod 1 uan Diu, head of the Board of Religious Education. Bishop Guerra and Rev. Diaz came to the States to at­tend the conference of the Home and Foreign Mission Societies in Philadel­phia. They were the dinner guests 01 ,'{r. and Mrs. Pitman last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hirst of Swarthmore were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNeal of East Lans­downe recently on the occasion of a pa.­tricl1c celebration of Mrs. MacNeal's newly acquired American citizenship. Mrs. MacNeal will be remembered as Miss Alice May Taylor formerly of Swarth­more College. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Baldwin returned Saturday November 12 from their honey­moon in Virginia to their apartment on Swarthmore avenue. Saturday evening. with Mrs. Baldwin's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Do Fargo of Kaukauna, Wis. they were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Humphries of Wilmington, Del. and on Sunday night they were the dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. 1. Weiland of Rutgers avenue. MANOR Friday - Satnrday "KNUTE ROCKNE AIL AMERICAN" with PAT O'BRIEN SUNDAY (doors open at 2 P. M.) and MONDAY 'Captain Caution' witIa VlC1'OB IlATtlBE LOUISE PLATI' LEO C4U"'O M,. ciud~'"Mn. 'Fn.d lu.icr· of Cynwyd were the Thanksgiving Day guests "f Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Laws of Aro­herst a,'enUe this week. Mrs. William Earl KisUer of Open Doors, Park avenue, left Saturday for Charleston, S. C. to visit her son J abn until Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Frederic A. Fuller left Satur­day for her home in Erie after a five weeks visit to her brother-in~1aw and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. Howard of Ogden avenue. Miss Emily Fine, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Middleton Fine of Park avenue returned home November II from Arizona where she had been in training as a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dayton of Brooklyn, N. Y. will be week-end guests SOWI TYRONE POWER Exc1tlnr' as never before fa the most tamous of aU Btteen roles "THE MARK OF ZORRO" with LINDA DARNELL RASn. RATHBONE MEDIA Friday· Saturday MICKEY ROONEY and JUDY GARLAND in "STRIKE UP THE BAND" with PAUL WmrEMAN And rus Orcliestra • First Ron News New Pleallure8 for the ChIldren ETe..,. Month With Their• O wn M<Ip-ziDes- Glve Them. the YEAR-'ROUND GIFT • til .. , Uoyd E. Kl.n .... 313 Dartmouth A:we. 8w.2080 ~SGIVINGDAYI ON STAGEI IN PERSONI GRAY GORDON And DIs Tic-Toe Rhythm BlUld On screeD "THE Q1JARTERBACK" STARTS FRIDAY BING CROSBY In c'BIIYTBM ON'THE RlVEB" STARTS TUESDAY EDWARD G. ROBINSON In 'A Dispatch f~m Reuters' FRIDAY _DoD1~_ "'DIB GBBAT McGINTY" SATURDAY "TEXAS TERRORS" _4_ BEAUTY SALON Where ,here is care - .here is compliment IS South Ch_ a-d c.n s...m.- 476 • CHANEL • ROVAE • MARY DUNHILL • CORDAY • PEOPLE JOIN CO .. OPS TO GET WHY do people say "Cooperatives are the beginning of a neu> and beuer UllI)' oJ life?" Religious leaders recognize the ethical implieations of Cooperative action. That is why Cooperatives have been endorsed by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, the Central Confer­ence of American Rabbis. the National Catholie Rural Life Conference. Every housewife wants to give her family the best in food; When 400 Co-op members were questioned to discover why they belonged to Co-op~. most of them emphasized. "The whole truth about merchandise, better quality, nni­form and informative labels." They also stressed "Price eontrol." It means that Cooperatives set a price 88 low as safety permits. considering the necessity to COver aU expenses. Any sav­ings which may resnlt belong to the eon­snmer- owners since "Cooperatives CAN'T Profiteer." Cooperators become better citizens through the opportunity of becoming part owners and having an active part in running their own business. Co-ops can help build world brother­hood. People of every race and religion are Cooperators. The Consnmers Coop. erative Association of North Kansas City serves Cooperators in Esthonia, France and Seotland- through their respect­ive Co-op wholesalers - all enjoying the benefits of "brotherhood eeonomi""." Conld snch international trade lead to disputes or war? B~ ,cCODpsra~ rit>u are ,he 6ep.. ni.... 0/ a '""" and hel'er ....,. 01 life," II:J(q an ou'''andi,.. renlOn gioen lor joinin« a Co-op ira ,he o"inion 0/ 400 -Caoo_,..e,...a o.r... .... . """"''""' In .. dElFt!. ",. • re­I! lJa 0,......,..".. ... "re"..._ .. lor • "-S.cJrt"e . ~bU"" fa .an.. _t' """""ne. SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE 401.03 DARTMOUTH AVE. I THE SWARTHMOREAN pubLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. ONE TOUCH Gille Tlumlu-AmeriM ~~~:=====~~~~~~~I Give Ihanks America, giw gml./uI Thy cilie8, rivers, lakts, mOUlttai..., and woods, THE SWARTHMOREAN, INc., PUBLISHER , PBO~E SWARTHMORE 900 A thanks, decade ago when I was a student Swarthmore College, I banded birds The N orlh Mnd brings 'he lresllMlI 01 PETER E. TOLD, Editor MAiuoRIE TOLD, AuociGIe Editor h . • Ihe LAket, en.t us,astica. lIy even as today, with Th W ROSALIE .PEDISOL th IS excep tIon: I earn·e d an assortment e ", wind brings PadI"·c 's Iem-~ -L.~~ of various-sized bands with Ole con- pered breeze, Cluo Mauer,lanuur 2f, 1929, at lite p"" .,.... at ... "-_ ... Pa., under the Act of lIam:h 3, 1879. stantly. These I kept in a small bot.tle I The Soulh wifld brings Ihe soIl air 01 my left-hand coat pocket. In llae G.d/, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1940 of pliers I used finger-nail. and The Easl ,vi_d brings Allanlic's briny for opening and closing them but what- tang. Presbyterian Church Notes . ever the bird-occasion I wa~ ready And blow they Nor,h, or South, or Eall, and membership contest is attracting con- . • or West siderable interesL It, just like the Boy ScO'Ut who can A ' Sunda. y morning at 11 o'clock T sda . always whip out the appropriate knife- 1/ winds blow lree, blow glorio"s!)' sermon topjc will be liThe RemuanL . ue y evening the ... Usbers' Associa.~ bl a d e f or any emergency. lree . The Girls' Choir under the directi'on lion annual baoquet will be given through On one of my Spring walks I passed Teemillg America, Republic of Ihe Wesl, of Benjamin F. Kneedlf:'r and Peggy tWhe generosity of the members of the b eneal h an empress tree just beyond Ho",e of all p. pi gt D 0 eSJ eat emocrocy. James will present the masl'c for the oman's Bible Class. A program WI'II the d am near S trath Haven Inn. OveTrIo·_ cou_lle-- g. d d I Ih ;#4 'ar eo 'O'MS1 Y 'PH;yr-worship SUl;lday morning. follow the dinner. t I dg . d f le e e of a dilapidated nest in a fU ar",." The High Sehool FeUowohip will hThursday at 7 ando 8 P. M. i, the re-ef th t ree protruded a Blue -------------- meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the earsal of the ju~or .and senior choirs. Jay's tail Parish House. The program will be I R,eliigi,on of Brahma 10 be Studied Stealthily as any cat I climbed moving pictures and a talk by Henry tree. until I was: able to reach up L. Smith. Continuing the current study course on ISUl,prisethe bird·s tail feathers. To The Church Hour Nursery School "Religion and Religions" Dr. Jesse .h ....... r it-refused to fly a .. ",y,t under the direction of Mrs. H. W. De- Hennan Holmes will speak on the spec- 5.0 I stepped one branch higher Courtenay is conducted each Sunday ial topic "Brahmanism" at 9.45 A. M. hfted my face over the rim of the nesL anorning from 11 to 12 o'clock in the this Sunday when the adult forum con- An angry-looking Blue Jay huddled I Parish Hollse. Children from the ages venes at Friends' Meeting. over three half-grown babies and chat-of two to seven may be entered in this • 1 • tenged my further course. Fore-armed deparbnent any Sunday morning. Christian Science Church with bands 01 proper size, I made a The Girls' Choir will be entertained grab for the parent bird. Too late :at' a luncheon and moving pictures "Ancient and Modern the instinct for escape asserted itself Saturday, December 7, by the Session Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism De .. a~d shortly I liberated the Blue Ja; and the Trustees. flounced" is the subject of the Le':sson-I With an gluminum· ring around one leg. . ·-Th~·Boys'·,Choir will rehearse at 2:30 Sermon in all Churches of Christ Sci- In turn I banded the three babies. ------------ LET'S EAT TODAY "I THIi 1\L W l.A.·E [*he SUBURBAN CAFE • On .h. Copcoune of tbe PRR Suburban Station Break/alt-f,om ZSc Luncheon-I,om 40< Dinner -from 7Sc Under the pe·sonal BUperyialOP of l.o ry R, Tully -----'-'""--------~ ..... SliIl hold a people _onl,olltd tmd /rtt_ , For this America, give ,IIG., giw he.rl Ihanks. E. 'Co W Al,TON. IT IS REAU.Y DANGEROUS to put off longer protoot1ns your car wilh BOrne kind of anti-freeze. WE SlICCEST Prestone Trek-Zerez GOODYEAR TIRES . • Hannum & Waite PlymoUlh-Chrylller . Swarthmore 1250 ' ' .P .. M. and,the Girls' Choir at 3 o'ellocl, I entist, on Sunday, December 1: The The old bird watched while I worked 011 Sunday in the Church. Golden Text is: "Look unto me, and be Over the first two-apparentiy eating It is requested that all contributions ye saved, all the ends 01 the earth: for them-but as I lifted the third out of clothing or- -gifts for the Christmas [ am God, and there is none else" o£ the nest, I was struck in the fore~ for British War Relief--. boxes for the Covingtons, the home (Isaiah 45 :22). head by the agitated parent She had missionary family of eight in Tennes,:ee" I driven at me beak-first and drillt!d a be left at tqe home of Mrs. F. N. neat round hole in my brow. 221 Harvard avenue, or Mrs. A. H. Van IN VILLAGE LIBRARY A stream of blood ran down the Alen 209 fark_ avenue by December 2. ~rjdl!e of my nose and dropped from Contributions of money must be in by Its tip to the ground. I lost little time December 15. Recently acquired books now in cir- banding the last fledgling and climbing • I I: Trini P • h N I: ~~~,~~~c,~ in the Swarthmore Public Li- out of the tree. . ty art8 ' Olea are listed here. "Oliver Wiswell" Five years later I received notice The annu-I 'Co· rporate Communl'on by Roberts makes a case for Irom the United States Biological Sur- ~ h T' d' hI' vey that a Blue Jay I had banded in AND VICTORIA HOllIE FOR AGED BRITISH DEC. 4-.B ELLEVlJE.STRATFORD· . 12 to 10 P. M. AUSPICES OF DAUGHTERS OF THE. BRITISH EMPIRE IN PA •.. MRS. J. H. GORDON McOONECHY - Chairman MRS. AGNES M. HAIG SHEWON - Co.Chalnn .... .'.I.or the men and confirmed boys of the t e ones urmg t e Revo uilon and 19~ f d 1': ... _ ................ b at Th ~, wa. sound dead in Swarthmore. parish will be held on Sunday morn- oes a cor&U.U.6 6'""'-"1. JO as usu e Consultmg my records, I discovered i~:;;:;:~:;;;:;:;;~~C~O~ME~~O~NE~C~O~MB~~"~'~J~T~O~' H~B~' P~'~BE~~BBITI~~S~B~:;;:;::;;:;:~::;;;:;:;;~ IDg at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Thomas n•o h pho'p ulariItiy is evkidence'd b y the tha t 1. t was one of the young birds, Meryweather and. the Rev. John Mock- t. at II~ ear er war s contInue to I have never heard from the rest of rjdge. D.D. will a~sist. Following the 1U se tng volume, which does not the family, but I suspect that this clan ,.service a breakfast· WI'II 'be served by "suArrpurnisde 1r"e a"dRearsb boI f .h is A"rL ively Lady", enj.o ys Ie gen d ary presti.g e among our 'a committee of the women of the Par- e , e ID ms", UNorth~ local Jays, since Grandma once :.jsh. west Passage" - all good sound Ameri~ blood in battle with Man. ',' On Sunday the Rev. J. Jarden Guen- can history told with sustained drama. C. BROOKE WORTH. ther will.- celebrate the. ele-venth uni- "The Voyage" by Charles MlJrgan is versary of his coming to Trinity said to be his best. Perhaps you have Church. "He became rector on February read his widely discussed "Sparten- 1. 1930. broke" and "Fountain." "The Bright .;J By appointment of Bishop Taitt PaviUions", Hugh Walpole's fifth novel -: Guenther is a member of the Diocesan in his chronicle of the Herries dynasty, ~YW.LANG . Rugs and Carpets that are , .. , . fun to playwithl .. 'Tui:kthem'" .. -Comm~ttee to cooperate in raising the brings on stage Elizabeth and Mary of . :Church's pledge to help British mis- Scotland and the rising struggle be: sionary work. tween Catholic and Protestant. uFor Us "-._ The Young 'Peoples' F~~~1.~~~[~h:a~:d! I the Living" by Bruce Lancaater is a an informal party at the Parish novelized story of young Lincoln, rail • Better service and better value in all types of na­tionally known rugs andearpet8 away"" Stocks. are (oJllpiete'·", , , ... on Saturday evening. splitter, surveyor. and Indian fighter, There will be a meeting of the groping his way toward his great ideals _ on Tuesday evening at the rectory. of nationalism and democracy. uFieId_ The regular meeting of the Guild- ing's Folly" by Frances Parkinson Auxiliary"' will be- held at the Parish Keyes is a leisurely novel of Yankee · House on. Wednesday. The women tradition and Southern legend strug-meet to sew at 10 A. M. gling in the bonds of wedlock. "Invita~ • I tion to Live" by Lloyd C. Douglas is a .lU.ethodiat Church Notes new and complete novel about Dean Harcourt of Trinity Cathedral who was This evening 'at 7.30 o'dock a roller introduced in the author's skating party will be held in the social Light". "First Love, Farewell" hall of the church. Graeme and Sarah Lorimer are a ~~~~~ I Sunday at 9.45 A. M. the Church of stories continuing Maudie's 0, School will have for its missionary modern career to the delight · speaker Rev. Carlos Alberto Avila, as- reading public. In "Mr. and · sociate Pastor of Scott Italian Metho- Meigs" by Elizabeth Corbett the de- · dist Church in Philadelphia. Mr. Avila lightful "Young Mrs. Meigs" carries win be accompanied by the young pea- on. "The White Cliffs" by Alice Duer pie from the Italian center who will Miller is a dramatic narrative poem of participate in the program. England from 1914 to 194O-a "must" , The morning wors~ip at 11 o'clock for aU who heard its moving radio pre": · will have for the sermon theme uWhith~ sentation by Lynn Fontaine and eyed _ er Bound?" The nursery will be pleased more so for those who did not. "God · to care for: the children of those who Has a Long Face", by Robert Wilder worship in. the sanctuary. novelizes the development of Florida The Epworth League at 7 P. M. will in the story of a family which is also be led by Richard Hoot. The attendance the story of a community, a county and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I a state. "Fame is the Spur" by Howard 9:*5 A.X.-£!""CIl Se>_ 10:00 'A')[' __ :i.i;;;:;;iiD~.: 11:00 A.M. Spring author of "My Son, My Son'~ traces a self-made-·m·an's career in the England of yesterday. "Dutch Interior" by Frank O'Connor is a new novel of Ireland and her people. "With Love nnd Irony" Lin Yutang returns to charm the many readers who found stimulation enjoyment in his earlier works, t ,..,,,- Importance of Living", "My Country and My People" and "Moment ~on in Peking". "The Best Plays of 1939" comprises an annually recurring joy to ----- the lovers of the drama. ' New first class mystery stories in­clude "The Great Mistake" by Mary Roberts Rinehart, uThe Case of the Silent Partner" by Erie Stanley Gard­ner, "Black Plumes" by Margery Al­lingham, "Death of a Peer" by Ngaio Marsh, and "Sing a Song of Homicide" -.,,'" .,..., by James R. Langham. ••• ,Dr. F8I'II8her in West Chester Address Dr. W. F. Faragher of South Chester ~1tiIiJiiN'.imr I road gave an address -b'efore the Broth­erhood of the West Chester Methodist Church on Thursday evening, Novem: ber 21. Following the talk "Gasoline and Oils in the War and in National De-, fense", there was a forum~type dis­cussion. . • SWABTIDIOIIB 1152·8 BIDLEY PARK 1238 SUPLEE HARDWARE', 11 South Chester Rd. Call Swarthmore 105 OLD ORCHARD W E wish to announce that a development of :fine, 'hut moderate priced homes, has been started at Rutgers and Strath Haven Avenues, Swarthmore. You are invited to follow and inspect the construction of these homes in order to verify the quality of work and materials. These are difficult to determine after the build· ing is completed. One of the features will be General Electric equip. ment throughout, EDWARD L. NOYES SELLING AGENT-SW. 114 NASON & CALLEN, INC. BUILDERS-ALLEG. 5408 .• j . :." ;;' .:!, " "

---------- Page 24 ----------

. T.BE S~.TB.O.UiC· ;.... NOVEMBER ~A::li~c~e~·:R~c=d=g=ra~v=e~a~n~d~h~e:r-:cl:a:s.~.:m~a:t:e~--~~~;;~~;:~~;;;;~;---II~~~-:~~==='~~~'~~==A----~'-M~i:U~C~.:m:n;l~a~F;'w~·r~be::Q~,~.~u~·ba~·~~·ng::~as:J~::::::::::~::::::::::~::::::, Margarel Kerner from Norlh Carolina SCIIOOL NEWS Girl Scout NetA1S her dinner guests on Sunday Mju Janet READERS DIGEST arrived Wednesday to spend the Atkinson, Miss Rulb S~th. and Mr.. Now OnlT P.7S '""ll1l1b ifl'Oll Tha'lksgiving holiday with Alice's par- Honor Soelel:r Theme 0/ Sr • .4ue..."". Helen Medcalfe aDd daughter Benni AI1.u41~ on. P.2S.... . ents lotr. and Mrs. A. R. O. Redsrave The Senior High As.embly was held Mad ............ Ad. -. frorn Ibe suburbs of camden, N. J. POSTAGE FREE AN'( WHRRR of Vassar avenue, Alice is a sophomore November 18 in Swartbmore High Formal registration of a local M and C. R. H' f ,,-,-- MlI8. LLOYJJ B U_ at Linden Hall, Lititz, Pa. School's Auditorium. of 15 enthusiastic Mariners is under r. Mrs. enry 0 v::wu- 'Phone 8;".'" . Th ' d . th Th'l t 'tt did lane had as their guests last week-end subleriptious to ALL ... n ..... e were opene Wlth e way. e P' 0 comm, ee an~.~ea~i~ere=:IMr. Henry's father Dr. E. M.' Henry of - reading of the Bible by Virginia Crae- selected last spring have been working with the girls thU fal~ Ridgewood, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. E. meTrh· e maI.O the rne a f tb e assemb ly was by str,'ct regulati'ons set' down by na- H. Henry Jr. of Caldw~I, N. J. Ihe introduction of new members into tional Girl Scouts, by the Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of West­Swarthmore High School's National Council and by the Delaware County field, N. }. visited Mr. and Mrs. 1.. A­I Honor Society. Those officiating were: Advisor. The girls have had thorough Wetlaufer of Cornell avenue last week­Virginia Craemer, Margaret Sheppard, physical examination •• which must be end. They attended the Penn-Cornell 7i30 TONITE Roller Skating . Party SoeIaI BaD, Methodbt ChUreh . Ford Wiggins and Walter Goodwin. made annually for Mariners. Leaders game at Franklin Field. Those introduced into this chapter of have taken special training in Girl Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Brooks of the society at the service were: Bar- Scout and Mariner leadership courses ~lriUra, N. Y. will spend this week-end bara Blundin,' Barbara Nason, Dween given .by the Girl Scout organization. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulk- . ·Tickets Only 25e Aaspl""" Ushen' AoooeIatloa CORA-17 i.wdI. 14K white Of lWW"al Bold- 6llcd. IS1t applll!'d Bold Dumuall •••• $47.50 Lingle and Gordon Douglas. Hannah Smith, handcraft mate, is ner of 'Dickinson avenue. The ceremony was followed by a talk now engaged in taking a power squad- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner of MAPLE FARM' AKRON, LANCASTER CO .. PA. on tiThe Importance of a Well Rounded ron cOUrse. National ruling demands D' k" . f M b .that one mate shall be a I,'censed Red ie mson avenue entertamcd or r. Personality" y the Rev. j. Jarden Cross L,'fe Saver. The local ~oup 15' and Mrs. William D. Walton of . " .. ' .. ' .' Ideal for Invalid, --Adm''''.,n lee .ad· prino;lpal required on weeJdy ralel - EotabUshed 20 ,. ..... Guenther of Trinity Church, Swarth- more than well equipped in t-his Chas eM.d. Ias t F"'da y evenl.D g, N 0- ElISE-17 i...w. 1411: aatun1 aold. 18lC .,. pne.t aold aumenl dial. . aoJd.iUed fitti ...... " • morc. lunior Prom Chairrrum Marshall Schmidt was chairman of the Junior Prom that was held on Friw day nighl in the High School gymna­sium. About eighty couples attended the dance. ••• NEWS NOTES Miss Kitty Pitman of Vassar avenue spent last wcekwend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Porter <if Baltimore. Md. Mrs. Por­ter is the former Jane Smalley, grandw daughter of Postmasler A. P. Smalley. Mrs. O. M. Hook of Westdale ave­nue was confined to bed at her home this week by the grippe. OUT OF THE FISH NETS TO MARTEL'S One of Ihe Best Fish That Swims, According to the Persons Who Know Their Fish. You Can Fry, Broil, or Bake II Ami It's Colorful and Inexpensive. SALMON STEAKS Those who really know good fish agree that these beautiful salmon steaks are jusl aboul lops. Buy a big chunk 10 boil or bake. Serve with creamed peas and ocmdled sweel polatoes. Smelts .................. 1h. 29c Sea Trout ........... lb. 19c Filet.Haddock,Jh. S5cFilet Mackerel, lb. SSc Fresh Opened Stewing Oysters .................. pint, 29c With the lullllavor and lang of the sea --Pan !ry or make a delightful oysler pie or slew for dinner. LEGS OF LAMB lb. Z7c: A spring lamb roasl will lasle good after an orgy of turkey eating. Genuine spring lamb. BROKEN SWEET BREADS. . . . ...... Ib. pkg. 39c MA~ E LiS . _-. ---------------­. BETTER FOOD fOR THE Chester Road at Rutgers Avenue - Route 320 - Swarthmore, ... t .. ' ?t--' I , make IDEAL Gifts! Here's a chance to cross many names oft your Xmas shop. ping list! Slippers are always welcome giftsl • • Choose from many differ­ent styles - styles for aU ages. Bonny fur trimmed, soft leath.... fahd .. Leather soles, heels, Flata padded heels. Novelty de~oration8. Colors. CELIA SHOE SHOP vember 22. . caution. having three such leaders. most recent. leader to come into Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer of Wal-group is Helen Evans who nut. lane entertained last week-end Mr. a Red ,Cross Life Saver Latimerts brother and sister-mwlaw Mr. cently taken Girl Scout and Mrs. Charles Latimer of New York training. The enthusiastic support City· and Mr. Frank B. Foster of Bea-six busy young women leaders for, this ver, Pa. group of High School girls meeting on Betty Douglas of North Chester road Wednesday evenings speakS well for leaves today to visit her Alma Mater, Ihe true worth of the program. William and Mary College. Williwns- Clove hitches, bowlines, square burg, Va. for the weekwend. She' plans two half hitches, etc. are now being to stay at the Kappa Kappa Gamma "Nuts For You" Salted Nail of Ev"",,, KfDd NOVELTIES . FOR YOW PARTY Nat Candles - Fnc/&ea Good QuaD&)', BeoDomtcalty Prlce4 Corner lIIarket and ~"iot (last 1Iq0Dd P. B. B. s_ mastered at Mariner meetings ·under sOrority house. BrlAIp) the direction of a salt sea sailor. Shirley Ward arrived home on No_I ~~~~==:::==::::::=:::==~ Seoat Radio Do.... vember '21 for the Thanksgiving week- ij Girl SCo'llts are tuning in on "A Story end to attend the Penn-Cornell game. 10 Tell" sponsored by the United Char- She is a student at .Colby Junior CoI­ilies over WCAU every Sunday at 1:30 lege. New London, N. H. SALE OF APRONS, BREAD, CAKE, PRESERVES, Etc. WEDNESDAY,Dee.; 4th 1,30 to 5.30 P. II. P. ~. Mrs. Ernest Rudolph. of Headquarters, will welcome any inter- Flossie Garrett of South Princeton esting Girl Scout stories for this pJ'Oo- avenue was. on.e of f.ourteen members of I gran Drexel Tech's co-ed hockey team which The Narberth Troop 8 on the Main journeyed to Kingston, R. I. last Sat­Line presented Stephen V in c en' urday for a ·game with the Rhode Island Benet's uJohnny Appleseed" on Satur- State College cO;'eds. day. November 23, at 1 :15 .P. M. over Betty Jean Pitman of Vassar avenue WHAT. The following week. November and Nancy Fawcett of'Ridley Park, for- 30. East Montgomery County Dramatic merly of ·College avenue returned ·for the Guild will be on the air at the same Tbanksgiving . week-end· from . Mary WHl'rI'IER HOUSE Coll.,.., Campo ","piuJ SiDa7aJamore Friend. Sen>lee . hour. W:;asbiiIgton;.;·;';;;eo;. ;.ll~eg~e,~F;\'ed;;.;n;·cks;b;ur~g~, ~v;a.~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ • I • Writers' Club Concentrates on Radio Three outstanding speakers were heard at the meeting of the D.,Ia'warel County Writer's Club on Tuesday of this week. Mr •. Edward H. Kress Dela­ware County chairman - of and international relations Girl Scouts proclaimed the need of the Scouts for IS'minnte skits to·be br<,u,-I cast over the .radio. Mrs.F. N. FloYd chairman of the Philadelphia district publicity and international" relations urged skits for small childre.n especially those containing other· than, Stout in­terest but always upholding Scout prin-ciples. ' . Ruth Barrett in cbarge of station WLIT gave .aninfprmative and thrill­ing history 'of radio ending with tele­vision prospects~ "Miss Barrett urged the Writer's Club to write and enter auditions in the smaller stations, lead­ing to larger accomplishment. The cluh plans to write such skits and enter them for criticism at the next meeting at noon on December 10 under Miss Bar­rett's direc-t-io-n-. -........- ---- Workshop Plays Tonight, Tomorrow , The Little Theatre Club of Swarth-I more College will present two work,.holp I plays this week-end "Cradle Song" night and "Heavenly Express" tOlno.r-l.i row, Saturday evening. Both perform­ances will be given at 7:30 P. M. in Clothier Memorial and from' Ule two, one will be chosen to be presented two weeks later as the major faU' produc­tion of the collegiate dramatic group. Anyone who is interested in 'seeing their current perform'ances' without scenery and other benefits of the fin­ished play can secure tickets' tl1rough Lois Corke at the• 1C,o-llege. Christmas Scenes at. PIanlltarium 'rhc 1940 Fels Plan~tarium Christmas demonstration, "Out of Darkness" win be presented from Deceinber 1st, 1940 through January 1st, 1941. at 3:00 and 8.30 P. M. every day. Special demon­strations will be given at 11:()() A. M. and 4:00 P. M. on Saturday,: and at 4:00 P. M. on Sundays' and'New Year's Day. . Based on the Christmas theme of spiritual hope and faith,· the demonstra­tion will be accompanied by scriptural readings and Christmas carols. ••• NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. ROllbaus of Sirnth Haven avenue had as their guests on Sunday" Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Walker and children from Elkins Park, Pa. M ro. Harold Ogram of Riverview road is planning to attend the Army­Navy game· on Saturday and later be the dinner guest of, her brother Mid­shipman Richard W. Taylor. GENERAL AUTO' REPAIRING • GAS ST A.TION OPEN ". .,. ! J<\ UNTIL 11 P. Mo· All work guaranteed.' Fords and Studeh8kersa '. specialty. Gei your car inspected now at our' . OffiCial InSpection Station. " . TIRES-TOWING-BATTERIES , LEWIS' FUSCO SINCLAIR SERVICE Fairview and Cheater Road Swarthmore 1915 SWARTHMORE, PENNA. CHRISTMAS CLUB 'CHECKS' will be mailed next:Monday to' . those who are /ortunp,te enough to be members 0/ our:1940 ClUb. 'Will you be receiving one? The 1941 Club is now fornung and ,.Ou are in..,jted to join. ' ••• . " SW~fuMO~E NATIONAL BANK·· , ··:,,~iNn·mu,ST COMP~ M~of F~ D~~ Insurance Corpc;,.atton 102 PARK AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. HowardM. Jenkins of Swarthmore 870;J North Chester road· entertajIted •. their .. _______________________ .. ~. IW:~.N!.!':-'Z1~. ~dl!e.~ . .,.' ',--." _ ~"".;".,:_.':'-: ~.1~ . . . :_~. ' ~ .. ', ' .. ' . -' ... .. '. . ~ SPORTS REVIEWI~t~h:e~u~n~iv:e:r:s:ily?O~f~v~i~rgJ~.~ni~a~in~Cb~a~rI~o~t-'T~w::-e--d:-o...;..u-r-g-en-t-:ly---re-q-u-e-s-t--th-a-t--t-b-is-;--Im--pro--y-em--.. --te--_--.-IIrt--O-'--t.,-o--H-----.--~~' tesviUe, V1tliaiL . . letter be pubHshed in The Swarthmor- and stucco h01..&M. Ih38 teet· eDci~ troDt Collep F ..... 11e Football Geme E<!ith Kniskern returned Wednesday ean at the very earliest possible date. =~r~ .tucco addtt'OD, &1ft teet: Swarthmore College Freshmen ~~~~:l evc;rung from Sweet Briar College, Sweet Respectfully yours. ~~i~~~~~i~;.:;.1 a 6-6 lie with undefeated Bryn Btlar• Va. I0 -..... _:n unll'1 Sunday W•'t h A. S. CEl.rA ._~_la nld .~. as. the prop•e•,- of Han.., B. -n __ _ Academy, last Friday, at Swarthmore. her. :parenls Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. FRANK MASI!I.~r Walker scored for Swarthmore in the Kruskem of Riverview road and accorn- I H. L. PU88ELL. Attorn .... pam• ed th t th h f M REQUeSl' FOR 11m. ~~~~~~~~ second period 011 a plunge fl'OJD the em 0 e orne 0 n. Knisw The Buroqb 01 8wannmore wID recel WILLIAK W. McKIM. 9wyard line. Hyatt tied the score by a kern's brother and sister-inwlaw Mr. and 8eaIed. Well OD WednealQ. Def:ember 18tb. 1~~ 11-27w3t Sher11l'. Tei.Pi"'''' -ii,;'iOibiWnI6S-yard run in the fourth period. fMrsT' haNekwel! .J. Nessen. of Springfield ~ ~~~~:,~:n..&r ;:,':"~be&!!;.,:~.t'!~ SBEiIIPP 8ALBS OP BKAL BBTM'II i~~~~~:r.;;:F Town Boy Make. So cc~r Seales or n sgavmg Day dinner. ..arbap from aU houeebolds NtabUlhmea18 S h • B· and IDfiUuUoDl w!thin the Borough lor Ih~ wart more s varsity soccer team ral.. til Banks of Columbia avenue and period ot ODe J'eaJ' oornmeuclnl' J&oUII'7 1 Ii~d in the second half of the game S;amuel Mitchell of Strath Haven ave- ~~J· ...~ 2beSU'.h . . !u,. ...f. ..T . In:reanl .. the COD: Satunlay. December 7, UNO w' th H aver f ord I a t H averf ord I las t F ra·. . nue s t u d ents at H aver f ord School were ita ter-m-.s.. '!'bs a.p..e. ctftcaOtlroe:n! a anad(. "ICloorrdman ooof wpritob- 8:.3 0 A. II. Baatem Standard. 'l'lme day, and scored twice to win 2-1. entertained ~y the headmaster last ~~~~':"'~= ~tr~b:e~ tJe~d;t\h Conditione: $250.00 caab or certUled check plaine, playing outside left, .seared both Sunday e.veOlng at a banquet for the SW8l'Ihmore, Ps .• where same mar be :~. at tlme of sale (unless otherwtse atated in of his team's goals. lettermen of the football team Sam The IUC<!e8Iful bidder mUI' furollh lmety sd~tllsement) balance In ten daJ8. other J v, TIe ..... __ L_ • __ • I I' . bond sa reqlliJ'ed. by the Borough Code A cerU co ana on day of we. - .8 ,&"reBDDleJI AM8e was recent y Isted on the honor roll of fled check ID the amount of .50·00 m.o.t ~ Saturday. Penn's J. V.'s played a I-I the school. .. m ..... eaoh bid. . ... LenlrI helM No. 1173 tie with Swarthmore's J. V.'s at Phila- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bravo of Elm ELL1(l'lT,,:rCJlAlII)SON. delphia, while Penn's freshmen defeated 11.22.31. rouch 8ecretlll7. September Term. 1940 S h aver..ue spent- several days last week Dwell~ house and lot situate Aldan Dor-alOl'. wart more's first year team, lwO, on an visiting friends in Washington. D. C. oUSh. De. Co .• Pa.. described as followa· 4-Sn.B. adjoining field. SIIEIUPP 8ALBB OP. REAL ESTA'TB Beg, at a pt. In mtddle Of ClUton Ave. (W H S U-_L wide), a corner of lands 01 Irfanraret B Al-rote. SALB-BaqAtn CbrlatmBIJ gift: Lionel _. vca.eyeltea Remain Undefeated SherUr's otDce, Court House, Media, Fa. Awln, betweeJl Providence Ave. & MagDolia. eleelric train. .taDdanl ... ~ tl'8'.;k, rubber Swarthmore High School's hockey LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ve.; at the distance of 225" northWf!llt.. road bed. alrnaIa, CI'08s-CJver. etc. Saturday 1lecember 21 1940 WardIy If Magnolia A .... If .. Cod 5186. BeilinI' prlce ,50. 'l"elepbone Swanb. team defeated Westtown Friends 3-2 ' , landa B. 64.50 W. 254.~e·ioea""'Pt··. thco·mber' odof·. more 22-1'1. at Sw arthmore, on Friday, November' of The oplnlo1l8 ~ below are tha.e 8;30 A. M. Eastern Standard TIme oth lands 1 01 the lncUl'ldual. writen. All let.un 10 ___ er 0 arence Alwine: tho by Jut FOB 8ALB- YOUDl" man's t.weed overcoat, 22 b . h 8 an"'" be wl--t ... -ua Condltlona: $2SO.oo cash or certWed check mentioned Janda 8. 25.5· E. 45' to pt. In line IiIe 88. PracUca.ll7 DeW. Tei.ephoDe Swarth. ' y a great rally In t e final period .. ore&D mUft ... - Peeu4oIl7D1ll at time of 88le (unless otherw1ee atated In of lands of Mar7 H. BIllott; til. by I8It meD.w more 807..1. to preserve their victory string. ' :Q'lm~~ ~be~ ~~i' ewUwrtt advertisement), balance 1n ten days. other tloned lands N. 64.5- B. 254.5' to pt. In mtdw ~~~~~~~]~~~~~~~~:.I Within the first ten minutes of the r:ublJahecI ow., at the dlacretlOD ot tho condJUoIlA on O&y ot aale. ~~_O~~~~ Ave. by middle of same N. p game Westtown had a 2-0 lead over ,~_,•• . ____. - -----_____. ..J Pier! Facias No. '168 :'--====, I S warthmore. - September Term, 1940 hoIumsep,r o16vxe3m6 etneetst ; csoindsei spto roCfh o. ne story frame.; ::;~~~~~~~rf~~~~ I The S war th more p Ia yers the n started Find OJ}elUe. Wmre NOM Sold co. the prope~ ot Walter Bateman' do wn th e fi e Id W.i t h M argl.e Sheppard, W as 1,-." __e..l._.~.l TwLpa. n• dD ewl. iCtho .,I mPBp.r oBveegminenntian g 11n0 Hmaidvdelrefo ordf and ~-~; Bate·m"7a n, b1e wife. mort. . captain, in the lead, which resulted ,'n Penn St. (40 ft. w.) 125" N. E. lrom mld.dle gagors an .. -.&ward Downey and lIar7 Dow- Uno of .... , A (0' tt ) th Dey, his Wife. real owner. the first tally for the Gamet team. November 20, 1940 middle u;;:;:: PEl:! St."N. So"is' Eo e~~l}'l The first half of the game ended with Editor, The Swatthmorean: thence s. 39~ 42' B. tbru middle of parUtlozi S. L. BAGY, Attorney. Westtown leading 2-1. In the November issue of The wan. 180 ft. Thence 8. so- 18' W. 23.32 ft. ------- S th th . d thence N. 39- 42' W. 180' to place of begln- Levari Facias No 5 IT'=====' I In the second half, Libby Garrett shot war morean ere was pnnte a ntng. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: tthhee sgeacmoned. gTohaeln fojru sSt wbaerftohrme orteh,e tyhianlgf wpoheom S ~ig?n)s "Th.ihme s.eElsfk !.mE.o "C w. riWtt.~' n Ibny tohnaet SUbJ'~ .'.t. ,~r"'co, D8 & restrictiOns. ,I Prop. sit. S1e11p tBeomrObeUrS Th eormf .D 1a9r4b0y , Del. Co.'; ended, captain Maraie Sheppard, 'hlah poem the word "Wop" was used the Improvements conslBt of two and one-half Pa., on the S. W. 8. ot Darby Terrace 188.84 ~. ~ f \ ,..'. story frame house. 15s39 leet; porch lront· ft. S. E. 01 P1fth Street: In front 184 It sCOIer for the team, shot the final goal re ere.nce, of. course, bemg to Italians. lope story frame addJtlon, 12:16 feet. • and ID;. depth bet. para!. Ia. at r. B. 50 t\:' of the game. BeSides bemg a very ugly hence un- to a 4 w. alley etc. Known as 428 Darby ~~==, I Bobbie Nason, who played on the de- poetic wor,d, the term "Wop" is one anS:~e ~'::f~J1.y ot Andrew McAteer Terrace. . fense Jine, received a sprained shoulder which every setfwrespecting Italian dew Tog. wIth tl8e of alley. '60. Four bedrooms. Convenient location. P088e88lon at once. in the second half of the game when plores. We. the undersigned Italo- GEORGE T. BUTLER., Attorney. Improvements consist of two story brick she made a right lunge and fell. America'ns of Swarthmore, protest the PIeri Pac!as No. 587 house, 16x26 "teet; porch front. • J. V.'. Gain Another Vletory printing of 'the word in your newspaper. Sold as the property ot WllUam T. Harrls WM. S. BI'ITLE Swarthmore Ul..r NotuJ PUbHo-Insuran_Bea1 _ MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON JOSllPB B. Q1JIIIBY . FUNERAL DIBECTORS MEDIA. p", ' ICIN_C ... a_II E C [N,~ ~M!!,TON and ELGIN W'A1"CBES I EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. II Your Jeweler Ii' 25 Ea.1 7th SI. Chester ~Op_te Ne., State Theatre) 'Phone Cheller 37M _" •• III_IIN J 1I""'1dI4 A. Wayne Mosteller Electrieal Contractor ·I'elephone Swarthmore 2295 NEWBOLD R. VARIAN F .............. of GEO. GllJ,E!Wm a co. BUILDER Alteratio_Repain Paintms 310 YIOle Aye. Swarthmo..., 1119 COAL and COKE FUEL OIL VAN AI,EN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 Pielnre Fr-mlq -- Stallo......,. Boob - Kodak Supplleo GreetIq Cardo - Boob,. Crafl SIMMONDS 714 WeJoh S_t Chetller 'P2Ione ~ z·na PIANO TUNING AND REBUILDING 32 Yea .. Praetl .... Eaperienee A. L. PARKER 'Phone Medi. 459-M ROGER RUSSEU, Maker oj Fine Photograph. 416 HAVERFORD PLACE CALL SW ARTBlIIORE 2075-R MRS. HARRIET L TREAT wm make your New Gown 01' Remodel )'our Wom One At JODI' home ..,. the ~ or at bw home An enppmeat .. soUc1ted 209 BtrrGlmS AVE. TeJephODe Swarthmore BIZ VICTOR RECORDS Now Redaeed 1-3 to 50% People'll Tire'Store w W"'eot - 'f:I..- ~§-~~~ WASHER-REFRIGERATOR VACUUM CLEANEit a RADIO ..... ·!htn ... C .d.I1l1e)1ab SNOWDEN'S, Ine. _CAff'. The Swarthmore High School Junior Since th~ poem appeilred mao,y of Varsity continued its undefeated'Mnw us .have been ·the victims of abuse and ning streak by defeating Nether' Provw jeers' around town and' if has hurt September Term. 1940 Jr .• mortgagor and Black oak BuUeuns and. Lot with imps. Sharon Hill BOlO., Del. Co., Loan Assoclatlon, real owner. Fa .• 8. W. 8. High St. 202.3" from angle BOW P HITCHCOCK Attomev ide nee 12-0 On Tuesday, November 19. us exceedingly. Dick Hoot scored both touchdOwns As American citizens of Italian de- 1'12.58' N. W. ot fiarby & Chester Pike 22' •• ••• x 91.01' on B .. E. line and 90.57' on N. w., WUTJAM W. :McKIM. line.' U-14w 3t Sberttr. by receiving a pass from slinging Sam scent, we should like_ to say, that we Gary. Hoot missed both cODversions. are trying to live and act in such a The J. Vo's records are: 5 wins, 0 way as to command the love and re-losses and 1 tie. At the of spect of our ;fel1ow Americans. To the season Burt Peckerman was whatever" extent that we can bring captain of the J. V. squad and about a, ,better world, we stand ready the quarterbacking. to do so. , . NEWS NOTES Emily McCurd)( oj Swarthlll.lII''''as selected for the varsity hockey team at Hollins College. Va. following a tradi­tional Thanksgiving game between'class teams. Having no intercollegiate CODw tests the varsity is an honorary team. Now a freshman at Hoitins, Miss McCurdy sraduated from George School. Marjorie Tomlinson of Swarthmore avenue was recently elected to the Wo­men" s Forum of the Women"s College of Middlebury. Vt. Genevieve Reavis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reavis was among those receiving allwstar awards at Randolphw Macon Woman's ColJ.ege, Va. ,Miss Reavis plays right inner on the sophow more hockey team. Hennie Tomlinson of Yale avenue was selected on November 24. at the close of the National Hocicey TournaM ment in Williamsburg, Virginia for the position of right fullback on the Allw American Hockey Team. Miss TomUnw son was one of three collegiate stars to win places on the First United States team. Johnny Richards, son of Mrs. W. Burton Richards visited his Swarth­more apartment home the week .. end of November 23. Richards, a. sophomore at Cornell witnessed the PennwCornell game. Harriet Wickham of North Chester road left Saturday, November 23 for Lehigh University, where she spent the week-end, attending the Lehigh­Lafayette football game. . Janet Harris of Dickinson avenue recently pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma at Middlebury College in . Vermont. Janet graduated from Swarthmore High School in the class of '40. Ted Dingle of Park avenue spent the week-end of November 23 with his parw ents Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Dingle of Park avenue. Dingle, a member elf the High School class of '38 is' atte.nding ANNUAL FOOTBALL DINNER mcn SCHOOL . FRIDAY, DFCEMBU (0 1:341 P. M. $1-TtcbU Now _ Sab $I WOOD ltoPPEaS COKE SUN FUELOD. During t~es~ times, when hatred is in! tl)i~ world.,it seems ·to us that: s~ould lean' over backwards in OUr endea:vor to bring about good feel­ing f!'fI K.<!9l! ",ill. wnJ>ng .all races and among all men: Let n. 'be vigilant lest we too faU'victim to that plague of our time~roan's, hatred of man. - =-~- . ... - ..... , . . ....... -.. G Sitl G·BT .. . TO' U T. ~ B I ~est.laid plans often go Lil being what ,t lB, the will help yOU p)lt -"::ay. The Public Telephonu~'B been delayed C?T ... ~ .' When yo • f Ilie them right agaul. look fOT the sign 0 .T . has gone wrong, h' ervicE!. something . of good :Bell telep one s .\ I Blue :Bell, the Slgn Y Of PENNSYLVANI"" tHE BELL tELEPHONE CO .. P~A~N~.:.:.---""!~--- [et Ready Kilowatt . Play "Saint Nickll at Your House I . '. Just. take your pick of all his wares. We'll start with Father_ He'll go for an 'Electric Shavemaster, a Telechron cloCk;.i.E:S.· Lamp, or tan-producing SunLamp. . And Mother! Well, the list is end­less, but here are a few Electrical appliances she'd like: Toaster and w:tHlebaker, the automatic kind; hair dry~r, curling' iron, electric sewing machine, twin I.E.S. End Table Lamps. And for the whole family! You can't beat one of the last-min!1te, ;~er~than.ever combination radio­phonographs with automatic record­changers and clear-as-a-bell foreign aQd domestic reception. : In ~ther words, Ready Kilowatt can play a welcome Saint· Nick at your house. Let him!' .. ' ··PHILADELPHIA . .' - ,,:ELECrRIC. COMPANY .:-. ~ .. ; ...

---------- Page 25 ----------

6 LEGION WOMEN PLAN DOLL FETE lca\'e them with Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane or Mrs. Oscar J. Gi1creest of Harvard avenue. The American Legion Auxiliary's an­nual Christmas doll party and bridge wili be held Friday, December 13, at 2.30 P. M. in the· Legion room in Bor­ough Hall. The per capita donation of imperishable food will be used for Christ­mas baskets. At last week's business meeting of the Auxiliary it was voted to buy materials for five kits to be sent to England by the Red Cross. Red Cross sewing under the c:.o-chair­manship ci Mrs. F. Stuart Brown pro­gressed rapidly during the meeting. Ten dresses were finished. At noon Mrs. George Gillesl)ie and Mrs. L. L. Hedge­peth served ice cream. cake and coffee as a dessert accompaniment to the box luncheons brought by the women. Sew­ing continued ulltil 4 o'clock in the after­noon. An dolls being dressed by interested friends will be needed for the doll ex­hibit. Those having dolls are asked to ~~~CANTER"~~~ XMAS Gift Store Give Riding Clothes For MEN, WOMEN And CBIT.DREN Mrs. L. J. Servais in her monthly trips to the Coatesville Veterans' Hospi­tal has taken 500 magazines, 25 books, 3 large bags of silk pieces and 12 games during the last three months. . . LADIES BREECHES or JODHPURS 32.45 a:; The News Letter magazine of the Auxiliary's county work will be placed in the Swarthmore Public Library for the magazine table 50 that interested people may learn of the organization's work. LADIES RIDING JODHPUR SHOES $3.45 a'; CANTER'S ARMY & NAVY STORE Cor. 4th & Market SI8. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;=OPEN EVENlNGS=-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'J ·--------------------···----------------n l I I • • : CORSON'S I 615 Welsh St. Chester lI_ . _____'_P_h__o_n_ e•_ C_ •h e_s__te_r_ •2 -_2_1__3_8_ _______ ~ No Need to Delay Your Christmas Slwpping A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE ANY ARTICLE AT DONOHUE'S GIFT SHOP Wm. Gehret, Prop. 613 WELSH ST. A full line of Molly'ees Dolls, including the Internationals. A Doll for every nation. MUSIC LOVER MAGNAVOX HEPPLEWHITE Automatlc RadIo-Phonograph S198.50 For those who appreciate the charm and good taste of traditional furniture, who love music reproduced with the full beauty of the original rendition, .... Magnavox offers this Buperlative instrument. It will bring you world news and entertain­ment on a higb-fidelity radio with interna­tional range ..... music of the masters on an amazing phonograph that plays your records automatically with new Pianissimo Pickup that greatly prolongs the life of your records; and noiselessly translates every in­tricate tone shading without blemish or blur. ,(,hese advanced engineering features and the enduring beauty of the Hepplewhite cabi­net will bring you more years of pride and pleasure than any other investment you can make. Come, see and hear it today! "THE MUSIC BOX" 333 DARTMOUTH AVE., SWARTHMORE, PA. PHONE 1460 TaB SWARTBMORBAN GAY YlJLETIDE GREENS SHOWN Mn. Felix Direeted Club Women in Novel Way8 to Gain Beauty From Ordinary Materlal.e "It is appropriate that women who help to mold the thought of America should use for holiday decorations the materials which deepen the sense of home and bring back old tradition to our homes" said Mrs. Samuel P. Felix in preface to a demonstration of Christmas Horne Decorations before the membership of the Woman's Club last Tuesday. Mrs. Felix pointed with satisfaction to the fact that holiday decorations have progressed from the former sprig of holly hung over pictures to the lavish lighting without regard to appropriate­ness to the present use of materials grown in our own gardens and cherished from year to year. Among the arrangements she demon­strated were a Thanksgiving mantel or table placque of yew, pyracanthus, and bayberry accented with candles in shades FRASER, HARMAN ADDRESS . YQUNG REPUBU~S The Young Republican Club of Swarthmore will meet at Strath Haven Inn on Tuesday evening, December 3, at 8.15 to hear talks by Dr. Herbert Fraser, able economist and Swarthmore College professor, and William H. Har­man, prominent Baldwin Locomotive Works executive and chairman of the Associated WiIlkie Clubs of Pennsyl­vania during the recent campaign. The announced theme of the meeting is "Today and Tomorrow-the problems we face and what to do about them." Dr. Fraser author of "Foreign Trade and World Politics" an authoritative work which includes an outline of eco­nomic problems faced during the first World War, will discuss the current trends in government and economics. Mr. Hartman will discuss the currently lively subject of "Loyal Minority." Jack .B. Thompson chairman of the Swarthmore Young RepUblicans' Club will preside. There will be an open dis­cussion from the floor. The meeting is open to non· members and interested bor­ough residents. NOVEMBER 29. 191.0 Alien Resislradon Deadline Nears .- The Department of J uatice in connec­tion with the National Defense prot" gram warns all aliens fourteen years of age_ or older -to register at their. local post offices before December: 26.: · Aliens are also warned that after registration they must report : -any change in permanent residence to the Immigration and Naturalization Ser­vice of the Department of Justice in Washington within five days. . Those who have not already regis­tered are 'Urged to do so as soon as possible to avoid the Christmas rush at the post office. FLAG PINS $1 and $1.50 of red; a Christmas door spray· in which --------------­silver bells and pine cones stood out ~1+ ....... I+I++++I .... I+!I+I+ ... +llo_l Monogramed Tie Chains­Sterling silver or Bold ~Ied against the -blue and green shades of blue spruce; a Della Robbia table wreath in which nuts and fresh fruits were used on a background of yew; and a harvest placque in which vegetables of lovely colors and textures predominated and candles were used to pick up the colors of the vegetables and of kale and beet leaves. Mrs. Felix stated that once the fever of using common materials had taken control of an individual a new value was attached to sycamore balls, sweet gum seed pods, pine cones, dried gras­ses, teasels, bayberry, barberry, smnac, and any berries or seeds at hand. She recommended the cutting and use of C\'ergreens, citing her own experience that -evergreens rewarded her by growing even thicker as they are trimmed. She showed in detail the making of placques and wreaths with wire frames, wooden placques, tin trays, and sphag­num moss, tying them together with green string and wire. Her loveliest ar­rangements were made on ordinary boards which had drilled holes for can­dIes. All of her materials were initially OPENS DEC. 2nd • Get Your Equipment at BRIGGS • ALL BIG GAME LOADING STOCK WOOLRICH HUNTING CLOTHES SAVAGE and REMINGTON RIFLES • 7th and Welsh St. CHESTER $2.50 Gift Sets With Initial Belt Buckles COS­TUME JEW­ELRY $1 to $2.50 from • WILTSHIRE BROTHERS State and Monroe Sts. MEDIA inexpensive and can be saved year after ~H"'I+!""""+III+!""I+++"'io++ year. Most of them were home-made, ~~effecb~re~uill~ ~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Phone Chester 9737 Mrs. Roy S. Latimer, chairman of ~~ the garden section which had arranged the program introduced Mrs. Felix. Margaret Wulle .Patterson sang an effective group of numbers before Mrs. Felix talked. Mrs. Patterson's voice is a clear soprano which delighted her au­dience. A former pupil of Mae Thomp­son of St. LOuis, Mo., she is well-known in Akron. O. where she was a member of the Tuesday Musical Club. Mrs. Anthony Ventner accompanied Mrs. Patterson. Book Review8 Tuesday The literature section under 'the chairmanship of Mrs. Ralph Ashton Nixdorf will be in charge of the pro­gram next Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 COOLEY LII .. IAEY'S Treasure· Trove A connoisseur's haven of beauty ••• GIFTS specially selected for their­charm and loveliness • • • arran.ed for your unhurried choice ••• Shop leisurely or let our alert clerks assist you • • • GIFTS of distinction ata low cost • • , What better way eould you use your Chrisimas Club check? COOLEY LILLEY EDGMONT AVENUE AT WELSH STREET CHESTER o~ock ~~ Whl~ ~ff~ ~ AIi~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due r Mille r w ill be reviewed by Mrs. :!.lllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll 1l1l1l1ll1111ll111111 llllll 11 11 11 11 11 1lI11111l11l1l1l1ll1ll 1111 1111 11 1111111111 1I11111l111111 111111111111111111111111111111 ! l!: Roland L. Eaton. = - - Sean O'Fallian's "The Irish Journey" C H EST E R 'S F ASH ION CO R N E R ::::;:: 7D~::U:::1 -_ The chaperons for the dancing class of the seventh grade to be held Friday = evening, November 29 in the Woman's ~~~ :z;:~~~ ~~l. ::dM~r~~dW~ri~mN~~ . ~_ Harvey,Mrs. George Gillespie, Mrs. ... William A. Brown, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E~gmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets A. L. Schoff, and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Br~~:'dancing class of the ninth grade ~=bMI!iiiV - $ - ;Ii .~ .. -: 4 ad i-CW-will be held at 7.30 the same evening with S BOP EARL Y the following chaperons: Mr. and Mrs. _ The Store oj a Hundred Tlwusand Gifts Raymond Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilman • Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kraus, Mr. REA D Y FOR C H R 1ST MAS and Mrs. O. M. Hook, Mr. and Mrs. I Charles T. Deacon, Mr. and Mrs. Fos- - Our stocks are complete, our sales people r~dy and you're sure to find the gift you want for anyone on • • • your gift list in our large selection. So come to Temperance Committee Meets Speare's now and avoid _the trouble of last.minute Mrs. R. C. Sellers, chairman of the shopping. Temperance Committee of the Swarth-more Meeting in the absence 0:£ Mrs. = = Juliet C. Kent, bt:ought to light in a meeting of the Committee last Sunday BUTCHER BOY evening the fact that the public is more == aware of the drunken driving menace = P A JAM A S ~= due to the educational campaign under-taken by the state. = = She also reviewed the report made Specially $1 88 § earlier in the year that Delaware Priced. §_§ County spent $9,538,000 for intoxicating :: liquors in 1938. This makes an average - == of $34.04 for every man, woman, and :: in novelty prints and ~ child in the county. As a contrast $5,-' - colors - complete size range § 500,000 was spent for education in pub- to 40 - shOlt or long sleeves. ~_ lic schools in Delaware Co'Unty. . 55 == Other members of the swarthmorej == • § Temperance Committee are Mr. and' • ~ Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mr. and ¥rs. J; ;; Speare's Flrl' Floor :-~ Warren Paxson, Mrs. Roy McCorkle; == ::; • and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins,;_ ! ilnmnllll1nHHlDlHDllmWUIUlHlUlIIlIIllHlllllllllllllllllllUUIIIRIItIlllIIlIlRlIUlDlIlIIUlmnllUlllmnImmnnnllJlIU.m ..

The Swarthmorean, 1940-11 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2025)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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