[14.15] Jinx Guide by misterfirstblood (2025)

Champion Build Guide

[14.15] Jinx Guide by misterfirstblood

By misterfirstblood


Hello guys it's me Misterfirstblood from euw. Today I wanna show you how to play Jinx.
Jinx is a very unique AD Carry because of her Q Switcheroo! she can swap between her 2 weapons - minigun and rocket launcher.
The minigun gives additional attack speed which stacks up to 3 times(90% in late), the rocket launcher allows her to hit multiple targets with increased damage(10%) and range.
The important thing when playing Jinx is to know when to use which weapon.

She also gets a lot of movement speed and attack speed everytime she gets an assist/kill or tower/inhibitor. Get Excited!

Her W Zap! deals damage to the first target it hits and slowing the target.

With her E Flame Chompers! Jinx places 3 chompers which root enemies and deal magic damage if they contact it.

Her R Super Mega Death Rocket! is a global execute ability which gains additional damage by traveling over the map.

Be aware that my latest update is a work in progress, since i took a longer break from league in the last couple of patches.


Fleet Footwork seems to be the best option since Lethal tempo got removed from the game. The other outstanding runes didn't really change since months so my recommendation still is Presence of Mind Coup de Grace and Legend: Bloodline.
As for your second tree i really like to optimize Jinx's Damage output in later stages of the game so Sorcery offers you two really cool ways to do this by choosing Gathering Storm and Absolute Focus.
If you prefer a more safe gameplay and laning you obviously can go for Inspiration and choose Biscuit Delivery and Magical Footwear instead.

You can either go for Kraken Slayer or Infinity Edge first while IE must be included in your first two items. The next best options are Phantom Dancer, Runaan's Hurricane and Lord Dominik's Regards when your ultimate goal is to maximize damage outputs.
For survivability Reasons you can buy Mercurial Scimitar Bloodthirster or Immortal Shieldbow depending on your needs.


P: Get Excited!
Jinx receives massively increased Move Speed and Attack Speed whenever she helps kill or destroy an enemy champions epic jungle monster, or structure.

Q: Switcheroo!
Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, but drain Mana and attack slower.

W: Zap!
Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.

E: Flame Chompers!
Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place.

R: Super Mega Death Rocket!
Jinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health.


The laning phase is better than Kog'Maw's is but not as strong as Caitlyn or Draven. You also don't have the biggest poke or range advantages in early so focus on farming. Farming is very easy with Jinx because of her attack speed shes also able to farm under tower. If there are many minions on low health swap the weapon and clear them with the rocketlauncher. After finishing runaans and B. F. Sword you can trade your enemies and forge fights. Try to end the laning phase after getting these 2 items.


When trading 1v1 or 2v2 don't use the rocketlauncher, the minigun has much better DPS. Just use the rocketlauncher if your enemy is out of range or when u want to land a first hit in trades.
Also avoid using your W Zap! in fights because its easy to dodge and you could deal more damage with auto attacking.
You can initiate fights with your Flame Chompers!. When the enemies get caught you can deal alot of damage to him and stack fervor and your minigun before he can move again. If they try to run away use your W Zap! to slow and damage him and secure the kill with your ult.

In this video you can see how important is Movement and what u can do with Jinx (I didn't even played it perfect but it worked)

Tipps & Tricks

- If you see the jungler comming try to finish a turret or decide to kill a enemy to get the movement speed buff. Sometimes it will help you to escape or turn fights. When there is no escape anyway try to get something from the situation

- If you lasthit creeps which are near to enemies swap to your rocketlauncher and give him free damage without missing cs.

- Wait Cooldowns like Braum Shield or Sivirs spellshield before ulting them to make sure you get the kill.

- Always watch at the map. A recall needs 8 seconds, if you know where your enemy is recalling you can try to execute the enemy top or midlaner too. Farsight Alteration will also help you.

- When you see a Teleport comming put some traps under its destination to catch the enemy instantly and aim your W to his direction to CC him as hard as possible.

- If you arent sure if you can land your ultimate Super Mega Death Rocket! slow your enemy before with your W Zap! ability.

- Red buff. If your attack speed is good enough you can kite your enemies with rocketlauncher + Runaan's Hurricane + red and deal massively damage to multiple targets.
I dont know why but red buff feels stronger on jinx than on other champs.

- You can steal dragons baron or herals with your ult when you hit a nearby enemy.

- You can check brushes with W Zap! and E Flame Chompers! so you don't have to facecheck it. You can also hit invisible targets with both.

- Because you don't have any mobility Spell the most important mechanic you need with jinx is sidestepping. You can avoid a lot of damage or even ruin ganks by sidestep the Cc/gapcloser abilities. Also try to increase your APM (actions per minute) by clicking nearby the champ. This will make it harder for your enemies to land skillshots.

I don't want you to be greedy or something but in lategame im often going very offensive after getting a "reset" in a teamfight. (i know its not a real reset but it's a similar situation like when katarina got a kill)
Many people try to runaway from jinx when shes in rampage so try to land as many auto attacks as possible to get another. When chasing try to sidestep bindings and hooks, it isnt that easy to kite with such a high movement speed.
Of course you shouldn't do this when youre behind by far but a good jinx player needs to be greedy a bit.


+ Attack speed steroid
+ "Resets"
+ Global Ult
+ Lots of AoE
+ CC to protect yourself
+ Lategame scaling
+ Teamfight Monster

- No escape (dash/jump)
- Weak earlygame
-Weak when behind
- Needs items to be strong
- Not a duelist

Jinx is good with

+ Tanks with CC ( Braum, Leona, Thresh) because she deals a lot of damage when she can just stand there and shoot while the enemy is cc'ed
+ Supporters who can save Jinx ( Bard, Karma, Morgana, Lulu, Thresh) because she got no escape ability.
+ Poke supporters ( Brand, Zyra) because this improves her weak laning phase and makes it easier to get kills. Remember that your other Teammates have to Peel for you if the support isnt able to do this.

Jinx is good against

+ Other weak early game champs like Tristana Ashe or Aphelios
+ Squishy Champs without escape like Vel'Koz or Varus because she can chase them down in late

Jinx is bad against

+ Early strong champs like Lucian, Draven, Kalista
+ Hard CC like Malphite, Nautilus, Malzahar because of the lack of mobility
+ Assasins like Zed can easily kill Jinx because she doesn't really have a big outplay potential in 1v1


If you reach the lategame Jinx is a monster hypercarry. Shes very strong in Teamfights and if the team peels for you Jinx is one of the strongest lategame ad carries in league especially since her buffs in last patches.

Sadly her early game and mobility is bad so you really need to know when to play Jinx and how. Its also important to know your damage when you decide to go deep and chase otherwise you get punished for it. You'll need a lot of practice to master Jinx but if you already did you can carry games with her very hard.
Atleast thank you for your attention guys and sorry if I made some grammar mistakes (im german).

[14.15] Jinx Guide by misterfirstblood (2025)


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