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Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography Third Edition, Revised and Expanded edited by

Joseph Sherma Bernard Fried Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.



Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN: 0-8247-0895-4 This book is printed on acid-free paper. Headquarters Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 tel: 212-696-9000; fax: 212-685-4540 Eastern Hemisphere Distribution Marcel Dekker AG Hutgasse 4, Postfach 812, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland tel: 41-61-260-6300; fax: 41-61-260-6333 World Wide Web http://www.dekker.com The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in bulk quantities. For more information, write to Special Sales/Professional Marketing at the headquarters address above. Copyright © 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Current printing (last digit): 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

CHROMATOGRAPfflC SCIENCE SERIES A Series of Textbooks and Reference Books Editor: JACK CAZES

1. Dynamics of Chromatography: Principles and Theory, J. Calvin Giddings 2. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Drugs and Pesticides, Benjamin J. Gudzinowicz 3. Principles of Adsorption Chromatography: The Separation of Nonionic Organic Compounds, Lloyd R. Snyder 4. Multicomponent Chromatography: Theory of Interference, Friedrich Helfferich and Gerhard Klein 5. Quantitative Analysis by Gas Chromatography, Josef Novak 6. High-Speed Liquid Chromatogrsjphy, Peter M. Rajcsanyi and Elisabeth Rajcsanyi 7. Fundamentals of Integrated GC-MS (in three parts), Benjamin J. Gudzinowicz, Michael J. Gudzinowicz, and Horace F. Martin 8. Liquid Chromatography of Polymers and Related Materials, Jack Gazes 9. GLC and HPLC Determination of Therapeutic Agents (in three parts), Part 1 edited by Kiyoshi Tsuji and Walter Morozowich, Parts 2 and 3 edited by Kiyoshi Tsuji 10. Biological/Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography, edited by Gerald L. Hawk 11. Chromatography in Petroleum Analysis, edited by Klaus H. Altgelt and T. H. Gouw 12. Biological/Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography II, edited by Gerald L. Hawk 13. Liquid Chromatography of Polymers and Related Materials II, edited by Jack Cazes and Xavier Delamare 14. Introduction to Analytical Gas Chromatography: History, Principles, and Practice, John A. Perry 15. Applications of Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography, edited by Walter G. Jennings 16. Steroid Analysis by HPLC: Recent Applications, edited by Marie P. Kautsky 17. Thin-Layer Chromatography: Techniques and Applications, Bernard Fried and Joseph Sherma 18. Biological/Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography III, edited by Gerald L. Hawk 19. Liquid Chromatography of Polymers and Related Materials III, edited by Jack Cazes 20. Biological/Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography, edited by Gerald L. Hawk 21. Chromatographic Separation and Extraction with Foamed Plastics and Rubbers, G. J. Moody and J. D. R. Thomas 22. Analytical Pyrolysis: A Comprehensive Guide, William J. Irwin 23. Liquid Chromatography Detectors, edited by Thomas M. Vickrey 24. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in Forensic Chemistry, edited by Ira S. Lurie and John D. Witiwer, Jr. 25. Steric Exclusion Liquid Chromatography of Polymers, edited by Josef Janca 26. HPLC Analysis of Biological Compounds: A Laboratory Guide, William S. Hancock and James T. Sparrow 27. Affinity Chromatography: Template Chromatography of Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Herbert Schott 28. HPLC in Nucleic Acid Research: Methods and Applications, edited by Phyllis R. Brown 29. Pyrolysis and GC in Polymer Analysis, edited by S. A. Liebman and E. J. Levy 30. Modern Chromatographic Analysis of the Vitamins, edited by Andre P. De Leenheer, Willy E. Lambert, and Marcel G. M. De Ruyter 31. Ion-Pair Chromatography, edited by Milton T. W. Heam 32. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology by Liquid Chromatography, edited by Steven H. Y. Wong

33. Affinity Chromatography: Practical and Theoretical Aspects, Peter Mohr and Klaus Pommerening 34. Reaction Detection in Liquid Chromatography, edited by Ira S. Krull 35. Thin-Layer Chromatography: Techniques and Applications. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Bernard Fried and Joseph Sherma 36. Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography and Its Industrial Applications, edited by Laszlo R. Treiber 37. Ion Chromatography, edited by James G. Tarter 38. Chromatographic Theory and Basic Principles, edited by Jan Ake Jonsson 39. Field-Flow Fractionation: Analysis of Macromolecules and Particles, Josef Janca 40. Chromatographic Chiral Separations, edited by Morris Ziefand Laura J. Crane 41. Quantitative Analysis by Gas Chromatography, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Josef Novak 42. Flow Perturbation Gas Chromatography, N. A. Katsanos 43. Ion-Exchange Chromatography of Proteins, Shuichi Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Nakanishi, and Ryuichi Matsuno 44. Countercurrent Chromatography: Theory and Practice, edited by N. Bhushan Mandava and Yoichiro Ito 45. Microbore Column Chromatography: A Unified Approach to Chromatography, edi ted by Frank J. Yang 46. Preparative-Scale Chromatography, edited by Eli Grushka 47. Packings and Stationary Phases in Chromatographic Techniques, edited by Klaus K. Linger 48. Detection-Oriented Derivatization Techniques in Liquid Chromatography, edited by Henk Lingeman and Willy J. M. Underberg 49. Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals, edited by John A. Adamovics 50. Multidimensional Chromatography: Techniques and Applications, edited by Neman Cortes 51. HPLC of Biological Macromolecules: Methods and Applications, edited by Karen M. Gooding and Fred E. Regnier 52. Modern Thin-Layer Chromatography, edited by Nelu Grinberg 53. Chromatographic Analysis of Alkaloids, Milan Pop/, Jan Fahnrich, and Vlastimil Tatar 54. HPLC in Clinical Chemistry, /. N. Papadoyannis 55. Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography, edited by Joseph Sherma and Bernard Fried 56. Gas-Liquid-Solid Chromatography, V. G. Berezkin 57. Complexation Chromatography, edited by D. Cagniant 58. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, W. M. A. Niessen and Jan van der Greef 59. Trace Analysis with Microcolumn Liquid Chromatography, Milos Krejcl 60. Modem Chromatographic Analysis of Vitamins: Second Edition, edited by Andre P. De Leenheer, Willy E. Lambert, and Hans J. Nelis 61. Preparative and Production Scale Chromatography, edited by G. Ganetsos and P. E. Barker 62. Diode Array Detection in HPLC, edited by Ludwig Huber and Stephan A. George 63. Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, edited by Toni Kline 64. Capillary Electrophoresis Technology, edited by Norberto A. Guzman 65. Lipid Chromatographic Analysis, edited by Takayuki Shibamoto 66. Thin-Layer Chromatography: Techniques and Applications: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Bernard Fried and Joseph Sherma 67. Liquid Chromatography for the Analyst, Raymond P. W. Scott 68. Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, edited by Alain P. Foucault 69. Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography, edited by Chi-San Wu 70. Techniques and Practice of Chromatography, Raymond P. W. Scott 71. Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Joseph Sherma and Bernard Fried 72. Liquid Chromatography of Oligomers, Constantin V. Uglea 73. Chromatographic Detectors: Design, Function, and Operation, Raymond P. W. Scott

74. Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by John A. Adamovics 75. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Packed Columns: Techniques and Applications, edited by Klaus Anton and Claire Berger 76. Introduction to Analytical Gas Chromatography: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Raymond P. W. Scott 77. Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental and Food Toxicants, edited by Takayuki Shibamoto 78. Handbook of HPLC, edited by Elena Katz, Roy Eksteen, Peter Schoenmakers, and Neil Miller 79. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Wilfried Niessen 80. Capillary Electrophoresis of Proteins, T7m Wehr, Roberto Rodriguez-Diaz, and Mingde Zhu 81. Thin-Layer Chromatography: Fourth Edition, Revised and Expanded, Bernard Fried and Joseph Sherma 82. Countercurrent Chromatography, edited by Jean-Michel Menet and Didier Thiebaut 83. Micellar Liquid Chromatography, Alain Berthod and Celia Garcia-Alvarez-Coque 84. Modern Chromatographic Analysis of Vitamins: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Andre P. De Leenheer, Willy E. Lambert, and Jan F. Van Bocxlaer 85. Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis, Thomas E. Beesley, Benjamin Buglio, and Raymond P. W. Scott 86. Current Practice of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, edited by W. M. A. Niessen 87. HPLC of Biological Macromolecules: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Karen M. Gooding and Fred E. Regnier 88. Scale-Up and Optimization in Preparative Chromatography: Principles and Biopharmaceutical Applications, edited by Anurag S. Rathore and Ajoy Velayudhan 89. Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Joseph Sherma and Bernard Fried

ADDITIONAL VOLUMES IN PREPARATION Chiral Separations by Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein and Imran AH

To President Arthur J. Rothkopf and Provost June Schlueter in appreciation of the continuing support of Lafayette College for our research and publication activities as emeritus professors

Preface to the Third Edition

Contributing authors in the third edition of the Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography were asked by the editors to cover new advances in their fields and delete old technologies and obsolete information. The authors expanded chapters when necessary to cover topics adequately. The result is chapters that describe the state-of-the-art of each subject, with updated references. The same overall organization of the second edition was adopted. Part I contains chapters on the theory, principles, practice, and instrumentation of thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Part II chapters cover applications of TLC to a variety of compound classes. A subject index, an expanded glossary of important terms, and a list of sources of supplies and equipment are included. Within the two parts of the book, some changes in topics have occurred, and some contributors have been replaced. In Part I, new contributing authors wrote Chapter 3 ("Optimization" by Claudia Cimpoiu), Chapter 4 ("Sorbents and Precoated Layers in Thin-Layer Chromatography" by Fredric M. Rabel), Chapter 5 ("Instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography" by Eike Reich), and Chapter 12 ("Thin-Layer Radiochromatography" by Istvan Hazai and Imre Klebovich). Automation and robotics were covered in Chapter 14 of the second edition, but a chapter on this topic is not included in this edition because of a lack of sufficient new information. Part II contains chapters on two new compound classes: hydrocarbons (Chapter 19 by Vicente Cebolla and Luis Membrado) and herbals (Chapter 18 by Eike Reich and Anne Blatter). The following are new authors of chapters in Part II: Irena Choma ("Antibiotics," Chapter 15), Mark D. Maloney ("Carbohydrates," Chapter 16), Fumio Watanabe and Emi Miyamoto ("Hydrophilic Vitamins," Chapter 20), Alina Pyka ("Lipophilic Vitamins," Chapter 23), Marija Kastelan-Macan and Sandra Babic ("Pesticides," Chapter 27), Joseph Sherma ("Steroids," Chapter 30), and W. M. Indrasena ("Toxins [Natural]," Chapter 32). No topics were eliminated from Part II. Throughout the book, practical aspects are emphasized in order to help those in university, government, industrial, and independent testing laboratories understand the principles of TLC and apply it to their analyses. This book is a useful reference volume for chemists, biochemists, biologists, laboratory technicians, laboratory managers, medical technologists, biotechnologists, forensic scientists, veterinary toxicologists, pharmaceutical analysts, environmental scientists, and attendees of workshops or short courses on TLC. It is also a useful reference for graduate and undergraduate students in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, and related programs, particularly those in quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis, and separation science. Whenever possible, suggestions by reviewers of the second edition were incorporated in this edition. We would be pleased to receive comments, notification of errors, and suggestions for deletion of topics, new topics, or new authors for the next edition. Joseph Sherma Bernard Fried

Preface to the Second Edition

The second edition of the Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography updates and expands the coverage of the field of TLC and HPTLC in the first edition. The same overall organization of the first edition has been maintained: an initial series of chapters on theory, practice, and instrumentation and a second section of chapters concerned with applications to important compound types. The literature has been updated to as recently as 1995 in most chapters. A number of changes have occurred in the topics covered, and several of the chapters have been written by new contributing authors: "Optimization" by Qin-Sun Wang (Chapter 3); "Basic Principles of Optical Quantitation in TLC" by Mirko Prosek and Marko Pukl (Chapter 10); "Thin-Layer Radiochromatography" by Terry Clark and Otto Kelin (Chapter 12); "Natural Pigments" by 0yvind M. Andersen and George W. Francis (Chapter 22); "Pharmaceuticals and Drugs" by Gabor Szepesi and Szabolcs Nyiredy (Chapter 24); "Nucleic Acids and Their Derivatives" by Jacob J. Steinberg, Antonio Cajigas, and Gary W. Oliver, Jr. (Chapter 26); and "Hydrophilic Vitamins" by John C. Linnell (Chapter 30). These changes resulted from either the inability of the original authors to contribute to the second edition or our desire to change the emphasis of coverage of certain topics. The separate chapter on photographic documentation of thin-layer chromatograms in the first edition (Chapter 9) has been eliminated and the subject is now covered in Chapter 8 ("Detection, Identification, and Documentation" by K.-A. Kovar and Gerda E. Morlock). A new chapter titled "Automation and Robotics in Planar Chromatography" by Eric P. R. Postaire, Pascal Delvordre, and Christian Sarbach (Chapter 14) has been added. A chapter on polymers and oligomers was not included in this edition because of a lack of sufficient new information on this topic. Suggestions made by reviewers of the first edition have been incorporated into this revision—for example, clear line drawings have replaced photographs in some chapters. As in the past, we welcome comments regarding this edition—notification of errors, suggestions for improvements in the topics covered, new topics, or new authors. Joseph Sherma Bernard Fried


Preface to the First Edition

This book has been designed as a practical, comprehensive laboratory handbook on the topic of thinlayer chromatography (TLC). It is divided into two parts, the first of which covers the theories and general practices of TLC (Chapter 1-13), while the second (Chapters 14-31) includes applications based mainly on compound types. The book will be a valuable source of information for scientists with a high degree of expertise in the separation sciences, but because most chapters include considerable introductory and background material, it is also appropriate for the relatively inexperienced chromatographer. Contributors to the book are recognized experts on the topics they have covered and include many of the best-known and most knowledgeable workers in the field of TLC throughout the world. As much as possible, we attempted to adopt a uniform style for each chapter while still allowing authors the latitude to present their topics in what they considered to be the most effective way. Consequently, in the applications chapters (14-31), most authors have included the following sections: introduction, sample preparation, layers and mobile phases, chromatographic techniques, detection, quantification, and detailed experiments. Authors were encouraged to use many figures and tables and to be as practical as possible except for the chapters devoted to theory (2, 3, and 10). The literature covered by most authors includes mainly the period from 1975 to 1989. Some of the more significant older literature has also been covered, but many authors refer to the earlier comprehensive treatises by Stahl and Kirchner for this material. Authors have been selective in their choice of references and present TLC methods that are most suitable for laboratory work. It is important to point out that the Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography has a comprehensive, organized plan and, unlike many recent books in the field, is not a random collection of chapters on "advances" or papers from a symposium. An earlier laboratory handbook on TLC was written by Egon Stahl in 1965. We hope that our handbook may have at least a small fraction of the impact in the near future that this classic work had on the development and growth of TLC during the past 25 years. If the book is well accepted and contributors cooperate, we hope to update coverage of all important aspects of TLC with regular later editions. Joseph Sherma Bernard Fried



Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Contributors

v vii ix xv

Part I: Principles and Practice of Thin-Layer Chromatography 1.

Basic TLC Techniques, Materials, and Apparatus Joseph Sherma


Theory and Mechanism of Thin-Layer Chromatography Teresa Kowalska, Krzysztof Kaczmarski, and Wojciech Prus



Optimization Claudia Cimpoiu



Sorbents and Precoated Layers in Thin-Layer Chromatography Fredric M. Rabel



Instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography (Planar Chromatography) Eike Reich



Gradient Development in Thin-Layer Chromatography Wladystaw Golkiewicz



Overpressured Layer Chromatography Emil Mincsovics, Katalin Ferenczi-Fodor, and Ernd Tyihdk



Detection, Identification, and Documentation Gerda Morlock and Karl-Arthur Kovar



Thin-Layer Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry Kenneth L. Busch


Basic Principles of Optical Quantification in TLC Mirko Prosek and Irena Vovk








Preparative Layer Chromatography Szabolcs Nyiredy



Thin-Layer Radiochromatography Istvdn Hazai and Imre Klebovich



Applications of Flame lonization Detectors in Thin-Layer Chromatography Kumar D. Mukherjee


Part II: Applications of Thin-Layer Chromatography 14.

Amino Acids and Their Derivatives Ravi Bhushan and J. Martens



Antibiotics Irena Choma



Carbohydrates Mark D. Maloney



Enantiomer Separations Kurt Gunther and Klaus Moller



Herbal Drugs, Herbal Drug Preparations, and Herbal Medicinal Products Eike Reich and Anne Blatter



Hydrocarbons Vicente L. Cebolla and Luis Membrado Giner



Hydrophilic Vitamins Fumio Watanabe and Emi Miyamoto



Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds AH Mohammad



Lipids Bernard Fried



Lipophilic Vitamins A Una Pyka



Natural Pigments George W. Francis and 0yvind M. Andersen



Nucleic Acids and Their Derivatives Jacob J. Steinberg



Peptides and Proteins Ravi Bhushan and J. Martens



Pesticides Marija Kastelan-Macan and Sandra Babic





Pharmaceuticals and Drugs Szabolcs Nyiredy, Katalin Ferenczi-Fodor, Zoltdn Vegh, and Gdbor Szepesi



Phenols, Aromatic Carboxylic Acids, and Indoles John H. P. Tyman



Steroids Joseph Shernia



Synthetic Dyes Vinod K. Gupta



Toxins (Natural) W. M. Indrasena




Directory of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Plates, Equipment, and Instruments for Thin-Layer Chromatography





0yvind M. Andersen Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Sandra Babic Croatia

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,

Ravi Bhushan India

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee,

Anne Blatter

CAMAG-Laboratory, Muttenz, Switzerland

Kenneth L. Busch

National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.

Vicente L. Cebolla

Institute de Carboquimica, CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain

Irena Choma

Marie Curie Sklodovska University, Lublin, Poland

Claudia Cimpoiu Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Katalin Ferenczi-Fodor George W. Francis Bernard Fried

Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Department of Biology, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Wladyslaw Golkiewicz Lublin, Poland Kurt Giinther

Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Medical University,

Industriepark Wolfgang GmbH, Hanau, Germany

Vinod K. Gupta India

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee,

Istvan Hazai Department of Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism, IVAX Drug Research Institute Ltd., Budapest, Hungary W. M. Indrasena

Ocean Nutrition Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada XV



Krzysztof Kaczmarski* Rzeszow, Poland

Department of Chemistry, Rzeszow University of

Marija Kastelan-Macan Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of

Imre Klebovich Hungary

Department of Pharmacokinetics, EGIS Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., Budapest,

Karl-Arthur Kovar Teresa Kowalska

Pharmaceutical Institute, University of Tubingen Tubingen, Germany Institute of Chemistry, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland

Mark D. Maloney J. Martens


Biology Department, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

FB-Chemie, Universitat Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany

Luis Membrado Giner Emil Mincsovics

Institute de Carboquimica, CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain

OPLC-NIT Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

Emi Miyamoto

Department of Health Science, Kochi Women's University, Kochi, Japan

Ali Mohammad Department of Applied Chemistry, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Klaus Moller

MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co. KG, Dueren, Germany

Gerda Morlock

Scientific Consultant, Stuttgart, Germany

Kumar D. Mukherjee Institute for Lipid Research, Federal Centre for Cereal, Potato and Lipid Research, Miinster, Germany Szabolcs Nyiredy Mirko Prosek Slovenia

Research Institute for Medicinal Plants, Budakalasz, Hungary

Laboratory for Food Chemistry, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana,

Wojciech Prus Textile Engineering and Environmental Protection, University of Technology and the Arts, Bielsko-Biala, Poland Alina Pyka

Faculty of Pharmacy, Silesian Academy of Medicine, Sosnowiec, Poland

Fredric M. Rabel Eike Reich

EM Science, Gibbstown, New Jersey, U.S.A.

CAMAG-Laboratory, Muttenz, Switzerland

Joseph Sherma ^Current affiliation:

Department of Chemistry, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Ocean Nutrition Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.



Jacob J. Steinberg Department of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York, U.S.A. Gabor Szepesi

Qualintel Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

Erno Tyihak Department of Plant Pathophysiology, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary John H. P. Tyman England Zoltan Vegh

Centre for Environmental Research, Brunei University, Uxbridge, Middlesex,

Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

Irena Vovk Laboratory for Food Chemistry, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia Fumio Watanabe

Department of Health Science, Kochi Women's University, Kochi, Japan


Absorption Retention of a solute by partitioning into a liquid or liquidlike stationary phase coated on or bonded to a surface. Accuracy The agreement between an experimental result (a single measurement or the mean of several replicate measurements) and the true or theoretical value. Activation The process of heating an adsorbent layer to drive off moisture and convert it to its most attractive or retentive state. Activity The relative strength of the surface of a sorbent such as silica gel or alumina in adsorption chromatography. Activity is reduced by adding water or another polar modifier that is attracted by hydrogen bonding to the active sites. Activity grades (Brockmann activity grades) A standard grading system for the activity (adsorptivity) of alumina based on deactivation with water. Grade I is anhydrous alumina and has the highest activity. Grades II, III, IV, and V contain 3%, 6%, 10%, and 15% (by weight) water, respectively. Additive A substance added to the mobile phase to improve solute separation or detection. Adsorption The attraction between the surface atoms of a solid and an external molecule by intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonds, London forces, electrostatic forces, and charge transfer forces. The adsorbent is the stationary phase for adsorption TLC. Alumina layer An aluminum oxide layer that is available with basic, neutral, or acid modifications and is used in normal-phase adsorption TLC. Amino layer A propylamino layer used in normal bonded phase TLC or as a weak anion exchanger. Analyte A solute that is to be identified or, more often, quantitatively determined by thin-layer chromatography or other method. Analytical TLC Thin-layer chromatography performed on 100-250 /mi layers for the purpose of separation, identification, or quantification of substances. Anion exchange The mode of TLC that uses a layer with a structure, such as a bonded amino group, that can separate anions. Anticircular TLC Development of a layer from an outer circle of initial zones toward the center. Argentation TLC Thin-layer chromatography using a layer, usually silica gel, impregnated with silver nitrate for the purpose of improving the separation of certain compounds. Ascending development The usual mode of thin-layer chromatography development in which the mobile phase moves upward by capillary action of the sorbent, as opposed to circular, descending, or horizontal development. Azeotrope (azeotropic mixture) A liquid mixture of two or more substances that behaves like a single substance in that the vapor produced by partial evaporation of the liquid has the same composition as the liquid. Band Chromatographic zone, usually in the shape of a horizontal line rather than a round spot. 987

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Binary mobile phase A mobile phase with two components such as solvents, acids, bases, or buffers. Binder Any chemical added to a sorbent to improve the stability or hardness of the layer. Bonded phase A stationary phase chemically bonded to (as opposed to mechanically deposited on) a support material. Capacity factor (£') A measure of sample retention by a layer: k' = (1 - Rf/Rf). Cation exchange The mode of TLC that uses a layer with a structure, such as a sulfonic acid functional group, that can separate cations. Centrifugal layer chromatography Analytical or preparative chromatography in which solvent is driven through the layer by centrifugal force in circular, anticircular, or linear modes. Chamber The tank, jar, or vessel of other type in which thin-layer chromatographic development is carried out. Chamber saturation Equilibration of the chamber or tank with mobile phase vapor before the plate is developed. Chiral layers Layers that can separate enantiomeric mixtures. Chlorosilane A chemical reagent used to prepare siloxane bonded phases such as C-18 used in bonded-phase TLC. Chromatogram The series of zones on or in the layer after development, or the densitometric scan of the zones. Chromatographic solvent Solvent or mixture of solvents used as the mobile phase. Chromatographic system The combination of the solvent, sorbent, and the sample mixture. The interactions of the Chromatographic system determine the selectivity of the separation. Chromatography A method of analysis in which the flow of mobile phase promotes the separation of substances by differential migration from a narrow initial zone in a porous, sorptive, stationary medium. Chromatostrips An early term used for narrow thin-layer plates. Chromogenic A reagent or reaction causing a solute to become colored. Cochromatography Development of a mixture prepared by adding a known standard to a sample thought to consist of or contain that substance. Formation of two zones from the mixture indicates the nonequivalence of the standard and sample, whereas the inability to separate the mixture is one piece of evidence for confirmation of identity. Column chromatography Chromatography carried out by passing a liquid (or gaseous) mobile phase through a stationary phase packed in a column (see Open-column chromatography and HPLC). Confirmation An ancillary qualitative analysis that proves the identity of a constituent in a sample with greater certainty than the original TLC analysis, usually by means of some type of on-line or off-line spectrometry. Quantitative results can also be confirmed by reanalysis of the sample using an independent method. Conjugate The combined form in which drugs or pesticides can be found in plant or human samples, e.g., glucuronide or sulfate. Conjugates usually require hydrolysis by acid, base, or enzymes to free the analyte prior to TLC analysis. Continuous development Development of a layer for a greater distance than the actual length; also called overrun development. Deactivation Adding moisture to an adsorbent layer to lower its retention of polar solutes. Demixing Separation of mobile phase components during development, leading to the formation of one or more solvent fronts along the layer. Densitometry Quantification of a zone directly on the layer with an instrument that measures color, absorption of ultraviolet light, fluorescence, or radioactivity. Deproteinization A sample preparation procedure involving removal of protein, e.g., by precipitation with a reagent. Derivatization Reaction of solutes before chromatography or directly on the layer for the purpose of facilitating separation or detection. Desalting A sample preparation procedure involving removal of salts by some procedure such as ion exchange or dialysis.

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Descending chromatography Chromatography in which the mobile phase moves downward through the layer. Destructive detection A detection method that irreversibly changes the chemical nature of the solute, e.g., sulfuric acid charring. Detection The process of locating a separated substance on a chromatogram, whether by physical methods, chemical methods, or biological methods (visualization). Development The movement of the mobile phase through the layer to form the chromatogram. This term does not mean detection of the zones. Development solvent The mobile phase. Diatomaceous earth A naturally occurring fine white powder formed from the skeletons of microscopic marine organisms (kieselguhr). Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) A weak anion-exchange layer material. Diol A hydrophilic phase having two —OH groups on adjacent carbon atoms of an aliphatic chain. The layer can function with a normal- or reversed-phase mechanism. Displacement TLC Mode of TLC in which the mobile phase contains a "displacer component" that has a higher affinity for the stationary phase than any of the solutes to be separated. This is in contrast to the usual elution mode of TLC, in which the mobile phase has a weaker affinity than the analytes for the sorbent. In displacement chromatography, development leads to formation of a "displacement train" of zones, all moving with the same velocity in reverse order of affinity for the sorbent and having higher concentration than in linear elution chromatography. Displacement TLC has been used to scout for optimum displacers and determine solute distribution for displacement column HPLC, which is used mostly for preparative separations. (J Bariska, T Csermely, S Furst, H Kalasz, M Bhatori. Displacement thin layer chromatography. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol 23:531-549, 2000.) Distribution constant (K) See Partition Coefficient. Drop chromatography Application of a drop of mixture solution to a layer, followed by applications of drops of a solvent on top of the sample to develop it into concentric rings. Efficiency The narrowness of a peak compared with the length of time the component is in contact with the stationary phase. Efficiency is measured by plate number N or height equivalent to a theoretical plate, H. Eluent A solvent used to remove or elute a substance away from the sorbent during recovery for preparative or quantitative TLC. Also, the mobile phase used to perform column chromatography, but an improper term for the mobile phase used for development in thin-layer chromatography. Eluotropic series A series of solvents arranged in order of increasing ability to displace a solute, i.e., increasing polarity in adsorption chromatography. Elution The removal of a solute from a sorbent by passage of a suitable solvent. The eluent is the solvent, and the effluent or eluate is the liquid flowing from the sorbent (the eluent ± the solute). Elution development is defined as the development of a small amount of sample through a column or flat bed of sorbent with a liquid less strongly sorbed than the sample. The terms elution development and chromatography are generally used synonymously; the term displacement development is used when the developing solvent is more strongly sorbed than the sample, and the term frontal analysis is used when the sample is passed continuously through the sorbent. Enrichment The concentration effect obtained during sample preparation. If a compound contained in 1 L of water is collected on a solid-phase extraction column and is subsequently eluted with 2 mL of a solvent, the enlightment factor is 500. Flatbed (or planar) chromatography Common term for paper chromatography and TLC. Fluorogenic A reagent or reaction causing a solute to become fluorescent. Forced-flow planar chromatography (FFPC) Planar chromatography in which solvent migrates through the layer under the influence of external pressure (overpressured layer chromatography, OPLC) or centrifugal force (rotation planar chromatography, RPC). Front The visible boundary at the junction of the mobile phase wetted layer and the "dry" layer.

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FT spectroscopy Fourier transform. A type of spectroscopy in which the intensity or radiant power of many wavelengths are simultaneously measured as a function of time, and the resultant time-domain spectrum is converted by use of a computer to a conventional frequency-domain spectrum by Fourier analysis (a mathematical way to decompose a signal into its component wavelengths). GC Gas chromatography, most often gas-liquid partition chromatography (GLC). Gel filtration (gel permeation) Size-exclusion chromatography using a polymer gel layer or clean-up column. Gel filtration uses a polydextran gel, highly cross-linked polymer, silica gel, or other porous medium and an aqueous mobile phase. Biopolymers and water-soluble polymers are usually separated. Gel permeation uses a styrene-divinylbenzene type of gel and an organic mobile phase to separate organic species and polymers. Gradient The change in layer of mobile-phase composition made to improve separations. H (HETP) See Plate number. Hard layer An abrasion-resistant sorbent layer bound to the backing by an organic polymer. Homolog A member of a homologous series, which is a related succession of compounds each containing one or more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms than the one before it in the series. The alcohols methanol, ethanol, and propanol are homologs. HPLC High-performance column liquid chromatography, performed under high pressure with narrow-bore columns containing small-diameter packings and continuous-flow detectors. HPTLC High-performance thin-layer chromatography, performed on layers with small, uniform, densely packed sorbent particles. hRf 100 X Rf. Hydrophilic Substances that are soluble in water or other polar solutions. Hydrophobic Substances that are soluble in nonpolar hydrocarbon solvents and insoluble in water. Impregnated layer A layer containing a liquid or solid chemical or mixtures of chemicals added to aid separation or detection of solutes. In situ Occurring "in place," directly on the layer. Ion exchange A process whereby ions of the same charge sign replace one another in a given phase. In chromatography, the term usually refers to systems in which the stationary phase is made up of an ionic polymer. This can be a synthetic resin, a cellulose or Sephadex-type exchanger, or various types of inorganic materials. IR Infrared. Isomer One of two or more compounds having the same molecular weight and formula but differing with respect to the arrangement or configuration of the atoms. Examples of isomers are ortho-(l,2)-, meta-(l,3)-, and para-(l,4)-dichlorobenzene. Kieselguhr A weakly adsorptive diatomaceous earth used in TLC mostly as a preadsorbent material and also used as a sample clean-up medium. Ligand exchange TLC A technique in which chelating ligands are added to the mobile phase and undergo sorption onto the layer. These sorbed molecules act as chelating agents with certain solutes to enhance their separation. Chelating stationary phases in which chelating groups are chemically bonded to the sorbent can also be used. Lipophilic See Hydrophobic. Liquid chromatography The type of chromatography in which the mobile phase is a liquid and the stationary phase is a layer or column. Liquid-liquid TLC See Partition TLC. Mass spectrometry A method for structure determination based on ionization of the compound and the sorting out of ions in a mass analyzer. Mass transfer Movement of a solute between the stationary and mobile phases. Metabolite The product(s) resulting from one or more chemical reactions that change or break down a compound such as a drug or pesticide in a biological system (e.g., human or animal body or plant) or the environment. Microgram (/ug) 10 6 g or 100 ng. Migration Travel of a solute through the layer in the direction of the mobile phase flow.

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Mobile phase The moving liquid phase used for development, often called the development solvent or solvent. Multimodal layer A layer, such as cyano- or amino-bonded silica gel, that can operate with two or more separation mechanisms depending on the choice of mobile phase. Multimodal separation A separation involving two distinct techniques, such as GC and TLC or HPLC and TLC. TLC is normally the second of the two techniques used. The coupling of two separation techniques is also called "multidimensional chromatography." Multiple development Repeated development of the chromatogram in the same direction with one mobile phase or different mobile phases for the same or different distances. N-Chamber A square or rectangular tank or chamber, or a cylinder, with (saturated) or without (unsaturated) a paper liner and covered with a top, for development of TLC or HPTLC plates. Nanogram (ng) 10~9 g or 0.001 /zg. nm Nanometer or 10~9 m. NMR (or Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry) A method for structure determination of organic compounds based on the magnetic properties of different nuclei. Nondestructive detection Detection of a substance on a chromatogram by a process that will not permanently change the chemical nature of the substances being detected. Normal-phase chromatography Adsorption or partition TLC in which the stationary phase is polar in relation to the mobile phase. Octadecylsilane The most popular re versed-phase sorbent in TLC. Abbreviated in bonded silica layer names as C-18. Open-column chromatography Liquid-column chromatography performed in the classical manner in a relatively large bore, usually glass, column under gravity or low-pressure flow. Used as a clean-up method for samples prior to TLC. Origin The location of the applied sample; also, the starting point for chromatographic development of the applied sample. Overrun development Continuous development beyond the top edge of the layer. Partition coefficient or ratio (Kd) The ratio of concentrations of solute in each phase: Kd = CJ Cm, where Cs and Cm are the concentrations in the stationary and mobile phases, respectively. Partition TLC Separation of solutes based on differential distribution between a stationary liquid supported on the layer and the liquid mobile phase. In normal-phase partition, the stationary liquid is more polar than the mobile phase, whereas in reversed-phase partition, the stationary liquid is the less polar. The term is also used for TLC on bonded phases in some cases. PC Paper chromatography. Also used as an abbreviation for planar chromatomagraphy in some cases. Phenyl layer A layer composed of a nonpolar bonded phase prepared by reaction of dimethylphenylchlorosilane or alkoxysilane with silica gel. Some literature sources indicate that it has selective affinity for aromatic compounds. Picogram (pg) 10~12 g or 10~3 ng. Planar (or Flatbed) chromatography Common term for thin-layer or paper chromatography. Plate height (HETP or H) The length of the layer divided by the number of plates (N). Small plate heights result in better resolution. Plate number (N) N = 16(dr/W)2, where dr is the distance the spot has migrated and W is its width (size in the direction of development). N can be measured using either the spots on the plate or their densitometric scans. PMD Programmed multiple development. The repeated development of a TLC plate with the same mobile phase or different mobile phases in the same direction for gradually increasing distances, using an automated commercial instrument. Also termed automated multiple development (AMD). Polarity The effect of the combined interactions between a functional group and a layer or mobile phase, i.e., dispersion, dipole, and/or hydrogen bonding forces, is designated "polarity." In chromatographic systems, benzene is described as a more polar solvent than toluene, although only the latter has a true dipole moment, the classical requirement for polarity. In chromato-

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graphic behavior, hydrocarbons and halogens are of low polarity, esters and ketones have intermediate polarity, and alcohols and amines are highly polar. The polarity of a silica gel surface is reduced by impregnation or chemical bonding with a hydrocarbon. Precision The agreement or lack of scatter among replicate determinations or analyses, without regard to the true answer. Precoated plates Commercial plates or sheets sold with the layer already formed and ready for use. Preloading Sorption of gaseous molecules by the layer prior to development with the mobile phase; also called layer conditioning or preadsorption. Preparative TLC Thin-layer chromatography of larger quantities of material on thick layers for the purpose of isolating separated substances for further analysis or use. The term preparative layer chromatography (PLC) is sometimes used instead. Qualitative analysis A TLC analysis that identifies the constituents present in a sample. Quantitative analysis A TLC analysis that determines the weight or concentration of a constituent of a sample. Rf The ratio of the distance of migration of the center of a zone divided by the distance of migration of the solvent front, both measured from the origin. Rm A value used in relating chromatographic behavior to chemical structure: Rm = \og(l/Rf — 1). Rx The same as Rf except that the distance of solvent front migration is replaced by the distance of migration of some reference compound x. Radial (circular) development Development of a layer in such a manner as to form circular or arc-shaped zones. Some workers differentiate circular and radial TLC by the use of "circular" for the case where one initial zone is developed into circular zones and "radial" for development of a series of initial zones, spotted in a circular pattern, into arcs. Raman spectroscopy A technique in which a beam of intense monochromatographic radiation, such as from a laser, is focused on a sample, and scattering produces radiation that is shifted slightly in frequency by an increment of energy corresponding to a natural transition of the molecule (Raman lines). The method complements IR absorption spectroscopy for measurement of molecular vibrations. Relative standard deviation (RSD) The standard deviation of a series of replicate analyses is divided by the mean, and the resulting quotient is multipled by 100. Also called coefficient of variation. Resolution The ability to separate two zones. The mathematical description of resolution is R = 2(Rfl — Rf2)/(Wi + W2), where Rf[ and Rf2 are the Rf values of any two zones and Wl and W2 are their respective zone lengths (in the direction of development). Migration distances can be used instead of Rf values in this equation. Resolution is the result of the combined contributions of efficiency (zone compactness), selectivity (separation of zone centers), and capacity (average Rf value of the pair of substances to be separated). Retention factor Another name for capacity factor. Re versed-phase chromatography Liquid-liquid partition TLC in which the stationary phase is nonpolar compared to the mobile phase. The layer can be impregnated or bonded. Rod TLC TLC carried out on sintered glass rods, usually in conjunction with a scanning flame ionization detector. Sandwich chamber (S-chamber) A developing chamber formed from the plate itself, a spacer, and a layered or nonlayered cover plate that stands in a trough containing the mobile phase, or some other type of small-volume chamber in which vapor-phase saturation occurs quickly. Saturated The condition of a chamber that is lined with paper and equilibrated with mobile phase vapors before chromatographic development is begun. Secondary front An additional solvent or mobile phase front below the primary front, that occurs because the mobile phase components demix. Selectivity The ability of a chromatographic system to produce different Rf values for the components of a mixture, i.e., to separate the zone centers. Sensitivity The ability to detect or measure a small mass of analyte.

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Separation number A measure of the separating power of a TLC system: The number of substances completely separated (resolution =1) between Rf = 0 and Rf = 1 by a homogeneous mobile phase (no solvent gradients in the direction of development). Silanol An Si—OH group on the surface of silica gel. Silica gel The most common layer material, used unmodified for adsorption TLC, as a support for partition and bonded-phase TLC, and with different pore sizes for size-exclusion TLC. It has an amorphous, porous structure with siloxane and silanol groups on the surface. Siloxane Si—O—Si groups on the surface of silica gel. Soft layer A sorbent layer prepared without binder or with gypsum binder (see Hard layer). Solid-phase extraction (SPE) An alternative to traditional separatory funnel extraction in which an analyte is extracted from a liquid sample by use of a solid packed in a small column, cartridge, or disk. The sample is forced through the solid, which is an adsorbent or bonded phase, with the aid of vacuum or pressure; the analyte is retained on the solid, and it is subsequently eluted with a small volume of a strong solvent, usually resulting in significant enrichment. The latest format for SPE is placement of the packing (usually 20-40 />im diameter particle size) in the wells of a 96-well flow-through plate. Solute A general term for the compounds or ions being chromatographed. Solvent The liquid used to dissolve the sample for application to the layer. Sometimes used to refer to the mobile phase or to the liquid used to elute chromatographed zones from scraped layer material. Solvent front The farthest point of movement of the mobile phase during development. Solvent strength (£°) A measure of the polarity of a solvent for liquid-solid adsorption chromatography. It is based on the free energy of adsorption onto a standard surface. Values for common solvents range from 0.00 (pentane) to 0.95 (methanol). Sorbent The layer material used in TLC. Sorption A general term for the attraction between a layer and a solute, without specification of the type of physical mechanism (i.e., adsorption, partition, ion exchange) or mixed mechanism involved. Sorbent is a related general term referring to the layer itself. Spectroscopy An analytical technique based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Also called spectrometry. Spot Used synonymously with zone, but usually meant to indicate a round or elliptical shape. Spot capacity Same as separation number. Stationary phase The solid sorbent layer, with or without any impregnation agent, preloaded vapor molecules, or immobilized mobile phase component(s). Stepwise development Development using a mobile phase whose composition is changed using discontinuous, stepped gradients, in contrast to continuously variable gradient elution. Straight-phase chromatography Another name for normal-phase chromatography. Streak An initial zone in the shape of a narrow horizontal line at the origin. Streaking See Tailing. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) A technique for extracting analytes from sample matrices by using a dense gas. Carbon dioxide, which becomes a supercritical fluid when used above its critical pressure (1070 psi) and temperature (31°C), is the most widely applied extraction medium for SFE because it is nontoxic and nonflammable and facilitates extractions at low temperatures in a nonoxidizing environment. Tailing Formation of a zone with an elongated rear portion, often leading to incomplete resolution. Throughput A term used mostly in the context of "sample throughput," which indicates the number of samples that can be analyzed by a particular method in a given period of time. TLC has high sample throughput because multiple samples can be applied to a single plate. "Solvent throughput" is a term that designates the amount of solvent passing through the layer. For example, there is higher solvent throughput with an unsaturated N-chamber than with a saturated N-chamber because of the greater amount of solvent that passes through the layer to replace the solvent that has evaporated from it. TLC Thin-layer chromatography.

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TLG Thin-layer gel chromatography, in which separations are based mainly on solute sizes. Trailing See Tailing. Two-dimensional development Successive development of a chromatogram with the same solvent or different solvents in directions at a 90° angle to each other. Unsaturated The condition of a chamber that has the mobile phase and plate added together so that equilibration with the vapors is occurring during chromatographic development. UV Ultraviolet. Validation The process of determining the suitability of a given TLC method for an intended application, such as qualitative identification, assays, semiquantitative limit tests, or quantitative determination of impurities in pharmaceutical analysis. The characteristics tested can include accuracy, precision, specificity, detection limit, quantification limit, linearity, and robustness. Visualization Detection of the zones on a chromatogram. Zone The area of distribution on the layer containing the individual solutes or mixture before, during, or after chromatography. The initial zone is the applied sample prior to development. Band, zone, and spot are often used more or less interchangeably, but spot usually denotes a round zone, and band a flat, horizontally elongated zone.

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1 Basic TLC Techniques, Materials, and Apparatus Joseph Sherma Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.



The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview of all important aspects of thin-layer chromatography (TLC). It briefly reviews information and provides updated references on topics covered in the remaining chapters in Part I and refers readers to the specific chapters. It treats topics that are not covered in separate chapters, such as sampling and sample preparation and the more classical procedures of TLC, in more detail. A suggested source of additional information, both basic and advanced, on the practice and applications of TLC is the primer written by Fried and Sherma (1). A.

Introduction to TLC

Thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography comprise "planar chromatography." TLC is the simplest of all the widely used chromatographic methods to perform. A suitable closed vessel containing solvent and a coated plate are all that are required to carry out separations and qualitative and semiquantitative analysis. With optimization of techniques and materials and the use of available commercial instruments, highly efficient separations and accurate and precise quantification can be achieved. Planar chromatography can also be used for preparative-scale separations by employing specialized layers, apparatus, and techniques. Basic TLC is carried out as follows. A small aliquot of sample is placed near one end of the stationary phase, a thin layer of sorbent, to form the initial zone. The sample is then dried. The end of the stationary phase with the initial zone is placed into the mobile phase, usually a mixture of two to four pure solvents, inside a closed chamber. If the layer and mobile phase were chosen correctly, the components of the mixture migrate at different rates during movement of the mobile phase through the stationary phase. This is termed development of the chromatogram. When the mobile phase has moved an appropriate distance, the stationary phase is removed, the mobile phase is rapidly dried, and the zones are detected in daylight or under ultraviolet (UV) light with or without the application of a suitable visualization reagent. Differential migration is the result of varying degrees of affinity of the mixture components for the stationary and mobile phases. Various separation mechanisms are involved, the predominant forces depending upon the exact properties of the two phases and the solutes. The interactions involved in determining chromatographic retention and selectivity include hydrogen bonding, electron-pair donor/electron-pair acceptor (charge transfer), ion-ion, ion-dipole, and van der Waals interactions. Among the latter are dipole-dipole (Keesom), dipole-induced dipole (Debye), and instantaneous dipole-induced dipole (London) interactions. Sample collection, preservation, and purification are problems common to TLC and all other chromatographic methods. For complex samples, the TLC development will usually not completely resolve the analyte from interferences unless a prior purification (cleanup) is carried out.

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This is most often done by selective extraction and column chromatography. In some cases substances are converted, prior to TLC, to a derivative that is more suitable for separation, detection, and/or quantification than the parent compound. TLC can cope with highly contaminated samples, and the entire chromatogram can be evaluated, reducing the degree of cleanup required and saving time and expense. The presence of strongly adsorbed impurities or even particles is of no concern, because the plate is used only once (2). Detection is simplest when the compounds of interest are naturally colored or fluorescent or absorb UV light. However, application of a detection reagent by spraying or dipping is required to produce color or fluorescence for most compounds. Absorption of UV light is common for most aromatic and conjugated compounds and some unsaturated compounds. These compounds can be detected simply by inspection under 254 nm UV light on layers impregnated with a fluorescence indicator (fluorescence quench detection). Compound identification in TLC is based initially on a comparison of Rf values to authentic reference standards. Rf values are generally not exactly reproducible from laboratory to laboratory or even in different runs in the same laboratory, so they should be considered mainly as guides to relative migration distances and sequences. Factors causing Rf values to vary include dimensions and type of chamber, nature and size of the layer, direction of the mobile-phase flow, volume and composition of the mobile phase, equilibration conditions, humidity, and sample preparation methods preceding TLC. See Chapter 11 in Ret. 1 for a discussion of reproducibility in TLC. Confirmation of identification can be obtained by scraping the layer and eluting the analyte followed by infrared (IR) spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry, mass spectrometry (MS), or other spectrometric methods if sufficient compound is available. These methods can also be used to characterize zones directly on the layer (in situ).


History of TLC

The history of liquid chromatography, which dates back to the first description of chromatography by Michael Tswett (3) in the early 1900s, was reviewed by Sherma (4). Recent reviews of TLC were written by Ettre and Kalasz (5), Sherma (6), Kreuzig (7), and Berezkin (8). TLC is a relatively new discipline, and chromatography historians usually date the advent of modern TLC from 1958. A review by Pelick et al. (9) tabulates significant early developments in TLC and provides translations of classical papers by Izmailov and Schraiber and by Stahl. In 1938, Izmailov and Schraiber separated certain medicinal compounds on unbound alumina or other adsorbents spread on glass plates. Because they applied drops of solvent to the plate containing the sample and sorbent layer, the procedure was termed drop chromatography. Meinhard and Hall in 1949 used binder to adhere alumina to microscope slides, and these layers were used in the separation of certain inorganic ions with the use of drop chromatography; this method was called surface chromatography. In the 1950s, Kirchner and colleagues at the U.S. Department of Agriculture performed TLC as we know it today. They used silica gel held on glass plates with the aid of a binder, and plates were developed with the conventional ascending procedures used in paper chromatography. Kirchner coined the term "chromatostrips" for his layers, which also contained fluorescence indicator for the first time. Stahl introduced the term "thin-layer chromatography" in the late 1950s. His major contributions were the standardization of materials, procedures, and nomenclature and the description of selective solvent systems for resolution of important compound classes. His first laboratory manual (10) popularized TLC, and he obtained the support of commercial companies (Merck, Desaga) in offering standardized materials and apparatus for TLC. Quantitative TLC was introduced by Kirchner et al. in 1954 when they described an elution method of determination of biphenyl in citrus fruits. Densitometry in TLC was initially reported in the mid-1960s using commercial densitometers such as the Photovolt and Joyce Loebl Chromascan. Plates with uniform, fine-particle layers were produced commercially in the mid-1970s and provided impetus for the improvements in theoretical understanding, practice, and instrumentation that occurred in the late 1970s and 1980s and led to the methods termed high-performance

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thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) and instrumental HPTLC. Centrifugally accelerated preparative layer chromatography (PLC) and overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC), which are the major forced-flow planar chromatographic techniques, were introduced in the late 1970s. These and other high-performance and quantitative methods caused a renaissance in the field of TLC that is reflected in this Handbook. Although the major use of TLC will probably continue to be as a general low-cost and low-technology qualitative and screening method in laboratories worldwide, there is no doubt that TLC will continue to evolve and grow in the new millennium as a highly selective, sensitive, quantitative, rapid, and automated technique for analysis of all varieties of samples and analytes and for preparative separations. To keep abreast of this inevitable progress in TLC, the biennial reviews of advances in theory, practice, and applications by Sherma, the most recent of which was published in 2002 (11), are indispensable.


Comparisons of TLC to HPTLC and Column Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Detailed comparisons of TLC to other chromatographic methods, especially HPLC, and of TLC to HPTLC are presented in Chapters 1 and 2 of Ref. 1. TLC involves the concurrent processing of multiple samples and standards on an open layer developed by a mobile phase. Development is performed, usually without pressure, in a variety of modes, including simple one-dimensional, usually in ascending or horizontal mode; multiple; circular (rarely); and multidimensional. Zones are detected statically, with diverse possibilities. Paper chromatography, which was invented by Consden, Gordon, and Martin in 1944, is fundamentally very similar to TLC, differing mainly in the nature of the stationary phase. Paper chromatography has lost favor compared to TLC because the latter is faster and more efficient, allows more versatility in the choice of stationary and mobile phases, and is more suitable for quantitative analysis. High-performance TLC layers are smaller; contain sorbent with smaller, more uniform particle size; are thinner; and are developed for a shorter distance compared to TLC layers. These factors lead to faster separations, reduced zone diffusion, better separation efficiency, lower detection limits, less solvent consumption, and the ability to apply more samples per plate. However, smaller samples, more exact spotting techniques, and more reproducible development techniques are required to obtain optimal results. High-performance liquid chromatography involves the elution under pressure of sequential samples in a closed on-line system, with dynamic detection of solutes, usually by UV absorption. The predominant mode of HPLC is reversed phase (RP) on bonded silica columns, whereas for TLC normal phase (NP) on silica gel is most widely used. This makes the two methods complementary for compound separation and identification. A paper by Sherma (12) offers a detailed review of the relationship of TLC to other chromatographic methods, especially HPLC. TLC is the most versatile and flexible chromatographic method for separation of all types of organic and inorganic molecules that can be dissolved and are not volatile. It is rapid because precoated layers are usually used without preparation. Even though it is not fully automated as is possible for HPLC, TLC has the highest sample throughput because up to 30 individual samples and standards can be applied to a single plate and separated at the same time. The ability to separate samples simultaneously in parallel lanes is important in applications that require high sample throughput, e.g., surveillance programs to detect food containing unacceptable levels of drug residues, to ensure a safe drinking water supply, to control the use of recreational and performance-enhancing drugs, and similar screening applications (13). Modern computer-controlled scanning instruments and automated sample application and development instruments allow accuracy and precision in quantification that are in many cases equivalent to those obtained with HPLC and gas chromatography (GC). There is a wide choice of layers and developing solvents (acidic, basic, completely aqueous, aqueous-organic). Solvents that can interfere with HPLC UV detection can be used in TLC because the mobile phase is

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removed from the plate prior to detection. Every sample is separated on a fresh layer, so that problems involved with carryover and cross-contamination of samples and sorbent regeneration procedures are avoided. Mobile-phase consumption is low, minimizing the costs of solvent purchase and disposal. Because layers are normally not reused, sample preparation methods are less demanding, and complex, impure samples can be applied to the layer without concern for the extra (ghost) peaks and noneluting compounds that shorten the life of HPLC columns. Simultaneous sample cleanup and separation of target compounds are often achieved with TLC (13). The wide choice of development methods and pre- or postchromatographic detection reagents leads to unsurpassed specificity in TLC, and all components in every sample, including irreversibly sorbed substances, can be detected. There is no need to rely on peaks drawn by a recorder or to worry about sample components possibly remaining uneluted on a column. Because it is an off-line method, the various steps of the procedure are carried out independently. Examples of the advantages of this approach include the ability to apply compatible detection methods in sequence and to scan zones repeatedly with a densitometer using different parameters that are optimum for individual sample components. HPLC can generally provide a higher separation power than TLC, but most HPLC separations do not require high efficiency, so the methods are quite comparable in such applications. The pyramidal screening approach, in which TLC is used as a screening step followed by HPLC confirmation and quantification of only positive samples, can result in less analytical time and lower cost than when all samples are analyzed by HPLC (13). Abjean (14) showed that 300 meat samples could be analyzed for sulfonamide drugs by a single analyst in 12 days using TLC screening and HPLC analysis of positive samples compared to 50 days for HPLC multiresidue analysis alone. The cost was 80% less, and confirmation of residue identity was more reliable because two independent methods were used. The simultaneous identification of chloramphenicol, nitrofurans, and sulfonamides in pork or beef is an example of TLC multiclass screening (15). The drugs were identified by homogenization and extraction from 1 g of tissue with ethyl acetate, cleanup of the extract on a silica gel solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge, and separation by TLC. Spraying with pyridine detected nitrofurans, and subsequently fluorescamine detected chloramphenicol and sulfonamides. Twenty samples could be analyzed per day per analyst for three residue classes by a single method. The determination of antibiotics in milk (16) and of poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil (17) are other TLC screening methods that have demonstrated advantages in terms of simplicity, time, and cost compared to HPLC. D. The Literature on TLC The literature of TLC has been reviewed biennially by Sherma since 1970 (latest review, Ref. 11). The major journals for papers on TLC are Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, and Acta Chromatographica. Other chromatographic journals such as Chromatographia, Journal of Chromatographic Science, and Journal of Chromatography, A, and B and general analytical journals such as Journal of AOAC International, Analytical Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and The Analyst contain some articles on TLC. The Camag Bibliography Service (CBS) regularly abstracts TLC papers and is available in paper and CD-ROM versions. Books that have appeared since the publication of the second edition of this Handbook are those by Kaiser et al. (18) (a random collection of chapters on techniques and applications in German), Hahn-Deinstrop (19) (a practical book focused on pharmaceutical analysis), and Fried and Sherma (20) (the only TLC book organized by discipline). Special issues on thin layer chromatography of the Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, edited by Sherma and Fried, were published as Issues 1 and 10 of Volume 22/1999 and Issue 10 of Volume 247 2001. Book chapters (21,22) and an encyclopedia article (23) covering TLC, several general review articles (13,24,25), and a guide to method development (26) were published within the last seven years. Gazes' Encyclopedia of Chromatography (27) contains 30 articles on methods and applications of TLC. The IUPAC Commission on Analytical Nomenclature published a list of approved terms and definitions for planar Chromatography in 1993 (28). Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC




The basic parameter used to describe migration in TLC is the Rf value, where distance moved by the solute distance moved by mobile phase front Rf values vary from 1 to 0, or from 100 to 0 if multiplied by 100 (hR{). The capacity factor, k', is the ratio of the quantities of solute distributed between the mobile and stationary phases, or the ratio of the respective times the substance spends in the two phases, ,

ts tm

retention time in stationary phrase retention time in mobile phase

The capacity factor and Rf are related by the equation k' =


The classic Van Deemter equation and its modifications have been used to describe zone spreading in GC and HPLC in terms of eddy diffusion, molecular diffusion, and mass transfer. The efficiency of a zone in HPTLC is given by the equation Wb

where N is the number of theoretical plates, Zf is the distance of solvent migration, and Wb is the diameter of the zone (29). In contrast to column chromatography, in which all solutes move the same distance, separated components migrate different distances in TLC, and their zones are broadened to varying degrees. Therefore, N is dependent on the substance migrating as well as on the migration distance, and efficiency must be reported in terms of a compound with a specific /Rvalue such as 0.5 or 1.0. Separation efficiency and capacity in TLC were discussed by Poole (13). Efficiency is limited by less than optimal velocity of the mobile phase driven by capillary forces, leading to zone broadening that is largely dominated by molecular diffusion. Mobile-phase velocity decreases approximately quadratically with migration distance, resulting in the migration of zones through regions of varying efficiency and the need to specify plate height for the layer as an average value. For sorbents with narrow particle size range, solvent front velocity is greater for coarseparticle layers than for layers with fine particles (30). It has also been shown that for RP layers with bonded long-chain alkyl groups, mobile phases with larger percentages of water will ascend very slowly, requiring plates to be prepared from particles with a larger diameter (10-13 pm) than those used for the usual HP layers (5 fjim) or from sorbents with a lower degree of surface modification. Polar-bonded sorbents, such as cyano or amino, are wetted by aqueous solvents (30). Guiochon and coworkers (31-35) showed that for capillary flow TLC on fine-particle (HP) layers, zone broadening is controlled by the size of the sorbent particles for short migration distances and molecular diffusion for long migration distances. For large-particle sorbent layers, the packing and slow mass transfer processes can both contribute to broadened, irregularly shaped zones. High plate numbers can be generated on layers with relatively large particles only with long migration distances, especially for solutes with large diffusion coefficients. HPTLC layers produce the highest efficiency for short migration distances of 5-6 mm, and efficiency eventually is poorer than for TLC as the migration distance increases and molecular diffusion overtakes zone center separation to become the limiting factor. Longer solvent front migration distances require layers with a larger particle size to obtain a reasonable range of mobile-phase velocities and total number of theoretical plates (13,24). The results of these studies indicate that HPTLC plates can produce more compact zones in a shorter development distance, increasing the speed and detection limits of the zones. About 5000 theoretical plates can be obtained for a 5-7 cm development on HPTLC plates, whereas a development distance of approximately 15 cm is needed to obtain this

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number of plates for a layer with larger particles (30). The experimental zone capacity for baseline separated peaks in a chromatogram resulting from capillary controlled flow is about 12-14, and this is not strongly dependent on the average particle size of the layer (13). Zone capacity for forced-flow development is 30-40; for capillary controlled flow automated multiple development (AMD), 30-40; and for two-dimensional (2-D) capillary flow, approximately 100. An equation (36) for resolution (/?,) of two zones in TLC by a single ascending development is


'2) - 1][1 - Rr_]

where k\ and k'2 are the capacity factors for the two solutes to be separated and N is the number of theoretical plates. The subscript 2 refers to the zone with the higher Rf value. As in the analogous resolution equation for HPLC, this equation includes terms related to the efficiency of the layer, the selectivity of the TLC system, and the capacity of the system (the zone positions on the layer). Resolution increases with the square root of the layer efficiency (TV), which depends linearly on the Rf value. In terms of zone position, studies have shown that maximum resolution is obtained in the R, range of 0.2-0.5 (30). The most effective means for increasing resolution on a TLC or HPTLC layer with the usual capillary flow, one-dimensional single development is to improve selectivity by variation of the mobile phase, the choice of which is aided by systematic optimization methods such as simplex, PRISMA, and others that have been developed (37) (see Chap. 3). Other approaches for increasing resolution include the use of capillary flow with multiple or two-dimensional development or forced-flow development. The foregoing discussion applies to capillary flow TLC, in which the migration velocity of the mobile phase through the layer is controlled by capillary forces and decreases as development distance increases (38). The optimum velocity necessary for maximum efficiency is not realized in capillary flow TLC. In forced-flow planar chromatography, the mobile phase is driven by centrifugal force [rotation planar chromatography (RPC)] or by a pump (OPLC) (see Chap. 7) through a layer enclosed by a polymeric or metal membrane under external pressure. RPC is used mainly for PLC (see Chap. 11), whereas many applications of OPLC for analytical separations have been reported. RPC never reaches an overall mobile-phase velocity that would give the highest separation efficiency, because the radial velocity of solvent migration diminishes from the center to the circumference of the plate (39). In OPLC, mobile-phase velocity can be controlled at a predetermined constant close to optimal value so that solvent front migration is a linear function of time (30). As a result, average plate height is approximately independent of migration distance and is most favorable for HPTLC plates, zone broadening by diffusion is minor even over long migration distances, plate number increases linearly with migration distance, and resolution continues to increase as migration distances increases (30,38). The time required for the mobile phase to cover the same distance in OPLC is typically five- to tenfold shorter than in TLC, depending on the surface tension, viscosity, and the ability to wet the layer. Separation time is further reduced because the number of theoretical plates needed to achieve a separation is generated in a shorter time because of the near-optimal mobile-phase flow rate (39). Poole (13) showed that for a development distance of 18 cm, forced-flow development can produce 8000 theoretical plates in 9 min. Increased efficiency is obtained by use of longer bed lengths (e.g., serial coupling of stacked, connected layers) over longer times. Electro-osmotic flow caused by applying an electric field across a wet layer containing both ionized silanol groups and mobile ions is an additional mechanism for moving the mobile phase through the layer. Nurok (39) reported that separation of six pyrimidines on silica gel with acetonitrile mobile phase was 12 times faster than with conventional TLC and that separation in the RP mode is two to three times faster depending on the mobile phase. Only preliminary studies of this approach have been carried out to date, and Poole (13) reports that the mobile-phase velocity declined with migration distance and showed only moderate increase compared to capillary flow, and that the demonstrated improved performance with electro-osmotic flow has been below that predicted by theory.

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The classic book by Geiss (40) is recommended as an excellent source of information on the fundamentals of TLC. Although the book is highly theoretical and mathematical, numerous practical summaries and suggestions can be found throughout its chapters to guide anyone working with TLC. Especially useful in better understanding TLC is Chapter 6 in Geiss (40), on the role of the vapor phase. It explains and distinguishes chamber saturation (saturation of the chamber atmosphere), sorptive saturation (preloading of the layer from the atmosphere), and capillary saturation (saturation of the layer through the rising mobile phase) and the results caused by different chamber types and solvent mixtures. It is safe to say that few practitioners of TLC clearly understand these complicated effects that occur during development. The Geiss book also contains a discussion and a decision flow chart for optimization of separations of two closely related substances or a wide polarity range multicomponent mixture with the use of different mobile phases, development approaches, chamber types, and layers. Readers are directed to Chapter 2 of this Handbook and to Ref. 41 for discussions of the physicochemical theory and mechanism of TLC. Reference 42 covers studies of quantitative structure-retention relationships, one of the more important theoretical fields of TLC. III.



Sampling for TLC Analysis

One of the most important steps in analysis is that of obtaining an appropriate sample of the material to be analyzed. If a nonrepresentative sample is taken, the analytical result will be unreliable no matter how excellent the procedure and laboratory work. As an example, the purity of a bottle of 100 analgesic tablets should not be determined by analyzing one tablet, which might be nonrepresentative of the average tablet. A better plan is to grind together 10 tablets to form a homogeneous powder and take a sample weight equivalent to the average weight of one tablet for the analysis. In this way, the composition of the laboratory sample has a much higher probability of accurately representing the average composition of the entire contents of the bottle. The sample should not change or be lost as a result of storage prior to TLC analysis. The integrity of most samples can be maintained by storage in a freezer. However, with some samples, freezing and thawing or the introduction of the common fixatives formalin or ethanol can affect the results of subsequent analyses (43). The storage container should be airtight to prevent volatilization of the sample or introduction of air, water, or other vapors. The container should be constructed from a material chosen such that impurities are not leached into the sample from the inside surface and analyte cannot be lost by adsorption on the inside surface. Plastic is a common choice for storage of samples to be analyzed for metals, and glass for samples with organic analytes. A detailed discussion of sampling procedures for different types of gas, liquid, solid, and bulk samples is beyond the scope of this chapter. Chapter 4 in Ref. 1 contains information on obtaining and storing human, warm- and cold-blooded animal, microbial organism, and plant material samples for TLC. Most college textbooks on quantitative analysis and instrumental analysis contain sections or chapters on the theory and practice of sampling (e.g., Ref. 44). B.

Sample Preparation

Sample preparation for TLC is covered in Chapter 4 of Ref. 1 with an emphasis on biological samples. The only chapter on sample preparation specifically for TLC was written by Sherma (45), but because of its date it does not contain modern methods. A review paper on sample preparation for chromatographic analysis of plant material (46) and two reports on instruments for sample preparation (47,48) contain information on the newest methods. Sections on sample preparation related to specific compound types will be found in most of the applications chapters in Part II of this Handbook. If the analyte is present in low concentration in a complex sample such as biological or plant material, then extraction, isolation, and concentration procedures must usually precede TLC. Because layers are not reused, it is often possible to spot cruder samples than could be injected into Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC

an HPLC column, including samples containing irreversibly sorbed impurities. On the other hand, any impurities that would comigrate with the analyte and adversely affect its detection or cause a distorted or trailing analyte zone must be removed prior to TLC. Isolation and/or preconcentration procedures for TLC are similar to those used for GC and HPLC and include Soxhlet extraction (49), sonication extraction (50), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), and SPE. Purification of extracts is accomplished by methods such as solvent partitioning, column chromatography, desalting, and deproteinization. 1. Direct Spotting of Samples Certain samples can be successfully analyzed by direct spotting without extraction or cleanup. The applied volume must give a detectable zone with a scan area that can be bracketed by the scan areas of a series of standard concentrations if densitometric quantification is desired. Impurities must not retain the compound at the origin, distort its shape (cause tailing), or alter the Rf value of the zone. The quantification of benzoic and sorbic acid preservatives in beverages directly applied onto a plate with a preadsorbent spotting strip is an example (51). The preadsorbent facilitated the analysis because samples could be quickly and easily applied over a large area, the initial zone was automatically concentrated at the layer interface upon development, and the kieselguhr strip retained sample impurities. Unpurified urine and serum samples have also been applied successfully to preadsorbent layers for determination of amino acids, drugs, and lipids. 2. Direct Application of Sample Solutions or Extracts For determination of macro constituents in relatively pure matrices, samples can be dissolved in an appropriate volume of pure solvent followed by spotting of an aliquot of solution on the layer. This approach has been used for HPTLC assay of active ingredients of many pharmaceutical dosage forms, e.g., cimetidine in acid reduction tablets (52). Natural or synthetic vanilla flavors were determined in chocolate by slurrying the sample with 95% ethanol, sonication, filtering to remove solid material, and direct application to the layer (38). Fillers and other inert ingredients in samples such as foods and pharmaceuticals often remain undissolved. This will cause no problem if the analyte is dissolved completely and the insoluble material is filtered or centrifuged into a pellet or allowed to settle to the bottom of the sample container prior to spotting clear test solution. Extracts of trace constituents in some types of adequately pure samples can also be spotted directly after concentration of an extract to a suitable volume. Any coextracted impurities must be resolved from the analyte by the TLC separation step or not detected by the visualization method used. To minimize the amount of coextractives, the least polar analyte that will quantitatively extract the analyte should be used, leaving as many polar impurities as possible unextracted. Direct spotting of extracts was used to determine hydrocarbons in wastewater extracted with heptane by means of a microseparator (53) and the pesticide dichlorvos in minced visceral tissue extracted with ethyl acetate (54). 3. Cleanup of Extracts by Solvent Partitioning Extracts that are too impure for direct spotting can be cleaned up by partitioning with immiscible solvents. The principle of differential partitioning is to leave impurities behind in one solvent layer while extracting the analyte into the other layer. Acids are converted into salts that are soluble in aqueous solutions at high pH but are un-ionized and extractable into organic solvents at low pH. Basic compounds are extracted into organic solvents at high pH and into water in their salt forms at low pH. In practice, the pH should be at least two units below the pKa of an acid and two units above the pKa of a base in order to have a large enough fraction of uncharged molecules to allow efficient extraction into organic solvents. As an example, the mycotoxin patulin was determined in apples, apple concentrate, and apple juice by extraction with ethyl acetate, cleanup by partition with 1.5% sodium carbonate solution, and silica gel TLC-densitometry (55). Other uses of liquid-liquid extraction in sample preparation are to remove oils, fats, and lipids from samples if these compounds will interfere with subsequent TLC and to concentrate sample solutions prior to spotting. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



4. Cleanup of Extracts by Column Chromatography Chromatography on gel permeation, silica gel, alumina, Florisil, and carbon columns, among others, has been very widely used for cleanup of samples, often after preliminary purification by solvent partitioning. Examples are the TLC determination of uracil herbicides in roots of Echinacea angustifolia Moench (Asteraceae) after acetone extraction, partitioning with cyclohexane and then chloroform, and purification on a Florisil R column eluted with dichloromethane-acetone (9:1) (56) and 12 dyes in food extracts after elution from an XAD-2 column with acetone, methanol, and water (57). Column chromatographic cleanup, which usually employs large volumes of solvents to elute fractions of the sample, has been largely replaced by SPE in order to speed up and simplify extraction and cleanup and save on the cost of purchasing and disposing of solvents. 5. Modern Sample Preparation Systems The field of sample preparation has moved increasingly toward the use of disposable microcolumns and cartridges in order to speed up and simplify extraction and cleanup. These sample preparation systems are of two basic types. Columns packed with diatomaceous earth and designed for efficient liquid-liquid extractions in place of separatory funnels are available with capacities ranging from 0.3 to 300 mL of sample (e.g., Chem Elute Hydromatrix columns from Varian). The packing is either unbuffered or buffered at pH 4.5 and 9.0 for extraction of acidic and basic compounds, respectively. The aqueous sample is poured into the column, and after a 5 min wait, organic extracting solvent is poured into the column. The eluent containing the analyte is collected, evaporated to dryness under nitrogen flow, reconstituted in an appropriate solvent, and spotted for TLC analysis. Extraction columns of this type are used for screening drugs of abuse in urine (e.g., Extube Tox Elute 10 and 20 mL columns from Varian). The second method, SPE, uses sorbent phases with a variety of mechanisms and formats. The most common formats are microcolumns or cartridges with 100-500 mg of sorbent packed in 1-5 mL syringe barrels. Other SPE formats include pipet tips, disks, fixed 96-well plates, flexible 96-well plates, 384-well plates, and large-volume cartridges and flash Chromatography columns (58). The well plates are compatible with the use of TLC for drug discovery combinatorial chemistry high-throughput applications (59). The sorbents available from Varian in their Bond Elute columns are illustrative of the products of other SPE product manufacturers. These include the following. Nonpolar extraction: C 18 , octadecyl; C8, octyl; C2, ethyl; CH, cyclohexyl; PH, phenyl; CNE, end-capped cyanopropyl Polar extraction: CN, cyanopropyl; 2OH, diol; SI, silica; NH2, aminopropyl Cation-exchange extraction: SCX, benzenesulfonic acid (strong); PRS, propylsulfonic acid (strong); CBA, carboxylic acid (weak) Anion-exchange extraction: SAX, quaternary amine (strong); PSA, primary/secondary amine (pKa 10.1, 10.9); NH2, aminopropyl (weak); DEA, diethylaminopropyl (weak) Varian also supplies a covalent extraction phase (PBA, phenylboronic acid) for nucleotides, nucleosides, carbohydrates, and catecholamines and specialty phases for determination of grease, oils, fats, phenols, PAHs, organic acids, tricyclics, benzodiazepines, pharmaceuticals, explosives, pesticides, and neutral, basic, and acidic drugs. Bond Elute sorbents are supplied in 50 mg to 10 g weights in cartridges up to 60 mL in volume. Figure 1 shows a Speedisk (J.T. Baker) Positive Pressure Processor for semiautomated elution of 1, 3, and 6 mL SPE columns in batches of 1-48 samples. Totally automated SPE systems are also available commercially (47). SPE is used to concentrate solutes from dilute solution, e.g., to collect nonpolar organic constituents on Clg cartridges. The analytes are recovered by elution from the column with a few milliliters of an appropriate solvent and spotted for TLC. The concentration factor obtained for this method, which has been termed "trace enrichment," is the ratio of the sample volume to the elution volume. SPE can also be used to purify concentrated solvent extracts in place of classical large columns that require up to hundreds of milliliters of elution solvents. A sequence of eluents of increasing strength can be used to elute compounds with different polarities in different fracCopyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



Figure 1 Speedisk 48 Positive Pressure Processor for SPE. (Photograph supplied by Mallinckrodt Baker Inc.)

tions, and multiple SPE columns can be connected in series for improved cleanup and/or fractionation. The basic steps of SPE, illustrated for the most commonly used reversed-phase C18 cartridge, can be summarized as follows: Conditioning. The cartridge is prepared for receiving the sample by passing a volume of an appropriate solvent followed by a volume of liquid similar to the sample matrix. For the C,s cartridge, methanol is passed through followed by water for extraction of an aqueous sample. Retention. The sample is applied, and the analyte and other components with attraction for the sorbent are retained. Non- or weakly attracted components will pass through, providing the first stage of cleanup. With the C1K cartridge, the most polar interferences will elute first, and retention increases as polarity decreases. Rinsing. One or more solvents with decreasing polarity are passed through to elute interferences that are more polar than the analyte but keep the analyte on the column. Elution. A sufficiently nonpolar eluent is passed to remove the analyte. Interferences more nonpolar than the analyte will have a greater attraction for the C,8 sorbent and remain uneluted. The following is an abbreviated guide to the SPE of different classes of sample analytes: Nonpolar extraction. A polar solution (water, buffers) containing a nonpolar analyte is applied to a C l s , Cs, C2, CNE, CH, PH, or 2OH column that was preconditioned with methanol followed by water or buffer (see listing above for abbreviations). The sample must be buffered, if necessary, to suppress analyte ionization. Polar interferences are removed

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by washing with water or buffer or a weak organic-aqueous solvent that will not elute the analyte [e.g., water (buffer)-methanol (9:1)]. The analyte is eluted with a nonpolar solvent such as methanol, acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran (THF), hexane, or methylene chloride. Polar extraction. A nonpolar solution containing a polar analyte is applied to an SI, CN, 2OH, or NH2 column that was preconditioned with the nonpolar solvent in which the analyte is dissolved, such as hexane or chloroform. Viscous samples are diluted in a nonpolar solvent, and water is removed from the sample, e.g., by filtration through Whatman phase-separating paper. Nonpolar interferences are removed by washing with a nonpolar solvent or a polar-nonpolar mixture that is not strong (polar) enough to elute the analyte. The analyte is recovered by elution with a polar solvent such as methanol or isopropanol. Anion-exchange extraction. An aqueous, low ionic strength sample (water, plasma, diluted urine) containing inorganic or organic anions is applied to an SAX, NH2, PSA, or DEA column. Both the chosen column and the analyte must be ionic for exchange to occur. The column is conditioned with methanol followed by a buffer whose pH is 2 units above the pKa of the analyte and 0.1 M). The eluents can be totally aqueous or aqueous-organic mixtures; addition of an organic modifier such as methanol may improve analyte recovery. Cation-exchange extraction. An aqueous, low ionic strength sample containing inorganic or organic cations is applied to an SCX, PRS, or CBA column preconditioned with methanol followed by a buffer whose pH is 2 units below the analyte pKa and >6.8 for the CBA column. The sample pH is adjusted in the same manner. Interferences are eliminated by elution with the sample buffer and with an organic solvent, if necessary. The analyte is eluted with a buffer at least 2 units above the analyte pKa, a buffer of pH 0.1 M). Addition of an organic modifier such as methanol may improve analyte recovery. Examples of applications of SPE prior to TLC analysis include analysis for pesticides in fruits and vegetables according to the official German multimethod S19 using SPE on silica gel and amino cartridges prior to HPTLC with gradient elution AMD (60); oxygenated cholesterol derivatives in plasma using silica gel SPE (61); quinoline and quinuclidine alkaloids in pharmaceutical preparations using cation-exchange SPE (62); rutin in glycerinic plant extracts using Envi-18 (Supelco) cartridges (63); and aflatoxins in a variety of foods using phenyl, silica, C18, and FlorisilC18 cartridges (64). A strategy for choosing SPE cartridge elution solvents based on the PRISMA TLC mobile-phase optimization procedure was demonstrated for extraction of furocoumarin isomers and flavonoid glycosides from medicinal and aromatic plants (65). The use of immunoaffinity columns for sample cleanup is among the newest sample preparation procedures. Immunoaffinity cleanup was used after methanol extraction for determination of aflatoxins B-l, B-2, G-l, and G-2 in various food matrices by TLC-densitometry (66). Of the current sample preparation methods (46,48), only SPE (above) and SEE have had substantial use in combination with TLC. Automated Soxhlet extraction, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) have good potential for preparing solid samples for TLC analysis, but published methods have not yet appeared. Stahl first interfaced SFE with TLC in 1977, and there has been increasing interest in developing new methods in recent years. Examples of SFE-TLC analyses reported include cyanizine herbicide in soil (67); flavonoids in Scutellariae radix (68); aloin and aloe-emodin in consumable aloe products (69); semi volatile compounds in cassia and cinnamon (70); and residues of 20 pesticides of multiple classes in soil (71). Hydroperoxides in combustion products were separated from solid matrices using SFE with on-line transfer to TLC plates (72). 6. Additional Sample Preparation Procedures Additional procedures performed prior to TLC analysis, depending on the sample type, include drying, grinding, freeze-drying (removal of water), drying of extracts (passage through a drying Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



column or phase-separating filter paper or addition of a drying agent such as sodium sulfate), and the steps described below in this section. Desalting is often required for samples such as urine, serum, and tissue culture media in order to eliminate streaking and the formation of unresolved zones in the TLC of amino acids, carbohydrates, and other hydrophilic compounds. Salts are removed from samples by performing ion exchange, using a desalting column, dialysis, and passage through a nonpolar sorbent. A simple desalting procedure suitable for 0.1-0.2 mL of urine, serum, or saline solution is the following. The sample is dried under air at 45°C and then extracted with 1 mL of 0.5% HC1 in 95% ethanol for 24 h. The extract is evaporated to dryness and the residue dissolved in 100 /xL of ethanolic HC1 prior to spotting for TLC (73). The ion retardation resin AG 11 A8 (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.) and mixed bed calion/anion-exchange resins (e.g., Bio-Rad AG 501) have been used successfully for desalting samples prior to TLC. 7. Deproteinization When proteins may interfere with TLC analysis, they must be removed by deproteinization procedures. A suitable procedure for an approximate 50 /uL sample of serum involves addition of 100 jitL of methanol to precipitate the protein followed by shaking and centrifugation of the mixture to obtain a clear supernatant. The technique has been used to deproteinize biological fluids prior to their analysis for drugs (74). Proteins in samples such as serum, urine, tissue, and milk can be precipitated by addition of trichloroacetic acid (75), perchloric acid, or sulfosalicylic acid followed by centrifugation and removal of the supernatant, which may or may not require further cleanup prior to TLC. Protein removal from various types of samples has also been carried out by pH modification, denaturation with chaotropic agents or organic solvents, addition of a compound that competes for binding sites, and the use of restricted-access media. 8.


The preparation of derivatives in TLC was reviewed by Edwards (76), who documented the application of derivatization techniques to a wide range of compounds including amino acids, steroids, drugs, and environmental pollutants. Fluorescent derivatives for TLC were reviewed by Wintersteiger (77). One of the major advantages of TLC is the use of derivatization postchromatography for the purpose of zone detection. This is normally achieved by spraying the layer with (or dipping it into) a solution of an appropriate reagent or reagents and then drying or heating to complete the reaction. Hundreds of such reagents have been described to cause zones to absorb visible or ultraviolet radiation or to become fluorescent for organic species in general or to react selectively with particular compound classes (see Sec. VIII.A). Examples include spraying with ninhydrin reagent to produce purple spots for amino acids, or with a solution of diazonium reagent (prepared from /?-nitroaniline, HC1, and sodium nitrite) to detect phenols and aromatic amines as orange zones. Postchromatographic derivatization allows the reaction of all standards and samples simultaneously under the same conditions, and the separation properties of the solutes are not changed by the reaction. Prechromatographic derivatization is advantageous when the parent compound is too volatile for TLC but the derivative is less volatile, the derivative is easier to separate from other sample constituents, the derivative has greater stability (e.g., resistance to oxidation or decomposition), the derivative is more successfully extracted and/or cleaned up, or the derivative is more sensitively and/or selectively detected. A disadvantage of prederivatization is that the introduction of usually high molecular weight functional groups into the derivative may equalize the chromatographic properties of similar substances and make separation more difficult. In addition, prederivatization of each sample prior to its application can be tedious and time-consuming, by-products of the reaction may interfere with the TLC separation, or the presence of excess reagent may cause a background that interferes with quantification by scanning. It is possible in some cases to derivatize in situ prior to chromatography. This is usually done by applying a spot or band of excess reagent to the origin and overspotting the sample while the reagent zone is still moist, followed by application of heat to accelerate the reaction, if necessary. Zones of sample and

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reagent should be chromatographed on adjacent lanes for comparison. Many different kinds of in situ prechromatographic derivatization have been reviewed (78). The following are examples of analyses that include the formation of derivatives prior to TLC: the formation of fluorescent dansyl derivatives for determination of biogenic amines in red wine (79) and other foods (80) and of colored thiocarbamoyl derivatives of biogenic amines (81); the use of /?-benzoquinone for derivatization of 2-(methylamino)ethanol and other primary and secondary amines (82); the separation of /?-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde from p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde after derivatization with diphenylamine (83); determination of bisoprolol, labetalol, and propafenone as dabsyl derivatives in pharmaceutical preparations (84); and determination of the toxin fumonisin B-l in corn after immunoaffinity column cleanup and derivatization (85). In many cases, enantiomers have been resolved by TLC after the formation of derivatives, e.g., amino acids derivatized with l-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alamne amide, and separated on RP plates (86). The latest methodology involves separation of enantiomers of compounds such as chiral drugs by TLC without their prior derivatization (87). 9. Evaporation of Solutions Most sample preparation procedures require concentration or evaporation to dryness of sample extracts, combined partition solvent batches, or column effluents. It is important that evaporations be carried out without loss or degradation of the analyte, and studies may be required to determine which of the available methods is best to use in each particular situation. A common method of concentration uses a rotary evaporator with an attached round-bottomed flask. A helpful variation is to place the solution in a Kuderna-Danish evaporative concentrator flask with attached lower calibrated tube (Kontes), so that the concentrate ends up in the tube and can be applied to the layer without transfer. Nitrogen blowdown is the recommended method for concentration of small volumes of volatile organic solvents. Gas is supplied to the sample, held in a tube or vial, through Tygon tubing connected to a glass capillary. The sample is warmed in a 40-60°C water bath to speed evaporation. Various commercial devices that allow simultaneous blowdown of multiple samples are available. 10. Reconstitution of Evaporated Residues It is common practice to evaporate solutions just to dryness and then dissolve the residue in an exact volume of the same or a different solvent, from which a known aliquot or the total sample is applied to the layer. The best initial zones on silica gel are obtained if the solvent is highly volatile and as nonpolar as possible, consistent with complete solubility and stability of the analyte(s). By use of a nonpolar solvent, purification can be achieved if some polar impurities in the residue are left undissolved (selective solvation). Solvents with a high boiling point or polarity are difficult to remove from the sorbent during application. If a small amount of solvent is retained after application, it can adversely affect the separation by causing zone spreading or deformation or a different Rf value. Care must be taken, however, because hot air used to dry solvent at the origin can decompose labile substances on the surface of an active sorbent. A volatile sample solvent promotes the production of small, regular initial zones, but containers must be kept tightly sealed except when filling the sample application device. IV.


Sorbent materials and layers are described in Chapter 4 of this Handbook and Chapter 3 of Ref. 1 and in a review paper (88) and an encyclopedia article (89). A great variety of commercial precoated layers are available for TLC on glass, plastic, or aluminum foil supports in 20 X 20 cm size. The most common layer thickness for analytical TLC is 250 £im, but cellulose and polyamide layers are often 100 /mi. For mechanical stability, 0.1-20% of a gypsum (calcium sulfate), starch, or organic polymer binder [e.g., poly(acrylic acid)] is added to the sorbent slurry from which the layer is cast. Plates with gypsum binder, which are known as "soft layers" and are designated with a G, must be used with greater care than "hard" organic polymer-bound layers to avoid abrasive conditions. Gypsum binder allows Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



the use of sulfuric acid charring techniques, and sample zones can be easily scraped from the glass support for subsequent elution of compounds from the sorbent. Binder-free silica gel plates containing a small amount of colloidal silica to aid layer adherence are also available. For detection of zones by fluorescence quenching, plates are impregnated with indicator compounds (e.g., manganese-activated zinc silicate) that cause the layer to fluoresce uniformly when exposed to 254 or 366 nm UV light. Glass is the most inert support material, and its planarity is advantageous when the layer will be scanned for quantitative analysis. Procedures and devices for preparing homemade plates are described in Chapter 3 of the third edition of Fried and Sherma (1). Homemade plates, the quality of which is almost never equivalent to that of commercial plates, are rarely made except when a needed layer is not available or cost is a major consideration. To remove extraneous materials that may be present due to manufacture, shipping, or storage conditions, it is advisable to preclean plates before use. This has often been done by predevelopment to the top with dichloromethane-methanol (1:1) or the mobile phase to be used for the analysis. The following two-step HPTLC plate cleaning method has been proposed (90) for surface residue removal in critical applications when optimum sensitivity is required for detection and quantification: Develop the plate to the top with methanol, air dry for 5 min, totally immerse the plate in a tank filled with methanol, air dry for 5 min, oven dry for 15 min at 80°C, and cool in a desiccator before use. The routine activation of adsorbents at 70-80°C for 30 min, or at a higher temperature, is often proposed in the literature, but this treatment is not usually necessary for commercial plates unless they have been exposed to high humidity. RP plates do not require activation prior to use. Suggestions for initial treatment, prewashing, activation, and conditioning of different types of glass- and foil-backed layers have been published (91). A.


Silica gel is by far the most frequently used layer material for adsorption TLC. Some characteristic properties, including porosity, flow resistance, particle size, optimum velocity, and plate height, have been tabulated for three popular brands of silica gel TLC and HPTLC plates (38). Separations take place primarily by hydrogen bonding or dipole interaction with surface silanol groups by using lipophilic mobile phases, and analytes are separated into groups according to their polarity. Typical properties of TLC silica gel are a silanol group level of approximately 8 /umol/m2; pore diameter of 40, 60, 80, or 100 A; and specific pore volumes of 0.5-2.0 mL (89). Specific differences in the types and distributions of silanol groups for individual sorbents may result in selectivity differences, and separations will not be exactly reproducible on different brands of silica gel layers (25). Other TLC adsorbents include aluminum oxide (alumina), magnesium oxide [used mostly for carotenoid pigment separations (92)], magnesium silicate (Florisil) (93), polyamide, and kieselguhr (94). Alumina (95) is a polar adsorbent that is similar to silica gel in its general chromatographic properties, but it has an especially high adsorption affinity for carbon-carbon double bonds and better selectivity toward aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives. The alumina surface is more complex than silica gel, containing hydroxyl groups, aluminum cations, and oxide anions, and pH and hydration level alter separation properties (25). It is available in basic (pH 9-10), neutral (7-8), and acid (4-4.5) forms. The specific surface area of aluminas range from 50 to 250 nr/g (89). The high density of hydroxyl groups (—13 yumol/m2) leads to a significant degree of water adsorption, and alumina layers are usually activated by heating for 10 min at 120°C before use (89). Polyamides 6 (Nylon 6; polymeric caprolactam) and 11 (polymeric undecanamide) have surface —CO—NH— groups and show high affinity and selectivity for polar compounds that can form hydrogen bonds with the exposed carbonyl groups. However, depending on the type of analyte and mobile phase, three separation mechanisms can operate with polyamide: adsorption, partition (normal- and re versed-phase), and ion exchange. This has led to separations of compounds from a wide array of chemical classes such as amino acids, phenols, phenolic compounds, carboxylic acids, cyclodextrins (96), coumarins, and flavonoids (97). Polyamide has been impregnated with various metal salts to improve the separation of sulfonamides (98). Separation Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



numbers for a series of higher fatty acids and alcohols were determined to be 8-12 for polyamide and 4-9 for cellulose (99). Homemade mixed sorbent layers have been used by various workers to increase the resolution of certain samples compared to that obtained on the separate phases. Binary layers that have been reported include silica gel-alumina (100), kieselguhr-alumina, alumina-calcium sulfate, magnesia-kieselguhr, cellulose-silica gel, poly amide-silica gel, polyamide-kieselguhr, polyamide cellulose, polyamide-glass powder (similar to silica gel), silica gel-kieselguhr (101), and alumina-cellulose (102). The properties of these mixed layers are usually somewhere between those of the two separate phases but are impossible to predict or explain with certainty. Information on and applications of mixed layers are mostly contained in older standard TLC texts and reviews. B.

Partition, Preadsorbent, and Impregnated Layers

Compounds that have the same polarity and functional group and migrate together on silica gel can often be resolved by partition TLC. Crystalline cellulose (AVICEL) or high-purity fibrous cellulose serves primarily as a support material for the NP liquid-liquid partition TLC of polar substances, such as amino acids (103), and water-soluble biopolymers, although adsorption effects cannot be excluded in many cases. The stationary phase is either water or an impregnated polar liquid such as dimethylformamide. Cellulose used to prepare thin layers differs from that in chromatography paper mainly by having shorter fiber length (2-20 yum), resulting in the same migration sequence for a series of compounds developed with a given mobile phase but less diffusion and higher efficiency than in paper chromatography. Kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth) (104) and synthetically prepared silicon dioxide (Merck silica 50,000) (105) are small surface area, weak adsorbents that are used as the lower 2-4 cm inactive sample application and concentrating zone in the manufacture of silica gel and C18 preadsorbent plates. Samples applied to the preadsorbent region usually develop into sharp, narrow bands at the preadsorbent/sorbent interface, leading to efficient separations with minimum time and effort in manual application of samples and possible sample cleanup by retention of interferences in the preadsorbent. Layers have been impregnated with buffers, chelating agents, metal ions, or other compounds to aid in the resolution or detection of certain compounds (see Ref. 106 for a review). If plates are prepared in the laboratory, the reagent is usually added to the stationary-phase slurry. Reagents are applied to precoated plates by spraying, brushing, horizontal or vertical dipping, development, or overdevelopment (107). Analtech precoated plates are available already impregnated with potassium oxalate to facilitate resolution of polyphosphoinositides, magnesium acetate for phospholipids, 0.1 M NaOH for organometallics and acidic compounds, silver nitrate for compounds with carbon-carbon double bonds such as fatty acids (107), and carbomer for mannitol and sorbitol analysis according to several Pharmacopoeia methods, as well as plates containing ammonium sulfate for detection of compounds as fluorescent or charred zones after heating (vapor-phase fluorescence detection). Other reagents that have been added to thin layers to improve separations include ion-pairing reagents (108), molybdic acid (for separation of carbohydrates), boric acid (carbohydrates and lipids), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), (formation of charge transfer complexes with numerous organic compounds), surfactants (sulfa drugs and substituted pyrazoles) (109), EDTA (reduces tailing of drugs) (110), urea (wax esters and hydroxybenzenes), ferric ion (carboxy- and hydroxybenzenes), cupric ion (glucose and sorbitol), caffeine (PAHs), and ammonium sulfate (surfactants). The separation of amino acids and their derivatives and enantiomers by impregnated TLC was reviewed by Bhushan and Martens (HOa). C.

High-Performance Layers

High-performance (HP) plates (10 X 10 or 10 X 20 cm) are produced from sorbents having narrow pore and particle size distributions and an apparent particle size of 5-7 yam instead of 810 /Am for 20 X 20 cm TLC plates (23). Layer thickness is usually 100-200 /xm for HPTLC plates compared to 250 /u-m for TLC, but ultrathin (10 ^m) layers of monolithic silica gel have recently been described (HOb).

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High-performance layers are more efficient, leading to tighter zones, better resolution, and more sensitive detection. Flow resistance is higher (migration time per centimeter is slower), but overall development time is shorter because smaller migration distances are used for HPTLC than for TLC (typically 3-8 cm versus 10-16 cm). The low flow rate through fine-particle HPTLC plates led to the development of forced-flow methods. Sample sizes are generally 0.2-1 /xL for HPTLC and 1-3 /jiL for TLC, although the upper levels of these ranges can be exceeded when spotting with the Linomat instrument or using preadsorbent layers. Silica gel is the most widely used type of HP plate, but other HP layers, including bonded phases, are also commercially available. Among the newest layers are Merck's TLC and HPTLC silica gel 60 plates (60 A pore size) with imprinted identification codes for use in documentation when analyses are performed according to good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good laboratory practice (GLP) standards (52). Merck also sells two new HPTLC layers with spherical silica gel: HPTLC plates with LiChrospher Si60F2,4s (0.2 mm layer thickness, 7-8 /urn mean particle size), and HPTLC aluminum sheets with Si60F254s Raman (0.1 mm layer thickness and 3-4 /ion particle size). Layers with spherical particles offer better efficiency, spot capacity, and detection limits than those with nonspherical particles. The silica gel matrix on the sheets is designed to have the least possible spectral interference for direct coupling of TLC with Raman spectrometry (see Sec. VIII.B). TLC and HPTLC are compared in Chapter 2 of Ref. 1. D.

Bonded Layers

Reversed-phase TLC, in which the stationary phase is less polar than the mobile phase, was originally carried out on silica gel or kieselguhr layers impregnated with a solution of paraffin, squalane, silicone oil, octanol, or oleyl alcohol. Analtech sells RP plates with hydrocarbon liquid phase physically adsorbed onto the surface of a silica gel layer. Impregnated plates of this kind require the use of aqueous and polar organic mobile phases saturated with the stationary liquid, and they cannot tolerate the use of nonpolar organic solvents, which will strip the coating from the support. Bonded phases with functional groups chemically bonded to silica gel eliminate stripping of the stationary liquid from the support by incompatible mobile phases. Alkylsiloxane-bonded silica gel with CH3, C2H5, C 8 H 17 , and C18H37 (111) functional groups are most widely used for RP-TLC of organic compounds (polar and nonpolar homologous compounds and aromatics), weak acids and bases after ion suppression with buffered mobile phases, and strong acids and bases using ion-pair reagents. Layers from different companies but with the same bonded group can have different percentages of carbon loading and give different results. The hydrophobic nature of the layer increases with both the chain length and the degree of loading of the groups. Alkylsiloxanebonded layers with a high level of surface modification are incompatible with highly aqueous mobile phases and are used mainly for normal-phase separations of low-polarity compounds (25). Problems of wettability and lack of migration of mobile phases with high proportions of water have been solved by adding 3% NaCl to the mobile phase (Whatman layers) or preparing "waterwettable" layers with a slightly larger particle size, less exhaustive surface bonding, and a modified binder. The latter layers with a low degree of surface coverage and more residual silanol groups exhibit partially hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic character and can be used for RP-TLC and NP-TLC. Chemically bonded phenyl layers are also classified as reversed-phase, but their use has only seldom been reported in the literature. Hydrophilic bonded silica gel containing cyano (112), amino (113), or diol (114) groups bonded to silica gel through a trimethylene chain [—(CH2)3—] are compatible with aqueous mobile phases and exhibit multimodal mechanisms. Polarity varies as follows: unbonded silica > diol-silica > amino-silica > cyano-silica > reversed-phase materials (89). Cyano layers can act as a normal or reversed phase, depending on the characteristics of the mobile phase, with properties similar to a low-capacity silica gel and a short-chain alkylsiloxane bonded layer, respectively (25). Amino layers are used in NP and weak anion-exchange modes. In NP-TLC, compounds are retained on amino layers by hydrogen bonding as with silica gel, but the selectivity is different. Charged substances such as nucleotides or sulfonic acids can be separated by ion exchange using

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acidic mobile phases. Although there is limited retention in RP-TLC, the separation of oligonucleotides on amino layers based on differences in hydrophobic properties of the compounds has been reported. Diol plates can operate with NP- or RP-TLC mechanisms, depending on the mobile phase and solutes. Polar compounds show reasonable retention by hydrogen bond and dipole-type interactions in the former mode, and in the RP mode retention is low but higher than with amino layers. A study of mixed mechanisms on cyano, amino, and diol layers was reported (115). E.

Layers for Enantiomer Separations

Commercial layers are available for separation of enantiomers by the mechanism of ligand exchange under the names Chiralplate (Macherey-Nagel) and HPTLC CHIR (Merck). These consist of a glass plate coated with a reversed-phase silanized silica gel and impregnated with the Cu(II) complex of (2S,4/?,2'/?5')-A^-(2'-hydroxydodecyl)-4-hydroxyproline. Separation is based on the formation of diasteriomeric chelate complexes between the central cupric ion, the chiral selector, and the solute. Enantiometric resolution is achieved if the antipodes of the chiral solute form complexes of different stabilities. The history of chiral ligand exchange in TLC and column liquid chromatography has been reviewed (116). In addition to ligand exchange, enantiomeric separations have been carried out using cyclodextrin-containing mobile phases with hydrophobic C18 (117) and cellulose triacetate (118) layers (inclusion TLC). Chiral selectors have been impregnated into silica gel layers for NP-TLC enantiomer separations, e.g., the macrocyclic antibiotic vancomycin for DL-amino acids (199) and L-lysine and L-arginine for /3-adrenergic blocking agents (120). Unmodified cellulose has been used for separation of enantiomeric amino acids and peptides and other compounds (e.g., 121). Optical isomers can be derivatized and separated without using impregnated plates or a chiral mobile phase, e.g., amino acids derivatized with l-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophenyl-5-L-alanine amide and separated by RP-TLC (86). The newest approach is the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for use as chiral stationary phases in TLC. For example, the direct separation of enantiomers of adrenergic drugs on MIPs of (—)-pseudoephedrine and (—)-norephedrine was demonstrated as a rapid, sensitive, and reliable method for quality control of these compounds (121a). Beta-blocking drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have also been separated on molecularly imprinted chiral layers (121b). Enantiomeric separations by TLC have been reviewed (122-124), and this topic is covered in Chapter 17 of this Handbook. F.

Miscellaneous Layers

Cellulose has been surface-modified to produce RP (acetylated cellulose), weakly basic anion-exchange [polyethyleneimine (PEL), aminoethyl (AE), diethylaminoethyl (DEAE), and ECTEOLA], or weakly acidic cation-exchange [cellulose phosphate (P) and carboxymethylcellulose (CM)] layers. These cellulose exchangers have open structures that can be penetrated by large hydrophilic molecules such as proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. Polygram Ionex-25 precoated sheets (Macherey-Nagel) are polyester sheets coated with a mixture of silica, a polystyrene-based strong acid cation-exchange or strong base anion-exchange resin, and a binder. The cation exchanger has been used to separate and identify amino acids in biological samples (125), and both are suited to inorganic ion separations. A large variety of inorganic ion exchangers, such as titanium(IV) silicate (126), have been prepared and used mostly for metal ion separations. Size-exclusion gel TLC has been carried out on dextran (Sephadex) gels with controlled pore sizes. These layers, which are used to estimate molecular weights and separate and determine biological macromolecules (e.g., enzymes and serum proteins), are used in totally swollen condition and developed continuously in the descending direction. Combination layers with a C18 strip adjacent to a silica gel layer (Whatman Multi-K CS5) or a silica gel strip adjacent to a C18 layer (SC5) are available for 2-D TLC with diverse mechanisms (RP phase and adsorption).

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Preparative Layers

Preparative silica gel plates are available precoated with a layer thickness of 500-2000 ^m. Particle size is typically 5-40 /zm with a 25 ^m average, but Mallinckrodt-Baker manufactures a preparative plate with 5 ^on spherical particles. Analtech offers a unique tapered layer for capillary flow preparative separations (see Sec. V.D) and precast HPTLC silica gel GF rotors (Fig. 2) with 1000-8000 jitm nominal thickness for use with the Cyclograph and Chromatotron centrifugal forced-flow PLC instruments (see Sec. XI).



Samples and standards prepared for TLC are dissolved in an appropriate solvent at a concentration that will allow eventual detection of the solutes of interest. Typically 1-5 /xL containing 1 ng to 10 fjig of solute is applied in the form of spots or narrow bands to TLC plates. Because the starting zones should be as small as possible for efficient separation, larger volumes are spotted by repeated applications of a small volume to the same origin with solvent evaporation between increments. Evaporation of the sample solvent must be complete so that the selectivity of the mobile phase and the spot position in the chromatogram are not altered. This drying is achieved and the sample application speeded up if a stream of cool or heated air or inert gas is gently blowing across the plate being spotted. After application, initial zones are usually thoroughly dried with a hair drier or in an oven. Ideally, the sample should be distributed homogeneously throughout the starting zone (38). Sample volumes must be reduced to realize fully the greater efficiency of HPTLC layers, and 100-200 nL is typically applied. Detection limits are usually 5-10 times better for HPTLC than for TLC. Optimum initial spot size for HPTLC is about 1-1.5 mm, whereas initial spots for TLC are typically 3-6 mm. Initial zones that are overloaded with sample will form poorly separated tailed zones during development. Sample application is one of the main sources of error in quantitative TLC, and great care should be taken to choose a reliable application device and optimize techniques if accurate and precise analyses are to be realized. Sample volumes must be accurately known, and exact posi-

Figtire 2 Precast silica gel GF rotor. (Photograph supplied by Analtech.)

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tioning of initial zones is critical when measurements are to be made by scanning. Automated sample application is preferred for best results in quantitative TLC. A.

Choice of the Sample Solvent

Samples and standards are best prepared in a solvent that dissolves the analytes completely, is volatile, has low viscosity, wets the sorbent layer, and is a weak chromatographic solvent for the analytes. In practice, it may be impossible to find a solvent with all of these properties. For silica gel TLC, it is important to use the weakest (least polar) solvent that allows quantitative dissolution and spotting of the sample, so that preliminary development and separation within the initial spot at the origin does not occur, resulting in significant loss in separation efficiency. The Rf of the compounds of interest should be is the volume fraction of the active (i.e., strong) liquid component of the mobile phase, and p, and p2 are the equation constants. The competitive process consists of intermolecular (mostly polar) interactions of a solute with the free (i.e., nonbonded) silanols on the surface of the silica matrix. This complementary mechanism was modeled with the aid of a simple stoichiometric isotherm, taking into account the adsorption both of the solute molecules and of the components of a mixed mobile phase: K2c2 where cl5 c2, and c3 are concentrations of the solute and of the components of the binary mobile phase, respectively; qs is the saturation capacity of solid phase; and AT,, K2, and K3 are the equilibrium constants for the solute and the mobile-phase components, respectively. Because of the typically very low concentrations of the solute, the first term in the denominator can be ignored. The overall mechanism of solute retention is given as the sum of the two contributions:

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P2max) tend to assemble around a peculiar mole fraction of the solvent system, and this represents the optimum composition of the mobile phase. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the global optimum can be easily located by eye or by computer (39). The window diagrams method is seldom used in the case of ternary or quaternary solvent systems because these mobile-phase systems allow a large variety of intermolecular interactions. In such cases, the relationship between the retention parameter and mobile-phase composition is given by Eq. 26 (40), but a local optimum can be attained instead of the global optimum. Rf= a0 + a,Xs + auX*


The coefficients from Eq. 25 (a and b) and Eq. 26 (aQ, a,, and a,,) have been determined by preliminary experiments. Other approaches such as the sequential simplex algorithm, PRISM A method, overlapping resolution mapping scheme, taxonomy, and principal components analysis have been used for the optimization of such mobile-phase systems, and these methods are discussed below. B.

Sequential Simplex Method

The sequential simplex method was introduced by Spendley et al. in 1962 (41) and was then used in analytical chemistry by Long (see Ref. 42). It is simple and fast and can be used in automatic optimization (43,44). The sequential simplex method is based on a geometric figure in the variable space of a criteria function, a figure whose number of vertices is greater by one than the number of variables. The CRF is evaluated in each vertex of the figure, the most unfavorable vertex corresponding to the worst response is rejected, and then a new favorable vertex is established by searching the direction that is experienced by this unfavorable vertex and the centroid of the other vertices. The new simplex is thus determined, and the algorithm is repeated until the optimum response is obtained. The method described by Spendley et al., the fixed-size sequential simplex method, is an algorithm consisting simply of reflection rules, and for this reason the method is slow and a false optimum could be attained. Moreover, the simplex with more than four dimensions does not cover the entire field of criteria functions in all cases, and the moment when the optimum has been attained is not very clear. The method presented by Nelder and Mead (45) is a variable-size simplex algorithm consisting of reflection, expansion, and contraction rules, and the simplex can be accelerated in favorable directions and slowed down in unfavorable directions (Fig. 2). The first simplex was the triangle XYZ, the most favorable vertex is X, and Z is the most unfavorable vertex. The reflection, expansion, and contraction of simplex can be calculated by the following equations, which generate new simplexes.

R = C + (C - Z)


E = R + (C - Z)


CR = C + ^-^


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X2 Figure 2 Simplex generation.

— c



The vertex R is obtained after the first reflection, and the vertex E, representing an expansion, is obtained if vertex R is more favorable than vertex X. If vertex R is more unfavorable than vertex Y, the simplex must be contracted, which yields either the vertex CR if R > Z or the vertex Cz if R


For each element of the covariance matrix, a correlation coefficient (Eq. 44) can be calculated so that the covariance matrix can be transformed into a correlation matrix, R, where (44)

sk and s, in Eq. 44 represent the standard deviations of variables k and /, respectively. Use of the correlation matrix is necessary to prevent the variables from having a strong influence on the principal components. The maximization problem is equivalent to Ca, = \,a,


The vector a, found by solving Eq. 45 is called an eigenvector of the variance-co variance matrix C, and A, is called an eigenvalue. The eigenvalues represent the variances extracted by the factors, and they are calculated by a least squares procedure. The sum of the eigenvalues is equal to the sum of the diagonal elements of the covariance or correlation matrix that is analyzed. The first principal component is the variable Ph which has the maximum variance (A, maximum) and is an uncorrelated linear function of the original variables. The coefficients of the original variables for a principal component are the coordinates of the corresponding eigenvector. The loading of a variable for a principal component is defined as this coordinate multiplied by the square root of the eigenvalue of the principal component. The loadings can be interpreted as correlations between the variables and the components. The value taken by an object for a principal component is called the score of the object for this principal component. The scores for the first principal component are the maximum variance values. The scores for the second principal

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component are uncorrelated with those for the first principal components. The variance of the third principal component is smaller than those of the first two principal components, but it is higher than the variances corresponding to the next components. It is theoretically possible to determine n principal components. The question is, how many factors do we want to extract? Because they are obtained in order of decreasing contribution to the total variance and they account for less and less variability, it is usually sufficient to consider the first few principal components that still retain most of the variance. The decision as to when to stop basically depends on when there is only a very little random variability left. This decision is arbitrary, but several methods have been proposed for making it. One much used method is to select the first p principal components in such a way that they account for at least 80-90% of the total variance. Another criterion often used to select principal components is to keep eigenvalues that exceed 1. In practice, two or three principal components usually account for an important part of the variance. The loadings corresponding to the principal components are plotted (Figs. 8 and 9), with each variable represented as a point. From this plot, it can be seen which of the initial variables have the greatest shares in the variance of particular principal components. Furthermore, scores plots are very useful as a display tool for examining the relationships between objects and looking for trends, groupings, or outliers (73). An example of the application of PCA to the choice of optimum solvent system is the paper of Bota (74), who used this method to find the optimum mobile phase for the separation of seven poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They concluded that the PCA enables rational selection of a restricted set from nine available mobile-phase systems and is a useful graphical tool. IV.


Complex mixtures containing components with a wide range of polarities or molecular structures cannot be separated by isocratic TLC. Low-strength solvents will separate the compounds weakly retained on the stationary phase (high Rf values), while the compounds strongly retained on the layer (low Rf values) will migrate short distances. On the other hand, strong solvents cannot separate the poorly retained compounds, which migrate as a single spot or as unresolved spots. Automated multiple development (AMD) (75-77) is used to solve these problems so that optimum separation will be achieved. AMD is a sequential, programmed, incremental, multiple development technique using, for silica gel, a gradient of the mobile phase starting with a very polar solvent, decreasing the polarity of the mobile phase with a solvent of medium polarity, and ending with a nonpolar solvent. The mobile-phase gradients are generated step by step using as many solvents as necessary to realize the desired separation. The number of steps is kept as low as possible to optimize the

0,6 ~


0,4 E0,2


~ 8

0 1.

-0,2 -0,4 -0,6





— —

» 2 \

1 t i i 1I l f 1t i i 1I I i I





Figure 8 Plot of the first two loading vectors (A, and A2). (From Ref. 74.)

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Figure 9 Plot of the first three loading vectors (A,, A2, and A3). (From Ref. 74.)

separation time. Usually, one AMD run consists of 10-30 separate development steps, each 1-3 mm longer than the previous step. Between two developments, the plates are dried in vacuum to remove the solvent, and the mobile phase is removed also from the chromatographic chamber. These steps are repeated until the entire developing program is completed. In each chromatographic run, the bottom part of the spot starts to migrate while the top part does not move, so the spot is reconcentrated and the diffusion effect that usually controls the chromatographic separation is strongly decreased. Thus, the spots will be focused as bands of 0.1-1 mm width, depending on the compound characteristics. The optimum AMD separation is that in which all components are separated from each other and the spots are distributed along the length of the layer. The peak positions on the final chromatogram depend on the choice of mobile-phase composition and the shape of the gradient, and correct adjustment of the several instrumental settings of the AMD equipment is required. Various solvent compositions can be used to form the AMD gradient, and the best choice is usually achieved by empirical experimentation. The gradients used in AMD can be universal gradients that contain a sudden change in the solvent strength or linear gradients that provide a linear change in the solvent strength. Many authors compared isocratic TLC with AMD, concluding that the number of separated compounds is greater with AMD than with isocratic TLC and that chromatographic separation is optimized with AMD (78,79). Because AMD is an instrumental technique, it can be coupled online with other chromatographic methods, and this represents a new trend in chromatographic analysis. For example, Stan and Schwarzer (80) realized the on-line coupling of reversed-phase HPLC with AMD on a normal-phase layer. This coupling represents a very promising technique because it allows the combination of two different separation principles. AMD is suitable for the separation of multicomponent mixtures in TLC and is a useful tool that provides more powerful screening than conventional TLC methods. This technique provides large spot capacities because the reconcentration effect is caused by multiple development as well as by the accommodation of many spots on the same chromatographic plate due to gradient development. Moreover, reproducibility, separation quality, and the possibility to obtain accurate and reproducible quantitative determination have been significantly improved by using the AMD technique.

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Sorbents and Precoated Layers in Thin-Layer Chromatography Fredric M. Rabel EM Science, Gibbstown, New Jersey, U.S.A.



The scientific work of Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge can be regarded as the beginning of thin-layer chromatography.* In 1850 he described the separation of mixtures of dyestuffs by means of a type of capillary force during development on paper (1). The further development of chromatography was due to the work of the Russian botanist and biochemist Michael S. Tswett, who realized the potential of chromatography for analytical and preparative separations. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Tswett was engaged in the separation of plant pigments in columns containing stationary phases such as calcium carbonate (2), and he assigned the term "chromatography" after the Greek words for "color writing." For many years after, chromatography fell entirely into disuse. It was revived again in the mid-1950s by Egon Stahl, who was the driving force behind thin-layer chromatography (TLC) becoming an important analytical method in modern chemical laboratories. This was achieved by Stahl's fundamental work in developing sorbent materials and equipment for thin-layer chromatography. It culminated in his standard handbook (3), which is still considered a "bible" of silica gel TLC work. Stahl's contacts with the chemical industry resulted in the development of a silica gel with standardized and reproducible properties for homemade thin layers in 1956. The introduction of commercial precoated layers in the mid1960s was first described by Halpaap (4). These advances were followed by continued development of thin layers with unique selectivity and improved separation efficiency. Examples include Precoated layers suitable for high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) Combinations of different sorbents on a single precoated layer Hydrophilic and hydrophobic modifications of bulk TLC sorbents and precoated layers With this brief historical introduction, the sorbents that are commonly used today in thinlayer chromatography are characterized in terms of their physical and chemical parameters as well as by their resulting chromatographic properties in the following sections. *In present linguistic usage the expression "thin-layer chromatography" is used as a generic term for this analytical technique. Here one must distinguish among preparative layer chromatography (PLC), conventional thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC).

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100 II.


From the beginning, most thin-layer chromatography has been performed using sorbents without chemically modified surfaces. Few users today have ever made their own TLC plates, but their predecessors did just that before manufacturers made precoated layers available. Like any physical process, the preparation was not difficult, but it did take practice to do it well. In addition to glass plates, plastic and aluminum sheets are offered as supports for precoated layers. The advantages of these are discussed in Section VII. To stabilize the precoated layers mechanically, special binders are added that do not interfere (or interfere only minimally) with the chromatographic properties. These binders are discussed in Section VI. To increase the possibility of detection, indicators can be mixed homogeneously with sorbents during plate preparation. Various types of silica gel are by far the most versatile and therefore the most frequently used stationary phases in the case of bulk TLC sorbents as well as for application to precoated layers. A.

Silica Gels

Silica gels used in thin-layer chromatography are porous, synthesized materials. Because the chromatographic behavior of silica gels is determined by their chemical and physical properties, it is essential to standardize these parameters for the industrial production of efficient and reproducible thin-layer plates. Investigation over a manufacturing period of 5 years showed that in the case of TLC plates precoated with silica gel 60, the retention data for a chosen test system have maximum relative standard deviations of 2.8%, and separation efficiency data show relative standard deviations of 4.1% (5). Both values are evidence of the very good reproducibility obtained in the manufacture of plates used in modern thin-layer chromatography. 1. Physical and Chemical Properties From a chemical point of view, all silica gels are silicon dioxides. Each silicon atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms in the form of a tetrahedron. At the surface of the silica gel, the free valences of the oxygen are connected either with hydrogen (Si—O—H, silanol groups) or with another silicon atom (Si—O—Si, siloxane groups) (Fig. 1). All silica gels have uniform density of their silanol groups of about 8 /Amole/m2 (6). The silanol groups represent adsorption-active surface centers that are able to interact with sample molecules. This is the main reason silica gels are suitable as stationary phases in chromatography. The ability of the silanol groups to react chemically with appropriate reagents is also used to effect surface modifications (see Sec. III.A). Chromatographic behavior of any TLC sorbent is determined mainly by physical parameters to be discussed. Silica gels used in thin-layer chromatography are porous matrices. This is an important prerequisite for suitability as a carrier in chromatography, because all solute-exchange processes, which are responsible for chromatographic separation, take place at the surface or on the surfaces within the pores. The parameters that serve for the characterization of the pore structure are pore diameter, specific pore volume, and specific surface area. Pore diameter. The pore diameter (D) for a specified silica gel shows a certain distribution. To characterize a defined type of silica gel, the mean pore diameter is indicated. The silica OH


Figure 1 Chemical structure of silica gel.

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gels most frequently used in thin-layer chromatography have mean pore diameters of 4, 6, 8, and 10 nm. The 40, 60, 80, and 100 designations used for these types of silica gels are based on angstrom units, which were customary in former times. The mean pore diameters as well as the pore size distribution can be determined by measurement with a mercury porosimeter (7). Specific pore volume. This parameter gives information about the maximum possible loadability of the silica gel with a liquid stationary phase. Filling of the pores of a chromatographic sorbent with a liquid stationary phase in whole or in part is a prerequisite for liquid-liquid chromatography (partition chromatography, Sec. III.A.3). The measuring unit of the specific pore volume Vp is milliliters per gram of sorbent. The specific pore volume of silica gels used in thin-layer chromatography ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 mL/g. A possible method of determining Vp is the titration method according to Fisher and Mottlau (8). Specific surface area. Because of the constant density of the silanol groups, the specific area is a direct indicator of the adsorption capacity of a silica gel in chromatography (Sec. II.A.2). The specific surface area 5BE;T of silica gel in thin-layer chromatography ranges from 200 to 800 m2/g. A possible method of determination of SBET is based on the measurement of nitrogen adsorption isotherms (9). These three physical parameters that characterize pore structure are mutually dependent. The correlation of these data is specified by Wheeler (10): 4Vp X 104 D[A] = —y~

In combination with the respective chemical properties, the three primary physical parameters determine chromatographic selectivity of the different types of silica gel. To characterize packing structure and separation efficiency of a stationary phase in a chromatographic system, further parameters are necessary. These "secondary" physical parameters are the particle size distribution and the mean particle diameter. Note, too, that the pore diameter (D) and the specific surface area (iSBET) are inversely related. As the pore diameter increases, the specific surface area decreases, as shown in Table 1. This means that there are fewer silanols for interaction or bonding. Although a whole range of pore diameters are found with HPLC packings (60, 100, 300, 500, 1000 A), the most used TLC silicas are those with 60 A pores, with some 40 A or 100 A silicas also used. Particle size distribution. Silica gels for bulk packing (for column chromatography) as well as for precoated layers are produced by (a) grinding rather large granules or (b) impacting these particles against one another. Either method results in irregular particles with a wide particle size distribution. In a chromatographic system, permeability is influenced negatively by proportions of fines, and separation efficiency deteriorates if coarse particles are present. Therefore, the quality of sorbent materials in thin-layer chromatography depends on a narrow particle size distribution, and it is necessary to size the material obtained in the grinding process. Mean particle size. Aside from particle size distribution, the separation efficiency of a chromatographic system is determined mainly by the mean particle size of the stationary phase. If the width of the particle size distribution is comparable, then separation efficiency increases with decreasing mean particle diameter. However, in this case flow properties of a thin-layer chromatographic system deteriorate by slowing down. As a consequence of the facts mentioned, a mean particle size of about 5-6 /urn has proved optimal. This has been realized in the form of the now widespread HPTLC precoated layers. The different mean

Table 1 Typical Silica Gel Pore Sizes and Surface Areas Pore size, A Surface area, m2/g

40 600

60 480

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100 270

150 175

200 130

300 90

500 55

800 45

1000 30


RABEL particle sizes and particle size distributions of the silica gels used for TLC, HPTLC, and preparative layer chromatography (PLC) precoated layers are shown in Fig. 2. Methods for determining particle sizes include counting particles, sedimentation, sieve analysis, sifting, and diffraction of light (11,12).

In addition to the performance reasons for a particular particle size distribution, the distribution can be changed by manufacturers to give a more easily made thicker or thinner layer. With these special particle size distributions (along with the correct binder and its concentration), an evenly coated, reproducible layer of a given thickness can be produced that will not crack or distort after being manufactured or during use. A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of a typical thin-layer chromatographic plate is shown in Fig. 3. An HPTLC plate would look much the same, but the particles would be smaller and the layer would be thinner. Most TLC plates used for analytical work are made with a layer thickness of 0.25 mm. Analytical HPTLC plates are made with layer thicknesses of 0.2 or 0.1 mm, depending on their application. 2.

Adsorption Chromatography

In the case of unmodified silica gels, adsorption of the test substances by the stationary phase is the decisive retention mechanism for chromatographic separation. Selective interactions of the sample molecules to be separated take place at the active surface centers of the silica gel. Forces that affect interactions include hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, and electrostatic interactions. The intensity of these forces depends on three factors: 1.

The number of effective silanol groups. The intensity of adsorptive interactions is directly proportional to the specific surface area because the density of the silanol groups is constant for all types of silica gels. Therefore, silica gel with 40 and 60 A pores, with very high specific surface areas as discussed above, are particularly suitable for adsorption chromatography. In this connection, the influence of humidity on the behavior of silica gels in adsorption chromatography has to be mentioned (see Sec. II.B.2).



Figure 2 Typical particle size distributions of silica gels in thin-layer chromatography determined with a Coulter Multisizer AccuComp.

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Figure 3 Scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of a typical thin-layer chromatographic plate.



The chemical structure of the sample molecules to be separated. Polar functional groups or groups that can be polarized lead to increased interaction with the active surface, resulting in increased retention. The more polar these groups are, the greater the retention. In the absorption mode, the compounds that have greater retention always have a greater polarity. Likewise, the metabolites of drugs (which are oxidized during metabolism) are always retained longer than the parent compound in the absorption mode when a silica gel plate is used. The elution strength of the mobile phase. Retention decreases with increasing solubility of sample molecules in the mobile phase. Halpaap (13) arranged the organic solvents most frequently used in thin-layer chromatography according to increasing elution strength with reference to silica gel as the stationary phase. The polarity of the mobile phases used is low compared with the polarity of the surface-active silanol groups. A large number of different substance classes have been separated in thin-layer chromatography by means of adsorption chromatography. A selection of some important representatives of these substance groups is listed in Table 2.

3. Partition Chromatography Silica gel also can act as a support for a liquid stationary phase. In this liquid-liquid or partition chromatography, selective retention of the sample molecules to be separated results from their differential solubility in the liquid acting as stationary or mobile phase (see Sec. II.A.I). Retention of sample substances in the ideal case of partition chromatography (i.e., no adsorptive interactions with the support) is influenced only by the following factors: Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



Table 2 Applications on Silica Gel in Adsorption Chromatography Substance class Aflatoxins Alkaloids Antibiotics Antihistamines Antihypertensive drugs Antitubercular drugs Antiulcer drugs Benzodiazepines Fatty acids Laxatives Lipids Mycotoxins Pesticides Steroids Sulfonamides Vitamins

Reference 14-16 17 18,19 20 21 22 23,24 25,26 27 28 29-31 14,32 33,34 35,36 37 38

1. The chemical nature of the liquid stationary phase. Retention increases with increasing solubility of sample molecules in this phase. 2. The volume of the stationary phase that is applied into the pores of the support. The maximum possible volume is limited by the specific pore volume of the matrix. Therefore, silica gels 60 and 100, with their large specific pore volumes, are especially suitable as supports for partition chromatography. 3. The chemical structure of the sample molecules. Strength of retention increases with increasing mutual solubility of the sample and liquid stationary phase, that is, with increasing chemical similarity of the two compounds. 4. The composition of the mobile phase. For a given liquid stationary phase, retention decreases with increasing solubility of the sample molecules in the mobile phase. The different probabilities of the sample molecules dissolving in the mobile or stationary phase are expressed by the respective partition coefficients. Loading of the support with liquid stationary phase can take place in two different ways: 1.


By impregnation before chromatographic development. The support is impregnated with a solution of the liquid stationary phase by either dipping or spraying, and subsequently the solvent is evaporated. Dipping has the advantages of exactly defined loading of the support with stationary phase up to complete filling of the pores and of being more reproducible. Furthermore, in this case the composition and the film thickness of the liquid stationary phase are constant over the entire migration distance. By self-adjusting impregnation during chromatographic development. During development with a solvent mixture, a liquid stationary phase is formed within the pores of silica gel, which changes in composition and amount of the liquid stationary phase along the direction of development. In effect, a gradient is formed, with greater amounts at the origin and lesser amounts near the solvent front. The formation of such a gradient is a particularity of thin-layer chromatography, because solvent is being introduced into a dry sorbent matrix. It can be attributed to differences in the affinities of the solvent components for the surface silanols of the silica gel.

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Table 3 lists some important substance classes that have been separated on silica gel by partition chromatography. In reality, pure adsorption or partition retention mechanisms ordinarily do not occur. On the contrary, in many cases a combination of both retention mechanisms is operative. To increase selectivity, adsorption and partition can be applied not only simultaneously but also in a controlled way, one after the other, in what is called "multidimensional chromatography." B. Aluminas The use of aluminas as stationary phases or supports for liquid stationary phases in thin-layer chromatography is of importance for some fields of application, but it is less widespread than the use of silica gels. 1. Physical and Chemical Properties Aluminas used in thin-layer chromatography have the formula A12O3. Surface-active centers of these types of alumina are hydroxyl groups and oxide ions (O2~) (60). The average density of hydroxyl groups of the aluminas is about 13 /xmole/m2 (61). Chromatographic properties of alumina are also influenced by the adjusted pH value. Three ranges of pH values have proved suitable: aluminas with pH values of 9.0-10.0 are designated as "basic"; "neutral" in this connection means pH 7.0-8.0; and "acid" aluminas have pH values of about 4.0-4.5. A number of physical parameters are necessary to standardize chromatographic properties of aluminas in thin-layer chromatography. Because these aluminas are porous materials, the parameters characterize the pore structure and specific surface area. The values of pore diameters, specific surface areas, and pore volumes of aluminas most frequently used in thin-layer chromatography are listed in Table 4. As with silica gels, the chromatographic separation efficiency of aluminas is determined by the mean particle size and the particle size distribution. The respective numerical values are of the same order of magnitude as in the case of silica gels for TLC and PLC. Methods of measurement for these parameters are identical with those described in Section III.A.I. 2. Adsorption Chromatography The majority of applications of aluminas as sorbents in thin-layer chromatography are based on adsorption mechanisms. Aluminas 60 and 90, with their large specific surface areas, are the most

Table 3 Applications on Silica Gel in Partition Chromatography Substance class


Aflatoxins Alkaloids Antibiotics Carbohydrates Glycosides Lipids Nucleotides Peptides Pesticides Phenols Steroids Sulfonamides Sweeteners Tetracyclines

39 40,41 42,43 44-46 47 48,49 50 51 52 53 54,55 56,57 58 59

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Table 4 Parameters of Alumina Pore Structure Type of alumina 60 (Type E) 90 150 (Type T)

Pore diameter (nm)

Specific surface area (m2/g)

Pore volume (mL/g)

6 9

180-200 100-130

0.3 0.25




suitable types for this purpose. Retention of sample molecules by adsorption on aluminas is influenced not only by the type of sorbent but also by the effect of humidity in a non-negligible way. Because of the high density of hydroxyl groups, aluminas tend to adsorb water molecules from the surrounding atmosphere and thereby become deactivated. Without due note being taken of this property of aluminas, reproducibility of analytical results can be affected. Some typical applications of aluminas in adsorption thin-layer chromatography are listed in Table 5. 3. Partition Chromatography Aluminas are not used widely as supports for liquid stationary phases. As with silica gels in partition chromatography, aluminas with larger pores, such as A12O3 150, are preferred for this purpose. Examples of partition chromatographic mechanisms on alumina are the separations of diterpenes (68) and water-soluble vitamins (69). C.

Inert Silicon Dioxides

A series of sorbents that are used exclusively in partition chromatography are various wide-pore silicas. They are distinguished by having a very low specific surface area. Therefore, in partition chromatography almost no adsorption interactions contribute to the selective retention of the solutes. Natural products (diatomaceous earth, commonly known as kieselguhr) as well as synthetic silicon dioxides (silica 50,000) are employed to prepare these TLC phases. 1. Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous earth (kieselguhr) is found in natural deposits. It consists mainly of the skeletons of dead diatoms. The composition of diatomaceous earth is dependent on its origin and on the cleaning process carried out before its use in chromatography. An average of 90% of the diatomaceous earth matrix consists of SiO2. The remaining 10% consists of A12O3, Fe2O3, MgO, Na2O, K2O, CaO, and TiO2 in various proportions. Depending on the batch, secondary by-products may influence the chromatographic behavior of the diatomaceous earths. This means that the reproducibility of the results obtained on such materials cannot be guaranteed in all cases. Because diatomaceous earths have a natural origin, parameters determining the chromatographic properties can be declared only as ranges: medium pore size varies from 1000 to 10,000 nm (very large pores), and an average pore volume of 1-3 mL/g demonstrates the high porosity of the system.

Table 5 Applications on Layers of Alumina in Adsorption Chromatography Substance class


Alkaloids Carbohydrates Flavonoids Inorganic ions Pesticides

62,63 64 65 66 67

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Surface areas in the range of 1-5 m2/g show that the diatomaceous earths are materials with a very low surface activity. Diatomaceous earths are used, for example, for the separation of anthraquinone derivatives (70), herbicides (71), phenolic compounds (72), tetracyclines (73), and vitamins (74) in a partition chromatographic mode. Diatomaceous earths in thin-layer chromatography are not used only in their pure form; mixtures with surface-active silicas are also available. These mixed layers have a smaller adsorption capacity than pure surface-active silicas. The speed of chromatographic development with these mixed layers is very high. The separation of sugars (75) demonstrates that these layers can also be used successfully in partition chromatography. 2. Silica 50,000 An ideal carrier material for partition chromatography should have the following properties: 1. The sorbent must be only the support for the liquid stationary phase. There should be no retention of the samples by interaction with the carrier material. 2. The chemical composition and the physical parameters describing the structure have to be defined clearly and manufactured in a reproducible way. Diatomaceous earth found in natural deposits fulfills these requirements only to some extent (see Sec. III.C.I). In particular, with regard to reproducibility and optimization of the structure parameters, it is obviously desirable to produce a synthetic material that is comparable with diatomaceous earths. Therefore, the development of a silicon dioxide named silica 50,000 was undertaken. This material consists of 100% SiO2 with a mean pore size of 5000 nm, a pore volume of around 0.6 mL/g, and a specific surface area of approximately 0.5 m2/g. Silica 50,000 is available commercially as a precoated layer. The mean particle size and the particle size distribution correspond to HPTLC quality. Typical applications of this wide-pore material in partition chromatography are separations of amino acids (76), carbohydrates (77-79), and digitalis glycosides (80). Diatomaceous earths and silica 50,000 are used not only in thin-layer chromatography as carriers for the partition chromatographic process, but also as inert sorbents for the so-called concentrating zone in front of the separation layer (see Sec. IV). D.


Celluloses are used in paper and in thin-layer chromatography as organic stationary phases. In contrast to paper chromatography, where cellulose is applied as a self-supporting layer, in thinlayer chromatography the cellulose particles are classified and spread as layers on glass, aluminum, or plastic supports. As a result, cellulose layers can be produced in different qualities up to precoated layers for HPTLC. In general, celluloses used for chromatography are composed of long chains of /3-glucopyranose units, which are connected to one another at the 1,4 positions. In thin-layer chromatography two types of celluloses are distinguished (81): 1. Native cellulose has a degree of polymerization of 400-500 glucose units and a fibrous structure. The length of the fibers is in the range of 2-20 /am, and the specific surface area measures around 2 m2/g. 2. Microcrystalline cellulose consists of an average of 40-200 glucose units. The lower degree of polymerization of microcrystalline cellulose compared with that of native cellulose results from the process of synthesis: The amorphous parts of highly pure native cellulose are dissolved by acid hydrolysis. After this cleaning process, the residual cellulose forms rodshaped crystalline aggregates. The specific surface area is comparable to that of native cellulose. Like silica gel, microcrystalline cellulose is available not only as bulk TLC material for selfcoating plates but also as industrially produced precoated layers for conventional thin-layer chromatography, high-performance thin-layer chromatography, and preparative layer chromatography. With regard to the different morphologies of the particles, particle size distributions and mean particle sizes are in ranges comparable to those of silica. Because both types of cellulose used in

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thin-layer chromatography have a low specific surface area, they are applied mainly in partition chromatography, especially for the separation of relatively polar compounds. Often cellulose thin layers need no binders because of the strong hydrogen bonding of the cellulose hydroxyl groups with the supports used. Care must be exercised in the preparation of cellulose layers, because the slurry needs to be mixed carefully so as not to break the fibers, which would give a much more slowly running TLC plate. Separations on cellulose of some important substance classes are listed in Table 6.

E. Polyamides Another organic sorption material for thin-layer chromatography is polyamide. In contrast to celluloses, polyamides are synthetic organic resins. Two types of polyamides are used: polyamide 6 and polyamide 11. Polyamide 6 consists of a polymeric caprolactam, whereas polyamide 11 is a polyundecanamide. Polyamides are synthesized as coarse granules. To get a particle size distribution suitable for thin-layer chromatography, two different techniques are applied: (a) grinding at low temperature and (b) temperature-programmed precipitation after dissolution of the granules. Both types of polyamides for thin-layer chromatography are available as bulk TLC materials and as precoated layers on various supports (glass, plastic, aluminum). The particle sizes are in the same ranges as those of other sorbents. Polyamides are applied for the separation of polar compounds, which are able to interact with the amide group by hydrogen bonding because of their molecular structure. This is why substance groups such as amino acids and derivatives (96,97), benzodiazepines (98), carboxylic acids (99), cyclodextrins (100), fatty acids (101), flavonoids (65), food preservatives (102), and peptides (103) can be separated on polyamide TLC layers. A special application for polyamide layers is the separation of isomeric compounds with the addition of cyclodextrins to the eluent (104).

F. Sephadex Sephadex materials used in thin-layer chromatography are cross-linked, polymeric dextran gels. Some physical and chromatographic properties of these Sephadex gels are listed in Table 7. Sephadex gels are available in four particle size distributions:

Coarse Medium Fine Superfine

100-300 /mi 50-150 /mi 20-80 /mi 10-40 /Am

These data refer to the dry gel. Only the superfine fraction is suitable for application in thin-layer chromatography. The hydrophilic Sephadex gels can be applied only in a totally swollen condition as chromatographic sorbents. Because they are used only in size-exclusion chromatography, Sephadex materials in thin-layer chromatography have to be applied with the aid of continuous development techniques. A typical application of size-exclusion thin-layer chromatography on Sephadex gels is the fast and simple determination of molecular weights of proteins (105). III.



Chemically Modified Sorbents

One of the most important factors in achieving a successful separation is the correct combination of solvent and sorbent. Innumerable solvent combinations are possible in TLC, but the sorbent need not only be silica gel. For many years, silica gel, and to a lesser extent aluminum oxide and cellulose, were the only sorbents available for making a TLC plate. However, an ever-expanding choice of sorbents and their unique selectivities became available when modifications began to

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Table 6 Applications on Cellulose Layers in Partition Chromatography Substance class


Amines Amino acids Antibiotics Artificial sweeteners Carbohydrates Catechols Flavonoids Peptides Polyaromatic hydrocarbons

82,83 84,85 86,87 88 89,90 91 92 93,94 95

be made on silica gel by way of siloxane bonding. The advantages of these chemical derivatizations are 1. 2.

Phase stability (no bleeding of the stationary phase during the chromatographic process, which is a problem with coated phases) The possibility of applying other retention mechanisms to the chromatographic separation process

In recent years, the importance of surface-modified sorbents in thin-layer chromatography has increased continuously, although their market share cannot be compared with that of the corresponding packings in column liquid chromatography. The reason for this is most probably that most people are not developing new TLC methods but are only using existing ones that were developed on plain silica gel layers. 1. Hydrophobic Modified Phases (RP Phases) The unmodified sorbents discussed thus far exhibit polar surface characteristics. However, many chromatographic separation problems can be solved by using hydrophobic interactions of a stationary phase with compounds of appropriate molecular structure. Sorbents that are suitable for this task are the so-called reversed-phase (RP) materials. In this connection, "reversed phase" means that the relative polarities of the stationary and mobile phase are reversed compared with the situation in adsorption chromatography described earlier; i.e., the stationary reversed phase is less polar than the mobile phase. The specific properties of hydrophobic modified sorbents in thin-layer chromatography can be adjusted by two parameters: (a) the character of the alkyl or

Table 7 Types of Sephadex® Used in Thin-Layer Chromatography and Their Properties


G-25 G-50 G-75 G-100 G-200

Capacity for adsorption of water (mL/g) 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 20.0

± ± ± ± ±

0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0

Source: Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden.

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Fractionating range for dextrans: molecular weight (Da) 100-5,000 500-10,000 1,000-50,000 5,000-100,000 5,000-200,000



aryl residue chemically bonded to the silanol (Si—O—H) groups within the silica gel matrix and (b) the degree of modification. The most common matrix for hydrophobic modified sorbents used in thin-layer chromatography is porous silica. The most commonly used material is silica gel with 6 nm pores. Reversedphase TLC sorbents are available both in bulk and as precoated layers with various mean particle sizes and particle size distributions for quantitative (high-performance), qualitative, and preparative layer chromatography. The most popular organofunctional groups are methyl (RP-2), octyl (RP-8), dodecyl (RP-12), octadecyl (RP-18), and phenyl residues. Chemical bonding to the silica gel matrix occurs when the accessible silanol groups react with silanes that contain the hydrophobic substituent to form new siloxane groups. The hydrophobic character of these alkyl groups increases from RP-2 to RP-18. In this series, too, as the chain length increases, fewer silanols are bonded because of steric hindrance. The percent carbon by weight increases from RP-2 to RP18, but the coverage of the silanols decreases. The hydrophobic character of an RP-TLC sorbent is determined not only by the type of hydrophobic residues but also by their surface density. With identical substituents, the hydrophobic character of RP materials increases with increasing degree of modification. The extent of hydrophobicity plays an important role in thin-layer chromatography because 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mainly aqueous mobile phases are used. The transport of mobile phase in thin-layer chromatography occurs by capillary forces. The capillary forces can act only when the surface of the capillaries is wetted by the mobile phase. If the hydrophobic character of the stationary phase is strong and if the repulsive forces are higher than the capillary forces, transport of mobile phases with high water content is hindered greatly or, in the extreme, is not possible in the layer.

To overcome the repulsive forces and to enforce the transport of eluent in thin-layer chromatography, an external force (pressure), similar to that in HPLC, can be applied. The corresponding technique is called overpressured TLC (OPLC) (106). To carry out RP thin-layer chromatography with solvent systems containing high amounts of water without requiring expensive OPLC apparatus, another way to solve this problem is possible: A compromise between the great hydrophobicity of a totally modified reversed phase and the strong hydrophilic character of unmodified silica must be found. Such a material has to show clear RP characteristics, but development even with pure water as the mobile phase should be possible. This can be accomplished by partial modification of the silica and retention of a residual number of silanol groups. Figure 3 demonstrates the dependence of the migration characteristics on the water content of the eluent in the case of HPTLC RP-18 precoated plates with high or partial modification. Figure 4 shows that highly modified RP layers can be developed with eluents consisting of acetone and water up to a maximum water content of approximately 60% by volume. In contrast to these plates, partially modified RP layers can be used in this phase system with all eluent compositions, including pure water. The times of development of the partially modified plates pass through a maximum at an eluent composition in the range of 40% acetone. The explanation of this phenomenon is that the binder fixing the sorbent on the glass plates shows an exceptionally strong swelling at this eluent composition. The eluent system acetone-water has a maximum of viscosity in this range of composition. In addition to these differences in migration characteristics, reversed phases with different degrees of modification show different retention properties using identical mobile phases. Figure 4 shows the separation of some stilbestrol derivatives on totally and partially modified RP-18 precoated layers. Figure 5 demonstrates in an impressive way that the retention of the partially modified RP18 layer is less pronounced (Fig. 5a) than that of the totally modified layer (Fig. 5b). Because of the hydrophobic interactions that effect the separation in an RP system, this separation mechanism is suitable for sample molecules that are relatively nonpolar or possess hydrophobic molecular segments. Typical applications in this field are illustrated in Table 8. A few manufacturers make these plates commercially, usually designating them with a "W" or "Aqua" somewhere in the Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



t (min) 70













Figure 4 Dependence of the migration times of RP precoated plates on different degrees of modification. ( ) HPTLC precoated plate RP-18 F254s; (---) HPTLC precoated plate RP-18W F254s. Eluent: Acetone-water (0:100) to (100:0). Migration distance 7 cm. Normal chamber without saturation.

name or description to describe their compatibility with high or pure water mobile phases (developing solvents). An area into which many TLC users have wanted to go is the separation of ionic species in the reversed phase as is done often in HPLC. To accomplish this, because the bonded phases absorb un-ionized species best to give more perfectly shaped spots, ion formation must be suppressed. Thus, if the compounds are ionized carboxylic acids, then the developing solvent has to be acidified with acetic or phosphoric acid (only 1-2% by volume in the developing solvent is necessary). Conversely, if the compounds to be separated are amines, then the developing solvent has to be made basic with ammonium hydroxide. Everyone who performs TLC is familiar with adding a small amount of glacial acetic acid or ammonium hydroxide if tailing is seen. This tailing is the result of the ionization of the ionic groups as discussed above. If the ionic groups on the compounds are strong, then simple ion suppression does not work. With the aid of so-called ion-pair chromatography, it is possible to selectively retain these more polar ionizing compounds. According to this mechanism, charged polar sample molecules form salts with oppositely charged reaction partners (ions) containing hydrophobic substituents. Because of their nonpolar character, the ion pair formed can interact in a selective way with reversed phases. Applications for ion-pair chromatography in re versed-phase thin-layer chromatography

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_J 5cm

Figure 5 Separation of stilbestrol derivatives on RP precoated plates with different degrees of modification, (a) HPTLC precoated plate with RP-18W F254s; (b) HPTLC precoated plate with RP-18 F254s. Eluent: Methanol-water (80:20). Migration distance 5 cm. Normal chamber without saturation. Compounds: 1, Diethylstilbestrol-dimethyl ether; 2, diethylstilbestrol-monomethyl ether; 3, diethylstilbestrol (all 0.1%). Application volume 200 nL. Detection by in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Camag) at 254 nm.

include the separation of antibiotics (132), antihistamines (133), antiarrhythmics (134), and pharmaceuticals (135,136). The use of this newer TLC technique is the topic of a number of papers (137—140). These should be consulted to learn the important details of carrying out ion-pair reversed-phase TLC separations.

Table 8 Applications on Reversed-Phase Precoated Layers Substance class


Amides Amines Amino acids Antibiotics Antioxidants Fatty acids Peptides Pharmaceuticals Phenols PAHs Pesticides Steroids Vitamins

107,108 109 110,111 112,113 114,115 116,117 118 119-121 122,123 124-126 127 128-130 131

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2. Hydrophilic Modified Precoated Layers The gap of selectivity between the extremely hydrophilic unmodified silica and the nonpolar RP materials is bridged by the hydrophilic modified silicas. These phases show many advantages in their application: Extended range of selectivity Graduated surface polarity Possibility of using different retention mechanisms Less influence of the vapor phase on retention behavior and therefore better reproducibility The hydrophilic modified stationary phases developed so far for thin-layer chromatography possess amino, cyano, and diol residues as functional groups. In each case, polar functional groups are bonded via short-chain nonpolar spacers to the silica matrix. Because of this mixed character of the bonded phase, often both a straight- or normal-phase and a reversed-phase retention mechanism can be invoked on such stationary phases by simple modification of the mobile-phase components. a. Amino-Modified Precoated Silica Layers. In the case of the NH2-modified precoated layers, the amino group is bonded via a propyl group as a spacer onto the silica gel. Besides their use in normal- and reversed-phase retention mechanisms, a further possibility is application in ion-exchange chromatography. This special use is described in Section III.A.3. Typical applications with amino-modified precoated layers used in normal- or reversed-phase mechanisms are, among others, separations of alkaloids (141), antibiotics (142), basic drugs (143), cannabinols (144), carbohydrates (145), pesticides (146), phenols (147,148), and steroids (149). A special feature of the application of NH2-precoated layers is the fact that a large number of sample substances (such as carbohydrates and catecholamines) can be converted into stable fluorescing compounds without the need to apply a detection reagent. After development, this is accomplished by simply heating these types of compounds on the NH2-bonded plate (150-153). b. Cyano-Modifed Precoated Silica Layers. A further medium-polarity surface modification based on silica is achieved by reacting the silanol groups of the matrix with a cyanopropylsubstituted silane. The cyanopropyl group is built up from a nonpolar part (alkyl chain) and a polar residue (cyano group). Therefore, different retention mechanisms can be used on a layer with such a surface modification. For a certain separation problem, the use of a CN-modified layer in both normal-phase and RP systems can be successful. An example confirming this fact is the separation of some progesterones as shown in Fig. 6. Both chromatograms in this figure show clearly that not only a very nonpolar eluent (Fig. 6a), which causes a normal-phase mechanism, but also a very polar mobile phase (Fig. 6b), and therefore an RP system, can be used. With both mechanisms, comparably good separations of the four progesterones are achieved, but the sequence of retention is reversed. A combination of both retention mechanisms in the form of two-dimensional HPTLC on a cyano plate can be used, e.g., for the separation of sulfonamides (56). Important substance classes that have been separated on cyano plates are listed in Table 9. c. Diol-Modified Precoated Silica Layers. The latest development in the field of hydrophilic modified silica gel precoated layers is the reaction of the silica matrix with a silane derived from glycerol (which leaves two remaining hydroxyl groups). The functional groups at the surface of the diol plates are alcoholic hydroxyl residues, and in the case of nonmodified silica gels the active sites are silanol groups. Therefore, the chromatographic behavior of the two types of plates show a certain similarity because identical retention mechanisms occur but with different selectivities. A further difference between the silanol groups and the diol modification results in a differing affinity for water. In chromatographic practice, this is the reason for a clearly stronger influence of the relative humidity of the vapor phase on the retention in the case of silica compared to a diol phase. Figure 7 shows the differences in retention at two different relative humidities in the separation of some oligophenylenes using diol and silica gel precoated layers as stationary phases. The same substance sequence of the m-oligophenylenes in both cases is evidence of the occurrence of identical reten-

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J 7 cm

Figure 6 Separation of progesterones. HPTLC precoated plate CN F254s. (a) Normal-phase system. Petroleum ether (40-60°C)-acetone (80:20). (b) reversed-phase system: Acetone-water (60:40). Migration distance 7 cm. Normal chamber without saturation. Compounds: 7, 16-Methyleneprednisolone; 2, lla-hydroxypregesterone; 3, progesterone; 4, pregnadienolone acetate (all 0.1%). Application volume 200 nL. Detection by in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Camag) at 254 nm.

tion mechanisms. For the two humidities investigated, the retention on silica gel is more pronounced than on the diol phase. These differences in retention are caused by different activities of the surface centers. Moreover, it follows that differences of water content in the vapor phase influence the position of substances in the chromatogram to a greater extent in the case of silica gel layers. An especially pronounced selectivity of the diol-modified precoated layers exists for steroids. An example of this is the separation of some anabolic agents as shown in Fig. 8. Vicinal diol groups are fixed to the silica gel matrix by a quite nonpolar spacer. Therefore, an RP mechanism

Table 9 Applications on Cyano-Modified Layers Substance class Anilines/phenols Analgesics Carotenoids Flavonoids/flavones Nitrosamines Nucleotides/nucleobases Pesticides Phenols Plant extracts Quinolones

Reference 148 154 155 156 157 158 159 160,161 162 163

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1O cm





silica gel

Figure 7 Influences of relative humidity on the retention and resolution of some m-oligophenylenes on silica gel and diol precoated plates. Plates: HPTLC precoated plate diol F254s; HPTLC precoated plate silica gel 60 F254s. Eluent cyclohexane. Preconditioning at (a) 20% relative humidity; (b) 80% relative humidity. Camag Vario KS chamber. Migration distance 10 cm. Compounds: 7, m-Quinquephenyl; 2, m-quaterphenyl; 3, m-terphenyl; 4, biphenyl (all 0.1%). Application volume 600 nL. Detection by in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Camag) at 254 nm.

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Figure 8 Separation of anabolic compounds. Plate: HPTLC precoated plate diol F254s. Eluent: Diisopropyl ether-glacial acetic acid (100:1). Migration distance 7 cm. Normal chamber without saturation. Compounds: 1, 19-Nortestosterone; 2, medroxyprogesterone; 3, progesterone; 4, a-dienestrol (all 0.1%). Application volume 300 nL. Detection by spray reagent MnCl2-sulfuric acid with heating to 100°C for 5 min; in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Camag) at 366 nm.

on diol-precoated layers is also possible when polar solvent systems are used. Further fields of application of the diol-precoated layers are listed in Table 10. The order of polarity of the hydrophilic surface modifications discussed in the previous section is illustrated in Fig. 9. From the separation of steroids shown, it is obvious that in normal-phase chromatography (Fig. 9a) as well as with an RP mechanism (Fig. 9b), the polarity decreases from the amino to diol to cyano modification.

Table 10 Applications on Diol-Modified Layers Substance class


Analgesics Carbohydrates Conjugates Flavors/spices Phenolic acids Phenols Plant extracts

164 165 166 167,168 147,169 148 170

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Figure 9 The influence of different hydrophilic modifications on Rf values of steroids. Plates: HPTLC precoated plate NH2 F254s, diol F254s, CN F254s. Eluents: (a) Normal-phase system, petroleum ether (40-60°C)-acetone (80:20). (b) Reversed-phase system, acetone-water (60:40). Migration distance 7 cm. Normal chamber without saturation. Compounds: (•) Cortisone; (A) corticosterone; (•) cortexone. Detection at 254 nm.

3. Sorbents and Precoated Layers for Ion-Exchange Chromatography The ion-exchange mechanism has only minor importance in TLC. With the advent of genetic engineering, the possibility of a re-evaluation of this mode seems possible. At present, silica gels, celluloses, and organic polymers are used as matrices for functional groups suitable for performing ion-exchange separations. a. Amino-Modified Precoated Silica Layers. The ammo-modified precoated layer discussed in Section III.A.2 is not only suitable in normal-phase and RP chromatography, it can also act as a weakly basic anion exchanger. In this special case, the functional groups of the stationary phase, present in the —NH^ form, show interactions that are different in strength with differently charged anions. Therefore, it is possible to influence the intensity of retention in a definite way by varying the concentration of an added salt, i.e., varying the ionic strength of the mobile phase. A typical example of the use of an NH2-modified precoated layer in ion-exchange chromatography is shown in Fig. 10. In this example, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) with a charge of —4 has the greatest retention (lowest Rf value). Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (—3) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) (—2) show increasingly higher Rf values. The noncharged nucleoside adenosine is eluted with the solvent front. Further areas of application besides the nucleotides include, e.g., carboxylic and sulfonic acids (171). b. Modified Celluloses. Cellulose, described in Section I.D, was the first sorbent in thinlayer chromatography to be used for ion-exchange mechanisms after suitable modifications or impregnations (172). Functional groups used for chemical modification of celluloses are the following:

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Figure 10 Separation of adenosine phosphates. Plate: HPTLC precoated plate NH2 F254s. Eluent: Methanol-water (30:70) with addition of 0.2 mol/L NaCl. Migration distance 5 cm. Normal chamber without saturation. Compounds: 7, ATP; 2, ADP; 3, AMP; 4, adenosine (all 0.1%). Application volume 200 nL. Detection by in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Carnag) at 254 nm.

AE (aminoethyl) CM (carboxymethyl) DEAE (diethylaminoethyl) ECTEOLA (product from reaction of epichlorohydrin, triethanolamine, and alkali cellulose) P (phosphate) PAB (4-aminobenzyl) Besides these chemically bonded residues, it is possible to form stationary phases for ionexchange chromatography based on cellulose by impregnation. Examples of this are the polyethylene imine (PEI) and the polyphosphate (poly-P) celluloses. The cellulose exchangers discussed here have to be distinguished on the basis of their use for an anion- or cation-exchange mechanism. Suitable for the separation of negatively charged ions are the basic AE, DEAE, ECTEOLA, PAB, and PEI celluloses. The acidic CM, P, and poly-P celluloses are used for the resolution of cations. Some typical applications of cellulose ion exchangers in thin-layer chromatography are listed in Table 11. c. Polymer-Based Ion Exchangers. A typical matrix for ion exchangers based on organic resins is polystyrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene. In thin-layer chromatography, Fixion 2X8, Dowex I-X8, and Ionex-25 S Bac are used as strong basic anion exchangers. Suitable strong acidic cation exchangers containing a sulfonic acid residue are, e.g., Fixion 50X8, Dowex 50WX8, and Ionex-25 SA-Na. For improvement of the mechanical and chromatographic properties of the precoated layers, silica gel or cellulose is added. For higher stability, the polymer-based ion exchangers are delivered in their Na+ or acetate form. Before they are used in thin-layer chromatography, the exchangers can be converted into the H+ or OH" form by a suitable equilibration step. Some examples of charged substances separated with the aid of polymer-based ion exchangers in thin-layer chromatography are amino acids (188), amino sugars (189), antibiotics (190), inorganic ions (191), nucleotides (192), organic acids (193), and pharmaceuticals (194).

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Table 11 Applications on Cellulose Ion Exchangers Type of ion exchanger

Substance class DNA adducts DNA and RNA fragments Dyes for foods Inorganic ions Nucleotide adducts Steroids





177 178


179-183 184-186



The mobile phases used for all of these ion exchangers are aqueous buffers. Care is given to ensure that the buffers are made correctly and of suitable concentration to prevent pH drift (and irreproducible results). Sometimes up to 10% of an alcohol can be added to improve spot quality and separation or to decrease viscosity to speed the development times. B.

Impregnated Layers

Besides the possibility of changing the selectivity of sorbents by chemical modification, improvement of selectivity can also be achieved by impregnating the matrix with suitable organic or inorganic substances (physisorption). The two possible methods for impregnating the sorbent (already described in Sec. II.A.3) are (a) prechromatographic impregnation of the porous matrix and (b) formation of a liquid stationary phase during the chromatographic development (with a suitable multicomponent system). Only the first of these methods ensures that the stationary phase will be well defined with respect to both qualitative and quantitative composition. This is true both for adding the impregnating agent to the suspension before plate preparation and for impregnating the precoated layer with an appropriate solution containing the liquid stationary phase. Impregnating agents frequently used in thin-layer chromatography can be divided into the following groups, depending on the nature of the interaction with the substances to be separated: 1. Nonpolar liquids that are able to form a liquid stationary phase for a partition chromatographic RP system that is independent of the matrix used. For this purpose, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons (paraffins, squalene), silicon oils, and plant oils have most often been used. Characteristic fields of applications of such hydrophobic impregnated layers are listed in Table 12. 2. Impregnating agents that are able to form complexes with the sample molecules to be separated. Examples include organic substances that are able to act as ligands in a complexformation process, such as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). These substances can be used

Table 12 Applications on Nonpolar Impregnated Layers Substance class


Antibiotics Nitrophenols Peptides Pesticides Phenols Pigments Steroids

195-198 199 200 201,202 203 204 205

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to separate antibiotics (206,207), metal ions (208,209), and phospholipids (210). A variation of this method is the impregnation of layers with metal ions that act as central atoms. For example, thin-layer plates impregnated with cadmium, copper, zinc, or manganese salts have been used to separate amino acids (211), aromatic amines (212), humic acids (213), peptides (214), phenolics (215), and sulfonamides (216). Also, thin-layer plates can be impregnated with various organic compounds such as salicylic acid, syringic acid, o-phthalic acid, and phenolic acids to separate various metal ions such as Cu 2 r , Fe 3 ^, Hg + , Pb + , and Ni+ (217-219). Impregnation with silver nitrate is especially important in this connection. The Ag+ ions are able to form complexes with vr systems. In this way, selectivity is achieved with respect to the number, position, and geometry of double bonds. This property is used to separate fatty acid derivatives (220,221), lipids (222224), and steroids (225-227). 3. Impregnating agents that are able to form charge transfer complexes. An example is HPTLC precoated silica gel 60 plates impregnated with caffeine, which was introduced in 1994. This stationary phase is especially suitable for the separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (228-231). 4. Substances that lead to the adjustment of pH values. In general, acidified carriers are very useful for the separation of aromatic amines (232), aromatic compounds (233), and phenolics (234). Sorbents with alkaline pH values can be used for separations of basic compounds and amines (235,236). 5. Impregnating agents that lead to a defined change in the solubility of the analytes in the liquid stationary phase. For this purpose, formamide and ammonium sulfate are frequently used for directed modification of partition coefficients. Impregnation with formamide has been described, e.g., for the separation of alkaloids (237), digitalis glycosides (238), and nitrophenols (239). A typical field of application of ammonium sulfate-treated layers is the separation of lipids, and, above all, of phospholipids (240-242). The impregnating agents mentioned are only a few of the possibilities for easily and inexpensively adjusting selectivity in a thin-layer chromatographic system.

C. Precoated Layers for Enantiomeric Separation Only one or two bonded chiral stationary phases for TLC enantiomeric separation have been developed and are commercially available. This is unlike the many bonded chiral stationary phases now available in HPLC columns. The difference is that the HPLC columns can be used for hundreds of samples before having to be replaced. Such bonding for one-time-use TLC prepared plates would be prohibitively costly. Most chiral separations need maximum efficiency for distinct resolution. To achieve such efficiency and high resolution with TLC, HPTLC plates have to be used. Separation is enhanced, too, with sample banding (so sample streaks are obtained, not spots) and multiple development (redeveloping the dried TLC plate for a second or third time—the TLC version of recycle chromatography). The separation principle used for the only commercial chiral TLC plate is based on a ligandexchange mechanism. The plates consist of optimized RP carriers impregnated with copper salts and chiral selectors based on amino acids (such as L-proline). Typical applications of this separation mechanism are mainly amino acids and their derivatives (243,244) and hydroxy carboxylic acids (245). Figure 11 shows an example of the application to separation of a racemic mixture of phenylalanine. Similar separations can be accomplished by impregnation with the chiral selectors or using them in the mobile phase. Separations done with the addition of L-amino acids to the plate or mobile phase include alkaloids (246), amino acids (247), an analgesic (248), and antiarrhythmics (249). One other fact to remember is that diastereomers can be made from the enantiomers by various derivatization methods. These species differ in chemical characteristics and can be separated by traditional silica gel or bonded phase TLC methods. Although this is an extra step in the analytical process, it may result in the most expedient and least expensive method.

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Figure 11 Separation of DL-phenylalanine. Plate: HPTLC precoated plate CHIR. Eluent: Methanolwater-acetonitrile (50:50:30). Migration distance 10 cm. Normal chamber with saturation. Compounds: 1, D-Phenylalanine; 2, L-phenylalanine (both 0.01%). Application volume 5 /mi. Detection: Plate dipped in 0.5% ninhydrin in ethanol-glacial acetic acid (98:2) and heated to 120°C for 5 min; in situ evaluation with TLC/HPTLC scanner (Camag) at 254 nm.


Enantiomeric Separation with Impregnated Layers

Not only chemically bonded stationary phases but also impregnated layers are able to separate optically active compounds. With this version of a chiral separation, cost is not a factor. Most often the chiral selector (/3-cyclodextran, protein, antibiotic) is simply added to the mobile phase used for development. If limited resolution is seen, note the comments in the previous paragraph about using sample banding and multiple development. Some typical separations using this technique are beta-blocking drugs (250-252), amino acids, and others (253-255). IV.


All the thin-layer plates discussed so far consist of a uniform sorbent layer. Precoated layers introduced in this section are combinations of different types of layers. Specific advantages of these precoated layers with preadsorbent or concentrating zones can be summarized as falling into three categories: 1. Simplification of sample application 2. Improvement of separation efficiency in the case of large-sample volumes 3. Possible decrease in number of sample preparation steps The mode of operation of such a precoated layer is based on the combination of the separation layer with a preceding small inert band of sorbent. At the beginning of the development, sample substances to be separated are transported with the solvent front. Upon reaching the interface of the two layer sections, the sample molecules are retarded and therefore concentrated into small bands. A clearly improved starting position for the subsequent chromatographic separation results, particularly in the case of large sample volumes, leading in turn to significantly improved sepa-

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ration efficiency. Because of their physical and chemical properties, inert silicon dioxides such as kieselguhr and silica 50,000 (see Sec. II.C) are suitable sorbents for the formation of concentrating zones. Combinations of concentrating zones with a series of different types of separation layers are used. Some of these combinations are listed below, together with examples of applications. Surface-active silica gel. Silica gel layers with concentrating zones are especially suitable for use in normal-phase systems. Typical fields of application are shown in Table 13. RP-modified silica gel. The advantages of the concentrating zone can also be utilized by combination with RP layers. Some applications of this type of plate are of aminoalcohols (270), carotene and lutein (271), lipids (272), and sunscreens (273,274). V.


Prepared plates are available with both silica gel and RP modified silica gel. These plates allow both normal-phase and reversed-phase separations to be accomplished on a single TLC plate. Two versions are available. In one the bottom 20% is coated with a reversed phase and the remaining 80% with silica gel. This plate allows the RP mode to precede the normal-phase mode. The other is the reverse of this, allowing a normal-phase mode to precede the RP mode. To save time and cost, separate RP and silica gel plates are used for method development. When it has been determined what developing solvents give the best resolution in both modes, the combination plate is used for samples and standards. VI.


Preparative chromatography is defined as the isolation of a quantity of a substance for further study or characterization. Depending on the need, this quantity may be only a few micrograms, a few milligrams, a few grams, or a kilogram. For most needs where TLC is the method routinely used for preparative chromatography, it is a few milligrams of a component. It is possible to simply load as much as possible onto typical analytical plates, whose usual thickness is 0.25 mm, run a few of these, and then isolate and extract the component(s) of interest. It is simpler to run one or two preparative thin layers to accomplish this isolation, however. Preparative or thicker thin layers have long been available from the TLC plate manufacturers. They are available in 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm thicknesses. These allow 2X, 4X, or 8X the scaleup, respectively, compared to the analytical layer. A note to the users of these plates: Because the layers are thicker, they will give off more heat of solvation when development begins. This will cause the Rf values of the components to

Table 13 Applications on Silica Gel Layers with Concentration Zones Reference Amines Antiasthmatics Antibacterials Carbohydrates Explosives Flavors Lipids Steroids Taxols

256 257 258,259 260 261 262,263 264-267 268 269

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be generally higher on the plate. Hence, some reoptimization of the developing solvent may be necessary to reduce the migration and possibly restore some of the lost resolution. A frequently asked question is, how much can be loaded on these plates? The scale-up mentioned above is true, but the absolute amounts have to be experimentally determined. This is done by increasing the amounts spotted (or streaked) on a few preparative plates. Each mixture (amounts of each compound), the resolution (spots well separated or near one another), and the solvent system (which has to successfully dissolve the increased amounts of sample and still resolve the components) all play a role in the final loadability of any preparative plate. Some preparative TLC applications include azo dyes (275), coumarins (276), plant components (277,278), and triterpenoids (279).



To form a rugged TLC surface—one that can be spotted, developed, and visualized without damage—a binder has to be incorporated into the slurry formulation when the plates are being made. When chromatographers began using TLC plates and had to make their own, the traditional binder used was gypsum (G coding) or calcium sulfate hemihydrate (the very familiar plaster of Paris). It was used in about a 10-15% by weight proportion in the silica gel. After mixing and pouring or casting onto a glass plate, the slurry goes from a shiny wet look to a flat finish. This is the first stage of the drying and setting up of the calcium sulfate to form a dihydrate. Further air drying completes the plate manufacture. Note that the plate appears dry at this stage but still contains a great deal of water associated with the silanols. Heat activation is still necessary to remove the absorbed water. Although the gypsum helps keep the silica gel on the glass plate, it is a very fragile binder, and such layers were called "soft" layers. Care in all the steps of TLC had to be taken so as not to disturb the layer and cause poor chromatography or loss of some of the components. Often, after visualization, the plates were sprayed with a polymeric fixative (such as a poly vinyl alcohol). Other binders such as silicate solutions and starch have also been used, but these were never as popular as the gypsum binder. Aware that "soft" layer TLC plates were difficult to ship, various TLC plate manufacturers began experimenting with alternative binders. Most settled on various water-soluble polymeric binders to replace gypsum. The result was a much more durable layer that could be stacked for easy shipment and written on with a soft lead pencil to keep track of samples and TLC conditions. These are often referred to as "hard" layer plates. Although the binders used are proprietary, they are related to polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrollidone, or similar compounds. The binders and their amounts might be changed, with the sorbent being made into a plate to ensure a better product able to withstand the mobile phases most used with that particular sorbent. When these plates are made, oven drying (rather than air drying) is routine, so the plates from a newly opened box are fairly active. One possible complaint with the polymer-bound plates is the softening and swelling that occur with certain solvent combinations. In the worst case, the layer can wrinkle or lift off the support. Often, on questioning people who have experienced this, it is found that they did not activate their plates. Although this is routinely done to dry the TLC plate to give greater reproducibility, it has a second positive effect. The additional drying can also help increase the binder strength. Presumably, this occurs because the heat causes extra cross-linking of the binder and/or the removal of water. A final solution to the lifting or softening of these layers is to use 1 M sodium chloride in place of the water portion of the mobile phase in polymer-bound RP plates. The salt prevents hydration of the binder so that swelling or buckling is much less likely to occur. If these additional steps do not help, then it is advisable to change to a plate designed to be used with a particular mobile phase. Many manufacturers have produced TLC plates to be used with highly aqueous developing solvents, because their original prepared layers could be a problem with such developing solvents.

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The layers of a polymer-bound plate are somewhat water-resistant. This is an advantage because they are less sensitive to relative humidity (and its inherent nonreproducibility of Rf values) than were the gypsum-bound plates. They develop in the same manner, and results are the same (same separation and retention) in almost all cases. However, differences between hard and soft layer plates, and even between plates of the same type from different manufacturers, can occur because the silica gel and binders used are unique to each manufacturer. When changing from any type of TLC plate, the new plates should be run beside the old ones under identical conditions for a few days to compare results. Another possible problem with the polymer-bound plate, but one that is easily overcome, is that detection reagents made up only in water will not wet the layers as easily as they do gypsum layers. This is seen when the totally aqueous reagent (originally developed in the age of gypsumbound plates) is sprayed on a prepared plate. The solution does not penetrate as well, perhaps even running off the silica gel layer if it is sprayed too heavily. The remedy is to add 5% methanol or ethanol to the formulation. This decreases the surface tension of the reagent solution, and then penetration, whether application is by spraying or dipping, is instant.



As mentioned above, suitable supports onto which any sorbent can be coated include glass, plastic, and aluminum. Analytical results on any plate will be identical regardless of the support, especially supports made by the same manufacturer. It should be noted that manufacturers of flexible layers (plastic and aluminum) often apply a thinner layer to these supports. This prevents the layer from cracking should the plate be bent too much. Any support needs to be perfectly flat and clean to ensure that good, intact layers result. Most people are familiar with glass supports. These can be purchased in many different sizes from 20 X 20 cm to 2.5 X 7.5 cm. Fewer sizes are available in plastic- or aluminum-supported plates, but these are simply cut with scissors or straight edge-sharp blade combination, of which there are many today, including roller blade cutters (check your local craft store). When cutting with the straight edge and blade, the sorbent surface is laid face down on some clean paper. Large glass plates that are prescored on the back can be purchased. This allows them to be broken down to a smaller size. This is a convenience and saves wasting a larger TLC plate on a few samples, minimizing the cost of analysis. Care should always be taken in breaking these plates to avoid getting cut by the glass. A special plier-like tool called a "running plier" or "grozier" that can make breaking prescored plates safe and easy is available from glass craft stores. It is a wide-nosed plier with a curved end coated with plastic (Fig. 12). Once the grozier is lined up with a score mark, a simple closing of the handles to apply pressure will snap the plate cleanly. Glass-backed TLC plates stand up well in any TLC chamber. The plastic- (usually polyphthalate) and aluminum-backed plates need to be placed in a chamber at a sharper angle so they do not bend after being wetted by solvent. One distinct advantage of the flexible supports is that they can be cut to any size needed with scissors, razor blade, or roller cutter. They are usually placed face down on a cutting board or thick paper to be cut on the support side. After cutting any plate from a larger plate, carefully hold the smaller plate and wipe the sides with a paper towel to remove loose sorbent clinging to the edges. If these random particles are not removed, they will act as wicks and will give crooked solvent fronts.



The newest advances in TLC precoated layers include plates made with small-particle spherical silica gels with 60 A pores. These are 6-8 ^trn and are applied to glass (0.2 mm thick layer) and aluminum (0.1 mm thick layer) supports. Because of their particle size, they are high-performance thin-layer plates. Their advantages include even more rapid separations (about 20% faster) and more compact spots compared to HPTLC plates made with irregular particles. Applications include

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Figure 12 Using a grozier to help break a glass-backed, scored TLC plate.

antifungals (280), coumarins (281), and phenolics (147). A scanning electron microgram of a cross section of this 6-8 ^tm spherical particle HPTLC plate is shown in Fig. 13. Another version of the spherical silica gel 60 plate is one made with even smaller particles. This plate has 3-5 jam particles placed on an aluminum support that is 0.1 mm thick. It was made for in situ Raman spectroscopy of separated components. The spherical silica gel allows a tenfold increase in signal intensity compared to a similar layer made with irregular silica gels.

Figure 13 Scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of an HPTLC plate made with spherical 6-8 yum LiChrospher particles.

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The aluminum support was chosen for this application so that after separation the spot area could be cut from the plate to be placed into the Raman spectrometer. A scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of this 3-5 ^m spherical particle HPTLC plate is shown in Fig. 14. A typical in situ Raman spectrum of trenbolone acetate compared to the pure substance is shown in Fig. 15. Another small change is a plate made for GLP (good laboratory practice) work, for better record keeping. The silica gel layer is laser etched with three numbers: (a) the catalog number of the plate, (b) the sorbent lot number, and (c) an individual plate number. Thus, no two prepared plates will have identical numbers, aiding in correct analytical assignment of work done on such plates. These are available only for a few top-selling TLC and HPTLC prepared layers. Applications performed on these plates include analgesics (282,283), antihistamines (284,285), herbals (286), lipids (287), and a motion sickness drug (288). X.


Thin-layer chromatography today continues to be a dynamically developing modern analytical method. The areas of progress include an increase in the spectrum of selectivity, improvement of efficiency, and, in certain cases, simplification of handling. The foregoing discussion of bulk sorbents and precoated layers is not a complete enumeration of all possibilities; for example, the different carriers for the layers (glass plates or aluminum or plastic sheets) are not shown explicitly. In addition, special plates with very restricted applicability are not discussed. Focal points of recent and expected future developments in thin-layer chromatography are located in the fields of surface modification and in the improvement of the efficiency of precoated layers. Advances in these areas are preconditions for maintaining and extending the importance of TLC as a qualitative and quantitative analytical method in chemical laboratories. Thin-layer chromatography can be an important part of any analytical laboratory scheme. It is the only chromatographic method that excels at screening large numbers of samples. Likewise, it has to be one of the simplest and least difficult to begin and to use. As with any tool, it can be kept simple or can be expanded in its use with the newest HPTLC plates, special spotting devices, developing chambers, and densitometers.

Figure 14 Scanning electron micrograph of a cross section of an HPTLC Raman plate made with spherical 3—5 ^tm LiChrospher particles.

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Trenbolone acetate

Raman spectrum of pure substance

Raman spectrum of HPTLC-Spot







2000 1750 1500 Wave number cm






Figure 15 Raman spectra of a pure trebolone acetate and an in situ measurement of this compound on a LiChrospher Si60 F254s Raman HPTLC plate.

Furthermore, there is a recognizable trend in the direction of coupling TLC with spectroscopic methods (e.g., FTIR, Raman, SERS, and MS) to enlarge the analytical possibilities. Mention was made here of one special plate made for such applications. TLC/MS has been done with the transfer of separated zones from a developed plate to a special matrix (289) and directly on the layer with an overlay of a special graphite solution (290). ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank my colleagues Dr. Heinz E. Hauck and Dr. Margot Mack at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, who did the initial versions of this chapter in earlier editions. Thanks also go to Dr. Joseph Sherma (Lafayette College, Easton, PA), Dr. Colin Poole (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI), and Dr. Walter Fischer, the latter recently retired from Merck KGaA. All of these have been invaluable collaborators in many discussions of TLC/HPTLC throughout our careers in this field.

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Instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography (Planar Chromatography) Eike Reich CAMAG-Laboratory, Muttenz, Switzerland



The purpose of this chapter is to present the state of the art in instrumentation for thin-layer Chromatography (TLC), particularly its high-performance version (HPTLC). For each step of the TLC process, the benefits of proper instrumentation are illustrated and guidance is provided for choosing the right instrument for a given task. In addition, a novel concept of an all-inclusive TLC software is presented. With that in mind one should not ignore the fact that even today most TLC is still done at a level that was introduced by Stahl more than 40 years ago, yet the results seem to be sufficient. In such cases instrumentation could possibly replace manual labor and make the task easier to complete, but the expenditure would hardly be justified. This chapter is written for the TLC user who has arrived at the point where the results of the classical approach no longer meet the expectation of analytical quality. It will clearly answer the questions about how planar Chromatography should be done to significantly improve its result. Neither historical aspects nor instruments that are no longer available on the market are covered. A detailed discussion is given in Ref. 1. Also not discussed are overpressured layer Chromatography (OPLC) and hyphenated techniques. The reader is referred to the appropriate chapters of this book for these topics. A.

Scope of the Chapter

Although many advantages of TLC can be utilized with very simple or no instruments, it is the availability of modern, usually computer-controlled, equipment that has unlocked the full power of the method and opened new fields for qualitative and quantitative applications of planar chromatography. Work in a regulated environment and demanding issues of quality control for routine analyses have changed TLC from "quick and dirty" to a dependable, sophisticated, and good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compliant analytical technique that has its established place in almost any modern laboratory. Today's instruments, such as automatic application devices, sophisticated developing devices, scanning densitometers, and video documentation systems, have complemented the inherent advantages of TLC with increased reliability, better sensitivity, and improved precision and accuracy of the analytical result. The serious analyst can select instruments with different levels of automation without sacrificing the quality of the analysis or losing the immense flexibility of the method. B.

HPTLC—Instrumental TLC

Originally, the term high-performance thin-layer Chromatography (HPTLC) referred mainly to the use of special HPTLC plates as outlined in Chapter 4. Soon it became clear that the potential of

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the new stationary phase could be fully used only if the chromatogram was miniaturized and all steps of TLC were precisely executed with the help of special instruments. Even though all modern TLC equipment can also be used with conventional plates, it should be understood that only with HPTLC plates is the maximum performance achieved and all advantages of the technique realized. Therefore, HPTLC is often used as a synonym for instrumental TLC. Planar chromatography is, and will probably remain, an off-line technique, even though approaches to fully automate the process have been discussed in the literature (2,3). The individual automation of all steps, on the other hand, is already possible and is demonstrated in this chapter.




General Aspects

Following sample preparation, the first step in TLC—sample application—is very important, because it determines the achievable quality of the chromatographic result. Two basic requirements must be met: (a) The position of the application should be exact and (b), particularly for quantitative analyses, the applied sample volume should be precise and accurate. Furthermore, it is clear that the layer must not be damaged during sample application. This requires careful mechanical actions when the applicator makes contact with the sensitive chromatographic layer. To maximize the separation power of the chromatographic system, the application zone should be as small as possible in the direction of chromatography: 2-4 mm should not be exceeded on conventional layers, and for HPTLC plates 1.5 mm is the upper limit. This requirement causes restrictions in the volume of samples that can be applied as spots in one stroke. Typically, 0.55 fjiL can be spotted onto TLC plates and 0.1-1 ;uL onto HPTLC plates. During spot application, the solvent of the sample performs "circular chromatography." This can cause irregular distribution of the sample components across the spot, and after chromatogram development spots may be broad and not symmetrical. Generally, separation efficiency is decreased. As a rule of thumb, the sample solvent should be as low in solvent strength (nonpolar for normal-phase systems, polar for reversed-phase systems) as possible. This ensures small and compact starting zones. The great advantage of spot application is its simplicity and the very low time consumption. The applied volumes can be very small, and a large number of samples can be applied onto a given plate. Spot application should be chosen when the chromatographic separation of sample components is not problematic. A typical example is the content uniformity test in pharmaceutical analysis. It has been shown (4) that resolution and detection limits of a given TLC system can be significantly improved if samples are applied as narrow bands. This statement particularly applies to the spray-on technique, which ensures a homogeneous distribution of the sample over the entire length of the band. Hence, sample application in the form of bands is usually selected for complex or multicomponent samples and whenever precise quantitative results are required. Another great advantage of the spray-on technique is that any chromatography during application can be avoided if the dosage speed is properly selected. This allows the formation of very narrow starting zones, even with samples dissolved in solvents of low volatility and high solvent strength. It is also possible to apply large volumes of samples with low concentration of analyte without losing the quality of the band. Improved resolution by band-shaped separation zones can also be attained by using plates with so-called preconcentration or preadsorbent zones (see Chap. 4) or by other means of focusing samples applied as spots into bands. It should be noted that the sample distribution across "bands" obtained in this way is not as homogeneous as after a proper spray-on application and therefore is not suitable to be quantified by aliquot scanning. B.

Technical Solutions

To meet the requirements of proper sample application, instruments must have the capability of positioning and dosing samples reproducibly. Simple mechanical tools are rulers for manual selection of the application position in the ^-direction (distance from the left edge of the plate) and v-direction (distance from the lower edge of the plate in the direction of chromatography). More

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sophisticated instruments are computer-controlled and can be programmed to deliver samples automatically to selected positions on the TLC plate. Volume dosage is achieved either manually, with fixed-volume pipets (capillaries) that are lowered onto the chromatographic layer, or mechanically with motor-driven syringes. Whereas micropipets allow sample transfer only by capillary action, syringes are typically emptied with a selected dosage speed while either in contact with the layer or slightly above it using the sprayon technique. During contact with the layer, samples are usually applied as spots unless several very small spots are applied next to each other to form a band. Spots can also be sprayed on. However, the great advantage of the spray-on technique lies in the possibility of applying narrow bands. During application of bands, either the syringe or the plate is moved in the ^-direction. While the sample is dispensed from a motor-driven syringe, it is "atomized" by a stream of gas (nitrogen or compressed air) and sprayed onto the layer. C.


A simple instrument for precise manual sample application as spots is the Nanomat (CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland) (Fig. 1). It allows 0.5, 1, 2, or 5 /uL volumes from capillaries to be applied as spots with a minimum distance of 5 mm in the ^-direction. The instrument is usually used for quick qualitative work, for initial trials during method development, and whenever the cost of instrumentation has to be kept very low. When handled with care, the Nanomat is also well suited for quantitative work. Operation of the Nanomat is quite simple: 1. The chromatographic plate lies precisely positioned on the base plate of the Nanomat. The sample application position in the y-direction can be selected from 1 to 33 mm. The first application position in the jc-direction is 5 mm, and the last is 195 mm. The positions of all other samples are shifted in multiples of 5 mm in the ^-direction. Typical choices are jc, = 15, y = 8 mm for HPTLC plates or xl = 25, y = 15 mm for TLC plates. 2. A disposable capillary is conveniently taken with the capillary holder from a dispenser. 3. The sample is taken up by dipping the capillary into the sample solution. 4. The capillary holder is placed on the applicator head, where it is held by means of a magnet. 5. Pushing down the applicator head gently brings the capillary into contact with the TLC plate, and the sample is applied as a spot without damaging the layer. 6. A new capillary is loaded to apply the next sample, thus avoiding cross-contamination.

Figure 1 Nanomat 4 (CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland).

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Automated sample application as spots can be performed with the TLS100 (Baron, Reichenau, Germany). The instrument uses a motor-driven syringe of 1, 10, or 100 fjiL volume. Via a keypad, application positions and sample volumes are programmed for up to 30 samples and four standards on up to 6 plates of 20 X 10 cm. The TLS100 can also generate bands of defined length by applying the specified sample volume evenly divided into small spots next to each other. The instrument can store up to 15 methods. One of the most widely used sample applicators is the Linomat (CAMAG) (5) (Fig. 2), an affordable semiautomatic device that introduced all the advantages of the spray-on technique to planar chromatography. Precise volume dosage and exact positioning combined with flexibility and convenient handling are among the most important features of the instrument. The user loads the sample manually into a syringe and selects they v-position of the application; the instrument manages all other parameters of the application process. During sample application, the stage with the chromatographic plate moves in the ^-direction underneath the dosing syringe. The movement is automatically adjusted so that for each band an even number of complete passes is maintained, which ensures fully homogeneous distribution of the samples across each band. This is a prerequisite for aliquot scanning, in which the densitometer measuring slit is set to cover only the central 50-75% portion of the band. If the proper dosage speed is selected, the shape of the applied band is nearly unaffected by the type of solvent used to dissolve the sample, as shown in Fig. 3. The latest Linomat (Model 5) is controlled from a computer running the winCATS software (see Sec. VII). The instrument can also be operated in a stand-alone mode and programmed either via a keypad or by downloading up to 10 methods from a computer. Samples of 100 nL to 2 mL can be applied as bands of 0 (spot) to 195 mm length, which allows sample application for qualitative, quantitative, and even preparative tasks. The unusable portion of the sample solution is extremely small.

Figure 2 Linomat 5 (CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland).

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Figure 3 Effects of sample application on the chromatographic result. Left plate: spot application (contact); right plate: band application (spray-on). Test dye mixture on HPTLC silica gel 60 developed with toluene. 1 fjiL and 5 /xL of samples dissolved in (a) methanol, (b) toluene, or (c) hexane.

The AS30 (Desaga, Heidelberg, Germany) (Fig. 4) represents a fully automatic softwarecontrolled application device. In combination with a conventional autosampler, it can apply up to 30 samples as spots or bands by using a spray-on technique. The most advanced, versatile, and powerful system on the market is the Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4; CAMAG) (Fig. 5). Up to 66 samples from vials or 96 samples from well plates can be applied fully automatically by using either the spray-on technique of the Linomat or spot application by contact. Any x- and y-positions on the TLC plate can be selected for application. The ATS 4 can also apply samples as rectangles, a feature that is very useful for large quantities of samples that contain the analyte in very low concentration. Prior to chromatography, such rectangles are focused into narrow bands with a solvent of high solvent strength. An optional heated spray nozzle allows the application speed to be increased, which is particularly useful when aqueous solutions are applied. A special feature of both the ATS 4 and the Linomat 5 is "overspotting," by which more than one sample can be applied as a spot or band onto a single given

Figure 4 AS 30 (Desaga, Heidelberg, Germany).

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Figure 5 Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland).

position. Spiking of a sample, application of several reference compounds from different vials onto the same track, or prechromatographic derivatization can easily be accomplished. The ATS 4 is not only the ideal choice for routine analyses but also offers the ultimate flexibility for laboratories facing rapidly changing tasks. III.



General Aspects

Thin-layer chromatographic plates can be developed in three geometrical modes: linear, circular (radial), and anticircular. Although the latter two modes have merits in certain cases, today linear development is used almost exclusively. Hence, only linear development is discussed here. Planar chromatography differs from all other chromatographic techniques in that a gas phase is present in addition to the stationary and mobile phases. This gas phase can significantly influence the result of the separation. The "classical" way of development is to place a plate into a developing chamber that contains a sufficient amount of developing solvent. The lower end of the plate should be immersed to a depth of several millimeters. Driven by capillary action, the developing solvent moves up the layer until the desired running distance is reached, and the plate is removed from the mobile phase to interrupt chromatography. The following considerations primarily regard development of silica gel as the stationary phase, which can be described as an adsorption process. Provided that the developing chamber is closed and reasonably tight, four partially competing processes occur (Fig. 6): 1.

Phase equilibrium is eventually established between the components of the developing solvent and their vapor phase. Depending on the vapor pressure of the individual components, the composition of the gas phase can differ significantly from that of the developing solvent.

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Figure 6 Processes taking place in a chromatographic chamber (see text for details).




While still dry, the stationary phase adsorbs molecules from the gas phase. This process also approaches an equilibrium state called adsorptive saturation. In this way, particularly polar components will be withdrawn from the gas phase and loaded onto the surface of the stationary phase. Simultaneously, the part of the layer that is already wetted with mobile phase begins to interact with the gas phase. The less polar components of the liquid are given off into the gas phase preferentially (3). Unlike process 1, this process is governed not so much by vapor pressure as by adsorption forces. During migration, the components of the mobile phase can be separated by the stationary phase, which causes the formation of secondary fronts.

Processes 1 and 2 can be experimentally affected by Fitting the chamber more or less completely with filter paper that is soaked with developing solvent. Waiting a certain time between the introduction of developing solvent into the chamber and the beginning of chromatography—chamber saturation. Allowing the plate to interact with the gas phase without contact with the developing solvent —preconditioning. Interactions according to processes 2 and 3 can be effectively prevented by placing a counter plate at a distance of one or a few millimeters from the chromatographic layer. This is called a sandwich configuration. The further equilibria 1 and 2 have been established and the less different the components of the mobile phase are in their adsorption behavior, the less pronounced are the secondary fronts resulting from process 4. In well-saturated chambers and on preconditioned layers, they are often not even seen, but in sandwich chambers and particularly in OPLC, secondary fronts are very prominent. During chromatography, components of the developing solvent, which have been loaded via the gas phase onto the dry layer during process 2, are pushed ahead

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of the true but invisible solvent front. Exceptions are polar substances such as water, methanol, acids, and bases. As a result, Rf values are lower in saturated chambers, particularly on preconditioned layers, than in unsaturated chambers and sandwich configurations. Planar chromatography in most cases proceeds in a nonequilibrium condition among the stationary, mobile, and gas phases. That is why it is very difficult to correctly describe mathematically the conditions in a developing chamber. Reproducible chromatographic results can be obtained only if all parameters are kept as constant as possible. Chamber form and saturation play a dominant role in this regard. Unfortunately, this means that the chromatographic result is different in each chamber. For illustrations of this statement, see Ref. 6. There are neither "good" nor "bad" chambers. However, in some chambers the parameters can be better controlled or reproduced than in others. Selection of the "proper" chamber is done during method development and generally follows practical considerations such as which chamber is conveniently available, which one is "always" used in the laboratory, or which one is used by a collaborating laboratory. However, attention should also be paid to the economic aspects such as time requirements and solvent consumption.


Developing Chambers

The "classical" flat-bottomed chamber is available in many sizes from various manufacturers. When it is lined with filter paper, a stable saturated system can easily be achieved. The biggest disadvantage is the high solvent consumption of such chambers. The large solvent volume makes it unpopular to follow the recommendation to always use fresh solvent to develop a new chromatogram. Much more economical and also more flexible are the so-called twin trough chambers (TTC) (CAMAG) (Fig. 7), which are among the most widely used chambers. They are available for 10 X 10 cm, 20 X 10 cm, and 20 X 20 cm plates. Only 5 mL of solvent is required per trough for an HPTLC plate in a 10 X 10 cm chamber. This amount of solvent generates a liquid level of 5 mm. If samples are applied at 8 mm from the lower edge of plate, they will be 3 mm above the solvent level. Twin trough chambers can be operated in the following modes: Unsaturated. Only the front trough contains developing solvent. After the chamber is charged with developing solvent, the plate is introduced, and chromatogram development starts immediately. Saturated. Both troughs contain developing solvent. A filter paper wetted with solvent is placed in the rear trough. Prior to introduction of the chromatographic plate, the chamber is left for saturation to be established (typically 20-30 min). Preconditioned. The plate is positioned in the empty front trough while the rear trough contains conditioning solvent [acid, base, a solution that establishes fixed humidity (7), or

Figure 7 Schematic of Twin Trough Chamber (TTC) (CAMAG) configuration for (a) unsaturated mode, (b) preconditioning, and (c) saturated mode.

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Figure 8 Schematic of the Horizontal Developing Chamber (HDC) (CAMAG, Muttenz, Switzerland). 1, HPTLC plate (layer facing down); 2, glass plate for sandwich configuration; 3, reservoir for developing solvent; 4, glass strip; 5, cover plate; 6, conditioning tray. The HPTLC plate is placed into the chamber with the layer facing down. The reservoir (3) is charged with developing solvent. The plate can be developed horizontally either from one side only or from opposite sides simultaneously, in this way doubling the number of samples per plate. Chromatography is started when the glass strip (4) is brought into a vertical position. In the unsaturated configuration, the conditioning tray (6) is empty; the glass plate (2) is removed. In the saturated configuration, the conditioning tray (6) contains developing solvent; the glass plate (2) is removed. For preconditioning, the conditioning tray (6) contains conditioning liquid; the glass plate (2) is removed. Development is started after preconditioning is completed. In the sandwich configuration, the conditioning tray (6) is empty; the glass plate (2) is in place.

developing solvent]. After a certain conditioning time, developing solvent is introduced into the front trough that contains the plate. The ultimate versatility is achieved with the horizontal developing chamber of CAMAG (Fig. 8), which is designed for either 10 X 10 cm or 20 X 10 cm HPTLC plates. Not only are several configurations (saturated, unsaturated, preconditioned, sandwich) possible, but also development of samples from opposite sides of the plate. Applied as spots, up to 72 samples can be simultaneously chromatographed on a 20 X 10 cm plate. By using the center tray of the chamber for conditioning, the relative humidity during chromatographic separation can be controlled. For method development and optimization of chromatographic parameters, the HPTLC-Vario chamber (CAMAG) is the ideal tool. Up to six different solvents or six different conditions can be used simultaneously on 10 X 10 cm HPTLC plates that have to be scored for this purpose with a special device. The optimized system can easily be transferred to a horizontal developing chamber.

C. Automated Multiple Development Automated multiple development (AMD) a step-gradient technique derived by Burger (8), achieves the maximum resolution feasible within the limited separation distance available on an HPTLC plate. In terms of peak capacity, it compares with HPLC while retaining the inherent benefits of planar chromatography. Unlike a gradient in column chromatography, an AMD gradient starts with the solvent having the strongest elution power. In successive runs the solvent is varied toward decreasing elution power, and each run proceeds to a higher migration distance than the previous one. Typical distance increments are 3 mm or less for a 20-25-step gradient. Between developments, the solvent is completely removed from the chamber and the layer is dried under vacuum. Preconditioning through the gas phase prior to development is possible (9). "Universal gradient" is the term for an AMD gradient that starts with a very polar solvent and is varied via a solvent of medium polarity to a nonpolar solvent. Depending on solubility considerations, methanol or acetonitrile is typically used as the most polar component. The central or "base" solvent and, to a certain extent, the nonpolar solvent determine the selectivity of the separation. A solvent such as dichloromethane or t-butyl methyl ether is used as the base solvent in most AMD applications. Solvents for AMD must meet two requirements: They must be suitable for being dried off by vacuum, and they must be pure.

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During the AMD procedure, fractions are focused into narrow bands with a typical peak width of about 1 mm. This allows the separation of multicomponent mixtures that had no chance of being separated by TLC in the past (10). The fully computer controlled AMD 2 instrument (CAMAG) (Fig. 9) features five bottles from which solvents can be drawn by syringe action to form the gradient. A charge-coupled device (CCD) monitors the migration distance of the mobile phase, and the drying time can be varied for each development step. AMD is a very reproducible technique. Typical fields of application include analysis of pesticides (11) and lipids (12) and screening for biological activity (13).


General Aspects

It is an inherent advantage of planar chromatography that fractions are stored on the plate and can readily be derivatized after chromatography in order to be rendered detectable, improve detection limits, or selectively change properties of sample components. Substances that are not responding to white or UV light after chromatography need to be reacted with chromogenic or fluorogenic reagents. There are two general considerations for reproducible results: (1) transfer of the reagent must be controlled and homogeneous, and (2) if a heating step is part of the derivatization, the entire plate must be heated uniformly.

Figure 9 AMD 2 (CAMAG).

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Prechromatographic derivatization can be helpful for improving the chromatographic behavior of the desired sample compound. An interesting example of prechromatographic derivatization directly on the TLC plate is the reaction of fatty acids in picomole amounts to fluorescing monodansylpiperazine and -cadaverine compounds (14). With a Linomat or an ATS 4, one reagent (monodansylpiperazine) is sprayed onto the starting zone and oversprayed with the analyte, followed by overspraying with the second reagent (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide). The reaction occurs spontaneously, without heating. For the purpose of postchromatographic derivatization, liquid derivatizing reagents can be transferred onto the plate by spraying or dipping. Provided the reagent is suitable, dipping is the preferred technique. CAMAG's Chromatogram Immersion Device (Fig. 10) is an example of an instrument that allows proper execution of the dipping technique. The chromatographic plate must be immersed and withdrawn at a uniform speed to avoid tidemarks, which could interfere with densitometric evaluation. By maintaining a defined immersion time, derivatization conditions can be standardized. Spraying cannot usually be circumvented when two reagent solutions have to be applied in sequence without intermediate drying. Diazotization followed by coupling is an example. There are several sprayers on the market, from simple laboratory atomizers to electropneumatic TLC sprayers. A sophisticated instrument for derivatization by spraying is the Chromajet (Desaga), which allows computer-controlled application of defined amounts of reagents onto the individual tracks of the chromatogram. Whenever reagents are sprayed onto a plate, an efficient

Figure 10 Chromatogram Immersion Device (CAMAG).

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dust- and mist-removing device should be used to protect laboratory personnel against poisonous or irritating sprays and solvent vapors. The TLC Spray Cabinet (CAMAG) ensures the complete removal of excess spray from the atomizer and spray particles rebounding from the TLC plate. There is no deflection of the spray jet before it reaches the chromatogram, an effect often occurring in a normal laboratory fume hood. In most cases the derivatization reaction has to be completed by heat treatment. Heating the chromatographic plate uniformly and reproducibly at the desired temperature can be accomplished with a plate heater specifically designed for this purpose. For more details on derivatization, see Chapter 8 of this book.




General Aspects

In planar chromatography, chromatograms are usually evaluated densitometrically. During classical (scanning) densitometry, the separation tracks on the plate are scanned with a light beam in the form of a slit selectable in length and width. The photosensor of the densitometer measures diffusely reflected light. The difference between the optical signal from the sample-free background and that from a sample zone (fraction) is correlated with the amounts of the respective fractions of calibration standards chromatographed on the same plate. Densitometric measurements of planar chromatograms can be made by absorbance or fluorescence. The majority of densitometric measurements of thin-layer chromatograms are carried out in the absorbance mode. The low UV range from 300 nm to 190 nm is the most useful. Due to light scattering at the particles of the layer, a simple mathematically well-defined relationship between light signal and amount of substance in the layer has not yet been found. A fair approximation for measurements on particulate surfaces by absorbance is given by the Kubelka-Munk equation (15), which can be suitably derived for TLC (16). Absorbance measurements typically give data that are best fitted with nonlinear calibration functions. However, over smaller concentration ranges linear functions can be employed. For more information about the theoretical foundations of densitometry, see Chapter 10 of this book. For scanning by fluorescence, the substances are excited by UV light, most often at 366 nm. A photosensor measures the emitted light, which is always of longer wavelength. A cutoff filter positioned between the sample and the photosensor eliminates diffusely reflected light of the excitation wavelength. Accordingly, the measured light is directly proportional to the amount of the fluorescing substance. Measurements of fluorescence are more sensitive than absorption measurements by a factor of 10-1000. Calibration functions are often linear over a comparatively wide concentration range. For these reasons, substances with inherent fluorescence should always be scanned in this mode. For nonfluorescent compounds, pre- or postchromatographic derivatization to render them fluorescent should always be considered. For convenient visual evaluation, TLC layers usually contain a so-called UV indicator (F254), which is excited by 254 nm light and fluoresces green or blue. The emission of the indicator is reduced in places where substance zones are located that absorb at about 254 nm. Such substances therefore appear as dark zones on a fluorescent background. It is a common misconception that fluorescence quenching is measured if plates containing a fluorescence indicator are scanned in reflectance mode at 254 nm. In fact, the emitted fluorescence light is so low in energy compared to the UV light used for excitation that the difference in quenching is barely measurable. However, the decrease of diffuse reflectance due to absorbance of the substance at the selected wavelength creates the signal, as described under absorbance measurements. Therefore, the monochromator should always be set at the wavelength of maximum absorption of the substance, whether the layer contains fluorescence indicator F254 or not. To truly measure fluorescence quenching, the excitation wavelength of 254 nm must be blocked by a cutoff filter before it can reach the photomultiplier set to reflectance mode. Then the emitted light from the indicator will be treated as the baseline.

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Figure 11 TLC Scanner 3 (CAMAG).

As an alternative to classical densitometry, an electronic image of the planar chromatogram can be evaluated by video densitometry. The advantages of this technique are speed, easy and intuitive operation, and the fact that evaluation is done on "visible" chromatograms, unlike in scanning densitometry where the entire process takes place in a "black box." However, because video technology functions only in the visible range, the UV region, which is exceptionally productive for planar chromatography, is only indirectly accessible through the use of a UV indicator embedded in the layer and in cases where samples fluoresce. In this respect, video technology parallels the human eye. The limitation of image processing to visible light is not caused by the video camera but by the fact that no solution has yet been found for uniformly illuminating a plate with monochromatic light of a selected wavelength. Spectral selectivity, a strong point of the classical densitometer, is not accessible with a video system. The greater the absorbance of the analyte at or near the excitation maximum of the UV indicator (254 nm), the higher the sensitivity and accuracy of video quantification. In certain cases, it may even become comparable to that of classical densitometry. In the fluorescence mode, video and classical densitometry are comparable in respect to detection of emissions in the visible region caused by longwave UV light (366 nm) excitation. However, video technology lacks the variable-wavelength-excitation-based selectivity of classical densitometry.

B. Instruments for Scanning Densitometry* Modern densitometers such as the CAMAG TLC Scanner 3 (Fig. 11), Desaga CD 60, and the CS9000 series of Shimadzu Corp., Tokyo, are slit-scanning, single-beam, single-wavelength instruments with powerful software for evaluation after scanning. They consist of an electronic part, a compartment for plate positioning, and the optical system, which is the most important feature of the scanner setup. Figure 12 illustrates the principal design of the TLC Scanner 3 (18). One of the three light sources—mercury vapor lamp, deuterium lamp, or tungsten halogen lamp—is positioned in the light path by motor drive. The deuterium and tungsten halogen lamps are continuum lamps, i.e., they emit light over a wide wavelength range. The deuterium lamp is used in the UV range of 190-400 nm, and the tungsten lamp in the visible region, i.e., 400-800 nm. The third, a high-pressure mercury vapor lamp, provides high energy at definite wavelengths. This lamp is used mainly for scanning by fluorescence, but it can also be used for absorption measurements if it offers an emission line at the wavelength needed. *This section is based on Ref. 17.

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Figure 12 Light path diagram of the TLC Scanner 3. 1, Lamp selector; 2, entrance lens system; 3, monochromator entry slit; 4, monochromator grating; 5, mirror; 6, slit aperture disk; 7, lens system; 8, mirror; 9, beam splitter; 10, reference photomultiplier; 11, scanning object; 12, measuring photomultiplier; 13, photodiode (transmission).

The emitted light passes through a lens system and the monochromator, i.e., a concave holographic grating that selects light of a certain bandwidth (5 or 20 nm). The light passes a revolving disk with 20 fixed slit apertures and then a lens system for positioning for micro and macro slit sizes. Thus, slit lengths of 0.5-12 mm and slit widths of 0.025-1.2 mm can be selected. Part of the light beam is directed to a reference photomultiplier by a beam splitter to compensate for lamp aging and short-time fluctuations and to reduce the warm-up time required to reach lamp stabilization. The light beam of defined wavelength range, bandwidth, and slit size strikes the TLC plate at a right angle. The photomultiplier for reflectance scanning is aligned at an angle of 30° to the normal. For scanning in the transmission mode, a photodiode mounted below the object is used as the detector. This feature is useful for evaluation of electrophoresis gels. Plates up to 20 X 20 cm are placed on a stage that is mechanically operated in the x- and >'-directions. The scanning speed is variable to a maximum of 100 mm/s. The chromatogram has to be scanned in the direction of chromatographic development or against this direction; it should never be scanned perpendicular to the direction of chromatography (19). If a substance applied as a spot is scanned with a slit scanner, the slit length has to be larger than the diameter of the

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spot. Samples applied as bands may be scanned by the aliquot method. Instead of scanning a chromatogram track with a fixed slit, it is possible to have the light spot zigzag or meander over the sample zones, with the swing corresponding to the length of the slit. This feature, offered by the CD 60 densitometer and also by the CS 9000 series scanner, is claimed to correct chromatogram distortions. Disadvantages are the lower spatial resolution, particularly in the case of HPTLC layers, and unfavorable error propagation when sampling point data from different positions are averaged. C. Video Densitometry Video densitometry does not require any hardware. It is performed on digital images of the planar chromatogram with the help of a special software package. Software such as VideoScan (CAMAG) and ProResult (Desaga) is available as an option for video or digital TLC documentation systems. The software groups the pixels of the digital image according to the user-selected tracks of the chromatogram. Within these tracks, the average intensity on a 256-level gray scale of the pixels in each line is used to generate an analog curve of the chromatogram, which can be quantitatively evaluated after integration. The mathematical details of video densitometry are discussed in detail by Henkel (20). VI.



General Aspects

A unique advantage of TLC over all other chromatographic techniques is that in most cases the entire chromatogram is or can be made visible to the eye. Particularly following derivatization, the image of a TLC plate may contain a wealth of qualitative and semiquantitative information that can be easily communicated without requiring extensive description or tables of data. All samples on the plate can be viewed and compared simultaneously. During multiple detection (fluorescence quenching at 254 nm, fluorescence at 366 nm, and colors under white light following derivatization), several images of the same plate can be generated. Although this is one of the greatest assets of planar chromatography, it can be fully utilized only if properly documented. In the recent past, photography was the most used documentation tool. Today, digital technology offers the advantage of immediate and, most of all, durable results, which are independent of film or paper quality and photographic laboratories. B.


Modern video documentation systems such as CAMAG's Reprostar 3 with VideoStore and Desaga's VD 30 with ProViDOC feature a light box for illumination of the TLC plate under 254 nm, 366 nm, and white light; a high-resolution three CCD color video camera; and a digitizer that converts the analog signal of the camera into digital information. The documentation process is extremely rapid and intuitive and is fully compatible with GMP requirements. The VideoStore 2 software, for example, operates with a configuration that includes all electronic camera settings and settings of the frame grabber (digitizer). Different configurations are used for different illumination modes. The information on the configuration is always stored as part of the image and can be printed as part of the image report, which also includes a computergenerated image ID, information about the user, and date and time of image capture. Raw data are stored in a secure file format (cpf) that cannot be manipulated. Video densitometry is performed in the same file format with the VideoScan software. For use with other software, images can be exported in various open formats (tif, bmp, jpg, etc.). Standardized configuration and mechanical settings (zoom, aperture, plate position) are required if reproducible images are to be obtained and plate-to-plate comparison of data is desired. The principal drawback of video systems is their price. Currently, less expensive documentation systems based on high-resolution digital cameras (5:5 megapixel) are entering the market. With the availability of suitable GMP-compliant software

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for complete control of such cameras under reproducible conditions, video documentation will soon be replaced by digital methods. VII. A.

TLC SOFTWARE General Aspects

Thin-layer chromatography is an off-line technique, i.e., the individual steps are separated in time and location. Therefore, traditional software has been developed to control the individual instruments designed to automate those steps. Although it was possible in some cases to generate data files that could be used with more than one instrument-software combination by the same manufacturer (for instance sample application and densitometry), a complete treatment of the information pertaining to an analysis was not possible until now. B.

winCATS—Planar Chromatography Manager

The winCATS method is a completely new concept for planar chromatography. One program communicates with all instruments involved in the TLC process via so-called EquiLinks. A winCATS method can include the following information: The stationary phase and its pretreatment Samples and their components Standards and their preparation, including calibration modes All parameters concerned with manual or automatic sample application Prechromatographic derivatization All parameters concerned with development in a glass tank or automatic (multiple) development chamber Postchromatographic derivatization All parameters concerned with densitometric detection, including spectra recording, background subtraction, multiwavelength scanning, and track optimization Qualitative and quantitative chromatogram evaluation, including single- and multilevel calibration and subcomponent analysis Parameters concerned with documentation with a digital camera The user can select the steps necessary for a particular analytical task. While a method is being executed, an analysis file is generated. Each step that is performed by an instrument is automatically recorded in the analysis log. After transferring the plate to the next instrument, for instance from the chamber to the scanner, the user is prompted to start the next step of the analysis. After completion of the analysis, a report is available that includes all information. For GMP compliance, all data are maintained in a secure format. All changes performed by the user, such as manual integration, are automatically recorded. winCATS runs under Windows 2000 and is ready for use in an environment that complies with U.S. FDA CFR 21 rule 11.

REFERENCES 1. E. Reich. Planar chromatography—historical development. In: Encyclopedia of Separation Science. New York: Academic Press, 2000, pp. 834-839. 2. Baker Chemical Co. U.S. Patent G01 N31/00 N 1/100 (1970). 3. P. Delvordre and E. Postaire. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 6:289-293, 1993. 4. D. E. Jaenchen and H. J. Issaq. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 11:1941, 1988. 5. J. Sherma. Pharm. Forum 27(6):3420-3431, 2001. 6. E. Reich. Parameters of Planar Chromatography. CBS 87. CAMAG in-house publication, 2001. 7. F. Geiss. Fundamentals of Thin Layer Chromatography. Heidelberg: Hiithig, 1987, pp. 205-208. 8. K. Burger. Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. 318:228-233, 1984. 9. C. F. Poole, S. K. Poole, and M. T. Belay. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 6:438-445, 1993.

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INSTRUMENTAL TLC 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


S. Essig and A. Kovar. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 10:114-117, 1997. ISO/TS 11370, Geneva, 2001. K. Raith, S. Zellmer, J. Lasch, and R. H. H. Neubert. Anal. Chim. Acta 418:167-173, 2001. C. Weins. Bioactivity based analysis in HPTLC/AMD. In: Sz. Nyiredy and A. Kakuk, eds. Planar Chromatography 2000. Res. Inst. Medicinal Plants, 2000. A. Junker-Buchheit and H. Jork. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 2:65-70, 1989. P. Kubelka and F. Munk. Z. Techn. Phys. 12:593, 1931. G. Kortuem. Reflexionsspektroskopie. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1969. D. Jaenchen and E. Reich. Planar chromatography—instrumentation. In: Encyclopedia of Separation Science. London: Academic Press, 2000, pp. 839-847. W. Dammertz and E. Reich. Planar chromatography and densitometry. In: Sz. Nyiredy, ed. Planar Chromatography—A Retrospective View for the Third Millenium. Budapest: Springer, 2001. S. Ebel. Kontakte, Vol. 2, Darmstadt: Merck, 1984, p. 40. T. Henkel. Auswettung digitalisierter Dunnschicht-Chromatogramme mit Hilfe moderner Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen. Dissertation. Univ. Wiirzburg, 2000.

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6 Gradient Development in Thin-Layer Chromatography Wladystaw Gotkiewicz Medical University, Lublin, Poland



The separation of multicomponent mixtures by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) under fixed experimental conditions is often complicated by large differences in the polarity of the various components. To deal with this problem, eluents of low strength are needed to separate the less strongly retained solutes, whereas the strongly retained components of the mixtures can be separated by eluents of high strength. This is referred to as the general elution problem (1), and in TLC it can be handled in various ways: gradient elution (stepwise or continuous), stationary-phase gradient, polyzonal TLC, or temperature programming. These various techniques are based on different band migration rates of the components of the mixture during the separation process. Gradient development in liquid chromatography stands in contrast to isocratic elution, in which the conditions of separation are not changed throughout the time required for the sample separation. In gradient development the situation is different: The conditions of separation (mobilephase concentration, composition of the adsorbent layer, temperature, etc.) are changed during the separation. These continuous or stepwise changes in the separation conditions lead to changes in the relative migration velocity of the components of a sample. For example, if the concentration of the stronger solvent in a binary mobile phase increases, the eluent strength and Rf values of all solutes are also increased. As a result, separate optimization of the Rf values of individual bands is possible. Gradient development in TLC is a technique that allows one to improve the resolution of a given pair of adjacent bands, to accelerate a separation, to concentrate the sample band and lower the detection limit, and to speed up the search for an optimal chromatographic system. Successful separations of many complex mixtures by HPLC gradient elution have demonstrated the utility of this technique (1-5). In contrast to HPLC, gradient development in TLC has been applied relatively rarely, owing to the rather complex devices required for the generation of reproducible gradients and the lack of a simple theory of gradient development. Niederwieser and Honegger (6,7) systematized many experimental results and outlined some theoretical problems. Recently, gradient development in TLC has become more popular, as evidenced by papers on theory (6-15), devices for gradient development (16-23), and the preparative mode (24). The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with the most popular gradient techniques in TLC, including their characteristics, advantages, and limitations. A.

History of Gradient Development in TLC

The idea of using gradient development in column chromatography is ascribed to work by Tiselius and coworkers in 1952 (25), but as early as 1949, Mitchell et al. (26) used salt and pH gradients for the separation of some enzymes.

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Gradient elution was applied in TLC in 1962 by Wieland and Determan (27) and by Rybicka (28,29). Wieland and Determan (27) used gradient elution to separate LDH isozymes and nucleotides on DEAE-Sephadex. Rybicka (28,29) used gradient elution to separate glycerides and pentaerythritol esters. Later, Niederwieser and coworkers (6,7,30,31) worked intensively to improve this technique. Gradients in the stationary phase made slower progress, probably owing to the difficulties with devices for spreading the adsorbent layer. Berger et al. (32) used a modified spreader usually used for normal TLC. Later, improved devices for spreading layers were described by Stahl (33,34) and Warren (35). The use of a temperature gradient was introduced in 1961 by Liteanu and Gocan (36), whereas Turina et al. (37) described an adapter for evaporation of the solvent during development of a plate. Geiss et al. (38,39) and De Zeeuw (40) described a special chromatographic chamber for impregnation of adsorbent layer with vapors of various solvents. These resulted in the formation of an activity gradient of the adsorbent layer.


Nomenclature in Gradient Development

In TLC, in contrast with column chromatography, it is possible to apply a gradient in a direction other than the direction of flow of the eluent. Niederwieser (31) introduced a rational system for full description of gradients. According to the definition given by that system (31), the arrow of gradient direction ponts to the chromatogram region where the sample components show their greatest mobility. In the case of an adsorbent gradient, the arrow points to the region of lowest activity. In the case of a mobile-phase gradient, the arrow points in the direction of greatest solvent strength. Each separation process using a gradient development is based on a combination of two vectors that define the gradient direction and solvent flow direction (Fig. 1). When the gradient direction is congruent with the solvent flow direction, the gradient arrangement is termed parallel (p); in the reverse case, when the solvent flow direction is opposite to the gradient direction, the gradient arrangement is said to be antiparallel (ap). The stationary-phase gradient can exist either parallel to the solvent direction flow or at right angles to the solvent flow. In the latter case, the term orthogonal (o) gradient is used. Definitions of gradient directions (31) are illustrated in Fig. 1.


Figure 1 Nomenclature of gradient arrangement related to the direction of solvent flow. For definition of the gradient direction, see the text: p = parallel, d = diagonal, o = orthogonal, ad = antidiagonal, ap - antiparallel. (Reprinted from Ref. 31 with permission.)

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Classification of Gradients According to Their Shape

According to Niederwieser's (31) definition, gradient TLC is "a chromatographic technique using within the separation area locally different separation conditions." Separation conditions can vary in both the stationary and mobile phases. Taking into account these variations, chromatographic gradient techniques can be classified (3) as follows: Mobile-phase gradients Composition PH Ionic strength Stationary-phase gradients Composition Impregnation Activity Gradients connected with change Temperature Flow rate Vapor pressure The greatest possibilities of achieving gradients are offered by changing the mobile-phase concentration. Some examples of different shapes of gradients are presented in Fig. 2. The concentration of the more efficient solvent in the mobile phase can vary linearly (Figs. 2b and 2e) or curvilinearly (Figs. 2a, 2c, 2d, 2f). In practice, a continuous gradient is preferred (1,4,5), but stepwise gradients are much easier to obtain. It should be emphasized that if several steps are used in a stepwise gradient, then the gradient obtained is almost identical with a continuous gradient (41,42). II.


Which device is used for generating the gradient depends on the type of gradient desired. The greatest number of devices have been described for generating mobile-phase gradients. Some of the most typical devices are presented here; however, so far there is no single best one. CONTINUOUS





volume of mobile phase Figure 2 Classification of gradients according to their shape. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC




b Figure 3




Devices for gradient elution in TLC. (Reprinted from Ref. 7 with permission.)

Devices for Achieving a Mobile-Phase Gradient

In gradient elution, devices for generating both continuous and stepwise gradients are used. Details related to the devices are described by Liteanu and Gocan (3) and by Niederwieser and Honegger (6). Some devices for generating continuous gradients are presented in Fig. 3. Rybicka (28,29) employed a normal separation chamber (Fig. 3a) equipped with a magnetic stirrer (M) and a buret (B) containing the stronger solvent. Wieland and Determan (27) used a glass cylinder divided by a filter plate into a 1 cm deep mixing chamber equipped with a magnetic stirrer and an upper separating chamber (Fig. 3b). Luzatto and Okoye (45) used a descending chromatographic technique (Fig. 3c) and a paper wick (W) as a capillary bridge between the mixing chamber and the chromatographic plate. In Strickland's (46) device (Fig. 3d), a polyethylene trough (T) is divided along its entire length into two equal compartments filled with different solvents and stirred by magnetic stirrers (M). The partition wall between the compartments has two holes through which solvents are able to mix. The eluent from the trough is delivered to the plate (P) by means of a filter paper strip (W). The devices described (Fig. 3) have some disadvantages: They produce only one type of gradient profile (mostly a convex gradient, Fig. 2c), and they require magnetic mixing and a considerable excess of solvent. The delivery of the solvent to the adsorbent layer should be determined by the migration rate of the eluent front; otherwise deformation of the gradient shape will occur (6). Niederwieser and coworkers (7,43,44) described a system that allows free choice of gradient shapes, involves reproducible partial mixing of two neighboring solvents in a capillary tube, and requires only as much solvent as the adsorbent layer can absorb. Their device (Fig. 4) differs


Figure 4 Device for solvent gradient TLC according to Niederwieser et al. (7). (Reprinted from Ref. 7 with permission.)

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from the other devices in that a long PTFE capillary tube serves as an eluent reservoir. A PTFE capillary (D), with an inner diameter of approximately 1.5 mm and several meters long, is mounted wavelike on a table (E). The eluent fractions are sucked into the capillary tubing in reverse order. The device (3,6,7) basically consists of a chromatographic plate (P) (Fig. 4), covered with glass plate, the all-glass distributor (C), Teflon tubing (D), and the table (E). Consecutive portions of the eluents, with increasing amounts of the more efficient solvent, are introduced and stored in a length of PTFE tubing. The outlet of the PTFE tubing is put into the distributor hole, and the eluent coming out of the tube is distributed along the lower edge of the adsorbent layer. The stepwise gradient thus obtained is analogous to a continuous gradient because the profile becomes diffuse in the development process. Sander and Feld (16) used a liquid chromatograph (solvent programmer in conjunction with two pumps) to generate a mobile-phase gradient. The eluent was introduced into the developer trough and distributed across the layer. Soczewiriski and Matysik (21) proposed a simple device, without a magnetic mixer, coupled with a horizontal sandwich chamber. The device consists of two vessels with two solvents, which mix spontaneously owing to density differences and the formation of molecular complexes (e.g., chloroform-ethyl acetate). They also showed (22) that stepwise gradient elution can be easily performed in a sandwich chamber with a glass distributor (41,47) (Fig. 5). Matysik and Soczewinski (23) also described a device that is a modification of the system introduced by Niederwieser and coworkers (7,43,44). Burger (17) and Jaenchen (18,19) described a fully automatic machine for multiple development of a plate. An elution gradient is employed in accordance with the gradient program (see also Chap. 5 in this Handbook). Vajda et al. (20) applied a device originally used for overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC) to multiple step-gradient development. The modified OPLC equipment, with loops filled with the different solvents, can generate a stepwise gradient by switching solvents with a twoposition, 10-port valve (for details, see Chap. 7 in this Handbook). B.

Devices for Achieving Stationary-Phase Gradients

Discontinuous gradients in the stationary phase can be conveniently produced using a normal TLC spreader. The spreader cylinder is divided into two (32) or more (31) compartments by the intro-




Figure 5 Stepwise gradient elution in a sandwich chamber with a glass distributor (A) of the eluent. (a) 0.4 mL portions of eluents of increasing solvent strength are introduced under the distributor and from the edge of the layer; (b) developed chromatogram with zones of the mobile phase and a stepwise profile of the gradient; (c) corresponding graphical representation of the (approximated) continuous gradient. (Reprinted from Ref. 22 with permission.)

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duction of close-fitting pieces of PTFE. The compartments are filled simultaneously to equal height with suspensions of different adsorbents. The plates are coated in the usual way. Impregnation gradients are usually obtained by immersing a chromatographic plate for a moment in a solution of the impregnation agent or by suspending the adsorbent in a solution of the impregnation agent and simultaneously spreading the different suspensions on the plate (3,31). Stahl (33,34) described an apparatus for obtaining continuous stationary-phase gradients that maintained the basic construction principle of the normal spreader. A rectangular case divided diagonally into two compartments by a partition wall is filled with two different adsorbent suspensions. When the sliding bottom of the case is opened, the suspensions fall into the spreader cylinder, which is divided into several small compartments, and mix in various proportions. After mixing of the compartments' contents, the plates are coated in the usual way (for details see Refs. 3, 6, 31, 33, and 34). Activity gradients on adsorbent layers are very convenient (48,49). The Vario-KS chamber permits preadsorption of vapors on the adsorbent layer, which is placed face down over a tray that contains various solvents. The removable tray consists of many rectangular troughs that can be filled with different solvents or humidity-controlling liquids (details are in Ref. 49). The eluent is in a separate trough and can be delivered to the adsorbent layer by a wick. III.



Polyzonal Thin-Layer Chromatography

Polyzonal TLC (6,7) can be carried out only in a cooled sandwich chamber. Experience has shown that the phenomenon of solvent demixing can take place mainly in sandwich chambers. If a binary mobile phase migrates through an adsorbent layer, e.g., silica gel, the molecules of stronger solvent are preferentially adsorbed, resulting in demixing of the mobile phase. This effect is the basis of frontal analysis and polyzonal chromatography (6,7). The demixing effect is more pronounced when a cooled sandwich chamber is used (for example, a Brenner-Niederwieser chamber). The demixing effect is also more pronounced if the components of the mobile phase differ strongly in eluent strength. When the solvent molecules are selectively adsorbed during the separation process and solvent demixing occurs, the a zone, containing only the weak solvent, is formed. Behind the a zone, the (3 zone, containing in the stationary phase the molecules of the stronger solvent, is formed. The /3 zone is separated from its predecessor by the /3 front. Zone and front formation with a ternary mobile phase are illustrated in Fig. 6. The migration rates of the fronts are different and can be expressed by the retardation factor ^

Distance from immersion line to (3 front Distance from immersion line to a front

The kp factor for a given adsorbent and mixed eluent is a function of the concentrations of

front Y-zone

/^ front /3-zone

a front














Figure 6 Phase formation with multicomponent solvents (polyzonal TLC) in an unsaturated sandwich chamber. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



the individual components in the developing solvent; it increases with an increase in concentration of the stronger solvent. The height and steepness of the gradient and length of the zones depend on the nature and the concentration of the eluent components. [The gradient steepness for linear gradients can be expressed as the percent per minute change in the concentration of solvent B (Fig. 2) or, for nonlinear gradients, as the average percent per minute change in the concentration of solvent B.] A developing solvent that contains n components will give n zones separated by n — 1 fronts. In polyzonal TLC, it is of particular interest to vary the distance between the immersion line and the starting point of the mixture. This can be done by applying the mixture solution several times at different distances from the immersion line. Any changes in the mobile and stationary phases during chromatography influence the behavior of the solute, depending on the distance between the starting point and the immersion line. As can be seen in Fig. 7, the complete chromatographic separation of a complex mixture can often be conveniently carried out by the use of two or more different starting points. Spots 4 and 7 from the first starting point (first mixture from the left side) are not separated, although spots 8 and 9 are well separated. The situation is different for the second starting point: Spots 8 and 9 are not separated, in contrast to 4 and 7. During the chromatographic process, molecules of each new solvent displace the solvent molecules of lower eluent strength and push the demixing front nearer to the a front. Generally, it is advisable to create conditions that allow these fronts to spread in equal proportions over the entire development distance (6). The greater the differences between the components of the mixture to be separated, the greater must be the range of solvent strengths of the components of the eluent. In general, mixtures in equimolar amounts of the lower representatives of any homologous series are frequently used. The following mixtures are useful (6): Chlorinated hydrocarbons: carbon tetrachloride-chloroform-methylene chloride (96:80:64) Ethers: diisopropyl ether-diethyl ether-dioxane (141:104:85) Esters: n-butyl acetate -n-propyl acetate-ethyl acetate-methyl acetate (132:115:98:80) Ketones: cyclohexanone-diethyl ketone-methyl ketone-acetone (103:106:90:73) Alcohols: tt-butanol-tt-propanol-ethanol-methanol (92:75:58:40) Polyzonal TLC with a multicomponent mobile phase represents the simplest technique for stepwise gradient elution. A continuous gradient can be realized only if the eluent contains a great number of different components with very small increments in solvent strength. However, because

immersion line Figure 7 Polyzonal chromatogram of a mixture containing, in 0.5 yuL, 1 /^g each of the 2,4-dinitrophenyl derivatives of the following amines and amino acids: (1) n-amylamine, (2) n-butylamine, (3) n-propylamine, (4) ethylamine, (5) methylamine, (6) tyramine, (7) leucine, (8) methionine, (9) proline, (10) hydroxyproline, and (11) glutamine, with separation starting from eight increasingly higher origins. Silica gel G (Merck), air-dried layer (relative atmospheric humidity, 50%), BN chamber, solvent isopropylether-propionic acid-acetic acid-formic acid (100:0.66:0.66:0.66). (Reprinted from Ref. 30 with permission.)

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each solvent has a different elution effect, such a mixture can seldom be realized. For a general discussion of polyzonal TLC, see the review by Niederwieser and Honegger (6). B.

Mobile-Phase Gradient

Complex, multicomponent mixtures containing components with a wide range of Rf values (0.01 < Rf < 0.9) cannot be separated by isocratic elution owing to the general elution problem (1,50). Eluents of low eluent strength separate the less strongly retained solutes, whereas the strongly retained components are eluted with very low Rf values. On the other hand, strong eluents do not separate weakly retained components, which migrate together and exist on a chromatogram as common or partly resolved spots. The general elution problem (1) in HPLC is usually solved by application of gradient elution (1-5,41,42). The technique can also be applied in TLC (3,6-16,21-24,28-31). Usually we are concerned with two-component gradients composed of a weak solvent A and a strong solvent B. The concentration of the stronger solvent B can be varied linearly or curvilinearly (convex or concave, Fig. 2), from pure A to pure B (for details, see Ref. 50, pp. 668686), so the concentration of B in the mobile phase entering the chromatographic plate increases throughout the separation. The eluent is initially weak and becomes progressively stronger as separation proceeds. In this case, the gradient applied is antiparallel. It is well known that the sample Rf values depend on the concentration of the stronger solvent in a binary mobile phase, so in gradient elution variations in sample retention are achieved almost exclusively by changes in the mobile-phase concentration. A stepwise gradient, which is more easily achieved in practice and easier to understand, is considered first. In most cases, the stepwise gradients are produced in sandwich chambers equipped with special solvent distributors (6,7,9-16,21-24). The space under the distributor, a strip of glass (1.3 X 5 X 95 mm for a 100 X 200 mm plate) placed over a margin of the carrier plate cleaned of adsorbent (see illustrations in Refs. 11, 22, and 51), is consecutively filled with up to 0.5 mL of the eluent. The first eluent fraction is, e.g., 10% ethyl acetate in chloroform, the second 20%, and the last is pure ethyl acetate. Each eluent fraction is introduced under the distributor with a micropipet after complete adsorption of the preceding fraction by the layer. If the difference between concentrations in two consecutive steps is relatively small and the gradient is partially smoothed during the separation process, the profile becomes approximately a continuous gradient (51). Five eluent fractions of increasing eluent strength are usually sufficient to avoid marked accumulation of spots on the front between two consecutive zones, as can occur in polyzonal TLC. C.

Optimization Strategy in Gradient Elution

Analysis of the distribution of the spots along a chromatogram enables the formulation of simple quantitative rules of gradient optimization for a particular gradient program. Some of the most important rules were given by Soczewinski (51). 1. Choice of Eluent Strength Range Soczewinski (51) proposed the following series of solvents for use on silica gel [eluent strength, e° values (52), in parentheses]: heptane (0.0), trichloroethylene, dichloromethane (0.32), diisopropyl ether (0.34), ethyl acetate (0.38), isopropanol. The gradient program should start from weak solvent A, with which low Rf values are obtained for most components of the sample. With the second solvent B, most components should have high Rf values, and even the strongly retained components should have Rf > 0. The eluent strength range can be chosen more accurately if the Rf values of the sample components in several mixtures of A and B are determined. A plot of Rf versus %B will guide the choice of the optimum range of the gradient. For instance, Fig. 8a shows that a gradient of 10-80% B should be suitable; the mixture in Fig. 8b (51) cannot be separated by a gradient of 10—80% B, because some of the components have Rf values that are too low, even with pure Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC




WV.C 0%B

Figure 8 Examples of the relationships between Rf and the modified concentrations for multicomponent samples and the corresponding profiles required for their separation OX < s^ < e°c). (Reprinted from Ref. 51 with permission.)

solvent B. In this case, it is necessary to use a wider eluent strength range by using a threecomponent mixture, A + B + C (e°A < s°B < e£). 2. Gradient Elution and Correction of Gradient Program With a good gradient elution program, no sample component moves with the solvent front or remains at the starting point. The gradient program chosen from the preliminary experiments may require correction of eluent strength range and profile. Comparison of the gradient program and the resulting chromatogram (Figs. 9 and 10) shows that changes in gradient shape are required. Two examples of the correction of gradient profiles are given in Figs. 9 and 10.








3 ^ 5

direction of

solvent How







Figure 9 Adjustment of the gradient profile to improve the distribution of spots along a chromatogram (see text).

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O 100


5 V, ml


direction of solvent flow


%B 0





5 V,ml

Figure 10 Adjustment of the gradient profile to improve the distribution of spots along a chromatogram (see text).



For the linear gradient from, for example, 20% ethyl acetate in methylene chloride to 100% ethyl acetate (Fig. 9a), most of the spots accumulate in the upper part of the chromatogram. This means that the initial concentration of B and the range of eluent strength were too high. Suggested changes in the gradient profile and initial concentration of B are illustrated in Fig. 9b. Changing the shape of the gradient from linear to concave and lowering the initial concentration of ethyl acetate to 10% should improve the distribution of spots along the plate. Most spots on the chromatogram presented in Fig. 10 accumulate in the lower part. Suggested changes include the use of a stronger solvent C in a mixture of A and B, or a ternary gradient, as shown in Fig. lOb.

For other examples, see Ref. 51. It should be emphasized that the high efficiency of gradient elution is caused by flattening of the spots due to varying eluent strength and mutual displacement of the sample components. In many cases, it is possible to detect about double the number of spots relative to isocratic elution. It is also possible to vary the Rf values in a poorly separated region of the chromatogram without changing those in the remaining part (51). The same rules can be applied to continuous gradients, but in this case the situation is more complex. Continuous gradients provide better separation of complex samples, but their applications are relatively scarce because rather complex devices are required to generate reproducible gradients. In many devices, a mixer is used and excess overflowing eluent is discarded, so the user cannot know which section of the elution gradient is responsible for the separation of which fractions.

D. Stationary-Phase Gradient A stationary-phase gradient in TLC involves a continuous or discontinuous change in the composition or activity of the adsorbent layer along the plate (8). A gradient of the stationary phase can be applied either parallel to the direction of solvent flow or at right angles to it (orthogonal gradient). The latter gradient is equivalent to using several different plates of varying adsorbent composition in searching for the best TLC system.

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As was shown in Section II.A, adsorbent gradients can be achieved in several different ways. For example, a strong adsorbent (e.g., silica gel) is mixed with varying proportions of a weak adsorbent (e.g., kieselguhr). As a result, an adsorbent gradient is formed along the plate. In fact, gradients composed of silica gel and kieselguhr have not fulfilled expectations. Greater dilution of the silica gel with kieselguhr (or other adsorbent of low surface area) results in reduced capacity and overloading of the initial part of the plate (31). Layers containing a discontinuous adsorbent gradient usually consist of a narrow zone of adsorbent A along the lower edge of the plate and an adsorbent B on the remaining part of the plate [layers with five zones of different adsorbents were also proposed (53)]. Discontinuous adsorbent gradients are used for three purposes: 1. To adsorb some interfering components of the sample at the starting point (31,32). The adsorbent in zone A strongly retains the unwelcome substances, e.g., an ion-exchange of complexing mechanism, but it does not retain the rest of the components of a mixture. 2. To carry out two-dimensional TLC. In the first direction, isocratic TLC occurs along the zone of adsorbent A. In the second direction, prefractionated sample components enter the layer of adsorbent B, which differs as much as possible from adsorbent A, for example, in pH or the presence of a complexing agent (31). 3. To concentrate the spot applied on a narrow preconcentration zone of a very weak adsorbent (e.g., kieselguhr). During development by an eluent, the spot is concentrated into a narrow band because the solvent strength is too high for such a weak adsorbent. Many examples of continuous and discontinuous adsorbent gradients applied in practice are given by Niederwieser (31) and by Liteanu and Gocan (3). The adsorbent layer can also be exposed to solvent vapors in special sandwich-type chambers that permit various solvent vapors to contact different parts of the plate, resulting in an adsorbent activity gradient along the plate. This technique is called preloading (43) or vapor-programmed gradient TLC (40). If the chromatographic plate is exposed to the vapors of a strong solvent such as acetone, the adsorbent layer is highly deactivated and high Rf values are obtained. The opposite effect would occur for a weak solvent such as hexane. A vapor-programmed gradient can also be applied either parallel to the direction of solvent flow or at right angles to it (for details, see Ref. 49). This method of gradient generation is relatively simple. However, the actual composition of the adsorbent layer and the gradient shape are virtually unknown. E. Automated Multiple Development Perry et al. (54,55) introduced in 1973 a new technique called programmed multiple development (PMD), in which the TLC plate was repeatedly developed in the same direction with the same solvent. Burger (17) improved this technique but maintained the general principles of PMD. The Burger (17) method is called automated multiple development (AMD). The characteristics of the AMD system are as follows (17-19): 1. A TLC plate is repeatedly developed in the same direction with solvents that differ from one step to the next. 2. Each developing step is longer than the previous one (approximately 3 mm per step). 3. From step to step, the solvent strength is decreased. 4. Gradient elution is used, but, in contrast to HPLC, the gradient starts with the most polar solvent (usually a mixture of methanol and dichloromethane, 50:50) and ends with the weakest solvent (e.g., a mixture of dichloromethane and n-hexane). 5. Solvent is completely removed from the plate after each developing step so that the composition of the solvent introduced in the next step is not changed. 6. From 10 to 25 steps are necessary to develop a plate, which corresponds to a total developing time of 0.5-3 h and a total migration distance of 3-10 cm.

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A typical gradient in AMD usually consists of three or four solvents: methanol, acetonitrile, dichloromethane, and hexane. In AMD, the chromatogram is developed under reproducible conditions so the user can compare it or its densitometric scanning curve with the profile of a elution gradient. This is demonstrated in Fig. 11 (19). Such a diagram allows the user to conclude which part of the gradient is ineffective and can be omitted (e.g., steps 1-18 for sample d) and which part should be modified. The samples of PTH amino acids (a), analgesics (b), and barbiturates (e) are resolved sufficiently, but some corrections of the gradient profile and eluent strength are necessary. Using the methanoldichloromethane gradient over the full length of all 25 steps would probably improve the separation (19). The dye mixture (Fig. lid) migrates through 18 steps as a narrow band and begins to resolve when the hexane—dichloromethane gradient starts, so the first 18 steps should be omitted and a new experiment started with the dichloromethane-hexane gradient. For mixtures of wide polarity differences, such as the pesticides (56), amino acid derivatives (57), alkaloids (58), or drugs (59), multiple development becomes the obvious choice. It enables the convenient stepwise application of solvent gradients for optimization of the separation of each group of compounds that migrate in a given solvent. Universal (60) solvent gradients are generated in a stepwise fashion, with as many solvents as required being employed to achieve the desired separation. Universal AMD gradients (60) have found wide application, particularly for the analysis of crop protection agents in surface water (61-63), plant extracts (64), psychopharmaceutical drugs (65), and steroids (66). It was shown in many papers (61,63,67,68) that automation of the multiple development procedure increased the reliability and reproducibility of the method while minimizing operator time and errors. AMD gradient elution was used for quantitative determination of eight pesticide residues (69) in soil that was considerably contaminated with petroleum derivatives. The excess of the petroleum derivatives was removed by solid-phase extraction. Another application of AMD gradients (70) was for the analysis of pesticide residues in drinking water. This method, elaborated for identification and quantification of active ingredients of plant-protecting agents in drinking and mineral water, has been accepted as standard in Germany.

15 steps

Figure 11 An application of the AMD technique. The denstitometric scanning curve is superimposed on the diagram of the gradient profile. (Reprinted from Ref. 19 with permission.)

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A 25-step gradient based on methanol, diethyl ether, and hexane was used to separate the six major human plantar stratum corneum lipids (71). Peak heights as well as peak areas were used for densitometric quantification of separated lipids. AMD-HPTLC gradient development enabled the separation and quantification of forskolin and its 10 derivatives (72). These diterpenoids have interesting pharmacological properties. Multistep gradient elution can also be carried out with modified overpressured TLC equipment (20,74), described in Chapter 7 of this Handbook. Vajda et al. (20) applied the method to the analysis of the components of total lipid extracts from various human blood samples. Pick (74) used it for the chromatographic separation of membrane gangliosides. The advantage of the procedure consists in the removal of less polar solutes in the first stages of the gradient and separation of the polar gangliosides in the last stages. IV.



Graphical Method

Consider the elution of a given solute by a two-component mobile phase on a chromatographic plate during stepwise gradient elution (10,12). The length of the plate is assumed to be unity. The composition of the binary mobile phase is defined in terms of the concentration of the stronger solvent. It is assumed that the composition of the mobile phase changes gradually during elution but is constant in each step. The elution model is presented in Fig. 12 (12). Assuming a constant mobile-phase flow rate, the straight line OF shows the migration of the mobile-phase front. The migration rate of compound A is lower than that of the mobile phase, and after one dead volume of eluent has passed through the bed, the Rf value of compound A is 0.2 (point A in Fig. 12). When the front of the mobile phase of 5% concentration reaches the end of the plate (Rf = 1.0), the concentration of the eluent is changed stepwise. The solvent front is observed by means of a marker (azulene or azobenzene) whose Rf value in the solvent system is close to unity. The line Q'Y' in Fig. 12 indicates the migration of the mobile phase of 10% concentration. Obviously, the front of 10% mobile phase will, after some time, overtake spot A, which traveled until then in the mobile phase of 5% concentration (section AA'). From point A' onward, the spot travels in the mobile phase of 10% concentration. It is assumed that the Rf value for compound A in the mobile phase of 10% concentration is 0.3. To find point B, a length A'C corresponding to one dead volume Vm is marked, and a section equal to 0.3 Rf unit from point C is measured. Upon connecting points A', B, B', the migration of the spot A in the 10% mobile phase and the final Rf value are obtained. If the Rf values obtained in several isocratic elution steps are known, the program for gradient elution can be constructed (11,12). Results of stepwise gradient elution of DABS-amino acids are 1.0





3 V/Vn

Figure 12 Graphical representation of the movement of sample A during stepwise gradient elution. (Reprinted from Ref. 12 with permission.)

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Figure 13 Results of thin-layer chromatography of DABS-amino acid derivatives. (Reprinted from Ref. 12 with permission.)

presented in Fig. 13 (12). The solvent concentration for the first step was chosen from the plot of Rf versus percent of the more efficient solvent (it is still better in normal-phase TLC to use Rm versus log % of the more polar solvent) by assuming that for the first eluted compound the Rf value should be equal to 0.25. In fact, half of the dead volume Vm of the eluent was used, so the Rf value in the first step is equal to 0.25/2 = 0.125 (see Fig. 13). Knowing the concentration in which the Rf for the first compound is equal to 0.25, the Rf values for the rest of the compounds were obtained in the same way from a plot of Rf versus %B. In the next steps, 0.5Vm of 10% and Q.5Vm of 15% concentrations were used (12). If experimental conditions in isocratic and gradient elution are comparable (constant flow rate, temperature, thickness of layer, etc.), the Rvalues for gradient elution determined graphically from Rf = f(% concentration), or better, Rm =/(log %), and also experimentally differ by not more than 0.01-0.03 Rf unit (12). Both the shape of the gradient and the number of dead volumes of the eluents required to ensure that the final Rf values of compounds do not exceed Rf = 1.0 can be determined. This is particularly important in the separation of colorless compounds.

B. Numerical Method 1. Step wise Gradient Elution All recent gradient theories are based on the linear relationship, obtained under isocratic conditions, between log k (or Rm = log 1 - R/IRf in TLC) values and the logarithm of the molar fraction of the more efficient solvent in the binary eluent (in normal-phase chromatography) and between log k (or Rm in TLC) and the volume fraction of the organic solvent (e.g., methanol or acetonitrile) in an aqueous-organic eluent in reversed-phase chromatography (1,4,5,9,41,42). Soczewinski and coworkers (13,75) derived an equation for the Rf values of solute chromatographed under stepwise gradient elution. Assuming a definite relationship between the k value and the modifier concentration, the final Rf values of solute j (considering that the last, hth, development step is incomplete) is h-\ R


~ Z-l

i ID


*~ f(jM)

I 1



for h = 1, 2, 3, . . .


where j - the number of the solute (the code) i = the sequential number of the elution step (eluent fraction) h = the number of the last step (in which the solute migrates through part of the concentration zone) RfUJ) = the Rf value of the solute (isocratic value) in the rth concentration zone

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Vo,;) = the volume of eluent introduced in the ith step expressed as a fraction of total eluent volume used in the gradient elution XUii) = the volume of mobile phase corresponding to the migration of solute j through the ith concentration zone rw) = the fractional distance traveled by solute in the ith step The volume XW) of mobile phase for sample j in the ith step can be calculated from the equation

As an example of the application of the present method, consider the stepwise gradient elution of a hypothetical sample j. Rf values of solute j in the mobile phase of different concentrations (fraction volume) are as follows: Volume fraction of solvent B in eluent Rvalue

0.05 0.09

0.1 0.12

0.2 0.27

0.3 0.48

0.4 0.62

Assume that a five-step gradient with equal volumes of mobile phase in each step will be applied, so that v = 0.2 (one-fifth of the total volume of solvent used for gradient elution). The concentrations expressed as volume fractions in subsequent steps are 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4. The volume X of mobile phase for sample j in the first step of gradient elution can be calculated by using Eq. 2:

0.2 = 0.22 I - 0.09 The volume X in the second step is






= °'23

The volume X for the next two steps is

X0,3) = 0.27


Xo-4) = 0.38

The sum of the fractional volumes X is •^(7,1) ~*~ -^(7,2) + "^(7,3) + ^(7,4)


This is greater than 1.0, which means that solute j migrates through three concentration zones and partly into the fourth zone. Knowing the /?/value of solute j under isocratic conditions, the value of the fractional distance roo can be calculated with the help of Eq. 1 (neglecting the second term) as

Then the fractional distance ra>1) and ra-,2) values in the first and second steps are

0.2 X 0.09

= °-02




0.2 X 0.12

= °-03

and for the third step, r O3) = 0.07. Now the final Rf value can be calculated for solute j during a four-step gradient: Rf= (0.02 + 0.03 + 0.07) + 0.48(1 - 0.22 - 0.23 - 0.27) = 0.25 Markowski et al. (75) elaborated a microcomputer program for the calculation of final Rf

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values obtained under step wise gradient conditions. After introduction of Rf values of the sample components obtained for several isocratic runs, the microcomputer calculates Rf values for any gradient program and displays the paths of migration of the spots through the concentration zones. It is thus possible to study by computer simulation the final arrangement of spots for chosen programs of stepwise gradients. 2. Automated Multiple Development Optimization of gradients in automated multiple development (AMD) can be achieved in three steps: 1.

Selection of the "base" solvent (i.e., medium polarity) and at least two modifiers (very polar and nonpolar solvents) 2. Improvement of the separation by development of a final gradient with the appropriate range of eluotropic strengths of the solvent mixtures 3. Development of a suitable slope of a gradient (i.e., rate of change of the eluotropic strength with time) Solvents with the selectivity necessary for the separation of the mixture are usually selected (57.58) with the help of the PRISMA model, based on Snyder and Kirkland's (76) solvent selectivity scheme. Selection of the correct base solvent from the different Snyder classes turned out to be critical to the optimization of selectivity. The eluotropic strength of the binary solvent mixtures can be calculated using Snyder's equation (77). When the individual components of the mixture to be analyzed are available, preliminary experiments based on isocratic development may be useful for selection of suitable solvents. The preliminary investigation may be performed as follows (56). The retention behavior of high and medium polarity standards in binary mixtures of strong and "base" solvent is carried out to determine the solvent strength range of the AMD gradient. Successive investigations using binary mixtures composed of the base solvent and (usually) hexane are carried out to optimize the separation of low polarity standards. The isocratic data obtained for different concentrations of binary mixtures are conveniently plotted as the relationship between R,n and solvent composition (9-12). Inspection of these plots gives useful information about the adequate solvent strength and the change in selectivity resulting from the change of base solvent and modifiers. If the polarity range of an AMD gradient is such that insufficient resolution is obtained, the separation might be optimized by changing the gradient slope. Queckenberg and Frahm (58) stated that, in general, steeper gradients improve peak shape but reduce the resolution, whereas flatter gradients generate broader but better separated peaks. Two gradient profiles are recommended: universal (56,61) and linear (58,59). Some authors (58.59) prefer a linear gradient because abrupt changes in eluotropic strength occur within the universal gradient (59), and some components of a complex mixture might coelute. The concentration of mobile phase at which the coelution occurred corresponded to an abrupt change in the eluotropic strength, thus explaining the results observed (59). The optimization procedure is frequently carried out by the trial-and-error method (56-60,67) owing to the lack of a theoretical model of the multiple development process. Markowski and Soczewinski (78,79) formulated the physical model for AMD, which is useful for describing the migration of the solute zones and computer analysis of various parameters determining the final optimization of gradient. Let us consider two-step gradient development (80). After a first development to the distance Zi, the Rf of the solute is equal to

where Rfl is the Rf value for the first eluent. The chromatogram is now dried and developed to distance z2 with the second eluent, for which the solute Rf is equal to Rf2. However, the spot does not move until the solvent front overtakes it; thus, the real solute migration distance in the second step is z2 ~~ z\R/\- The final Rfg value for the two steps of gradient is

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GRADIENT DEVELOPMENT IN TLC Rfg = ZlRfl + (z2 ~ first development



second development

Generalizing the situation for an n-step gradient, we can write

where Rfg is the final Rf value after the n-step gradient, SfiS""0 yt is the sum of the preceding fractional migration distances, yn is the real Rf value in the last step, zn is the development distance in the last step, and Rfa is the isocratic Rf value of the solute for the solvent used in the last step. A computer program for the calculation of the final Rfg value, taking into account the development distances z,, compositions of consecutive eluents, and the retention -modifier concentration relationship, was elaborated by Markowski (79). V.


As demonstrated in many papers (23,81-83), much better separation efficiency is obtained for stepwise gradient elution than for continuous elution, especially in the case of plant extracts, owing to enhanced displacement effects. Matysik and Jusiak (82) used stepwise gradient development for the separation of chelidonium alkaloids in waste industrial fractions. Binary (toulene-methanol) and ternary (toulene- ethyl acetate -methanol) mobile phases were used, and a six-step program was performed. Eight-step stepwise gradient elution was also used for separation of glycosides from Digitalis species (83). Ergot alkaloids (84) and coumarin derivatives (85) were separated on TLC silica plates by using stepwise gradients with different solvents. Stepwise gradients have also been used to separate anthocyanins (86) in the petals of red poppy, furocoumarins (87), and anthraquinones (88). Marked improvement of the separation of two plant extracts by the use of a modified program of stepwise multiple gradient development was reported (89). Modification lies in the fact that the chromatographic plate was developed over decreasing distances with eluents of increasing eluent strength. Gradient development combined with densitometry is an efficient method for the analysis of plant extracts, because it eliminates preliminary purification of extract. Examples of such a procedure are presented in some papers, e.g., perstilbene (3,5-dimethoxy-2-hydroxy-£'-stilbene) was satisfactorily separated by use of two-step gradient elution and quantified by densitometric techniques (90). In another work (91), plant extracts containing flavonoids were separated on HPTLC silica plates by two- and three-step gradient elution. An HPTLC method with densitometric detection was used to determine the convallatoxine content of extracts from flowers, leaves, and underground parts of Herba convallariae (92). Plant extracts were separated on HPTLC silica plates by multiple gradient development. Mycotoxins such as alternariol and alternariol methyl ether, produced by fungi of the genus Alternaria, were analyzed by stepwise gradient TLC (93). The obtained chromatograms were well suited for quantitative densitometric determination. Two-step gradient elution was applied to separate the colored pigments of Trichoderma harzianum fermentation broth (94). The main fractions were identified by instrumental methods (IR, DAD detector, and MS) after gradient reversed-phase TLC. Additionally, multistep gradient elution developed for RP-TLC was successfully used as a pilot method for the rational design of a gradient elution program in RP-HPLC. Fluorescein, the active component in the French preparation "fluoresceine," was quantitatively determined after gradient HPTLC development (95). Gradient mobile-phase TLC was also applied to the quantitative determination of prednisolone acetate in a Polish preparation "prednisolon" and in the aqueous humor of rabbit eyes (96). Gradient development has occasionally been employed in preparative TLC chromatography. Soczewinski and coworkers (24,97) applied an equilibrium sandwich chamber (47) for systematic investigations of the formation of zones and separation selectivity in overloaded preparative liquid chromatography.

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The sample solution band (test dye mixture), applied from the edge of the layer, formed a partly separated starting zone (frontal chromatography stage). After adsorption of the sample by the adsorbent layer, the eluent was introduced under the solvent distributor, and the marker (azobenzene) was spotted. The movements of the marker and the dye zones were recorded on a transparent foil (97). By connecting the points representing the upper and lower boundaries of the zones, a dynamic picture of the movement and separation of the zones could be obtained. Stepwise gradient elution has been applied to the overloaded zonal preparative TLC of complex, multicomponent plant extracts of the herbal medicines azulan and hemorigen (98) used in therapy. Stepwise gradient elution combined with application of extract from the edge of the layer markedly improved the separation efficiency and purity of fractions, which was revealed by densitometry. Theoretical and practical problems related to computer-aided optimization of Stepwise gradient development in TLC of plant extracts containing biologically active compounds were reviewed by Matysik and Soczewinski (99). Figure 14 (24) illustrates the separation of a dye sample during (a) isocratic and (b) Stepwise gradient elution. It can be seen that full separation is obtained only for gradient elution; in isocratic elution, zones of dyes 3 and 4 overlap. In the case of a Stepwise gradient, the zones, instead of spreading, become narrower and more compact. In consequence, the sample capacity is markedly higher. The improvement of separation in preparative Stepwise gradient elution is caused by two mechanisms: mutual displacement of the components of the mixture to be separated and compression of the zones, described earlier for continuous gradients in HPLC (1,4,5). The compression of the zones results from the fact that the lower edge of a zone is overtaken by the mobile-phase fronts of increasing eluent strength earlier than the upper edge, so that the upper edge of the zone moves in the mobile phase of a lower eluent strength than the lower edge. VI.


Gradient development can be applied for the following purposes: Separation of samples that contain many compounds with widely different retention values Lowering of the detection limit by sharpening of the chromatographic zones Speeding up the search for a better chromatographic system

10 15 migration of mQrker,cm

10 15 migration of marker,cm

Figure 14 Dynamic representation of the migration of the bands of four test dyes. Sample: 1.5 mL of a 0.4% solution of 4-chlorobenzene-l-azo-l,4(N,AO-dimethylammobenzene (1); disperse blue-Polanildunkelblau 3RT (2); disperse red-Polanilrubid FL (3); and disperse red-Polanilscharlach RP (4); c, contamination of No. 4. The dashed line represents the migration of the marker, azobenzene. (a) Isocratic elution with 30% ethyl acetate in trichloroethylene. (b) Five-step gradient elution, 10-2030-40-50% of ethyl acetate in trichloroethylene. (Reprinted from Ref. 24 with permission.)

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O.OOOE (a)


Figure 15 Densitograms (Shimadzu CS-930, 254 nm) of Seboren (plant drug), (a) Isocratic elution, ethyl acetate-chloroform (1:1); (b) stepwise gradient (10-20-30-40-50-70% ethyl acetate in chloroform). (Reprinted from Ref. 100 with permission.)

Increasing the loading capacity of the sample in preparative TLC Separation of less strongly retained ballast components of the sample in the first gradient steps and chromatographic analysis of the remaining polar compounds in the last steps (69) It should be noted that not every gradient arrangement is useful in practice. It has been shown (31) that the resolution of neighboring zones is better for antiparallel gradients than for parallel gradients. On the other hand, results of theoretical treatment (8) suggest that the four examined gradient TLC techniques can be arranged in the following order of decreasing resolution: adsorbent gradient layer (best), gradient elution TLC, polyzonal TLC, and vapor-programmed TLC (worst). In most cases the optimum gradient profile is determined experimentally, but it is always possible to determine the optimum gradient profile, either graphically or numerically, with the help of a microcomputer. Recently, a device for overpressured TLC and a fully automatic AMD machine for the complete plate-developing process were introduced. Both instruments can be used for gradient development. Gradient development can also be used in preparative TLC. In this case, the sample capacity for full separation of all components of the sample is several times larger for stepwise gradients than for isocratic elution. In many cases, twice as many spots can be detected in gradient development as in isocratic elution. This is illustrated in Fig. 15, which presents copies of densitometer printouts obtained for Seboren extract (a plant drug) in two elution modes: isocratic and stepwise gradient (100).

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57. M. T. Belay and C. F. Poole. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 6:43, 1993. 58. O. R. Queckenberg and A. W. Frahm. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 6:55, 1993. 59. P. V. Colthup, J. A. Bell, and D. L. Gadsdon. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 6:386, 1993. 60. D. E. Janchen and H. J. Isaaq. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 11:1941, 1988. 61. K. Burger, K. Kohler, and H. Jork. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 3:504, 1990. 62. U. De La Vigne and D. E. Janchen. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod TLC 3:6, 1990. 63. U. De La Vigne, D. E. Janchen, and W. H. Weber. J. Chromatogr. 553:489, 1991. 64. M. F. M. Trypsteen, R. G. E. Van Severen, and B. M. J. De Spiegeleer. Analyst (Lond.) 114:1021, 1989. 65. H. J. Bigalke, S. Ebel, W. Ullrich, and S. Voelki. In: R. Kaiser, ed. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Instrum. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatogr. Bad Diirkheim, FRG: Inst. for Chromatography, 1987. 66. M. Matyska, A. M. Siouffi, and E. Soczewinski. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 4:255, 1991. 67. C. F. Poole and A. T. Belay. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 4:345, 1991. 68. S. K. Poole and C. F. Poole. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 5:221, 1992. 69. J. Bladek, A. Kostkowski, and M. Miszczak. J. Chromatogr. A 754:273, 1996. 70. G. E. Morlock. J. Chromatogr. A 754:423, 1996. 71. S. Zellmer and J. Lasch. J. Chromatogr. B 691:321, 1997. 72. F. Bonte, P. Pinguet, A. Saunois, J. M. Chevalier, and A. Meybeck. J. Chromatogr. A 791:231, 1997. 73. C. F. Poole and S. K. Poole. J. Chromatogr. A 703:573, 1995. 74. J. Pick. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 10:1821, 1987. 75. W. Markowski, E. Soczewinski, and G. Matysik. J. Liq. Chromatogr. 10:1261, 1987. 76. L. R. Snyder and J. J. Kirkland. Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography. New York: Wiley, 1979, pp. 257-265. 77. L. R. Snyder. Principles of Adsorption Chromatography. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 257-333. 78. W. Markowski and E. Soczewinski. J. Chromatogr. 623:139, 1992. 79. W. Markowski. J. Chromatogr. 635:283, 1993. 80. W. Markowski and E. Soczewinski. Chromatographia 36:330, 1993. 81. G. Matysik and E. Soczewinski. Chromatographia 26:178, 1988. 82. G. Matysik and L. Jusiak. J. Chromatogr. 518:273, 1990. 83. G. Matysik, W. Markowski, E. Soczewinski, and B. Polak. Chromatographia 34:303, 1992. 84. W. Cisowski and E. Lamer-Zarawska. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 3:47, 1990. 85. W. Cisowski, E. Palka-Gudyka, M. Krauze-Baranowska, and Z. Krolicki. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 4:471, 1991. 86. G. Matysik and M. Benesz. Chromatographia 32:19, 1991. 87. M. Waksmundzka-Hajnos and T. Wawrzynowicz. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 7:58, 1994. 88. G. Matysik and E. Wojtasik. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 7:34, 1994. 89. G. Matysik. Chromatographia 43:39, 1996. 90. H. D. Smolarz and G. Matysik. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 14:199, 2001. 91. H. D. Smolarz, G. Matysik, and M. Wqjciak-Kosior. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 13:101, 2000. 92. G. Matysik, M. Wqjciak-Kosior, and J. Kowalski. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 14:191, 2001. 93. G. Matysik and H. Giryn. Chromatographia 42:555, 1996. 94. G. C. Kiss, E. Forgacs, T. Cserhati, and J. A. Vizcaino. J. Chromatogr. A 896:61, 2000. 95. G. Matysik. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) 43:719, 1998. 96. G. Matysik, J. Toczolowski, and A. Matysik. Chromatographia 40:737, 1995. 97. T. Wawrzynowicz, E. Soczewinski, and K. Czapinska. Chromatographia 2:223, 1985. 98. G. Matysik, E. Soczewinski, and B. Polak. Chromatographia 39:497, 1994. 99. G. Matysik and E. Soczewinski. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 9:404, 1996. 100. G. Matysik and E. Soczewinski. Chromatographia 26:178, 1988.

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7 Overpressured Layer Chromatography Emil Mincsovics OPLC-NIT Ltd., Budapest, Hungary Katalin Ferenczi-Fodor Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd., Budapest, Hungary Erno Tyihak Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

I. A.

INTRODUCTION History of Overpressured Layer Chromatography* and Its Place Among Liquid Chromatographic Techniques

Conventional planar and nonplanar as well as thin- and thick-layer liquid chromatographic techniques require few instruments and are rather simple. Among the planar layer liquid chromatographic techniques, paper chromatography (PC) and its various versions developed in the 1940s by Martin and Synge (1) have to be mentioned first. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), discovered by Ismailov and Shraiber (2) as well as Bekesy (3), improved by Kirchner et al. (4), and standardized and spread by Stahl et al. (5,6), contributed to the isolation and analysis of many natural and synthetic substances. Today, versions of this classical chromatographic technique are indispensable in various fields of scientific research and practice. The combination of flame ionization detection (FID) and TLC (TLC/FID) as a nonplanar layer chromatographic technique gives quantitative results without the need to use detection reagents. In this system the thin sorbent layer is, e.g., on a glass rod (open or turned-out column) (7). Column and layer liquid chromatographic techniques—as supplementary techniques due to their arrangements—have always been characteristically developed in constant mutual interaction. Hence it is not surprising that the intensive development of high-performance column liquid chromatography (HPLC) entailed the need for the fundamental renewal of the most popular planar layer liquid chromatographic technique, TLC. In light of this, it can also be understood that the latest efforts aimed at further development of layer liquid chromatography are characterized by the desire to introduce sophisticated instrumental techniques similar to those of HPLC (8-10). Attempts to develop an ultramicro (UM) chamber were first made in the 1960s (11). In this simple chamber, the chromatographic plate is covered by a glass plate in such a way that the end of the cover plate is not immersed in the solvent. This chamber is well suited for modeling classical column chromatographic (CC) separation. Important new instruments were developed

* Sometimes referred to as optimum performance laminar chromatography, for which the same abbreviation (OPLC) is used.

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after the UM chamber that were aimed at increasing the efficiency of TLC through improvement of the separation mechanism. Programmed multiple development TLC, as elaborated by Perry (12), combines the techniques of continuous multiple development and evaporation. This technique was improved by Burger (13). In Burger's system, the chromatoplate is developed several times in the same direction with various mobile phases of decreasing elution power. Between developments, the chromatoplate is dried by vacuum. This method is termed automated multiple development (AMD) (14). High-performance TLC (HPTLC) is based on the use of chromatoplates coated with fine particles of a sorbent having a narrow particle size distribution and is carried out with sophisticated instrumentation (15,16). Modern methods of column liquid chromatography employ constant flow rates (8-10), although this has not been the case in TLC and HPTLC. The greatly increased developing time on a fine-particle-size sorbent layer (HPTLC chromatoplate) made it necessary to employ forced flow, which is also exploited in centrifugal layer chromatography (CLC) (17) [an alternative term is rotation planar chromatography (RPC) (18)] and in high-speed TLC (HSTLC). The latter used electro-osmosis to force the eluent (19). However, the first successful step to a real planar version of HPLC was the development of a pressurized ultramicro chamber the basic instrument of overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC) (20-22), which used a pump system for application of the eluent. The efficiency-oriented term for the original technique is optimum performance laminar chromatography (22a). The infusion and transfusion (22b) off-line and on-line operating modes in OPLC and their combination (23a), as well as the parallel (23b) and serial coupled (23c) multilayer systems, are basic technical versions of OPLC. The automated OPLC 50 system (23d) provides a user-friendly, automatic, accurate, and sensitive version of the original technique (20-22). Figure 1 illustrates the place of OPLC techniques among the basic column and layer liquid chromatographic techniques classified according to the mode of transport of the mobile phase and the shape of the sorbent bed.




Figure 1



Classification of liquid chromatographic techniques.

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Basic Elements of OPLC Techniques

Three geometric arrangements are used for chromatographic development in conventional TLC or HPTLC: linear, circular (radial), and triangular (anticircular). Depending on the application, all of these developing modes can be performed in OPLC, and each has its own particular merits. In the linear developing mode, one-directional, two-directional, and two-dimensional development is possible (23,24). It can also be carried out by infusion and transfusion operations. In the case of the infusion operating mode, there is no existing outlet. The sorbent layer is totally closed, and during development the air of external and internal porosity is continuously compressed at the outlet side of the layer. This backpressure helps in the pore filling of particles, reducing the waviness of the front of total wetness. The infusion process is suitable for off-line development only, and a sorbent layer sealed on four sides should be used. In the transfusion operating mode, the outlet side of the layer is in the open stage, allowing the outflow of both the air and the mobile phase. In transfusion OPLC, both off-line and on-line operation as well as their combination are possible, corresponding to the classical (original) OPLC technique (22b). It follows from the principle of OPLC that low (2-5 bar), medium (10-30 bar), and high (50-100 bar or more) operating pressures can be used in this planar layer liquid chromatographic technique (25). OPLC is an instrumentalized version of planar layer liquid chromatography, and it is suitable for on-line as well as off-line sample application, separation, and detection and their variations (partial off-line methods). In the on-line mode, the solutes are measured in the drained eluent by connecting a flow cell detector to the eluent outlet. In the off-line mode all the principal steps of the chromatographic process, such as sample application, separation, and quantitative evaluation, are performed off-line (26-28). A parallel version of overpressured multilayer chromatography (OPMLC) using two or more chromatoplates is very attractive because a large number of samples (50-100 or more) can be separated during one development (23b). Serial coupled OPMLC (called "long-distance" OPLC) can be used to increase both the number of theoretical plates and the resolution (23c). The automated OPLC 50 system generates a controlled separation process (23d). In OPLC systems, the changes in the composition of eluent provide good possibilities for special separation modes, i.e., isocratic, gradient, and stepwise gradient. The OPLC system permits both analytical and preparative investigations. II. THEORY A.

Retention and Factors That Influence It

1. Formation and Migration of Eluent Fronts In conventional layer chromatography [TLC, HPTLC, and preparative layer chromatography (PLC)], the eluent migrates by means of capillary forces, described by the quadratic equation (29-31)

z2f = kt where z/ is the distance of the visible a front, t is the time of development, and k is the velocity constant. In OPLC, the eluent can be forced through (or into in the case of infusion operation) the sorbent bed by means of a pump system by using a chosen flow rate (20). With the eluent fed at constant velocity, the speed of the front depends on the cross-sectional area of the sorbent layer in the direction of the development. Only linear developments are able to result in constant linear velocity; other geometrical shapes of sorbent layers (circular, triangular) are not. Accordingly, the basic flow rule of linear transfusion OPLC is (32,33) zf= ut where zf is the migration distance of the eluent front, u is the linear migration velocity of the

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eluent front, and t is the time of the development. This means that in linear OPLC the velocity is constant along the plate, in contrast to the circular version of OPLC, in which the velocities of fronts and components decrease along the radius during development. Figure 2a illustrates the basic differences among the conditions of eluent flow in conventional layer chromatography and one- and two-directional linear and circular (transfusion) OPLC at a constant flow rate (34). As can be seen in Fig. 2b, the theoretical line of linear (transfusion) OPLC development intersects the curve of conventional development, and its linear velocity is initially higher than that of OPLC. A starting rapid eluent flash (e.g., the use of a pressurized buffer space system) results in high velocity, and curve 3 is continuously higher than curve 1. By this means, the straight front line is ensured. The automated OPLC 50 system automatically manages this period, dividing the process into two parts (line 4). The initial rapid period, having a higher constant velocity, ensures the formation of a straight front by quick wetting of the sorbent layer at the trough area. A period of lower velocity of separation follows this high-velocity step. At a certain distance (position 5) the velocity becomes constant, and samples should be applied up to this point. In the case of infusion OPLC, the speed of the alpha front decreases continuously whereas the mobile-phase inlet pressure increases with continuously increasing speed during development (22b). 2. Front of Total Wetness in Fully Off-Line Systems If a dry porous sorbent bed made of irregular sorbent is used at the beginning of development, two zones can be found that have significant differences in their refractive indices, even if single eluents and conventional or forced-flow layer chromatographic techniques are used (26,31, 35-37). In the case of classical, fully off-line transfusion OPLC, in the zone under the a front (Fa~), the space between the sorbent particles and within the pores is filled partially with air and eluent. This is the partially wetted zone (zpw), which sometimes disturbs the separation in this narrow range (26,28,36). The next zone toward the eluent inlet point is a totally wetted one (ztw), which is completely filled with the eluent. The border between these zones is the front of total wetness (Fm), which is not straight in most cases, but a sharp zigzag line that arises due to the inhomogeneity of external and internal pore diameters of the sorbent bed. If the sorbent layer in fully off-line OPLC is "open-ended" (transfusion operation, the opposite side of the eluent inlet is open, with outflow through an eluent outlet tube), Ftw and the components migrate proportionally with Fa at a constant flow rate (26,27) (Fig. 3). F,u changes from a straight line to a zigzag one during the separation, and its bandwidth increases with migration distance. This effect is greater on a TLC plate than on an HPTLC plate. In contrast to the transfusion process, infusion yields a continuously decreasing waviness of the front Fnv as well as of the sample band shape of that area during development. The air that originally contained the sorbent is continuously compressed, helping to fill the pores with particles (22b). Nyiredy et al. (36) defined a critical pressure that can be related to F,w. The Rf value of Fm (/?,„,) may vary with the conditions of development. Valayudhan et al. (37) found that RtH. linearly increases with the flow rate but that Fa shows slight nonlinearity at higher flow rates. This phenomenon is independent of the viscosity of applied eluents (methanol, ethanol, and heptane). The pressure drop increases linearly with the migration distance and the time of development (see Fig. 3). It depends on the viscosity of the eluent, the particle size of the sorbent layer, and the external pressure on the layer surface. Within experimental error, their incompressible model is in agreement with experiments, and the velocities of the fronts are (37) UFa = (1 + d)UFnt


a = e,,/Ei

where st is the interstitial and sp the intraparticulate porosity per total volume of bed. If the sorbent layer is not wettable by the eluent, e.g., in the case of a reversed-phase sorbent applied in water elution, FM migrates together with Fa (37). Along the pate, the sorbent/eluent ratio is not constant, due to the partially filled zone. The front distance always appears to be longer than the one measured at totally filled conditions. This causes the Rf value to be higher than the one calculated from the visible front.

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a lion


Figure 2 Migration of a front using conventional TLC and various off-line transfusion OPLC developments. HPTLC silica gel 60 (Merck) is compressed for 10 min at 2.5 MPa prior to development, (a) Whole development. Eluent, carbon tetrachloride; flow rate (OPLC), 0.50 cnrVmin; temperature, 19.5°C; 1, conventional development (normal unsaturated chamber); 2, two-directional linear OPLC; 3, circular OPLC; 4, one-directional linear OPLC. (b) Initial period. Eluent, chloroform; flow rate (OPLC), 0.325 cm3/min; 1, conventional development (normal unsaturated chamber); 2, theoretical line of linear OPLC; 3, linear OPLC, using rapid eluent admission; 4, linear OPLC, using automated OPLC 50; 5, proposed place of sample application.

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V. ccm

0.3 -I



Figure 3 Migration of the solvent fronts and substances during continuous development using transfusion OPLC technique (26). Chromatographic conditions: Chrompres 25 (Labor MIM, Budapest, Hungary); silica gel 60 (Merck); isooctane-THF (100:7.5); external pressure on the membrane, 2.0 MPa. L, migration distance; 5, start point; /, eluent inlet point; O, eluent outlet point. 1, a. front (Fa); 2, front of total wetness (F,lv); 3, (3 front (F^); 4, inlet pressure (Pt); 5, curve of eluent volume at outlet (V,.); 6-10, substances separated (6, blue dye, eluting in Fp; 7, perylene; 8, yellow dye; 9, pink dye; 10, red dye). Stages of continuous development: I, classical, fully off-line OPLC; II, leaving of partially wetted zone; III, leaving of secondary fronts; IV, equilibration.

Using diagonal sample application and a single eluent, Rf values were practically independent of spotting location, and their values were higher on HPTLC layers than on TLC layers (21). Roeraade and Flodberg (38) compressed the sorbent layer prior to OPLC development, and because of the increased packing density, Rf decreased slightly up to 10 MPa and dramatically above this value. 3. Secondary Fronts in Fully Off-Line Systems It is a well-known fact in classical TLC that the eluent components sorbed strongly by the sorbent sites can cause secondary fronts (Fp, Fy, . . .) (39) that are independent of Fm,. This effect can be found during adsorption as well as in reversed-phase development when the eluent consists of solvents of different strengths. The effect of this chromatographic solvent demixing is stronger in fully off-line OPLC systems (26), owing to the total elimination of vapor space, than in chambers with small vapor spaces, e.g., sandwich chambers. These fronts divide the sorbent layer into zones of different eluting strengths, within which the solvent strength and polarity are practically the same, whereas at the fronts themselves there is a sudden increase in eluent strength that gives rise to "polarity steps." This phenomenon takes place in HPLC and in fully on-line OPLC as well, but only after eluent changes during equili-

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bration, when the apparatus is not used for separation (26,28,40) (see Fig. 3). The eluent strength (e) of a given eluent mixture can be calculated according to Snyder and Glajch (41). Eluent strength was correlated with Rf/3 using fully off-line OPLC, silica gel 60, and different apolar and polar eluent mixtures. The mixtures of hexane and ethyl acetate or tetrahydrofuran or acetone show linear relationships between Rf/3 and e. The mixtures of ethyl acetate and carbon tetrachloride, benzene, or methylene chloride fail to show this type of correlation (28). The eluent strength of the /3 zone is regarded as similar to the calculated value. If the secondary front collects analyzable components from the preceding zone (a zone), shorter development or a higher sample origin is needed. When sample components are not sensitive and Za can elute the component collected by the secondary front, double development with the same eluent can be used. If the phenomenon cannot be overcome, new eluent should be used. If the polar constituent of the eluent is replaced with a weaker one of the same volumetric ratio, then a higher Rlp and lower e value of the )3 zone arise. Replacing the apolar constituent of this new eluent with a stronger one results in a higher Rft3 and a higher e value of the /3 zone. At a given eluent composition and sorbent, the Rff} value is constant, independent of migration distance and velocity of eluent (25,26,37). The Rf of a secondary front depends on the eluent composition. It was found that a plot of Rm versus the logarithm of the mole fraction of polar constituent used in the mixture did not show a linear relationship, unlike the compounds' migration in the (3 zone (Rm is equal with the logarithm of II Rf — 1). Rf^ increases with increasing concentration of polar modifier as well as with decreasing specific surface areas of the sorbent (42). Similar results were found by Wawrzynowicz and Soczewinski (43) in the case of a sandwich chamber and binary eluents. Markowski et al. (44) applied sandwich TLC for the evaluation of adsorption isotherms, comparing this method to the breakthrough and static methods. All three methods gave similar results. 4. Retention Transfer Among TLC, Off-Line and On-Line OPLC, and HPLC The elimination of the vapor phase above the sorbent layer in OPLC may cause disturbances in the retention transfer from TLC to OPLC. (Recall the previous point.) Retention data obtained in fully off-line OPLC can be converted to on-line separation/detection conditions according to the equation

where k is the capacity factor of a given component in the on-line system (45). A strong correlation was found on silica gel layers among fully off-line, partially off-line (off-line sample application, on-line separation/detection), and fully on-line OPLC even when eluents were used with more components (28). The slope of the line is not 1, due to the difference in sorbent bed conditions. If the /3 front collects some components, then the concept of Rm additivity can be used to convert these data into those of the fully on-line system:

where R^ is the Rm value in the wet system, Rmfi is the Rm value of the (3 front, and Rmi is the Rm value of the given collected components in the a zone. If the number of silanols in silica gel is reduced by a polar silane reagent such as 3-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, then the resulting diol-modified layer is less sensitive to relative humidity, and /Rvalues are generally higher on it than on bare silica layers (46). Thus the modified layer is suitable for the separation of nonpolar and polar compounds with simple, less polar eluents. The correlation between the retention data of fully off-line and fully on-line OPLC is stronger than it is on silica layers (42) (Fig. 4). Re versed-phase ion-pair chromatography can be optimized by fully off-line OPLC (47). Good agreement was found in the selectivity of HPLC and OPLC ion-pair systems using the same eluent composition, and this made possible the modeling of HPLC ion-pair systems by fully offline OPLC (48).

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Figure 4 Rapid (a) fully off-line and (b) fully on-line OPLC separation, and (c) comparison of retention data. Operating parameters: Chrompres 25, external pressure on membrane, 2.8 MPa; temperature, 23°C; layer, diol-modified HPTLC silica gel 60; eluent, n-hexane; flow rate, 2.5 cnrVmin; detection: absorbance at 254 nm. Sample volume injected and streaked 3 /uL, dissolved in carbon tetrachloride; 1, carbon tetrachloride; 2, toluene; 3, acenaphthene; 4, phenanthrene; 5, pyrene; 6, chrysene; 7, benzopyrene; 8, butter yellow; 9, fat red. (Reproduced by permission of Dr. Alfred Huethig Verlag GmbH, from Ref. 42.)

Selectivity of the mobile phase for coumarins was similar in TLC, off-line OPLC, and HPLC (48a). The change of eluent strength had the same effect on retention using TLC and OPLC as in nonequilibrated systems. In the case of HPLC, the effect of different eluent strengths highly modified the retention behavior. B. Efficiency Characteristics 1. Theoretical Plate Height and Factors That Influence It in Off-Line and On-Line OPLC In conventional layer chromatography, the theoretical plate height (HETP) can be calculated according to Guiochon and Siouffi (49), and it is also applicable to off-line OPLC systems (21). HETP (//) is (Lf - So)Rf where a is the spot variance, Lf is the front distance, SQ is the distance between the spotting location and the eluent inlet trough, and Rf is the retention factor. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



Owing to the effect of focusing, an initial (starting) spot width may be defined that is different from the spot width deposited. The initial spot variance (cr$) of a given compound (i) is er0*.



where k~26o Figure 9



340 X[nm]

HPTLC UV spectra of phenazone (—), caffeine (• • •). and paracetamol (—

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-log R 0.35 --- MDA










(a) •log R

340 X[nm]

0.4 --• MDA









660 X[nm]

Figure 10 HPTLC UV spectra of MDMA (—) and MDA (• • •) (a) before and (b) after dipping in an o-(benzenesulfonamido)-/7 -benzoquinone solution.

strong absorption. With silica gel, the absorption maxima, also known as residual radiation bands, dominate considerably in the 1300 to 1000 cm"1 region, so the diffuse reflectance of interest is negligibly small. Therefore, measurements in this region are not possible on this sorbent. In contrast, it is possible to make measurements up to a wave number of 1000 cm"1 on cellulose stationary phase. In spite of the limited wavelength range, it is still possible to carry out in situ measurements on silica gel to characterize and identify substances that have been separated by HPTLC if use is made of an HPTLC-FTIR reference library with automatic comparison of band position, width, and intensity and if this is supplemented by comparison of the sample spectrum with the best matching spectra. The Fourier transformed interferograms provide IR spectra that can be recorded and converted at will of the library search into normalized reflectance spectra (reflectance units R) (Figs. 12A and 12B), into quasi-absorbance units that are not proportional to concentration (—log R) (Fig. 12C), or into Kubelka-Munk units that are proportional to concentration (Fig. 12D). The sub-

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Figure 11


Schematic overview of the Bruker HPTLC-DRIFT unit for on-line measurement.

stances can be localized on the TLC plate by using either spectral windows chosen at will (Fig. 12E) or the Gram-Schmidt technique (Fig. 12F). The first of these two methods can be used to increase selectivity (e.g., the spectral window can be chosen so that it detects only compounds with carbonyl groups), whereas the second is universally applicable and independent of wave number. The large quantity of data generated by HPTLC-FTIR coupling can be printed out as a threedimensional plot of a spectral series, with the wave numbers on the jc-axis, the distances on the z-axix, and the absorptions on the y-axis. However, because the whole picture can then become very complex, a two-dimensional contour plot is better suited for the recognition of band overlaps and small quantities of impurities. The HPTLC-FTIR method is particularly suitable for identification and quantification of substance mixtures. Depending on the specific IR absorbance of the substance and the distance run in the chromatogram, the limits of identification, the validated detection limits, and the limits of quantification lie between 15 ng and 2.5 /xg. The power of this coupling method is confirmed by examples from various fields of analysis such as drug identification (36), forensic chemistry (37), environmental analysis (38), and quality control of essential oils (39). The most recent developments include the design of a silica gel sorbent containing 50% magnesium tungstate, which considerably enhances the interpretable wavelength range (40). This allowed an efficient HPTLC-UV/FTIR coupling procedure for the separation and rapid identification of flurazepam hydrochloride and its related substances in bulk

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GS vector orthogonalization




specific spectral window chromatogram



migration distance paracetamol




migration distance





wave numbers

3 O


B 35M



wave numbers

wave numbers Figure 12

Schematic overview of data presentation possibilities.

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wave numbers



powder and capsules (41). Compared to the related compound test of the Pharmacopoeia, this procedure shows several advantages, e.g., baseline separation of the known impurities and detection of the substances as peaks in the UV region (Fig. 13) as Gram-Schmidt or window chromatograms (Fig. 14). Furthermore, unambiguous identification is obtained by postchromatographic extraction of the DRIFT spectra and comparison with reference spectra in the library. Quantification of the related compounds was carried out densitometrically. C.

Raman Spectra

With the use of argon ion, HeNe, or YAG lasers as monochromatic light sources and the improvement of detection methods by the employment of more sensitive CCD detectors instead of photomultiplier tubes, Raman spectroscopy has gained in importance. This identification technique serves primarily for the investigation of apolar atomic groups and of symmetrical groups of atoms that are infrared-inactive. It is also possible to assign vibrations from FTIR spectroscopy with the aid of Raman spectra. However, little progress has been made with quantitative evaluation. For in situ identification in TLC especially, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique is used in the subnanogram range. After development and drying of the chromatogram, the plate is dipped in or sprayed with a colloidal silver suspension (42). The silver colloids (about 15 nm particle size) are prepared by reduction of silver nitrate with sodium citrate. With the use of this technique, the investigated substances experience an intensity enhancement of about 106 due to the metal microstructure on the surface of the chromatogram, thus leading to greater electron-photon coupling at the atomically rough metal surface and simultaneous charge transfer to orbitals of the adsorbates. Consequently, one of the advantages of the SERS technique is the

Figure 13 Separation and detection of Flurazepam and its impurities, Ch, 3-Arnino-6-chloro-l-[2diethylamino)-ethyl]-4-(2-fluorophenyl)-chinolin-2-one hydrochloride; BP, 5-chloro-2-[2-(diethylamino)ethylamino]-2'-fluorobenzophenone hydrochloride; CDFB, 7-chloro-l,3-dihydro-l-[(2-ethylamino)-ethyl]-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-2/f-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one hydrochloride; CTB, 7-chloro-l-[(2ethylamino)-ethyl]-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-2//-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one hydrochloride; CFB, 7-chloro-5-(2fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one.

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wavenumber in crrf1


wavenumber in cm




DD aeon 2400 wavenumber .in cm'1

wavsnumbef in cm




wavenumber ?n cm



wavenumber sn cm"1

Figure 14 DRIFT spectra of degradation products (solid curves) in capsule after stress treatment [hit qualities (a) CDFB (652), (b) CTB (711), (c) BP (839)] and reference (dotted curves).

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high enhancement factor, permitting in situ analysis of TLC zones even down to picogram amounts. To avoid diffusion effects at the zones of interest when the plate is dipped in or sprayed with an aqueous colloidal silver suspension, the silver molecules can be evaporated onto the HPTLC plate (43). Plates (10 X 10 cm) are placed in an evaporation device (Fig. 15) in which silver (about 600 mg) is evaporated at high temperature under high vacuum. Figure 16 shows the intensity enhancement by evaporation with silver molecules very clearly. Highly Raman-active compounds such as optical brighteners (Fig. 17) (M. Moss, M. Zeller, personal communication, 1995) can also be detected without surface-enhanced scattering on specially modified silica gel plates. The identification limit is about 25 ng for these substances and about 100 ng for dyes. D.

Mass Spectra

For this in situ identification method, FAB (fast atom bombardment), liquid SIMS (secondary ion MS), or laser desorption is generally employed as the ionization technique (44,45). The analytes are sputtered directly from the TLC foil (Fig. 18) (46), or the TLC plate is placed on a movable table. However, the amount of substance needed for recording reliable mass spectra still lies in the submicrogram range. More details are supplied in Chapter 9. E. Coupling of Separation Methods Coupling of TLC with gas chromatography, supercritical fluid extraction, or the thermal separation technique (TAS) has been employed for special analytical tasks. Coupling of HPLC with either rotation planar chromatography (RPC) or overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC) (47) and the coupling of different stationary phases, known as long-distance OPLC (48), have also been demonstrated.

Figure 15 Evaporation device for SERS-Raman spectroscopy.

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100 Figure 16 Intensity enhancement by evaporation with silver molecules. Raman spectra of 300 ng phthalic acid before (lower) and after (upper) evaporation.

Of major interest is the coupling of HPLC with automated multiple development (AMD) because of the immense increase in separation power it achieves. It seems to afford a low-price and rapid way to cope with difficult separations and to get rid of interfering matrix components of complex mixtures. HPLC separations are primarily carried out by bonded phase partition chromatography, whereas TLC separations on silica gel take place according to the principles of adsorption chromatography. Coupling of these two highly efficient separation methods greatly increases the information content of analyses (Fig. 19) (K. Burger, personal communication, 1994). In practice, a complex mixture is first separated on a microbore system, thereby providing a low flow rate of about 60 /xL/min. This low flow rate enables a connection without a splitter. Selected HPLC fractions are automatically transferred onto the HPTLC plate by using a special application device (CAMAG DuoChrom) that can cope with an application flow rate of about 60 /uL/min and can be heated if desired. Thereafter, planar chromatography is continued as usual.

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Figure 17 (b).












1750 1500 1250 Wavenumber cm"1





In situ Raman spectra of 100 ng of an optical brightener (a) and its reference substance


Planar chromatography is an open system, in contrast with high-performance liquid chromatography or gas chromatography. Thus, it can more easily be affected by the environment, and possible factors of influence have to be monitored more consciously and documented in detail (49). Accurate documentation seems to be the basis for reproducible planar chromatographic results.

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_ 6 . 4E 4




Matrix: Monothioglycerol

90j 85.

,5.7E4 .5.4E4










.3.8E4 3.5E4 .3.2E4 _2.9E4


.2 . 6E4



30 J



.1.6E4 ll.3E4





.9. 6E3




e'o' 'e'o' ' '160' ' 120' ' lie


ieo' ' '260' ' '220' ' 24o' ' 260 ' '2BO' m/z(Est)

Figure 18 In situ positive-ion FAB-MS/MS analysis of the phenylurea herbicide Monuron


Documentation of the Method

Good laboratory practice (GLP), good manufacturing practice (GMP), and standard operating procedures (SOP) and procedures such as accreditation, auditing, and certification involve nothing more or less than determining a range of parameters and demonstrating their reliability by means of statistical methods. Thus, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the working instructions and to document the chromatographic conditions for reproducible and reliable results. Some important items of documentation are compiled in Table 4. These items can easily be documented with a computer. Nowadays, software [e.g., winCATS, (CAMAG)] is specially designed to manage, monitor, and control all constituent steps of the planar chromatographic procedure. From sample application to TLC plate development to classical densitometry and image documentation, all necessary parameters are documented in one data file. The software manages and supervises all software-driven instruments. For nonsoftware-driven equipment, e.g., development in a glass tank or pre- or postchromatographic derivatization, the user can manually enter all related parameters, and the software will archive and report them in compliance with GMP/GLP. That means that one type of software, one data file, and one protocol are sufficient for the entire TLC procedure inclusive of the devices used. B.

Image Documentation

For documentation of the size, shape, and color of the individual zones, the chromatographic result can be reproduced graphically or stored as a whole (manual documentation), or it can be recorded as a photocopy, photograph, or electronic image (electronic documentation). 1. Manual Documentation In former times, the original chromatograms were stored, i.e., the plate itself was the document. Storage of chromatograms was more convenient if TLC foils had been employed or if the adsorbent layer was fixed and removed from the plate as a whole. The latter was achieved by smoothly

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DETECTION, IDENTIFICATION, AND DOCUMENTATION fractionating of the sample by reversed-phase HPLC i ml in I

1. Separation

fraction |


| 15 - 28 j 29 - 42

AMD separation of fractions 1 to 14 from HPLC






I '


I '


I 'I




BO (am)

distance of migration 220 nm AMD separation of tractions 29 to 42 from HPLC



distance of migration


AMD separation of fractions 15 to 28 from HPLC

I 20



20 30 tO 50 distance of migration

Figure 19 On-line HPLC/HPTLC (AMD) analysis of wastewater.

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220 nm distance of migration AMD separation of fractions 43 to 57 from HPLC



HO !mm]

220 nm



Table 4 Important Items for Method Documentation Sample preparation

Stationary phase Mobile phase Application Development




Reference substance: name, amount, dilution factor, manufacturer, batch, purity. Solvents: manufacturer, batch, purity, stabilizer. Sample preparation or cleanup procedure. Type of plate, plate size, indicator, layer thickness, manufacturer, batch, description of pretreatment, impregnation, or conditioning. Composition of mobile phase, equilibration of vapor phase. Solvents: manufacturer, batch, purity, stabilizer. Application device, spot or spray technique, application scheme, application volume and other application parameters, drying mode after application. Technique of development, developing chamber system, volume of mobile phase, migration distance and time, temperature, humidity, drying mode after development. Pre- or postchromatographic derivatization, preparation of derivatization reagents (manufacturer, batch, purity, stabilizer, etc.), detailed derivatization technique (spraying, evaporation, immersion). Reagents for stabilization or intensification of zones. Heating mode, temperature, and heating time of the plate. Detection mode, principle of measurement, software version, scanner type, parameters of measurement, integration, quantification or spectroscopic identification. Date, time, user name, identification number, parameters of image acquisition, comments.

pressing cellophane tape or clear contact paper on top of the layer so that the adhesive came into uniform contact with the layer. Then the tape and the attached layer were carefully peeled away and fastened into a notebook. Treatment of the chromatogram with collodium (50) or plastic dispersions based on polyacrylic ester, polyvinyl chloride, or polyvinyl propionate (E. Merck, company literature about Neatan, 1975) was used also. These kinds of storage methods often entail degradation, fading of the zones, as well as changing of the color or blurring of the contours. Furthermore, TLC separations can be reproduced by drawing, sketching, or tracing. For example, transparent paper can be placed on top of a glass-covered chromatogram, and the zones can be traced directly and colored with crayons or pens or marked in accordance with a color key system to reproduce the impression of color. However, these methods are tedious, timeconsuming, and subjective. 2. Electronic Documentation Direct copying on Ozalid or Ultrarapid blueprint paper (51) and contact printing (52) have been replaced by photocopying, photographing, or electronic image processing. Such photo techniques allow rapid retakes to produce the best possible result. Instant photography, photocopying, and electronic image processing even provide for immediate reproduction and decision making regarding acceptance or retake under different conditions. a. Photocopying. Photocopying is the simplest way to record visible chromatogram zones. Relatively good reproductions can be achieved in black and white or even in color. Intense zones can be duplicated better than light ones. b. Photographing. Chromatograms can be photographed in black and white or true color under visible or UV light with appropriate filters. Aside from electronic image processing, color photography is probably the best method for documenting chromatograms. When a long exposure time is necessary, especially for photographing fluorescent zones or for using filter combinations, handheld lights and cameras are undesirable and do not provide exact documentation. Therefore, commercial camera stands and suitable lighting units that can be combined with a large variety

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of conventional and instant cameras, for example, a Polaroid multipurpose reflex camera or a standard 35 mm camera, should be used. Lighting units feature direct shortwave UV light (254 nm), direct longwave UV light (366 nm), and direct and/or transmitted white light (400-750 nm). Additionally, transmitted midrange UV light (302 nm) is offered. The tubes operate with highfrequency (25-30) current; this ensures optimum light efficiency and eliminates synchronization problems with electronic cameras. The cabinet cover ensures complete exclusion of ambient light, so image capturing under all kinds of light is feasible in an undarkened room. Ultraviolet photography. For UV photography, the entire chromatogram has to be illuminated uniformly by the UV light source. This is more difficult than with brighter, more intense white light sources. Illumination strikes the chromatogram at a proper angle from two sides in the reflected mode. In addition to completely excluding ambient light by using a cabinet cover, the excitation wavelength has to be cut off with a filter (barrier filter) placed before the camera lens. Further, UV tubes have to be covered with a special filter (bandpass filter) that permits only UV light to pass through and illuminate the zones, because otherwise a "wash-out" effect due to the excessive contamination of white light emitted from the UV tubes is observed. The effectiveness, in other words the transparency, of the blue bandpass filter can be reduced with increasing duration of irradiation, especially in the shortwave UV range. The resulting slight blue coloration of photos can be avoided by using a yellow or pale orange filter. In the transmittance mode, the frosted glass that is used as support for the HPTLC plate is replaced by a bandpass filter that allows through the midrange UV light (302 nm) emitted by tubes in the base of the instrument. This mode is used mainly for electrophoresis gels. The above-mentioned barrier filter is used to absorb or remove unwanted UV radiation to prevent it from being recorded on the film because it is much brighter than fluorescence and causes the film to be overexposed. Thus, the more residual UV radiation is absorbed, the darker the background will become on the photograph. A correctly chosen barrier filter (Table 5) (53) will transmit only the visible wavelength of the fluorescent zone. Generally, a Wratten 2 E filter, which blocks all UV radiation but also cuts into the visible range, is recommended for recording yellow-green fluorescent zones at an excitation wavelength of 365 nm. For blue to indigo fluorescent zones, a Wratten 2 A or 2 B filter can be recommended. If all fluorescent zones should be recorded on the film, a Wratten 2 C filter can be used, but the residual UV irradiation between 385 and 400 nm will pass the filter and cause a grayish appearance on black-and-white film or a brownish background on color film. Wratten 3, 4, and 8 filters produce a very dark black background but cut off almost all of the visible blue spectrum. Consequently, violet and blue fluorescent zones are lost when these filters are used. After the proper choice of the UV barrier filter, contrast and rendition can be enhanced by controlling the exposure time. The exposure time is primarily dependent on the intensity of the fluorescence and has to be optimized for each chromatogram. Experience has shown that operating with a range of exposure times, i.e., an aperture of f/8 with exposures of 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 s, always leads to one optimal exposure time. In certain situations, substances can be adversely affected by UV light and fade rapidly under prolonged exposure (photobleaching). The exposure time for photographing zones of fluorescence quenching at a wavelength of 254 nm often applies for several recordings using the same conditions. A special glass filter (GG 435) placed in front of the camera lens often improves rendition (3). Color-correction filters are used in UV photography to lessen the amount of yellowness created by Wratten barrier filters (53). For example, a G (green) color correction filter, which absorbs red and blue, or an R (red) filter, which absorbs blue and green, can be used. Moreover, contrast filters for black rendition (mostly Wratten filters Blue 47 or Red 25) are employed for black-and-white UV photography to darken the zones against a bright fluorescent background. Corresponding contrast filters for white rendition (e.g., Wratten filter Green 58) brighten specific fluorescent colors (e.g., green) and make them appear white against a dark background (53). CAUTION: All radiation below 350 nm is considered to be dangerous. Therefore, protective gear must be worn to protect the eyes and skin. White light photography. In white light photography, a frosted glass plate serves to support the HPTLC plate as well as to diffuse the light. In normal cases, the zones are more visible in

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Table 5 Wratten Barrier Filters for UV Photography Wratten gelatin filter number

Absorption of UV radiation (at and below)

2 C Pale yellow 2 B Pale yellow 2 A Pale yellow 2 E Pale yellow 3 Yellow 4 Yellow 8 Yellow

385 390 405 415 440 450 465

the transmission mode, with illuminating white light tubes at the instrument base, than in the reflection mode. Color-corrected white light is recommended rather than cool or warm white illumination for obtaining better color rendition. Most color films are designed to perform best at 5500 K. Therefore, when using warm light UV tubes of about 4000 K for illumination, a color temperature filter (Table 6) (53) is usually employed for color correction. Usually a Wratten gelatin filter is positioned between the camera lens and the UV barrier filter. Moreover, color correction filters are used to accentuate the color and control the contrast. Photographing through a filter of a complementary color (e.g., a yellow filter for a blue zone) makes the zone appear darker. The blue zone will appear lighter when photographed through a blue filter. c. Electronic Image Processing. Video documentation systems for acquiring, printing, and archiving images of planar chromatograms have largely replaced instant photography systems. Their salient advantages are low cost per image, previewing and immediate optimization of the images on the screen, full compatibility with GMP requirements, high user-friendliness, and rapid data storage on the PC, all of these leading to durable results. The chromatograms are photographed in direct and/or transmitted light, depending on their quality. Even multiple detections of the chromatogram, i.e., several images of the same plate (visualization under white light, fluorescence quenching at UV 254, fluorescence at 366 nm), can be easily documented. The appropriate configuration, which includes the electronic settings for the CCD camera and frame grabber for a special illumination mode, has to be chosen. After the optimum contrast, contour, sharpness, illumination, etc., have been determined, images are captured, i.e., a digital "snapshot" is taken to create a colored or gray-scale image of the entire chromatogram. Single tracks or fractions of the chromogram can be edited very comfortably, and annotations can be made. Raw data and all parameters of their acquisition are stored in a secure file format that cannot be manipulated. The images can be exported in various open image formats. An image database makes it possible to manage many images along with their (computer-generated) ID, date and time of capture, infor-

Table 6 Illumination Filter Correction for Color Film (5500 K) Illumination source 3200 3400 3800 4200


Blue number 80 A SOB 80 C 80 D

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Increase in exposure stops ~1 ~1% ~1 ~'/3



Figure 20 CAMAG Reprostar 3 with cabinet cover and mounted digital camera. (Photograph courtesy of CAMAG.)

mation about the user, and special notes. Display and print formats can be selected. Images from the database can be selected at will for comparison, and all entries are searchable. Photo Scanners and digital cameras are less expensive electronic image processing systems than CCD cameras. If photo scanners are used for image documentation, only visible wavelength zones (those illuminated in direct white light) can be documented. With a high-resolution digital camera (Fig. 20), the image quality is comparable to that of pictures taken with a conventional or instant camera. However, digital cameras have relatively low data transfer rates and are slower than image documentation systems that use a CCD camera. The software supplied with the digital camera or photo scanner is usually suitable for simple applications but is unfortunately not GMP/ GLP-compliant so far because of the open file format. If this problem is solved in the near future, then high-resolution digital cameras will probably replace the more expensive video cameras.

REFERENCES 1. A Junker-Buchheit, H Jork. CLB 44(suppl 6):266, 1993. 2. HP Frey, K Zieloff. Qualitative und quantitative Diinnschicht-Chromatographie. Weinheim: VCH, 1993, pp 327-328. 3. H Jork, W Funk, W Fischer, H Wimmer. Thin-Layer Chromatography, Vols la and Ib. Weinheim: VCH, 1990 and 1993. 4. H Nakamura, Z Tamura. J Chromatogr 96:195, 1974. 5. German Patent No. 2816574.4.

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Thin-Layer Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry Kenneth L. Busch National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.



The overall performance of a separation method is intrinsically linked to the performance of the detector used as part of the system. Other handbook chapters detail principles, operation, and applications of common detectors for thin-layer chromatography (TLC), many of which have been in use since the beginnings of TLC. In contrast, mass Spectrometry (MS), especially in an imaging mode, is a relatively new detection method for TLC. Mass Spectrometry has been used with gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, and with supercritical fluid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, to provide a balanced combination of separation and detection capabilities. Benchtop GC/MS systems (available for about $50,000 USD) are operated directly by the end user. Other low-cost, high-performance chromatography/mass spectrometric combinations will follow with continued development of a new generation of smaller, more automated mass spectrometers. These same technological developments have also led to TLC/MS in several different forms. Moreover, renewed emphasis on the measurement of two-dimensional imaging data from mass Spectrometry holds genuine promise for TLC/MS and for planar chromatography coupled with mass Spectrometry in general. This chapter summarizes the approaches that have characterized TLC/MS since its first inception through to the more recent one- and two-dimensional imaging systems. Commercial analytical instruments are developed when manufacturers perceive that a profit can be derived from meeting the demand of the marketplace. Demand in the marketplace develops when consumers are convinced of the practical value of the instrument in the solution of problems at hand and when an instrument is readily available and supported by the manufacturer. Demonstrations of feasibility are the break in this circular conundrum. Over the past 15 years, TLC/MS has been shown to be technically feasible and applicable to a wide variety of problems in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Commercial interest in TLC/MS, however, is still limited. The same path of development was followed for TLC coupled with infrared Spectrometry. TLC/MS is only part of the more general area of planar chromatography coupled with mass Spectrometry (PC/MS). However, applications and research that involve mass Spectrometry as a detector for planar chromatography continue to emphasize thin-layer chromatography. TLC, in classical and high-performance formats, is widely used in analytical laboratories around the world, and the advantages of the additional specificity derived from the mass spectrometric detection have been evident for some time, as covered in previous reviews. The most relevant analytical points for PC/MS and TLC/MS are identical. Although feasibility has been demonstrated and the instrument technology is in place, TLC/MS is still not offered as a stand-alone instrument within the commercial marketplace. The MS market itself has changed significantly over the past five years. Fewer general-purpose mass 239

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spectrometers are sold than in the past, and more instruments are sold as specific "problem solvers." The instruments are (in general) smaller, cheaper, and more sensitive than those of a decade ago. However, at the same time, the new instruments are usually not as flexible, and they cannot be easily reconfigured to meet new analytical needs or reengineered into different formats, such as must still be done to assemble a TLC/MS instrument. Mass spectrometry has successfully infiltrated many aspects of the analytical market. The combinations of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GS/MS), of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and of capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry (CE/MS) became sustainable markets when (a) the analytical and regulatory demand for the data that these methods could uniquely provide was in place; (b) the instruments became extraordinarily reliable, easy to operate by nonspecialists, and reasonably priced; and (c) the numbers of instruments in use reached a critical community mass. For regulatory purposes, there is a need for analytical instrumentation that can be put in place in multiple locations, instrumentation that provides the same result for the same samples each time, and instrumentation that is widely available so that the results can be independently verified. A one-of-a-kind, special-purpose instrument such as a combination of a thin-layer chromatograph with a mass spectrometer might well be used to highlight analytical capabilities and potential, but sustained commercial growth can occur only when the number of instruments to be sold can be counted in the hundreds. Analytical and regulatory demands are currently met with other chromatography/mass spectrometry combinations. The speed with which these methods (GC/MS, LC/MS, and CE/MS) have been adapted to pressing analytical needs (higher separations resolution, shorter analysis times, combinatorial analyses) has reduced the opportunities for unique contributions by planar chromatography and by TLC/MS. Basic principles of instrument interface design, sample transport and ionization, and mass spectral data manipulation developed for TLC/MS are covered in this updated review within the same organization as in previous editions. Current applications are updated at the end of each appropriate section of the review. More general analytical attributes are discussed in a closing section. A.

Capabilities of Mass Spectrometry

A mass spectrum is a compilation of ions of measured mass plotted against the measured intensities of the ion signals. The mass scale (given in units of mass-to-charge ratio, referenced to the 12 C mass of 12.00000 daltons exactly) can be measured to a variable degree of accuracy, ranging from integral mass numbers to exact mass measurements to a few millidaltons (mDa). The intensity scale is most often marked in terms of relative abundance (RA), in which the most intense ion signal within the plotted mass range is arbitrarily assigned a relative abundance of 100%, and the abundances of all other ions are scaled to that value. Mass spectral interpretation provides the molecular mass of the compound that provides the mass spectrum and, in many cases, its molecular structure via rationalizations of the fragmentation patterns of the ions. Central to any measurements in mass spectrometry are the ionization of the sample molecules and transfer of those ions into the vacuum required for operation of the mass spectrometer. The choice of ionization methods available to analytical and organic mass spectrometrists has expanded greatly in the past 15 years and now includes means for the ionization of nonvolatile as well as volatile molecules. Any of several methods might be chosen to address a particular problem, and each might provide satisfactory results. Because there is no single ionization method used exclusively with TLC/MS, this section contains an overview of the most common methods of sample molecule ionization in mass spectrometry. The classical ionization methods of electron and chemical ionization have been refined over years of application to the study of volatile organic molecules. The vast majority of samples that are analyzed by mass spectrometry are volatile. In terms of the mass spectrometer, "volatile" means that there is a sample vapor pressure of at least 1 X 10 6 torr at a temperature of 250°C. Electron ionization (El) remains the most widely applied method of ionization in mass spectrometry, and it is the sole method for which a time-tested base of mass spectral data exists. For samples that are sufficiently volatile, gas chromatography can be used for separation of mixtures.

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Thin-layer chromatography can, of course, also be used. As later parts of the chapter describe, desorption of volatile molecules from the TLC plate into a gas stream then becomes a straightforward means of interfacing TLC with mass spectrometry. In a typical electron ionization source, electrons are emitted from a heated filament of metal, often tungsten, and accelerated to an energy of 70 electronvolts (eV). Interaction of the sample molecules with the relatively high energy electrons leads to the formation of a molecular ion of the sample, defined as an ion in which one electron has been lost to form M+' or an ion in which one electron has been gained to form M~'. If the odd-electron molecular ion formed in electron ionization is especially unstable, the relative abundance of the molecular ion may be reduced below the noise level. In these cases, determination of the molecular weight of the sample, often the first information sought from a mass spectrometric analysis, is made much more difficult. The inherent instability of the molecular ion formed by electron ionization for certain classes of organic compounds provided the original impetus behind the development of chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Chemical ionization (CI) also deals with the ionization of volatile gas-phase samples, and it can be applied across-the-board to the same types of samples as electron ionization. Chemical ionization provides abundant molecular ions for those compounds that do not produce a discernible molecular ion by electron ionization. The molecular weight of the sample molecules of interest is reflected in the mass of the protonated molecule (M + H)+ in positive-ion chemical ionization or the mass of the deprotonated molecule (M — H)~ in negative-ion chemical ionization. These positive even-electron ions are formed in an ion/molecule reaction between a gas-phase sample molecule M and a strong acid such as CH^ (formed from methane) in which a proton is transferred to the neutral sample molecule to form (M + H) + . Both electron and chemical ionization can be used in TLC/MS experiments in which the samples within the TLC plate are independently evaporated into the gas phase and swept into the source of the mass spectrometer in a stream of gas. The need for reliable and sensitive analytical methods for nonvolatile and thermally labile compounds, including those of high molecular weight such as biomolecules, has encouraged development of new ionization methods in mass spectrometry (1,2). For TLC/MS, the most important of these new methods are fast atom bombardment (FAB) ionization and liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) (3,4), in which organic molecules are sputtered from surfaces by the impact of an energetic particle beam, and laser desorption (LD), in which sputtering of organic molecules from a surface occurs as a result of the high thermal energy imparted by the laser beam to the surface. The sample ions formed by these methods are usually the same even-electron ions such as (M + H)+ formed in chemical ionization, and spectral interpretation proceeds along the same lines. A difference between these methods and electron and chemical ionization is that the sample is not evaporated in a separate step, and both volatile and nonvolatile materials can be sampled. A key difference between El and CI on the one hand and FAB, LSIMS, and LD on the other is the fact that sampling in FAB and LSIMS is from a specified location that corresponds to the impact footprint of the primary particle beam. If the sample is a solution, as it often is for FAB and LSIMS mass spectra of discrete samples, then diffusion within the solution blurs the spatial resolution of the ionization method. If the sample is held in a solid state, in a diffusion-controlled liquid state, or within a substrate such as a thin-layer chromatogram, the spatial resolution inherent to the sampling method is preserved. The natural compatibility of FAB, LSIMS, and LD with the direct mass spectrometric analysis of TLC plates is readily apparent. Briefly, a beam of energetic atoms (FAB) or energetic ions (LSIMS) is generated in a particle beam source. The particles move with a velocity of about 105 m/s and are focused into a spot size of 0.01-1 mm2. The energy imparted to the sample or sample solution by the impact of the particle beam initiates a collision cascade in which molecules and ions are set into motion. Protons and electrons are also released from within energized areas of the sample, and a number of ionization reactions can result. A method growing in popularity for the direct analysis of TLC plates and planar electropherograms as well is matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI). Laser desorption, as we shall see later in this chapter, has been used for direct desorption of sample molecules from

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TLC plates since the early years of TLC/MS. In direct laser desorption, the photon energy must be absorbed by the components of the chromatogram or by the sample itself. Most early work used infrared lasers for this reason. In MALDI, the sample molecules are cocrystallized with a matrix (often in 1000-10,000-fold excess) that absorbs laser photons at the chosen wavelength. The photon energy is directed into the matrix rather than into the sample molecules. The matrix molecules respond by undergoing a variety of electron transfer, proton transfer, and, most important, phase transfer reactions. As the matrix molecules and ions leave the surface, sample molecules and ions can also be transferred into the gas phase without degradation. In application to individual samples, a solution of the matrix and the sample molecules is placed on an inert metal support, and crystals coalesce as the volatile solvent evaporates. The thin film sample is then placed into the ionization source of the mass spectrometer. In MALDI analysis of TLC plates or planar electropherograms, other means of adding the matrix to the sample molecules already separated within the chromatographic matrix must be found. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a newer ionization method, and it is unique in that it generates ions directly from within a solution that is sprayed from a fine needle at atmospheric pressure. A stainless steel capillary tube carries solvent at a flow rate of 2-5 ^L/min. A potential difference of 3000-4000 V is maintained between the needle and a counter electrode, which can be a wall of the source or a skimmer cone with an aperture that passes the ions into the mass spectrometer. A spray is generated at the tip by the solvent flow emerging at atmospheric pressure, and the potential difference ensures that the droplets emerging from the needle are charged, aiding in their dispersal. As the solvent first emerges from the charged capillary, it forms a cone (called a Taylor cone) that results as the droplet shapes itself to minimize electrostatic repulsion. Desolvation involves the loss of neutral solvent molecules from the droplet. As the droplets decrease in size, the charge density increases until an instability limit is reached and the droplet dissociates into still smaller highly charged droplets. Residual solvent finally evaporates to leave only the charged ions themselves to be transferred into the mass spectrometer. Protonation, and in fact multiple protonation, is commonly observed. Positive ions of the general form (M + nH)"+ are formed by multiple protonation of larger biomolecules (molecular mass as designated by M) such as peptides and proteins. One effect of multiple charging is to bring multiply charged higher mass molecules within the mass range of commonly used mass spectrometers, because the mass analysis is actually a measurement of the mass-to-charge ratio (ra/z). Further, because M is constant between the series of peaks observed as adjacent multiply charged ions, the multiple measurements of mass of these ions constitute a series of simultaneous equations that can be solved to determine M, the molecular mass, to a precision of ±0.005%. The applications of electrospray in TLC/MS have been minimal, but the ability to use the solvent for both extraction of the sample from the TLC plate and spraying through the needle to cause ionization can be advantageous. However, currently ESI is used for analysis of higher molecular mass samples than those usually separated by TLC. B.

Interfaces in Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

The development of GC/MS and LC/MS was possible only with the invention of interfaces that bridged the gap between the working parameters of each independent method. For GC/MS, the GC column operates above atmospheric pressure and, for packed columns, dilutes the sample in a considerable flow of carrier gas. For LC, a continuous stream of solvent exits the column, carrying sample along in dilute solution. The interface of each method to a mass spectrometric detector must be designed to transport sample molecules efficiently through to the ionization source while discarding as much of the carrier gas or solvent as possible, with no degradation in separation resolution. In both GC/MS and LC/MS, the interface must operate in real time, enriching the sample and transporting it to the mass spectrometer even as the actual separation is carried out on the chromatographic column. Interfaces for the combination of mass spectrometry with supercritical fluid chromatography and capillary zone electrophoresis must deal with similar disparities in sample pressures and operate efficiently in real-time separations. In many instances, the interface operates independently of the ionization method used and is therefore generally applicable. In other instances, as in the interface with capillary zone electrophoresis, there is a strong connection and a specific design.

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The interface between TLC and mass spectrometry can be considerably simplified in terms of the element of time. As with most other detectors used for TLC, the mass spectrometer is operated in an "off-line" configuration. The development of the chromatogram is complete before the detection of the sample spots on the TLC plate begins. This is the same mode of operation as, for example, in a scanning densitometer used to evaluate the chromatogram after the development of the plate. Solvents that are used to develop the plate can be removed before the sample plate is submitted to mass spectrometry for evaluation. The removal of time as a factor in the detection method allows for much greater flexibility in terms of instrument and interface design. Better sensitivity, increased selectivity, and wider dynamic range can accrue as a result. As new instrument designs appear, however, it is worthwhile to note that mass spectrometric detection need not be operated in an off-line manner. With proper consideration given to the need to maintain a vacuum within the mass spectrometer, it may ultimately be possible that TLC/MS can be operated in an on-line mode to monitor the progress of a planar separation. 1. TLC Operation Relevant to Mass Spectrometry The coupling of TLC with MS involves identification of the sample molecule in a mixture. Consider a pure sample in a spot on a standard silica gel TLC plate, and the components of the mixture in which the identification must be made. In addition to the sample molecules, the silica of the plate is present in excess, as well as binder material, along with the fluorescent indicator(s) that may be incorporated into the plate. Residual solvents and salts from the developing solvent system will be present. Water will be held within the silica, even under the vacuum of the mass spectrometer. If the silica has been modified with an organic adsorbent, this organic compound or mixture of organic compounds will also be present. Any methods used to visually locate the sample spots (derivatization reactions) will leave reaction residues on the silica gel chromatogram. Mass spectrometry may be sufficiently sensitive to detect side products of the derivatization reaction that are often not characterized by other detection techniques. A mixture is invariably present at any sample spot on the layer; logically, the best analytical results can be obtained when the complexity of that mixture is minimized or when the detection experiment is designed to maximize the sample signal relative to the signal from other mixture components. Normal- or reversed-phase silica TLC is now complemented with separation methods that use novel stationary phases, such as silica gel particles bound into a polymer membrane (available commercially as Empore media). Although the predominant use of these carriers has been in solid-phase extraction, TLC can be accomplished with silica gel in an Empore membrane. Affinity chromatography can also be accomplished in a planar format and, especially in conjunction with MALDI mass spectrometry, will constitute a growing segment of planar chromatography. In these cases, the background materials expected to contribute to the mass spectrum may vary. However, the basic aspects of planar chromatographic separation remain similar. In TLC, the sample is present as a spot distributed in the xy-surface of the planar chromatogram, extending into the z-dimension of the chromatogram as well. In TLC, sample concentration is as much of a concern in designing a viable interface as it is in gas or liquid chromatography. Consider a sample spot or band with a total xy-surface area of 2 mm2 and a penetration into the silica gel to the 200 ^m thickness of the silica layer. The amount of silica present in this area is about 0.4 mg (depending, of course, on the type of silica gel used to prepare the TLC plate). Assume that the sample spot contains 1 /j,g of sample material. The concentration of sample in the spot is about 0.25% w/w, considering only the sample and the silica. An interface must be designed to introduce sample and not silica into the mass spectrometer; the experiment should provide maximum signal for the sample and minimum signal for common components of the chromatogram. Both strategies have been developed in TLC/MS. Concentration of the sample in a smaller spot size, as a result of either increased chromatographic resolution or measures taken after the chromatography has been completed, are helpful in increasing the sensitivity of the detection method, especially in methods that involve spatial imaging of the sample. Detection methods that involve total extraction and removal of the sample molecules from the chromatographic matrix and subsequent concentration in a secondary solvent are less dependent on initial chromatographic resolution.

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Since most TLC/MS methods involve some form of extraction of the sample from the chromatographic matrix, the solvents used for this extraction must be able to overcome the attraction between the chromatographic matrix and the sample molecules. For excision of spots and extraction as discrete samples, the eluting power of the solvent and the temperature of the extraction can generally be increased as necessary to accomplish the removal of the sample molecules from the matrix. For evaporation of the sample molecules from the adsorbent into the vacuum of the mass spectrometer, temperatures of up to 300°C may be necessary. For some compounds that bind very strongly to silica, even a temperature of 600°C has been shown to be insufficient for complete sample vaporization. For imaging experiments, in which the shape of the sample spots must be preserved, sample extraction is a more difficult problem, often depending on a balance between extraction and sample diffusion (see Sec. III.B). FAB and LSIMS use a matrix to support the sputtering of sample molecules from the surface; the matrix solvent is used to extract the sample into a more-or-less homogeneous solution. Efficiency of extraction is therefore the most important parameter to be considered. With the use of MALDI as an ionization method in TLC/MS, issues of extraction must be considered concomitantly with the details of crystallization. This procedure is in its infancy, and considerable future development in this area can be expected. Finally, some practical matters have to be considered. Most mass spectrometer sources have been designed to be as small as possible and feature small-bore gas and liquid inlet lines. TLC/MS methods that involve the separate evaporation of samples into a gas stream or extraction into a secondary solvent can be used directly with these common inlet systems. If the chromatographic matrix and sample material are removed from the chromatographic backing, the sample mixture can be introduced simply as a solid sample on the direct insertion probe into the source of the mass spectrometer. However, if the chromatogram itself is to be placed under vacuum in the source of the mass spectrometer, the source housing in general must be redesigned to accommodate the larger samples. In custom-built instruments, sample sizes of up to 20 X 20 cm can be held within the vacuum of the mass spectrometer. The ability to handle large samples minimizes sample handling (always desirable in TLC) or provides the capability for multiple chromatogram loading in the source of the mass spectrometer. There is another position in this discussion. As mass spectrometers become smaller and more portable, the coupling to TLC may no longer involve scanning the TLC plate within the source of a fixed mass spectrometer but rather may involve physical movement of the mass spectrometer itself (or part of the inlet system for the mass spectrometer) over the surface of a much larger TLC plate. Numerical comparisons of the spatial and time distributions of molecules in various forms of chromatography are useful in describing the operation of TLC relevant to mass spectrometric detection. A brief numerical description was provided above. Here, a comparison based on molecular density is developed. In column chromatography, the sample elutes into the source of the mass spectrometer within a time corresponding to the width of the peak. For a symmetrically shaped peak representing 1 ng of sample and a baseline peak width of 5 s, the average sample flux into the source is 200 pg/s. Assuming an ionization source volume of 0.1 mL (as in an El or CI source with homogeneous distribution of sample in the gas phase) and a molecular mass of 300 Da, the average source molecular density during the peak elution is therefore 2 X 1010 molecules per microliter. Sample molecules are mixed with residual air and mobile-phase gas, and perhaps a volatile solvent. In thin-layer chromatography, the sample is held in an (jr,y,z)-dimensioned volume that includes constituents of the stationary and mobile phases. Using TLC as the numerical model, assume that the sample is distributed uniformly through the thickness of a high-performance silica layer of 100 /am thickness; the z dimension is therefore 100 /xm. Similarly, the assumption of a homogeneous distribution may not be accurate, but any later "extraction" process will render argument of this point moot. For simplicity, consider that the sample spot retains the dimensions of its original application onto the planar TLC surface. The values of x and y therefore depend on whether the sample is spotted or banded (and this ultimately affects detection strategies as well). However, again for simplicity, assume a circular spot of 0.5 mm diameter applied to the surface; the area of the spot is therefore 0.2 mm2, and the volume of the (x,y,z) spot is therefore 0.02 mm3 or 20 /jiL. (Note that this surface area is much smaller than the vast majority of actual

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developed spots but illustrates the idealized limiting case.) The sample density, again with 1 ng of sample, is 0.05 ng///L, and (assuming a molecular mass of 300 Da) the molecular density within the silica gel is 10n molecules//xL. The sample molecules are not isolated but are held within (and interact with) a complex matrix of phase and phase support materials. The preceding numerical derivations conclude that the molecular densities (using the assumptions given) are slightly higher in thin-layer chromatography than in column chromatography. If the applied or developed spot size is larger or the silica gel layer is thicker, then the calculated molecular densities become very close, or identical within the limits of the assumptions made in the arguments. Molecular density itself is not a factor in determining the feasibility of the chromatography/mass spectrometry method. Differences in the physical environment and the availability of the sample in time and space are determinant factors. The total time during which the sample can be made available to the mass spectrometer and the efficiency of physical transport of the sample from the chromatographic environment into the mass spectrometer are issues that are considered in later sections of this chapter. 2. Conditions of Mass Spectrometer Operation Relevant to TLC The conditions under which a mass spectrometer operates places certain restraints on on-line chromatographic methods. Although ionization can be assumed to be instantaneous, mass analysis is not. As an example, fast-scanning quadrupole and magnetic sector instruments provide scan speeds (for integral mass resolution) of 0.1 s/decade. A mass spectrum measured from mass 1000 to mass 10 would require 0.2 s for scanning the analyzer plus about 0.05 s for system reequilibration. Such scan speeds have not increased significantly in the past few years and are only just adequate for recording several spectra across the elution of a peak from a GC capillary column or microbore LC column. Other mass analysis devices, such as ion traps or Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance instruments, also have a time function in scanning. Time-of-flight (TOP) mass spectrometers do not scan but do require a pulsed ionization method and time for separate ion packets to pass through a flight tube. These latter instruments have not yet been widely used for TLC/MS, but promising applications are appearing. Time-of-flight mass spectrometers tend to be larger than quadrupole or ion trap instruments, although they are simpler in operation, and many of them are easily equipped with scanning sample stages. The use of MALDI with a TOP instrument is a rapidly expanding field of application. With sample spots in a developed thin-layer chromatogram, where the separation has already been completed, there are no constraints on the operation of the mass spectrometer. Depending on the analytical information required, either lowresolution or high-resolution mass spectra data can be recorded, and both positive- and negativeion mass spectra can be sequentially obtained from the same sample spot. The sensitivity of the mass spectrometer is of concern in the TLC/MS sampling. Mass spectrometry is inherently a destructive technique in that molecules must be transformed into ions that are mass analyzed to form the mass spectrum. This is in contrast to, for example, a fluorescencebased detection method, in which the photons absorbed and reemitted do not consume the sample, and for which long integration times can provide an extraordinarily high level of sensitivity. For samples in the molecular weight range of up to several thousand, a sample consumption rate of a few nanograms per second will provide a high quality mass spectrum with most ionization techniques and most mass spectrometers. In terms of TLC, an intermediate extraction step into a secondary solvent concentrates the sample and ameliorates such sensitive concerns. However, in direct imaging analysis (see Sec. Ill), the in situ extraction and sputtering process must be capable of providing that level of sample flux into the mass spectrometer, especially for the time required to record a spatially resolved image. Compounds with higher than average sputter ion yields, or selected ion monitoring experiments, can be used to decrease the necessary sample consumption rates into the picogram per second range. This sample consumption range is consistent with the sensitivity of modern mass spectrometers. A limiting factor on sensitivity is the percentage of molecules or ions in the sample transformed into ions passed into the mass spectrometer. In El or CI, only about 1 in 100,000 molecules are transformed into ions. The same ion production efficiency seems to be prevalent in FB and LSIMS. In MALDI, however, the efficiency seems to be in the range of 1-10% and perhaps higher, with predictable effects on system sensitivity.

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TLC/MS provides low nanogram detection limits. This limit will drop by a factor of 10-100 as more efficient means of sample molecule ionization are integrated into the practice of TLC/MS. The requisite pressure for operation of the mass spectrometer can be no higher than about 10 6 torr. The chromatographic matrices and development solvents must be chosen with this factor in mind. Most volatile solvents can be removed in a pumpdown cycle that is part of the sample preparation procedure for analysis by mass spectrometry, but those solvents that have a particularly high affinity for the chromatographic matrix may be retained even under vacuum for long periods of time and may force the operation of the mass spectrometer at less than desirable pressure. The complete MS system must also be examined as a detector in order to assess its fitness for coupling with TLC. In particular, the mass spectrometer must be able to provide an analytical capability that matches the capability of TLC. The informing power of any analytical technique can be defined as the number of binary digits that indicates how much information can be provided by the technique. The informing power for one variable parameter x is mathematically defined as P int =


where R is the average resolution of the variable x, and S is the average number of distinguishable steps of values for each measurable quantity. The terms Xa and Xb are the ranges of the measurable quantities. In the case of a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a 1000 Da mass range, unit mass resolution, and an ion intensity range of 212 bits, Pinf is equal to 1.2 X 104 bits. Analogously, the informing power of chromatographic techniques can be calculated. In the case of capillary column gas chromatography, assume a 10 min run with 10s theoretical plates. If a peak emerges from the chromatographic column every 30 s, then S(x) can be estimated as 20. If resolution of the column is defined as R(x) - (AV5.54)'72, then Pinf is equal to 2800. Similar calculations for other column chromatographic techniques provide estimates of informing power from about 1000 for packed column liquid chromatography to about 3000 for supercritical fluid chromatography. The informing power for TLC must be calculated in a different fashion, because the technique relies on spatial rather than temporal separation. Consider a 100 X 100 mm two-dimensional TLC layer with spots that are 2 mm in diameter. Assume that a new spot is found every 4 mm. If sample spots with Rf values of 3.1 and 3.2 mm can be differentiated, then resolution is calculated to be 32. However, because the potential area for development is 100 X 100 mm, 5(;c) is 5000, which more than offsets the poor resolution. The informing power of TLC is 3600, higher than for most forms of column chromatography. The combination of TLC with mass spectrometry will ultimately place a far more critical demand on the selectivity of the detector, and the ability to acquire and process large amounts of data, than even the most powerful present-day GC/MS systems. In addition, new developments suggest that the limits of detection may ultimately be lower in TLC/MS than in GC/MS, for example, and the broadened dynamic range will also increase both the informing power and the demands placed upon the instrument control and data processing system. As described at the end of the previous section, the sample is available to the mass spectrometer during the elution time window in column chromatography, although the sample is not present in a constant concentration. The mass spectra must be recorded during that 5 s period corresponding to the retention time (the value chosen in Sec. I.B.I), and the analyst must wait for that retention time window to record the mass spectra. The sample is in the gas phase or, in the case of electrospray ionization, contained within a liquid aerosol. The sample can be manipulated with relative ease, because the source volume is small and the sample gas and all other gases are thoroughly mixed. The ions that are formed in the ionization source are extracted within about 10 5 s into the mass analyzer of the mass spectrometer. The sample is entirely consumed within that 5 s period. Sample molecules that are not ionized are rapidly pumped away, with a total source residence time for the sample of only a few tenths of a second. This short source residence time is essential for the preservation of chromatographic separations. In TLC, the sample is held within and interacts with the silica gel matrix. An in situ analysis (such as optical spectroscopy) probes the sample in that environment (or at least the part of the sample that is accessible to the spectroscopic method) and illuminates, but does not necessarily

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consume, the sample. However, mass spectrometry must consume sample to form the ions distributed in the mass spectrum. Therefore, there must be means (a) to release the sample molecules from the silica gel and (b) to transport the sample molecules into the liquid or gas phase for subsequent ionization. These processes require time. To attain the molecular density of column chromatography, all the sample molecules in the sample spot volume must be extracted and transported to the mass spectrometer within (in this example) 5 s. However, at the same time (and in analogy to a visual or optical location of the spots on the plate), if mass spectrometric data are used to image the spot in the xy-plane, then only a small amount of sample can be consumed during each (x,y) interrogation. Further, the sample spot should remain stable and unchanged while it is being imaged. These two goals are fundamentally at odds, and interface designs must balance the goals. If the interface with mass spectrometry were designed to operate at a set spatial resolution and in only one dimension of imaging (along the axis of solvent development, as is common now), it could be designed to complete an exhaustive extraction within 5 s. Further, that extraction could be completed every 5 s in sequential spots on the TLC plate. This sequence of tasks is the TLC equivalent of sequential retention time windows in column chromatography. In many of the applications described in the following sections, the location of the spots is determined by classical means of visualization, and then the spots in an adjacent lane are individually treated with an extraction solvent outside the mass spectrometer. That particular area of the chromatogram may be cut out and mounted inside the source of the mass spectrometer, or a portion of the plate may be mounted in a holder that allows limited one-dimensional movement. In either case, the parallel between spatial coordinate(s) in thin-layer chromatography and time in column chromatography is imperfectly developed in current instruments and current practices. The extractions take several minutes for each spot (up to 10 min in some reports), and only one spot at a time is extracted, or many are extracted at the same time outside the mass spectrometer with resultant problems in sample diffusion in the .ry-plane. The measurement of the mass spectrum for each spot also consumes time. Using MALDI and a TOP mass analyzer (as in many of the applications described in the other sections of this chapter), mass spectra are averaged together until the signal from the sample rises clearly above the background signals from the matrix. Published applications often do not specify the time required for spectral measurement (because it depends on the amount of sample present in the zone and the efficiency of sample extraction and cocrystallization with the MALDI matrix), but 10-60 s is reportedly required to record the MALDI mass spectrum. There is similarly little discussion of how many discrete mass spectra can be recorded from an individual spot or how many spatially discrete mass spectra are used to define a spot. In a one-dimensional analysis, five or six discrete samples can be taken across a spot (albeit one that may be broadened through external application of the extraction solvent). If two-dimensional imaging is required, then the number of samples increases as the square of the one-dimensional value for equivalent resolution in dimensions x and y. For two-dimensional imaging of equivalent resolution, 25 to 36 discrete (;c,j)-encoded mass spectral measurements would be needed. In addition to the extraction process (and perhaps cocrystallization in MALDI) that must occur in a TLC/MS interface is the subsequent need for physical transport of the sample molecules to a site where they can be ionized. Early instruments that used gas-phase molecular ionization processes such as electron or chemical ionization used thermal vaporization to transfer molecules from the silica gel into the gas phase and then swept the gas into the ionization source of the mass spectrometer. Early uses of a micro flame or cartridge heater evolved into the use of an IR laser to accomplish the same task. The TLC/MS interface to electrospray ionization can use the extraction solvent as a carrier to transport the sample molecules to the ionization source. MALDI ionization can be considered (and advantageously so) to ionize the sample molecules directly from the solid phase of the chromatogram, but the situation is, in fact, more complex and problematic. Cocrystallization of the sample molecules and the MALDI matrix is needed before the matrix performs its functions as an energy and ionization buffer. The extraction solvent carries the matrix through the entire thickness of the silica gel layer. It is unclear how much of the sample migrates preferentially to the surface of the layer, where one could assume that the cocrystallization occurs

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and the ionizing laser can sample the crystals. Because multiple laser shots are used to create mass spectra that are summed together to form the "measured" mass spectrum, it is clear that each shot samples only a small fraction of the available sample at the surface. Furthermore, crystal homogeneity affects the spectral quality; variations in crystal size decrease the quality of the mass spectra that can be measured. No explicit information about the potential influence of the silica gel on the crystallization process has been presented, although the detrimental effect of the matrix in terms of spectral background ions has been previously noted. Thus, transport issues remain despite the fact that the ionization is directly from the surface of the thin-layer chromatogram. Sample molecules remain in environments that cannot be reached by the ionizing laser, or they are crystallized in such a way that they do not produce acceptable quality MALDI mass spectra. If the mass spectrometer is to be used as an imaging detector, then the operation of the interface must allow the (x,y) coordinates of location to be correlated with the measured mass spectra. The mass spectrometer is usually used in the single-channel analysis mode, recording mass spectra sequentially in time, although a multichannel instrument can certainly be used for the analysis of a thin-layer chromatogram. Analytical attributes to be considered therefore include the spatial parameters of the sampling; the accuracy, precision, and range of the chromatogram movement (if any); and the time required to measure a set of (;c,_y)-correlated mass spectra. Current practice (see Applications chapter in this volume) usually involve the excision of the sample spot from the chromatogram and analysis of the spots one at a time, or movement of the TLC chromatogram in one dimension only with a spatial resolution on the scale of a millimeter between sample spots. The imaging capabilities of the interface are either nonexistent or rudimentary. They may be included in the next generation of TLC/MS instruments as a true imaging interface is developed.

C. Approaches to TLC/MS Thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry can be combined in three ways. In the first experiment, the compound of interest is eluted from the chromatographic matrix and collected, then introduced as a discrete sample to the mass spectrometer. In the second type of experiment, the sample is not separated from the adsorbent; both are introduced into the source of the mass spectrometer at the same time. In the third experiment, the entire intact chromatogram is placed within the source of the mass spectrometer and analyzed in a sputtering or desorption experiment. In experiments of the first kind, the chromatography is simply a purification step. Once collected from a TLC spot that is identified with some independent method of visualization, samples must still be volatile enough to evaporate into the source of the mass spectrometer. In experiments of the second kind, the spot, also independently located, is scraped from the support and placed on the direct insertion probe of the mass spectrometer. As the probe is heated, the more volatile sample is evaporated into the source while the fairly nonvolatile chromatographic matrix remains in the probe. The method is destructive of both the sample and the chromatogram and again is limited to volatile samples. Particle-induced desorption techniques have made it possible to analyze samples directly from within the chromatographic matrix. These methods include secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), fast atom bombardment (FAB), and laser desorption, including matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) analysis. Again, two approaches have been taken. In the first, sample spots are located independently, excised from the chromatogram, and then bombarded to sputter the sample molecules into the gas phase. In the third general type of TLC/MS coupling, the chromatogram is placed intact within a source housing and a spatially resolved organic map of the surface is measured, although within the constraints of the source dimensions and the raster ranges. Finally, it should be noted that the concept of using mass spectrometry as a detection method for samples separated by thin-layer chromatography is not particularly new. Kaiser provided an overview of the possibilities in 1969 (5). A number of methods were described in which the sample spots separated by thin-layer chromatography could be evaporated from the chromatogram and routed in a gas stream to either conventional GC detectors or a mass spectrometer. Kaiser notes that "it is a disadvantage of the combinations that the optimum operating conditions of the

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instruments, which are not designed for coupling, are readily lost" and that the design of a successful interface can become quite complicated. In a statement that retains its validity many years later, Kaiser notes finally that "equipment manufacturers will, however, not make the necessary modifications until they can be made to realize that direct coupling of methods and instruments is an important aid for the analyst." The remaining sections in this chapter review the various methods used to couple TLC with mass spectrometry, with emphasis on how such combinations have indeed been of value to the analytical chemist. II. TLC/MS BASED ON DISCRETE SAMPLE INTRODUCTION Separation in TLC is spatial rather than temporal in nature, and an ideal TLC/MS coupling would preserve the spatial information inherent in the chromatogram. However, many of the earliest methods described in the literature relied on a separate and independent analytical method for spot location on the TLC plate followed by a discrete analysis of the sample spot material by the mass spectrometer. The sample molecules were evaporated into a gas stream or extracted into a secondary solvent. The extract is then submitted as a sample to the mass spectrometer. The resolution of the separation is not monitored by the mass spectrometer, which serves only to identify sample spots located by another technique. An advantage of such methods is their universal applicability; no modifications to the mass spectrometer are required, because the determination is now the same as would be involved in GC/MS or direct insertion probe work. Although an experiment that collects individual fractions from a liquid chromatograph and analyzes them by mass spectrometry would not be described as LC/MS, the nomenclature "TLC/MS" has unfortunately been applied to such TLC experiments. A search of the literature to the late 1960s, when mass spectrometry first became generally available for organic analysis, therefore highlights many such "TLC/MS" couplings solely on the basis of the common keywords found in the title or abstract. Many other applications used thin-layer chromatography to prepare samples for mass spectrometric analysis but were not similarly indexed. The following summary provides a brief but not comprehensive use of these TLC/MS methods based on sample evaporation or extraction prior to mass spectrometric identification. A.

Volatilization of Sample Molecules

1. Evaporation of Sample Molecules into a Gas Stream The article by Kaiser (5) reviews a number of methods that can be used to evaporate sample molecules from TLC spots into a gas stream that culminates in the source of a mass spectrometer. One notes that the methods are identical to those that would evaporate the sample from a TLC spot into a gas stream that leads to any of the detectors used for gas chromatography, so the use of a mass spectrometer as a detector is incidental to the design of the interface. Figure 1 illustrates a method in which a microflame is applied to the back side of a quartz-backed TLC plate, with the gas stream flowing over the sample and finally to the detector. The figure also shows the split in the gas stream between the gas flow detector (such as a standard flow ionization detector) and the mass spectrometer. Samples must be evaporated from the planar chromatogram without decomposition and must not condense in the transfer lines to the detector. A number of organic compounds, phenols and higher alcohols, for example, were found to decompose on a heated silica gel layer. An early description of a TLC/MS device can be found in the patent of Parkhurst and McReynolds [filed in 1974 and issued in 1975 (6)]. In the described apparatus, the TLC plate is placed on a platform close to the source of the mass spectrometer. Various zones of separated components on the TLC plate are heated one at a time, and the desorbed molecules are swept by a gas into the source of the mass spectrometer, which is operated in the normal manner. The focus of the patent application is a means to selectively heat one zone of the chromatogram at a time. For instance, TLC in a circular tube is described in this patent, with a heater coil surrounding the perimeter of the tube and moved along its length. Alternatively, a movable platform is used that brings zones under the irradiation of a fixed high-intensity light source or laser. Finally, a TLC

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to detector

mass spectrometer

adsorbent layer __ | quartz

low pressure FID

Figure 1 Microflame-based heating technique used for the evaporation of sample from a TLC plate and transfer into the source of a mass spectrometer. (Adapted from Ref. 5.)

plate that incorporates heating elements within the plate structure itself was also described. Again, the need for samples that can be evaporated without degradation into the gas phase is evident. 2.

Extraction of Sample Spots from Adsorbents

Because many compounds are not thermally stable, much of the early TLC/MS work involved extraction of the sample spots into a liquid solvent and transfer of the resulting solution to the mass spectrometer. The transfer of material can be such that both the sample and the support are carried through the system, or the sample may be separated from the support and concentrated into the extraction solvent. Analysis of sample compounds alone is covered in this section, and Section II.A.3 covers coanalysis of the sample and support. This section covers TLC/MS methods that involve the extraction of the sample material from the support and subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry. Again, the coverage is illustrative and not comprehensive. An early application of the extraction TLC/MS method was that of Schwartz et al. (7), who used TLC for separation and high-resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for the study of metabolites of diazepam in rats. UV irradiation and radiography were used to identify the sample spots of interest on the TLC plate. The samples were eluted from the sample support scraped from plates in the indicated areas and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Quantities of metabolites in the range of 50-500 yu-g could be characterized, although care had to be exercised in the sample preparation step to differentiate signals from samples from signals from impurities found in the blank extract of the silica gel TLC material. A number of other investigators have used the TLC/extraction/MS approach. In many of these situations, GC/MS was unavailable or unsuited for the separation of the particular class of compounds under investigation. Derivatization of sample materials to make them sufficiently volatile for GC separation was possible in some cases but was not pursued due to the increased sample handling, lower sample recoveries, and increased chances for sample contamination involved. Applications include the use of TLC/MS in the detection of aflatoxins in contaminated cottonseed meal (8,9), a study of the lupine alkaloids extracted from species of the plant family Leguminosae (10), of sapogenins from Digitalis species (11), of phenolic lipids from Anacardium occidentale (12), of the alkaloids extracted from Ipomoea violacea (13), determination of amines through the TLC/MS study of their dimethylamino-dinitrobenzoyl derivatives (14), and detection of tetrahy-

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drocannibinol in saliva (15) and of a tetrahydrocannabinol metabolite in urine (16). There have also been a large number of applications in biological and medically oriented studies. Assmann et al. (17) studied the accumulation of oxygenated steryl esters in patients affected by Wodman's disease, a fatal infant disease. Biogenic amines were characterized in tissues as their dansyl-acetyl derivatives with TLC/MS (18). In pharmaceutical applications, an impurity in the anticholinergic drug clidinium bromide was determined by TLC/MS (19). The metabolism of steroids in several different animal species was followed with TLC sample preparation, spot extraction, and highresolution mass spectrometry (20). The metabolites of phenacetin in urine (21) and identification of a number of drugs given to racehorses has also been accomplished with a combination of thinlayer chromatography and mass spectrometry (22). Metabolites of the carcinogen 7-methylbenz[c]acridine were separated by TLC and high-performance LC and subsequently characterized by mass spectrometry (23). The stability of organic compounds on thin-layer chromatograms exposed to air has been studied, with mass spectrometry used to characterize the products of degradation. Aromatic thiols undergo oxidation in air and dimerize to the disulfide (24). Arylindandiones, medicinal compounds isolated from various plants, also undergo degradation in air and light (25). The rates of formation of the dimers can be followed with TLC, with characterization by mass spectrometry. Two papers describe in detail methods used to transfer material separated by TLC into sample holders suitable for direct insertion probe mass spectrometry. Rix et al. (26) transferred the scraped sample spot into a drawn-out elution column and then eluted the sample through a plug into a separate part of the column (Fig. 2). The concentrated sample solution was then evaporated onto the tip of a standard direct insertion probe. Kohler (27) describes a similar method that can also be used for the collection of samples for subsequent GC/MS analysis. The logistical requirements of such an analysis are not stringent. Much of this work in the literature is transparent, because the details of such a sample manipulation are within the experimental section of a manuscript, and the work is not referenced or indexed as an application of

6 - 1O cm

eluting solvent

adsorbent from TLC spot plug break point

eluate to mass spectrometer

4 - 8 cm

Figure 2 Transfer and elution technique for concentration of the material from a TLC spot into a glass capillary tube for introduction into the source of the mass spectrometer. (Adapted from Ref. 26.)

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TLC/MS. The references cited in this section are therefore more historical in nature, showing the development of the method through this logical first step in its development. Work of this sort continues with newer ionization methods, including electrospray ionization and APCI methods. As a caution, the flow of solvent that contains the sample extracted from a TLC separation should be passed through a fine particulate filter to remove the silica gel particles from the stream directed into the source of the mass spectrometer. 3. Coanalysis of Sample and Adsorbent If the chromatographic matrix is sufficiently nonvolatile and the sample is volatile, both matrix and sample can be placed on the direct insertion probe of the mass spectrometer. As heat is applied to the probe, the sample evaporates, and either electron or chemical ionization can be used to obtain a spectrum of the compound. Again, an independent method for determination of the sample location has to be used. Heyns and Grutzmacher reported in 1962 (28) that sample compounds could be evaporated directly from silica gel into the source of the mass spectrometer and that the sample must be present in the spot at a minimum concentration of 1 % in order to obtain a mass spectrum of good quality. Some years later, Hutzinger and Jamieson (29) reported that indoles could be detected by TLC/MS using a similar method. Studies of this particular class of compounds was simplified because the indoles formed visible spots upon treatment with electron acceptors and could be evaporated from cellulose chromatographic matrix without decomposition to produce a satisfactory El mass spectrum of the separate components of the complex. Later work (30) identified several different electron acceptor derivatization reagents that could be used to advantage in the TLC/MS determinations of the indoles as a compound class. The same procedure has been used in a TLC/MS study of the aromatic ethers in essential oils of plant-derived materials. In the study of Forrest et al. (31), compounds such as safrole, eugenol, and isoeugenol could be separated and purified by silica gel TLC, then located by a color-developing reaction with several different chromogenic reagents, and then the sample and the silica gel were introduced at the same time into the mass spectrometer source in the direct insertion probe. As the probe was heated, the sample molecules were evaporated into the vacuum and the silica gel was left behind. The mass spectrum of the ether-reagent complex is observed to be identical to the summed spectra of the individual components, because the complex decomposes during probe heating. With careful control of the heating of the probe, spectra of the sample and the chromogenic reagent could be recorded at different points in a fractional distillation. TLC/MS has been used in the characterization of hydroxylated chlorobiphenyls (32). Twelve different chromogenic reagents were used in a study of 20 different hydroxylated chlorobiphenyls. The sample spots indicated by the formation of the characteristic color were scraped from the chromatographic support, and the matrix (silica) was introduced into the source along with the sample on the direct insertion probe. Careful heating of the probe produced good quality El mass spectra of the chlorobiphenyl and the chromogenic reagent, with the latter requiring a higher temperature for evaporation into the source. Dansyl derivatives of hydroxylated biphenyls were also investigated by this TLC/MS method. The TLC/MS method based on coanalysis of sample spots and chromatographic matrix has been used in the analysis of a variety of drugs. Down and Gwyn (33) used UV light to locate sample spots of phenothiazines, barbiturates, and other drugs such as caffeine, codeine, and methadone separated on silica layers. Samples and silica were introduced to the mass spectrometer on the direct insertion probe. At probe temperatures of 250-300°C, most drugs produced high quality spectra with little evidence of any thermal decomposition. Some drugs were sufficiently volatile to produce El mass spectra at a probe temperature of 200°C. Volatilization of 90% could be obtained at a probe temperature of 300°C for most of the drugs studied. Kraft et al. (34) used polyamide TLC to separate mixtures of phenols, steroids, nucleosides, biogenic amines, and amino acids. With silica or aluminum oxide bases for TLC, many of the samples of interest could not be evaporated into an electron ionization source without excessive thermal decomposition. Samples were located on the polyamide sheet by UV light or spraying with a chromogenic reagent. The spot containing the sample and the polyamide material was

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carefully removed from the sheet with a spatula and inserted into an electron ionization source via the direct insertion probe. Once the characteristic evaporation temperature for the compound of interest was reached, the spectral signal remained stable for several minutes. Spectra could be reliably obtained with 0.1-3 jug of these samples, with a sample/matrix ratio of 1:1000. Background ions from the polyamide material appear to be limited to lower mass ions that do not interfere with the spectral interpretation. The TLC/MS method combines the ability to separate small amounts of polar samples with the specificity of mass spectrometric identification of those materials. Fogy et al. (35) used TLC/MS to study degradation products of organophosphorus pesticides. Polyamide 6 was used as the TLC layer material for separation. Samples were located on the TLC plate with a sensitive enzymatic inhibition method. The areas containing the samples of interest were removed from the plate with a spatula and the mixture of sample and support introduced on the direct insertion probe. A temperature of 150°C was sufficient to evaporate the sample into the El source. B.

Sputtering of Sample Molecules

As outlined earlier, a number of ionization methods have been developed that avoid the need to evaporate the sample into an electron ionization or chemical ionization source. Sample ionization methods such as fast atom bombardment or secondary ion mass spectrometry are now found almost routinely with commercial mass spectrometers. These ionization methods are based on a sputtering phenomenon in which the sample molecules are transferred directly from the condensed phase into the gas phase without the need for a separate and discrete evaporation step. As TLC methods are developed for larger and more nonvolatile sample molecules, the use of these sputtering methods will undoubtedly become increasingly important. An alternative to sputtering with a primary particle beam is the use of a laser beam in conjunction with the application of an energy-absorbing matrix to the surface of the chromatogram. The MALDI TLC/MS experiment is feasible in terms of sample preparation and instrumentation. What remains to be established is the link between the higher mass range capabilities of MALDI and the lower molecular mass compounds usually separated by thin-layer chromatography. For organization, the use of laser desorption will be grouped with the sputtering methods of sample analysis based on particle impact. 1. Extraction of Sample Spots from Adsorbents Unger et al. (36) described in 1981 the analysis of thin-layer chromatograms by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS); the particular compounds of interest in this study were the quaternary alkaloids found in mushroom tissues, chosen because of their relatively high concentrations in the plant tissue, the already characterized TLC methods for their separation, and the high secondary ion yields for the particular compounds in SIMS. Figure 3 illustrates the quality of the

muscarine 174

jUl m/z Figure 3 Positive-ion SIMS analysis of the ethanolic extract of a mushroom. (Adapted from Ref. 36.) Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



positive ion SIMS spectra that could be measured for an ethanolic extract of the sample spots of choline and muscarine on a silver support. This method is described as an indirect method of TLC/MS to illustrate the contrast with the direct method of analysis described in this same paper (and described in Sec. II.B.2). Subsequent methods described in the literature as "direct analyses" are, in fact, extractions of sample material from the TLC absorbent material. Chang et al. (37) described a "direct" method of analysis of TLC spots by FAB mass spectrometry. On examination, the method involves a sample extraction with the liquid solvent used for the FAB analysis. After completion of the TLC separation, the sample spots (the TLC/MS method was described for several different antibiotic compounds) are located on the chromatogram by UV fluorescence, and then the sample and the absorbent are lifted off the chromatogram with double-faced tape, extracted into glycerol, and analyzed (Fig. 4). The integrity of the chromatogram is destroyed, and the sample cannot be recovered after analysis. Tantsyrev et al. (38) described a similar method of indirect analysis that involves a simple extraction of the contents of the spot into a glycerol solvent and subsequent analysis by FAB. In these experiments, simple amino acids were studied by TLC/MS. Both silica gel TLC and paper chromatographic methods were described for the separation of simple mixtures of amino acids. More complex samples were analyzed by a TLC/MS method that similarly involves extraction of the sample spots with the glycerol liquid matrix typically used in FAB. High-performance TLC plates were used for the separation of mixtures of amine antioxidants and surfactants (39). Spots for both sample classes were identified by UV light, iodine vapor visualization, or a malonic acid-based amine visualization reagent. Once the sample spot was located, the perimeter was marked with a pencil, and the sample spot was loosened from the plate support with a spatula. The direct insertion probe was tipped with double-faced tape and then placed against the indicated sample spot area on the chromatogram. Thioglycerol (another common FAB solvent) was applied to the tip of the probe and left to equilibrate for 1 min. After extraction was complete, the direct insertion probe was inserted into the FAB source, and the positive ion FAB spectra were obtained in the usual manner. Detection limits of about 20 ng//uL could be established for the determination of amines in gas oils. A time saving of a factor of 4 was quoted for TLC/MS relative to other analytical methods that had previously been used for these characterizations. Masuda et al. (40) described the use of TLC/SIMS for the identification of nonvolatile xanthene and triphenylmethane dyes. Aluminum-backed and liquid paraffin-coated TLC plates were used to provide a useful separation of Acid Red, erythrosine, phloxine, and Rose Bengal. A mixture of dithiothreitol and dithioerythritol was used as the matrix of choice in the positive ion SIMS analysis, but direct application of this liquid matrix to the surface of the chromatogram caused excessive sample spot spreading, and satisfactory signals could not be measured unless the total dye in the spot exceeded 5 yu,g. These workers describe a method in which the visually located

FAB probe Primary beam

mass spectrometer

Double-stick tape

Liquid extraction/ ionization matrix

Figure 4 Transfer/extraction procedure for TLC spots for analysis by FAB/MS. (Adapted from Ref. 37.) Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



spot is encircled with thioglycerol. The thioglycerol concentrates the spot into a smaller area to which the second matrix is then applied. Using this concentration step, satisfactory signals could be obtained for sample spots with as little as 0.1 /Ltg of material. Additional work using TLCTLC/ MS in the analysis of dyes found in food was published (41). Permitted dyes were determined by a combination of the appropriate Rf value and mass spectra. Dyes not permitted in food could be similarly identified; a limit of detection of 20 jug was quoted in Ref. 42. 2. Direct Analysis of Sample and Adsorbent The FAB experiments described in the previous section use a liquid matrix to ensure a steady secondary ion signal, as is the case with the analysis of discrete samples. The FAB matrix also serves to extract sample material from the chromatogram, whether this is done in a separate extraction outside the mass spectrometer or during bombardment of the excised sample. SIMS used for the creation of spectra from nonvolatile organic and biological samples also used the same suite of liquid matrices and is identical in concept. There are several sputtering methods of ionization that do not require the use of a liquid matrix, and therefore do not involve a liquid extraction of the same compound from the chromatographic spot. TLC/MS applications and techniques of this kind are reviewed in this section. Unger et al. (36) were the first to describe direct TLC analysis by SIMS without the interdiction of an extraction solvent. Muscarine (a quaternary alkaloid from mushrooms with a high secondary ion yield) could be sputtered directly from a cellulose TLC matrix (Fig. 5). The experiment is based on the relatively low secondary ion yield of the matrix upon bombardment by the primary ion beam and the characteristic signal for the intact cation of the muscarine at m/z 174. The total amount of muscarine present in the TLC spot was about 16 /Ag. Now SIMS experiments use the liquid matrix typical of FAB experiments, and thus involve an extraction of the sample from the matrix. Plasma desorption is an ionization method in mass spectrometry based on the passage of a very high energy (MeV) particle beam through a thin layer of sample material, generating sputtered neutral molecules, electrons, photons, and positive and negative ions as a consequence. Krueger (43) described an indirect TLC/MS method based on plasma desorption ionization. Substances separated by TLC are eluted from the adsorbent by a nonaqueous solvent and electrosprayed onto a thin aluminum foil that serves as the support for the target. Fission fragments generated in the radioactive decay of 252Cf pass through the sample target, sputtering both positive and negative ions from the surface. These ions are accelerated into and analyzed by a TOP mass spectrometer. Krueger claimed a lower limit of detection for compounds such as chloramphenicol and reserpine of 100 ng in the sample spot. Danigel et al. (44) described a larger set of applications




muscarin i






u m/z

Figure 5 Direct analysis of a TLC spot for muscarine from an ethanolic mushroom extract by positive-ion SIMS. (Adapted from Ref. 36.)

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for the plasma desorption TLC/MS method. Thin-layered chromatographic separations had been developed for several common antitumor drugs (etoposide and teniposide) and their metabolites in response to the excessive time required for the first high-performance LC/MS analytical method. A faster and less expensive method for pharmacokinetic studies was required. In the method described by Danigel et al., a two-dimensional TLC separation is used for the focusing of the sample drugs in a clean sharp line on the chromatographic plate. The area containing the drugs was identified under UV irradiation, and this area was cut out from the chromatogram. A secondary extraction solvent of acetone was used to extract the sample, and the sample was dried, redissolved in chloroform, and electrosprayed onto the target support foil. Measurement of the plasma desorption mass spectrum with the TOP mass spectrometer took between 1 and 10 min, depending on the amount of sample present. An overall savings in time was realized, with TLC/MS capable of analyzing 20 samples per hour as contrasted with the three samples per hour that was typical of the LC/MS method. Both Krueger and Danigel et al. described the use of a secondary extraction solvent for the removal of the sample from the chromatogram prior to spraying the sample in a thin film on the target foil. If the layer could be made sufficiently thin, ionization by plasma desorption could occur directly without the need for this extraction solvent. In fact, the integrating properties of the TOP mass analyzer are in concordance with this proposed experiment. Alternatively, the matrix can be removed from the backing material and redeposited on a very thin film of a mylar support for direct desorption. Methods might also be developed to remove the backing material in a grid pattern, leaving a very thin silica or cellulose layer stretched over the support grid. High-energy particles would pass through the thin portions of the sample, sputtering material from the matrix without the need for the extraction solvent. Tetracycline antibiotics have been determined in bovine liver, kidney, and muscle, and in milk by solid-phase extraction followed by TLC/MS with FAB mass spectrometry (45,46). A reversed-phase Cg bonded phase silica TLC plate was used. Adjacent lanes of standards provided Rf values for the compounds of interest. This area of the chromatogram was cut into a trapezoidal shape, and additional solvent concentrated the sample in one end of the shape. That portion of the chromatogram was then placed on the FAB probe of a high-performance mass spectrometer. Then the FAB support matrix (thioglycerol) was added to the plate. A detection limit of 0.1 /zg of sample per spot was reported for most of the tetracycline antibiotics. The trapezoidal slice from the TLC plate used to concentrate the sample for TLC/MS analysis was also used in an application of FAB mass spectrometry to identify and quantitate the drug midazolam (a depressant and anaesthetic) in plasma extracts by Okamoto et al. (47). Oligosaccharides have been determined with a similar method in which the sample bands were cut out from the chromatogram, loaded with solvent, and then sputtered by a primary ion beam (48,49). The separation was performed on derivatives of the oligosaccharides. A support matrix of tetramethylurea-triethanolamine-nitrobenzyl alcohol was used to extract the sample from the silica and support the generation of negative ion mass spectra. In a variation of the technique, a syringe needle preloaded with glycerol was touched to the sample spot; a small amount of silica was lifted off the spot and transferred to the stage of the direct insertion probe of the instrument which was also covered with glycerol. Because only a small amount of the silica gel was transferred, extraction was crucial for providing enough sample for analysis (50). Thin-layer chromatography has been used extensively for natural products characterization, as shown in other chapters of this handbook. However, TLC/MS is only now being applied to this important analytical area. Lemire and Busch (51) used liquid SIMS with TLC to examine some of the alkaloid compounds present in extracts of Sanguinaria canadensis. The semisynthetic alkaloid nicergoline was analyzed in a plate cutting/elution experiment with positive ion liquid SIMS (52). A detection limit of 10 ng was complemented by a linear dynamic range of 50-1000 ng for quantitative purposes. In any screening analysis, the ability to use high mass resolution MS to identify and confirm ion empirical formulas will become increasingly important. High mass resolution has been demonstrated with a multisector (53) and a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (54). In the latter instrument, MS/MS experiments can be carried out to help characterize the

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sample ions sputtered from the chromatogram. This very valuable experiment was used to advantage by Monaghan et al. (55) in their TLC/MS analysis of polymer additives separated by silica gel TLC. Lafont et al. (56) examined ecdysteroids from the plant Silene nutans and from the eggs of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria using TLC/MS/MS, and deKoster et al. (57) identified a range of rhamnolipids from extracts of Pseudomonas microorganisms, using MS/MS to advantage in identifying the structural variation of the lipids. Nucleosides and bases can also be determined after TLC separation and MS/MS characterization (58). Laser desorption MS has been the most widely used of the sputtering methods in the direct analysis of TLC plates without the use of an extraction solvent. Hercules (59) and Novak and Hercules (60) described a system that uses a commercial laser microprobe to sputter triphenylmethane dyes from a high-performance TLC plate. Figure 6 illustrates the quality of the spectral data that can be measured for gentian violet and brilliant green. Because the instrument used was equipped with a sophisticated system for sample viewing and positioning, the dyes could be visually located through a sighting microscope, and areas were selected for analysis with a resolution of about 10 /urn. Spectral contribution from the TLC plate was minimal, and the location of the organic materials could be specified to about 100 jam. A map of molecular distributions of dyes across a TLC plate determined visually is shown in Fig. 7, along with the masses of the ions found to be sputtered in each area. The use of laser desorption mass spectrometry in direct TLC/MS analysis can be expected to increase rapidly in the near future as the mechanisms of the thermal desorption and sputtering processes become better understood and as means of preparing the sample for efficient transfer of the sample molecules and ions into the gas phase are developed. Dunphy et al. (54) also used laser desorption for the analysis of TLC plates, and both normaland reversed-phase TLC plates could be satisfactorily analyzed. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) was used for TLC/MS by Gusev et al. (61). Absolute detection limits of 2-4 ng were demonstrated for bradykinin, angiotensin, and enkephalin derivatives. Application of the MALDI support matrix to the TLC plate after separation is completed induces a planar diffusion of 1-1.5 mm. In an interesting application of the MALDI TLC/MS method, the mass spectra of ninhydrin-stained spots were obtained. Ions corresponding to the ninhydrin adducts with the sample molecules could be observed. A spatially resolved image for bradykinin on a TLC plate in a 2-(4-hydroxyphenylazo)benzoic acid matrix was also reported in this paper.














Figure 6 Positive-ion laser desorption mass spectra of triphenylmethane dyes from a TLC plate. (A) Gentian violet; (B) brilliant green. (Adapted from Ref. 59.)

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258 456

D A (9




A Victoria blue B B Malachite green C E t h y l violet D Hosaniline hydrochloride E Gentian v i o l e t F B r i l l i a n t green


G Methyl violet

Figure 7 Molecular distributions of triphenylmethane dyes on a TLC plate, with ions produced by laser desorption indicated. (Adapted from Ref. 60.)



Once the methodology has been developed for the sputtering of organic molecules from surfaces, as detailed in the previous section, the extension of one- and two-dimensional imaging of organic compounds on chromatographic surfaces logically follows. In some cases, instrument sources and sample introduction devices have to be redesigned to accommodate spatial movement of the sample or the probe beam. In other cases, entirely new instruments are constructed that place emphasis on sample manipulation rather than mass spectrometer operation. In both cases, the spatial distribution of the organic compound in a sample spot or band is measured along with the individual mass spectra for each isolated component. The following subsection deals with methods developed in one-dimensional analysis, and Section III.B describes systems developed for twodimensional imaging analyses. The means to resolve data into spatially coherent images is readily available. As mass spectrometric data systems become more adept with multidimensional images for other types of mass spectral data, adaptation of these algorithms for the creation of sophisticated TLC/MS data will follow. The only commercial instruments available today provide a one-dimensional motorized scanning probe, and the data handling is exactly analogous to that for GC/MS and LC/MS. It can be predicted that MS/MS data maps will be transformed by far-sighted users into *,y-resolved data graphics before manufacturers invest time in the development of such hardware. Alternatively, data interchange protocols may provide the easier (but less satisfying) option of transfer of the mass spectral data into another system with complete graphics capabilities. This option, while taking advantage of existing technology, removes the on-line option of using those data in an interactive loop to control the acquisition of additional data. A.

One-Dimensional Systems

1. Plate Scanners Based on Sample Volatilization Ramaley et al. (62,63) described a TLC plate scanner based on the thermal evaporation of samples into a gas stream connected to the source of a mass spectrometer, with chemical ionization being used to create ions from volatile molecules. A sophisticated sample movement platform hooked

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isolation valve mass spectrometer direct insertion probe


stepper motor transfer line

plate chamber Figure 8 Block diagram of a TLC scanning system. (Adapted from Ref. 62.)

to a stepper motor was used to position the sample spots at the focus of a high-intensity incandescent lamp or a pulsed CO2 laser. The light beam passes through a window in the scanning chamber, which is held at a pressure of about 1 torr. The chamber is pressurized with the same reagent gas (methane, for example) that would be used in the chemical ionization source. Sensitivity was shown to be about 1 ^tg for a broad range of compounds spotted on the plate, with a reproducibility of about 20%. Figure 8 shows a general block diagram of the instrument, and Figure 9 some of the results obtained with this device. The stepper motors were programmed to move the TLC plate at a constant speed through the point of light focus to simulate the elution of compounds from a chromatographic column into the source of a mass spectrometer. 2. Movable Direct Insertion Probes Tamura et al. (64) described modifications for a commercial mass spectrometer system based on a stepper motor driving a direct insertion probe into the FAB source of a mass spectrometer. The holder at the tip of the FAB probe can accommodate either an aluminum sheet 10 X 65 mm or a glass plate 7 X 65 mm. However, because sample movement is in only one plane, only a one-


naphthoquinone (2 spots)

m/z 109

m/z 159


scan number Figure 9 Results for scanning TLC for analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons. (Adapted from Ref. 62.)

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dimensional image of the spots can be obtained. The plate holder can be moved at a maximum rate of 50 mm/min, and the pulses to the stepper motor are controlled in conjunction with the scanning of the magnetic field of the sector mass spectrometer. The operation sequence is movement of the sample, acquisition of the spectrum, then movement of the sample again. Because a liquid matrix (glycerol or triethanolamine) is applied to the surface of the chromatogram before analysis, this method, like many that have preceded it, relies on efficient extraction of the sample molecules into the secondary solvent and depends explicitly on the ability of that solvent to extract the material without diffusion of the samples in the plane of the chromatographic development. Because all matrices used so far have been liquids, a practical time limit of a few minutes is established before sample bleeding becomes excessive and the chromatographic resolution is reduced. Figure 10 displays the modifications that were made to the direct insertion probe. In principle, the one-dimensional analysis generates data in formats identical to those generated by GC/MS, and the same data processing and display routines can be used by the computer system. No real-time control of the chromatographic movement was described in this publication. Several Japanese research groups have been active in TLC/SIMS and have described similar systems. This activity results from both the widespread use of TLC in Japan and the competition between instrument companies to devise a commercially viable TLC/MS system. Nakagawa et al. (65) filed a patent application for a chromatographic plate and analysis system in 1983 that consisted of a glass support for TLC with a number of grooves precut into the back surface. Once the chromatographic development was completed, the plates could be broken down into smaller strips that could be mounted directly to a movable direct insertion probe of the type described above. Figure 11 illustrates this device, which was used in the TLC/SIMS characterization of benzodiazepines, steroids, and metabolites of antifungal drugs (66). Several years later, Iwatani and Nakagawa (67) described a scanning TLC/MS method based on SIMS that used the same type of special glass holders applied to the determination of mass spectra for compounds such as raffinose, small peptides, drug metabolites, and optical isomers of ibuprofen derivatives. Kushi and Handa (68) described in 1985 a TLC/MS method for the analysis of lipids. Secondary ion mass spectrometry with a liquid matrix of triethanolamine was used for the extraction and ionization of sample spots first located with iodine or Coomassie brilliant blue staining. A piece of TLC plate 5 X 20 mm in size could be attached to the direct insertion probe, and scanning in one dimension was accomplished by manually inserting the probe into the source of the mass spectrometer. Spectra could be obtained from 1 /ug of a lipid separated on a silica TLC plate with aluminum- or plastic-backed TLC plates. Although not specifically noted in this paper, because a plastic-backed plate is an electrical insulator, some provision for connecting the surface to the plate platform itself must be made to hold the surface at the source potential. Yamamoto et al. (69) described the combination of TLC with SIMS for the determination of acetylcarnitine and propionylcarnitine in urine. Quantitation was accomplished with a stable iso-

TLC plate

pulse motor


ion source Figure 10 Modifications to a commercial direct insertion probe necessary for scanning TLC/FAB. (Adapted from Ref. 64.)

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TLC holder matrix glass sample spot

thin layer glass plate

metal rod precut grooves

Figure 11 Special scored TLC plate used for scanning TLC/SIMS. (Adapted from Ref. 65.)

tope dilution method. Kajiura (70) described a TLC/SIMS application to the determination of phospholipid and steroid mixtures, with chromogenic reagents for spot visualization and either triethanolamine or glycerol as the extraction/ionization matrix. A similar application to phospholipids was described the same year by Hayashi et al. (71). Phospholipids as well as antibiotics and small peptides were determined in the scanning TLC/SIMS device described by Shizukuishi et al. (72), associated with the Hitachi Instrument Company. A patent application filed by Hitachi in Great Britain in 1987 (73) describes the coupling of TLC with SIMS. A sample movement system is described in which the areas of the TLC plate between the indicated spots are rapidly transversed so that sputtering is confined to the sample spots of interest. This feature of TLC/MS had been previously described by other workers (see next section). Wilson et al. (74) used an MS/MS instrument equipped with a motorized one-dimensional TLC plate scanner to study a family of ecdysteroids in extracts of the plant Silene otites. Plates were cut into strips and attached to the probe, and glycerol solvent was added in preparation for the energetic particle bombardment. Consider the sophistication of the experiment. Mass spectra (and with the instrument used, even high mass resolution mass spectra) are recorded as a function of distance along the TLC plate. The negative-ion mass spectra recorded are characteristic for each of the three predominant ecdysteroids found to be present. In addition to the mass spectrum itself, product ion MS/MS spectra can be recorded for each of the mass-selected (M — H)~ ions for the compounds. The high dimensionality of the data should be apparent, as is the great specificity achieved in identification of a particular compound at a particular Rf value, with a particular mass spectrum (and perhaps with a particular set of exact mass values for those ions), and with a particular set of product ions of particular intensities formed in the collision-induced dissociation experiment. With current instrumentation, all of the sophistication in this system resides with the mass spectrometer. However, higher resolution instruments and MS/MS instruments are dropping rapidly in size and price, and performance and ease of use are much improved. Within a few years, TLC/MS will be complemented with TLC/MS/MS and TLC/high-resolution MS as a matter of course. Collaborative efforts directed by M. R. Clench at Sheffield Hallam University have produced MALDI/TOF TLC data used for impurity testing in commodity pharmaceutical compounds (74a,74b). MALDI, as described earlier, is the acronym for matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, and TOP signifies that a time-of-flight mass analyzer is used. Several important points are emphasized in these publications. Mowthorpe et al. (74a) note that the pharmaceutical compounds of interest are of relatively low molecular mass. The energy-absorbing matrix used to prepare the surface in MALDI often provides intense ion signals in the lower mass ranges. Avoidance of mass overlap is possible when both the specified matrix material and the targeted compound for analysis are known and their spectra are recorded independently. These researchers

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investigated several means for depositing the MALDI matrix onto the TLC plate, finally choosing an electrospray surface treatment, not electrospray ionization. The issue of reproducibility of the data obtained from localized areas of the TLC spot in which the final sample-matrix cocrystallization may vary was addressed. In a subsequent publication, Cricelius et al. (74b) used TLC, MALDI, and the electrospray matrix deposition method to generate analytical data for an impurity profile for a drug development candidate. The candidate compound was identified, as were three related impurities. The authors also reported on the use of a lock-mass approach to make up for variability in masses measured in the TOP analyzer due to small differences in the nature of the TLC surface itself. The research group of D. Hercules at Vanderbilt University continues to build on its early work in coupling MALDI with TLC (74c,74d). They also investigated various methods for the deposition of the MALDI matrix onto the developed TLC plate and methods that could be used for quantitation of the targeted component on a TLC plate. Applications to the determination of cationic pesticides by TLC/MALDI (74e) and specific methods for quantitation down to the picogram level (74f) were recently reported by this research group. Wilson reviewed state-of-the-art of TLC/MS (74g,74h) with an emphasis on one-dimensional analyses. The mass spectrometric ionization methods used include electrospray ionization and matrix- and surface-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI and SALDI). Both MALDI and SALDI involve ionization directly from the surface of the chromatogram held under vacuum after addition of an energy-buffering matrix. The ionization occurs as the result of surface irradiation by a laser beam, with mass analysis usually accomplished with a TOP mass analyzer. SALDI is a newer ionization process used in coupling TLC with mass spectrometry (74i,74j) but involves the same one-dimensional measurement approach. Chen (74j) described the in situ determination of organic reaction products using SALDI-based TLC/MS. SALDI is differentiated from MALDI in that the added matrix is thought to mediate the high energy of the desorbing laser through different processes. The matrix in SALDI used by Chen is a mixture of activated carbon powder, glycerol, sucrose, and methanol. The activated carbon is thought to act as the energy mediator, and the glycerol and methanol are transfer and extraction solvents. The sucrose acts as an adhesive (74i) between the matrix and the TLC plate, and the background signals from the SALDI matrix can be lower than those for typical MALDI matrices. The extraction of the sample from the silica gel occurs as the solvent repartitions the sample between the gel and the activated carbon. The sample molecules are released from the activated carbon in a subsequent (presumably) thermal desorption step, aided by the energy from the laser and the transfer of the sample molecules into the vacuum. Anderson and Busch (74k) reported on the use of electrospray ionization coupled with TLC, and that publication includes a discussion of one-dimensional and two-dimensional interface designs. Electrospray ionization usually produces only molecular ions of the sample compound, with very little fragmentation. Complete structural deduction requires dissociation of the molecular ion, and therefore such dissociations must be induced. Given such a situation, MS/MS (sometimes called tandem mass spectrometry) is often used. In MS/MS, ions are subjected to at least two sequential stages of independent mass analysis with an ion activation step that leads to ion dissociation between them. Tames et al. (741) reported a study in which morphine was identified in urine extracts by using a combination of TLC and MS/MS. Organic reaction products were characterized by TLC/MS by Hilaire et al. (74m). This method was also used for confirmation of residues of thyreostatic drugs in thyroid glands using MS/MS after TLC separation (74n). B. Two-Dimensional Systems Spots of samples separated by TLC are two-dimensional. Several bands of samples can be run in adjacent lanes on a TLC plate, and scanning along a one-dimensional axis through the center axis of each lane can provide mass spectrometric information about the compounds separated. However, high-performance TLC and many other forms of TLC use two-dimensional development or circular development methods. A full two-dimensional imaging scan is necessary to discern the location of sample spots on the chromatogram and to determine the degree of spot overlap, if any. There have been far fewer reports of two-dimensional TLC/MS than of one-dimensional

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scanning methods, because the work requires either extensive instrument modifications or the construction of mass spectrometers especially designed for these experiments. A number of commercial molecular ion microprobes are on the market, but relatively few of them have been modified for use in TLC/MS. To some extent, this is because TLC/MS generally requires the introduction of large amounts of organic solids and liquids into the vacuum system of the mass spectrometer. Most of the microprobe instruments are sold for surface science studies, typically carried out in the pressure range of 10"10-10~n torr. Not only are the pumping systems generally incapable of handling large amounts of organic vapors, but once "compromised" as a TLC/MS instrument, ultrahigh vacuum cannot easily be reestablished. Increasing pressure from a community of analytical chemists, to echo the comments of Kaiser from Section I.C., should catalyze the efforts of instrument manufacturers in providing instruments capable of routine TLC/MS. Novak et al. (75) used a laser desorption microprobe to produce two-dimensional images of triphenylmethane dyes on a polymer surface (Fig. 12). The sample spot was selected manually





brilliant green


victoria blue


gentian violet


rosaniline HCI





micrometer reading x

Figure 12 Molecular mapping of triphenylmethane dyes on a polymer surface by laser desorption mass spectrometry. (Adapted from Ref. 75.)

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through the sighting scope of the laser desorption instrument, individual data points were measured, and the total data set was reassembled into a spatially resolved mass spectrum of the organic dyes as a function of their x,y coordinates on the surface of the chromatogram. Busch et al. (76) first described a custom-built secondary ion mass spectrometer for the analysis of thin layer chromatograms in 1985. The instrument has been through several revisions since the initial prototype was constructed, including changes in the size of the chromatogram that could be accommodated within the vacuum chamber, in the accuracy of sample placement for acquisition of spatial images, and in the data system used to control the scanning experiment and process the mass spectral data. The original instrument was described by Fiola et al. (77), and the original data system by Flurer and Busch (78). As originally configured, the chromatography/instrument could accommodate 25 X 25 cm TLC plates and could place them at the focus of a primary ion beam with a spatial resolution of 1 yiim. The primary ion beam originated in a thermionic cesium ion source of only moderate spatial resolution, but the use of a fine focus liquid metal ion gun (with a focus down to 0.01 mm) was also demonstrated with this instrument (79). In a second-generation instrument, the sample cell was enlarged to accommodate chromatograms up to 20 X 20 cm, and piezoelectrically controlled xy translators were used to place the sample spots within the point of instrument focus with a spatial resolution of 1 fj.m (80). The cesium ion gun can be replaced with a flange-mounted fast atom bombardment (FAB) source, a liquid metal ion gun, or a probemounted ion gun. The liquid matrices typically used for FAB and liquid SIMS can be used in studies with the chromatography/SIMS instrument but yield limited time in which the image of the sample can be recorded without diffusion of the sample spot in the xy plane of separation. A meltable matrix is used, as described by DiDonato and Busch (81), so that the matrix resides on the chromatogram in a solid form just below its melting point; the energy from the beam is sufficient to bring it into a liquid or semimolten state from which a persistent ion current can be measured. Doherty and Busch (82) showed the lack of planar diffusion in the matrix held just below its melting point and the diffusion that occurs as the sample matrix is liquefied. To increase the secondary ion yield for a number of species separated by TLC, a series of derivation reactions were developed that transfer the same molecules into preformed ions, often with surfactant properties in the matrix that is ultimately used for their extraction. The original concept of ionic derivatization was described by Busch et al. (83); methods of sample derivatization that do not increase the size of the samples were developed based on the voluminous TLC derivatization literature. Such derivatizations can be used in TLC/SIMS to increase the secondary ion yield of the separated compounds without an increase in the spot size (84,85). A number of applications for the chromatography/SIMS instrument have been described in the literature, including the determination of phenothiazine drugs (86) and quaternary drugs (87) and TLC/MS for coordination compounds (88), phosphonium salts (89), small peptides (90), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (91), geoporphyrins (92), bile acids (93), diuretics (94), steroids (95), and alkaloids from plant extracts (96). In each case, an appropriate solvent must be found that extracts the material from the chromatographic matrix at a temperature and on a time scale compatible with the measurement of the secondary ion image of the surface. Although several general solvents work well for a number of compounds, consideration must also be given to the unique extraction and surfactant effects of each particular solvent—matrix mix, and this is an area of continuing research. A few examples illustrate the nature of the data that can be obtained from a two-dimensional imaging chromatography/SIMS experiment. Figure 13 shows the image that results when the intact cation at m/z 215 for diphenylethylsulfonium bromide is monitored from a silica gel TLC plate. The primary ions from a gallium liquid metal ion gun were used as the sputtering source. The spacing between the grids is 0.1 mm. The preformed "onium" salts have excellent secondary ion yields; spectra can be obtained for 100 pg of sample material on the TLC surface, and imaging can be completed with about twice that amount of material, depending on the properties of the solvent selected for extraction and ionization. Figure 14 shows the scan of the (M + H)+ ion of a phospholipid separated from a mixture by TLC outside the analyst's laboratory. The TLC plate was shipped to the SIMS lab, the purity

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Figure 13 Two-dimensional scanning image of an organic sulfonium salt separated by TLC and sputtered by SIMS.

and spatial profile of the band in question were ascertained, and the plate was then returned to the original owner. Lipids in general also have good secondary ion yields, and microgram quantities of material are more than adequate for imaging analysis. The primary ion beam was generated from a cesium source for the data in Fig. 14; the grid spacing was 0.5 mm. Because the mass spectrometric information is selective for each component on the surface of the TLC plate, a number of experiments can be carried out with TLC/MS that mirror experiments with other TLC detectors but with greater information resolution. One experiment that has

Cs' ion sputtering SIMS

rrrrrr-ri t r > } / J 11 r > tii > t / /1J rrrrrrrrrrrn

0.5-inm grid spacing, sorbitol matrix Figure 14 Two-dimensional scanning image of a phospholipid separated by TLC in an outside laboratory, transported to an analytical chromatography/SIMS instrument, and sputtered by cesium ions.

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proven to be of value is selected sequence monitoring (90), which allows a search for peptides that contain a selected sequence of amino acids in a mixture of peptides. SIMS mass spectra of peptides typically contain an abundant ion corresponding to the protonated molecule (M + H)+ along with fragment ions generated in predictable dissociations along the peptide sequence. In the selected sequence monitoring experiment, the mass analyzer is set to monitor the mass of an appropriate sequence ion, and the chromatogram is moved in the x and y dimensions. Each peptide that dissociates to form an ion of specified sequence that is characteristic of its mass will produce a local maximum in this plot. Peptides on a plate can therefore be grouped into classes according to their common sequence ions. This experiment can also be used to gain limited information about the sequence of peptides for which the molecular ion mass itself is beyond the range of the mass analyzer. Bradykinin and d-phe-bradykinin are two important muscle peptides. Figure 15 shows images of a thin-layer chromatogram containing both of these peptides. Figure 15a was obtained by monitoring the protonated molecule of bradykinin (m/z 1061), and Fig. 15b by monitoring the spatial distribution of the protonated molecule of D-Phe-bradykinin at m/z 1111. A sequence ion common to both peptides at m/z 528 gives the dual-maximum spatially resolved plot shown in Fig. 15c. Imaging TLC/MS can be accomplished with some models of commercial secondary ion mass spectrometers. These instruments can provide very high spatial resolution and exquisite sensitivity, although they are not usually used for the analysis of organic compounds on TLC plates. Such a sample would be "dirty" and viewed as a source of contamination in an instrument chamber maintained at a vacuum far lower than is usual in organic mass spectrometers. Some of this concern is unfounded; modern TLC plates, when handled with care, do not delaminate when being transported into the vacuum chamber, and once the volatile solvents are removed in the antechamber, the samples bound to the silica gel do not exhibit an appreciable vapor pressure either. Once these hurdles are overcome, the extraordinary capabilities of these instruments can be used to advantage. Mullis et al. (53) used an imaging TOP SIMS instrument to sputter samples from TLC plates. A spatial resolution of a few tens of micrometers was easily obtained, and a mass resolution of 2100 was measured. Individual silica particles on the surface of the gel could be seen. The mass-resolved ion image documented the distribution of the organic compound in those particles, providing an unprecedented glimpse of the TLC separation at the particle-byparticle scale.



There are many reviews of TLC/MS (97-99) that focus on various aspects of instrument design or technique applications. As the number and complexity of applications increase, some general aspects of TLC/MS are worth remembering. The advantages of TLC/MS are derived mostly from the well-known characteristics of TLC, extended through the high informing power of mass spectrometry. In TLC/MS, because time is not a factor in the detection system, any spots in the twodimensional chromatogram can be investigated in any order. This is a tremendous advantage in analysis of mixtures in which the presence or absence of targeted compounds is to be determined and a priority list of compounds can be established. The detection system can then be used first to search for the high priority compounds. A chromatogram can be rescanned many times to increase the sensitivity of the analysis through data processing techniques, even with mass spectrometric detection. Most mass spectrometric measurements are destructive in nature, but FAB and SIMS in particular are surface-sensitive techniques in which the material consumed in the analysis is sputtered only from the top few micrometers of the sample spot. The remaining sample that resides in the underlying bulk can be recovered after the SIMS analysis. The use of SIMS in the detection system therefore also allows experiments in which samples can be repetitively scanned. There are unique advantages to a mass spectrometric detection system, the most significant of which is the tremendous increase in the amount of information obtained for each spot. There are over 1000 independent channels of information corresponding to unit mass resolution across the mass range of the spectrometer. For each of these channels in the mass spectrum, the y-axis

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y (mm)

x (mm)




x (mm)


x (mm)

(C) Figure 15 Molecular ion and selected sequence monitoring images for two peptides separated by TLC. (A) Bradykinin, m/z 1061; (B) D-Phe-bradykinin, m/z 1111; (C) m/z 528. (Adapted from Ref. 90.)

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is the relative abundance of the ion of that particular mass, determined from 0% to 100%, generating typically 100 additional discriminating bits. With experiments such as MS/MS, even more information is recorded, and even higher discrimination can be achieved. A second advantage is the finer spatial resolution possible with the imaging SIMS system compared to even the most sophisticated densitometers. The focusing liquid metal ion gun described in the instrumental section is ultimately capable of giving a spot on the chromatogram of 10 /am diameter; a complete mass spectrum can thus be obtained for each 10 yum x or v- movement. The first experiments of this kind for nonchromatographic samples were reported with commercial ion microprobes. The information from the mass spectrometer is valuable for interpretive purposes but may ultimately be used for on-line control of the scanning experiment itself. The mass spectrum contains ions that indicate molecular weight and structural information, arranged in patterns of mass and relative abundance. The independence of the information for each individual sample compound means that data processing can be used to deconvolute spectra from mixtures of compounds, and the effective resolution of the chromatographic separation can be enhanced. Analysis of the mass spectra with x- and y-dimensions is also used in a feedback mechanism that changes the spatial resolution of the chromatogram movement when spots are present to precisely the resolution necessary to deconvolute the overlapping peaks. A minimum fraction of analysis time is expended acquiring spectra from portions of the gel that do not contain samples. This algorithm, designed to operate with completely unknown sample mixtures, ensures the most efficient use of the system. Finally, because the separation has already been completed in TLC before detection of the spots is pursued, mass spectrometry is only one of a number of methods that can be used for spot location and sample identification. The list of analytical methods that can be brought to bear upon the analysis of a TLC plate include visual analysis, UV/visible spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectrophotometry, optical microscopic techniques, electron microscopic techniques, ESCA, Auger, reflectance infrared spectroscopy, radioimaging methods, near-infrared analyses, and finally, mass spectrometry in several forms, including SIMS, FAB, and laser desorption ionization. Sample positioning and manipulation are central to each of these methods. A sample ferried between the various instruments is subjected to increased handling and increased contamination and also to the various size constraints of the sample introductions on the various instruments. Assuming that the system should deal with samples of dimensions like the usual 10 X 10 cm chromatogram, the limiting of sample size for any of the instruments becomes the constraint in sample size range for any of the others, and most instruments will not accept samples of this size, even if the analysis itself is not completed over that range. The direct replacement of a mass spectrometer detector with a CCD optical camera detector for TLC analysis was described by Busch et al. (100,101). The sample remains within a positioning chamber, and the positioning hardware remains the same. A global coordinate system pinpoints the sample coordinates and allows correlation between different types of analytical data. The described instrument is a prototype of a general analytical system for the analysis of planar chromatograms that allows the use of several analytical techniques and incorporates sophisticated image analysis software (102). In this system, the detector instrument modules are added into the system as needed and replaced as necessary. In future developments, two distinct variants of TLC/MS may appear. The first is the accessory TLC/MS that is added to a general-purpose mass spectrometer, such as the one-dimensional movable probes described in Section III.A.2. The second version is TLC/MS in conjunction with a variety of analytical methods in a smaller modular station that emphasizes chromatographic positioning and analysis and the interchangeability of detection systems. Complex mixture analysis is a proving ground for analytical methods that combine highresolution separations with equally powerful detection systems. Growing needs for separations of biological mixtures have catalyzed advances in high-performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, affinity chromatography, and planar forms of electrophoresis, including agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. As with thin-layer chromatography, planar electrophoresis can be coupled to mass spectrometry (PE/MS). There are two aspects of this interface to be considered. The first in the physical manipulation of the electropherogram itself (or the sample

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extracted from it) into a form compatible with the mass spectrometer's requirements, and the second is the selection of an ionization method. A distinction is again drawn here between methods that attempt to analyze the gel in x or xy dimensions and those that elute the sample components from the gel and then present a discrete sample solution to the mass spectrometer for analysis. There are ample examples of the latter sort (103-109), including work of Camilleri et al. and other early workers. Work that also involves the preparation of discrete sample solutions includes the investigation of the "freeze-squeeze" method (111,112), originally described for the rapid recovery of long DNA strands from agarose gels, gel disruption, and homogenization methods (113,114) used in conjunction with flow-FAB ionization. An early approach to PE/MS (115) used plasma desorption ionization (very fast and very heavy ions derived from a tandem accelerator or present as fission fragments of a radioactive nuclide are used to sputter molecules and ions from a thin sample surface) to determine mass spectra for protein mixtures separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane with an electroblotting procedure. The use of nitrocellulose membranes and electroblotting procedures is well known within the bioanalytical community. PE/MS has also been accomplished with SIMS to analyze samples separated in paper and cellulose acetate electropherograms, and in these instances no transfer or blotting procedure was necessary (116). With agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), sample transfer procedures using capillary blots, vacuum blots, and electroblots were further developed (117,118). These experiments were successful in first demonstrating the spatial fidelity of the transferred material, the two-dimensional imaging capabilities of the PE/MS combination, and the use of mass spectral information to deconvolute overlapping compounds in a single electrophoretic band. Additional work studied various quantitative aspects of sample sputtering from paper and cellulose acetate electrophoretic membranes and the use of digestion reactions of larger peptides on the transfer membrane (119). The report of Nagashima et al. (120) on the cellulose acetate electrophoretic separation and mass spectral characterization of tetrodotoxin is a noteworthy application of this method. The nature of the membrane onto which the electrophoresed sample is transferred is important. Early work used nitrocellulose membranes, followed by standard biochemical protocols and the early observation that ion signals for high mass biomolecules from such surfaces were of greater intensity than other surfaces such as metals. Later a number of other membrane surfaces were used in PE/MS, including nylon and poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVDF) (121-124). Although these materials were new to mass spectrometrists using MALDI, they and a host of other materials were well known in biological applications. The membrane or modified membrane material must be able to blot the sample compound, and it must also be compatible with the matrix molecules used in MALDI. The matrix/sample ratio may often be 1000:1 to 10,000:1. Methods for application of the MALDI matrix, an integral part of sample preparation, are not considered here in detail but are reviewed elsewhere (125). The development of mass spectrometric detectors for planar electrophoresis followed a course charted previously for the development of TLC/MS. One can reliably predict specific developments in PE/MS in parallel with those of TLC/MS. The scanning capabilities just now becoming evident in PE/MS will be supplanted by imaging capabilities that allow a full two-dimensional characterization of the separated bands. Experimental methods for sample preparation, reaction, and manipulation become noticeably more sophisticated as users realize that the separation matrix itself can be used innovatively as a support and as a tool. Methods will certainly develop that use "chemistry" such as sample digestions and derivatizations. On a planar chromatogram, we can carry out such reactions repetitively, simultaneously, and sequentially. We will also be forced, on the other hand, to develop data systems, imaging systems, and analysis systems that can manage orders-of-magnitude more data than we currently manipulate. As for TLC/MS, we will seek to integrate many different types of spectroscopic data and analytical measurements in one global coordinate system and then to search for correlations and patterns in those data. The distinctions between TLC/MS and PE/MS will eventually disappear as we construct a seamless, automated analytical approach that takes full advantage of the particular values of planar chromatography for analytical measurements. The first and second generations of specialized custom and commercial instrumentation have been developed, used, and publicized. TLC/MS will always be compared in its analytical perfor-

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mance to other forms of chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. This is the value of performing the numerical evaluations described earlier. To achieve sample densities in TLC/MS equivalent to those in the GC/MS method chosen for comparison, the entire sample must be extracted and made available for ionization, with preservation of the original spatial dimensions of the sample spot or band application, within 5 s. However, in reality, the 5 s window for complete sample consumption in column chromatography is lengthened into a 5 min window for partial sample consumption in planar chromatography, assuming that the extraction (completed off-line) and cocrystallization make as much sample as possible accessible to the mass spectrometer. If we assume that 5-10% of the sample is so accessible (either directly, as a transfer to some intermediate such as the activated carbon used in SALDI, or through an enrichment device), then the overall factor is at best (60 X 10, and only for a one-dimensional analysis) 600-1200 times less sample flux into the source of the mass spectrometer in planar chromatography. The exact value again depends on assumptions in the argument, but this factor is reasonable in terms of reported limits of detection. GC/MS using column chromatography and electron ionization routinely provides limits of detection in the low nanogram range. Cricelius et al. (74b) provided chromatographic data with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5 for 25 ^tg of sample on the TLC plates. The lower sample flux into the source of the mass spectrometer is a direct consequence of TLC/MS interface design and, more important, the analyst's implicit approach to how planar chromatogram spots should be detected. Instrument designs for TLC/MS have involved many types of mass analyzers. Quadrupole mass filters and ion traps offer the advantage of relatively small size. Exact mass measurements are possible with the use of double-focusing sector mass spectrometers or Fourier transform mass spectrometers. Analyses of planar chromatograms with laser desorption and MALDI have typically been completed with a TOP mass spectrometer. Once the ions from the sample are in the gas phase, it might seem that any procedure that accomplishes a mass analysis would be satisfactory. However, as shown above, the ion flux in TLC/MS is usually several orders of magnitude less than in column chromatography. To become competitive with the sensitivity demonstrated by methods that use column chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, however, and to maintain the imaging capabilities that are desirable, a nonscanning mass analyzer might be best for TLC/MS. The TOP mass spectrometer or an ion storage instrument such as the ion trap or the Fourier transform mass spectrometer are the mass analyzers most suitable for TLC/MS applications as currently practiced (126). The manner in which TLC/MS is now completed, with a separate and external application of the extraction solvent, a "developing time" of several minutes, and then excision of the sample spot and placement in the mass spectrometer, is primitive and laborious. It is the functional equivalent of collecting sample fractions from a liquid chromatograph, loading the solutions into small discrete vials, and analyzing the samples one at a time with a mass spectrometer. Such an "interface" arrangement has always been possible, but it is not conducive to the synergism of TLC/MS as a continuous coupling of analytical methods. Analytically useful and competitive TLC/MS, although the chromatography is off-line, must be coupled to mass spectrometry through a transparent, automatically functioning interface. The analytical attributes of an "idealized" PC/MS interface are next described. There are two separable exclusive approaches to the design of an ideal TLC/MS interface. Both approaches have been demonstrated. The imaging interface is a direct analogy to optical spectroscopic detectors now used for planar chromatography. The shape and boundaries of the developed sample spot are determined through a point-by-point examination of mass spectral data. The imaging interface must translate planar (x,y) coordinates in space into a single-channel coordinate (usually time) for mass spectral measurement. There is usually either a compression of data (data are recorded at fixed intervals along only the ;c-axis of development, for example) or a variable spatial resolution that is also encoded. Because multiple measurements of mass spectra are necessary, it is a requirement that the sample not be completely consumed during each such measurement. Generally, the sample spot could be considered as undisturbed, and exhibiting its native shape and boundaries, if the mass spectral measurement consumes no more than 5-10% (as described before) of the sample. This places an upper limit on the sample flux that can be

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attained. Following the general assumption that 10 mass spectral scans are desirable to characterize an eluting column chromatographic point, assume that 10 scans are also required to image a spot on a planar chromatogram across its widest dimension. The grid in the x- and y-directions is 10 X 10, for a total of 100 individual sample measurements in this ideal scenario, with consumption of no more than a total of 5% of the sample. [This is a greater number of measurements than reported by Cricelius et al. (74b) but appropriate for the "ideal" interface.] With the example of 1 ng total sample in the spot, 5% sample consumption is a total of 50 pg, with 50/100 or 0.5 pg consumed to provide each mass spectrum. If there is a sample concentration gradient within the spot, there may be more sample available at some (x,y) points and less in others. The need for a nonscanning form of mass analysis becomes clear in this derivation (see below). Rastering must be accomplished in such an interface to encode the (x,y) information in the mass spectrum. Imaging secondary ion mass spectrometers are commercial instruments used for surface analysis, primarily to determine the spatial distribution of inorganic components. Rastering can be accomplished in several ways but is most commonly done by steering the impinging ion beam onto the surface of the sample. Such an imaging SIMS instrument has been used for imaging TLC spots (53). The issues of sample flux in imaging SIMS are the same as in a potential instrument for PC/MS. Therefore, the instrument used in the study (53) was a TOF-based instrument that provided maximum ion transmission through to the detector. In the application cited, the sample was such that it could be sputtered directly by a primary ion beam without damage. Because no extraction was used, there was no sample spot diffusion on the surface of the chromatogram. The approach is not concordant with the practice of modern TLC, specifically in that usually the sample molecules have to be released from their interaction with the silica gel by using an appropriate extraction solvent. The presence of the extraction solvent provides three areas of complications, as discussed in earlier sections and reemphasized here. The first is that it has the potential to increase sample diffusion on the chromatogram beyond the original developed dimensions, thus compromising separation resolution. The second is that it places a load on the vacuum system of the mass spectrometer, because in the absence of the extraction solvent (or some other matrix) the sample molecules simply revert to their original state of interaction with the silica gel. The third is that the extraction itself should take place quickly (within a few seconds to minimize diffusion) and efficiently (100% of the sample should be available for ionization, even if it is not used). The second type of TLC/MS interface is the consumption interface. In such a device, at the upper limit, all of the sample within a chromatographic spot would be consumed to produce the mass spectrum, and to bring sample levels to the equivalent of column chromatography the extraction would be complete within 5 s. This would be the total consumption TLC/MS interface. Earlier in this chapter, the sample volume in PC was derived as approximately 20 /xL for a circular spot of 0.5 mm diameter and a silica gel layer thickness of 100 jum. Clearly, 20 /xL must also be an upper limit on the amount of extraction solvent that could be applied to the spot without causing sample diffusion outside the range of that occurring during the development of the chromatogram. The application of an extraction solvent to the chromatogram is, of course, the converse of the solvent application used to spot the sample onto the chromatogram in sample loading. Small aliquots of solvent are repeatedly applied, with evaporation of the solvent in the intervals between applications. The total amount of solvent used in the application of the sample during spotting is also about 10-20 /jiL, supporting the converse analogy. The target scale of sample extraction solvent per spot used in the interface, therefore, should be 10-20 pL, and the time scale should be similarly short. The argument developed here is that the total consumption interface is the preferred TLC/MS interface to allow the method to reach competitive and meaningful limits of detection. The technological and engineering challenges in designing such an interface are not insoluble. In fact, the appropriate technology has already been demonstrated in other venues and in other applications. Once the defining analytical attributes are realized, it only remains to bring the process to TLC/MS to produce a viable and useful interface (126). The key to successful adoption of TLC/MS into the analytical community will be a simple interface device that transforms the distribution of samples on an xy plane into a sequence of sample molecules in a gas or liquid

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stream, mimicking a GC/MS or LC/MS analysis. It must be simple and robust, and it must eschew the many unique options and advantages that have long been envisioned for TLC/MS. Today, as chemists examine and assess data, whether the data originated from GC/MS or LC/MS often becomes irrelevant. This must also become the distinguishing characteristic for TLC/MS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our research work in TLC/MS was supported in its early years by the Whitaker Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation. We are also grateful to Unilever, to Monsanto Corporation, and to the Eastman Kodak Company for their support. I. D. Wilson provided a reprint of Ref. 97, and D. M. Hercules provided a preprint of Ref. 61. Thanks to both, as well as to my graduate students who have worked in this field.

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10 Basic Principles of Optical Quantification in TLC Mirko Prosek and Irena Vovk National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Quantitative thin-layer chromatography (QTLC) measured by direct photometric scanning has been performed for nearly 50 years. Despite its long history, this procedure has not achieved the reputation of being a very reliable quantitative analytical technique. Relatively large standard deviation has often been mentioned as one reason that QTLC was not acceptable as a reliable quantitative technique. The most important drawbacks were problems in sample application, development, scanning, and data processing. The opposition was unjustified (1). TLC is an openbed technique with many not precisely controllable parameters, which on the one hand contributes to a large dispersion of measurements but on the other hand eliminates systematic errors. High accuracy can easily be obtained by using a large number of applications of the same sample and statistical methods. In addition, certain steps in the procedure can be strictly controlled and even automated. Major improvements in reproducibility, simplicity, and speed are obtained with automatic sample applicators, controlled development and drying conditions, and sophisticated computer-controlled scanning modes with the use of image processing. The possibility of simultaneous development of up to 74 samples on one HPTLC plate makes planar chromatography one of the most informative microanalytical techniques. Many more expensive and sophisticated combination techniques such as gas chromatography/mass spectometry (GC/MS), high-performance liquid chromatography/MS (HPLC/MS), HPLC/inductively coupled plasma-MS (HPLC/ICP-MS), and capillary electrophoresis/MS (CE/MS), can generate even more data per second than planar chromatography and can collect data from different detectors at the same time but from only a single sample. Different samples can be compared only by use of software that enables collection and post-run parallel presentation of results. Samples can be evaluated together, but data are collected at different times and only in the case of very robust measurement conditions can data be compared. Among the users of chromatography around the world today, it is possible to see renewed and increasing interest in TLC. Analysts have seen that sophisticated and specifically oriented techniques cannot be properly used if they are not planned according to the results obtained by prescreening using cheaper, less sensitive, but more informative techniques such as TLC. The production of uniform TLC plates with different types of layers, instrumentalized programmable applicators and development systems, and the use of sophisticated, inexpensive computers, scanning devices, charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras, and printers open up new possibilities for reliable quantitative TLC. Various modes of quantification in TLC are indicated in Fig. 1. In the simplest mode, substance is eluted from the plate and quantified with a spectrophotometer. Today elution is not often used for quantitative measurement, but it is very convenient for identification of compounds in separated spots on TLC plates with mass spectrometry (2,3). Direct in situ modes of quantification, using a densitometer, CCD camera, or flatbed scanner, are used for routine work. Most often, 277

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Figure 1 Operations in quantitative TLC.

plates are scanned with densitometers equipped with sensitive photomultipliers. Information from a plate comes in the form of a unique signal, integrated in the analog mode from a relatively large scanning slit, which moves at a speed of a few millimeters per second (in more modern equipment, it can even increase by up to a few centimeters per second). The signal from the illuminated or nonilluminated side is collected, digitized, and processed using a personal computer. Thin-layer chromatographic plates can also be scanned with flatbed scanners (4,5) and CCD cameras equipped with video chips that offer more than a million small detectors (pixels). These techniques are not as sensitive as densitometry, but the data acquisition from a whole plate is very rapid and scanning parameters are easily adapted to the particular plate conditions. The signal from each pixel is digitized and fed into a powerful computer. Then, after several very quick scans, the evaluation is done with the use of statistical methods. It appears that both modes have a future and will be used in conjunction in absorption and fluorescence measurements. Some analysts want to compare the two scanning procedures, but we must be careful with this comparison. Today, image-analyzing systems are not yet properly used in TLC; analysts (and even instrument manufacturers) think that both data acquisition methods are the same or that there is only a slight difference, which depends on the form of sensor. From our experiments, however, we can say that it is not so simple. There are basic theoretical and practical differences between the data acquisition modes that have an important influence on the validity of the results of each of these two scanning techniques.

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Radiation Transfer Equation


All optical methods for the in situ quantitative evaluation of TLC chromatograms are based on measuring the difference in optical response (intensity of diffusely reflected or diffusely transmitted light) between blank regions of the stationary phase and regions with a separated substance, which can be measured either on the illuminated side (reflectance) or on the opposite side (transmission). The principle is similar to measurement in regular absorption spectroscopy; however, the relationships are much more complex, because TLC sorbents consist of tightly packed particles that scatter the incident beam. When a parallel beam irradiates a flat layer of thickness z, two phenomena arise on the illuminated and nonilluminated sides. The first phenomenon is the regular (specular) reflection from the smooth parts of the surface, and the second is the diffuse reflectance from the opaque parts of the layer. These two extreme cases require different spectrophotometric approaches. In the first case, it is possible to obtain absorption spectra and the most important optical constants, the refractive and absorption indexes, by applying Fresnel's equations; quantification is done with the Beer-Lambert law. In the second case the angular distribution of diffusely reflected radiation is isotropic and the density of the radiation is independent of direction. When scattering exceeds adsorption, a radiation transfer equation is valid. On the nonilluminated side of a plate, measurements can also be separated into two extreme cases. In the case of a very small amount of scattering, absorption spectra and the concentrations of compounds in bands are obtained with the Beer-Lambert law / = I0abc


where / 70 a b c

= = = = =

intensity of attenuated beam intensity of incident beam absorptivity coefficient length of optical path concentration

When the scattering is strong, it is impossible to obtain clear transmission spectra, and the concentrations of absorbing compounds in chromatographic spots must be determined with the use of special equations. No rigorous theory of multiple scattering has been proposed, but many attempts have been undertaken to develop a phenomenological approach to absorption and scattering. All theories are based on an infinitesimal layer in which the radiation field is divided into two or more radiation paths. Differential equations are then established for reflectance and transmission. The equations are integrated over the total thickness of the layer, resulting in relatively simple relationships. The agreement between experimental data and calculated values is acceptable when suitable conditions exist. The change in intensity of a beam of radiation of selected wavelength in a path length dz within the medium is given by the radiation transfer equation

where dl = change in intensity of the radiation flux K = attenuation coefficient corresponding to the total radiation loss due to adsorption and scattering p = density of the medium J = scattering coefficient dz = change in optical path length This equation is a differential equation, because JIK, the source function, depends on the intensity of the radiation at each point. A solution of this expression can be obtained only by approximation.

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In the exact solution, the equation requires the division of the radiation field into a large number n of linear differential equations. The detailed solution was presented by Chandrasekhar (6). Such a rigorous solution is practically never used for the calculation of isotropic scattering in the thin layer. Numerous researchers have developed their own simplified solutions to the radiation transfer equation. The first solutions were Schuster's equations (7), in which, for simplification, the radiation field was divided into two opposing radiation fluxes (+z and — z directions). The radiation flux in the +z direction, perpendicular to the plane, is represented by /, and the radiation flux in the — z direction, resulting from scattering, is represented by J. The same approximation was used by Kubelka and Munk in exponential (8) and hyperbolic (9) solutions. In their exponential solution, a flat layer of thickness z, which scatters and absorbs radiation, is irradiated in the — z direction with monochromatic diffuse radiation of flux /. In an infinitesimal layer of thickness dz, the radiation fluxes are going in the + direction J and in the — direction I. The average absorption in the layer on path length dz is K, and S is the scattering coefficient. Two fundamental equations follow directly:

— = -(K + 5)7 + SJ


— = -(K + S)J + SI dz


dz and

These equations can be interpreted as follows. The intensity of the light that travels in the direction of transmission decreases by absorption K and scattering 5 and increases by scattering from the light traveling in the opposite direction /. Light that travels in the direction of reflection / behaves in the same way but in an opposite direction. Kubelka and Munk derived solutions for Eqs. 3 and 4. The result is the well-known KubelkaMunk equation, Eq. 5. It relates the diffuse reflectance Rx of an infinitely thick, opaque layer and the ratio of the absorption and scattering coefficients, K/S, and has become the fundamental law of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.




If we assume that the scattering coefficient of the sorbent does not change in the presence of chromatographic spots, the Kubelka -Munk equation can be transformed in the form =



(1 - *.? = 2J03*; 2RX S

where e is the extinction coefficient and c is the molar concentration of the sample. Equation 6 presents a solution for a layer of infinite thickness with homogeneous distribution of scattering and absorbing centers. Therefore, it is not very applicable in quantitative TLC, where the thickness of a layer is about 0.1-0.2 mm and absorbing molecules of sample are assuming a gradient in-depth distribution inside the sorbent. In 1948 Kubelka proposed an explicit hyperbolic solution (9). Agreement between the experimental data and calculated values is very good, and his equations still represent a relatively simple approach to the solution of diffuse reflectance Rn and transmittance T0, adequate for most densitometric applications:


a sinh(bSd) + b cosh(bSd)

T0 = -a smh(bSd) + b cosh(bSd)

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S +K



where K = absorption coefficient, S = scattering coefficient, and d = layer thickness. The presented equations and suggested solutions show how complicated is the relationship between the concentration of a sample and the intensity of diffusely reflected light. Equations 7 and 8 represent a simple phenomenological approach to the problems of diffuse reflectance and transmittance and are very suitable for the calculation of concentrations in QTLC (10,11). Continuum theories are not satisfactory for powder-type layers such as TLC plates. The scattering and absorption characteristics of a medium are reflected in two constants, K and S, but the influence of the particle size as well as that of the nonuniform vertical distribution of the absorbing molecules inside the sorbent layer are completely ignored. B.

Discontinuum Theory

Bodo (12), Melamed (13), and Johnson (14) developed well-known discontinuum theories for the determination of absolute optical constants from the properties of individual sample particles. In 1975 we started to study the relationship between the concentration of a substance in the spot and the signal in reflectance (remission) and transmission measurements, using the discontinuum theory and specially prepared multilayered models (15-19). In the first step, intensities of reflected and transmitted light were calculated according to a prepared theoretical model of a TLC plate. A chromatographic band was placed in different sublayers whose thickness equaled the mean particle diameter. The total reflectance, R, and transmittance, T, were obtained by summing all transmitted and reflected fractions of all sublayers. In the second part, real models (Fig. 2) were prepared from various kinds of layers (papers and TLC sorbents), and the effects of the nonuniform concentration of the depth distribution (in the z-direction) were investigated. Finally, the results from the theoretical models were compared with the values obtained with the real models. Reflectance and transmission of each sublayer are determined by the equation proposed by Bodo, who assumed that the fraction a of the incident radiation is reflected from the individual layer and is attenuated by absorption to the fraction (1 — a)e~Kd. In our calculation K represents



\ Tie Figure 2 The multilayer model used in the calculation. The positions of chromatographic spots at the top (near side), in the middle, and at the bottom (far side) of the layer are shown.

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Figure 3 Transition of an incident beam 70, through a thin layer. Scattered light is not yet diffused, but it will be after the transition of many such layers. Geometrical series for both the reflected (R) and transmitted (T) radiation fluxes.

the sum of the absorption of a sample and the absorption of a layer /, and d is the particle size (layer thickness). On the bottom of the layer, the fraction 1 — a of the radiation, still present, is again reflected, so that the fraction (1 — a)2e~Kd passes through, etc. We thus obtained geometrical series for both the reflected and transmitted radiation fluxes (Fig. 3).

R =a T =

eKd + (1 -


1 - or


In our calculations, two different values of a. are used: al for parallel radiation and a2 for diffuse radiation. We assume that the radiation beam is parallel to the sample surface rays and that the reflected beams are more or less diffuse. Experimentally, it was determined that the fraction of reflected flux was usually greater for diffuse radiation then for parallel radiation (20), a2 = wa{. From the experiments with diffuse quartz (21), a, is 6% if A is greater than 380 nm. Because the layer is subject to radiation at all possible angles, the average path length of the radiation within the layer is not equal to the layer thickness but must evidently be greater. Calculations show that the mean path length of diffuse radiation is twice the geometrical layer thickness. To obtain the remission and transmission of the whole layer of sorbent, we consider only the first and second sets of transmitted and reflected radiation. In transmission, we consider the contribution of the incident light and of all the secondary beams that proceed from the reflection of the incident beam, Eq. 11. For remission, we use only primary reflected incident light and secondary reflected beams of already reflected incident light, Eq. 12.



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where Ax = Rx+l + ^ y=x+2

T R t r

Ry ( ^



= transmission of parallel light = remission of parallel light = transmission of diffuse light - remission of diffuse light

The use of only two sets of radiation fluxes in the final calculations is sufficient, because the values of the third set, which are very small, have no influence on the final results but serve only to make tedious the development of the calculation algorithm. Our results obtained using multilayer models and a CCD camera, showed that higher order sets of radiation fluxes must also be taken into account as the result of the illumination of a whole plate. Inside an illuminated layer, the intensity of diffuse light is much greater because a higher number of reflected beams are coming from all parts of the layer, which are informative and detectable. In classic densitometry, scanning is performed inside a black box and only an incident beam with a small diameter is used. When the beam hits a sorbent it scatters, and part of the scattered light is lost inside a layer. Results show that image-analyzing systems are much more informative about the conditions inside a layer than densitometers, due to the bigger illumination field and larger number of scattered beams. Using Eqs. 11 and 12, the relative changes of the diffuse reflected and transmitted light throughout the layer (consisting of 10 sublayers) were calculated (a chromatographic band was placed at a different Rf value on each of the sublayers of the model). A very small absorption coefficient, a = 0.0001, was used for the sorbent. Such a model presents a densitometric measurement on a silica gel layer in the visible spectrum, because silica gel absorbs practically no light above 400 nm (22). The concentration of the spot within a single layer was uniform. Mathematically obtained results show the great influence of the vertical depth of the sample in remission and practically none in transmission. In reality, distributions of spots inside the layer are not known. Special models are prepared, measured by a densitometer, and evaluated. Measured and calculated values provided insufficient insight to explain the effect of the vertical concentration gradient on the results of reflectance and transmission measurements, which were later confirmed by using photoacoustic spectroscopy (2632). The small disagreements between calculated and experimentally obtained relations were the result of incorrectly estimated optical parameters. The values of a, L, and d used in calculations were obtained from the literature and from our own optical experiments. A considerable number of models were prepared from different kinds of papers and sorbents used in TLC, and the effect of the nonuniform concentration distribution c(z) was investigated. The relative values of remission and transmission of the models were calculated, and results were compared with the values obtained with the real models. Table 1 and Fig. 4 contain results of the model prepared using 10 layers of silk paper. Inserted strips of colored paper represented the spots in different positions (layers). The absorption of the colored paper (silk paper was taken as a blank) at 550 nm was 0.3 A.U. The standard reflection (R0 = 100%) was determined using A12O3 powder. The R0 value of the model was found to be 75%. At first sight, the increase in the signal (Ar) with increasing depth of the sublayer seemed unusual, but it was confirmed by our measurements. It is known from previous experiments that the path of diffused light in the layer (or sublayer) is longer than the path of the specular incident beam, a2 = 2a:. To find a simple solution to our multilayer model, we also tried some other mathematical approaches, such as Markov chains and transition matrices (19). The obtained results closely tracked the experimental results as well as the results obtained with the multilayer models and proposed calculations using our formula and the Bodo equations. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



Table 1 Multilayer Model Consisting of 10 Sheets of Drawing Paper" Remission Layer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






100.0 61.0 36.2 20.9 13.6 5.6 3.4 1.7 1.1 0.0

100.0 61.8 37.9 22.9 13.4 7.6 4.1 2.1 0.9 0.2

100.0 101.0 102.0 103.0 105.0 105.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.0

100.0 104.1 106.2 107.3 107.7 107.7 107.3 106.2 104.1 100.0


AT0 = 0.001 A.U., K, = 0.3 A.U., a = 16%, r0 = 0.75, wavelength = 550 nm. Signal normalized to the level of the spot in the first layer.


Measurement of Fluorescence

In situ fluorescence measurements are a favorite tool for quantitative and qualitative determination in TLC, especially when very low concentrations have to be measured. Fluorescence is the reemission of absorbed energy, which occurs as the excited molecules of a sample return to their ground state. The reemitted light is somewhat longer in wavelength than the absorbed light be-

Figure4 Multilayer model consisting of 10 sheets of drawing paper. Calculated values (R and T) are presented with dashed lines and measured values with bold lines. Scanning and calculation parameters are K0 = 0.001 A.U., Kt - 0.3 A.U., a = 16%, r0 = 0.75, wavelength 550 nm. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



cause some of the energy is transferred to vibrational motion. In fluorescence, absorption and the reemission take place in a very short period of time (10~12-10~9 s). In the case of fluorescent analysis, measurements are carried out at a wavelength different from that of the illuminating wavelength. This represents the fundamental difference between conventional absorption measurements and fluorescence measurements. There are many different ways in which the fluorescence intensity of a compound in a chromatographic spot can be calculated (23-25). Most frequently, the Beer-Lambert law is used, because it is simple and accurate. If 70 is the intensity of the incident beam and / is the intensity of the light at the nonilluminated side of a plate, then 70 — / is the amount of light that has been absorbed by the layer. Part of this absorbed light, which is given by 4>, the quantum yield, is then reemitted from the layer, but with a wavelength different from that of the exciting beam. The intensity of the transmitted light is obtained from the equation I = I0e~abc


where a = absorptivity, b = length of cell path (thickness of TLC layer), and c = concentration. The light absorbed in a layer is equal to 70(1 — e~ahc}, and the fluorescence is F=4>/ 0 (1 - e~abc)


If the concentration c « 1 , then the fluorescence can be written in linear form as F = 99%. Calculated.

2.5 0.5

Chromatography Derivatization

1.2 0.8

Concentration gradient




Validation parameter. Application: 5 ^iL bands, 6 mm. Validation parameter. Estimated (data-pair technique). Estimated (data-pair technique). Scanner error calculated from 10 measurements of one band. Not important (application in form of bands). Peak start, peak end, baseline construction depends on noise. Not possible to estimate. If normal TLC plate is used, the total error is




Selection of HPTLC plate

4.5%. a

Four HPTLC plates were prepared; six samples and six standards were applied according to the data-pair technique. Uncertainties are taken from Eurachem experiments. Results: Uncertainty contribution from described sources 0.32% Total error calculated from error propagation 3.15% Final result (combining) 3.17%

ical laboratory in routine and research work are primarily the result of the right analytical management and strategy and not metrological quality. Well-educated and well-trained analytical chemists are the guarantee for the quality of the analytical work. Measurement uncertainty cannot estimate the reliability of analytical results, because it evaluates the quality of only certain procedures. The reliability of analytical work is obtained with a constant quality throughout time, and so it can be evaluated only with a carefully planned validation procedure, accompanied with an adequate number of quality control samples and/or interlaboratory comparisons. Although the error budget approach is not applicable in routine TLC, it can be used as a tool for planning certain steps in the validation of TLC methods. It is possible to prepare a computer program to quantify measurement uncertainty associated with potential sources of uncertainty in quantitative TLC. The analyst selects basic chromatographic parameters and the program estimates the uncertainty of the analyst's method, using relevant associated uncertainty values obtained from previous experiments. This approach is justified for TLC, which is a technique with clearly separated analytical tasks: preparation, application, development, and evaluation. It is not necessary to use a holistic approach as in HPLC or GC. Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC



Our program was tested with a set of experimental data. TLC plates with different qualities of stationary phases (TLC, HPTLC) were spotted with different samples. Application was performed manually and also automatically with the Camag Linomat IV. Plates were scanned with the Camag TLC Scanner II and Camag TLC Scanner III and Camag Videoscanner in remission and transmission modes and fluorescence. Although the predicted values are close to the values obtained with the validation procedure, we cannot use them as substitutes for the results obtained with the validation procedure. The weakness of our program is common to all calculation models. It is not possible to prepare enough reliable information. In order to test 17 parameters with three free steps each, it is necessary to prepare more than 100 million experiments, which would take us more than 1000 years. The result of a measurement is always subject to error. Precision is daily confused with accuracy, and the agreement of successive results from some analytical methods falsely inspires analysts with a degree of confidence that the method does not merit. This is typical for column separation techniques. Inter- and intraday precision are often very different. It is necessary to distinguish between statistical and systematic errors. In TLC the contribution of systematic errors is normally smaller than the contribution of statistical errors because TLC is an open system. It is evident that one or a few sources of error can be the major contributors to the total error, owing to the addition of the squares of variances. TLC is not strongly influenced by biases. It is possible to get a reliable "true" result by eliminating biases and reducing variances with band applications and data-pair technique. In this situation quality assessment is very important factor. Quantitative TLC consists of five main and three optional stages. To estimate the uncertainty of the procedure as a whole, relevant uncertainty sources at each stage must be determined. The chromatographic process starts with selection and sometimes preconditioning of the stationary phase. These procedures have an indirect influence on the measured uncertainty, because further steps such as separation and scanning are influenced by this selection. A certain number of samples and standards are applied to the TLC plate in the form of spots or bands. All applied tracks are developed simultaneously. For the inexperienced TLC user, all tracks seem equal, but in quantitative TLC, spotting positions have an important influence on the final result. If we want to minimize the measuring uncertainty, we have to carefully plan the positions of the spots. Application can be done manually with micropipets or automatically with special application devices. A procedure for approximate determination of sample application error was proposed by Ebel and Glasser (47). It is based on the fact that accurate determination of sample application error is not possible using TLC methods alone, because the error due to chromatography will always be measured at the same time, but for substances with low Rf values the influence of chromatography is almost negligible. In the case of manual application with micropipets of 1 10 jmL, the RSD of applied volume is ±1.5%, and in the sophisticated mode of application with an autosampler it is ±1.0%, according to vendors' specifications. If we need to apply a larger volume, 5-100 /xL, the best solution is to use a Linomat. In this case the precision of applied volume is between ±0.5% and ±2%. The spotted plate is normally dried before development. The drying step can be a big, unpredictable source of error. If too much heat is used, spots can remain at the start and samples or standards can be degraded. To eliminate uncertainty, application procedures must be validated, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) with precise instructions about plate handling before, during, and after application for each TLC method should be set out. Chromatographic separation is the main factor in reliable quantitative TLC. Development starts with the immersion of the spotted plate into the chromatographic chamber, previously filled with a selected solvent or a mix of solvents. After the plate is immersed into the developing solvent, the chromatographic process starts. Uncontrolled separation conditions produce poor reproducibility. Due to the numerous parameters influencing a composition and the existence of a gradient of the developing solvent in the vertical (depth) direction of the plate and alongside the developing path, it is not possible to mathematically predict its profile. The drying stage is also an important source of error. During the drying process, the mobile phase evaporates from the upper part of a plate and produces secondary chromatography, which

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is the main reason for poor precision in TLC. With up to 10% RSD, it is by far the greatest source of uncertainty. To reduce this influence it is necessary to prepare and carefully follow an SOP for the drying stage. In addition, it is possible to reduce the influence with clever distribution of samples and standards. If samples are spotted on one side of a plate and standards on the other, an error of 5% or more is typical. If samples and standards are applied one after the other, then a 3% error can be expected; and with data-pair techniques, an error of 1-2% can be expected. The influence of inhomogeneous distribution is further reduced with an increased number of applications of the same sample or with application in the form of bands and a correctly selected scanning slit. Sometimes separated components have no chromophore and we have to make these components visible before measuring. It is possible to do this with post-run chemical derivatization. A solution with a special reagent is prepared, and the plate is dipped into the solution for a certain time, usually some seconds. After that the plate is heated and components on the plate and the derivatization reagent react and produce colored spots or bands. This operation is strictly empirical (dipping time, time and temperature of heating, cooling process, etc.). Its influence on the final result must be validated. Spraying has been used rather than dipping and is less reproducible. The chromatographic step is followed with quantification of the separated components. The previously described equations for quantitative evaluations show how complicated is the relationship between the concentration of a sample and the intensity of diffusely reflected light. To obtain reliable analytical results it is necessary to prepare standards with different concentrations and, with carefully planned validation, estimate the sensitivity, working range, the limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), etc. A nonlinear response can be easily overcome by the use of a limited concentration range or the selection of nonlinear calibration functions. Data acquisition is performed with three different types of instruments: classical densitometers, video systems, and digital image scanners. Each system has some advantages and some disadvantages. The advantage of densitometry is its very sensitive measurement in the UV and visible ranges and possible acquisition of spectra directly from a plate. The disadvantage is its slow scanning speed. The sources of uncertainty are mechanical, electronic, and optical stability of the instrument. A typical scanning time for one plate is 30 min. The advantage of video systems is simultaneous acquisition of the whole plate and the large amount of collected raw data (pixels). In this case it is possible to construct computer programs for post-run data processing that can detect and eliminate chromatographic and scanning errors. Sensitivity is obtained with a longer scanning time, and the signal-to-noise ratio is improved by accumulation of more scans. Video systems illuminate the whole plate, and the results obtained with image processing techniques are not so sensitive to the depth concentration gradient. However, the whole power of image processing is lost if scanning is performed with inhomogeneous illumination of the TLC plate. Plates with visible spots can also be scanned with low-priced flat digital scanners. In the case of intensive spots, reproducibility and accuracy are comparable to the results obtained from more expensive video systems and densitometers. Data acquisition is usually not a source of random errors, because the analyst assesses the plate prior to scanning. A correctly selected scanning procedure will strongly reduce data acquisition error. The error budget approach is acceptable, because it predicts error sources, but it must be used in-line and approved by an expert. Reliable results should be obtained with a validated method, transparent documentation, and a sufficient number of good quality control samples. Integration and the calculation of concentrations are also error-prone steps. Incorrect selection of integration parameters and of the calculation procedure greatly affects the final result. One set of parameters can be optimal from some tracks and unacceptable for others. Their values have to be changed from track to track and not just from plate to plate. Selected parameters are not informative without documentation as to why they were selected. The use of control samples and in-line assessment by a skilled operator are the best ways to minimize calculation error. Analysts have made errors and estimated the errors of analytical measurements for years. In our opinion, it is not possible to get reliable measurement uncertainty of an analytical procedure

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without consideration of quality assessment. Assessment shows how well-trained and error-prone the laboratory staff and facility are. VI.


Today we look for analytical procedures that give the greatest output of information in the shortest time. In this respect QTLC is a very promising method, and these trends must be developed. With the present hardware and software we can start a new page in the quantitative evaluation of TLC. A developed plate is a bank of information that needs to be read and processed. In our opinion, it is more suitable for data acquisition to select a multisensor device with more than 2 million pixels than to measure a plate with a large scanning slit and limited speed of movement. TLC is a planar technique and is, like photography, more reliable when it is described with a larger number of pixels. We hope that in the future QTLC will proceed in the direction of the new video-oriented data acquisition and processing systems that can be used in both research and routine QTLC.

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306 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

PROSEKANDVOVK B. K. Bein and J. Pelzl. In: O. Auciello and D. L. Flamm, eds. Plasma Diagnostics. Surface Analysis and Interactions. Boston: Academic Press, 1989, p. 211. I. Vovk, M. Franko, J. Gibkes, M. Prosek, and D. Bicanic. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 11:379, 1998. I. Vovk, M. Franko, J. Gibkes, M. Prosek, and D. Bicanic. Proc. Oji International Seminar on Photothermal Phenomena and Their Applications (ISPPA), Tomakomai, Japan, 1998, p. 255. M. Prosek, A. Medja, and M. Katie. Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Instrum. HPTLC, Wurzburg, 1985, p. 367. S. Ebel and T. Henkel. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 13:248, 2000. I. Vovk, M. Prosek, and R. E. Kaiser. In: Sz. Nyiredy, ed. Planar Chromatography: A Retrospective View for the Third Millennium. Budapest: Springer Scientific Publisher, 2001, p. 464. S. Essig, H. Jehle, K. A. Kovar, and B. Renger. Proc. 1st Int. Meeting on Imaging Techniques in Planar Chromatography, Jezersko, Slovenia, 1999, p. 25. M. E. Johnson. J. Chem. Educ. 77:368, 2000. M. Prosek and R. E. Kaiser. Int. Instrum. Comput. 1991, p. 13. J. K. Taylor. Anal. Chem. 55:600A, 1983. J. K. Taylor. Anal. Chem. 53:1588A, 1981. J. K. Taylor. Handbook for SRM Users. Natl. Bur. Stand. NB/SP 160/100, September 1985. M. Prosek, A. Golc Wondra, and A. Krasnja. Accred. Qual. Assur. 5:451, 2000. W. Horowitz. J. AOAC Int. 81:785, 1998. M. Prosek, A. Golc Wondra, and I. Vovk. J. Planar Chromatogr.-Mod. TLC 14:62, 2001. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO, 1995. EURACHEM/CITAC. Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurements, 2nd ed. 2000. http:// w w w. vtt. nVket/eurachem/ S. Ebel and E. Glasser. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 2:133, 1979.

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11 Preparative Layer Chromatography Szabolcs Nyiredy Research Institute for Medical Plants, Budakaldsz, Hungary



Preparative layer (planar) chromatography (PLC) is a liquid chromatographic technique in which the solvent-solvent composition migrates through the stationary phase either by capillary action or under the influence of forced flow with the aim of separating compounds in amounts of 101000 mg (1). The compounds can be isolated for structure elucidation (IR, UV, MS, 'H-NMR, 13 C-NMR, CD, etc.), for various analytical purposes or for determination of biological activity (2). Depending on the mode of solvent composition migration, PLC can be classified as classical PLC (CPLC) or forced-flow planar chromatography (FFPC). In the first type of PLC, the solvent migrates by capillary action (3). The category FFPC includes all methods in which the mobile phase migrates not only by capillary action but also by forced flow. For preparative purposes, two basic FFPC methods have so far become available: forced flow can be achieved either by application of external pressure [overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC)] (4-8) or by use of centrifugal force [the various types of rotation planar chromatography (RPC)] (9-12). The enhanced efficiency of FFPC techniques as evidenced by a comparison of their analytical properties with those of classical thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance TLC (HPTLC) is well known (e.g., 2), because by use of FFPC techniques the advantage of the optimum mobile-phase velocity can be practically exploited over the entire separation distance without loss of resolution. This effect is independent of layer thickness and the type of forced flow applied. Both types of FFPC may be used as on-line preparative techniques (13,14), i.e., techniques in which the separated compounds are eluted from the stationary phase and isolated from the instrumentation. This enables connection of a flow detector, recording of chromatograms, and collection of separated compounds with a fraction collector (Fig. 1). FFPC methods enable not only micropreparative (OPLC) and preparative (RPC) separations but also, by using appropriate split systems, the coupling of these methods with various spectroscopic techniques, as is apparent from Fig. 1. In this way, not only isolation but also structure elucidation can be carried out in a single process. The chromatographic processes operative in CPLC, preparative OPLC, and RPC basically resemble those of analytical TLC, OPLC, and RPC, respectively. The most important factors that may influence a PLC separation are shown in Fig. 2. Working with PLC requires consideration of some special characteristics, such as the average particle size, the thickness of the stationary phase layer, the chamber type, the application of large amounts of sample, the location and detection of the separated compounds, and the removal of the desired compounds by elution or extraction. The type of stationary phase, the composition of the mobile phase, the separation distance, the mode of development, and the working temperature may be identical with those in analytical TLC. The procedures have been described extensively for analytical TLC (15-18) and summarized for PLC (19-21). 307

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Figure 1

Schematic diagram of preparative on-line FFPC.

In the following discussion, these points are considered first for CPLC, then for the two preparative forced-flow techniques OPLC and RPC. II.


Classical preparative layer chromatographic (CPLC) separation methods require minimal financial outlay and employ the most basic equipment (2). Sound chromatographic knowledge is much more important than equipment, and the operational skills are very simple to master and easy to apply.


Factors of Principal Importance in Classical PLC


Stationary Phase

Most users prefer to use commercially available precoated preparative layers rather than produce their own. Besides saving time, precoated layers have the advantage of much higher reproduci-

Chamber type


Vapor phase

Flow rate Quality Particle size

Operating parameters

Stationary phase

Separation distance Sample amount

Layer thickness

Solvent strength

Figure 2

Development mode



The principal factors affecting preparative layer chromatography.

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bility than homemade layers. Three types of precoated preparative plates—silica, alumina, and RP-2—are generally commercially available in layer thicknesses of 0.5-2 mm. It is generally accepted that higher resolution can be achieved on thin preparative layers (0.51 mm) (22). The resolution is much more limited on a high-capacity (1.5-2 mm) layer because of the thickness of the stationary phase. The loading capacity of a preparative layer increases with the square root of the thickness, with little if any loss of separating power. The loading capacity of a 0.5 mm layer is approximately half that of a plate with a layer thickness of 2 mm. Commercially available plates have dimensions of 20 X 20 cm or 20 X 40 cm. The general problem with precoated plates is that the commonly used silica for preparative separations has extremely coarse particle sizes (average of —25 /Am) and their distribution is too wide (5-40 /Am) (23). Figure 3 compares the quality of precoated analytical TLC and HPTLC silica as well as that of silica for TLC, whose average particle size is 15 /Am. Unfortunately, at present there are no commercially available precoated preparative plates with reasonable average particle size and particle size distribution. To increase the separation power, various precoated preparative layers with a preadsorbent zone are commercially available. The effect of the concentrating zone on resolution is illustrated schematically in Fig. 4. This part of the layer serves as a holding zone for the sample until development begins. Soluble compounds migrate with the mobile-phase front through the preadsorbent zone and are concentrated in a narrow band before entering the chromatographic layer, thus improving resolution. Layers with favorable average particle size and particle size distribution for CPLC can be made in any laboratory with commercial "thick-layer" spreading equipment. For self-prepared preparative plates, the stationary phases most often applied are silica, alumina, cellulose, and plaster of Paris. Layers with thicknesses between 0.5 and 2 mm may be produced from the socalled P-type sorbents. Sorbents designated P + CaSO4 are suitable for preparing layers up to 10 mm thick. Slurrying the sorbent and drying and activating the preparative layers should be performed in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions; otherwise the layer may be damaged

Pre-coated HPTLC TLC Silica for TLC Silica for PLC (preparative layer chromatography)


i i 10

i 20




40 particle size [urn]

Figure 3 Particle sizes and particle size distributions of silica stationary phases for planar chromatography.

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Sample streak




Figure 4 The effect of the concentrating zone in preparative separations, (a) Precoated layer without concentrating zone; (b) precoated layer with concentrating zone.

by pitting, cracking, or flaking. The advantage of preparing one's own plates (up to 10 mm) is that any desired thickness or layer composition (incorporation of salts, buffers, etc.) becomes feasible. It is also possible to produce 20 X 100 cm plates for the separation of larger amounts of sample, but special equipment is required for the development of these. 2. Sample Amount and Application Sample application is one of the most important steps of a successful preparative separation (24). The sample should be dissolved in a nonpolar, volatile solvent at such a concentration that the components of the sample are adsorbed throughout the entire thickness of the layer, not only on its surface. Local overloading may distort the applied bands because the rate of dissolution of the components in the mobile phase becomes a limiting factor. The preferred method of placing a sample on a preparative layer is to apply it as a narrow streak across the plate (2). It is highly desirable to have the streak as straight and as narrow as possible. With practice, skill, and care, it is possible to streak a plate correctly by hand using a syringe. The use of a Teflon tip on the end of the syringe has the advantage that the layer is not mechanically disturbed. The quality of streaking is not as important for precoated preparative layers with a concentrating zone, because the sample is applied to a practically inert zone. Nevertheless, better separation can be achieved if the sample is applied carefully across the plate. Application of a continuous streak is possible with modern instrumentation (25). Most commercially available sample applicators (e.g., those supplied by Desaga and Camag) may give a sample zone for preparative separations less than 3-4 mm wide. As is generally accepted, the streak is applied across the plate starting 2 cm from both edges. These clear areas are left free partly because of the edge effect, which may cause the motion of the mobile phase to be faster or slower at the edge than across the center of the plate. For CPLC separations of extremely large amounts, the sample may be applied to several plates, which can then be developed concurrently in a large tank. A modern solid-phase sample application (SPSA) method was presented by Botz et al. (26) that enables regular sample application in the whole cross section of the preparative layer with the advantage of in situ sample concentration and cleanup and an extremely sharp interface leading to the chromatographic layer. With the proposed SPSA device, the sample can be applied to improve the starting situation for a preparative planar chromatographic separation, independent

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of whether the migration of the mobile phase is achieved by capillary action, as in conventional layer chromatography, or by forced flow, as in OPLC and RFC. For SPSA, the sample has to be dissolved in a suitable solvent and mixed with about 5-10 times its weight of deactivated sorbent. The sorbent with the regularly adsorbed sample is carefully dried in a rotary evaporator and then introduced into a layer that has to be prepared to accept it. For preparation of the layer, the preparative plate is first fixed in the application device. In the hard-coated alumina cover plate of the device, two 190 X 5 mm channels are present (Fig. 5a); one is for the application of 1 g of solid-phase sample (including the inert support) when using layers with 2 mm thickness, and the other for a 0.5 g sample for layers of 1 mm thickness. With the help of these templates, the appropriate channel can be scratched out of the stationary phase (Fig. 5b) with a thin needle, after which the stationary phase is removed from the channel (Fig. 5c). It must be ensured that the channel in the sorbent has a regularly shaped profile, like that shown in Fig. 5c. Afterward, the prepared sorbent with the adsorbed sample is filled into the channel (Fig. 5d) and pressed evenly with a form (Fig. 5e) to ensure optimal contact between the stationary phase of the plate and the applied sample. No special care is needed in handling these layers; the pressed adsorbent will not fall out when the plates are placed vertically in a chromatographic tank. However, when using RP-18 as the support for the sample, it is advantageous to cover the channel with a suitably thin (3 mm) cover plate (190 X 5 mm) to eliminate the possibility that a small amount of the applied sample might fall into the mobile phase. 3. Solvent System Because the particle sizes and size distribution of sorbents for preparative purposes are not optimal and the plates are overloaded with the compounds to be separated, an inferior separation is always achieved on preparative compared to analytical plates. This means that for a successful preparative separation, an optimized solvent system is needed. The volatility of the individual solvents must be considered during the optimization process; otherwise several problems may occur in subsequent steps (e.g., elution of the compound from the stationary phase, evaporation of the solvent). Preparative separation also precludes the use of, e.g., acetic acid as a component of the mobile phase because of the possibility of chemical degradation during concentration of the isolated compounds (27). Multicomponent solvent systems should not be used repeatedly, whereas single solvents can be used repeatedly until they become contaminated. The solvent system can be selected by performing preliminary analytical TLC experiments. Because development of preparative plates is much slower than analytical development, the chromatographic tank will become saturated within 2 h. During the selection of the solvent system composition in the analytical preliminary assay, the atmosphere of the chromatographic tank must






Figure 5 Principle of solid-phase sample application for preparative separation, (a) The preparative chromatoplate is put in the SPSA device; (b) a profile is scratched out from the stationary phase; (c) the sorbent is removed from the channel; (d) the channel is filled with the prepared deactivated sorbent; (e) the solid-phase sample is pressed to ensure optimal contact between the stationary phase of the plate and the applied sample. 1, Lower part of the device; 2, glass plate; 3, stationary phase; 4, adsorbed sample; 5, upper part of the device; 6, form to press solid sample. (Reproduced from Ref. 26, with permission.)

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be kept saturated with the solvent by incorporation of a sheet of filter paper that dips into the solvent. The optimized analytical solvent system may then be transferred unchanged to preparative separations using saturated chromatographic chambers. Recently, Siouffi and Abbou (28) summarized the most important possibilities for solvent system (mobile-phase) optimization. On the basis of Snyder's system for characterization of solvents (29), the PRISM A optimization system was developed (30). PRISM A enables not only optimization of solvent strength and solvent system selectivity but also the transfer of the optimized solvent system between the different planar chromatographic techniques (31). 4. Chamber Type One of the most important experimental variables in TLC is the vapor space, because the separation process occurs in a three-phase system of stationary, mobile, and gaseous phases, all of which interact with each other until equilibrium is reached (32,33). Whereas many chromatographic chambers are available for analytical TLC separations (34), the rectangular glass tank, or N-chamber, with inner dimensions of 21 X 21 X 9 cm is the most frequently used for CPLC. These tanks can be used for simultaneous development of two 20 X 20 cm preparative plates using 50-100 mL of mobile phase. The chamber has to be lined on all four sides with thick filter paper thoroughly soaked with the mobile phase by shaking. The prepared tank should stand for 60-120 min to enable the internal atmosphere to become saturated with mobile-phase vapor. Each plate must lean against a side wall so that the plates do not touch each other. The advantages of saturated tanks are that the a front is much more regular and the separation efficiency is higher for a development distance of 18 cm (35). 5. Development Modes The ascending mode, in which the mobile phase moves up the plate, is most frequently used for CPLC separations. The angle at which the plate is supported during development affects the rate of development as well as the shape of the spots (35). As the angle of the plate decreases toward the horizontal (horizontal development mode), the flow of the mobile phase increases but so also does spot distortion. An angle of 75° is recommended as optimum for development. The use of descending development for preparative separations has no significant advantages with regard to resolution, and it is therefore rarely used. The positive advantages of circular development for the analytical separation of compounds in the lower R, range is well known (36). A comparison of circular, linear, and anticircular separation is given in Fig. 6. Remarkably, circular development has not been accepted for preparative separations because the mobile-phase velocity would be too slow. The definition of the circular development mode means, however, that the mobile phase migrates radially from the inner part



Circular development

Linear development

Anticircular development

Figure 6 Comparison of circular, linear, and anticircular development.

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of the plate to the outside (37). It is therefore possible to start development not directly from the center but from a 2-3 cm radius; i.e., the mobile-phase inlet is not a point but a circle. At the beginning of migration, the mobile phase moves faster in the anticircular direction toward the center than in the circular direction. Once the mobile phase reaches the center of the plate, migration will start in the circular direction with a higher velocity. Because the size of the mobilephase inlet and the velocity of the mobile phase are related linearly, a relatively high mobilephase velocity can be achieved over a separation distance of 7-8 cm. A schematic drawing of a circular preparative chromatography chamber (38) is shown in Fig. 7. This device enables a suitable mobile-phase velocity to be used in the circular development mode of classical PLC. A solvent reservoir made of steel and a rubber sealing ring are placed on the layer and fixed by a magnet located below the chromatoplate. To start the separation, adsorbent is scratched from the center of the plate, and the recess produced is filled with mobile phase. The device can be used for different types of chambers. The entry of sample and mobile phase is regular over the entire cross section of the preparative layer, regardless of whether the sample is applied in liquid or solid form. The method and device presented ensure rapid, efficient separation with all the advantages of circular development. The resolution is significantly higher than that obtained from linear development. The 20 X 20 cm precoated glass plate (see Fig. 7) is placed in an aluminum holder that is adjustable in the horizontal plane by means of three legs (and can therefore be leveled). A magnet is placed into the holder. With the help of a template, the center of the stationary phase is scratched out to a diameter of 2-3 cm. A suitable elastic sealing ring is placed between the layer and a stainless steel reservoir, which is held firmly in place by the magnetic field. Depending on the chromatographic conditions selected, either an M or an N chamber can be chosen. In the case of the M chamber, the glass cover plate is placed directly on the surface of the chromatoplate. Using a normal chamber, the cover plate is placed on a 19 cm diameter metal ring, the height of which can be varied between 0.5 and 2 cm depending on the type of chamber applied. To start development, the solvent reservoir is filled with the appropriate mobile phase, the level of which is kept constant by applying a constant hydrostatic pressure by means of a second reservoir. To stop development, the tap of the second reservoir is turned off. Using this device, sample can be applied either as liquid or in the solid phase. Anticircular development is rarely accepted in analytical TLC for increasing resolution in the higher Rf range. For preparative separations, a special device was presented by Studer and Traitler (39). Although the different types of multiple development (40) are also rarely used for preparative purposes, the advantage of the method may be understood. The location of the compounds to be

11 N chamber: d > 3 mm M chamber: d < 3 mm

1 2 3 8


UM chamber: d = 0 mm

6 7

Figure 7 Schematic diagram of a circular preparative chromatographic chamber. UM = ultramicro. 1, Glass plate; 2, stationary phase; 3, alumina holder; 4, legs; 5, magnet; 6, sealing ring; 7, stainless steel mobile phase reservoir; 8, glass cover plate; 9, metal ring; 10, mobile phase.

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separated, and hence the A/?f values, can be influenced by the number of developments using the unidimensional multiple development (UMD) technique. UMD is the repeated development of the chromatographic layer over the same development distance with a mobile phase of constant composition. Perry et al. (41) reported that using UMD, if the Rf after the first development is l Rf, then the Rf values of the multiply developed solute can be predicted by use of the equation

\Rf) = i - a - lRfy where n is the number of developments. In this way, the Rf values, and thus the A/?/ values also, can be determined for all of the compounds of interest. Szabady et al. (42) reported that using incremental multiple development (IMD), a variation of UMD in which rechromatography is performed over increasing development distances with the same mobile-phase composition, the Rf value can also be calculated. Using IMD with linearly increasing distances, the following formula for prediction of Rfn values can be used:


' " (1nR"R'r f

Multiple development can also be performed in the same direction and with the same development distance using different mobile phases [gradient multiple development (GMD)]. It is also possible to develop preparative plates, especially 0.5 mm layers, with the bivariant multiple development (BMD) technique, in which development distance and mobile-phase composition are varied simultaneously during successive chromatographic runs (40). 6. Flow Rate The mobile-phase velocity is the variable that, in principle, cannot be influenced by the chromatographer who is relying on capillary action. The only possibility of exerting any influence is to avoid solvents of high viscosity during mobile-phase optimization. Saturated chromatographic systems also have the advantage that development is much faster, which means that the mobilephase velocity is higher. A special possibility of increasing the local mobile-phase velocity is provided either by the taper plate (see Sec. II. C.I) or by the circular preparative chromatographic chamber (see Sec. II. A. 5). 7. Separation Distance The separation distance depends on the dimensions of the plate, the development mode, and the particle size and size distribution. The last property cannot be influenced by the user of precoated plates. Because capillary action is effective only for plates up to 20 cm in length, the maximum separation distance is 18 cm. For anticircular development, the separation distance is 9 cm; using the circular mode for special separation problems, this distance is 7-8 cm. Despite the short separation distance, the correct selection of mobile phase and development mode may give high resolution. 8. Temperature In saturated chromatography chambers, the temperature does not exert a great influence on preparative separations. However, it is important to note the temperature if separations are to be repeated reproducibly (33). B.

Location and Removal of the Separated Compounds

After the preparative plate has been developed and the mobile phase has evaporated, the separated bands must be located and the desired compounds removed from the plate. Many methods are available for the location or detection of the separated components. If the separated compounds are colored, their position on the layer can be located under white light. If the desired compounds are fluorescent or become so after postchromatographic derivatization, their position on the layer can be determined under ultraviolet light. Conversely, a PLC plate containing a fluorescent material will indicate the separated compounds as dark zones on a bright background when examined under 254 and/or 365 nm UV light if they absorb light of these wavelengths. Precoated plates

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containing 254 or 365 nm fluorescent indicators should be used if possible, because they provide a mode of detection that is generally nondestructive (43). If the compounds themselves are not visible or fluorescent, they can be detected by use of iodine vapor in a closed chamber. This technique can be used for visualization of substances from a large variety of chemical classes as dark or light brownish zones on a tan background. In most instances, the iodine can be evaporated after the compound spots have been marked, leaving the desired compounds chemically unchanged. If destructive reagents (e.g., vanillin-sulfuric acid) are necessary for detection of the separated compounds, a vertical channel must be scraped in the layer about 0.5 cm from the edge of the streak. After covering the major portion of the layer with a suitable glass plate, the part of the layer that is not covered is sprayed and thus serves as a guide area. If heating is necessary for detection, the sprayed portion of the plate must be detached from the rest by use of a glass cutter, because heating the developed preparative plates can lead to decomposition of the compounds of interest. After location of the desired compound, the subsequent steps are mechanical removal of the adsorbent zone, extraction of the compound from the stationary phase with a suitable solvent, separation from the residual adsorbent, and concentration of the solvent. The areas of the layer containing the compounds of interest are scraped off cleanly down to the glass with a suitable scraper or spatula. Several commercially available inexpensive devices and individually developed methods exist for extracting the compounds from the stationary phase. Vacuum collectors are particularly recommended. This method is not very practicable for sensitive substances because the stationary phase containing the desired compounds is in constant contact with a stream of air, and there is some risk of oxidation. In our experience, one of the best methods is to put the adsorbent with the compound to be extracted in an empty receptacle containing a sintered glass filter to retain the adsorbent, then extract the compound with a suitable solvent with the help of vacuum. The substance should be highly soluble in the solvent or solvent mixtures used to extract a compound. The solvent used for adsorbents such as silica gel should also be as polar as possible but free from water and methanol. If water is the chosen solvent, it should be removed by lyophilization. Because silica is significantly soluble in methanol, and some of its common impurities are also soluble, the use of methanol as solvent should be avoided. Chloroform (the safer methylene chloride) is widely used for apolar substances, and ethanol or acetone for polar compounds. The mobile phase used for the separation is highly recommended for extraction also. As a rule of thumb, the volume of solvent (Vsolvent) required when the chromatographic mobile phase is chosen for extraction is (44) Vsolvent = 10 X (1.0



It should be noted that the longer the substance is in contact with the adsorbent, the more likely it is that decomposition will occur. Once the solution of the compound to be isolated is obtained (free from adsorbent), the extract must be evaporated to dryness. The evaporation temperature should be as low as possible to avoid chemical decomposition. C.

Special Techniques

1. Gradient of Layer Thickness A common problem in CPLC is the loss of resolution compared with analytical TLC. Two reasons for this are the wide range of particle size distribution of the stationary phase and the layer thickness. Use of the Uniplate-T™ taper plate (45) provides improved resolution; spot elongation and overlapping are greatly reduced as a result of the gradient effect of layer thickness. This plate has a wedge-shaped layer; it is thin (0.3 mm) at the bottom and thick (1.7 mm) at the top. The preadsorbent part of the layer has a thickness of 0.7 mm. A schematic drawing of this plate is shown in Fig. 8. The improved performance of the taper plate is similar to the improved resolution in the lower Rf range that results from the use of circular TLC. The cross-sectional area traversed by the mobile-phase front increases during development. The cross-sectional flow per unit stationary phase area is therefore always highest at the bottom

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NYIREDY Preadsorbent


Stationary phase

1.7 mm 0.7 mm


Figure 8

Schematic diagram of the Uniplate-T™ taper plate.

of the layer, decreasing toward the mobile-phase front. As a result, the lower portion of a spot moves faster than the top portion, keeping each component focused in a narrow band. Band broadening is significantly reduced, especially for compounds with higher Rf values. Compounds with lower Rf values are subject to greater mobile-phase velocity relative to higher Rf compounds than on conventional plates. This is because of the increase in solvent front size with migration distance. Because of this, the distance between bands at lower Rf values is increased, providing better separations. A theoretical separation on a taper plate compared with a conventional precoated plate with preadsorbent is depicted in Fig. 9. The improved resolution that results from the higher local mobile-phase velocity is a clear recommendation for wider use of a layer thickness gradient. 2. Sequential Technique The sequential technique for CPLC is a means of improving resolution and reducing separation time by supplying mobile phase to different regions of the plate at different times. The principle of the technique is based on the fact that mobile-phase velocity is much higher at the beginning of the separation than later. After a first separation the layer is dried, and the mobile-phase applicator is placed between two separated zones and used to introduce either the same or a different mobile phase. The supply of mobile phase may be stopped at any time in order to transfer it directly to the region of the plate containing the compound zones to be separated. As a result, separation always occurs at the highest initial mobile-phase velocity, which substantially shortens the analysis time. The sequential technique for preparative separations can be performed with the


Preadsorbent Sample streak

Figure 9 Comparison of separations on conventional and taper plates, (a) Preparative plate with concentrating zone; (b) Uniplate-T taper plate.

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Mobil-/?/ chamber developed by Buncak (46,47). The method can be used with success for zone concentration of the applied sample, as demonstrated in Fig. 10, where X is a solvent with high solvent strength (e.g., methanol) and Y is the optimized solvent system for the separation process. D.

Applicability of CPLC

Classical preparative layer chromatography may be used for preparative separation and isolation of substances in amounts ranging between 10 and 1000 mg, depending on the separation problem and the number of compounds to be separated. Generally, it is used for the separation of two to five compounds in quantities of less than 150 mg. Especially good separations can be achieved if the A/?/ values in the analytical TLC experiments exceed 0.1. CPLC is equally applicable to the separation of synthetic polymers (e.g., 48), for natural products from tissue cultures (e.g., 49) or from various plant materials (e.g., 50,51), for metabolites from biological fluids (e.g., 52), or for differentiation of the chemical configuration of synthetic and natural products (e.g., 53). Although CPLC is widely used as an economical routine method for the isolation of 10-150 mg of pure compounds, few papers have been published about this technique in recent years. III.


Overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC) developed by Tyihak and coworkers (4-8), is a forced-flow liquid chromatographic technique that combines the advantages of classical TLC, HPTLC, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and has provided many new possibilities in planar chromatography. Although the many advantages of the technique would indicate that it has considerable potential for preparative separations, there have so far been few publications on the subject. A.

Principle of the Method

Overpressured layer chromatography is a planar chromatographic technique in which the vapor phase has been eliminated, the sorbent layer being completely covered with an elastic membrane under external pressure. After the mobile phase has been introduced, by means of an appropriate dispenser in addition to capillary action, it migrates through the layer (54) as a result of the "cushion system" at overpressure. Elimination of the open system enables separation to be performed in a closed system under controllable conditions. Thus, the chromatographic layer becomes a "planar column." The absence of any vapor space must be considered in the optimization of the solvent system. For more details about the method see Chapter 7. B.

Description of the Instrumentation

Earlier OPLC separations could be performed on two conventional Chrompres chambers, the Chrompres 10 and Chrompres 25 (Labor Instrument Works, Budapest, Hungary). The advantage




Figure 10 Concentration of the applied sample using the sequential technique.

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of the first type lies in the ability to perform preparative on-line separations not only over a separation distance of 20 cm but also over 40 cm on 20 X 40 cm precoated plates (55). Circular separations were also possible with the Chrompres 10, but only in the off-line mode, which means that the separated compounds could be isolated only by scraping the adsorbent from the plate and subsequently extracting them. The Chrompres 25 could be used with a higher overpressure (25 bar), which enables the use of more viscous mobile phases (56). Based on experience with conventional chambers, OPLC-NIT (Budapest, Hungary) recently developed an automated personal OPLC system working at 50 bar overpressure. With this instrument, all the conventional operating modes (off-line linear, one- and two-directional, and twodimensional and on-line linear one-directional separations) can be exploited by use of an appropriate cassette system (4). With this P-OPLC-50 equipment and analytical chromatoplates, semipreparative separations can be carried out. However, due to the short distance, there is no place for precoated preparative chromatoplates with a layer thickness of 1 or 2 mm. The microprocessor-controlled liquid delivery system includes a two-in-one hydraulic pump and a mobilephase delivery pump, which enables isocratic and two- and three-step gradient developments. On-line separations are generally performed in the linear operating mode. This requires specially prepared plates (56) with chamfered edges impregnated with a suitable polymer suspension to prevent solvent leakage at overpressure. To ensure that mobile-phase migration forms a linear front, either a channel is scratched from the layer or a channel is located in the Teflon cover plate of the cassette. A second channel at a distance of 18.3 cm (20 X 20 cm plate) from the inlet channel enables collection of the eluent. C.

Factors of Principal Importance in OPLC

1. Stationary Phase It is not only the quality, particle size, and layer thickness that are important in OPLC separations. Because of the high overpressure applied (10-25 bar), the mechanical stability is also important. Zogg et al. (57) tried to prepare their own plates from TLC silica gel GF254 (Merck, Darmstadt, FRG) of average particle size 15 yam. However, the layers were not sufficiently compact for use in OPLC separations; in particular, the layers crumbled around the channels when pressure was applied to the chamber. Although particle size could be one of the most important variables in preparative OPLC, lack of knowledge of how to prepare plates with the required mechanical stability has precluded the use of 15 ^tm particles. Appropriate mechanical layer stability could not be achieved with 25 yarn particles either. At present, only commercially available precoated plates can be used for OPLC separations. These have an average particle size of 25 /xm and a broad particle size distribution (5-40 /um). The results show that higher resolution can always be achieved by use of a thinner layer (-



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Handbook of Thin Layer Chromatography - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2025)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.