Accepted Submissions | DCC (2025)

Accepted Submissions

  • Papers
  • Lightning Talks
  • Posters


A Country-level Case Study: On the Evolution of UK Institutional Research Data Services by Ruth Mallalieu and Robin Rice

Agents Of Change: The Journey Of Updating An RDM Policy, And How It Can Act As A Catalyst For Reimagining Open Research Policy by Kirsty Merrett

Assessing Data Reuse Amongst The Swiss Social Science Research Community by Marieke Heers, Brian Kleiner, Eliane Ferrez

Data Management Plans: a Resource to Shape Institutional Data Management Services by Willeke de Haan and Veerle Van den Eynden

Developing Specialized Data Curation Curricula to Meet Growing Demands: A Community-based and Evolving Approach by Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Neggin Keshavarzian, Mikala Narlock, Seth Erickson, Wanda Marsolek and Jennifer Moore

Development Of An Integrated Lifecycle Of RDM Tools: Looking Back And Forward @ KU Leuven by Dieuwertje Bloemen and Ingrid Barcena Roig

Did We Make It Happen? By Paul Stokes, Neil Grindley and Karen Colbron

Evolution from Data Silos to FAIR Digital Objects - Decade of Data Management at IPK Gatersleben by Danuta Schüler, Daniel Arend, Anne Fiebig, Jochen Reif, Elena Rey-Mazón, Uwe Scholz and Matthias Lange

From Building a First-Generation Digital Library Infrastructure to Reimagining Discovery by Martha Whitehead and Stuart Snydman

From the Research Cycle to the People Cycle: Humanizing Digital Curation by Lauren Geiger, KC New and Carolina M. Siniscalchi

Global Open Research Commons: Enabling Curation for the Next 20 Years by Andrew Treloar and Charles Woodford

Good Support Helps To Avoid Data Horror by Marcel Ras and Elisa Rodenburg

Improving the Transparency of Data Access Procedures by Ricarda Braukmann and Deborah Ellen Thorpe

Mad with the Writing: 100 Years of Collecting – 20 Years of Digitising – 3% Completed by Robyn Alison Van Dyk

Mainstreaming Integration Of Security Challenging Data In Research Workflows And Research Infrastructures by Diana M. Popa

Making Reproducibility a Reality by 2035? How Tier2 is Enabling Publisher Collaboration for Enhanced Data Policy Enforcement by Rebecca Taylor-Grant, Matthew Cannon, Allyson Lister and Susanna-Assunta Sansone

Managing Retractions and their Afterlife: A Tripartite Framework for Research Datasets by Renata Curty

Professionalising Social Science Research Data Management with RDM Compas by Anja Perry, Ekaterina Chicherina and Katarina Blask

Realising Open Data Principles In UK Research Institutions by Pen-Yuan Hsing, Jessica Wheeler, Lorna Duncan, Rosalind Strang and Neil Jacobs

The Data Came in Waves: Fluid Data Sharing and Reuse During Covid-19 by Elizabeth Yakel, Jian-Sin Lee, Allison R.B. Tyler, Katherine Polasek and Tiffany Veinot

The Role Of University Data Management Policies In Understanding Research Roles And Responsibilities In The United States by Diana Jones Castillo, Clara Llebot and Zach Welhouse

Tracking Research Impact Through Persistent Identifier Metadata by Helena Cousijn and Matt Buys

Traveling the Same Road While Navigating Different Terrain: Institutional Data Services and Repositories Across the United States by Mikala Narlock, Jake Carlson, Wind Cowles, Leslie Delserone, Joel Herndon, Wendy Kozlowski and Jon Petters

Twenty Years Of Format Registries: Are We Ready To Preserve The Born-Digital World? By Andrew Nicholas Jackson and Paul Wheatley

Two Decades, Same Story? Insights and Future Directions in Long Tail Data Curation by Inna Kouper and Gretchen Stahlman

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Lightning Talks

10 Years Of Research Data Management At The University of St Andrews: Reflecting On Progress, Challenges And Future Goals by Federica Fina

A Digital-First Approach for the Kerby A. Miller Collection of Irish emigrant letters and memoirs by Marie-Louise Nathalie Brigitte Rouget

Associated Data Stewards as Means to Broaden Domain-Specific Expertise by Marcus Schmidt, Joost Albers, Eri van Heijnsbergen, Kerstin Belin, Hanna Lindroos and Nikolai Svoboda

Automating Digital Preservation with Archivematica’s API and Python by Guanwen Zhang, Kenton Good and Sharon Farnel

Barriers to Data Sharing in Infrastructure Systems Engineering by Brian Matthews, Katie Cartmell, Adrian Hines, Catherine Jones and Elizabeth Newbold

Base4NFDI: Fostering A Cross-Disciplinary Service Landscape For The German National Research Data Infrastructure by Sandra Zänkert and Antje Manske

Caring Types: How Levels Of Retention, Curation And Preservation Drive Transparent Repository Metadata by Hervé L'Hours, Oliver Parkes, Jonas Recker, Mari Kleemola and Olivier Rouchon

Celebrating 15 Years of 4TU.ResearchData by Daniel Bangert and Madeleine de Smaele

Combining Algorithms and Human Expertise: OpenAIRE's Entity Disambiguation Method by Miriam Baglioni, Claudio Atzori, Ivana Končić, Stefania Amodeo, Alessia Bardi, Gina Pavone, Bojan Macan and Martina Žugaj

Curating Archive and Library Special Collections for Large-Scale Environmental Data Collection: A Case Study by Nicole Elizabeth Wood

Dataset DOIs for Improved Findability, Acknowledgement of Data Creators, and Tracking of Data Reuse by Kalynn E Kennon and Jennifer H Lee

Data Management And Archives – Where Do We Go From Here? By Alexandra Stam and Auriane Marmier

Development of CI PAOS and DCL on RDM at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) by Plato Smith, April Bernard and Marie Coppola

Development of DMP Services since 2015 by Mari Elisa Kuusniemi and Soile Manninen

Digital Preservation Resources For Higher Education by Paul Stokes and Karen Colbron

DMP Assistant: Stabilizing for the Future by Marcus Closen

DMPs and Sensitive Data by Marcus Closen and Victoria Smith

Emerging Challenges in Sensitive Research Data Management in Québec by Alisa Beth Rod, Caroline Baril, Stéphanie Pham-Dang and Teresa Bascik

Elevating Community-Led Digital Curation Resources to an Institutional Level by Lena Karvovskaya, Chris Hartgerink and Elisa Rodenburg

European Perspectives on Training Data Stewards by Nida van Leersum and Saba Sharma

Experience Of Curating “The New South African Student Movement: From #RhodesMustFall To #FeesMustFall” Research Project by Glenn Tshweu

Frameworks for Evaluating Digital Sustainability in Distributed Research Data Ecosystems by Heather Lynn Barnes, Kira Bradford, Allie Gartland-Gray and Alison Banger

From Idea to Implementation: An Institutional Catalyst Helps Bring About the Yale Dataverse by Limor Peer and Barbara Esty

Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata – A Hands-on Training Course on FAIR Data Handling for Researchers and Data Stewards by Silke Christine Gerlich, Abril Azocar Guzman, Volker Hofmann and Stefan Sandfeld

Implementing Reuse Practices for Research Data in the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands by Andrés Felipe Ramos Padilla, Marjolein Kooijman, Ellen Leenarts, Jente Houweling, Nikée Groot and Inez Joung

Introducing Doctoral Students to Data Management Plans. Insights from a Transversal Skills in RDM course byJoão Aguiar Castro

Navigating the Future of Digital Curation: The Transformative Role of Persistent Identifiers by Steffi Genderjahn, Andreas Czerniak, Marc Lange and Heinz Pampel

Novel SDTM Implementation to Maximize Benefits of Sharing Legacy Data by Jennifer Hanbyul Lee and Kalynn Kennon

Open Science and Open Government at RIVM: A Balancing Act between Data Privacy and Utility by Johanne Margrieta Houweling, Ellen Leenarts, Marjolein Kooijman, Andrés Felipe Ramos Padilla, Sandy Chung-A-Hing, Inez Joung

Piloting maDMPs for Streamlined Research Data Management Workflows by Maria Praetzellis

Promoting Fair Principles And Research Integrity Through Manual Curation Of Manuscripts at the Point of Submission by Mary Ann Tuli, Yannan Fan, Chris Armit and Chris Hunter

RDA TIGER: Soft Infrastructure to Facilitate and Shape Community-Driven Standards for Research Data Management by Liise Lehtsalu, Ryan O'Connor and Athina Papadopoulou

Research Software Metadata Curation Roadmap by Morane Gruenpeter, Sabrina Granger, Alain Monteil, Jozefina Sadowska and Estelle Nivault

Software Curation and Archiving: A Data Curator’s Perspective of the Last 10 Years by Fernando Rios

The Copyrights Chain In The Digital Curation Process: “Which Copyrights” Project At The Nazarian Library, University Of Haifa / Keren Barner Digitization, Curation, Preservation: Digital Projects and Special Collections, Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa by Keren Barner

The OSF Genes Within The DNA Of Research Data Management Infrastructure by Kirianne Goossen

Thoth Open Archiving Network (TOAN) Update: Lessons Learned & New Directions by Miranda Barnes

Twenty Years Back, Five Years Forward: The Past, Present And Future Of DANS by Ingrid Dillo

What Does Your Data Curation Look Like? Better Collaboration Between Research Tool Providers and Curators by Vaida Plankytė

The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration – Paving the road for a Helmholtz FAIR data space by Constanze Curdt, Christine Lemster and Sören Lorenz

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Big Data Curation Challenges in Administrative Data Investigation, Maira Lima Souza

Building the Data Stewardship Profession at UCL, Martin Donnelly, Mahmoud Abdelrazak

Building Trust and Transparency into Finding Aid Auditing, Catherine Jacob             

Challenges in Research Documentation: Enhancing Transparency and Reproducibility, Päivi Rauste, Siiri Fuchs

Content Profiling Made Easy, Artur Kulmukhametov, Andreas Rauber

Creating a FAIR Self-Assessment Checklist for Data Repositories, Lauren Phegley, Lynda Kellam

Curation interfaces for supporting update provenance (a work-in-progress), Vashti Galpin, James Cheney

Data privacy, transparency and trust in health-related research, Olga Churakova, Christine Krebs

Desirable Characteristics and Trust in Repositories: a cross-institutional comparison, Sarah E. Reiff Conell, Sarah J. Wright

Digital Preservation DPS base requirements, Paul Stokes, Karen Colbron

DMP Process at the University of Helsinki, Soile Manninen, Tuija Korhonen

Embedding Data Ethics in the Institute for Geospatial Understanding Through an Integrative Discovery Environment (I-GUIDE), Peter T. Darch, Ivan Kong, Kyra Abrams

Engaging researchers to document and share research activities at Ghent University, Laura Standaert, Open Science team

Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure at C2DH, Tugce Karatas, Lars Wieneke

Exploring preprint retractions: A case study of arXiv, Ewa Zegler-Poleska

Facilitating Core Trust Seal self evaluation providing a schema for better visualization of requisites and documentation, Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende, Geisa Müller Campos Ribeiro, Maria das Graças Monteiro Castro, Cassia Oliveira, Lívia Ferreira de Carvalho

Fostering Trust and Transparency through Research Data Curation: A Case Study of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) from the South African Social Attitude Survey (SASAS) perspective, Qinisile Pearl Dlamini, Dr Emmanuel Fundisi

Improving the integrity of research data: building an institutional data archive, Minna Ventsel andBeth Montague-Hellen

Machine actionable data management plans: building a template, workflows and integration, Jari Friman

Metadata Accelerator: Improving scientific data descriptions with Natural Language Processing methods (NLP) and Instant Feedback, Maria Juliana Rodriguez Cubillos, Tomasz Zieliński, Jason R. Swedlow, T. Ian Simpson, Andrew J. Millar

Open Science Policy and Practices at a Young German University, Nadin Weiss, Boris Jacob

Policy templates - A wolf in sheep's clothing? Lea Sophie Singson, Nikolai Svoboda, Marcus Schmidt

RDA TIGER: Global Support Services for RDA Working Groups, Alex Delipalta, Ryan O'Connor, Ari Asmi, Najla Rettberg

RDM Service for Trust Data Sharing: Bridging the Gaps between Researchers and Institutions, Ui Ikeuchi, Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Kazuhiro Hayashi

re3data – Indexing the Global Research Data Repository Landscape Since 2012, Heinz Pampel, Nina Leonie Weisweiler, Dorothea Strecker, Michael Witt, Paul Vierkant, Kirsten Elger, Roland Bertelmann. Matthew Buys, Lea Maria Ferguson, Maxi Kindling, Rachael Kotarski, Vivien Petras

Recommendations for Data Stewardship Skills, Training and Curricula – a report by the EOSC association task force on Data stewardship, curricula and career paths, Hanna Lindroos, Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Celia van Gelder

Repository Staff Attitudes about CoreTrustSeal Requirements, Rebecca D. Frank

Research Data & publications - transparent journal papers, András Holl

Roles & Titles: Attempting to Delineate Data Stewardship, Curation, Management, and Similar Roles, Jeanne Wilbrandt

Satellite Image Use for Citizen-Based Monitoring & Verification: An Examination of Trust & Risk, Rebecca D. Frank, Stephanie Krueger

Searching for research data – an assessment of data publication practises at Stockholm University, Maria Almbro, Lisa Olsson

Taking the temperature: exploring the lifecycle of research data using the ‘hot’, ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ metaphor, Damon Strange, Megan Gooch

The Governance of Digital Immortality & the Digital Afterlife, Khadiza Maryam Laskor

The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration – FAIR data for Helmholtz, Constanze Curdt, Christine Lemster, Sören Lorenz

The treasure hunt on data – Institutional challenges, Kristin Meier, Nikolai Svoboda

Towards tailored data curation workflows in a trusted repository: Strategies in a collaborative research centre in neuroscience, Marlene Pacharra, Johannes Frenzel, Nina Olivia, Caroline Winter, Tobias Otto

Transparency through collaboration with Digital Asset Registers, Ailie O'Hagan, Rachael Tuaim, Kath Stevenson

Transparency through community-led open infrastructure: a pathway to trust, Miranda Barnes, Tobias Steiner

Why should I care? On the incentives of transparency in research with human subjects, Christine Renate Krebs, Federico Grasso Toro, Olga Churakova

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Accepted Submissions | DCC (2025)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.